Reflecting on Team Liquid's match against Fnatic

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well I think we're all really surprised by this if you had told me a few days ago that TL would beat fnatic this way I wouldn't have known what to say it's really taken me a long time to gather my thoughts after a series like that for this video because I'm not just shocked by what happened and what the results were but also what went down in that match I've been saying for a long time that North America is better than EU I mean everyone just says that LC is a one team region and I feel like that's what we see demonstrated in this event as fanic can't seem to get it together and team liid continues on in the tournament I know we are all going to have a lot of opinions about TL's bot Lane in that series and a lot is going to be said about APA not just in this match but also in this tournament both from his fans and his haters now speaking broadly about North America many people have said this region should be considered a minor region but this tournament establishes that we should be considered a major region I mean even if fly Quest did underperform I don't think you can condemn an entire region or league for one team's under performance and I think it's important to remember that this is the first time one of our teams has not made it out of playing so it's just you know an isolated incident I know it's really easy to get excited in these moments I mean even me jumping out of bed just now to record this like it's just one of those things where you can get ahead of yourselves we just beat one team so far and we have to see how the rest of the tournament goes but I'm really excited to see what happens now that's all for me I know it's a short video this time around but if you haven't yet please become a member of the channel because there's a whole lot of really cool vide videos over there that you might enjoy even others about this exact tournament uh that are up right now and uh the other thing I'd shout out is the interview or episode we did with ven on hotline League it was a great episode please go check it out it's up right now for everyone members or otherwise but again hopefully you've enjoyed this it's always awesome to record a video like this and I hope to record more like them in the future
Channel: Travis Gafford
Views: 16,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RBO8rB54tAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 53sec (113 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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