Prayer at Noon

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good afternoon and welcome to noon prayer i'm going to welcome all of our students in the room all those watching online we're so happy you would join us the purpose of this hour is just to take this 12 to 1 o'clock time right in the middle of the day and just to produce an incense of worship before the lord to seek the lord for our lives and our nation and our church and we're so glad you've chosen to join us so wherever you're watching from your work cubicle your car your kitchen right now we're just going to declare it becomes a holy place and what i want us to do is we start out and the students know this if you all will just get out of your seats and come to the altar always spread out all over the sanctuary and get yourself in a posture of worship we can't worship with our hands folded sitting down our mouths closed worship and praise require participation from our body our body and our spirit come into alignment and we begin to express on the outside how we feel about the lord on the inside and so i'm just going to ask the worship team to take us straight in and let's just take the first five or ten minutes and let's just set this atmosphere with worship let's just give an offering to the lord it's a sacrifice that means it doesn't matter if we feel like it he's still worthy at 12 o'clock in the middle of the day so whether you clap your hands you raise your hands you sing a song before the lord you shout whether you kneel you dance you spin all of these are biblical forms of praise and worship and that's what we're going to give him so father right now we just thank you that you meet with us during this time and here we are father we carve out this hour and we give it to you and only you you are worthy father of all of our praise and for the next 60 minutes we push aside every distraction we push aside every hindrance and right here in the middle of our day we declare you are worthy and lord jesus we just step into a heavenly realm right now and we engage with the sound of heaven we engage with the activity of heaven and lord they're surrounding you crying holy holy holy is the lord god almighty and we just join our worship with you so right now father i declare in this atmosphere you are worthy you are exalted you are high and lifted up and the train of your robe now fills this temple and right now all over this house all over the airways we join together with one voice in unity and we give you praise we give you praise in this place now go ahead tori take us soon [Applause] there is [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no other names [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] there is [Music] are worthy of all honor and praise there's no other name jesus jesus there is [Music] no other name you alone are worthy of our jesus jesus [Music] that's worthy there is [Music] you alone are worthy of all honor and praise jesus there is none like you [Music] oh come on just right here just begin to lift up your song just lift up your [Music] arms there's nobody liking jesus there's nobody like jesus oh there's nobody like the lord oh there's nobody like [Music] we worship you jesus we worship you jesus [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you're the lord [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] right now on this moment with every hand lifted as we just saturate this atmosphere with worship this is what i want to say to my students in this room and those who have gathered and those watching online you know so many people pull at us some of you have assignments and teachers pulling at you and family pulling at you and responsibilities so many watching work is pulling on you and i know as a mom i had to learn this principle my children could call my name my husband could call my name work could call my name and all of those things had one thing in common they needed something from me but this is the difference in worship in this moment when god calls your name and he calls us to engage with him he's not taking something he's trying to give something and in your moment of surrender when you worship i'm talking to weary people right now tired people right now overwhelmed people right now stress students right now anxious people right now this is your moment of freedom because when you give that sacrifice of worship to the lord what i learned is in those few moments when i thought i was giving him something he was actually giving me a great exchange and he'll begin to lift that stress lift those worries lift that sickness lift that weariness and you will find that when you worship him he's not taking from you he's giving to you so i don't know if there's anybody in the room today that you're like pastor devin i'm drained i'm stressed i'm tired i'm weary if that's you this is your moment so i'm going to give you three or four more minutes before we move into prayer every hand lifted and surrender i just want us to get lost in his presence for a moment and let a great exchange take place at the altar father we surrender all to you right now and we thank you that as this awesome and holy god you are that you would even receive our offering of worship and i thank you father that you cannot be out given and as these students lift their song of praise and they lift their hands and they turn their feet loose and they begin to worship you i pray a great exchange would take place let burdens be lifted father let yokes be destroyed let worry be alleviated let stress be broken and i declare the oil of joy and the oil of peace and the oil of comfort would come over this room in the name of jesus so right now can you just lift your hands to the lord lift your song to the lord lift words of adoration if you can't sing it just say it and just let him know how worthy he is and just release it to him release the unknown to him release the pressure to him cast your cares on him because he cares for you right now in this moment that's worship just give it to him now as the worship team sings and dearest father closest friend most beautiful most beautiful [Music] and dearest father closest friend most beautiful most beautiful and one thing i desire only this i see just a dwelt [Music] laying out your fears [Music] closest friend most beautiful most beautiful and dearest father [Applause] closest friend most beautiful most beautiful [Music] dearest father closest friend most beautiful most [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful closest friend most beautiful most beautiful there are no words [Music] there are no words there's nothing left my love sings to you you sing oh there are no words [Music] no words there's nothing left my love sings to you wishing all i'm so in love with you you're beautiful so beautiful i fix my eyes on you you're beautiful so beautiful i'm so in love with you i'm so in love with you you're beautiful so beautiful i fix my eyes on [Music] so beautiful with just one look everything changes i'm captivated i'll never be the same with just one look everything changes i'm captivated i'll never be the same no no we're [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll never be the same with just one look everything changes i'm captivated i'll never be the same [Music] jesus you're so beautiful in this place and we fix our eyes on you right now and we just worship you we adore you jesus you have our full attention and our full focus and we just turn our hearts toward you right now and we do cast our cares upon you for you care for us and we thank you for the great exchange that has taken place in this room and is taking place for the great exchange that's taking place online over the airwaves lord we thank you that stress and worry are being broken fear is being broken anxiety cycles of anxiety is being broken right now in the name of jesus panic is being broken panic attacks in the name of jesus father we trade every manifestation of fear and insecurity that the enemy would plant in our life and we exchange it for your peace we exchange it for confidence in you as our father and so right now in this room and on these airways we just arrest every manifestation of fear anxiety worry and panic that would seal our peace and we declare the peace of jesus saturates this room the peace of jesus saturates these airways confidence in you comes upon your people we thank you for the blanket of comfort you're putting on your people right now and we look to you as our solution we look to you as our stability we look to you as our peace right now in the name of jesus i just release that over this room what i want us to do now as the atmosphere has been set students you can get in your groups those that have just joined us for prayer maybe you can get in a group of two or three rsm you can just get in groups of three four five let's get in groups to minister one to another i have something specific i want us to pray today but i just believe that there's an exchange taking place and what i want to do is start praying for people over these airways and students i want you to start praying for one another in this room the lord is taking sickness and releasing healing the lord is taking chaos and he's releasing alignment the lord is taking those yokes of bondage he's releasing freedom so right now you all can just get in a circle and you can share with one another what you need the lord to exchange for you but what i want to do is i want to stretch my hands toward the live stream and anyone watching right now that a great exchange is taking place as the presence of the lord just envelops your car your room your workplace right now i declare that in his presence a great exchange is taking place and for whoever i'm sending in my spirit is tormented with fear i declare the peace of jesus christ is breaking into your space right now and we just declare fear is being arrested in the name of jesus fear is being bound i just need to speak to someone online you have been wrestling suicidal thoughts and thoughts of self-harm and in the name of jesus i declare those are not your thoughts those are the thoughts of an enemy that has been sent to kill steal and destroy your life and in the name of jesus i declare the words of your enemy are being exposed right now they are not truth in jesus name and i declare the truth of jesus christ is invading your space he has come to give you life and give it to you more abundantly and i declare that spirit of death that is hovered in the atmosphere of your home right now it's being exposed in the name of jesus and i just see the wind of life coming in the windows coming in the doors the wind of life is blowing into your bedroom into your car and i declare the wind of life is bringing hope to you right now the ruach of god is bringing peace to you right now and i declare your troubled mind is receiving the peace of jesus christ and i declare you foul spirit of death you are found in the name of jesus every message of suicide you are bound in the name of jesus and you are cast to the feet of jesus and i declare life springs forth depression will not hover in your home it will not rest upon your shoulders depression is not part of your identity you are not losing your mind in the name of jesus it is the enemy coming to sift you to try you and i declare i see the hand of jesus coming upon your mind right now in jesus name and he is uprooting what the enemy has tried to plant there in jesus name i declare that assignment of insanity and torment is being addressed right now by the spirit of the living god holy ghost i pray you would go and place your hand on their mind right now you are not losing your mind in the name of jesus i declare you're about to gain the mind of christ and this stronghold is being pulled down i'm speaking to someone right now with a generational spirit hovering in your house of insanity and mental instability i declare it stops right now in the name of jesus it stops with the blood of jesus in your family line it stops with you and that spirit of insanity and mental instability will not take root in your mind in the name of jesus be healed i declare every chemical in your brain comes into alignment right now by the blood of jesus christ be healed be made whole the shalom of jesus christ is coming on your brain it's coming on your mind and i declare your systems are coming into alignment stress is coming out the toes and fingers it's leaving your muscles in the name of jesus and i declare a peace a warmth is coming over you and it's the healing of jesus christ and peace is yours in jesus name in the name of jesus receive it receive it [Applause] [Music] jesus you change everything lives healed hope is found right here right now jesus should change everything change [Music] jesus you change everything the lights are healed and hope is found right here now jesus should change everything this is just what i'm hearing in my spirit right now last week we started praying for feet the lord woke me up that morning and said i'm focusing on the feet but i'm just telling you what i'm hearing the lord say right now is i'm focusing on the head i'm focusing on the mind and if that is what the lord is doing then head to toe he is realigning his people i feel like the lord is focusing on the mind so students this sounds crazy i want you to lay your hands on your head everybody watching that can i want you to lay your hands on your head i'm here to tell you your thought life will steer your life it will be a thought life that empowers you for kingdom purpose or your thoughts can be a prison for your destiny and your future and jesus said his word will renew the mind we don't need our carnal mind we need the mind of christ and i feel like some of you are struggling with thoughts some of you are struggling in your thought life some of you are struggling with lies the enemy is planted that play like a broken record in your mind some of you are just you're suffering from inferior thinking doubt has infected your brain criticism has affected your brain and you can't walk in faith and i feel like the lord wants to align our thinking so i know this sounds crazy just lay your hands on your head and say father i give you my mind i give you my thoughts i give you my thoughts that you know before i thank them father i surrender them to you every way my brain functions for those who have uh chemical imbalances in the brain and it's causing depression or anxiety those suffering from add adhd learning disabilities i'm telling you jesus wants to heal the brain and heal its functioning and our thought life so right now i just want you to lay your hands on your head and say father bring my mind into alignment with your word bring my mind into alignment with your thoughts your thoughts are higher than my thoughts your ways are higher than my ways jesus let me stop thinking like me and start thinking like you why don't you dare to pray that prayer jesus let me think like you let me think your thoughts let me see situations the way you see them let my mind respond the way your mind would respond in jesus name just take a moment and students after you pray for your head why don't you turn to your buddy and lay your hands on their head and start saying father let them think like you give them kingdom thinking give them kingdom faith let it rise up so father wes we pray i just release a wave of healing over the mind over this sanctuary over the airways right now as they sing i declare a wave of healing for the mind is coming in jesus name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you take what the enemy meant for you and you turned it forward [Music] [Applause] you'll take what the enemy meant for evil and you turned it forward you turned it for good and you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turned it forward [Music] [Music] you're killing mind you're healing minds you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turned it forward you turned it for good you'll take what the enemy meant for evil you'll take what the enemy meant for evil and you turned it for good you turned it for good you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turned it for good you turned it for god you turned it forward you turned it for god [Music] you're turning it for my good you're turning [Music] my god as they continue to pray one for another in these circles i just want to expose an assignment of the enemy as i speak to our online audience and in here when this sickness called covid begin to move across our nation and that and in the nations of the earth we have talked a lot about the sickness in itself and the symptoms of the sickness and what it's doing to the physical body but what is not being talked about enough is the spirit that is attached to it and it is more than just a sickness of the body there is a spirit of anxiety and fear there is a fog and a lack of clarity and clear thinking covid doesn't just attack the physical body it attacks the spiritual mind and what i am seeing and what i am hearing from kingdom leaders is individuals who aren't even sick with covid are still wrestling with the torment of the mind fear and anxiety and lack of clarity and thinking and i want to expose it because as long as we deal with that on our own we think it's just us but i'm here to tell you it has been an assignment of the enemy that has been released over this nation and i see it targeting kingdom leaders i see it targeting young people that's why i want y'all praying over each other's minds you want to know why the suicide rate's so high it's not just because life has changed there is a spirit that has been sent to torment the minds of our young people and so i just want to call it out in the name of jesus and i want us to begin to pray against it not just individually you may need to lay hands on yourself right now but we need this this principality this spirit of darkness to be broken in this nation we need our kingdom leaders to think properly and to shake off fear and to stand on the word so right now i'm going to lead us on a prayer and i just want you to come into agreement with me father in the name of jesus we have spent days praying against coven and we've prayed for healing and we receive that we know you're working in that realm but right now father we want to address the spiritual layer behind this sickness and father right now we expose this spiritual assignment of fear and torment this spiritual assignment that comes against the thought life of individuals oppresses thinking brings that brain fog where they cannot think clearly and make decisions that changes perspective in the name of jesus we address this in the name of jesus and expose it and we pray the blood of jesus would be against it in the name of jesus the blood of jesus be against you you spirit of fear and torment that is attacking god's people the blood of jesus is against you the cross of jesus is against you i feel the authority of the holy ghost rising up in me let him rise up in you enough is enough in the name of jesus and we pray for a cleansing of the atmosphere over this nation a cleansing of the airways over this nation that one has fed this demonic principality will be starved out in the name of jesus and we declare a narrative change i declare a narrative change on the airwaves i declare a narrative change on our phones and social media and in conversation and i declare what is feeding this will be starved out and i declare your word will be like a sword cutting and dividing between soul and spirit and your word will cut through this spiritual assignment and set your people free i declare your word shall renew our minds and break the stronghold i feel fire in my hands right now somebody is being set free from a demonic stronghold on their mind in the name of jesus be free by the blood of jesus christ just lift your hands and receive it somebody needs to live a schlepped a shout of victory because a breakthrough is coming to your mind and a breakthrough is coming to this nation father we declare this bewitchment would be broken in the name of jesus over your church and over your people and that we would have the mind of christ and that faith would fill every gap that fear has occupied in the name of jesus that faith would fill every gap that fear has occupied in jesus name now you help me declare it over your home over your city and over this nation a healing of the till the mind world knows king jesus he is faithful he is the blessed hope we'll shout so the whole world hears it we'll sing to the whole world knows king jesus he is faithful he is the blessed hope we'll shout till the whole world hears it we'll sing till the whole world knows king jesus he is faithful he is the lord of hope king jesus he is faithful he is the lord of hope king jesus he is faithful he is the lord [Music] hallelujah give him glory for the marriage [Music] let me say this why tory sings that song he's coming he's coming and and the pressure in the spirit is unreal it is literally like birth pains taking place all i keep hearing is the word sifting and i'm gonna ask the students when when you're done in your circles to come into agreement with me i feel like what i am sensing the only thing i can liken it to is the enemy has unleashed an assignment of sifting on god's people where are you getting that pastor devin well that's what happened to peter when peter denied christ he went into a battle of his faith and jesus before it ever happened he said peter i have prayed for you the enemy has desired to sift you like wheat i wish i had a sift up here today it's this little instrument with holes in it you put wheat in it and you shake it and when you shake it it separates it separates and what it was is the enemy was shaking peter in a very pressured situation hoping to separate him from his faith disconnect him from his faith and that is when i the only way i can articulate what i am sensing in the spirit in the kingdom is the enemy has come in with a wave of darkness trying to sift god's people and separate them from their faith and he's starting in the root of the mind it's starting as an internal struggle and it's starting to exhibit external symptoms and this is what jesus did jesus said peter i have prayed for you that your faith would not fail you if i was preaching a sermon right now we would see that's a prophetic message because peter represents the church jesus said you are peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it and we see in peter's life he was not perfect and peter certainly almost lost his faith this is a picture of the church right now but what jesus said is i'm praying for you and i declare the gates of hell will not prevail against you so i feel like we need to just do what jesus would do and we need to start interceding for the church in america right now and we need to do what jesus would do and we need to declare the remnants faith will not fail pastor that is watching me i am praying because your faith will not fail mother that is watching me i declare your faith will not fail jesus has prayed for you and right now we're about to pray for you and i declare this weapon will not prosper and we agree with the words of jesus the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church in america and the gates of hell shall not prevail against you son and daughter of god you church leader i declare it will not prevail hold on hold on to your faith hold on to jesus you will not be sifted as we for he has prayed for you right now can we just touch and agree and start interceding for the church in america and the church at large that she will not be sifted from her faith [Music] knows king jesus he is faithful he is the lord of hope we'll shout to the whole world hears it we'll sing till the whole world knows king jesus he is faithful he is the lord of all we'll shout to the whole world tears king jesus he is fable he is the lord of hope king jesus he is faithful king jesus he is faithful king jesus he is faithful king jesus he is faithful king jesus he is favor king jesus king jesus she is faithful king jesus he is faithful king jesus he is faithful king jesus he is faithful king jesus she is faithful he is lift your voice like a trumpet and declare the spirit of the lord is raising up a standard against it as we pray i want you to use your voice as a weapon and declare no more in the name of jesus lift up a battle cry a shot in this we're place ready we're getting ready king jesus she is faithful he is the lord of hope we'll shout to the whole world we'll sing to the whole world knows king jesus you are faithful you are the lord of hope we'll shout to the whole world gives it we'll sing to the whole world knows king jesus he is faithful he is the lord stay right there jackson stay right there in that flow this is what we're doing in this room this is called contending sometimes we come in here and we're declaring and we're interceding we're releasing things today the theme is contending and i feel a contending in my spirit what does that mean pastor devin i am fighting for someone's life right now i am fighting for someone's destiny sons of donors you are fighting for other young people's future i can't get it out of my spirit somebody needs to help me find suicide right now in the name of jesus there are some people they have been overwhelmed with sorrow and discouragement and we need to find that i'm telling you there's a spirit of discouragement that has been seen to sift and what are we doing right now we have come in here by our prayers and we are contending that means we are coming toe to toe with the enemy we are coming face to face with the enemy and we're saying if you're gonna get to that pastor you're gonna have to go through me if you're gonna get through that student you're gonna have to go through me we are raising up a standard called the blood of jesus christ and we are we are contending for those who are too weak and are too too bound to contend for themselves so i want you to dig your feet in the spirit right now students i want you to start praying for young people in this city who have been swallowed up by despair and discouragement i want you to start contending for their future and for their life you have no idea what your prayers are preventing right now and i need the adults in this room already we're about to start contending for pastors and church leaders i know they're watching right now and i just feel like there's a contending in my spirit you want to quit but i'm praying your faith won't fail you and the call of god inside of you won't let you quit this is not the time to back down and shut up and and and go into the corner and retreat i declare boldness is rising up in you and we are contending for you and i declare your best days are ahead of you there is no room for surrender there is no room for retreat and i declare the holy spirit is turning you around right now and he is shaking you at your core and he is shaking off what the enemy has put upon you to sift you right now help me praise students lord we intercede for leaders right now in the name of jesus my students we intercede for young people right now and we contend toe to toe face to face we declare that the enemy's weapons will not and cannot prosper toe to toe and face to face we declare the gates of hell shall not prevail in the name of jesus toe to toe and face to face we declare greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world took the two and face to face we declare we shall resist the devil and he must flee in the name of jesus help me contend as they sing that my god the enemy's been defeated and that couldn't hold you down we're gonna [Music] couldn't hold you down we're gonna lift your voice in victory we're gonna live our praises now shout out to kind with the voice of trial shout out to god with the voice shout out to god with the voice of triumph we lift your neighbor we lift your name up shout out to god with the voice of triumph shout out to god with a voice of praise shout out to god with the voice of triumph we lift your name up we lift your name up shout out to god with a voice a triumph shout out to god with the voice of friends shout out to god with the voice of triumph we lift your name up we lift your name up shout out to god with the voice of triumph shout out to khan with the voice of this is what we're going to do they're going to stay right there in that vein this is not the time to be timid in your prayers i want you to turn your spirit loose and we're about to contend right now for uruguay for our pastors there daniela and marcelo we're about to contend for the church in uruguay not just our church but the church in uruguay we're about to contend for a nation we're about to contend for our pastors in guatemala not all of you have met them yet but some of you students have already met them pastor josue and christie we're going to contend for them you think it's tough here right now you need to be in some of these other countries and what they are fighting it's dark they're discouraged they're weeping they feel alone right now in your circle i want you to decide as a circle if you're going to pray for uruguay or guatemala pick one and i want you to start contending praying for encouragement praying for revival i'm going to turn pastor kimmy loose and she's going to pray in spanish don't worry about what she's praying you all come into agreement but pray for daniela and marcelo marcella josue and christie pray for guatemala pray for uruguay as kimmy plays in spanish just pray kimmy senor de cristo jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] kimmy how do we say wave in spanish away hola wave of glory hola de gloria we're about to pray a wave of glory hola de gloria come on you can do it with me hold up gloria uruguay is right on the ocean guatemala's right on the ocean how about we pray this wave of darkness of the enemy is overcome by a tsunami of glory for our pastors there their churches and that nation our day gloria in the name of jesus in el nombre de jesus we release our holiday gloria over uruguay and guatemala say it in your circle you can say it in english or spanish pray for a wave of the glory that the lord would come in like a flood like a flood jesus to the rescue in the name of jesus jesus to the rescue way the [Music] in the name of jesus praise students wave of [Music] up your glory waves afterwards the ways of your glory who wakes afterwards the winds [Music] wake up of glory wave after wake wave of your glory wave that's a wave away [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the winds of your glory stay right there right in this lane if you're watching right now and you need that wave of glory to bring breakthrough this prayer has been for you this noon prayer has been for you i declare before we close breakthrough is coming to where you are if you're in this room right now and you say pastor devin this is for me i need breakthrough i want you to come on up to the altar and just come on up to the altar and i'm going to meet you some students are going to meet you up here whether you're a student or adult if you say this is for me pastor devin i need the wave of glory to bring breakthrough to my mind and heart anymore run on up here anymore while we wait if you're watching online live stream you can message in you can just raise your hands wherever you are but i'm telling you there's a swell of breakthrough coming there's a swell of breakthrough coming on the wings of prayer right now in the name of jesus anybody else i need some students with faith that are able to stay i know some of you got to go to class i need some students to come lay their hands on them in faith there's a breakthrough coming right now i need some students that will just stretch their hands toward that livestream camera and believe that the holy ghost will travel on airways and as tori begins to declare this wave i declare a wave of glory and breakthrough is coming to you now son and daughter of god receive breakthrough in your mind and in your body in the name of jesus breakthrough breakthrough away the breakthrough is coming right now in the name of jesus just receive it as we pray hey back isaiah wave a breakthrough breaking me pray away for breakthrough wave after [Music] wave wave after wave a wave of your glory wave after wave a wave of your glory [Applause] a wave of your glory after wave a wave of your glory a wave after wave a wave of your glory after wave after wave after wave of your glory go away back through wave after wave after wave of your glory wave after wave a wave of your glory wave after wave a wave of your glory wave after wave a wave of your glory a wave after wave a wave of your glory your glory in this place your glory in this place a wave of your glory your glory in this place your glory in this place a wave of your glory a wave of your glory a wave of your glory a wave of your glory a wave of your glory i'll wave your glory a wave of your glory a wave of your glory i'll wave up your glory a wave of your glory how we've abused the glory i'll wave off your glory a wave of your glory till there's nothing left of us high a wave of your glory till we're renewed oh god a wave of your glory till there's nothing left of us [Music] [Music] your glory in this place the wave of your glory your glory in this place [Music] is [Music] me your glory in this place [Applause] your glory in this place it's a wave of your glory for your glory in this place [Applause] a wave of your glory a wave of your glory a wave of your glory i wave up your glory oh i'll wave up your glory oh a wave of your glory god a wave of your glory god a wave of your glory god a wave [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 1,009
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Id: sL0hKeHgxbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 8sec (3908 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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