Samuel L Jackson On Kicking Drugs Before His First Role, Social Media, New 'Shaft' Film + More

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Breakfast Club morning everybody is DJ envy Angela Yee Charlemagne to God We Are The Breakfast Club we got a special guest now you say we got a special guest in the building every day that's right today we really do got a special [ __ ] yes that's right samuel l.jackson do you like early first and foremost I'm up this early every day okay actually if I'm working I'm definitely up because I'm headed to set by 5:30 6:00 but if I'm at home I'm headed to the golf course okay that's as part of your routine get up go golf maybe that's a good life you never get tired a good life I just I just try to make sure I'm staying in a routine that's gonna work for me I'm not shocked when it's time to go to work and they want me to get up and pay me to go to work at that time what's the longest break you've ever taken in between working ooh maybe I guess when I was on Broadway yeah yeah but I wasn't getting up in the morning I was just going to do the show because even like this year you have a lot of movies coming out but in between filming like have you ever said you know what I'm gonna take a sick well I usually take a month off every year though I take a month off and really go on vacation purposely mm-hmm purposeful vacation yeah you gotta tell us your routine man cuz I look at you and I say to myself I got something to look forward to at 70 because you look [ __ ] good man thank you what do you do to stay so useful I have no idea a stress-free okay you started getting sick no I did okay I lost so much weight I almost lost a job and they said well if you don't gain 15 20 pounds we got to recast so I went straight to shake so what else are you doing it got to be more than just I do Pilates mm-hmm I play golf that's it how do you stay stress-free no I'm making up money down we say money won't solve all the problems it solves enough um now I don't have to think about him but you didn't come from money though like I was looking at you was born 20 years before the Civil Rights like in 1960 oh yeah how different the world looked in as opposed to man I grew up doing you know doing American apartheid I've lived in Chattanooga Tennessee I knew where I could go where I couldn't go what I should do what I shouldn't do you know all the things you kind of look at life and go okay and then when I hear him say it now you know make America great again I go because I remember what they thought making America great again means right it all means who needs to be you know subverted or shut up or or pushed back you know be in charge of how did that not harden your heart though like growing up in that era and seeing our white people you used to treat us well a loving community and and and people who make you understand that you know you're you are great people in theirs there's a reason that they do this to you hmm you know that they try to keep you back because you are the richness of what the world is mmm you know that you offer something that they don't have control so you know you listen to those people you have the right teachers my whole school life was black I didn't have white teachers I got to Morehouse College so I had teachers that taught my mom and her brothers and sisters so they knew what the expectation was in my house they knew that people expected me to go to college so they pushed me they spoke to me in going terms and told me that I was somebody or the books that we got that had pages torn out they would tell me where I could get the information so people nurture you and I mean even the kids that they knew weren't going to college that they knew were going into the workforce or going into the service they guided those people into those places because the teachers cared about because they knew those families and it was a community of black people that took care of each other you know I got to remember that when it comes to my daughter cuz I can I let her see something like when they see us even like a movie like Django that's about slavery she's like why why people do that dosnt I never know the answer to why you know what kept you what kept you focused cuz you your career really got started when you got a lot older what kept you focused on all that time to be like I know this is for me I love the theater and I loved acting and being here in a rich community of creative people is invigorating we went to each other's shells we watched each other work we went to auditions together and we talked there was no enmity everybody was you know great together and when you're on a rich environment of creative people that share the same goals everybody was trying to get somewhere or everybody had a different idea about how it was gonna happen and there was enough going on or enough people moving it's like we're doing a play and all of a sudden Denzel is like he plucked out he's gone he's like okay so there's no got the TV show tonight he's doing movies okay boom he's gone another play Morgan gets plucked out boom he's gone he's doing street smart and he starts doing all this other stuff Alfre is gone Wesley's gone this is gone so you know you're in the right place right it's just a matter of when your time is coming and not being envious or jealous about it and sometimes like me finding out that I was in my own way so once I got clean everything kind of changed so there's a very distinct correlation of me changing my life and being focused and clear about what I needed to do and my success so when people say well you know you all go to rehab and you do this you do that I was a week out of rehab when I started doing jungle fever so I didn't really need makeup I walked on set and I went to the craft service table and the fruit of Islam was the security get in the table because they thought I was just some kind he's in a movie but the correlation between my career changing and me getting straight is very clear so when people talk about relapse and this that in the others that is that is that as part of your recovery it's not you know it's understanding that I never did wanted nothing so as long as I understand that and I get up every day and I realized today is another day I got to stay clean I can still deal with it for 20 years deal it still a guy was your drug of choice was he correct yeah yeah that was my drug of choice alcohol was my drug of choice the drug of choice was the drug that was in front of me how old it was the kick all those habits when you get tired enough you don't have to worry about you know all that other stuff you just kind of let it go and kind of melt into it and let the world be what the world is and you know look at it with clear eyes they said your wife was so like strong with like nod you gotta go get fit you gotta go get help right now yeah I mean the day they found me passed out on the kitchen floor next day I was in Riya so did you have that level of self-awareness to know man I gotta change my mind my lifestyle in order to change my life I was just something that they made you do well she called my best friend from high school who was a drug counselor and he found a bed for me upstate New York so I went straight in and I didn't go in kicking and screaming I went in I was tired and I listened to what they were saying around me you know and and you go through it all and you do it and then the the job came up jungle fever and you know the drug counselor well you shouldn't do that job simply plant a crack addict all your triggers are gonna be there pipes and lighters if no other reason if I never see you know so that was that was motivation enough but understanding how you feel and a clarity of vision and a purpose and what you see in I had to stand up in front of my mean then like eight nine year old daughter and say hi my name is Sam I'm an addict not really but she knew that she she spent enough time with me you know when I was in the throes of my addiction taking her back and forth to school that's right the bus scooter in the morning and drop her off for school and they go or I would sit in the playground with her while she was on the slide push on the swings welcome to joint but she knew that when I left I went off to do something better when they found me laying on the floor I wasn't so that was that so by the time I came back and I started hanging around with her and look at her her clear eyes and listening to her voice and her vision of what she wanted to do and daddy do this with me do that with me right you know were you a crack head crack in a functioning right I was function I most of most of most of my friends wonder why she lock you up when done wrong with you it was like she used to learn you know I wasn't stealing from the house and I was I didn't tell the TV you kicked it then you thrived and that's the yeah you know you talked early about you know having money and being successful you still do five to six movies a year yeah what energizes you'll give you that motivation to still want to do it as as so much I guess it's like ballplayers it always bothers me to hear that you know well you know data they are tired because they played three games this week every day outdoors was hot and theater and working in movies is like that to me it's like theater was hard I had to get up go to rehearsal go do something every night from beginning to end mm-hmm three hours of a play live in front of people movies I get up I go to work a long day is three pages and yes a 12-hour day but I've boiled it down to how much work that I do today I might've worked an hour and a half mmm all those 12 hours most the rest of time I'm in my trailer sleep watching Judge Judy you know watching the movie reading the book doing nothing so yeah I go to that job go to that one yeah and it pays way better than the job I used to have gotcha so yeah I go to plus I love it I love the idea of being able to go somewhere do something else be somebody else generally in a place that I normally wouldn't have gone like I just finished doing a movie in Croatia so you get to explore that when you're not working and being a storyteller and an artist is one of those things it's a blessing there are only so many acting opportunities in a lifetime and I want to take all the ones that come before me that I want to do right you know as often as I get a chance to do them you know writers get up and write painters get up and paint how serious do you take me in the highest gross gross an act of all time because they say seven points a dubious honor I mean it means that I've been in a bunch of movies that people liked that were popular and I like doing popcorn movies I don't have this whole thing about money you put busting seats you make money for people you get to make more movies no that's what I do and I like doing movies that I want to go see I like I like movies full of gun violence I like violent movies I like our movies I like action movies so I'll make them I'll make a serious movie from time to time because I want to help the the the writer director or there's somebody in it that I want to work with but I'm not necessarily looking for you know no award-winning da da da I'm just looking to go to work out some fun do you ever get mad at that stat no like you see that number and be like man I ain't got no he's doing well you know and sometimes you're fortunate enough you ever back in so if the movie doesn't make a lot of money you keep getting bait there you go Hollywood change from when you first started so where we are now because we always hear about the different herbs and flows and difficulty for people getting work and just inclusivity and all of those conversations that we're very focused on let's change drastically just because of the number of platforms you have to work first of all you know when I got there everything I read had denzel's fishes or Forest Whitaker's fingerprints on it you know they either turned it down or they were thinking about it and didn't think about it fast enough and I was like yeah I'll do it so I did it was always the fourth person on the call sheet that could have been you know and that's how it worked I think here I was going to work I was I was I was doing what I was doing but over the years because of like I said the number of platforms me Netflix Hulu Apple all of that the independent film world there's so many jobs now and there's so many things and because young writers young directors populate their programs with the world as they saw it when they grew up they went to school with Hispanic Asian black Y you know whoever you know they populate their stories with those people because that's who they were and that's who they are so there's a lot more opportunity for people that work consequently it still comes down to a lot of times that same thing that you know I used to [ __ ] about it because I spent my time going to acting school there are a lot of people who still do go to Juilliard and these other people but a lot of YouTube stars getting job you know still people from the music industry just decide the next day say actor I can act and somebody give me a chance to do it sometimes they turn out to be okay sometimes not so much but there's room now for everyone to work who surprised you by being really great on set that might have come from the world of Instagram or YouTube and you were like oh they were actually really good I wasn't met develop over the years every man yeah how when you when you work with Buster Buster was Buster was fine you know and Buster was great as what Buster was there to be but Buster was still but you know a person from the music industry who you go what we had 6:30 call you know you show him you do what you do and you know he's fine doing that you know coachable I can you still learn new things okay yeah and sometimes it's it's just I don't want to work with this person again sometimes it's that you know wow that's a very smart person I think I never wanted to be that well you know back in the day we used to do it like sorry so but I do think though that since they stopped using film there's a difference in how young filmmakers approach what they do hmm and they spend a lot more time wasting time because economics of what it meant when I do you film you had to use the film then you had to send it off to be developed then you had to watch it then you had to process then you had to figure now they got a chip they just rolled rollin rollin rollin rollin rollin rollin you end up shooting a whole bunch of stuff you don't need and it's it's a it's a day waster and they kill crews those crew members work hard you know and you don't want to run your crew in the ground so I'm constantly trying to let them know that this is a teen thing you know we're the least important people out here is that the guy's got to get the lights right they can try to get that that guy's got to pull the focus and if you work them to death and they're tired then they're not gonna do the kind of job they need to do that's gonna be subpar and it's and and we all suffer because of it what role did you pass up and like damn much in the past up that role if there's any no no I mean I I read film the didn't do that people did and you know I feel like you know I feel like I was in the metric cuz I dodged a bullet and then their films that I passed up that were successful that I'm glad they were successful because I would have done it differently but I wouldn't you know I don't think I would have have fun doing it I always I always firmly believe that you only do the things that are for you right I read that you almost lost your role and pulp fiction to another actor yeah how do you think that would have changed the trajectory of your career that would happen no I mean I had already I'd already won this award at the Cannes Film Festival for the jungle fever hmm and I was getting the call at that time so I did a couple of jobs after that you know that were between that and pulp fiction and what happened to pop fiction was an Academy Award nomination which I didn't win you know but like I tell people all the time you know very seldom doesn't Academy Award nomination move to come on your chair now as you put in seats absolutely that you're an actor and then move actor the one that you almost lost the road to who's there oh um he's in the movie you could be called a brother now you you got kicked out of my house for a minute now why'd you get thrown out of Morehouse and then how did they get you back in Locke the Board of Trustees in a building kidnapping they were right there what they just didn't want to talk to us the Board of Trustees we asked and talked to him they said we all right time so we took the chains off the walkway and went down the street to the hardware store bar padlocked and went inside and chained the doors shut well we are trying to talk about that one point no Black Studies no Student Involvement on the trustee board no community involvement and we were sitting right in the middle of some projects so that was lots of different thing real [ __ ] here the actual black members of the board didn't even have a real vote Wow so we were trying to get things changed yeah and they said fine we did it and then you know they did the whole [ __ ] yeah oh well we get it and you guys will give you a mosquito so when everybody left the school was out they called a specific group of us back and summarily kicked us out of school all that was happening and in the middle of the next year so my mom threatened to sue okay Wow now you go you worked with John Singleton on the first shot film right how did the him passing you know change how the second film in the can Tim was off doing something else team here and timber good friends actually John and I were about to do a film this fall Wow that film still happen I was in Croatia yes gonna happen but you did one John on chef okay no John John was busy doing his TV shows TV shows no chef the movie the character the richer character my character the job just the whole franchise yeah you know when I was young in 71 when I'm sitting in the theater watching the first one you know it's like it's a it's a it's a complete revelation because I haven't been in New York yet I was still in Atlanta mm-hmm Harlem looked like this mystical dark dangerous sexy please check that out and you got this dude he's like cool for us before chef the cool black person was Linc Hayes army jacket totally dope so that was us and then Richard changed that whole dynamic you know being a sex machine for all the chase the leather coat the good fro you know the tough-guy brand to all the brothers you know connected in all these different places in Harlem and and I my father could just definitely traffic and car stop for so and then that started the blaxploitation era so by the time John came to me in 2007 and it's like our first black superhero he's a mythologically cool dope ass person that you know set a standard for blackness so he's like it's time you know we need one for the new generation that I thought about okay but if I'm in it their riches got to be in it so they'll know that I'm not replacing him he's still John shell so I get a chance to create whoever I'm going to create so I had a chance to create an angry or edge here and no film like that is complete without a great villain and thank God you know we had Jeffrey because in the original script Christian Bale was like the main bad guy I was looking at that going I can just try this houses shooter we're doing this but this guy people's I need to work on this character so they worked on the people's character and Jeffrey just came in killed it I think it still had a murder two three generations like a scene shaft which one in your original one with my pops my pops was the fan of the original one exactly and now I have a son so now when it comes out we all go together it merged but I love the fact that it does that how was it with the the young actress is crazy you know because the music first thing the music connects you absent even before you saw the first one your dad was playing that sound - absolutely so the music is always part of our culture once it was out there Isaac did that that music is like boom cementited actually gave us music that Isaac never released he was around the set a lot Isaac Hayes jr. so he yes he gave us music that was never released um when they came to me and said we want to do another shaft but we want to do it as a comedy you know we we we we can't take the mythology and make him a before right you know we can find a way to make some humor here and then they said we'll bring his son his son who was raised in the suburbs doesn't know anything about it but he has to come to you for help so when he gets there you pretty much got to teach him what it means to be a shaft in Harlem and okay we can we can make some hair so we works out and Jesse's a good kid I like Jesse I used to watch this TV show survivor's remorse yeah so I auditioned what a lot of kids he was the one that you know stood out and there's a very interesting contrast and a very great dynamic between he and I works really well we have a really good good chemistry together and his mom is played by Regina Hall so let me ask you about Harlem today right because this is shaft 2019 so what kind of world is Harlem today play because it is different than what Harlem was like even 20 years ago well if you look at ours you can't really tell that mhm it looks like it did when I lived up there and you know the 70s it's funny though because the first day we pulled up to work in Harlem the first eight people we saw a white pretty out there to see that you know and the the change of the I guess culture yeah you see the sense juice yeah that's Korean and I lived on I lived on 143 me Amsterdam Broadway so to see it or to be able to walk from my house to 125th Street and walk up and down into 125th Street I mean I mister you know do selling bootleg you know I was used to getting when I walked up and down the street what about social media modern technology in this shaft he's the he's the kid that understands that in a another kind of way that my analog as that necessarily understand that that's part of the generational difference that we use in the film to like create human how he can show me things that I didn't know and you know there are some some slightly unpeaceful [Music] also you know there's a whole joke about this organization called brother's watching brothers funny how it plays out a lot of the movie you say brothers watchin brothers can't the coffee shop in Atlanta gotta be funny as hell translate the real life for you to doe as far as social media right like that's gotta be a culture shock to you in a lot of ways Sam Jackson or Josh L you in real life I imagine myself always amazing people they always go with somebody else is doing this no it's me I'm disappear sometimes and you know but what about when you go to your missions and they talkin crazy to you about something interacts it how are you as a dad and a husband because you are your the curse King you will curse and would you like that as a dad and I never talk baby talk to my daughter I just talk to her yeah no no googoo gaga you're not supposed to do that you put to talk to them talk to yeah I heard her you know say [ __ ] you to her friends when she was a little look you can tell like that to your friends you can't tell it like that to the wrong people okay you ask what did they do and you like yeah [ __ ] them my wife tells the story we actually went to a friend of ours wedding in Detroit and this lady was carrying Zoey and she said baby you want some buddies [Laughter] put her down but yeah but we never silver talked to her she went to the theater yeah all the time when she was small we had to go to work so we take it to the theater she hang out with the stage manager she go backstage collect valuables talk to all the actors hang out with him so she's a cool kid still a cool kids got great jobs you good work ethic she produces shows like Top Chef and Top Chef Masters oh don't just did she did last season's Project Runway No would you go back to Broadway I know your wife's there now would you go back oh yeah I think about it all time I mean I like doing plays I like the live audience you know I mean nothing beats the sound of that right you know that's I mean go check they give your house great but it's not like I see them yeah but I love the applause I love going to the theater so I'm giving it some thought I'm just waiting on the right thing to come along yeah you've been married man 38 years right how long that kind of longevity in America I guess like my wife says you got to have some need you understand that when you're in a bad place there's a way to work it out mm-hmm it's easier to walk away but to create a strong relationship you got to work through things sometimes you know and you just do it and I guess sometimes we're fortunate enough that there is an issue that I gotta go on location or she goes to work somewhere and it gives us down you know think about it let it breathe and you're able to look at it and sometimes you just gotta say you're sorry when you ain't yeah yeah yeah and you gotta own it own that you know oh no I'm sorry you know and just let it go and just keep on moving today is national black men don't cheat day well national black men black ain't no makeup is to be changing the narrative that's right men don't cheat just today okay for windown fateful black mental treatment we're celebrating I've been married 18 years even marry hello him yes you yeah you yeah okay having me hard to be faithful all these years especially being a Hollywood divorce rate is the same everywhere yeah like Chris Rock said a man is only faithful as his option stars get way more options so to doctors that's true so do pro tennis players golfers racecar drivers the guy who works in the cell phone store the manager phones so having me easy a hard for you to remain faithful I guess it's easy all right I'm an only child so I'm very comfortable with myself I like being alone so I know how to entertain myself once I got sober it was easier for me to be comfortable with me I didn't need to validate my existence with other people other things or substances or or praise from people I mean when I was using and I started to get a little famous I used to like lead a hotel just see how many people recognize ya trying to get ego rise seeing what it meant cuz I could be with people who were in movies with me and they had a bigger role in people my god you were awesome and I could be standing and ain't even know I was right damn so it's easier not to fall prey to what people tell you about yourself feel the smoke being blown up yes or or take the praise for what it is understand that okay if I do this is gonna be more trouble than it's worth that's right you know so a moment of instant gratification is not you know and valid as the relationships that I have you know the history that I've created with somebody and that's exactly why black men don't you guys but there's probably no way exactly I'm just saying it's reality here now this probably nowhere you can go now where people don't recognize you like we're I can't imagine that because I feel like everybody in every genre no matter age knows who you are lastingly enough you know we at one point I belong to this group artist from New South Africa and we went to we we identified these kids whose parents had died from AIDS in this village and we kind of built a daycare center we went out there they had no idea we were Wow you know because they don't have electricity so no TVs no movie theaters no nothing we're just these people who did something you know and helped them I was in Tiananmen Square I could walk around Beijing mm-hmm pretty much free really I would think in Beijing they would know you all depends what part of town right but there are specific parts of town that or the country that people don't have movie theaters and they don't they aren't allowed to see they only let like ten American movies in the country a year so it's very different you know are there times that it gets frustrating for you to go out and every like people a lot of people do know who you are obviously to go out and know that you're gonna have to deal with that are you ever like I don't even feel like leaving because I don't really feel like it today no it's one thing I don't let have I'm not gonna let you know fans dictate where I can can't go or what I can and can't do like I was I was this guy way before I was a famous guy so I know how to put headphones on and do like that even if it's not on now they know you got mistaken for Laurence Fishburne when he was on KTLA I was actually in Atlanta do rather than Atlanta okay in the studio that morning doing remotes and he caught me when I was you know just frustrated enough and been in there about an hour changing radio stations and TV stations every eight minutes or whatever I know Sam know better he just caught me at a bad time I just decided to you know not let him off the hook I couldn't let my book at any point the fact I love the fact that when you do your movies I was watching an interview that you said that if they bring you something that you don't like you just won't do it you won't try it we're not gonna tape it I'm not gonna change my life over how I feel about anything when did you get to that point was it always like that um when the first time a director said to me all right we'll do it your way and we're gonna try it this way and then I had to understand I don't get to go to the editing room so when they asked you to do something that's not part of your plan they're gonna look at that thing that they asked you to do first because that's what they like right you know and there's a reason that he's on that side of camera and I'm on this side of it so and once I figure out the hierarchy when you're a young actor you you pretty much can't do that you go along with the program but then when you figure out you know when they're shooting the money I'm not gonna do that because that's not what the character would do and I got a plan to go from here to here to here to here to here and you see something that they just put in there you kind of go just watch movies and you go damn that guy he was doing this over there and now he's feeling like this that's because the director had something in his head that he wants them to do so I generally go with the y'all having me for a reason let me do what I did you were getting a tattoo removed right I saw on your Instagram you said tattoo removal yeah that's fake tattoo okay I was like what tattoo did you have that you were getting removed hit man's bodyguard I have all these crows okay they represent people that I've killed and there's a big tree on the back of my head with crows flying off though she takes that off every day she puts it on every day as he takes it off you talk about walking down the street I know kids got to bother you because of the role in Nick Fury no you know he's generally don't their parents make their kids Nick Fury you got that role because they were already modeling the character after you in the comments yeah in ultimate because the writer said that Mark Miller yeah Mark Miller said he was his favorite actor so he also he also did the guy in Kingsman okay did you ever want to suit him at all like he was using your likeness well it was the first book I saw it in the first comic and I called my agent and asked about it and they called Mar like oh yeah we do plan to make these movies and we hope Sam would be part of it and that's when they you know I went in and I got that 9 picture deal Wow all worked up have you ever hated a character you had to play because there's characters that you've had to play and relate that person is like in Django you know but people definitely Steven had his fans yeah uncle ruckus no a lot of people like Steve just because Steven is apologetically evil Stephen is who Stephen is and I had a great time yet he always used that as a meme on social media now and everyone who call somebody a sellout that means pops up that Carrie to me so many people so mad listen I know and that's the point of it I did stuff in their movie that's not in the movie there really would be one of these days Quinton to put it out there oh my god I can't imagine I don't want people to kill you that's another case where I saw the movies like I can't even imagine what he might've done that was worse than what we saw would you do that role in this political climate you know you got all these woke people yeah people should be able to say whatever they need to portray you played it very well - well thank you I was like damn it I can't I really like him but I really don't like him today now say who Jack's got to leave in a second guys did you still enjoy as soon as you saw me predicted that up someone's gonna be in office right now what predictors do you have now I got any predictions for for next year 2020 not really I am found that right person yet I'm I'm still trying to figure out [Music] was with the resistance who is that I don't know I'm looking for somebody with a bit more political clout that more like Stacey Abrams mm-hmm so nobody stands out you know and they got the whole Avengers on the Democratic side and not one not yet yeah I mean it's not like I'm I'm not gonna vote for whoever's on their side yeah I just hope that there's a credible person that can in flame the young people and encourage them to get out and take part of the political process again and understand that you know they gotta claim it even if you don't like the people that are doing it right now you got to do something to claim it talk to people that you think are smart enough or people that are angry enough that will get in there and and and and work toward making this you know a better place because I'm not gonna be here that much longer I get it and I knew it but I don't want to leave a place where my daughter and even you guys got to struggle with [ __ ] that don't care about your well-being or the planet do you think they'll not only don't care about the people they don't care about the place can the government ever really do anything for black and brown people they can Jamie yeah universal health care is one thing yeah you know if they finally get it and and allow people to do get healthy and be healthy and Social Security you know people worked all their lives you know man give him the [ __ ] money they put it in there that's what I've even screaming about the same thing for years yes we have and because yeah the same people that want to regulate women's bodies you know because I don't even think all less about you know all women's bodies because they don't care if y'all still get a bush that's why I don't like you saying you're not gonna be here cuz you seventy but all about Joe Biden 74 I should I vote for him he may not be here well you should vote for him if there's no other choice because there's no other choice but you're right you do want somebody who's vibrant it's gonna be I mean everybody probably will we would have been happy if Barack could have had another turn absolutely you know and this fool is talking about well I want to stay well we appreciate you joining us I know you got to go coming to America are you gonna Rob Prince I came in this one are you in this one ask them that was asking me about you know coming to America I was like do I own my dolls now oh no maybe you just got out of jail and you go rob them again could be reformed like if he was reformed and he actually had a business now and you know had his life around yeah [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 3,230,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, samuel l jackson, samuel l jackson interview, samuel l jackson breakfast club, samuel l jackson shaft, samuel l jackson black men dont cheat, samuel l jackson jungle fever, samuel l jackson drug addiction, samuel l jackson drugs, samuel l jackson drug use, black men don't cheat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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