Dr. Christina Greer Goes Off On Charlamagne & Killer Mike ‘They’re Real Threats To Democracy’

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your execution on the Donkey of the Day is something to behold is it a he gave me Donkey of the Day and I deserve it people need to know well you need to tell them you have the voice tell them it's time for Donkey of the day it's a read but you're so good at it you trying to be a fake ass shag only one shag damn charag who you giving D to day to now well sexy red donkey to day for Monday February 26 isn't going to a particular person or individual I'm casting a wide net okay it's just going to a false narrative that is being spread by people and individuals on social media and I have to say in regards uh I have to say networks like MSNBC too not the whole of MSNBC but I've seen a couple of articles on MSNBC blogs that have also pushed this false narrative we are about to discuss and this weekend I was home and I woke up Saturday morning to a few people I highly respect and they sent me some commentary from Stephanie rules MSNBC show the 11th Hour I've been on Stephan show before I know Stephanie all love and respect I enjoy the program she had a sister on there named Dr Christina Greer who is a political scientist at forom University and they were discussing Trump sneakers okay the lower third said Trump Haw sneakers in bid to attract young voters and Dr Christina GRE was speaking to that and then uh Stephanie Rule interjected and bought up myself in the good brother killer Mike's name why I don't know and then Dr Christina GRE went off let's listen we've had water we've had Stakes we've had ties then why don't I hear from the the god or the killer miks out there saying hold on because they need to read a book and or talk to a political scientist right these are people who have massive platforms and huge influence over young people massive influence over not just young people but black men in particular they are the ones who parting Russian propaganda things that you can find easily on Facebook sort of saying well neither one does anything so you know I don't know if you want to stay home that's up to you they refuse to lay out what how far this train can go off the track right how far Donald Trump can take us away from democratic ideals this country is not perfect every black person knows that right but incrementally we have to actually work towards the ideals we can't have people consistently telling young people well if you sit this one out I don't think it'll make a difference because you know Joe Biden hasn't done anything for your community absolutely not I mean we know that having debt relief for people who have gone to college that actually closes the wealth Gap right so African-Americans can actually start to buy houses I mean the list goes on and on so when you have people like Killer Mike and charl and the god I think they are actually real dangerous threats to democracy wow Dr Christina Grim myself and Killer Mike a threat to democracy we parrot Russian propaganda we tell black people not to vote we refuse to lay out how how far this train can go off the tracks how far away Donald Trump can take us from democratic ideas I mean man with all due respect everything she said about Killer Mike and myself is a complete lie and her lie wasn't intentional she didn't go on the 11th hour and say I'm going to lie on Charlamagne and Killer Mike her lie is based on false information her lie is based off false narrative false narratives that she might see on Facebook see when you see a false narrative on social media and you don't do any independent research to see if what is being said is true and then you go on a platform and repeat that false narrative you are helping to push that lie I know it's not intentional Dr Christina Greer is just a victim of false information like so many of us are it get it gets brought to my attention the lies a lot of black political pundits speak on social media and in their group chats about myself I'm fully aware of who says what black people in the political space on social media who love Master Biden and the Democrats so much and they hate any critiquing him so they have all these things to say about myself and a Killer Mike listen I don't have any problem with you disagreeing with us but don't lie on us all right don't say we pushing Russian propaganda and telling folks not to vote and please don't say I'm not willing to tell folks how far Trump can take us from democratic ideals I don't even have to talk let's just run the receipts because this is what I really want to get to this is me earlier this year on Piers Morgan all the way in the UK Piers asked me about Joe Biden you ain't black comments if you don't know whether to vote for me or Trump you ain't black and this was my answer when he asked me about that I think what he was trying to say is simply you know if you vote for Donald Trump as a black person you may be voting against your own interests and what do you think about that as far as what do I think about what about what you just said about what people may have thought Biden meant do you think that is true do you think you're voting against your own interests as a black American if you vote for Trump yes I do because you know I feel like you know Donald Trump is a a threat to democracy and um you know when you talk about a a country that could be leaning toward fascism because you have people in a party that are leaning toward fascism you know as a black person or any minority I don't think you know you would want to live under a fascist regime and you know that's not something that you know it doesn't matter what your money how much money you have or you know what your status is you know if you're a person of color or a minority under a fascist regime regime I don't think that's going going to fade too well for you let's go to when I was on who's talking to Chris Wallace on CNN he asked me a simple question what do I think of Donald Trump listen what do you think of Donald Trump I think Donald Trump is a fascist who does not care about democracy in any way shape or form so you think it would be dangerous for the country if he were to get back on the White House I think I think that is I think that's an understatement you know and I think that's also the the pickle that we as as American people are in right I think that it's three options in 2024 you have Donald Trump who's the criminal you have uh Joe Biden who represents the cowards because I think the Democratic party are cowards they don't fight enough and you got the couch and I think you know the couch is voter apathy and I think a lot of people are going to choose uh to to stay home in 2024 and that that that should that should scare us the one time that people should absolutely positively be terrified and be afraid of what could happen to democracy is next year oh the magots are getting information in my comments right now now listen am I clear yet because I'm consistent I'm going to play one more this is me when I was on this week uh on ABC with Jonathan Carl and Jonathan he too asked me about Donald Trump listen this is the first time in my life when people say things like you know uh this person is a threat to democracy mhm it's absolutely true and it's mindboggling to me that you know nobody is taking it as serious as I feel like they should like we watched an attempted coup of this country happen on January 6 and everybody's acting like it was just a bunch of people you know Wilding at at Spring break you know down in Florida like we literally watched you know people try to overthrow the government because they didn't like the results of an election led by a a former you know president if that doesn't cause a sense of urgency in people I don't know what will is that the Russian propaganda Dr Christina G speaking about does that sound like someone telling people not to vote listen I'm not even mad at Dr Christina G because I understand how this happens and this is what I want to say this morning Fox News does a phenomenal job of pushing the narrative they want out there for example if I'm in an interview and I say President Biden is an uninspiring candidate with no main character energy if I get on this a and I ask a question is the Biden Harris Administration a ticket that can win in November because based off the low approval ratings the low poll numbers the fact Trump has 991 criminal charges the fact Trump is a WN to be dictator but polls show he still might win a general election if I ask are they a ticket that can still win or if I say you know which I have I think Biden should step aside for the good of good of the party because he himself said it's 50 other people in the Democratic party who could beat Trump when I say those things in the conversation Fox will take those clips and turn them into stories they constantly push the narrative they want out there to the American people because using those clips reinforces The Narrative they are pushing that black people are off Biden if you ask me I personally believe what my guy Tim Ryan believes and that there is an exhausted majority of people in America it's not about race gender sexuality n sexuality none of that okay it's just a bunch of us who are tired of it all but I don't want to get sidetracked Fox News does a phenomenal job of taking from these interviews what they want to push their narrative why doesn't the left do the same there is not one interview where I don't want America about the dangers of a second Trump presidency but instead of amplifying those things y follow the lead of Fox News that is your' Daddy because they are the cable news leaders okay y'all make y'all commentary about the headlines they create in regards to what I said salute the mediaite.com Kobe Hall that's my guy Kobe wrote a fantastic article once about me discussing how Fox News only highlights my criticism of Biden but never about Trump and by the way my Biden commentary is not rooted in whether or not he's done things for black people or not have I expressed those things before yes but in this season I'm asking a simple question is Biden Harris still a winnable TI ticket I'm not saying nothing David Axelrod hasn't said I'm not saying nothing Ezra Klein hasn't said but y'all black political scientists and pundits y'all don't call them threats to democracy why because they white men you know that's why okay I I I truly believe y'all not mad about what I'm saying y'all just mad as me saying it I'm the hip-hop radio personality with no college degree no political experience what does he know the rapper Killer Mike is just a rapper okay the the rapper Killer Mike in the hip-hop radio personality shouldn't be the one saying these things and you know what I feel so bad for Mike because Mike not even saying nothing okay this time last year I was in the studio with Killer Mike and our beautiful black wives and our good brother Lil Duval and we was listening to the album that would go on the win rap album of the year at the Grammys Michael okay and Killer Mike said back then he was focusing on local politics in Atlanta and and and in Georgia and he was focusing on his music he don't want to talk politics but the but the left gets so caught up in the conservative narrative that they took from Mike two times he's spoken about politics over the last 30 days Mike said on Bill Mo Mah he didn't want to endorse anyone okay so they bought it back up on The View can I play just a little bit of what Mike said on Bill Mah before we get out of here play play what he said I still like the policy that the old man had that I was supporting ber S I would encourage people to find who's supporting that policy and and see what Mike says I supported Bernie Sanders you should support the candidate most in line with Progressive policies the person who's more prone to work with progressives he said on The View I supported Kean Lance bottoms who worked for the Biden Administration and I supported all these other Democrats in Georgia and he named him and he says you should follow and support the candidate they are supporting if I'm Bill Maher if I'm sunny on The View I'm looking at the camera and saying oh that would be Joe Biden this is why Fox News wins because conservatives are just better at messaging they put the narratives they want out there and then the left debates and fights about Fox News narratives instead of Simply creating their own so it makes me wonder who y'all working for because y'all hear us saying these things about Trump you hear where we pushing people but y'all don't amplify that y'all amplify our criticism of Biden so who's really pushing propaganda please give all these folks pushing these false narratives about Killer Mike and myself the bigest hea all right listen black people I promise you uh that you can criticize Democrats and still you know vote for them if you choose you can criticize any elected official democrat or republican in still support them and vote for them if you choose okay and don't let nobody tell you otherwise all right well thank you for that donkey to day that sh not it took 15 minutes I had I needed to get that out I'm not I needed I needed to lay it all out so if there was ever any confusion from anybody they can just go listen to that that's all okay that's all all right and stop lying donkey today is sponsored by renowned personal injury attorney Michael the bull lamis off don't be a donkey when you need a fighter on your side if you're ever injured go to Michael the bull that's Michel the.com and when you mess with the bull you get the [Music] horns wake that ass up in the morning The Breakfast Club
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 208,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jess hilarious
Id: WRpsxLO9pBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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