Rules of Engagement | Full Service | Redemption to the Nations Church

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] august we are so excited uh that you are joining us from all across the world all across this nation and i'm pastor josh this is pastor wilmari yes this morning and we're so thankful that you're here today watching this stream if you would do us a favor come on take a minute come on share subscribe yeah let's let the world know it's crazy how fast like this whole broadcast can spread yes message just pushing a little button that takes like two seconds i have a wonderful story about that this week we connect with everyone even if you're online so we encourage you if you're online and you never filled out our first time guest we want you to and this week i was talking to isabel from connecticut i'm shouting you out with your entire crew and she told me pastor josh that um they had a group share of a tick tock video pastor kevin and they shared it in january and ever since then her and her entire crew have been watching redemption they're part of our family since january and they're all in connecticut so shout out to bridgeport connecticut if you're on here put a little hands up emoji we're praying there's a high five we don't know but it's it's one of those it's one i love it it's my favorite we love having our churches across the across the globe to join in with us we have churches meeting in basements who are just watching the stream live this morning good morning all the way in ireland and israel bulgaria i love you guys we're so glad you're here we love you guys and we're so excited so why don't you do that why don't you put in the chat where you're from where you're watching from uh tell your people that are on there hey it's good to see you again even though you've never met them or seen them but you guys are our crew absolutely and we want you to know it's more than just commenting if you have a prayer request mention that we want to we want to pray with you we have intercessors that go back and look at the thread we also want to make sure that you're a part of this even though you're not in this room you are definitely a part of our family so make sure you join in on that yeah and along those lines make sure to download our redemption app there you'll find so many of the announcements that we make plus more i don't even know if you can see it but scrolling right through there's so many things that are going on and we're going to give you some of those that are going on but to keep up to date with everything registrations and all that stuff make sure to download that up yeah you need to keep what's going on yesterday they had a hold of summer marriage enrichment and i mean it was incredible life-changing was happening original marriages listen would you stay up to date with the app and the website you know what's going on and register and get a part of those things you don't want to miss it that's right so coming up this week we have connect tracks so any of those uh that are in town or watching or want to drive in for that it's on wednesday night with yours truly in the together cafe at 7 00. if you want to know more about uh what's going on our mission our ministries ways to get involved and connected with missions or anything like that this is the place for you so connect check at seven you can sign up online or email me at connect that's right and here's the thing we've heard for years i just want to get involved i don't know how to get my foot in the door how do i know where i want to serve this is where you want to sign up this is why it's so important you get to hear the heartbeat of our church but then also you get to have like a community going into different departments so listen if you're wanting to get plugged in and involved here at rttn make sure to come to connect track you won't you won't regret it yeah and another thing that's happening that maybe if you are not from here but you're maybe around this is the men's fishing man's fishing and i think it's slowly closing yeah like we're vastly close we only just have a few spots left i think actually less than 10. tell them about it but yeah you don't want to miss it we did this years ago and i just remember vivid memories of going fishing going catching all the fish then coming back and having a big fish fry it's just an amazing time to get together as men to fellowship to talk to fish and you know jesus he loves fishermen and so we want to model that too like we're going to go out there but listen make sure you sign up on the app or on the website today because those spots will probably be filled this week you actually might want to take a minute to do that now so we want you to come be a part of this it's going to be an amazing trip it's 250 and when you get down there everything's taken care of so it's going to be awesome yeah and uh september is coming up and man we are so full of amazing activities in september we have m a conference coming up it's the second weekend of september and for those of you that have been watching for a while this is close and near and dear to our heart here at redemption missions we have far flung tin can i'll say that again for those of you that are like wait wait wait what tin can is um this amazing organization that we are partnered with here at redemption anytime that you give to missions you give through the funnel of far flung 10 can to reach the nations uh pastor josh has been a part of their trips um i'm hoping to be a part of their trip soon but emanate is a missions conference and it's not just for those that are wanting to go it is for those that are able to send those that have a mission those that want to intercede those that want to get involved in ways that maybe you can't go right now but you want to do something and so that's here we host it here at redemption to the nations it's the second week the link is um posted online and in our app we want you to sign up we want you to come uh kyle phillippi is in charge of that and his amazing organization they have a great youtube channel they have for your children yeah we could go on and on about far flung this could be a ten minute advertisement for them but you know why it is it's because they have the heart of the father and the heart of the kingdom to reach those like the word says right to the utter most parts of the earth and believe me they go to the utter they do it in such an unconventional way which one i love you know we a lot of times like we're going to go there and do the missions and the missionaries that have to leave and then do all the support listen we go we do documentaries we raise we create albums to raise funds for the missionaries they just released yeah they did listen risks take a risk you don't want to miss it it's on spotify it's on youtube it's on itunes go check it out it's amazing but all of the proceeds go to fund the missionaries so they get to stay planted where they're at so they don't have to leave to go raise the funds so listen it's the heart it's the heart of the father for missions and listen go check out their youtube page and go look them up on like them on instagram yeah it's so great regret it so m 8's coming up so emanate we have all nation sunday coming and i'm pumped about this so we are redemption to the nations we reach nations well you know you're watching us and we're reaching your nation but here in house and in athens and in all of our campuses we have people from all around the world and we are so excited that the kingdom is made up of all of us the synergy that exists when we come together to worship god in that one word hallelujah he is so amazing why don't you give me a halloween on the child right now come on now it's amazing and so if you are interested in working together with us if you're from another nation and we don't know about it we want to know we want to connect and we want your flavor to be involved in that date it's going to be amazing it's not it's like i don't know it's just amazing yeah i think they might do it by continents so all the different nations represented can be involved and listen we want you to be there you don't want to miss it come be a part of us we would love to have you at all nation sunday yeah so in september as well we have women of fire we've been talking about this yeah y'all better go running all the may be trying to get in with the fire i promise you which pastor devin says tsunami is coming that's what i'm talking about and so women of fire is going to be um in september the fourth weekend and we are so excited about this sign up online do not delay you guys last i mean last year our conferences were filling up and we want you to be a part of this so it doesn't matter where you're from we want you to come we want you to join us this is a powerful two and a half day uh just uh it's an encounter encounter yeah i'm like i don't even know what's the name it's an encounter deep diving deep equipping there's going to be amazing preachers pastor amanda crabb pastor devin wallace and so much more we're gonna worship and if you are a daughter of christ who wants to just refresh get in the fire if you're a mama who needs come i i can't if you're like i don't know is that worth it i'm telling you get in the van do whatever you have to do to get here sign up online also the app you don't want to miss it i promise you it is it'll be such a benchmarker for what god is doing in your year and the year to come this is what he'll do with this guy and you guys we're just so excited about what god is doing in your lives i know that sometimes it may seem like do they know i'm here as you're watching we do we we know you're there we see your cards we want to make phone calls to you and like pastor josh said this isn't just about oh will you comment will you share no let us know what we can pray for the staff together praise on tuesdays for any prayer requests that come in monday and tuesday as a matter of fact and we want you to know that you are part of this familia we are so excited about what what this whole year has come and now we have an online church and we're like it's amazing it's amazing and that's the thing that we we've had countless testimonies of people who just shared the stream and god would literally heal people that watched it just randomly scrolling lives being transformed saves salvations in homes i love it when we think about the church has left the building literally it's like all across the nations because of just like share subscribe comment all that stuff so so there where you're at make your habitation a place where the lord can inhabit because it says where two or three are gathered there you are and you're like well pastor mario i'm by myself no you're not we're here with you we are watching you we have people online commenting and we want to agree with you that the lord the spirit of god is going to flow wherever you're at a living room like you said churches that are watching us we are pushing with you that the kingdom of god that the overflow of the lord the healing the presence of the shekinah glory of god would infiltrate and we want to hear your testimonies we want to be a part of your life and we're just so excited that you're here with us yes thank you for being a part of listen we're about to jump into our pre-service prayer time but make sure today share that feed comment on anything be involved with the community that's here online we love you so much we're so thankful for you church god bless you god bless you [Music] today [Music] good morning rttn good morning let us rise up together you know where i come from in africa when you say praise the lord and the church says amen praise the lord praise the lord psalms 95 come let us sing for joy to the lord let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song come let us bow down in worship let us kneel before the lord our maker for he is our god we are his people of his pasture the flock under his care father in the mighty name of jesus we come before the awesome presence this morning with thanksgiving oh god father we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor we give you adoration jehovah god we magnify your holy name jehovah god and we declare this morning that you alone are god you are the king of kings you are the lord of lords we worship you jehovah god in the splendor of your holiness father this morning jehovah god we have come to worship you we have come to have a god to declare your name in this place we are your people oh god we are called by your name we are the sheep of your pasture king of glory jehovah god liberated about zika mianda we bring repentance of every manner of sin in our lives or god if there be anything in our lives jehovah god that would prevent your presence your power and your glory flooding this place master we bring repentance we ask for the cleansing of the blood of jesus oh god we thank you because you have said in your word that if we confess our sins oh god you are faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness father you have also said in your word that as far as the east is from the west that is how far you've taken our transgressions from us oh god though our sins may be as late as crimson father you will make them as white as snow therefore this morning we come before your throne of grace with confidence to our father knowing that we have been cleansed of every manner of sin to have a god in the name of jesus we take power we take authority over this atmosphere our god we declare that you have a god in this presence in your presence oh god this is an open heaven this is a bethel where the spirit of the lord will move us freely spirit of the living god we welcome your presence in this place we welcome your power in this place we welcome your glory in this place holy spirit we cannot do it without you holy spirit spirit of the living god come and have your way in this place come and take complete control in this place in the mighty name of jesus father we have a plan to have a god we have a program that we have set as men but we are putting that aside our king of glory and we are asking that you may take over jehovah take cover this morning in the mighty name of jesus take over this service oh god we cannot do it without you or god we cannot do it without you this morning father we lift up our pastor before you as he comes to work to minister to your people this morning oh god we declare and we decree the mighty name of jesus that the anointing of god will flow from his heart jehovah to the street although our god we declared we decree this morning that his tongue is like that of already rider my god as he by god of mine as he ministers to your people he does so with the precision and the accuracy of the holy spirit he does so you have a god with power holy spirit messiah we get powers we take authorities of our city of god and we welcome your presence father we welcome your presence in the city of chattanooga oh god we welcome you to have a god in our nation oh rabbit young we welcome you in america have your way this national guard have your way to have a god in this [Music] and at the end of the day jehovah god receive all the glory receive all the honor father receive all the adoration of god father we thank you for your people in this place oh god those who do not know you father god we are calling in the house of souls this morning oh god father may you remove the film that is covering their eyes and they may not see the light of the gospel nobody will come through those doors and leave the same my father we will leave a people who are healed a people who are delivered a people who are set free for your glory and for your honor we lift up our worship team my father oh god we dedicate their tongue we dedicate their lips and their vocal cords to you oh god as they lead us to our father may they do so with the anointing and the position of the holy spirit in the mighty name of jesus you are working this place jehovah you are worthy in this place of god and we worship you father in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus come on church let us give a clap offering to the lord this morning let us give a clap offering to the lord now as we welcome the worship team to come and pray with us in the mighty name of jesus can we just set the atmosphere for the holy spirit this morning let's open our mouths let's lift our voices lift our praise this morning lord be established in the house this morning praise him on the instruments praise him on the drums praise him on the guitars let's lift our voices let's build a throne of praise this morning sing in the microphones lift up the song of praise lift up the song of the lord let's create an atmosphere where the holy spirit [Applause] this morning god we want you to move god we build a throne of praise we welcome you with praise can the people of god just let a roar of worship come flow from the sanctuary prophesy on the instruments play the high sounding symbol lift up shout to praise clap your hands oh you people shout unto god with a voice of triumph let everything that has friend praise the lord let everything that has breath praise the lord let everything that has breath praise the lord people of god this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice in the lord this is the day rejoice hallelujah somebody shot hallelujah somebody shot the name jesus we built you and thrown the praise let's worship this morning holding nothing backless worship come on put your hands together [Music] [Music] there is no [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you've always been with us [Music] show me one thing you can't do show me [Music] [Applause] show me one thing that's too hard [Music] is possible [Music] there is a kingdom that's advancing at the speed of light and in his kingdom every dead thing is about to rise oh god our redeemer he is [Music] anything is possible show me one day one day is possible we believe that this morning jesus oh all of my fear i will turn into praise i shake off despair as i sing out your name a little retention i will teach out in faith i will crush disappointment and break every chain [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] breakthrough [Applause] [Applause] come on let's just sing this bridge again it's so powerful because we're declaring that nothing's too big nothing's impossible for our god if you believe that just join us this [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will morning into praise i shake off despair as i sing out your name a victory ditch i will dance out in faith i will crush disappointment and break everything you [Music] i will crush this appointment [Music] [Applause] victory oh jesus [Applause] show me one thing you can't do show [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] show me one thing he can't do show me mountains he can't move he's the god of the breakthrough when anything is possible come on i want to hear you sing that show me one thing that's too hard he's the god of the breakthrough cut up the breakthrough y'all sound so good again show me one thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] god [Music] he's the god of the breakthrough oh come on he's the god of the breakthrough nothing's too big for our god nothing's too hard for our god if he did it before he'll do it again he'll do it again i feel like victory's in the house today can we just prophetically in the spirit shout victory [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] before we go into this song i just feel like by the spirit i need to say there's something on your worship today there's something on your worship today there's something connected to your worship today there are realms and atmospheres and breakthrough and victory connected to your worship today if we'll just open our mouths in freedom and in liberty god will begin to move and usher his spirit his healing his victory his presence in on your worship there's something connected to your praise today let's just lift up our praise our worship this morning lift up your voices we worship you god [Music] [Applause] it took me so long to believe it that you choose someone like me to carry your victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] you take the broken [Music] raise them to glory [Music] you are my champion giants for when you stand undefeated [Music] now i can finally see it you're teaching me how to receive it so let all the striving see cause this is my victory now i can finally see it you're teaching me how to receive [Music] you are my champion [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] [Music] undefeated [Music] don't you get shy on me lift up your song cause you've got a lion inside of those lungs get up and praise the lord [Music] get [Music] get up and praise the lord i speak to my soul today [Music] those lives [Music] is [Music] is my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cuz [Music] jesus has given me [Music] crashing down [Music] [Applause] i am [Applause] undefeated [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he conquered it all [Music] when we were singing the first song and we said show me waters that he cannot part i literally saw the children of israel walking and god did something impossible because he's our champion but why did he do it he did it so that we could worship him why does he deliver us so that we can worship him he's the lover of our soul why why is all of this happening so that we can worship him we love you lord and we worship you to worship you we live and that is why we live that is why we live we thank you for being our champion sorry church we have a praise in our tongue this morning god's just been so good to us never will a rock cry out in my place he's been too good he's the champion of my life yes you are yes you are yes you are [Music] yes you are yes you are yes you are yes you are yes you are yes you are yes you are [Music] i am seated in the heavenly place [Music] [Music] [Music] here i am to bow down here i am to say that you're my guide cause you're all together [Music] and all together one [Music] here i am to say that [Music] all [Music] all together light of the world you stepped out into darkness open my eyes and let me see beauty that makes this heart adore you and hopefully spin away [Music] here i am [Music] [Applause] all together [Music] you came to the earth you created [Music] [Music] too soon [Music] so [Music] if the stars are made to worship so will i if [Music] is if everything exists [Music] [Music] still shine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it is [Music] we'll sing again [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] are you are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] we see [Music] so great so great [Music] we sing great [Applause] [Music] great [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] me [Music] the word says great is the lord and greatly to be praised and the way i've always taught my children is that means to the measure that god is great to you your praise should be equal you should give a great praise to a great god so as they go into this again i know this sounds crazy but there's just an anointing for shabbat praise in here today that's shouting a roar of praise i just wish we would just try just attempt to make our praise equal the greatness of our god some of you have a praise locked up inside of you a sound a noise you don't even know what to do with it but a great shabbat a great shout a great roar in this place to a great god so can i just grant permission and grace right now for every hand to be lifted and can you just to the measure that he has been great to you can you just release the sound in a roar don't worry he is you great [Applause] everybody your way [Applause] there's healing in the room be healed in the name of jesus be this name in the name of jesus be healed in the name of the lord [Applause] come on lift it up lift it up bring [Applause] lord [Applause] [Applause] just the voices just the boys [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nobody like the strength of god is rising and everybody's sacred somebody give them somebody give the lord wave offering the king of glory is in this room great are you [Applause] [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he is great in this room and your sickness is not he is great in this room and disease is not my god he is great in this room and the fiery darts of the enemy are not come on against your life so right now in this wave of worship as we exalt his greatness i declare sickness is being driven out of your body depression is letting go of your mind the assault of the enemy that has the support of your focus i declare he is great and the enemy is not so right now in the name of jesus as we worship our great god i declare a wave of your greatness comes across this room father and that you drive out sickness and disease depression and heaviness father that the enemy that has pursued the people in this room i declare that he will run straight into your greatness in this moment so those of you who need something from the lord just throw your hands up and declare he is great and whatever has come against you is not in the name of jesus christ everybody [Applause] he's greater than cancer he's greater than lupus he's greater than koben he's greater than blood diseases be healed in the name of the lord everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's throw our hands up right here let's throw our heads up right here let's put an invasion of praise let's put a shout in this room that shapes this region somebody left off your voice and victory somebody lifts up your voice to the god of your salvation bring on you the glory god [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones [Music] somebody give him glory but [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i feel the greatness of god in this room right now there is nothing impossible for you right now if you'll just touch him as he is in this place i'm telling you that bodies are being healed and minds are being delivered and marriages are being restored and children are coming back home and god is providing for his children in this moment right now if i were you i would just declare his greatness all over this room [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes we will [Music] come on one more time it's building it's happening come on this was for you lord not unto us but unto you o god be the glory forever [Music] on everybody lift your voice [Music] [Applause] everybody's sick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and pour it out your [Applause] at a case [Music] just while we honor him in this place i know he's moving and healing and meeting needs but i just can't get past the weapon of shout right now it's his breath that makes noise the spirit of the lord was meant to make noise out of you go ahead and some of you get so worried about what you pray and what you say but let me just tell you something that devin does there are some days that the enemy comes in against our home or against my mind and there are no words but what i learned to do is let out a shabbat praise i'll just shout at the enemy that's tormenting me pastor devin you just shout i do when i don't have this microphone it don't even sound pretty it's not about shouting on key it's about letting the ruach of god cross the cross come across the vocal cords making myself a shofar and telling the enemy there is victory in the shout and i don't know who this is for today but somebody is picking up a weapon today called your shout and whatever it is you came in here with a need up it's not going to come through words or the laying on of hands there's going to be a victory that comes through your shout today there's going to be a wall that crumbles a mountain that is moved it's a weapon called the ruach of god so i don't know who i'm talking to but somebody just needs to shout at the enemy that's been fixing him oh hallelujah [Applause] your strength is rising [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you for turning it around god there's an anointing for victory over cancer jesus yes [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] cancer let me tell you something coleman is not great god is and i'm about to shout at the fear that's been all over your mouth then we're about to see a repeat i declare there's a doma covering being placed over your family and coleman is not great yahweh is let's shout out [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] have your way god [Applause] bye [Applause] [Music] put your hands up all over this room and surrender to the king the bible says in the book of james submit yourself to god resist the devil he will flee did you hear that the devil will run [Music] and he'll run from those who've done two things [Music] surrendered to the king and resisted the adversary your victory is in surrender i must say it again your victory is in surrender and there were shouts that were let out over this room i'm telling you something shifted in the heavenlies just a moment ago [Music] and some of you let out a shock you hadn't shouted maybe some of you in all your life and there was something locked up on the inside of you that got released i'm telling you when your life comes under the ruling reign of jesus victory is as simply it's just simply resisting the enemy once you've submitted to god i'm telling you there's victory in this place today if he's the lord if jesus is the lord and the king of your life i just want you to lift your hands as high as you can worship him as the king of glory come on jesus we worship you we have no other king we'll bow our knee to no other god our heart is giving no allegiance to any other being you are the one god that we claim you're the one that we confess you're the one that we declare has a name that is above every other name lord jesus our knee will bow now our heart will confess now will not be made to do it later there's a tribe of people in this room that call you king in the nasty now right in the middle of our mess we're not just waiting on victory lord before we declare that your king in the middle of our battle in the middle of our conflict we give glory to the god who reigns over all of it it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise [Music] in our lungs so we pour out sing it one more time it's your brain [Music] so we poor [Music] in prayer this morning in my study i heard the lord say today i'm going to give strength to my people there's a scripture over in the book of daniel it says that the beast the dragon he had an agenda to wear out the saints of the most high now i know that that's has an eschatological implication and some people say yeah that's that's in the end well i don't know about you but i feel like we're getting pretty close to the end the issue is it reveals the strategy of the devil to wear you out to wear me out we need some strength in this hour [Music] and i want to tell you today your strength and your help do not come from horses and chariots it doesn't even come from a check from the united states government you better hear me my help comes from the lord i will lift up my eyes to the heels from whence cometh my health my health coming from the lord some of y'all got to say my help coming from the lord the enemy been telling you you don't have no strength but your strength comes from god if you need strength just throw those hands up right now all over this room father i pray for the holy spirit to give strength to the people of god today in their inner man this is not muscular strength this is not even a mental strength this is a spiritual strength given by the infusion of the presence of god i declare they will be strong in the lord and in the power of his might today god we cast off weakness and we thank you for the strength of the spirit of god in the mighty name of jesus today we give you praise that we do believe now we are more than conquerors strength is rising in the room as the presence of the lord manifests his goodness and his power among us we thank you for it now god we thank you for it now reach over lay your hand on somebody's shoulder gently would you do it right now in the mighty name of jesus we can first strengthen jesus name on each other right now father i thank you that in the in a day where weakness seems to be prevalent strength is rising upon this house and upon your people i thank you right now the lord those that know their god will be strong and do great exploits in a day when many are laying down we're rising up and we thank you for victory in the name of jesus in a day when many are throwing in the towel we declare we're just getting started and father we praise you we praise you god in the midst of battles for victories that have already been won trophies that you've already won for us victories that you've already chalked up in our favor i declare over the people of god today that the questions about the battles are coming to an end and you're showing us and revealing to us today that we're already in a place of victory we're not fighting for it we're fighting from it because it's a done deal in the name of jesus and we thank you lord you are the champion jesus you're the champion give your praise today let's lift up praise all over this room [Applause] come on let's lift up praise all over the room [Music] why don't you reach over and tell somebody neighbor today is a day of victory come on tell them today is a day of breakthrough hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah the anointing is in this room amen amen pastor devin as you was leading us and instructing us and telling us to shouting about a shabbat praise every time we shouted i believe the walls of racism were coming down [Music] and you continue to shout and every time we shout i believe that the walls of division were coming down we come on somebody i believe every time we shouted a wall just fell down and i know some of you came in here today and you said god i'm trusting you but i can't get past this wall i'm trusting you but i can't get over this wall i can't get around it i can't get over it i can't knock it out god said don't touch it just shout and every time we shout at church i don't know if we understand what just came down what just came down pastor everything you've been believing god everything that's been standing in your way and in our way as a church amen [Music] and i personally believe with all my heart that the walls of division and racism will crumble in the name of jesus amen amen we got any um first-time guests any first-time guests in the house can you throw your hands up right here we got some family right here right there we got some back there come on rttn make some noise we got some more family [Music] [Applause] i see i see you brother i see you king well first time guest that was not the end of service that was actually the beginning we're just getting started here so stay seated and if you are a first time guest and you're online and you want to get connected with the rtt and family would you text the word guest to two 423 zero four nine three three somebody shout connect track i can't feel you say connect track where's pastor pastor wilmario in here they actually go right here pastor wilmario right there make some noise for y'all listen we have a connect track this wednesday if you want to get connected get plugged in you want to serve and learn more about the rttn family what we believe what we're doing what god has called this house to do you want to get to connect track wednesday amen listen if you want more information pastor wilmore be out in the lobby get connected get plugged in somebody shout connect track listen all nation sunday celebration will be october 24th to come on y'all help bishop he was excited y'all come on come on in here it is uh all nation sunday celebration will be october 24 2021 it will be a day where we will worship the one who created the nations by celebrating all the nations represented here at rttn [Music] hey in preparation for this day please let us know where you are from by texting the word nations to 423-200-4933 [Music] if you if you want your nation to represent we we don't want to miss anyone so please connect with us let us know where you're from because we want to celebrate you and celebrate the creator who created all the nations amen amen fishing trip men if you would like to fish y'all gotta it's getting tight if you want to go to panama city with us you need to text the word fish to four two three 423-200-4933 limited amount of spots are available this is the last chance we're going to have a great time bishop is going to be pouring into the men and i don't know nothing about fishing but i'm declaring i'ma catch the biggest fish amen amen amen listen house fires and interest groups house fires and interest groups training will be today it will be today if you would like to lead a group if you would like to be a part of that we want to equip you we want to train you get you up get your leadership game up and get you ready to lead a house fire amen amen that will be today after service at the together cafe everybody know where together cafe is six of y'all i'ma need the rest of y'all to go back there and buy coffee amen amen listen um that's all the announcements i got for today who's ready to give to the lord amen amen listen while you're preparing um your your tithes i want to talk to you about the build your church campaign y'all see this y'all got this who who's been who's already connected to the build your church campaign okay who's already connected to the build your church campaign amen amen listen guys right now i want to tell you as you prepare your tithe and your gift my family and i we have connected to the build your church campaign and we are planning and praying to stay connected because we want to see that thing through bishop we want to see what god is doing how many know that we want you to not only experience but encounter everything that the lord is doing here in this sanctuary amen so we if you if you sit back there we want to make sure you don't miss nothing so we want to put some monitors up there we want to put some monitors up here we want to beef up our online experience because we believe god is ministering to the nations from redemption to the nations amen so help us connect with us get get into this with us step into this river and help us spread this gospel help us take this gospel because we want you not only to hear it fill it receive it but we want you to experience it and we are called to spread it and share it amen so when you give every dollar you give is going to go into giving this sanctuary your face live so we can do what god has called us to do amen i told you guys a personal story um a couple weeks back how my wife started messing with our money and i figured if i told the story publicly she would stop she did it last week y'all scared me again and i said god i'm saved i'm connected now you can stop i'm believing but he he still used her to stretch out my faith ryan is excited about kaylee he's our cfo um so as i as i'm there and i want to be obedient bishop some of us are like this with our finances we're like this some of us we feel like i'm the leader i'm the provider and we're like this with our finances and we're holding it so tight and we're holding it because we're scared because when you hold it this tight nothing can get out but when you hold it this tight nothing can get in [Music] but when you live like this i got a couple of y'all helping me some of y'all getting it some of y'all getting it but when you live like this [Music] you get to give and receive it can get out it can get in and it flows but i'ma tell you some of y'all saying y'all don't know about i want to get connected to this but this financial wall because you live like this but when you live like this god i trust you i trust you that whatever gets out you'll send it back how many know he'll take care of you how many i said how many know he'll take care of you if he got to send a dirty raven to feed you he'll feed you come on in here somebody how many know that when you say god i trust you with it all i trust you with it all you say i give i tithe yes but i'm asking and i want you to connect with going over and beyond [Music] the build your church campaign is you going over and beyond we're the most loving church in the world amen we need to be the most generous church in the world we are the most generous church in the world amen the giving and the ministry that this church does for this city in this nation and internationally i'll say i'll say it publicly i believe in my heart is unmatched because we live like this at rttn amen let me bless your gift let me pray over father god i thank you for this church i thank you for the mandate the calling i thank you for their hearts father god i thank you lord that we're going to raise every every dollar we need to to do ministry in this city and spread your good news father god bless those who have connected bless those who have been apart and give sin and we know you give seed to the sower and rttn said amen you may bring your tithing offering and you'll build your church [Music] is how [Music] is [Music] come on let's sing that before we jump into the word everybody sing how great oh how great is that god everybody [Applause] his name is above our names come on let's declare that today name above our names you're worthy of our praise [Music] we declare it came above all names and our heart will save one last time how great is our god everybody listen up for how great is not god sing with me how great and all we'll see [Music] how many believe he's great today amen we give you thanks lord i want you to stand stay standing and turn to ephesians chapter six and while we're turning to ephesians 6 would you help me welcome our athens family that are watching right now tell pastor chris and amy pastor devin and ingrid the team there we love you we love your family god bless you and we just believe that what he's doing in this room he is doing there in athens and those that are watching online in your home in your workplace and your car wherever you are we pray that the spirit of the lord how many are agreeing with me that the spirit of god is touching lives not just in this room but literally across this world can we give god praise for that this morning i want you to go to ephesians chapter six hey do i got some lee kids in the house any lead students in the house yeah make some noise leave make some noisy do i got any rsm students in the house redemption school of ministry come on [Applause] it's getting ready to be school time how many know we need god to protect our babies and our sons and daughters in this season of schooling amen and when we pray today for the word i want us to pray a blessing over our sons and daughters we're grateful for all of the students and there are many teachers that are part of our church family and i want to declare over every student and all of our teachers and administrators that this season of teaching and learning is not going to be filled with fear and threats but god is going to give us peace and god is going to be with us and all that we do can you say amen and i want us to agree for that for our families and for our sons and daughters and for our teachers and administrators i have been in the book of ephesians for a few weeks and i'm not through with it yet and i want you to turn to the sixth chapter of ephesians and i'm going to start another series today and i'm going to preach a series for the next few weeks called battle threads how many know that it's time to make sure you have on the whole armor of god and we're going to talk about what you put on in the day of battle in the day of evil and we're going to talk about battle anybody like clothes come on don't lie you'll go to hell how many like clothes all of a sudden these women started lifting their hand amen we often like to go to the mall and get some new threads but i'm going to tell you that god's got a suit for you and i to wear in the day of evil and it matters what you come to the battlefield dressed in i said it matters what you come to the battlefield dressed in we go get some new threads over the next few weeks some of us need to make sure we're dressed in the full armor of god ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 i'm going to read the whole thing about the armor of god but i'm going to preach today a message called rules of engagement rules of engagement verse 10 when you got it shout amen finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we do not wrestle flesh and blood but against principalities and powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual host or wickedness spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places therefore take up the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore having girded your waist with truth having put on the breastplate of righteousness having shot your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all somebody say above all taking the shield of faith with which you wait will be able to quench all of the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all of the saints battle threads look at somebody ask your neighbor say hey neighbor do you have on your battle threads today uh-huh jesus help us to preach the word i praise the spirit of god that you would give us the ability to sit in heavenly places as we hear the preached word today and to receive with a spirit of wisdom and a spirit of revelation and the knowledge of god may it be the engrafted word that feeds us may it be the washing of the water of the word that cleanses us we thank your holy spirit that in this day of evil we are still a victorious people greater is he that is in us than he that is in this world and let an enemy that thinks he expects us to lose be reminded one more time today that greater is he that's living in us than the one that's living in this world thank you for victory in advance jesus name amen you can be seated in the presence of god i believe god is a god of line upon line and precept upon precept and in the goodness of god he allows us to develop understanding of the word and come into revelation and wisdom of the word and i don't know how he does it for you but often god will just build something in my heart one layer at a time so that he brings me into a full understanding of what he wants to do in my life how many would agree he's just good like that god takes no pleasure in us walking in ignorance he wants us to know i've talked about knowledge over the last several weeks not just book knowledge or head knowledge but a spiritual intimacy a knowing an intimate knowledge of god i talked about how god wanted us to know the riches of the inheritance that we have in christ i talked about how god wants us to know the hope of our calling and i talked about how god wants us to know the riches of the power of god that is at work in us and we have to have the holy spirit help us because we live in a world that dulls our senses and blinds us from the truth that is a reality for us sometimes we don't see victory as a reality we don't see the power of god working in us we see our problems and we know our fears and we take inventory of the issues that we're dealing with and sometimes what he said about us in the bible doesn't necessarily line up with the experience but i'm thankful that what the book says about us is the reality of of our life and our life is coming into harmony with this book and when we start believing that that this book and the truth of this word is what forms and shapes the world that we live then we can go through some things that we go through knowing it's not the end that god is gonna write the last chapter and before it's all said and done we are gonna have victory because we belong to a god of victory we are sons and daughters of victory and just because you don't feel victory right now doesn't mean it's not your portion you may be in the middle of a battle today but if you are you ought to praise god on credit knowing that victory is already promised and god is not a man that he should lie [Applause] and i have talked about for the last several weeks we were in this series on finding what you already have because sometimes the enemy knows more about who we are and what we have access to than we do and the book of ephesians is it's this beautiful uh book that paul writes to the church and he's not addressing problems he's not rebuking carnal christians he is he is unlocking a revelation of all that is available to the people of god the if you want to know who you are in christ ephesians is a great book i always tell new believers ephesians is a great place to start because in the book of ephesians god begins to unlock the revelation of who we are in him and who he is in us how many know that we are in christ and christ is in us the hope of glory and the book of revelations helps us pardon me the book of ephesians helps us come into a revelation of who we are in christ and when we get to the last chapter of the book of ephesians we see something happening here that paul points and he saves this for the last uh stroke of the pen this is his uh this is his final paragraph as it were uh in the book of ephesians he has talked about who we are in christ he has talked about what we have in christ he has talked about the measure of his grace the fullness of his power the depth and the width and the height of the love of god he has told us that we are a one body knit together he reminds us that he gave apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints and that the saints are individually built together to become the household of faith we are not just a social club or a social organization we together connected by the holy ghost are a spiritual organism that is moving the breadth and the width and the height of the earth telling the good news of jesus and you can't put us out of business i don't know if i need to say this in here or not but you can't put the church out of business you can't tell the church you're going to close down because the church doesn't belong to the government it doesn't belong to the state it doesn't the church belongs to jesus he said upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church and we are the body of christ that's where we get this terminology the body ephesians is so powerful but at the end of ephesians the sixth chapter we come to this text today and paul doesn't want us to have any misunderstanding he doesn't want us to possess any misconceptions about our spiritual identity he spends five and a half chapters telling us who we are and then he reminds us in spite of who you are in me and in spite of who i am in you jesus would say there is a battle i didn't expect an amen we want to know who we are we want victory we won't promise this but i want you to know there is an enemy contending for your identity there is an enemy contending to rob you and i of the peace that christ gives us there is an enemy attempting to establish in you and i an identity that is not in harmony with the bible there is a conflict and paul says finally finally after i told you who you are after i told you what he gave you after i told you how loaded you are spiritually finally i want you to know this you're in a conflict you're in a wrestling match you're not on a showboat or a cruise ship you're on a battleship you you you didn't sign up for for following jesus because you wanted to tip toe through tulip patches and peanut butter and jelly all of your life you signed up to follow jesus because he's king of kings and lord of lords and there is an adversary of those who belong to god and he doesn't want the church to have any misconception he said finally my brothers i want you to know there's a battle and there are some rules of engagement for you and i as we come to this understanding of a battlefield of life the first thing that he says he said i want you to be strong in the lord and in the power of his might be strong somebody say be strong now the word be strong is a verb but it is said through the apostle by the holy spirit as if he is commanding this this is what he's essentially saying he's not saying would would you please be strong he's not asking you if you'll be strong here's what he's saying brothers be strong look at somebody say be strong it is the greek word in dunamo now this is why i talked about line upon line and block upon block because i talked to you last week about the power of god how many remember the message about the power of god last week right and i talked to you about kratos and says i'm gonna need you to come get on the organ right now because i feel like i'm about to holler in this room um the word kratos remember there are four power words in ephesians chapter one there's dynamite dunamis there was ischoos there is kratos and there is exousia and there's these different words for power but kratos is the word used here now let me just build this for you kratos when the bible said be strong in the lord everybody say be strong in dunamo it means to receive strength from a superior source receive strength when paul said be strong paul is not talking about going into the mirror and look at yourself in the mirror and say today i'm gonna be strong and trying to summon your own personal strength that's not what he means he's not talking about having just a made up mind with willpower to get strong when paul says be strong what he is saying is receive the strength of god that comes from god alone now i say that people how do you do that you ready you receive it well how do i receive it you believe that god is the god of strength and that he does not take pleasure in you getting run over every day of your life so because you intend on walking in the victory christ died to give you and knowing that that victory is no result of your own strength but it is a result of receiving the strength that exists only in god you wake up every morning not trying to get stronger in self but trying to trying to understand that it is christ in me that gives me strength my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness i dare not trust the sweetest frame but only lean on jesus name look at somebody telling my strength comes from the lord if you're weak it is only because you have not received the strength that christ gives and the good news is he gives strength to the weak he gives strength to the weak the bible said in the book of isaiah he gives strength to the weak they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles don't miss this he said even the young people will get weary what he's trying to tell how many will how many have ever seen some kids and they got more energy than you know how to deal with and you say i wish i could bottle some of that energy up and have it myself right but the prophet said even the young people will get weary but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength this is not about physical stamina this is not about physical strength this is about tapping into a supernatural power from god that gives you and i the inward strength to overcome daily obstacles if you don't tap into god the devil will run over you but if you stay in christ and keep christ dwelling richly in your heart you will overcome everything the enemy sends your way can you say amen put on receive rather the strength of god now let me break this down he said receive the strength of god in the lord and in the power everybody look at verse 10 underlined if you're writing notes underline the word power i'ma break this down power is the greek word kratos this is not dunamis this is not that inherent in eight power this kratos is dominion everyone say dominion i told you last week that when you see the power word kratos look at the first three letters k r a we translated it actually translated it in english to cra but it's where we get um democracy autocracy cra it's this idea of power that that there is this power that comes with dominion over territory here's what i heard the lord saying to me this week because i i almost preached a message today on the division that is existing in america right now i'm not just talking about racial division this is far beyond black and white [Music] it went from it what this is how you know it's a demon because it keeps moving one year it's black versus white one year it's brown versus green one year it's this versus that this year it's vaccinated versus unvaccinated you're not going to help nobody but i got an eye on this thing and i come to tell the devil today i know what you're up to i know what scheme you've got up your sleeve i know what you're trying to do to the church of the living god you're trying to keep us mad at each other hollering at each other we don't trust one another we don't love one another we've got anger in our heart and knowledge in our soul and you don't love me because you didn't get vaccinated and you don't love god because you got vaccinated and you ain't got a mask on so you don't love your neighbor and you've got a mask on so you don't have no faith shut up in the name of jesus we are the body of christ if you want to get a shout get a shot if you want to wear a mask get a mask but let god be true and every man be alive sit down [Music] [Applause] i don't care i'm proud of arguing over this mess the holy ghost told me there's no unity and he doesn't care how many times zooming on my face it doesn't matter how many times you invoke the name of jesus if you ran from facebook bashing on people into the church to shout unto god save your shout get to the altar repent of the malice and ask god to forgive you it's time to stop the division [Applause] [Music] i want to say this should i get the shot should i not you should pray and follow god should i wear a mouth should i not you should do what brings peace to you and god and we shouldn't judge people one way or the other period let me tell you why i'm saying this because the bible said be strong receive strength watch in the dominion kratos in the dominion of god and here's what i heard the spirit of god whispered to me as i was studying he said to me you've lost power and strength because you've stepped outside of dominion into a place of division i don't care how cute and spiritual and sassy and lights and smoke and great singing and everything if there's division in your heart you're not walking in the full blessing of god [Music] [Applause] and there is a reason why the enemy is trying to divide not just the nation but the church because if we ever come out of disagreement and if we ever come out of division and if we ever get in unity then we have the i praise you for what i feel father we have the power and the authority to take authority over this demonic sickness plague and see our nation healed [Applause] he is a god of dominion his kingdom is a kingdom of dominion but here's the thing about it if you step off the playing field the battlefield of of where god has dominion and you come on the enemy's territory this is what's happening people have left the battlefield where god has dominion and they've entered the enemy's dominion and they're operating in his rules of engagement well since it's quiet and i've offended so many let me keep going where do wars and fights come from among you do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members you lust and you do not have your murder and covenant cannot obtain you fight in war yet you do not have because you do not ask i heard the lord this week we don't have healing in america because we're not tired of fighting yet we're not tired of our warring yet and the reason we're not seeing healing and you know what i've been notified that youtube may take this sermon down because i began to preach about an answer to coven 19 that is not in some syringe if you think it's in a syringe go get it i'm good with it but i want you to know i'll keep on praying and i'll keep on preaching and i'll keep on declaring the name of god is the name that's above every other name including this foul infirmity and if they take it off go tell everybody else that you know that i said jesus is still king over coveted and there's nothing impossible with god jesus [Applause] be strong in the lord in the kratos dominion of god and in his might it's not a time for a bunch of pansies this is not the moment of a wussified church we serve a conquering king with nail scarred hands and nail scarred feet [Applause] when john saw him on patmos he was not some limpested savior pontificating over religious depth he said he had eyes like fire [Applause] feet like brass hair as wide as wool and a voice like the sound of many waters on his thigh was written the name word of god when he opened his mouth a sharp two-edged sword proceeded that destroyed the alien army of the antichrist i tell you this king of glory is very much alive and well john did not hear him say i'm he that will be he said tell him i am he that was i am he that is and he that always will be i am alpha and omega i was dead and now i am alive forevermore and make sure john they know that the next time i come i'll not be tied to a whipping post i won't carry my cross up the hill the next time they won't mark my name and crown me with thorns the next time oh no god i feel like preaching here the next time i come i'll put feet down on the mount of olives it'll split from the east to the west and a clear stream will flow from it and i'll re i'll receive the reward of my suffering john this is a victorious god and if you're going to be in the battlefield on this on this occasion in this generation i want you to understand you're going to have to be strengthened and the power of the holy spirit you you got to have a strength from god you have to have a strength that comes from knowing god how many need him can you just throw your hand up right in the middle of this sermon and just say lord i need your strength i don't want to fight i don't want a war i don't want to live without you i need your strength and then he says in verse 11 let's keep going he says number one be strong second command he give gives us rules of engagement is put on don't miss the small words they mean something number one be strong that's a command it's a verb second verb put on i love this word endo it means this is so good it means to sink into it the only thing i can say the best way i can relate this idea of put on sink into it is what happens when clark can't goes into a phone booth not to dial 9-1-1 he goes in and sinks into this blue suit with red booties and a red cape and when he comes out it's on put on sink into the whole he does say whole because you must understand that any place in your life that has not put on the whole armor becomes exposed and vulnerable to the enemy this is how you can have saved people that are walking in bondage because they don't have on the belt of truth you've actually confessed christ as lord but the truth isn't holding it all together and you get in error and lose the victory i'm gonna go through that some next time we're together put it on and the enemy wants to lure us into places of weakness by taking us off battlefields that we were called to walk on and operate in victory in and he wants to lure us into places of battle where we have no authority and when we are exposed and vulnerable just this past week two different people i i talked to this past week had heart issues and one both of them in fact testified and told me it's because of the stress and the pressure of everything going on in the world and they didn't they let it get to them one of them told me there are forces that in they try to invade our life do you understand we're not wrestling people stay in the book wallace verse 12 go there with me for we you've got to be strong you've got to put on the whole armor of god why because you are fighting and wrestling the word wrestling in the greek is the word palais it's where we get this whole idea of paleo wrestling and this is a contest between two people in which both parties endeavor to throw the other and the victory is decided when one of the two who are wrestling each other are able to hold your opponent down with your hand on its neck and we're like come join our cool mega church this isn't a cool mega church we're trying to train wrestlers we're trying to equip warriors we're not here to teach three principles on how to have more money and drive a sweeter ride and live in a bigger house we're trying to win souls to the kingdom of god and we're trying to put the devil out of business paul said we're wrestling and that's why sometimes it feels like you get thrown and you feel like you're getting the life of god choked out of your wife because you got an enemy you have an adversary that doesn't want you and he doesn't want me to make it i don't believe in demons i don't care they're real unseen forces in unseen realms that are very busy behind the scene doing what they can to hinder the progress of the believer and to stop the movement of the kingdom of god and i want to tell you right now it is time that and i'm not talking about some weird revelation of spiritual warfare i'm not talking about hopping in a helicopter jumping up at 3 000 feet and sprinkling gold dust in the air and saying we've got dominion in the spirit that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about warring in the holy ghost i'm talking about quoting the bible and believing the word of god i'm talking about standing in the power of the resurrected christ hey where are the prayer mamas that still plead the blood of jesus and invoke the name of our christ and declare in the middle of the night when hell is breaking loose you won't have my babies you won't have my children you won't have my sons and daughters you won't have my school you won't have my teacher you will you won't have it devil i might get thrown down and you may put your hand on my neck but a just man gets up seven times i will not quit i've been promised victory i've been given a promise god has declared that he's good i believe that he'll win and because he wins i win too somebody say amen [Applause] it's a wrestling match wrestling wrestling we don't wrestle we wrestle and if you don't believe wwf is real don't talk to me i want to do a ric flair whoa just right in the middle of the sermon we're in a wrestling match and here's what i want you to see we are not wrestling each other and if you are you are stepping out of the dominion of christ out of the place where authority has been granted for victory to be accomplished and you have entered into a territory where you may not receive help from god this is what we're doing right now in this season we are fighting i'm not talking about just us i'm talking about in the kingdom there's a full-blown internal insurrection going on i see more people using pulpit time to preach policies and partisan things than the gospel all the while sinners are staying in their sin darkness is still dark and the devil's loving every minute of it i can't answer or speak to or be responsible for what happens down the road but as for this house we got to stay focused we don't wrestle flesh and blood we don't spend our time trying to exert spiritual energy on carnal things we spend our time and invest i and this doesn't mean i don't believe in speaking up for truth and against foolishness but i don't make it personal because it's not personal it's spiritual and until you can see the spirit working behind the person you probably ought to pause and not say much at all paul says we don't wrestle flesh and blood but we do wrestle we wrestle some pretty amazing stuff he says you wrestle principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this age spiritual hosts of wickedness you know what that means that these demonic powers and principalities who are full of wickedness will attempt to invade with wickedness and set up wickedness until righteous people say no more wickedness this is why i believe we are seeing an acceleration and an increase in iniquity and lawlessness because the church has primarily and and at large in many ways forsaken its responsibility to put dark powers in their place this is one reason why i said a couple of weeks ago and i know there were people didn't like it when i said it but it's how it's how i feel and it's what i believe god is saying we will not shut the doors of church again now i'm not wanting a response we won't shut the doors of the church again because i believe what happens when we come together is in many ways part of the solution for why we're not coming together in the first place in other words if the sickness is what's driving the government to say close it down then where's the ecclesia do you understand that you're not just a member of a church you are part of the ecclesia of the called out ones when we come together we call forth the kingdom of god [Applause] the spirit of the lord this is this is far too s this is far too maniacal and diabolical to be the result of a politician or politician this is some demonic stuff we're fighting and instead of fighting back against the demonic stuff that's trying to fight i see us if we're not careful coming off that battlefield where we've been promised victory and getting on a battlefield of division and hate and malice and we're losing our authority i told someone this past week one in five churches this is what george barna's group has discovered in covid one in five churches have shut down listen to this one in three believers have stopped going to church do you hear that one-third of believers have decided they're not going to go to church right now well what's the big deal the big deal is as called out ones who come together and declare and and and and come into harmony with the word of god and establish we establish we hear the word of the lord and we declare to our generation the word of god and when we're not doing that when we're not getting marching orders from heaven when we're not following peace with all men and walking in unity and coming together and receiving strength from god and strength from each other when we don't have any unity when we don't have any agreement the enemy rules the enemy reigns which is why i said we're going to have church if it's just four people we're gonna have church why why would you do that what if they put you in prison we'll start a prison ministry i mean that this is not defiance this is me understanding and walking this out last year was i i kept telling everybody in the network this is a this is a year of new we've never been this way before we're having to fill this out i had pastors up north out west down south midwest everybody was living with a different set of realities depending on what state you live in don't have church do have church have this many can't have that many have to do this have to do that they said what do we do i said right now you got to do what you do in the place that you're in but coming out of that and looking forward the kingdom of god is the only hope for a country that is as messed up as the one that we're in and if kingdom citizens aren't meeting together and declaring the greatness of our god and hearing the word of the lord we're allowing witches and warlocks and principalities and powers to set the tone and i came to tell you the devil is a liar [Applause] so be strong receive the strength of god don't try to fight these battles and fight in this day in your own strength you won't make it the good news is you don't have to you don't have to lose battles you just have to depend on god secondly put on the whole armor of god we're going to talk about the whole armor of god over the next couple of weeks but paul says it twice here in the first three verses he says it two different ways he says put on the whole armor of god and take up the armor of god verse 13 and verse 11. look at it he says take up the whole armor of god put it on it's there why don't you want it go get it oh i'm gonna take you off but i love you enough to tell you if you have time to post it you have time to pray [Applause] let's just decide we're going to do something different get a better outcome pastor just seems to me seth i'm transitioning it just seems to me pastor that you know this thing is just coming to an end and there's really no way to change it i'm going to tell you right now it's coming to an end and jesus is coming soon i know there are people who will turn i know there are people who will get hurt i know there are people who will lose their love and their heart will get colder the closer we get to the coming of christ the bible teaches us that many will be offended i'm not denying that is in the bible it said many it didn't say everyone and what i'm trying to tell you is i've made up my mind many may but we won't [Applause] you decide i'll decide if i'm going to be one of the many that lose inheritance and lose victory and lose my peace or if i'm going to be one of those that say to the very end he who has begun a good work in me is going to be faithful to finish what he started i just want to announce to you this thing is not going to end with the church in a cave and the antichrist on the throne is not going to end with a bunch of [Music] loss of victory it's going to end for those who keep their faith in god you're going to overcome the world that's what john said this is how we overcome the world even our faith our faith in jesus christ [Music] if you've been fighting and you've been battling and you've got some stuff coming against you stop feeling like you're the only one you're not i want to make an announcement that may disturb you but it's true nonetheless your pastor has to fight the fight of faith i don't wake up every morning and angels don't carry me to my breakfast nook and prepare my coffee open my bible and prepare my devotion i don't wake up in morning praying in tongues i don't wake up in mourning seeing angels in my living room i wake up in the morning with devin and the baby she's usually screaming the baby's usually screaming i'm saying god i thought i was anointed why won't my baby sleep i pray declare god gives his beloved sleep she screams while i'm praying [Applause] we're not exempt from the trials and the vicissitudes and the issues and the problems we don't somehow get exempt cards from all of the the warfare and my kids have been sick my family's gone through stuff i've lost people that are close to me i want you to know it's not tulips and roses when you say yes to jesus here's what i want you to know it's going to be worth it all and don't you let some don't you let some imp from the realm of darkness put its hand on your throat choke the life of god out of you and throw you around all your life making you feel like you'll never have victory i tell you greater is he that is in you than the one that is living in this world remind the enemy that no weapon formed against us will be able to prosper [Applause] [Music] we're people of victory stand with me i'm through today strengthen yourself in the lord strengthen yourself in the lord stay in the dominion of god don't get outside of a battlefield where christ has not given you authority or dominion stop fighting flesh and blood stay in the spirit stay focused we have an assignment come on tell your neighbor we have an assignment he said therefore take up the home armor of god allah take it it's like sitting on a shelf there for you make up your mind you're not going to step on the battlefield of life vulnerable and exposed to the enemy he never intended for you to be run over by the adversary but if you're going to have victory you got to take it and wrestle pretzel like remember hulkamania [Music] i just want to tear my jacket right now rip my yellow shirt off right hulkamania remember [Music] andre the giant hulkamania wrestlemania 3. the giant slams hogan hogan's down looks like he's he's out one two last second [Applause] [Music] remember like 20 of y'all remember come on you feel me listen this morning is [Applause] no not for me come on for him something's rising i feel a shift coming [Music] i don't know if the world will feel it but the people who are citizens of the kingdom ought to live in a reality of the victory that christ died to give us and i think some of us are snapping up off the mat today it was like one two and you throw your arm up and say not today devil [Applause] someone i we got to go but somebody just put that in the atmosphere not today devil not today you won't take my family today you won't take my marriage today you won't take my children today you won't take my school year to not you won't take my joy you won't take my peace not [Music] not today come on tell somebody not today not today you might have took it yesterday but i got to church this morning if the devil was gonna kill me he should have did it yesterday because today i feel like i can run over a truth and leap over alone [Music] i better quit it because it's 1201 and the baptist people are already at the restaurant but i feel some victory in this room right now somebody give god a shout give him a shout glory and that victory we have that victory that's ours [Music] hallelujah i heard an old old story i'm gonna ruin this good sermon with a bad hymn at the end but i feel i sing it and how a savior came from glory how he gave his life on calvary to save a wretch like me i heard about he is groaning of his precious blood atoning and i repented of my sin and won the victory come on in here before we go home somebody throw your hands up and say all victory in jesus my savior come and worship him for a minute forever he saw me [Music] he loved me [Applause] him and all my love is to him come on here family somebody say he plunged me [Applause] beneath thank you lord we gotta go home but i heard about a mansion he had built for me in glory to see i heard about the streets of gold beyond beyond the crystal sea i need somebody to shout right here i heard about the angel sinking and the old redemption story is the good news and some sweet day we're gonna sing up there a song of victory how many got it right now sing it with me all victory [Applause] in jesus christ my savior forever and ever oh he saw me open up your mouth and tell him with his i knew him yes i did and all my love is to him he plunged me to victory [Music] it's about eyes closed it's time to come home for somebody you say i need jesus pastor kevin i need him to save me i need him to be lord of my life i need forgiveness for my sins i need the lord of glory the son of the living god jesus christ who came through a virgin wound died on an old rugged cross rose from the dead three days later ascended to the right hand of god and is sitting right now in a place of victory i need that jesus to rescue me and be the lord of my life if you're in this room i don't care what you've done and how long you've been doing it doesn't matter matter how unloved or how unaccepted or how messed up and dirty you feel i came to tell you you're in a house that loves you and you're you're in a place with a god that will save you no matter what you've done jesus is a friend to sinner if you need christ when i say three shoot your hand up say pastor today i want to i want him to be the lord of my life i want to repent i want to get right with god i don't want to go to hell i don't want to live in the dark i want to walk in the light i'm ready to come into eternal life today if i'm talking to you when i say three shoot that hand up say pray for me pastor i want to get right with god one two three right now just lift your hand wherever you're standing i need jesus anybody at all in that place anybody just lift your hand up god bless you sweetheart anybody else i need christ to save me just lift your hand here's how we do it at redemption i just want you to look at the person standing next to you a couple of hands went up there's no shame no judgment doesn't matter what you've done no matter what lifestyle you're living i don't care how screwed up and messed up you feel jesus came to rescue and save period if you'll turn to him he'll take your sin forgive it he'll give you a new life today because he's a good god i want you to ask your neighbor i don't care if you've known him your whole life or you never met him before today ask the neighbor on your left and right there's one question do you need someone to go to the altar and pray with you if you lifted your hand or you should have when they ask you that question would you just come stand with me right now prayer leaders are going to come pastors are going to come we're going to pray anybody at all who wants to give their heart to christ don't ask your neighbor do you need someone to go pray with you do you need someone to go pray with you if you lifted your hand or you should have come stand with me this morning god bless you sweetheart come on god bless you over there family come on anybody else i want to give my heart to jesus come on sweetheart come on this is why we come to church i need pastors and prayer leaders to come help me right now come on y'all angels are giving god praise let's join heaven and celebrate one coming home [Applause] [Music] stretch your hands toward the altar would you pray for them like you wish somebody would have prayed for you the day you gave your heart to christ lord thank you for saving people today thank you for making lives brand new today yeah keith just lead them to the lord right there misty come help him thank you god thank you god come on just a couple of minutes of prayer we're going to leave in a moment god's done some powerful things today but i'm telling you the most powerful thing he can do he's doing it right now saving the lost jesus we thank you [Music] at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith i receive my sight and now i am just one more time as they continue to pray thank you lord at the cross at the cross where i first and the burden of my heart it was there [Music] i received my sight while they're praying here at the athens campus pastor chris and the team are going to lead those who are coming to the altar for salvation to be saved as well and we pray the strength of god be imparted to you today the grace of god that brings salvation has appeared to all men and it's happening right there we give god praise for lives being changed lord i pray for the people of god today i pray this week would be filled with victory i pray they would put on christ i pray they'll stand in the strength of the lord i thank you today for the armor of god and i thank you father god that you've not left us vulnerable we're not praying to be overcome but father we are victors who will wear a crown and today i bless the people of god may this week be filled with blessing may it be filled with goodness may it be filled with divine appointment and divine favor i pray for every student and every teacher as we begin school this week god would you watch over our people would you let our students god have victory may they be blessed and excel in their classes touch our teachers lord protect them and our administrators this year watch over us god give us a blessed week bless our families bless our church and may we advance the kingdom in our generation in jesus name shake hands with each other we'll see you wednesday night may you go in the peace and in the strength of the lord god bless you wow that's a great i am so excited about this series battle threads and today's rule of engagements found in ephesians 6 10-18 that was amazing i love what he said pastor josh when he said you know if you think you're going through this alone you're not you're not we've all been there so today i hope you've gained enough to tell your enemy listen you don't know who you're messing with you don't know who you uh who i am and you know where you can go and so i hope today you have been encouraged you have been reminded of the armor of the situation that god puts us in to be victorious that's right and don't forget he doesn't put us in situations that we can't overcome come on through him right and so every day put on the full armor of god every day i encourage you to get in your prayer closet seek him let's get battle ready together that's right so we are looking forward to this why don't you share this message tell tell people what it means to you and we love you we can't wait to see you uh through midweek and next sunday yes absolutely and just to remind you that if you have a prayer request at all you can still comment it in this thread and even though the service is not live any longer you can still share this message for those that you know it needs to be encouraged today and reminded to get battle ready and put on the full armor of god having a wonderful week and we love you familia god bless you see you later what
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 3,952
Rating: 4.9694657 out of 5
Id: G-zpR_jqInc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 34sec (9214 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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