Russians did WHAT to Vulcan?

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well it's day one of LCS summer 2024 I'm joined right now by Vulcan with coverage brought to you by you I want to talk a little bit about how best of three was cuz we were chatting a bit beforehand and I know for me I'm like okay we just had six really long games uh well I guess game three of the first one whatever anyway it was a long day uh but also action-packed a lot of good moments what was it like for you on stage it was actually hype for me compared to previous regular seasons I mean it was the first time maybe as time goes on later in the season it won't feel as hype but it was it was cool to like sit there you know you're in for like two three games um there's more like depth to it obviously being best of three um so yeah it was fun and if it wasn't best of three we would have lost right so ex I'm grateful for that yeah I was going to say you must be a big best of three fan today today I am we'll see about in the future yeah you'll see would you stomp someone on game on game one and then lose the next two exactly uh all right so so uh you've you've enjoyed it what is it like in terms of the turnaround cuz I know that they're trying to do a really fast turnaround so how much time do you have and were are you able to think a lot in between games or what is it like it's definitely a little bit rushed because obviously for the viewers it's good if we can go through the games very quickly um but for the players yeah it's like you have to be very decisive with the changes you want to have between games and I think it's good practice to like have to think on the spot where you want to play and stuff um also you need to to prepare better so that you know what you're going to do in in certain situations so it's fast but um if it makes the viewing experience better for everyone then I'm okay with it do you think that teams will have basically like a plan a plan B plan C and you just kind of pivot because there's not enough time to discuss or is there enough time to discuss I mean I could imagine it being an issue if like maybe two players disagree and the coach has like a third opinion it's like how do you reconcile that in such a short time yeah that's hard if you have like two players who disagree or or the coach like sees something differently it's it's definitely hard but yeah like I you just have to be the siis of income something I think like there different options usually they're both fine right like maybe one is better objectively but if you're confident and practice it well then just run with it and that's what we did today I think we did a good job of like we like let's just do this JoJo you want to do that okay let's play Talia again and uh you just have to to roll with it and and send it yeah what have you thought of this new C9 lineup for Summer uh well tanos is very new to English so there's some moments in the games today we we're talking with him or asking something and then he's very focused on the game obviously probably nervous as it's his first LCS game so um we're working on communication um but otherwise I think he's I think he's been doing good his Camille game he was pretty 1 v9 uh he was playing the map W and uh he's a really good player and he's a he's a smart smart player player too so yeah we'll only get better as time goes and people should be excited that match against dig I think they had some graphic that was like you know C9 Civil War or something along those lines that they aired on the broadcast beforehand cuz previous C9 players obviously there and uh they I think have been talking a lot as they've been getting into the league and they've been sort of the fresh team for the most part what have you thought of them especially after that series hm well initially we've heard like the word on the street was that they weren't doing too hot in scrims so we were pretty confident going to today and then we had not very easy games right um so I think they're probably going to be like better on stage than scrims yeah just the amount of experience they have uh in their team um so yeah like they have good players in every position and we have to work hard for for our meal today so I think they're also a kind of team that will get better as time goes they're pretty fresh right um so we'll see I think they could be a later on this season do you think game one was overconfidence on your part we have to ask bobber that one when he played in Italy and got killed a couple times I didn't play good either I mean I just I didn't land like key alss that could have swung the game so I can't talk too much but um maybe not I felt pretty for myself I don't know about my team I didn't feel much nervousness from others but for myself I felt pretty pretty chill on stage today yeah yeah all right so setting aside sort of the first day what do you think of of the new format not just best of Threes but also you're done for the week you you show up again a week from now is that something that you like cuz you got this like big beefy match that you got to enjoy today or is it something where you'd rather have another opponent tomorrow well for the series is going to be that long as it was today for I guess both us and the TL fly series um I think it's good that it's only one per per week cuz this was pretty heavy right it's almost like a playoff series and so I think this is good uh I'm not a big fan of the amount of series we only play a single round robin right best the amount of games the volume will be higher but then at the end of the season when you look at the scoreboard for teams it's going to look kind of funny when everyone plays what seven series and so like the first team is six and one and then after that like everyone's four and three or something like that it's going to look a bit troll um I'm hoping they use like individual games I'm not sure if they've showed it or something yet I don't know how they yeah I've not seen how they're like expressing that I hope it's individual games because then I just having the higher volume of games on the screen will look nicer to me probably yeah um so yeah that is yeah it is so crazy also just knowing that you're done you may be done playing dignitas for the rest of the year I thought that yeah and it's like we're what June 15th so not even halfway through the year is that are you cool with that cuz I'm still working through it you know like I was vocally frustrated on the idea of of best of three and like warned against a lot of this stuff and then Mark was like haha got you Travis and he put in best of three now I look like a jerk and so I'm I'm trying to get a sense of you know where do is this overall a good thing how are people feeling about it Etc I mean we played them three times in the past we might have only played them twice right sure we played them early on the season but we had a couple games uh we'll be scrimming them so I won't miss them or anything I'll be seeing them in in the scrimmages sure so yeah I mean it feels a little bit weird like they're in the same league and we won't play them for a very very long time uh but yeah there's two teams leaving maybe uh true that might be the last time you ever faced igas in your entire career wow and even if they don't leave the league they'll probably have a completely different roster again you never know um but yeah I think the trade-off is okay I mean I wanted to try best of three myself um experiencing it today I liked it so I'm okay with the trade-off right now ask me again in a couple weeks maybe I'll have a different opinion but well let's talk broader then uh we were discussing obviously there are some changes some crazy stuff that was announced this week uh so far two pro players I've talked to before they're like are you also eh there huge changes to the ecosystem right so they're huge yeah it's going to be interesting when we have to travel to Brazil or Brazil travels here and then the winning team has to travel to the next tournament it's going to be like so much traveling around um yeah I mean it sucks that the Brazilian scene isn't welcoming like I understand why they're not welcoming it I mean it's it sucks that they're forced into this and they're not really hyped about it because it would be very cool if you could do it with it two leagues that were excited for it um so I'm hoping eventually like it's more more hype for them and and yeah but um I can see why R does it I think obviously with everything going on it makes sense that they have to change things and LCS big one that guy um yeah so I I agree and we'll see I think some change was necessary I'm not an expert on like what is this correct or not it sucks that Brazil was forced on this is kind of my take um we'll see I think it'll be hyp S to like go over there or have them travel and then I guess we get the extra International Event but we lose some International slots right yeah well we don't deserve them right so that's that's the argument is that true we've done better than Europe comp to Europe that's I mean they should also lose one then and I like this is the thing I I I get frustrated when people say that stuff because it's like does Brazil deserve that more than us you know like we're we're giving up slots they should get an auto slot yeah yeah so like I'm not saying they shouldn't it's just like I I think there are some people that are like haha like got you na and it's like well okay but like it's not like we've been performing better recently relatively speaking and um yeah so it's just goofy MH but all right so that's been good enjoying uh dig enjoying the format yeah I think that's probably it anything you want to stay tuning the fans out there um my league of accounts were hacked by Russians so if you see me in Sol Q typing weird stuff or running it down it's actually not me I think we me right lock my accounts nothing like that happens so I think we're good okay uh and if you're the Russian guy on my account please give it back yeah but I don't think they have accounts anymore so they have to get them where they can yeah oh they don't they don't yeah there's like a whole thing I think I don't know oh okay well you can I can give you one I have many okay very generous we can talk that's I think called selling you can't talk oh I guess if you're donating it I don't know it's sharing in some sense talking but yes can DM me okay fantastic anyway thank you so much for the interview for everyone else you can check out the rest of my coverage of all things LCS right here on my YouTube channel hey guys Drew here uh is kind of awkward but Travis forgot to film an outro and then when I asked him about it um I I messaged him and then he blocked me on Discord and that's kind of how we talk so I don't really know what that's about but um I guess click the links down below got some good links for you please become a M if you'd like uh so that I can get paid and um hopefully if I get enough members he'll unblock me and then I can um go back to working
Channel: Travis Gafford
Views: 7,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 54SC9wbtxM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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