Druski Talks 'Coulda Been House,' Birdman Beef, T.I.'s Son King Harris, Diddy Influence + More

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wake That Ass Up ear in the morning The Breakfast Club morning everybody it's DJ MV J hilarious Charlamagne the guy we are The Breakfast Club we got a special guest in the building yes indeed he actually closed out our uh last Studio he was the last guest we had in the last Studio no that's a fact ladies and gentlemen drewy how yall doing welcome back BL black and Holly fav you lost a lot of weight since then Drew hey come on man you see me you hey man you know I'll be doing a little Tabo here and there okay Char say o that's what you going see I nothing about no D say that's what he wanted to say yeah you going you going to say what he going trying to say I what y'all doing man how are you brother I'm good man I feel good I saw you on AR M uh on MSNBC last night I I don't know why I was on there brother I uh I'm confused on why they put me on the news last night but you know I man I got a PR man I don't know what he got me doing did you did you tell them you didn't want to do it or you just I was like yeah I'm going to be on the news yeah let's do it I don't I don't know what I yeah I just I I just be doing [ __ ] I don't know I just agree with what they tell me to do I showed up I'm showing up I I didn't even where to write a tire so I just was right I like how you didn't act like you knew what was going on just straight up I I didn't know what the hell they was talking about on there man I loved it negotiations yeah yeah negotiations man Poli you talk about remorse I know yeah I know they talking about something so I'm like hey I'm going just try to blend in I ain't I'm not going to try to do too much I'm just try to blend on here man with the hoodie on AR be tapped into coaches I'm sure Ari knew who drei was yeah yeah yeah somewhat somewhat that dude uh he he's very hip and he he knows what's going on he was reciting lyrics and stuff behind the scenes yeah I don't know what that guy and it worked for you cuz I mean you know you still ended up getting a viral moment yeah you know and it's it was funny comedian no yeah so the pr ended up working it was like reverse of what it was supposed to do I think we were supposed to be on there talking about um uh me going to the White house or mhm yeah dogs in the white it was man list you went to the White House yeah I went like a year ago you had a dog no it's I don't know why they had me talk about you don't really know much I guess the the secret service dog had bit somebody multiple mul dog bit a bunch of secret Services yeah but they're not putting it down so it's like and then when I said that he looked at me like why why would you yeah so I was like let's just move on to the I wanted them to talk about what they had to talk about cuz I was like Hey [ __ ] the subject y'all had me talking about I don't even want to talk about that [ __ ] y'all just keep doing y you think the dog should be killed yeah put down I like how he tried to that make it sound worse hates dogs and wants all them to die in the White House Jesus how many how many people did the dog B it was a lot yeah I think like anybody else's dog they put your dog down but it was like secure uh Secret Service first they would to put a muzzle on them then to put that dog down yeah if it was a black dog a pit b or something go yeah it was that [ __ ] was out there at the first bike damn yeah not 20 24 is come on now it don't make no sense so you got a new show like why the [ __ ] are we up here talking about the [ __ ] yeah I'm like what the [ __ ] are we even talking about are we doing this [ __ ] again godamn I know I know damn man I got to hang over let's let's talk about some real [ __ ] man let talk about your [ __ ] your new show God damn [ __ ] looking at me like Damn you that's how you feel about dog and they going cut the first 3 minutes talk about dogs and [ __ ] man damn what's up what is C have been house H it's it's a amazing show it's based on um I was influenced by P Diddy and when he had the Making the Band show I saw I thought like wait yeah no that's bro see that's why I can't look this way when I'm talking I said didy you took I was influenced by yeah he no no he he did making the ban you know we was watching that ear you know they yeah they love y'all wasn't watching Making the Band we was watching Making the Band so yeah it played a big part and and I really wanted to do something based I hate this place it was too much space between I said it was it was got get that my light of V you got to get to that quick what you mean I need to say Making the Band first there you go how was influenced by Making the Band the show and um yeah n it's it's an amazing show it's pretty much like a comedic version of that kind of like how Chappelle did when he did like a a skit on making the band back in the day but um yeah they we had we had contestants staying there for seven days they competed for $50,000 um and where'd you take it yeah uh la la yeah we had a big mansion we put everybody pretty much everybody that did like could have been auditions that y'all see all over the Internet we picked like the top 15 people in put them in the house to compete so and you come out of pocket to do that stuff right yeah yeah yeah man but you know n we had companies help us we had uh Raising Canes put up the 50,000 for the contestants to win um you serious yeah yeah yeah I swear and we had like Nike Nike participated in putting in some money prize picks uh ice boox jewelry put in some money too as well yeah nice shout out to ice so why so I mean I I see you putting it out on YouTube and some people would ask why but I if you getting your own sponsors and you making your own money like why Chase Behind These networks and these screaming Services is that the thought process yeah kind of cuz it's like uh they we we tried to pitch it to all these big networks anyway and nobody believed in it they were like yo what is could have been records yeah there a lot of you know them older Executives that don't really know they not really hip to [ __ ] and they just like we we heard this guy's funny but we don't know what the hell could have been records is you know so every time I tried to explain it nobody understood what I was talking about so I'm like damn we just we probably just going to have to do this oursel we went through every meeting I'm talking about I'm taking zooms it's taking an hour I'm explaining for like an hour breaking it down we got a uh a PowerPoint I'm pointing that stuff I'm making them laugh so I'm like oh we we got this nobody believe it they all like nah we'll pass we'll pass that's one of your most popular sketches on yeah I know that's we got proof of concept I'm like [ __ ] this [ __ ] doing views we get millions of views on this [ __ ] but you know they uh you know they you know it's all how frustrating is that as a creative it is man but you know I I know I'm I'm young so it's not like I'm like older and being like damn ain't nobody ever [ __ ] with me it's more so like I'm I'm new to this so I got so much time to get in the game it's like hey man I'm I'mma make it happen if if they ain't gonna make it happen I'm I'mma force it so yeah that's that's where I'm at with I I really I really don't mind for real cuz I'm I'm still motivated I we had a great time doing it oursel even though it costs a lot of damn money um so we yeah some of the companies helped out but it it they didn't pay for the full full you know M what happened with um the show with you in at Kevin Hart oh man they they took that off man we uh we were supposed to do that um damn what was it wasn't it wasn't Co what's the uh rri rer strike wrer strike oh W so during wrer strike they uh they took that down man they just they just got rid of it I don't know I don't know what the real real reason was but uh yeah it was a show based on like um like past High School being like a high school senior and uh yeah I I came on the talked about it with yall but yeah they they I really don't know the full the full reason but they they took that off man I don't know damn yeah it look keep pissing me off a little bit but yeah it is what it is just cuz you know I I don't I really don't know the full writer strike reason you know what I'm saying so and I feel like nobody fully knew exactly what was going on with writer strike and all that so I think uh yeah they might have used that as an excuse I really don't know but yeah we we we had everything rolling but you know I think about you with Sketch right and I think about you know I was born in 1978 so I've seen a lot of great sketch shows and Living Color Chappelle show that [ __ ] get gas when he start talking about times like damn [ __ ] old [ __ ] old right but I think about it cuz you are very good at it right yeah do you think you need a TV show to validate you to where people start talking about you in that way like they talked about the key and the pills the chappels they living colors um not not really I think cuz social media is so powerful now bro like it without social media and um I'm sure she know this too as well like social media is might be bigger than TV now like it it used to be the goal like oh we going to get the TV we G to do this big thing but it's like when you really think about it majority of the Stars right now are like the social media people that are like doing great [ __ ] so it's like we even got twitch streamers who are making bigger bags than Rappers that's what I'm saying like and Aiden Ross these these dudes are really making a lot of money they're paying the rappers like real show fees to come onto their stream so it's like I don't know it's it's it's different days but I think that that's what made me think I don't really need anything to justify anything because it's like damn we doing it now like I I will pull up to a city and say we're doing could have been records tomorrow and thousands of people are out there just lined up trying to audition so it's like yeah that that that's really yeah that's really the goal for real did the celebrities get it at first I know they get it now but did they get it at first cuz early on bman was one of one of the ones that you did did he get it at first or did you have to explain to bman um well it wasn't too much explaining to bman Let's uh let's just put that out there bro it's not really any any any conversation sound nervous yeah you know it's I saw you with your security too I was like damn I got travel with security now brother you know yeah hey there's reasons for everything right you don't see the change so hey stop asking is the beef for real hey man I think it's not but you gota watch the show man it's everything yeah on could have been house on episode like four or five you going you going to see the whole of how it happened of what what went down and you know the whole altercation itself so you more scared of he said who am I more scared of Birman or or King what who King son oh come on man that [ __ ] [ __ ] man king Harris you standing on Ben what we talking about man come on bro don't play with people kids now hey come on man what come on bro King said ter son yes King he said he pulling up on you nah he did pull up on me at the video sh he had too much security out there though he did no he did pull up on me yeah yeah he did to the standing on business yeah he tried to do like a like a oh my God [ __ ] tried to do a stare off [ __ ] got out his car and just stood on kind of like the top of the car like that and just I said man the car name was business right and and this [ __ ] going right back to that nice ass house he he don't know [ __ ] about standing on no business man and y'all know that y'all stop playing man I'm lying like I ain't from sub too yeah [ __ ] I'm from the same way I think I think make it hard for you in Atlanta [ __ ] n no I [ __ ] with King Harris though he cool he cool no you call that man [ __ ] we from the same way [ __ ] by the time this get edited that's you right it ain't going to show [ __ ] about n i [ __ ] with King I [ __ ] withing ain't going to show none of that y'all cut all that [ __ ] out I already know [ __ ] y'all not showing none of that did you really win a million dollars betting on the Super Bowl yeah yeah I did I did really yeah with prize picks man and it was just so Random put up uh 100,000 yeah and you want this is the thing that people don't understand everybody thinks that the 100,000 we majority of the celebrities that uh did the bet with prize piics already have a deal with priz piix so priz piix does this thing where they're going to get the celebrities to All Join in participate in the in the gamble so it's like in your deal you already have promo money M so you're it's negotiated that you have a certain amount of promo money so that was not like oh yeah out my pocket I'm about to do 100,000 win a million no they wanted all the celebrities like yo you got an x amount of money for your for your promo money that you could play with and in your deal and we want everybody to gamble and try to earn a million I thought for sure I'm like bro nobody's going to win this [ __ ] like they gave you the million yeah like I got in an account wow yeah that motherucker he wired it how long it take like two days damn that [ __ ] yeah I looked out for family and friends though that [ __ ] that [ __ ] in there [ __ ] that [ __ ] hit yeah yeah I looked out for family and friends though like I I threw about like like 300,000 you got to pay taxes on that money too though right yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay no I said 300000 I a say 500 you up with nothing nah no no no no I got I got I got a little something I got couple hundred yeah a couple but look I I already wanted to bless family and friends beforehand yeah I had this list in my mind during my come up that I'm like all right cuz I used to always like stay at my homie's house during the come up or like you know their family would let [ __ ] come in there and like shoot skits and W out in the house throw parties do whatever like you know how you know how it is like [ __ ] we were just Wilding so I I already had this list in my in in the back of my head like all right I want to look out for them one day but it's hard when it's your real money I'm like hell no I ain't trying to just do that [ __ ] just cuz so how much you give them though like you give everybody the same amount no [ __ ] think they trying to get you in trouble yeah they going text the [ __ ] out of me now N I think um yeah no I gave I gave a good amount away it was split up good everybody got what they owed man I ain't give too much to nobody I ain't give too too less to the other person so it's never going to be enough though they ain't all getting the same [ __ ] though yeah it's never going to be enough you know how that [ __ ] go the more the more successful you get ain't doing this ain't doing that you know I just hope they're thankful for it cuz you know it came from a good place but you know [ __ ] don't give a [ __ ] about that type of [ __ ] true yeah and the trailer of uh could have been host you had stars in there you got um Chris Brown one of my favorite people I knew was leave with Chris yes Chris um Snoop Dog nav wait wait wait how you say okay she loves Chris's I love Chris Brown and I love my boyfriend Chris but yeah Chris Chris Brown is I'm a major fan but um how did you get them to be down with the uh all the chaos I know the show was chaotic yeah yeah it it was crazy as hell man I think um honestly yeah n Chris Brown he's he's he's a good friend of mine but he he wanted to come in and participate somehow some way so we had Snoop Dogg come in and do like a whole bunch of like judging and stuff but Chris Brown came in did like a dance competition yeah where we like it's I don't want to give too much of it away but he's that [ __ ] can dance his ass he don't stop M that [ __ ] was dancing behind the scenes I'm like hey man wait till they start recording this [ __ ] stupid ass [ __ ] sit down somewhere nah he he he's a he's a good dude but n he he's addicted to dancing and he he honestly does not stop danc but yeah n we had him doing that we had uh Troy Taylor on there he's like a vocal coach um who else we had on there kitm you know who kitm is yeah I seen kitm he be on uh no jumper a lot [ __ ] he is in jail he's in jail yeah he used to be on no jumper door right well yeah he used to be jumper yeah but he um yeah n brother right now n uh I really don't know that he'd be in and out of that [ __ ] that's why we had him come and talk to contestants cuz it was like jail one onone what you got to cook in there what it's like and then he he ran some Fades with some [ __ ] in the house yeah he ran Fades with [ __ ] in the house beef with him and just start F or just teaching him how to fight no no no no he's he was like yo if you if if you gon to go to jail you got to run some Fades so this [ __ ] lined everybody up in the house and ran real we thought it was going to be like a slap box you know everybody like CRI man crazy this [ __ ] started knocking [ __ ] out I said okay man we we had to shut the whole you have insurance yeah yeah we got all that you had everybody good everybody ain't no concussions or nothing ain't no concussions nobody got hurt for real what the hell it could have been a no yeah yeah yeah but you know no we we put a stop to it after like the second onei thinks about what he says after he says it oh [ __ ] let me clean this [ __ ] up let me clean this [ __ ] up damn n we we put a stop to it though like I we knew we knew the you know but y'all see it on the show y'all see it y'all it it is it's crazy as hell you see how I feel like they're trying to start beef between like the people who do like the sketches and stuff man I hate that [ __ ] man they they they love comparing contrasting with everybody who who you seen recently they doing know uh I saw the meme where they compare they said who's funny you told me online just about this last night talking about you and Desy Banks do that they stay doing that they is bro there's so many I don't I don't know why they try to put and it makes like almost like a real it almost feel like a real beef when you see the person cuz you really in in general you know I [ __ ] with him like that's that's my guy we did like a show early on where he brought me on to when I was still like young on the come up and like I think Desi okay yeah we was in um it it was had something in Atlanta okay or yeah what's the what's the um I don't know oh yeah yeah it was it was early on but we we did a show together and uh yeah it like I said it makes it weird a little bit CU When you see the social media and like Twitter and all these people saying all these comments it makes you feel like it's damn near is beef in real life cuz he's like damn yeah kind of don't like this [ __ ] man but you but you don't really feel that way but it's like you're so you're seeing all these comments you see so it is it's a [ __ ] up thing it's like we're P each other no no no I [ __ ] with them I [ __ ] with them like but but yeah it gets in your brain cuz I'm a competitive person I'm so competitive that if I see something like that it's like nah nah nah I got to win that I don't give a [ __ ] what they saying right and it's not even personal I got it's not even personal it's not even personal it just becomes the thing I'm sure he could probably agree the same way but they do it with even like country Wayne they do it with uh DC Young fight they do it with everybody man and all of y'all do different things but also people don't realize when y'all being funny or being sarcastic cuz a dad left a comment and he was like um stop comparing me to dude hey hey I don't know hey you don't know if that was real I don't know no hey why I said this [ __ ] get in your head man I don't know it could be it could be he could be serious you know what I'm saying could have been right it could be it could be I don't know but I I don't feel that way I think it's just I hate that it makes you start to feel like it is because of how they try to but yeah we got to do better man so why not call a person I'll be like man listen man just just in case we ain't got no issues cuz it ain't even got to be all yeah it ain't cuz it's like bro let's just keep let's keep grinding man it ain't about that cuz I don't even want to cuz when you make that call almost acknowledging like hey this [ __ ] yeah they they doing their job man they I you know this [ __ ] this [ __ ] making me not like it it's no point you know but I think um yeah no I I don't feel that way I just you never know how the other side feel I don't know MH craziest people when when you when you been uh doing them for your show where had they been from Florida the Bronx Atlanta oh like the auditions yeah uh we bro we went to Atlanta I see the people in the Bronx been kind of crazy when the New York one the New York one got like the most views they crazy as we got to do another one in New York but uh yeah n uh we did LA too so now we're trying to uh I'm I'm working with Central SE we're trying to take them to UK and get all the youth them you know get all the you them pull up in UK okay no we just I'm really just trying to expand it I'm trying to do more with it like go probably to like Memphis Shak um yeah we got a lot we got a lot of auditions to do this year for sure yeah what about uh people that are also they accuse you of stealing their skit ideas this I saw the guy that was that was more recent yeah no I think I don't know man I I honestly I I've been so original since I started like doing skits in general like I I never felt like I had to steal from anybody if anything I felt like people stole from me but that's neither here nor there I don't I don't address it I I think um I did see the whole thing with that dude and still something about the work Liv people yeah the work Liv people the one you just posted you posted that this week work having a work relationship it blew up so crazy that was probably bro I got like 70 million views on relatable yeah it's like 20 million on Instagram I think because it's true I think couple million Tik Tok yeah yeah so I think um yeah we all we all I'm I'm I'm a truth teller brother like I I that's I I I do skits on things that I went through things I've seen in real life it's nothing I'm not faking anything so I think there's of course if we're black we have all seen almost similar things it's kind of like when Cat Williams was calling out some of the dudes for stealing his jokes on stage it's like yo we are all kind of from the same we've seen the same struggle we've seen the same type of [ __ ] so it's like it's kind of hard not to say that maybe sometimes we are stealing but yeah no I I never had to do that to especially with me being you know so original with my [ __ ] I I never had to steal nobody's [ __ ] that's not steal you consider that stealing just just CU you got but but the thing is I never even saw the dude's [ __ ] and until they had I started seeing people tag it tag it tag it so I'm like damn who is this so I went to the page and I saw that he does those type of skits all the time so I'm like oh brother that's I just came in and did one I ain't I'm not trying to take your flow here but he yeah he he had written down he's like y'all seen buddy stole my [ __ ] and I'm like bro come on yeah but see I never address [ __ ] like that I just read it and be like I just laugh cuz it's yeah keep it pushing man there's no point in entertaining all that [ __ ] so yeah no people people do still though like no that's true that's true like I I like my my [ __ ] I do like with the thoughts videos I see people mad people do that [ __ ] do that you know but then I was I was thinking like Dam well to be honest with you Chris Rock did it and Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris but that's not where I got it from so it's like damn can I really say other people are stealing it but yeah I can but I'm saying like I know I didn't steal that from him it just took me I'm like I can't go online and say I'm the first one who started that because he actually did that in a TV show I think Chris is different y cuz Chris does narration like you're doing narration but it is like you're doing narra you do it based on your thoughts with your high thoughts and then just I guess it might be the same as yeah so that's why I never said I was the first to do it but now people still you what I'm saying when you got an idea like the work husband work wife idea yeah that's just a but who did it better brother let's talk about that who did it better was fire I didn't see wow like you see crazy I really didn't see it I don't I saw yours I definitely saw yours though yeah n it's it's uh but it worked for Le cuz honestly no that's his whole that's his whole flow and I respect that he does that it's cool but I never heard him when he could tell this you know what I'm saying that's why I said and and he and [ __ ] swear they like bro he's seen that [ __ ] so I started seeing people he posted another skit recently they like oh drewy going to still this one what the hell they got it's not something I just do they they just assume that I'm watching this D N I think uh what he's doing is great hey I I applaud him that that's his flow keep doing it brother I I I like to change up and like switch my [ __ ] a lot like I don't never do the same [ __ ] yeah multiple times so you know I want to ask you about could have been record like you talk a lot about the 360 deals and the bad contracts you actually talk to artists about that is that what you yeah hell yeah we we I like to tell people straight up what the [ __ ] we going to [ __ ] you over yeah that's why I said I was inspired by P Diddy when that's what I was talking about why the [ __ ] do y'all keep looking at me like that when I say that I'm saying that I'm inspired by the way he was talking to his people at his lab well I a say that yeah J I see that I like the way that he was talking to the people at his label on the show you know like yeah so I that's the same way we do our business yeah we tell you straight up if you know you getting [ __ ] over from jump m what the [ __ ] the problem is you can't yeah you knew the contract when you got in here [ __ ] that's true you knew what it was by the way that's true even if you don't tell them that cuz them [ __ ] can read go get you a lawyer read the contract no they can't all read though don't yeah yeah they can't all read but uh yeah yeah had somebody that was dyslexic that was recently on the show you know what that mean okay his brother can't read either I'm listen I'm waiting on you I waiting on you [ __ ] it you say some [ __ ] it man he like to get you to just keep talking and just run down that rabbit hole of saying stupid [ __ ] like dyslexic people like keep doing it go ahead talk yourself into that hole smart see I got I got to come back and correct myself I feel like we need to put a disclaimer at the beginning of this [ __ ] wait for Drew to finish his whole answer I list I thought you came here just had beef with everybody got a D name y'all bringing up all the beef man lexic Diddy Desi wait whoa whoa whoa whoa n y'all hey come on man I don't got no beef with problem with nobody man is it tough for people to take you serious in me because you obviously you see you see what the [ __ ] this nig's doing right now godamn like I'm trying to be serious man I try to get my point across [ __ ] keep keep saying [ __ ] about them n um yeah since I was a kid man I always yeah but I think uh like people close to me know people close to me they know when I ain't [ __ ] around what you mean even when a kid when you was a kid they didn't take you serious yeah yeah yeah I think like teachers uh students all that [ __ ] man like we always used to I used to [ __ ] around so much that everybody thought everything I said was a joke you know so that's normal but the people close to me they know we we you laughing man that man talk yeah what the [ __ ] man when when a brother's trying to tell this truth right now man laughing at that man do you remember a time where like you was like dead serious like ma' like you were sick or something and you were trying to get them to believe you and they didn't believe you yeah no I I uh I uh I had to go to the hospital when i i c i I crashed on a um on a four-wheeler like four or five years ago and well really like three four years ago and I I went to the hospital and everybody was in there trying to take selfies take videos and joke around and [ __ ] but I really was like hurt for real but it was like a whole joke that I was in there like what the hell you doing in here I'm like [ __ ] help me oh they doing yeah you know what I'm saying like everybody like yeah it's like yo I need help right now you know what I'm saying but that's the problem [ __ ] like boy what your ass doing get your ass sit up get up I'm like [ __ ] my back my back you know what I'm saying but that that's the [ __ ] up thing about ComEd you can never be serious or like really be going through some real [ __ ] they don't give a [ __ ] no that's cuz of you cuz you no no no even even even DC DC recently I think somebody stole his bag or something and and [ __ ] in the comments roasting they said lame ass [ __ ] lost your bag at the club ass [ __ ] I'm like damn bro he has some valuable things in there man can y'all really show some remorse for the stup yeah yeah people don't give a [ __ ] when you when you funny people don't give a [ __ ] witho you do be having like you yeah I be having real real circumstances yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so I think people be thinking that I be stadiums Arenas cour houses don't matter where we at T TSA so I can yeah yeah yeah why would I believe you yeah you're right you're right you're right I get it how you do the TSA on hey man I can't give up all my I can't give up my secrets though no I love nothing but the tide video oh man that dude bro that's a real alcoholic too that I said we use real real [ __ ] so where'd you find him like you just met him there that brother was on a bump on the log bro that dude n he's actually he was actually already like famous kind ofit and like he he's he's pretty well known out in bama M but not to like the whole world but when we did that skin the whole world knew who the [ __ ] this dude was but yeah he I I honestly don't think he knows I'm black what I don't know if he knows fully that I'm black I think he thinks I'm tan cuz I started in character as soon as I ran into them like as soon as I got up with them I said yo what the hell going on man let's let's talk let's uh let's sit down so from there he's automatically he's drunk as hell he's he he is 24/7 always drunk like he's like a full outout real alcoholic like he's in the face 247 so I think honestly even when we were shooting some of the SK he kept looking at me like this so he can't I don't know if he fully knows that I was black I don't know but I I I played a good character in that yeah I love doing the Bubba Joe [ __ ] you make them sign a waiver or something though n hell no he's a [ __ ] alcoholic that don't mean nothing n i mean bro come on man he loved being there we gave him a [ __ ] beer and some and some TV time yeah but all it take is one person to be like hey man you know this dude got 100 plus million views and they think think honestly I [ __ ] with his team like his team's he got good people yeah they got team yeah they they hey they are they alcoholics too a little bit little bit damn somebody I don't know who's getting the money over there but they bought him a A Tool Shed recently to uh to live in though so they taking care of him I think Alabama threw him yeah they gave him like a shed that he um cuz you know he got to be supervised so I think they put it in the dude that manages in backyard I don't do no goddamn skit with Drew he call this man an alcoholic no no no no he's he's actually a good dude but I don't I don't fully know if he's there all the way is what I'm saying just just you know and and and and I actually [ __ ] with him he's a good dude but I just I just know he every time I've been around him he's been drunk as hell so I don't know if he knows one who I am or two if I'm black or not so yeah what was your original hustle juy before before the sketches like what were you doing like to get your creative juices swor before this [ __ ] whing out in school doing all this [ __ ] in school and like any job I was at so yeah I got fired from plenty of jobs I had uh McDonald's I had uh I worked at Hardies for a little bit one time I just had a whole bunch of random ass [ __ ] I worked at a uh a blowup balloon place they fired me in like a week uh I worked at ball yourself or was it the N it's like the jumper the jumper room was for the kids you know you got yeah I couldn't do that [ __ ] man you got to roll it up clean it blow it up clean it put it down roll it up [ __ ] it's too much man and them shits weigh like 100 lb when you it's too much I think uh I worked at a factory I worked at uh damn I worked at Builder bear for a little bit Yeah I worked there for like two days uh you being honest yeah I swear Red Lobster Long Horns uh you can't just name this [ __ ] like this is real real places I worked at you was a you was a server yeah yeah yeah bed bath uh Bed Bath and Beyond in the factory for one night we lied and told them that we had a uh transportation they write on there make sure you had to have transportation on the first night we got there me and my homie we lied and just said you know we we have transportation everything it was like there 100% you have to have transportation to work here cannot ask for rides [ __ ] at the end of that shift we were begging everybody for a ride home they came out there and told us do not come back tomorrow cuz I guess I don't know why we can't do that but it was just like wow they don't want you bothering people for [ __ ] like that you ever got fir from any the fast food restaurants [ __ ] up the food for eating the what for [ __ ] up the food EA that was definitely a fat question but uh yeah yeah N I got I got fired from Hardies that way I kept I was buttering my own [ __ ] too much I was uh you know they they got the little roller butter machine yeah and I I I was buttering my own sandwiches and like you know putting all the lavish different sauage you ain't it was just stupid [ __ ] man that that's you know that's the old days man how old were you in the teenager n no no no no I was like uh [ __ ] like 21 22 how old are you now 29 oh okay the pivot the pivot happened around 23 24 yeah yeah the pivot everything happened around like 23 24 yeah yeah it it took time no I don't got no kids no kids okay girlfriend uh okay man you know no I don't no she's an alcoholic hell h no hell no um yeah n you know it's options out there I I I Ain committ I Ain committ committ to yeah I'm not committed to nothing I'm I'm focused right now I ain't abolutely you know whatever whatever happens happens I'm you know and you popping I had a I had a guy text me when was NBA allar weekend last weekend yeah he flirting with you shut up guy text me last weekend he a guy text you like like it was in a group chat and he was like man most popular person at some NBA Allstar party was dusi hands down I'm like hey I mean doing his thing yeah man no I'm just I'm blessed I'm thankful man did you feel that in the party that he was talking about I know talking little bit a little bit Yeah cuz I my dumb ass was standing on the couch and nobody else was no no no no that wasn't Michael Ru I think it was Mike Ru yeah it was uh he talking about an Allstar not super yeah yeah yeah I remember that yeah I think it was um damn I think it was uh J kiss J kiss was there yeah it was a couple it was a couple different [ __ ] that was out there J had a party yeah I think J kiss had a party it was it was one of them old heads man one of them old [ __ ] they they had a party Jesus Christ no no no no no I'm just saying like I it was it was one of those [ __ ] it was one of those Brothers I don't know one of them one of them had a party [ __ ] don't be liking you [ __ ] with me [ __ ] one of these I know I know I know I [ __ ] with Jay I [ __ ] with Jay he cool uh K Kai was there with me it it was Kai oh K was there yeah he was there as well uh yeah I can't remember whose party it was though I don't know he just said it was NBA AAR he was like by far you was the most popular person that's what he said n that's what's up man you know white people get excited about oh no that's not white people excited you really got to find who this was I was looking for it I'm going find it let's let's let's get into your record let's introduce your record hold on one thing you and Jack H got a movie right are y'all still working on that no we're not working on that God damn what the [ __ ] happened another another Rider strike we had we had a whole bunch of a lot of Miss opportunities but see it don't be about the Miss opportunities man it's about continuing to try you got to keep doing the [ __ ] over and over figuring it out don't matter about the NOS they only going to know about the yeses unless y'all [ __ ] bring it up obviously cuz nobody even knew I wouldn't do [ __ ] with Kevin tell he knew that that [ __ ] a work said yeah I know but ain't nobody tracking it man just let that [ __ ] fly ain't nobody really watching you and Jack got a good relationship though yeah yeah hell yeah man that's my boy yo um how you feel about his record talking about man bro he's going crazy what was that like he lik [ __ ] yeah n he going crazy boy number one record yeah it's a number one record for for a minute too boy I mean it's a white guy talking about whips and chains in America people love that yeah but I think he talking about like locking them down like that's what slavery was all about lock no man you know what I'm saying like locking them down like nobody okay with slavery is what you say no man as long as it's Jack trying to set me up bro nah n n it's it's a good song I think I think he uh yeah yeah yeah it's a b moving on cuz I don't want how to correct myself on that [ __ ] either no [ __ ] with Jack yeah yeah yeah it's about my music [ __ ] we about to go number one he said oh he going crazy yeah he going crazy he lock down Jack loocking [ __ ] CH like a m said like a m yeah play play my [ __ ] uh standing on business me and Sno dog yeah standing on business DJ Drama on there too shout out to drama yeah we appreciate you for joining us follow if you're not already but who is it definitely thank and always a pleasure to see you to Y man thank you The Breakfast Club it's drei good morning wake That Ass Up ear in the morning The Breakfast Club
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 332,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jess hilarious
Id: H9uVYWKymHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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