Inspired: 'Everyone's praying for our downfall so that's chill"

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well we are done with the first game of the LCS 2024 summer split I am joined right now by inspired to talk a little bit about it inspired I know you guys were able to pick up a win previously that would have been enough now there's three games and unfortunately it was not enough but what was it like for you playing that best of three matches now I mean we would go home after the first game I mean that's true that's true uh honestly it was very exciting I really liked it like uh after we lost first game it's not like you instantly go home you still get to go on stage and play another one you are like already warmed up a bit and can play the game again so it kind of feels like playoff series like honestly like usually when I play LCS uh I had way more fun in in playoff series than in regular season but today it was really fun to play on stages overall because it took us like three games there's a lot of game uh game to to play I don't know honestly I really like the change but it's a bit uh frustrating that we play everyone only once so like right now we might face the in playoffs or we might not face them again for the rest of the year entire year yeah in 2025 you'll faceid May so that's like a little bit annoying but uh it's chill I think I like this change yeah uh what take me into the the series cuz it I just talked to apaa he was saying like oh after that first game we felt like we played pretty poorly and we just felt like it was a bad game uh for both sides maybe what was all that like from your perspective um from my perspective like thinking about it it felt like with this didn't realize when we were stronger than enemies and we didn't really take fights I feel like in screams we like to take fights like as two people try to make some play or three people try to make some play or people go for individual plays and today especially in first game I felt like um we wanted to group too much and we were only willing to fight when we actually grouped us five which I think uh is not the greatest way to play because uh I could tell that te was fake pressuring us a lot like K was walking whatever he wanted and then I was like kind of scared of going on him or some other players of us were scared of going on him and yeah we only looked for like 55 team fights which I think shouldn't be the case I think we should be trying to use our spells like more of cool down and try to look for our engages like when people split up and stuff like that and I think that's why the game one should have been a stomp I think we should have lost really hard and they should clearly close it out but then they made mistakes so it became a banger and other than that I'm not sure how was the game going cuzz I need to review them but I feel like we team Le was just playing way better on Tempo like they were just setting and playing together on Sid Lane while we were always a little bit behind and then we were in the awkward position because we either had to trade while behind in Tempo so they're already hitting our Tower or go and defend the tower which is always not good for you because you are just defending while they are taking space on the map so I feel like they were just faster everywhere but I I have to review that to see what caused that problem what has it been like working with quad because I think a lot of people have been curious to see how he will do I know in the past he's had some stage Jitters so what has it been like working with him I like working with him he's like a big playmaking mire he can play a lot of Champs and even when he's playing like a farming Champs and he has TP up he always thinks about how he can impact the game and how he can like uh if there is no objectives he's thinking about just forcing enemy Summoners in like free time which is uh really helping to play he is not scared to to try some plays and sometimes backfires but sometimes he's uh making a game-winning place for us uh so I'm I'm happy playing with him and I think he will show that he's a great player yeah over the course of the end of spring split to now the community has decided that fly Quest are the villains of the league uh LED I think prominently by you and and Darth wippo maybe is is the ultimate villains what is that been like for you do you see a lot of animosity do you like that you guys have been cast in this way what is it like for you I mean it for sure gives me more fun playing cuz I know if I lose people will uh be happy and if I win everyone be like ah but he said that so that that's pretty funny and and doesn't really affect me I don't know why people are making so big deals out of it like me and Jensen like our friends we are playing together and I think after SII uh like coaching staff players everyone decided that we need some fresh like change to be a fresh team and honestly I was not even sure about the change because I think playing with Jason was uh was nice uh but uh that decision was made our coaching staff our management decided that they think we'll do better with quad uh I'm obviously going to follow them decision I think it can work out and I'm going to do my best right now to to make it work so have you had any conversations with fly Quest staff where they're like hey man uh we're supposed to be the good team we care about plants and the environment and being nice thing doing nice things and uh having friendly mascots and uh now we become the villains what are you doing you have to go out there and be really nice to people it's I think it's better to be like that because now people talk more about us so that's good and other than that I still don't think we did anything like uh weird like I think just the fact that people are not speaking out their minds uh and we did is cause that and uh I like it I don't know I mean I I like it too I'm very happy you guys are doing this and and it's just been funny to see like some of the The Evil Geniuses theme persistent everyone is spraying for our downfill now so that's like chill yeah uh okay Switching gears a little bit uh one of the things that was funny loud a very loud red truck drove by uh one of the things that uh has been funny was the shorten downtime cuz there were shorten down times between best of ones but like that was between switching teams with this I'm like okay they still are rushing out they're eating a snack outside they're doing all these things what was it like between games as you're trying to figure out how to like quickly have the conversation and then get back on stage yeah you basically don't reanalyze the game cuz there's not enough time you just like think what was the biggest issue and like maybe something in the draft caused it or maybe uh we were talking basically about what I said earlier that I think we should be looking to make a bit more plays with our proactive abilities uh so basically that was a um uh what we talked about after game one so I think we did better about it in game two like we were using our SS more of cool down and trying to force fights uh so yeah basically you just don't have much time to talk you have to find what you think is was the most important issue and just talk about it a little bit and just forget about the game and go play next is that is there any part of that that is nice I mean I'm sure it would be nice to have more time to talk about these things but also it probably just keeps things moving really quickly yeah I think it's better for viewers experience to make it quick I think for me it's not a big deal if the break is longer or not I kind of like it when it's quick you just talk a little bit go to buff quickly and just play the next game yeah uh very much Switching gears there was a bunch of stuff that came out this week about the future of LCS uh CBL law becoming a South Conference us becoming North all that type of thing what what was your opinion on that as a player oh I mean it's very interesting I didn't really dive that deep into it but I saw that there might be like one more tournament there's an extra International Event there's going to be matches between North and South so so I I I already said to my teammates that I don't really care about the changes as long as we are winning we're going to participate in the tournament so that's going to be good and uh yeah we'll just try to focus on playing the game and winning games and uh I like honestly the changes the that I read through are pretty good I think and uh we'll see how it ends up but for me anything that is new and exciting is is a good change so are you excited about the idea of uh facing off against Brazilian teams to to secure spots in the these International I think it's too yeah yeah I I'm not saying it it's not it's just I it's I was always very curious what players would think about it because uh obviously this is a huge difference and I didn't know if you were going to be like yeah this I'm going back to LEC I'm out um but yeah no it's cool to hear that players are enjoying or are so retive I don't think there's anyone that hates the changes that wouldn't make sense honestly I think it's just this is good well there's technically less spots for us atal that's true that's true so if you are like a team that is aiming for four for first spot then it's worse for you but uh I don't know I'm aiming to win the the the LCS so yeah it's just you're like just win it it's easy just win it and the CH the matter the SP the matter awesome well I think uh it's probably everything to talk to you about today is there anything you want to say tuning the fans out there um I'm sorry for today's performance I knew you guys uh expected maybe a bit more from us cuz uh obviously we came after bad performance at MSI and we are practicing hard now trying to fix it and it didn't work out as well as we wanted to but uh I'll make sure to play even better next week yeah awesome thank you so much for the interview for everyone else you can check out the rest of my coverage of all things LCS right here on my YouTube channel hey guys Drew here um this is kind of awkward but Travis forgot to film an outro and then when I asked him about it he said lamu and sent me an eightball pool request uh don't really know what I'm supposed to do with that but I took it as I guess it's on me now uh follow his links down below he's got some good links uh Instagram X Twitter whatever you want to call it um and please become a member if you are so inclined so that I can get paid and that and and I can keep living here um cuz Travis get Travis gets mad when you don't when you don't become a member he get really mad and he knows which one of you members and which ones aren't so be careful
Channel: Travis Gafford
Views: 6,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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