LCS Summer Power Rankings from EVERY LCS TEAM - Surprise Test

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no matter what Rost they have they just can't win and everyone knows it they know it we know it their mother knows it like they will finish last place no matter what we hate F Quest dude I was I just did an interview and I was like for some reason we have beef against F Quest do you do you think I'm watching the LCS I hope so I can tell you Immortals is not an S tier so much don't troll cuz to be honest I was always a ha I have no clue how are they ever like top two in in the league I mean there's been some stories of certain teams on this list losing to uh I heard it wasn't even tier 2 teams I mean I'm not going to say anything else but I can say it no you can't all right so I need both of you to power rank the teams going into the summer split without talking to each other and then we're going to reveal and discuss for so we don't we don't talk to we don't talk to each other we just do it yeah yeah you can you know make noises you can comment but cavem in like I have to lock these in like at some what if I like reason myself out of it mid video no okay you locked in and we're going to discuss it's locked it's locked but I might move one okay why' you put us s tier I'm making some edits his oh I'm going to put Immortals in s tier now cuz I saw his it's the only thing I've seen yeah I'm done weird some teams Place wrong in yours well Team Liquid is last because we're trash they have the worst mid laner in the league that's true actually you're right you convinced me I put C9 and dig at the top because I think C9 with uh tenos and a Reaper like uh hean said is going to be definitely strong I think uh heard some stories of uh D scrims in Korea too uh so I think you know I I think we can just count them out and I think dig they made like a whole different changes to the roster and I think it's definitely upgrade from the last split so fly Quest they changed Jensen to quad I think that's a downgrade to be honest I think quad's a downgrade to Jensen but I think he was just a very like plug-in player he wasn't he was just there doing well in the mid line you know getting some CS leads with the with with Jensen being a plug-in player I think they just used it wrong and and during our playoffs I think they just put him an an four times and then C9 for me I think it's just very similar to them last split I think on paper they should have upgrades I think di toss roster is a pretty big upgrade in like pretty much every role other than Top Lane I think Rich was actually pretty good so it sucks to see him leave the league I think after that it's just like rating who's worse at think cuz to be honest I was always a hate over 100 thieves I have no clue how are they're ever like top two in in the league so shame on LCS for that shame on me I think energy has some hope still if they can get to their like previous form sh find next cuz I think I'm a b lover I think that guy's really good but I think especially with too replacing Boogie I think that team's in a rough spot you put us an a tier yeah for a day I put s tier like how we agreed that all the lows go like you top four is the same it's different order I've had this take for a long time that like if you you go to MSI and your team doesn't implode like internally then you just get better and everyone else didn't get better cuz they didn't get to pray against MSI teams in scrims and on stage so TL should just be better than they were before and if they were the best team before no still best team right I think C9 got a wake up call that actually matter this time I think they're like we're actually bad and then for like H thieves en Shopify Immortals like I think all those teams can beat each other and they can even beat the other teams too I have th energy and Shopify and B in that order and Immortals and C imortal is like a cursed orc like C for cursed orc they just no matter what R they have they just can't win and everyone knows it they know it we know it their mother knows it like they will finish last place no matter what that's how it is you know like there's nothing to do about it like it is what it is I mean some of their games last butl they didn't look too bad it SPL and then somehow you check the the rankings on League p and like e e e 10th 10 10th like yeah blow is what it is you know par thieves like I think they boot in Korea from what I heard they kept their whole roster which is nice I think sniper has a lot of potential I think the top side of H is really good they falter in playoffs which everyone expected besides them obviously but I think that that team has potential I think the top side is really good I think I could see Hunter thieves doing worse this split just because like I said the way they won and spring was like pretty inconsistent NRG I really don't know what to say right cuz they they were so good last year and I think last year they did pretty poorly in Spring too and then they returned it up for summer I don't really have too strong of an opinion on Shopify I couldn't really see them being better than we did go Ser first but we two that the next time that's true could you see C9 getting worse this spit no comment yeah okay so there's some pretty big differences here I don't know we scrim Shopify they look strong no we SC Shopify like once at the boot camp in Korea and they weren't too bad so yeah that's that's the that's the reason I have them at B um Immortals energy didn't do that good last split so I put them at the bottom mhm I don't think Diggs roster is going to be a super team so that's why I put them at C and then fly Quest where the two best teams lost split so C9 obviously s tier obviously and then I don't I don't put the tier below us but behind us I we are we are kind of like S Plus and they are s you know that makes sense I should have did that and then fly cast obviously they were good right and then they changed the mid laner um the Korean guy right so I expect them playing good again and then enrg there's lots of my friend over there so I just put them like a that's smart actually I just done that Travis asked you not to troll your I'm not trolling I just believe my friends are doing good actually you weren't even here last yeah do you do you think I'm watching the LCS I hope so see I left two rows open almost no one does that like they're way better like those two teams are way better than us no yeah I guess yeah kind of makes sense yeah yeah and then I have the others and I I think it's like NRG Hunter thieves dig but like I think Hunter thieves dig NRG like I don't know maybe maybe to mix it up you know dig dig yeah I mean Insider information I mean we did scream them uh so we like I've seen like their level and also like I recently I've been like playing a lot of solo I play with their players as well so I wasn't not impressed yeah he has a pretty strong opinion on some of them so you know they could do better and you know like Jens in scrim is a beit like mess so but in regular season he did like carry games for us so he could like you know like carry for them as well yeah I got C9 a bit lower than him I guess yeah I mean I think for me the biggest reason C9 was underperforming is like I feel like fudge wasn't really playing the game and I think that also like they green boot camped you know yeah if no one underperforms on that team I do think they're I mean they're definitely contenders no I mean I scouted their top ler last last year and I think he's good but he isn't like that good that uh like I don't think he would be like a top lck player or anything like that I don't think he would get into lck but he can't speak English so for example I was also scouting Castle uh and I thought actually Castle was better at the time yeah I don't know I think top Lane's pretty overpowered so having like a top laner that like plays the game very like um how do I say it like decisively is really important I think one of the reasons why um we played tail in the finals last plate and why in general like tail does really well I think impact does a really good job of always having impact he put us in last place which is a solid that's a bold move I would say it's the reverse conflict of interest most most people like just blindly put him first and that's a bit yeah I I debated that but I had to be a little humble so I moved us down to a tier he has dig higher than fly yeah than en yeah than fly I don't have 100 that high I think I have dig higher than most of yours you have dig pretty low so you have dig quite High yeah yeah I have dig pretty high why do you have dig High I I think they just have good caliber players and they're all very hungry three of them come from McDonald's one is one got kicked off The MSI going team and is is always I think like has has a bit of a chip on his shoulder and wants to prove himself really hard so I think the added motivation and just their General player caliber I think they're going to do pretty well so like zven is roll he's always been a motivated player but he's roll swapping back to ad right in my mind there's no way he's just instantly the best ad again like as good as he is it's he roll swapped for a year and a half almost so you're inadvertently saying that Licor Spa Jensen and zven are not High Caliber players I think you can't come back and be the best instantly I put them third and fourth that's not the best that's like pretty decent put third a solid third and I mean yeah I mean I think they're third level players put them on B tier I mean you did as well but my B tier's A little I feel like one thing I think energy is kind of making a Resurgence otherwise I might have and I had to rate 100 higher just because they perform on stage the one bias for 100 because he has a lot of his ex-coworkers with him NRG he's saying that because they just on us yesterday in scrims TL on us too but I think they were just like legitimately good NRG they just got kind of Lucky on the day cuz they're our very first day U coming back from Korea so we were like extremely jet lagged but TL just show T seems good after TL is like good good enrg was just than us're just a good team right now I mean I mean there's been some stories of certain teams on this list losing to uh I heard it wasn't even tier 2 teams I mean I'm not going to say anything else I can say it no you can't but it's probably exaggerated so it's weird to say who's at the bottom of your list it's IMT but it's not them okay I I had to take that into consideration though I'll say that you have no one in s here like what do you mean you can fine I mean you just took everything and moved it down one why is fly Quest detier we hate fly Quest you think shopi is better than Immortals yeah I don't know why I just have like faith that Shopify will probably do a little bit better even though they always kind of just don't do it stage they don't it's true they don't but I just have respect for them because it seems like they have a good idea of what to do and they play well scrims I don't think anything's too egregious I mean I think fly Quest D tier like obviously you know but you got to do it you got to do it yeah why is fly Quest de here yeah they like canceled a scrim with us yesterday and then because they didn't want to scrim on RTR and then they cancel it and then tried to book it with Sr to basically replace it with a scrim and then we just messaged Sr and we got SC with Sr and now fly Quest is out the drive so they just they just tried to us yesterday in scrims and it wasn't very nice after previously also doing the same thing and giving us the same day notice 100 is better than IMT and dig for sure but you don't think 100 is better than IMT no I think IMT is going to do better this split I I mean who knows they might not but like they just do so well in scrims I can't just 100 is scrim inters but they have like performers you know and then my reasoning for not putting in any in s tier is that uh I mean we need to we need to have some space to improve here you know like I mean like geni an S tier yeah yeah yeah it's like it's like we need to we need to like reach that right or like show that we can reach that wow really good this guy put in zero effort wow tactical I initially it was a proper list but then I thought this is the what was the proper list okay do the proper list okay I can tell you Immortals is not an S tier there that much not even an a tier it's a little optimistic he has Team Liquid and S tier I have not seen Team Liquid in a scrim yet so I have no clue cuz why not they uh you got what you wanted I think they done I think they will do well they always try hard they did decent MSI so I expect them to have learned decent out and you know to keep up that level okay man we only get to see energy in scrims and like we fist them every game they're really not good in scrims like we played like absolute our first day of scrims and it was still like even which is sad and then it just got worse as we got used to it cuz they were our first like LCS team you scrim yeah they were honestly we had we're it's not difference but pretty much the same Immortals 100 DS Shopify and dig are same tier for us all right like maybe dig will be better but I haven't seen him scrim and I did not hear great maybe C9 could be up cuz they they have a the script LCS script you know they just won more splits before so might want to put them down as winners in the script yeah no that yeah mhm so I think that's the reason why I move over here see so you have a moral Shopify CD dig okay dig energy they're pretty similar actually actually pretty close yeah I mean just shift basically IMT Shopify here or Mortals here and then 100 thieves here and it's the same yeah we're just both really smart I think we are same page we were second place in Spring split yeah and then I think we getting better now that's a good answer I will say like River doesn't watch us play River just plays so you think Team Liquid is better right now I mean I think they got uh well I I can't tell if it just the meta was really good for them ending last split it into MSI but the meta was pretty good for them and they were looking pretty strong and maybe MSI like leveled them up a little bit I think dig TOS is still a little bit of a question mark uh like could see them doing well and I do think overall the league I don't think there's any like standout bad team even though like Shopify and Immortals are on my like C tier I think the LCS is I think every team can beat every team uh no I think team's close to each other yeah yeah okay thank you no problem that's all I need from both of you really that's our content that's the content I get another yeah sorry we baited you no problem I love looking at your your nice slender arms oh wow thank you yeah we got that on camera [Laughter] right thanks so much for watching this video if you want to support content like this especially when I don't have have a sponsor there's a great number of ways to do so in the link tree in the description below uh doing so makes it so that I can keep making these videos for you and I don't just disappear into history like so many other people in Esports before me
Channel: Travis Gafford
Views: 26,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g1xNQIcNMr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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