Huge Price Drops on Expensive Cards! | Pick them up Now! | Magic the Gathering

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[Music] hey everyone Mitch coming in from the gr SC Studio welcome to the show so on today's episode I've got some exciting cards for you that have tanked in price and you need to pick these up right now let's jump into it so let's talk about what cards have just tanked in price what reprints came out and their impact on the market right now so if you've been waiting for forian Tower and you're not a budget player like me who's like yeah $17 is still a lot it is but uh that is a far cry from the price previously for exing Tower really quick a legendary land can tap for rayus or tap sacrifice creature at black black this is a very very good card obviously great for decks that want to actually sacrifice their own creatures obviously like you know RIS grat style essentially because yeah you sacrifice creature you also get value out of that by ramping even further uh creature fighter decks can utilize it as well for like quick ramp too regardless $17 down from around like $30 or $40 or so for most versions that's a huge savings right there next up polluted Delta I'm just going to use this as like a catchall for the fetchlands that were reprinted in this but yes the fetchlands have dropped quite a bit in price a land that you can tap pay one life sacrifice it go get an Islander swamp card proba the Battlefield then Shuffle notice that doesn't say basic notice that doesn't say uh tapped so there you go obviously that's why fetch lines are very very good and uh yeah there's other fetch lines out there for different colors and and that kind that kind of thing as well obviously like you know the different color combination I think it's allies anyways $13.45 right now coming down from again like $ 20 $30 depending on the version so yeah these have dropped quite a bit depending on the actual fetch L but still they all have dropped in price with this reprint so if you've been waiting for these to get cheaper make sure you pick them up now moving on 's incubator a massive drop for this one artifact for three ENT batt FES a creature type creature Spells Of The Chosen type you cast cost two less to cast so basically hey uh cost reduction and then some for your deck yet reducing the generic cost by two is absurd in basically every single creature tribal deck out there except for maybe like elves which are all over the ground so obviously there's there's some Elves that are higher to ground too but like most elves are like one or two Mana for the most part so there are very few tribes out there that aren't going to want this in their deck maybe goblins as well too but most typically are going to get a lot of savings out of this and again with savings $11.33 right now down from around like $30 or so 20 $30 so a massive drop a card that is pretty much always going to be in demand in Commander because tribal decks are so popular in Commander I mean if you add up all the tribal decks out there I'm sure it's the most popular theme technically right uh but I mean obviously if you're like well that doesn't count cuz dragons are this and El with that but they all want 's incubator essentially except for maybe again very specific load of the ground tribes most tribes though would love 's incubator so yeah $11.33 quite the deal uh again if you've got the budget for it next up a chrom as will a card when they printed it was like oh my goodness this does everything everything instant for four and white choose one of you controll commanders you cast spell choose both instead hey you're playing Commander hey you're built around Commander you're probably going to have your commander in play get both things creature control gain flying vigilance and double strike until life turn creature control gain LifeLink andru from all colors until life turn this is in I win the game card it's also I protect my entire team from basically anything card as well so and sometimes both at the same time but basically a card that is a massive massive play again make your creatures near unblockable probably again like your your opponents have to have a bunch of flying uh colorless creatures essentially to be able to block your creatures so if you're swinging out good luck to them for having that I highly doubt they do you also can swing while keeping your creatures back for blocking if you need that double strike hitting twice as hard gaining a ton of life and also indestructible hard to deal with $931 right now down from about half of where it used to be essentially around like $20 or so see a great card for index up there a lot of go wide strategies love this one next up Ruby Medallion uh this is again just going to be another placeholder for all the medallions okay so keep in mind all the other ones uh which they a good amount of play except I mean green sees a decent amount of play too but like yeah the other ones see a little more play than Green Ruby Medallion artifact for two red spells you cast cost one less to cast very good again cost reduction we talked about that with Earth incubator obviously but cost reduction is a crazy good version of it's going to say like ramp it's not really ramp technically but like it is better than ramp in a way cuz you're just like saving more Mana over time so yeah very very effective obviously especially for monocolor decks where it's like all your spells are reduced good for you uh $625 right now down from like $10 to $15 or so depending on the print so yeah a huge savings for all the medallions if you're waiting for the medallions to get cheaper whichever one essentially make sure you're picking them up shortly next up gold span Dragon uh yeah when this thing was printed and called himim it was like yeah this is going to be popular and expensive because Treasures are popular these days and some cards with treasures are expensive obviously because I think treasure now is like the number two I just episod on this I should know this right now it's either number two or number three most popular theme out there I think it's two which is crazy Dragon for five mana and red flying haste attacks comes to Target spell create treasure token which is already a great thing the most important thing though is treasure control have tap sacrif artifact at two m one collar basically you double up your Treasures Effectiveness which is just crazy cuz Treasures are already incredibly powerful this is like you know what's better than a uh what is it not MOX lotus lotus pedal yeah uh two you get a double Lotus pedal essentially $6 12 right now down from about like $18 or so so like a third of the price so again if you've got one of the many treasure decks out there that are popular right now you might want to pick this up while it is currently cheap so there you go next up elrazi Temple um what kind of Decker you can use this in elrazi yes Taps right colors tap for two colors supposed to be to cast krazi spells or activate abilities of krazi if you're in a elrazi deck I guess I used to say that it's like it's always colors it's not always colors these days because well I guess was always a thing sure but now we've got two commanders that are five color eldrazi commanders themselves which is crazy but yeah if you have a colorless deck that has eldrazi in it you're like oh yeah it doesn't really take up a spot in my deck at all because it's a utility land and if you're in a color stack you can use all utility lands though I recommend still having some Basics to some wastes that being said yeah if you have alrazy deck this is amazing this is either I mean just tap for a single Mana if you need that for a different spell or hey I a double land essentially I am a ramp for you a ramp land for you a temple of false god that is always active essentially for your alrai spells $6 down from around like 10 or so so it's good savings there moving on alrai inscription this is just such a spicy card that I wish was budget friendly because it's just so spicy eight Mana eldrazi Aura enchant creature enchant creature plus 10 plus 10 has trample and iil 2 uh yeah hey turn one of your teeniest tiniest creatures or maybe a giant creature uh into something even more massive and of course the most important thing though is I mean well all the things but yeah n later two is gross just saying like Okay I swing you sacrific two things because I swung this little creature at you great oh by the way little plus 10 plus 10 trample lots of ways to hurt you with that and of course there are certain commanders out there certain cards out there that can help cheat like or is in a player cheat them out in one way or another from your graveyard from the hand you can do a lot of spicy things with this uh $550 right now a good finishing card for you throw this on your commander and probably become a two shot if not a one shot KO with certain commanders once they're pumped accordingly but yeah down for around like 15 or so dollars on average next up the Reaver Cleaver what a clever name equipment for three Mana in red it's legendary as well actually I didn't realize it was legendary there we go co creature is plus plus one it has trample whenever this creature was combinated a player plans Walker create that many treasure tokens like I talked about earlier Treasures are exploding in popularity in Commander started off what in like Exelon years and years and years ago and it was just like oh that's like kind of cool like couple Treasures here and there all a sudden it's like oh my goodness they are everywhere I mean it's kind of hard to remember a game where you haven't seen a treasure in play yeah I mean they definitely exist I'm sure I'm just forgetting them but like typically at the very least you're getting like oh yeah I make a treasure with this I make a treasure with that this is like I make all the treasures in the world again you just throw this on a creature that's going to be hitting hard already cool you hit someone for 10 or whatever with your creature great they made 10 Treasures it's probably game with how much extra value they have right now and how far ahead they are on Mana above you $5 right now which is a huge savings for around like again $15 to $20 or so so it's a massive savings equipment decks can obviously utilize this like a Voltron deck could utilize this as well you know big creature deck can utilize this as well and a lot of different decks can utilize it next up y have cradle of growth oh $5 right now a giant savings from earlier again probably like uh 2 * three savings essentially got1 to $15 or so previously each for each land is a forest each other types legendary land yeah I mean just hey perfect Mana fixing for green for you and for everyone else technically but yeah you're probably going to take advantage of that more often than the other players if you're playing this kind of a land also like legendary tribal can utilize it as well it is a legendary permit so keep that in mind but yeah basically I mean it's not quite as good I would say as herborg because herborg like Works incredibly well with certain things they're like hey based on the number of swamps you have green has that too like the number four you have as well but it's not as seen play in Commander as much like they're like more like oh I get power based number four you have it's like good for you but still it's very good for me fixing obviously caniz in other cool things as well yeah good savings right there right now next up recruiter of the Guard $5 right now down from 15 or so dollars getting massive savings there human Soldier for three mana and white enters the battlefield you may search alive for a creature card toughness two or less reveal in your hand than Shuffle obviously a very good card when it comes to um getting specific creatures for Combos and whatnot essentially or just very synergistic things as well two creatures for the price of one in a way I mean you still have to like get the other one play it but still like if the creature got toughness two or less you probably can play it for very cheaply most likely so uh yeah just go tutor out the best creature for the scenario that you're in or again go tutor out that combo creature that you have that has toughness two or less so there you go $5 right now again down from around 15 or soell moving on dry to The liian Grove a nymph ride for three minuta in green we play this land each your turns land you controler every basic land type types oh goodness okay so like with like these corser of crew fix type cards I just say it's like a three Mana they deal with lands in different ways essentially they get different benefits with lands um yeah being to play extra lands is amazing number one because that is just it's ramp as long as you have the lands in your hand which if you're playing a deck that's really big on landfall or you know lots of lands then obviously it probably have lands in your hand or you got ways to like bounce them back and replay them for landfall and that kind of stuff but also like perfect Mana fixing that's huge this has like both sides of the coin that are great like usually when you have one of these it's like one or the other this is like no you get like both benefits you get like extra ramp and also perfect fixing good for you uh also like domain works well with it too I guess but still uh what m matters with this one again is uh all the things that you want to do in Commander ramp fixture Mana good for you $492 right now down from around like 10 plus dollar or so so again good savings right there and a card that's probably going to be in demand for quite a long time also it is an enchantment so keep that in mind because um yeah encher TT can utilize it as well to great effect moving on apex Devastator one of the just most like fun designs of a card of all time it's like super simplistic but hilariously fun for players to display it's a 101 Chimera Hydra for 10 man what's fun in Commander Randomness so there you go I mean Randomness for you I guess I don't really necessarily like when players play like chaos decks which is like H just a personal opinion on my own but like you just chaos my entire board and I just get like random things it's like okay well we're just like rolling the dice to see who wins which I guess it's kind of like this but not really cuz uh yeah there's ways to manipulate this there's ways to do some crazy things with it 101 that's Cascade Cascade Cascade Cascade so yeah just keep revealing off the top of your library hit four potentially monstrous things and uh yeah just completely change the entire game by playing one spell obviously works very well with commanders that have a lot of big creatures in the deck big you know other things in the deck that you can cast and on top of that things that can you know benefit you from casting from Exile etc etc but yeah down from again this is I didn't realize the first reprint of this ever looks like outside of a magic online promo which does not count cuz it's not a actual print uh but yeah $33 or $4 for the other version of it I guess yeah I mean around $20 or so I guess on average or so but yeah $422 quite cheap compared to where it was I can see this one going up in price again because players also love hydras too so keep that in mind but yeah a lot of fun to play this card next up farewell uh yeah this card is always going to be popular in Commander pretty much uh maybe not like 10 years down the road when they have like well I Exile all the things that I want to Exile and for three Mana power creep uh but yeah this one just so good sorcery for six Mana in white choose one or more Exile artifacts all creatures all enchantments all graveyards pick and choose whatever you need for the situation that you are in again just completely perfectly say like I don't like one two three things cool those three types of things are gone I don't like everything everything's gone I want to keep creatures in play because I've got the best creatures cool do that regardless it's a very flexible very amazing board wipe the second that they play or printed this I believe was it Kagawa it's like yeah it's going to be popular $4.5 right now down for around like $8 or so seen some reprints recently like okay Doctor Who Mur call maner Commander fall like all like Commander it's it's all in Commander precons essentially but yes it is starting to see more and more reprints going down in price next up sella salala I should say heart of the Wilds an elf Scout uh that is a very very popular very very powerful commander and good card in the 99 of course as well whenever a creature ENT Battlefield its controller May draw a card its power is greater than each other creatur's power pay green and tap at xman Powers X Grace power creature control it's absurd this a card that yeah the card drawn is very nice obviously and you can have in the deck for that because if you have like a bunch of big creatures in your deck you're like I'm going to be the one who gets the most benefit out of this yeah but also I mean having just a bunch of big creatures in your deck is uh okay cool I get to tap this for like 20 Mana or so with like doubling effects maybe even some untap effects as well but yeah being able to just tap this for an absur this like can tap for like more Mana than like any other mandor potentially so yes it has absurd potential and I'm not talking about like going infinite like mandor can go infinite and whatnot but like the amount of man can tap for quite easily quite quickly is absurd so yeah $4 right now down for around 12 or so quite the savings there next up archon of cruy just a big fun card for you not for your opponents really uh a 66 flying archon for eight Mana whenever it enters the battlefield or attacks Target opponent sacrifice creature Plaines Walker discards a card loses three life you draw a card gain three life all the bad things for them all the good things for you it's kind of like a cruel ultimatum but like repeatable on a body again ETB keep that in mind so yeah blink effects do work on this Fain death Tech effects do work on this too or attack obviously extra combats work too but yeah $4 right now this I I didn't realize this is the first reprinting of it but yeah down for around 10 or so but apparently the promo version must be very good $25 for that one but yeah still down quite a bit next up lightning Graves this one sees a lot of reprints and Commander products uh it's starting to see more and more again Doctor Who apparently a secret layer drop Fallout uh Exelon Commander as well interesting it is seeing more and more reprints obviously and for a while Wizards wasn't doing that like we don't want shroud to be recognized the thing ever again it's like well you kind of you know the ship sailed on that one like it's a popular card you're going to have to keep reprinting at some point equip zero KU Hast and shroud it's so good so incredibly good yeah you can't Target your own thing with it anymore but that's fine you can't Target you know oh no my creatur got troud most most likely you have a commun that you just like want to protect from your opponent's thing so you don't care about targeting again and also be to just grant haste to all your creatures is absurd absolutely absurd for free you're just freely granting haste so play mandor like oh I like extra Mana now put that on it tap it cool move it to another mandor tap it good quite good uh $4 down from like5 $6 or so but yeah again this one just keeps seeing more reprints and the price is going to keep going back up because of the demand for it and uh yeah just to point out with Nadu Works incredibly well with Nadu like any other equip zero like shuko moving on the boundless uh $4 or so right now down from around $10 plus doar I remember when this thing was like 35 $5 plus because this is like the catchall commander for tribal it's like if you have a tribe that you love like say starfish I guess I don't know that doesn't have a commander it can be the commander for that like for the longest time it was like the werewolf Commander it was also like the eldrazi commander for like five Mana or five Mana five color alzi now we have some of those that being said you could be uh like me and just build like a monuments deck where you're just trying to play shrieking Drake infinitely which is funny maybe anyways about F creature type spells you cast Jen type cost wuber less cast Ru the amount of color man you pay other creatur type you cast or Casten type you plus almost one it's an Anthem it's cost reduction the cost reduction is absurdly good so yes you will see this uh in play in the 99 of tribal deck as well five color tribal obviously but yeah it's a very popular very good card and not necessarily a commander that is always going to be built in monuments but I think it should be anyways $4 right now again down for around 10 or so next up elrazi Monument a card that is not always for elrazi decks I will say which is kind of like interesting when you you see like the word like elrazi it's like he like elrazi Temple yes of course it's alrai duck this is like um no maybe but no creature control plus one didn't have flying indestructible G rub keep sacrifice a creature if you can't sacrifice alrai Monument I guess you have like a go wide alrai strategy which like a bunch of spawns and Scions sure but if you just have like I've got three big old dra in play you probably don't want to sacrifice those regardless uh this is a crazy good Anthem and I mean the most important part of this to me at least is the indestructibility there's not very many ways to give your entire Army indestructible like perpetually sure there's a downside to it but again some decks don't even consider that a downside like ariscat style deck like cool I sacrificed creature when I want to yay yeah um $4 right now down from around like 10 to 12 or so so quite a good amount of savings right there yeah a good good great card actually for you know go wide strategies essentially and aisat strateg IES as well if they want to protect certain things and of course they're okay with sacrificing a creature every now and then moving on forsaken Monument uh do you have a Col this deck cool throw this in it if you've got the budget for it that's basically it this is just a really good card for those it's hard to argue against this card in those decks Leger artifact 4 five col creatures you control plus two plus two whenever you tap a permanent for col add initial colist when you cast col spell you gain two life I guess the only scenario where this wouldn't be a card you considering a color stck is if you I don't know like every every single one of your Mana rocks Taps for one man of any color or something like that give you a bunch of manths in your in your colorist deck but your lands would still be tapping for a colorless like yeah if you have a colorless deck just because literally that middle part where it's like you double up your Mana it's hard to argue against this card because it doubles up your Mana even if you have no creatures to pump in the deck even if you don't care about gaining life it's just such a good card is such a good card you color stack right now yeah you're saving about half or so right now where it's at around $366 next up basua a very very strange card you may have enter the battlefield tapped as a copy of any land on the battlefield I mean it's kind of funny that like you may because you don't have to because I guess if this is the first land play like they wouldn't be able to you know enter and make it something else but um you're going to be doing that if not it doesn't do anything so it's a very very good card when it comes to specific lands obviously if you have like another great land and play cool I get a copy of that and also I'm sure some combos as well and that kind of stuff too but this is one where yeah I mean it's it's very specific on what kind of decks want it so if you have a specific deck that wants it good like good like it finally got like an actual reprint really like $363 I guess remastered it was reprinted there too but yeah down for around $16 or so quite the savings there next up toxic delu a commander staple for a reason sorcery for three Mana in Black cost G A spell pay X life all creature get minus x x 12 turn a flexible board wipe that utilizes an abundant resource yes yes sign everyone up for that as essentially this is a card that has been very expensive over the years just because it's very high in demand and Commander because again it is flexible it utilizes life instead of Mana essentially to get the job done and you start with 40 life which is absurd uh when it comes to being able to utilize this against like if you're spending this to take out all creatures let's say like there's even like an eight toughness creature you can take out you're willing to be like yeah I'll lose eight life to take everything out cool board wipe gone it's also flexible in that like again if you have the biggest creatures yours get to stay in play you're like okay cool yeah I'll set it at 6 my big creatures are surviving everyone else creatures are gone it can be one-sided you can also utilize it in Decks that actually want to lose life like life swap decks to yeah $361 right now for this gem down from about half or a little more than half from what it has been yeah again the the demand for this one is just always going to be pretty high until again 10 years from now when it's like the same effect but for one Mana moving on WE Titan of Nature's wrath uh great for land ramp and for card draw as well enters Battlefield sacrifice L escaped ERS Battlefield or attacks you gain three life draw a card but land card for hand on play and hand on the battlefield can also Escape it for green green blue blue and exiling five cards a commander as well as a card in the 99 I'd say more so the 99 for the most part when it comes to its popularity in Commander but yeah $3 right now down for around $12 or so so some good savings right there really hasn't seen like any actual reprints since Theos Beyond Death they get like the promos I guess which reprints as well as the secret layer drop which is not really a reprint in the list which is also really not re really reprint so kind of like the first time we've really seen this next up mana reflection Mana is good in Commander yes Mana is also Mana Commander is also a slower format typically compared to some other formats so this like really couldn't be all that good in some other formats I mean it's it's good when you get in play but obviously like those formats might be a little too quick for it and Commander it's like oh um yeah you can get to six Mana easy you're fine oh once you play this by the way you're way above six Mana CH for six Mana you tap a perit for Mana produces twice as much of that Mana instead again any permanent not just lands like still doubling up your lands is crazy good this doubles up everything that you're tapping for Mana including Mand ORS including Mana rocks whatever you're tapping for Mana you double it up which is crazy good $3 down from 14 or so that's a lot again this one hasn't seen many reprints at all just one of the reprint double Masters so yeah pick it up while you can right now moving on all is dust yeah it's a good card it's a sorcery elrazi for seven Mana each player sacrifices all permanence that they control that one of more colors um if you in a colorless deck this is most likely just like a one-sided board wipe that's basically what it is I mean there's decks outside of colist that can utilize this too but yeah if you are in colist this is a seven Mana I get rid of nearly everything on the board and my things stay here which is crazy good $291 down from around $5 $6 or so this one has seen more reprints recently like Commander Masters wasn't too long ago I guess but yeah all is dust going down quite a bit in price right now not quite to my budget but you know $291 it could get there someday maybe probably not ever anyways next up we got Mas Nexus one of my favorite cards of all time a card that I was like begging Wizards to print at some point but actually as a commander they never did that but that's okay I guess artifact for four Mana creatur control are every creature type the same is true for creature spells you control and creature cards you own that are on the battlefield pay three and tab create 2 two blue shape sh creat changeling basically all your things are changelings uh which is crazy good uh because if you do like a Lords tribal deck where you have like a bunch of different effects that care about like different creature types they all now are all creature types which means they get all the different benefits you do some crazy amazing things with that absolutely love that $3 or so right now down for around like $10 because this one just started going up in price further and further and further finally got a reprint youed some crazy cool things with it next up Harold's horn this one again I starting to see more and more reprints uh lost vixon commer Masters I guess uh recently last year too as well with Middle Earth uh and Warhammer it sees a good amount because it is again a card like I mentioned earlier with some other tribal cards too it's just it's hard to argue against this card in tribal decks artifact for three batt a creature type creat spell you cast type cost want to cast begin your upkeep look at the top card of your library if it's a creature card the CH ske reveal put your hand basically like 's incubator I mean how they ever like put this is like an uncommon it's like are you kidding uh it's basically 's incubator but take one off the reduction and then add in card Advantage like temperamental is the word I was going to say but like situational card Advantage but still like amazing card Advantage any more creatures of that type you have in the deck be more likely you were to draw those cards or if you have like top deck manipulation regardless $2.50 right now down from like $5 or so so about half price right now moving on shandra's ignition uh $248 right now this is a card that like was super budget friendly for a long time and then spiked in price I can't remember what Commander there was a commander that just made this like super expensive very quickly let me know if you remember that one in the comments below but over time this one has gone up to like $10 or so down to around $ 250 right now Source 5 Mana Target creature control deals damage power to each other creature and each opponent uh yeah it's very very good especially for commanders that have like deals damage triggers and also just big commanders that can just wipe out everything else again hit your opponents in the face too and then just yeah they're free they're on their own that's your creature now nothing else is there you swing through you have fun and then finally dark deps dark deps is a very spicy old card legendary snowland Battlefield 10 ice counters on pay three ice counter from it has noise counters on it sacrific if view crate Merit l a legendary 2020 black Avatar creat with flying indestructible a weird fun win condition like if you can just pull this off and get a 2020 flying indestructible yeah that's uh usually going to win you the game not always I mean like a simple bounce spell will doal with it obviously but still um yeah you'd have to pay 30 Mana to like totally get all all those ice counters off of it but there's also combos that work with it like thespian Sage Etc that actually can just skip all those steps for you and you just get your you know Merit l so have fun with that $227 a very specific land again for specific decks down from like s or $8 or so so it get a good amount of savings there if you've been waiting to build a dark depths deck but now this episode is coming to a close this time for me to hear from you so in the comments below let me know what your thoughts are on these cards are any of the cards of interest to you to pick up again the prices have dropped a ton are you interested now in picking them up are you a budget player like me and you're like H drop just slightly more and buy slightly more with some them it's like just drop $20 or so more please but yeah a lot of giant price drops with these reprints very exciting so make sure you check out that card list Link in the description below of course as always thanks again and have a good one this show in episodes like this one are possible thanks to viewers like you if you're looking for an easy way to help support this show make sure that you like share and subscribe also hit that Bell notification icon so you don't miss any new episodes you can also go check out our playmats and other merchandise at the commanders we also have a ton of brand 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Channel: The Commander's Quarters
Views: 38,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magic the Gathering, Magic Cards, MTG, Budget Mtg, Price Drop MTG, Cheap Pickups MTG, reprint mtg, mtg, magic, trading card game, Apex Devastator, Eldrazi Conscription, Toxic Deluge, Ruby Medallion, Recruiter of the Guard, Flooded Strand, Goldspan Dragon, Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, Farewell, All Is Dust, Sapphire Medallion, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, Mana Reflection, Urza's Incubator, Akroma's Will, Morophon, the Boundless, Windswept Heath, Jet Medallion, Dark Depths
Id: d4FZMbuYILg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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