Jo Koy Talks His Netflix Special, Getting Pedicures With Kevin Hart & More

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club [Music] yup mr. world's most dangerous morning sort of Breakfast Club Charlemagne to God Angela a DJ envy is on vacation and we have a special guest in the building he goes by the name of Joe Carr thank you sir what's up my brother I'm good how's everything are you the most famous Filipino in the game you know it's I don't know now I think probably yeah yeah I can't think any other ones yeah I was I was I was with Apple app from the Black Eyed Peas okay and we were in the car you know we're smoking out and he was like I just want you to know man thank you what for what you're doing for the for the Filipinos and I'm like man you're in the Black Eyed Peas what are you talking about you're Filipinos in the comedy game no I think period good man yeah man right yeah yeah yeah I didn't know you Filipinos but I don't you know I just primarily do the stories about my mom yeah I didn't realize until they do you stand-up special yeah really serious on the show you didn't even know what Asians were to be honest I think you just found out what a Filipino is right now no I got Filipino homies like my homegirl kid I know don't run cadenas Filipino and she's always speaking Chinese that's what Charlemagne does you know it's crazy we went to this we both went to the Chappelle show at the yes last night and his voice [ __ ] you know many yeah she said Asian well he said Asian here we go get some tea I'm telling you what kind of like to correct me no no no I met her she said Asian she said she's a yogi no no that's not my fault that idiot right there wrote it on the paper and he said put Steve Aoki Friday night his ass why would you feed the feet wide widely don't feed this dude to anything Darnell got a joke about that to say there a lot of Asian jokes last night but he gets a pass because his wife is Filipino yeah Maria you got a pass yes she make those jokes and then Don now say I know I have the whole joke all what type of Chinese person are you where are you from uh-huh and they say stuff like Connecticut you know Charlamagne probably heard the joke and he didn't even laugh because he was like what is a oke Oke is that sushi I believe I ordered a one time can I get some hey okay sure wasabi please the worst part is with all those jokes were happening because I'm half Chinese yes everybody oh my god what was the job charlie that's the kind of Chinese expression you do make a lot of jokes about being Filipino I like doing the stories I'm a storyteller so I I just I don't know that's always been my style you know I love listening to I relate to it I think Cosby was a big inspiration when he would do his family stories and I and I always loved that style of he wasn't telling us everything you know I met him just before it went down and you know I was such a fan of my friend painted this picture of him and and we were sharing the same stage like he was performing the night before me and I went got his side and he was and I asked him please can you sign this for me you're not going to sell this on the Internet all right and then I went down and my answer was like no I can't I mean there are the real stories and it's about me it's I'm not bashing Filipinos I'm just I'm just talking about how my mom raised me you should be able to relate to it yeah that's like you know if you're like we'll servants it's a lot it talks about being Haitian exactly but you know what it's funny because we get it but what's crazy is like when I see will I'm like yeah my mom did that too it's like it's just because she's Haitian doesn't mean all moms do the same thing true but then again you don't even know what a Haitian is because it sounds Asian I do know Asians like the Fugees I just found out Lauren wasn't Haitian two years ago fYI with the school with her okay now let's talk about your special because you actually produce everything yourself yeah and then so the two Netflix as a comedian would you say that's the way to go that's the only way anyone should do things that's right I'm not gonna sit and wait I mean I was sitting there waiting for County Central to offer and then and then I was waiting for Netflix to offer and then it just wasn't coming in again and I'm like if I wait for them it's gonna be two more years I might as I got the money let's let's just shoot ourselves it was a big risk but I mean it happened man oh my god I don't even know it was like when you do that whole executive producer thing they they ask you everything and say hey do you want your you want your stage to be shiny or do you want to just use the stage that the theater comes with and I'm like oh sure Nene okay that's $15,000 I'm like and it just kept adding and adding up but it's like if you're gonna make the best product do it you know when I was I was willing to sell that that that thing out of my car like I had to shoot it because it was just gonna sit there man no one was coming after it so I try to thank God god bless Netflix man they bought it man but that's that hustle heart thing I guess I've been looking at his instagrams too much you know he's the one right there that think got for inglorious pranksters too that's on his network he gave me that shows wait so you're hosting that show so Wes inglorious pranksters it's just everyone doing uh you know just let people do stupid stuff Charlamagne em hmm and then take that content and capitalize off of it worldstar yeah only it's Kevin's Network now and yeah that's a night I host it man and it's fun and then we interview the the cats that did this stuff so it's it's it was one of the easiest gigs ever man so thank you Kevin do you miss Chelsea Lately that's how I was introduced to you via Chelsea why didn't you ever do it that's the crazy thing I wasn't even I don't know killed each other it was up here though Jamie yeah oh she did right yeah yeah I wasn't here that day yeah I mean that that she'll lived its life that's you know Kevin and I were like that's that we had the most fun with Chelsea I I was introduced to you and Loni love via Chelsea yeah yeah she she was kind of like that that new Johnny Carson's Foreman whereas like if you did good on that on that panel you you did very well on the road and that's the kind of pool she had so that's thank God for that and I'm glad it lived its course but uh yeah that shall never end it I don't think I would ever pursue this special on my own like that really yeah I don't think so because it was so comfortable man it was so I mean I was living I live on Lauren Hill on Lauren Lauren Lauren can't Laurel Canyon in like NBC Studios is right at the bottom like I just I just rode my bike to the studio and then and then shot it and then left it was like we were done in like an hour it was like it was so comfortable like you did I didn't get motivated to do anything else I was so popular yeah I always tell people you should never get when you start feeling like you're too comfortable it's time to find the next challenge yeah and not only that it was it was she was the one benefiting from that you know I mean I wasn't really benefit I was I was being popular on the road but I mean it wasn't like anything else was gonna happen it was like it was it was all for her you know she's always shout out y'all stand up she's like you know he's performing at no no no that that's what I'm saying but it's like it wasn't like it was I didn't have a breakfast club like this is your show that was her show right you're shouting me out like I got to try and get your show now you know like so like you shoulda got your own show yeah like the benefit of next step exactly and I was so comfortable in it and it was kind of like everyone identified me with that show just like Kevin Kevin started pulling away from that show too like right around the third season kevin was like I don't remember like I just see him but I remember like as regular as you call in rad and Lonnie yeah yeah yeah that was but Kevin Kevin was part of that whole first cuz he was the first two seasons and that's when Kevin just kind of took off and then he was kind of like I'll do the panel as a favor but I'm not gonna do it like I used to I posted or Netflix shut up yeah you got to you got to yeah man Netflix is incredible I was reading though about how they've been spending so much money on original program it's nuts right it's not there's just and what it is is they're just buying content because they have an audience that wants to to watch it whereas like NBC they're like I don't want to invest in this because we don't know if anyone's watching or look Netflix knows they got they got how many subscribers it's like everyone wants something they don't care if they lose money on this particular person because they know that if they have a niche market that's gonna watch it so they're providing content so how many million did you get for your special on this one hundred they paid me very nicely man and they keep everything secret it's so cool unless you're Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle yeah then and then it's over with yeah they give you a piece of the company so what's next for Joe Coyte cuz obviously now I'm trying to you know Kevin's in in front of this race right now in it and I think it would be stupid if I didn't say I'm chasing him you know I got to and and you know when you guy if he regarded the computer this is what I love about Kevin he's been the same Kevin since the beginning laughs so you know when I when I became friends with Kevin 13 years ago I mean we were in Montreal together getting our nails there and that was the first time I ever got a pedicure because of Kevin Kevin's like you ever get a pedicure let's go get a pedicure by the way the next thing was on the show make sure you look at his right toe completely dead like oh yeah not dead but it's just I'm just saying it's like you made a lot of money but his toe is still just broke anybody just tell Kevin to take his right shoe off show the right toe is it's it's pretty brutal yeah yeah he puts it he puts a nice clear coat on it it's it's nothing please you'll enjoy it but no but that's what I love about Kevin man he's not he's not scared to share you know I mean like he tells everybody the secret yeah I mean and and and he goes for it and it's like it's up to you to decide if you want to follow that information that he's given you know it's like that's the cool thing about the secret like that you could tell the secret to everybody but no one getting interviewed Kevin a book on about his book yeah cuz my book had already been out for a couple months I interviewed him yeah and he's we were having a discussion about a certain thing and he was already doing that certain thing yeah and he told me exactly how to do that certain thing yeah so I went out and did that certain thing and now I have that certain thing for myself exactly yes you're right you're right he's not afraid to tell you no yes I called a certain thing because I had to sign an NDA man and that's what's so cool about him like he gave me that show like I didn't have to audition he knows that I'm good for it and he just like here here's the show for you and I said I love about that guy man he's just he's so amazing I quick quick story when we're in Montreal we were we were doing all these shows together and then we we were in a Rolex tour and this before he was getting his Rolex and he was like I'm gonna get that gold Daytona real quick I'm gonna get that watch that's my next watch till I knew at that time I'm like I'm working at Nordstrom Rack part-time I'm like what are you talking about Kevin like but why would you buy that and then I understand now like that's his time he gets a watch's yes completed something exactly now let me ask you this because this was one of the themes last night for Dave Chappelle he was talking about how people have to be so politically correct and everybody gets mad about everything obviously the phones are all locked up so he felt like he could say anything because no one has their phone out do you feel like people have to be so much more careful now especially comedians usually have a lot more leeway to say and do certain things I don't think we do anymore man it is it's like like you know what Chappelle is doing it's so crazy because there's a lot of clubs that are actually taking Chappelle's idea now so I've been to a couple clubs where he's created this this idea where you you you you get these have you seen its brilliant man and then if you want it back you have to leave the theater and get it unlocked so and now clubs are basing you know they're they love what dave has done and they're starting to buy into that idea and I love that he's doing that because it's like not only not only can you not say what you want but it's like you can't even create your new content without someone stealing it right and putting it up it's like they don't understand the value of that joke and how hard it is to write that joke and I think that's what was killing David to he's like dude I can't even put a special lock because you guys record the whole hour and he put it out there so I love what he's doing and yeah it sucks that we we have those few people that ruin it for everybody else you know there's that one cat that's online just trolling and just can't wait for you to mess up to say something what's the most sensitive topic for you to touch on something you know you'll stay away from I I don't like politics I just I don't I'm not into it I don't I don't care about who you voted for and I don't want to get into this argument because you know America did me good so I'm alright and let's let's bash heads it's like you know let's just worry about what's what's in front of us right now let's but even if America did you good you still are concerned about the rights of other people for sure but I but that's something I can keep that's my right to keep that private you know me and I will do other things to to help other people there's things I do for my community there's things I do I there's fundraisers like I do that I'm not gonna sit on a soapbox and talk about it I just you know I that's just not my that's not my platform I'm not there to do all that what struggles have ya because you know you always say tears of a clown yeah when it comes to the comedian like I didn't get this laughter from pain or tragedies think of you suffer my brother has schizophrenia and my my my dad left when we when we were 10 and and I and I always I always go back to that because that was that oh and I lived in Tacoma the worst like if you want to be depressed Veta but don't move too home up you're depressed ah don't go it's you know Seattle it's just it rains everyday you just end up being more depressed and it was just like that's where I found comedy man he was all about HBO the our specials man is is all about Eddie Murphy delirious it was raw it was Def Jam when that came out and bring that back yeah that that's that's the stuff that just got me through life man cuz it was a depressing time see him ice my brother fight cops and get thrown in jail and ending up in a you know in he's still in a in a hospital you know to this day but it's like without those things I don't think he would ever made me do what I do now it's like the funny is therapy it is it is that's all I had so especially when you're broke he was like okay comedies free so what day jobs did you have well you every single one on the road to stardom mm-hmm anything that I could quit and I worked at every shoe store every shoe store and my mom being the Asian that she is oh my god you know yes she's Filipino okay gotcha oh I hate you so much oh no but she hated me trying to become a comic it was all about trying to be a nurse that's where that joke completely man that I mean if you go to any hospital it's it's covered with Filipino nurses and that's like that's like their that's like the best job of Filipino can have so it's like every Filipino mom watched their kids to be a nurse so my mom was all about like just be a nurse work at the hospital Joe said my dad you can't pay anything with jokes so she did not like me did he in a comment did you have any desire to want to be a nurse I was never rocking a screw comedy and she just did not get it until her first big paycheck yeah thousand bucks from the MGM I still got it - I took a Xerox copy of that thing I think you never deposited it I didn't no no no I I deposit real fast when I am you yeah MGM who shows you want to it was catcher I see so I was just opening for some some headliner but I got that gig working at a at a copy I was gonna copy ice and the Booker saw that but you know it's crazy Charlene let me tell if you don't mind me talking since we're rolling of course interviews for Joe in Vegas they they wouldn't let me open for too many people so it was like it was far in between is like every six months I would get a gig right so I rented out a theater but to get the theater I I met I met a lance and Lavetta who used to own data footwear remember Donna I know such a big fan of hat and then I'm you know and then uh and I went told them when I I sold him this show that I didn't even have and I Lance Co if he's still listening but yeah I sold in the show I didn't even have and he sponsored the whole show and this is like 20-some years ago you hit a black life I did Donna baby teeth and shoes it was the funny they sponsored the whole family it was the wrong family to be wearing Donna footwear if they're trying to sell Dada it was my mom was not helping at all right Donna footwear flew Mia I did the Apollo when I won the Apollo I'm rocking the Donna hat because I was so proud of myself I'm like is this really happening so you just got them to sponsor you and just fly you late to be fluent yo they loved the whole concept the show is amazing because I would do these these Donna Comi jams and it was just like I had I had like these shows that were selling out in Vegas and they paid for everything man that's why people do it as well there's a way yeah man like that was the last sponsor I had in mind that was gonna actually sponsor my channel the whole Filipino community said no oh hey hey can you sponsor the show no like be a nurse what are you doing the comedy for I went to Donna they're like yes let's do this yeah had the whole Dada team come out and watch the shows great you just got your son align your stand up - yeah he's a cool dad oh yeah yeah yeah I mean he lives a good life man so it's like he ain't gonna do anything with that college money that's for sure you got a 1.9 this year are you kidding me get a 1-point night and you had tutors like are you that dumb Joe maybe that maybe he's not know what he wants to do what study yeah yeah that's true have you talked to him about it yeah I did North to wrap I even asked hi Cody apt Allen and we can't even find that like we're trying to find something that we can actually pay me back bro I just want my money back yeah he's got he's got that he's got that wine taste to with that beer money so yikes yeah when in a Gucci the other day I'm like man you got a 1.9 you deserve this hoodie but you got it for him [Laughter] my mom does much my guy Jo koy Joe I'm with you I forgot why you're here wait we just did it Netflix special the third one you're a jerk the one day he actually doing the Tonight Show tonight boom okay yo you like what his work with him he has a brand new show and Kevin Hart lor Network yes and glorious prankster third Netflix special live from Seattle yes yes and he's gonna be on what can they find you read jo koy Twitter and all that good stuff Oh jo koy at jo koy jo kor on everything well I Love You Man [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 265,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jo koy, kevin hart, chelsea lately, chelsea handler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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