Russell Peters On Comedy Today & The Accolades You Never Even Knew He Had

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club yep it's the world's most dangerous morning show The Breakfast Club Charlemagne to God Angela a DJ envy is still at Disney World we have a special guest in the building missin out man this guy makes a lot of money woman and said that it would be awful but because it's a man and he says that I don't like it either it's like complimenting my breasts I did I first started seeing Russell's name a few years ago I was on the world's highest-paid comedians list and I was like whoa I need to research this guy you know who is who is Russell Peters and you know I you know you're not really on TV you night reality film you make all your money on the road make my money on the road I'm not clicked up with nobody that's why mm clicks do you actually good friends with now Rogers now Rogers is my brother all the time but now I can't help you a comedy no no I mean I'm chicks sheiks official DJ yeah so that's what I was hoping Indy would be we just get busy on the CDJs I can't get busy on that you Serato a serrano but I gotta use turntables I mean I can't be holding the plastic are you a real DJ now ah yeah fake computer I don't know you can go computer if you started vinyl true true you put the time in you know and he definitely did yeah I know I know I used to buy his mixtapes back in the day yeah I know he tried the lion says he's only like 31 but oh there's no way he's 30 he's suffering from a gen fee how'd you get to the point though where you ended up on these highest-paid comedians I don't know dog I just started I've been doing this 30 years now so it's been a minute you know I put in the time and then it just started to start a boy band I've been doing arenas now for 11 11 years Wow so you know a lot of guys get one arena to happen that's my sixth one well I had to be some humble beginnings oh it was damn humble beginnings I remember doing the Bronx BB q back in 96 the Bronx BB q at Fordham Road and like 1:30 in the morning and getting booed off stage oh hell yeah are you kidding me I deserved it and the Bronx that's the least that could happen yeah I mean you know it was right after Jimmy Martinez wanted to fight somebody in the audience and wild will wanted to just freak everybody out and then I was just next do you remember the point that you lost it on stage where he was like okay I don't have control in his crowd at all oh yeah the first time I got booed off stage yeah you need it it's like a boxer getting dropped just like okay right that's what it feels like did you ever feel like let me go back and crush these buildings yeah you know a 93 was the first time I ever got booed off stage opening for the farside in Toronto yeah yeah you know what it was that war like I wore like a baseball jersey that I had custom-made but I tucked it in like an idiot red jeans and I had this fly his fly baseball jersey but I tucked it in because I thought I was trying to be I was trying to keep it classy you know what I was you know I just my boy was my boys first promotion so he put me on the flier and I was like he was one open farce I'm like hell yeah I was I mean I'm all hip-hop so I was like this is this isn't I'm gonna kill this you know that didn't happen some things are like a setup though because certain situations you know is not gonna really probably now my ego was on fire at the time I was only four years into stand-up at that time and I thought I was gonna I thought I was this is it's my big break yeah I ate it I deserved yeah I don't really yeah I don't understand what happened I was watching it and I don't understand it I mean I see how it could happen and I know Lisa so you know I mean it's it's question of you know maybe she got a bad you know sometimes if somebody just pisses you off on your on stage it happens to me sometimes and I catch myself but you know it's it's one of those things where if you don't catch yourself you're gonna go past the point of being able to come back I don't give a damn if Lisa lampanelli's had used to say the word [ __ ] and she said she wouldn't stop using it so who cares you know you know as a brown man I can't okay I get called it too you got I get colder too I read an interview on comedy couch and you said you have a phenomenal memory for people who weren't nice to you want to come up absolutely have you [ __ ] on any of those people reach it every single one of them when I continue to do it to this day and it's funny because like you'll see like things like little things come up in the news about certain people and I'm like I just did a little smirk I'm like yeah I'm you know you already like you know everybody that's get in trouble huh you'd like most of them they were like they were real dicks like Harvey why I see people talk about how mad he was I met him at a Netflix thing like years ago it like five years ago and and the president and Netflix introduced me to him because Harvey Russell Peters he's the first comic to do the Netflix straight to Santa you know special and and Harvey just kind of gave me a half a look and gave me a dead fish handshake I guess your comedian I go yeah and did one of these and then his wife was like no Harvey he's really funny I've seen him and then he goes yeah and that was it and I was like agency you would want to know you would that's the thing I don't know if I rub my don't know if I look the wrong way for these people I don't know what it is yeah I'm like it's like he could have been but he's too chubby like whatever the deal is say you wrote Harvey Weinstein yeah that's true yeah I'm not a tree I never got to meet Bill Cosby I think I met him once my fell asleep I can't remember what happened after that once people get in a certain position they start treating those in a lower position like they are less than them I think that's who they always were I think that's who you find out who you are when you have money it's how you treat people then that's what that's how you find out who that person is very true they always say money doesn't change you just multiplies whatever it is you are yeah yeah I take note of all that stuff when I'm out I see how people talk to the server whatever I don't do that man that could still be us oh I read just I was reading some of my daily affirmation this morning and it was this guy Cameron his name but when he used to want to hire new people he would take them to lunch or something yeah just to see how they would treat the waitress and he would make the waitress get their order wrong on purpose yeah he would tell the waitress get their order wrong on purpose to see how they would react yeah see I'm when I'm one of those people don't trust nobody in the kitchen so if she brings me the wrong thing I believe this would be fine I'll eat this you know I grew up without food it's okay my parents from the third world it's good I understand that cuz sending stuff back you never know what they do in the kitchen you can't ever be nasty I can't stand when I'm with people and I feel like they're a little rude because I'm saying listen my food is didn't get here yeah I don't know what's about to happen you're about to ruin it for everybody please laughter so what have you done to change the narrative those four I'd like you know being a guy in a position of power now I don't see is the thing I don't really think of myself as a guy in a position of power really yeah because I'm I'm still doing everything for myself I mean it's not like I got you know like I'm not I'm not even with Judd I'm not in with Sandler I'm not in with Chris I'm not you know no we know all know each other but nobody goes yo I don't think any I think it's funny cuz I look at the dudes that they do cosign and I'm like I don't understand your moves I guess you want the guy you can control I'm not the guy you can control I'm not out of control you know I mean do you think that they probably don't know what to do with you I think that's what it is I mean I also you know here's the thing I'm the first Indian guy exactly there was none before me I mean obviously those billions of them before me but you know in this business I was the first guy so it's kind of like well now he's too old now he's too out of shape whatever the deal is because he's uncle you know but I was there before is easy you know that's the thing it's like Nana I watched these cats when they do the interviews and I'm like all right I see you not paying no no not paying I asked him for nothing but you could kiss the ring a little bit you know me 48 I mean you know that it's now they're looking at kids in their late 20s early 30s I know but the problem is they don't look at it like that it's like they look at they want they don't want that a lot of these kids never came up the road mm-hmm they never did the road so they don't even know what it's like to stay in like a hotel where you like you know what I'm asleep in the car cause it's nicer you know they don't really get it but I mean that's the way the game goes I can't complain because I'm still killing it on my side so but it's one of those eat I don't know if it's an ego thing or if it's just uh you're getting old you just want a little bit respect from the kids do you ever reach out to them yourself maybe an older person to you know say you know what I think you're really dope I just want to the problem is I don't think they're dope I don't I don't I mean I'm not gonna lie to you now there's some I mean there's but the guys that are really dope are the guys nobody knows but that's what I'm saying those are the people those are the ones I reached out to cuz everybody starts off as someone that nobody really knows yeah but I mean those guys that have been doing it longer than these cats that are really good and for whatever reason they don't want to leave their hometown or whatever and they're like dude one's just you would be so ill they tell them I tell them all the time you know the guy in Dallas named Paul Varghese hilarious so do you think that these executives and these buildings just aren't in the street no they're definitely not industry yeah it's a there's a reason all these little little guys any rapper with little in his front of his name is popular because nobody's in the street yeah nobody like there's nobody in the street listening to that it's all these idiot kids that you know they ya whatever it is I don't know how people find music anymore and then you know when you go to a club they play all that trash and it bothers me because back in the day when you go to a club you would go to the club to hear music you didn't know because you want to find out what was good and now if you go to the club and they hear something they don't know they're like I want to hear the song I know I'm like that it's not the club yeah I used to complete the world different and we got accepted and you know I don't want to sound like the crusty old guy but I kind of am the crusty old not crusty but the world is different because the world is changing colder and we got to accept it because it's not gonna go backwards it cannot go forward I don't want to be amongst the youth though I got feel like let the youth be to youth in yeah we be what we are yeah and I you know I a same thing I say you know um when when we were when our music was coming up everybody made fun of us yeah and the older people did the same thing so I can't when I catch myself doing I'm like are you doing the same thing people did to you or make make fun of the dances I'm like we had the worst dances you know Cabbage Patch and all but the biz biz dance terrifies us you do too young kid Natalie what are you doing very true me and my wife was doing the kitten play kicked up in the kitchen and my daughter was he's 10 now at 290 times she was like what what's wrong what are y'all doing and my daughter seven and a half she was trying to floss the other day and it's sad because I think she got the Indian gene of Noah no rhythm you have the light most people wonder you have the money you know without a whole lot of Fame but it seems like you want the fame to go with it yeah you do I mean you know I want the respect to go with it okay I mean don't you guys get a lot of people in here coming for some respect on their name we got the welcome mat right there show them the welcome mat Nick real quick welcome at it I didn't see it no put some respect on my house that's hilarious what is like you got I would think it's about the money um but for me I mean the money's great I mean let's not let's not get it twisted the money's great and the good thing I mean the thing with bow me is I like to make I don't want to be alone at top of the mountain yeah so I just make whoever's around me you're coming with me or whoever I admired I'm making sure you're okay you know I'm friends with every old-school rapper I was ever grew up listening to but it's interesting because Netflix actually did you as their first committee they did me as their first and then they did everybody else better and paid everybody they paid everybody else way better yeah and I was like oh it's going is that that's how we're doing this huh I was shocked that you did that because you owe the fact you make so much money on the road and you're selling IDs arena so why give Netflix an hour I mean you know it was a I like to be the first to do things so I was the first guy to start the stand-up special straight to Netflix but the only problem with that is sometimes when you're the first you always forgot it's fair did you make more timoni got offered yeah but I mean that's what does that mean I mean Monique cut you know having me yeah I mean hey I made more than that definitely not much more than that but more than that maybe you know a couple of times more than a few times more than that maybe two and a half maybe Wow I mean I know you make more than that on yeah but that was a nice yeah I know that that's the thing I was like okay and then I saw that they were up and everybody to 20 million I was like oh great they gave Amy Schumer 15 for that piece of [ __ ] that she released yeah and I'm like oh okay so I might come calling like so we got 10 now we get in 10 for this excellent now I can look all back so clearly our name is Schumer aren't friends now it was it was a shitty special even if we were friends I'd tell her we're not amazing but it was a shitty special do about it and I'm not like I all my specials were were the best ever but you know I'll admit it when my on when my stuff is like kind of weak I'm like huh so what is those specials based off exactly is it what you do as far as your numbers in standup no it's how much they're riding your dick at that moment yeah it really is a dick right it's like you know yeah hi the thing is when you're hot you're not really hot that the industry's like just on your nuts yeah it doesn't mean you're as good as you think you are yeah and at the same time when they're not on your nuts it doesn't mean you're not as good as you are yeah I'd rather have two people I'd rather be doing yeah I mean I'm how many are you doing is everywhere across the world not even the world yeah I'm doing Forest Hill Stadium August 18th how much that hole like 15 2012 15 thousand probably throw it out already no I'm trying to that's what I'm here what is it that you would not like to be in movies a lot more movies I mean in better movies with bigger budgets you know I mean just to be able to know what a big-budget film feels like on all the movies every day we're all low budget movie Indian detective come on the low-budget movie series you know so did you see it it's fun it's a fun show you know but you know is it coming back we don't know you I bet you went back to India no we went actually to South Africa shot oh my god yeah they day is again we had some sort of weird deal where you got a tax credit and blah blah blah and they just there's enough Indians in South Africa because you know when they were taking black people out they were replacing them with Indian yeah which is kind of [ __ ] it's like your bands breaks down they give you a Honda so on the show the character was very opposed to going back the Indians that how you feeling rolling iron on real life okay I'm not that guy I'll actually really love going to India oh so you do go back a lot yeah it's actually I could live in Bombay I feel like I could really yeah pretty dope there how did the experience different doing comedy there compared to like America and Canada um well see the Indians in India don't have the self-conscious thing that we have when we leave okay it's like when people try to be Afrocentric but they're not African anymore fake Walker yeah yeah yeah so over there they're like well we're not trying we're just we we are it well this is what we are we don't have to do anything more than what we're doing we go to an Indian wedding in America you get a thousand people and a guy shows up on an elephant I don't know where you gotta know if when you go to an Indian wedding in India you maybe get like 400 people and there's a billion people there foreign people just a regular nice wedding yeah but over here they over do what they invite all the councilmen and and the senator isn't stuff why what do they need to be there for you never know them with the biggest population of Indians in America I used to do radio in Colombia so I can line and it was a lot of Indian to Columbus like come on is it that's probably because of an ass out there some thinner one of them aerospace people out there these actually to hire me to do host their parties all the time and all they wanted to hear would panjabi MC featuring jay-z yeah night long yeah yeah that sounds about right I mean I grew up around black people so I avoided that whole that whole little subsections yeah but it was all Jamaicans as a truant oh so you know so it's a way the biggest population of India in America in America I don't I would say uh New York has a pretty solid amount okay New York's definitely got to be at the top of that list North New York Northern California yes somewhere around Virginia in that area so you grew up in Canada Toronto Toronto so from from India born there from the six from no it's and we never called it you know I appreciate Drake and what are you doing for the city but we got to stop calling it the six it sounds like we're bragging about an average-sized penis it's not up yo you want to see the six when his chillin he's the tube or you want to see the six you know so you don't like these things no I mean I still call it t dot yeah that was carted out okay T Carter now came up with T dot and Drake came up with the six and I'm like I'm gonna go with the T dot as an old-school guy mm-hmm where do you rank Drake is one of the greatest of all time was factoring everything the ghostwriting allegations here's the thing with no spirit eat and when to me okay let's put all this in the ghostwriting thing it's funny to me because he started off as Wayne's ghostwriter I mean I don't know if he has a ghostwriter per se or just somebody that helps him like yo here's an idea here's some verse and he finishes I can't see I think yeah I wouldn't say I see for him I would say cuz I know I know the kid personally and he's a really good kid and he loves and respects hip-hop yeah and like um two years ago I was with him in Toronto and he had the release of that last album and I had melly-mel and Scorpio with me and you know I didn't think he would know who they were when I brought them awesome they tricked smelly mountain scope he was like oh my god and he you know bow down to Mel and everything was okay well it's good it's good to see him l was like yo russ that's a good look muscles baby so do you rank them as one of the greats I would say you know what I'll give a little bit more time but I think I think it's definitely as a potential for that is it coming out this Friday you don't scratch me as a drink fan even though you know I mean I like the guy he's a great kid I love his worth that work ethic I love everything he's doing but he does the music that I don't really feel but I could listen to his lyrics and go okay saying some stuff he's not just doing those six word chance that everybody else is doing you know I hate that six word chanting [ __ ] drives me nuts come on Breakfast Club no hey hey like I come on and try harder would you allow somebody to write something for you no uh-uh if I think of something I'll be like oh you want to try this it'll probably work better for you than it would for me but that's how it works when nobody's writing for you but I mean if you got like a team of dudes rolling with you everywhere you go in the writing for you that's that's different you know I don't I can't do that I don't I have one dude Ruben Paul is a comic one of my best friends I'll work I'll go on the road and work out my set I'm sort of like I go out and a freestyle the whole thing and then I come to with all these pieces and then I'll say rube I need you to watch this and I'll do it then he'll make all these notes you like that needs to go there this needs to go there he just organizes it for me so Ruby's your Quentin Miller yeah he really is he really is he puts that together for me and then people watch it the girl shows really cohesive I was Ruben I just wrote it and put it all over the place he just put it in order for me guide you I also read on for that you do private shows for Saudi princess pretty well I don't do them all the time again no I got I got offered a lot of money to do one once that joke came from where you talked about how over here ten million dollars means you're rich but I don't know what I put on finally they got crazy money I wasn't I mean I didn't even charge me we threw the wrong number after them no no no no we threw the wrong number at him because we realized after he would have said yes to whatever right don't you hate that when you say something and they say yes immediately and you're like god damn it today we're fans he was like $250,000 what you made a joke about them not caring about 10 million you only taught him 250 my brother as my manager he goes what about this number goes that's a lot of money let's do it and then he goes he throws it didn't they go yes and we go so do you want that didn't cash I'm like no you crazy no amenities like okay well we need to fly first class well no that's he was gonna give us his private jet to go to the next country I mean you know here's the thing we were already there and we did a show the night before so we'd already made some money and then we made a notice to yourself where it's good I gotta talk myself off the shelf here nothing I know but it was ten people in the room so there's literally a room this size and I sat around and roasted everybody in the room and a half I know but you know here's the thing the next day one of the dudes I was in the room when it took me watch shopping and he bought me he bought me a sky a gold solid gold sky dweller cuz he probably felt bad he only paid yeah this idiot and then the dude beside me gave me his watch it was a thirty thousand dollar who blow I literally left there with a hundred grand where the watches the private show watched the money on the show before and I'm still walking out there going damn it we got ripped off you know ok no were you afraid you are you afraid when you do show it ain't like that ok think about like when you look around the room and adjust your jokes accordingly you won't you you gotta you gotta be careful of first of all you don't talk about religion at all out there that's just surefire way of getting in trouble you don't talk about religion you don't talk about the royal family at all don't even mention it and then you're good and then if you talk about sex you gotta sort of dance around it a little but you can get there ok so you just can't be too raunchy like yeah you can talk about sex but you can't be as graphic as you want to be I remember I can't remember the joke I was doing but it was like it was like it was like a [ __ ] joke and I was making the motion but when I was there I was doing it down here we're gonna blow job on you right here from but whatever do you have any restrictions in America nowadays when you come here like what can you talk about what can't you talk about because you have to realize the changes in the environment since the change is around but it's one of those things where I'm kind of lucky here's the other thing I'm gonna like a double-edged sword situation because you know as much as the industry doesn't pay attention to me I'm which means I can get away with more so you know did you want the attention or do you not want the attention is one of those things where I kind of get away with saying things on another level because nobody's really paying attention the fans are paying attention they love it I think that's why they keep coming out because they're like man he has an alternative Zach his attitude at all and I'm like well this is great for me somebody came in we want to give you a TV show but ya say oh yeah I think that's the other thing about the industry that scares him about me because I'm not afraid to talk about race and culture and because I understand it and the people that come and see me understand that I know about their racing culture they appreciate that and America's so blank when it comes to that they're like no we shouldn't talk about that I'm like why it's there it's what we are if it's clever and it's funny yeah well that's the thing they think I'm funny it's hard to get away with certain things but you can get away with a lot more when it's funny well especially when you know about people and when you know about people you're saying things that he may not understand about your people but you do and you know what to be funny and he's thinking that sounds racist and you're like no that's actually something we actually do he's from New York but his parents are from China mainland or Hong Kong because it makes it different with you from mainland Hong Kong so cheap yeah and so when you do to joke about Chinese people being you know second cheapest I'm like that's definitely my dad oh yeah the Asians in general Indians are the same as Asians or Asians but yeah it's one of those things where but everybody believes that their people are the cheapest ones and that's really what I'm trying to get at I'm using your people and my people as the scapegoat but really when black people is indigo we should were cheap and then the Jews like no no we're cheap and then everybody like no we're cheap and everyone's like and then you when you get them together like oh we don't think the exact same thing about ourselves I call myself frugal Vandross oh you're good you make mad money too not like you I know but still I live in LA I know that's it's it's weird but my daughters are so I can't leave her now if I was Jamaican I'd have been gone but I too soon too much walk up to you and grab your balls like that agent Terry Crews no no that's the other thing I'm not I'm not gonna harassed enough I don't know what the problem I was talking to my friends like four years ago like why do you think you haven't gone as far as you should have gone to go cuz nobody molested me when I was a kid ain't nobody harassing me now no my life has been so normal I got bullied as a kid that was it you know nobody tried you in Hollywood and and I'm scared you know it be a trap nowadays you know I mean you know some someone we like hey Anna my guy I'm not falling for this okeydoke do you think that majority the people you see get these breaks have all compromised themselves in some way sexually I don't know I've never been there I can't speak on what they did how it happened with them so it would be unfair to them but I'm sorry stories too even before all these stories that came out about different things that go down oh yeah I mean you hear you I heard about things before it came out you know and then I hear about things and I'm like you know when you know when Louie happened when Louie CK thing happened and all the other stuff was happening before that I said to one of my friends ago I think Louie's gonna be the next dude and then like three weeks later I was like why even like the whole thing with Bill Cosby you always heard people making jokes about him and certain things that so you knew at some point it was gonna resurface yeah yeah I mean I I had heard things over the years about Bill but you know it's Bill Cosby like I don't think that can be true then you know enough people come on you're like I don't know didn't make you question anything that you did in the past it makes you question everything you've done in the past and you know it there's situations now where I got when I was on set yesterday shooting some of Mike Tyson and one of the script supervisor she was a nice lady so I'm walking with her I put my hand on her shoulder we're walking or talking to go hey is it okay for my hands on your shoulders just to me to moment you guys no no you I feel like I've known you forever girl okay good cuz now you gotta ask everybody that's okay with you did you see Richard Pryor son doing comedy I haven't seen him yet no that was it I mean it's gonna be a difficult one for him yeah it's like you know a Kelly Carlin doesn't do stand-up for that same reason because her dad was George I mean she's like I'm not gonna be as good as my dad Michael Jordan's sons not very good is he no exactly I mean you you once you max out there's only one way to go you can only go down what you're going to completely other Lane like magic Johnson son did yeah he come changed completely changed everything is Lee oh yeah that's a that's a Leia and it's a big kids oh absolutely I mean the biggest disappointment for me would him is the fact that we've never seen him play basketball now you just want to know if he got it a little bit he probably doesn't have to I mean he must have did it when he was a kid before I mean it's hard to play in heels but now you know when he was a kid he know I'd let her try I mean she's got a really sharp sense of humor so like it's not like she'd be doing it just to do it like I see already and she's she does things and she does him on another level that I could you know she does things I wish I could have done she'll send me voice notes that are empty my daughter will literally send me a blank voice note yeah and it's like 30 seconds and I'm like listening and then right at the end you'll hear literally stared at the phone and then when no way she's mental she's me you know a lot of times the comedy world things are so black-and-white and one of my favorite things to do is watch other races do comedy rally long si minaj yourself so what are the benefits of being an Indian and comedy well I don't know if it's a benefit I mean I was the again I was the first one there was nobody for the first you know I started an 89 for you know I didn't see another Indian comic till maybe around 2012 13 maybe 14 after my my third special came out you know I mean then I started seeing a bunch of Indian kids come on I think they just needed see somebody that looked like them and given the hope to do it you know it's one things I mean I I never saw another Indian person on TV when I was growing up because I was I thought Erik Estrada was ending he look Indian as hell lose an Indian guy Mexicans yeah we don't even we got we got like Ecuadorians and Guatemalans but that's about it it does and then Paul Rodriguez when he had his show in the early eighties he had that show hey hello Pablo or hey Pablo and remember seeing that I thought Paul Rodriguez was Indian cuz again we never seen Mexican and then when I met George lope like 22 years ago with just four laughs I took a picture of Mike I guess you and I are the only two brown guys here I didn't know he was Mexican either so that I feel like my closest kinship in the game is probably the Mexican community but coming up I would do all the black rooms and eat it every night every night I would do a black room I would just eat it do you keep quit India the Indian comics now yeah I mean we're friends you know Hasan Ison used to open for me back at you you know in Sacramento where he's from and Hari Kondabolu a great kid working hard you know has a deejaying money the deejaying money might because I'm a quote-unquote celeb no I'm not celebrity I'm a deejay who was a celebrity I know son she got her piece allegedly does she I mean you might know not anyone cleared up I know but I I can get down and I mean I can change if I see the play no I'm from the old school where I make sure people are dancing I don't want to see them staring at me I want to see you dance and that's my goal and I don't play no new music I just can't I can't I can't play something that I don't do it again in August okay uh Jodi Jodi yeah I'm doing at me and spin better doing it in August I think I'm pull up to that one she was scheduled for it yeah last year I spin bad and Red Alert did it and I took Raekwon great corn on the boat with me she told me yes yeah yeah and then Ray got on the mic and we got ready twisted so he was doing ice cream but he kept doing the same verse Oh let's get playing ice cream and he kept doing the same verse and it was hilarious cuz I kept alive I kept hitting I'm going it's the same you keep doing the same verse right so do you like this social media era I don't I mean it's necessary it's one of the things where it's good and it's bad you know I mean without YouTube I wouldn't be where I am right now I was the first YouTube guy now there's like a whole YouTube generation and I wasn't like I was like trying to be on YouTube by the time my special environment or what happen was I did special in 2003 at aired February of 2004 and then people start a file sharing it and then YouTube didn't start till June of 2000 five and that's when it got on YouTube and then the game changed completely for me but and you look at February 2004 I did a gig at the Paul University for for $700 and twelve people came out and then that same year in November I went back to Chicago and sold three nights out of some venue and made like 50 grand or something and even I was like what the hell just happened here something is going on yeah I know it's it gets crazy so you feel like you feel like you just haven't gotten what you deserve out of the game forget all no you know what it is when I say it out loud now and I'm talking I realize how ungrateful and I'll be the first I'm always where they call myself on anything that's why I know I'm ready to call myself already introduced to you on the Forbes list that's one of the types to hide paid comedians a lie but here's the thing okay so I've been on that Forbes list I think five times in a row and each time I climbed it so the last I think the last time I did was on it a few years ago I was number three hmm and but I was always below people who had TV shows or movies so you feel like if you had TV shows and movies you know but I just kind of feel like the industry should be like well how could this guy be worth if we put him in movies in TV yeah or if we pair them up with somebody who's like an a-list look there's cube cubes on a gang movies I ain't been in one of them have you ever met cube uh not like on like a real level well we all made you do she told was that he sat in front of me at a fight and I tapped him on the shoulder then maybe 12 13 years ago I was like you actually in my top five thank you and then he went back to fight anyone here that she defined number one don't even talk to me about it I know but you know I'm I'm an East Coast guy so you know for me to put a West Coast guy in that list it's a real honor where you said it was a little sarcastic - hey you're in my top but I didn't say like that I was I was like I was real gushy like Russell Peters man get the norm I don't can't believe that you do like is that when guys come on here and they talk about me I really liked it like when spinner sinbad came in and little rel I mean is that that to me that's all I want residue took him on a shopping spree him and I was kid I did that's when and lil rel was going through some stuff back then you know he had no money and his wife was on the rocks and I was in Chicago I was like I'm just gonna fix you up and now they're you know and I was like worried about him and I wasn't on a financial it was worried on him on a personal level cuz you know you going through that kind of stuff the personal stuff yeah and then to see him come out it like on this level I'm like damn even I didn't see that coming I was like dude he's such a nice kid I still call him Milton cuz you know what now rel was one of those people that if he doesn't pay it forward in the future in return somebody's favors and say Russell I know I don't want it I don't want it to me I want them to do it for somebody else so if you got an idea for him and you you don't know if ya know if he comes to me with that but I mean like I want you know like look at Tiffany yes I mean Tiffany keeps flipping it into other things absolutely and these are all people I know I know all these kids I got I that's what I like to see Jerrod like flipping it on you know just all my people that it makes me very happy to see all that I just want some of the cats to be like when they like I get a lot of these guys posting their their work their concerts or whatever and they're like I'm the first comic to do this I'm like no I was just just recognize that's all I'm he was the first guy doing that flick special YouTube first guy new to most you know I was the first guy I'm the first guy to do six arena tours in a row okay like you know but but they've also talked about Dane Cook he did want to read it to her like Oh Dane Cook said I'm like no that's why press I'm on my sixth sixth I know nobody you know what it is I'm an Indian guy with a white name and I didn't change it that's just my slave name that's what happened to me one of the cameramen here was like is his father do comedy or is another Peters okay what are you talking about what Peters you talking about what are you talking about who's the other Peters he's a white guy I don't know dude other PD talking about Bernadette Peters but I don't know what it now I remember but Russell Charlemagne man I've been watching you for years son thank you sir I have no clue you want as tall as I thought where do they follow you with tough man Russell Peters on Instagram and at the real Russell P on Twitter but you must know who's on Twitter I mean well I linked on my Instagram stuff to my Twitter but if you follow me on this room just watch my stories I do more stories than I do posting and don't be a stranger man I'd love for you to come up here every couple of months I'm down just [ __ ] on the industry for not premium always ready buddy puts you in one hey um did you watch hip hop evolution on Netflix no I was watching the UH that series with Rhapsody and once you watch the real one that I did yeah it's uh it's on Netflix for parts so we want to Emmy we want a a Peabody Wow again I won an Emmy I want a Peabody so you have an Emmy and Peabody yeah but that's for producing executive produce hip hop evolution Wow and we went deep but we got coke larocque on there we got you know her everybody hooked don't give interviews but Herc's my man so I called her comes okay I need you to do this what are the wards you have we don't know about I don't know some Canadian ones they don't matter I'm just kidding you matter Russell we matter Brown lives matter it's Russell Peters ladies and gentlemen The Breakfast Club [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 737,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, russell peters, drake, toronto, comedian
Id: 9kj9QDsWvH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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