Front Porch Friends | Women's Ramp 2021

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well good evening front porch friends welcome again to our last and final service but we do not believe it ends here how many are going to take that whatever you've learned here back home with you and we're going to believe that we're going to hear so many reports of what god has been doing let's stand to our feet i'm pastor brian beasley i'm one of the staff pastors here at the ramp and it has been my honor to see you ladies just go after god i know you guys had a great time out at the land today a wonderful service this morning and last night but i believe we go from glory to glory which means god wants to outdo everything he's already done so if we would let's lift our hands all across this room we just do this as a sign of surrender just a sign of worship to jesus and i just want to open in prayer right now and we're going to invite the person and presence of the holy spirit holy spirit we ask you to come we ask you to feel the very atmosphere of this room we ask you to feel each and every person in this room tonight every man every woman young and old i ask god that you would move upon their hearts lord that tonight they would get a revelation of you jesus of in your beauty of your glory of your majesty give us a revelation of your goodness tonight let us see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living we pray tonight for the spirit of wisdom in revelation and the knowledge of god we pray the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened god tonight teach us to pray teach us to touch your heart teach us lord how to draw nearer and nearer to you we pray as we come in a time of praise and worship you promise to come and inhabit the praises of your people come and sit down on our praises come and enthrone the very atmosphere in this room as we lift your name on high come and do what only you can do in the name of jesus come on let's put our hands together and give god praise as we enter into his presence tonight come on i just want to encourage you if you need more space we've got all of this room we're just going to thank jesus for what he's done but let's just get into that posture of praise and worship right now and if you can do me a favor on the count of three we're just gonna lift up a shout of praise for what god has already done and what he's going to do amen one two three lift it up come on [Applause] we love you jesus you're so good at faithful you're so good at faithful you're so good in faithful how we love you jesus [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] bless the lord [Music] you heavenly host [Music] bless the lord all you his angels [Music] [Music] we give you the highest praise jesus come on come on good morning praise the day come on come on i know that's easy to sing let's stick it up come on come on and listen come on and pray today come on come on [Music] come on come on [Music] good morning [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh [Music] all you hear is [Music] look straight to jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] good morning mercy yeah [Music] oh [Music] the darkness flees when i move my body when i move [Music] [Music] went out on my body [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] the enemies [Music] [Music] we're about to go back into that when i move my body when i move my feet you ladies doing okay tonight you know i made a decision it was a long time ago i was in college it's a lot further away than it used to be i made a decision that i wasn't going to praise and be radical just because i'm charismatic i wasn't going to praise and be radical just because that's how i was raised in church i made a decision to open up the bible and i began to read verse after verse of what moves the heart of god so here's the thing i just want to we're about to go back into this but i want us to all be on the same page there are seven different hebrew words for praise in the bible seven different hebrew words and hear this every single word for praise every single one of them without exception is connected to an outward action to an outward expression so what that means is if i'm just kind of standing here i could be worshiping i could be thinking about what i ate for lunch it's really good barbecue i could be doing a lot of other things but when i'm praising the whole room is gonna see it when i'm actually entering into biblical praise because praise is radical praise is expressive praise is worthy of a god who gave everything now let's bring it back down so so the most commonly used word for praise in the bible is halal and it's where we get the phrase hallelujah the word hallelujah from so david ends the entire book of psalms with what let everything that has breath one more time let everything that has breath so that word there is halal and the definition of that means to rave to show to shine to boast to make a show to be glamorously foolish and i want to know if there are some praisers in the room tonight who are going to give jesus what he's worthy of who's not going to care about who's on the right or the left who's not going to care about what denomination they came from but there's a man on the throne named jesus who is worthy so let's just begin to pray [Music] [Music] come on straight to jesus that's it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] this is how i find my battles this is how i find my [Music] this is come [Music] straight to heaven [Music] it may look i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] let me look [Music] my [Music] there's a praise that breaks the silence a sound that slays the giants a voice that breaks down every prison door when we lift up our voices praises go before us for we know the battle is [Music] a voice that breaks down [Music] before us [Music] is oh [Music] i remember every victory i'll hear up my story the moment that i crossed from death to life let's sing that again i remember i remember every victory how he wrote my story the moment that i crossed from death to light [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the kings [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] again i remember every victory how he wrote your story the moment that you crossed from death to life sing that again i remember every victory how he wrote your story the moment that you cross from death to life [Music] [Music] foreign is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] every [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on could you lift your hands all over this room tonight we decree that every plan of the enemy is broken off your life in jesus name we decree that every plot of the enemy to get you off course and to get you to stop praying is broken off your life in jesus name and i speak strength over you come on let's just begin to lift up our voices let's just a roar begin to fill this place of worshipers come on let's begin to lift it up whether that's speaking in tongues whether that's saying the name of jesus let's just begin to let some let our voices saturate the atmosphere all over this place have your way jesus have your way jesus have your way jesus hear the cry the hear the cry of your people tonight god that's it that's it come on just a little while oh lift it up lift it up lift it up it's a sound of desperation [Music] oh we love you jesus i'd sit all over this room to saturate the atmosphere with worship the only one worthy the only one worthy [Applause] [Music] i know that chains are breaking when i praise him chains are breaking when i praise him chains are breaking when i praise him hallelujah hallelujah i know that the trains are breaking when i praise him chains are breaking when i praise him strains are breaking when i'm praising hallelujah i'll come up and stick that on every voice i when i know him chains heartbreaking when i praise him change our breaking when i praise him hallelujah one more time we say i know chains are breaking when i'm praising when i'm praising when i'm praising hallelujah hallelujah mountains are moving when i praise him my mountains are moving when i praise him my mountains are moving when i pray said hallelujah hallelujah i know long trains are moving when i praise him the mountains are moving when i praise him the mountains are moving when i pray hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] strongholds are breaking when i praise him strongholds are breaking winner hallelujah come on could you lift your hands all over this room and sing now my strongholds are breaking when i pray let me hear you sing it [Music] a hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] to the guy who's got his hands up he just put him down i just saw you yeah you um i had this picture of you when you were worshiping and it was like the lord put this box in front of you and you opened it up and you had courage the lord said but the lord said in that box was fresh courage because he's calling you to confront some things that maybe you wouldn't want to confront or maybe that you haven't it's kind of been hard to confront but i decree over you in jesus name that your voice is going to be so strong and courageous like never before and it's just gonna pierce through the darkness and it's gonna pierce through everything that's trying to come against you let's just extend our hands to him right now i thank you lord for the courage that he's had in the past i thank you lord for the giants that he's slain in the past but we decree and we declare that you are releasing over his life fresh courage fresh boldness fresh strength in jesus name to confront and to speak truth in jesus name we decree that courage courage is his portion we decree that courage courage is his portion like never before we decree that he's gonna be like a light shining in the darkness we decree that his voice is gonna be like a light breaking through the darkness could we give jesus a shout of praise all over this place come on come on just begin to release it all over this room we release it in jesus name we release it in jesus name he who began the work is faithful to complete it come on could you just keep lifting up your voice all over this place let's just give jesus the praise that he's worthy of hey [Music] [Music] when i praise [Music] there's a lady back there you've got curly black hair you've got your hands like this yes you just turned around um i had a picture of you as well when we were worshiping and i actually saw it was like this angel came and he put this box in front of you and it was like a platform and he helped you onto the box and i heard the lord saying that he's amplifying your voice in this season and that those people that have not listened to you are going to listen to you and i break off the lie of the enemy that says your voice doesn't matter and that you don't know truth and i decree over you that your voice is powerful and i decree that just like this this man over here your voice is going to penetrate the darkness in jesus name we decree that it is a new day for you we decree that it is a new day for your voice in jesus name we just have to lift up our voice again and praise and adoration to jesus come on all over this room come on whatever you need tonight jesus is here to meet that knee let's just begin to lift up our voice to the only one who is worthy to the man who's seen high come on just press it a little bit more [Music] [Music] strongholds [Music] to the girl you the jesus shirt um i just had this picture again of you lord speaking in pictures tonight to my mind's eye um and i felt like there had been a time where the where the enemy had tried to get you off track and he was like giving you all of these different options of different paths and i heard the lord say that in this season he is solidifying the path in your life so to pay attention and it's like where maybe these other voices and distractions have tried to come against you i heard i saw the lord come up to you and he put like this this thing over your ears and he said you're only going to be able to listen to my leading you're only going to be able to listen to my voice because i need you to follow the path that i have for you in this season and it wasn't even like like you did anything bad it's just because the call of god in your life is that important that he's going to interrupt a service tonight to let you know that he has a particular plan for your life and you're not to go to the right you're not to go to the left so in jesus name we release we release in this room tonight over your loved ones that you are believing god to bring back home we believe that they're not going to be able to hear the voice of the enemy anymore we decree in jesus name that they're not going to be able to go to the right they're not going to be able to go to the left we decree the plan of god over their life the destiny of the father over their life come on if you believe that just say yes just say yes all over this room we decree the purpose of god we decree the destiny of god we decree the plan of god we decree it because strongholds are breaking when i praise him a stronghold [Applause] [Music] is we just have to go back to this there's something it was like we started to grasp it but we need to go back to this and solidify it god has a plan and a purpose for your your daughters for your sons for your children god has a purpose you don't have to wonder about it you don't have to second guess about it god has a plan and a purpose for your children and we decree that tonight today is enough we decree that they're gonna step into their calling that they're gonna step into their purpose could we lift up another shout of yes all over this room come on just lift it up lift it up we say yes we say yes to the plan of god we say yes to the purpose of god that he who began a good work is faithful he is faithful he is faithful come on let's just press [Music] we're [Music] hallelujah [Music] we'll go on to another song in a second but i heard this and i've never done this in my life but i heard the lord say for the women in this room that god is releasing the mama bear anointing in this season and some of you guys have felt bad because there's been this anger and you've kind of confronted things in anger and we know that the anger of man doesn't produce the righteousness of god but it says be angry it says be angry be angry but don't sin and i want to decree over you a release of the righteous anger of god to confront and to go after the things that are going after your children in jesus name we release a mama bear anointing that you're gonna say what needs to be said in love and kindness but you're gonna do whatever it takes to snatch your children out of the fire if you just want to say yes to that come on say yes to that right now we release it in jesus name we release it in jesus name we're going after the children we're not gonna let the enemy have our children we say yes we say yes we say tonight tonight something is changing tonight something is shifting hallelujah so we stay strong hold spread hallelujah the strongholds are breaking when i praise him the strongholds are breaking when i praise him strongholds are breaking when i pray hallelujah hallelujah [Music] strongholds are breaking when i'm here [Music] is a house of worship and this is a place of praise you're that place where every demon trembles when you proclaim his name you are a house of healing [Music] your hearts are full of faith he has your full attention [Music] he has the fine no say hey so we say come alive in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is this miracles we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the sing i am a house of miracles i am a house of miracles [Music] and there's resurrection power your blood runs through our veins [Music] there's [Music] your blood [Music] your kingdom try [Applause] [Music] this is an awesome miracle everything in the name of jesus this is i still believe you're moving i still believe you're speaking god i know you're working oh thanks for good i fix my eyes on heaven god i receive your vision god i believe you're working oh thanks for good [Music] [Applause] oh so we come on every voice [Music] [Music] um [Music] don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me we can't don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can do it and i've seen families reunited i've seen protocols come home so don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me seen families reunited i've seen protocols come home don't you tell me don't you tell me don't you tell me he can't do it [Music] don't you tell me he can do it don't you tell me he can't do see cancer disappear i see it broken but he's healed don't you tell me don't you tell me he can't do it oh is [Music] [Music] don't you tell me all the miracles i've seen too good to not believe my brother a while back i was in high school he uh got addicted to drugs he got his girlfriend pregnant and i didn't know what to do and um i remember my mom thank god i have a praying mother how many prayer praying mothers do we have in the house but she would cry out to god it got so bad that i wasn't even allowed to see my hero of a brother i loved him so much i still love and we prayed and we prayed and it looked like for so long nothing was going to happen i remember crying over and over about this and just thinking god we've served you my dad is a pastor what is going on but one day my brother heard the voice of his father saying come home and he came back to god he came back he actually married the girl that he got pregnant he is totally drug-free alcohol-free they have five kids we're serving the lord together so do not tell me that god cannot save cannot heal cannot don't you tell me don't you tell me don't you tell me he can't do it [Music] [Applause] okay up here on this platform jacob come over here sweetheart okay take 30 seconds and tell them what god delivered you from the lord delivered me from a lifestyle of sin um homosexuality um male escorting meth addiction drug mule taking drugs there was nothing that i did but just the divine intervention of god through the power of intercession of my grandmothers of my mothers of my fathers i mean it really was i mean there was nothing that i did except heard the voice of the lord that came in the middle of the night and they woke me up and said son do you know how much i love you and i came home it was a hard journey home but it was easy because i knew the heart of the father i knew the heart of the father i knew the heart of the father i knew he wanted me i knew he wanted me to try he wanted to be home i knew was a deception it broke off in an instant it broke off in an instant thank you jesus [Music] [Music] don't you tell me won't you tell me too good to not [Music] too good [Music] i love that too good to not believe after everything i've seen how could we doubt him now how some of you believing for deliverance for your sons or maybe your husbands from pornography it seems like a battle on this generation unlike anything i've ever seen before but i'm telling you from from experience on this platform of seeing one night and most of the kids that come in these conferences are church kids one night we gave an altar call for young men that were battling with pornography and around 90 of those church boys hit this altar we have seen them delivered i don't know we've lost counts hundreds if not thousands thousands it would have to be because we've had over four hundred thousand kids come through here it'd be thousands of young men and women delivered from that stronghold michael come here you're just one of thousands son tell them what jesus did for their sake for their freedom so when i was 11 years old i saw my first or i was nine years old i was at a friend's house and i saw my first pornographic image and um ever since that time like i was just gripped by it and i remember this thing was just it just hooked me and it hooked me deep and it and it wouldn't it was like it wouldn't leave me alone like i wanted to be free and i wanted the real thing and i wanted to be real and i wanted to follow god but this thing was so just held me back and i remember one time in a youth camp the lord just he came to me and he just set me free and i cried out to the lord and i was like god if you still want me i felt so convicted in my heart and i was like god i don't want this anymore lord god iraq and i'm just i i was sitting over there and i was just i was just weeping and thinking about what god's done in my life and and i just want to pray god that he would do that in your sons and in your faith and your husbands lord i just pray right now god that you would just free them right now god in the name of jesus lord god i pray god that you would raise the fathers lord god that you were raised up sons god god that they would walk in purity lord god that they would walk in purely lord raise up a generation lord that will walk in purity god a son's god and father's lord god that would walk hand in hand lord that would walk in and hand god got to see this generation free from sexual morality lord for pornography god in jesus name [Music] don't you tell me he can do it don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can do it don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can do it don't you tell me [Music] [Music] because [Music] you know this weekend is about unifying our faith in strong agreement for each other we're believe i believe that the power of god in this room is so strong that every single one of you can experience the breakthrough you came here believing for that's the power of agreement uh come here sweetheart emma i want you to tell them what you saw and you told me last night in the green room how you saw them and we're we're gonna do that okay just tell tell them what you saw last night i kept saying i knew you women and men were fighters you came here to fight just like miss karen's word you're not giving up but you're exhausted you're tired the enemy has worn you out and that's okay and what i kept seeing last night was you know in exodus when um moses and joshua's fighting i think it's the amalekites and um moses and aaron and her at the top of the hill and they're looking over right and you guys know the story when moses had his staff up joshua they were all winning but what happens he gets tired he's not giving up he's not quitting but he's exhausted he physically can't do it anymore so what do they do aaron and her hold his hands up for him right and so i feel like that's what the enemy's been doing he's been telling you you're giving up and you're not you're exhausted and so i saw that last night you came here you are fighters you're not wimpy you're not giving up you came here you drove all the way here because that's who you are you're a fighter but we came here together and so what i saw if you don't feel comfortable doing this because of covet that's totally fine but what i saw us doing is just reaching over to your neighbor and just holding each other's arms up look we're here together we're not giving up we are fighters just like ms karen's word last night we aren't giving up we're gonna keep going but we're gonna hold each other up come on so as we're doing this i want you to go ahead start releasing your words again come on come on start praying for each other right now for the person on your left and on your right straight in their faith come on honey pray over them declare strength in them to keep believing declare hope in them come on in the name of jesus strength over you the joy of the lord is your strength i declare fresh joy over you fresh joy over your fight in the name of jesus come on you're not alone the enemy wants to tell you you're isolated but you're not alone come on we are winning we are winning we are winning together with fresh strength fresh streaks fresh streaks come on let it rise let it rise oh watch the enemy scatter right now watch the enemy lose because we are winning oh strength over you in the name of jesus oh fresh endurance to red fresh endurance to red oh strengthen their heart tonight god [Music] strengthen their voice strengthen their face oh [Music] [Music] god all the miracles we've seen too good to not believe you're the wonder working god and to heal because you love [Music] [Music] god all the miracles all the miracles we'll see you're too good to not believe and we believe jesus we believe jesus we believe in the power of your name we believe in the power of your blood we believe in the power of your word and we agree together brothers and sisters sons and daughters of god and we believe in the power of our father to heal to save and to deliver in jesus name if you agree right now and i know you do give him a handcuff of praise for the power of the blood of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we give you glory we give you glory [Music] many of you just receive fresh strength and even watching online i want a shot to where the people online can see this room which camera will that be where they can see the majority of this crowd which camera will that be will it be that jib right there okay ladies look at that camera right there there are thousands of front porch friends that can't be here i want y'all to stretch your hands toward them and we're going to pray for them come on their arms need to be lifted some of them watching right now are weary and discouraged and disappointed they didn't get to come but come on god is where they are so you pray for them right now go father in the name of jesus we're lifting up our front porch friends those that cannot be here in person you are where they are we're sending the word of god to them healing in your body come on healing in your marriage deliverance to your son freedom to your daughter we declare your prodigals are coming home we declare strength over your body strength in your faith renewed hope in you tonight i declare over you you will live and not die somebody watching right now believing for someone with covenant we declare he will live and not die and declare the works of the lord she will live and not die and declare the works of the lord come on y'all give god a praise he's moving right there where they are he's moving right where you are right where you are right now come on begin to praise him with us begin to praise him clap your hand at home run around the room if you want to lift your voice and begin to praise god right where you're watching this come on begin to bless him thank him he's the one the power of god the power of the name hallelujah in jesus name glory to god hallelujah those of you watching comment tell us testify let us know what god is doing in jesus name because miracles are happening in your house tonight in jesus name amen you may be seated many years ago in the very very beginning of chosen michael you did that in the very beginning days of of this ministry the days when chosen was much younger the lord uh brought a song to us and uh this has been we've been doing this now for 20 years this particular song and this is the one that really set the course for what we were doing and described best the mission that we had been given and the message that we were to declare to the whole world and to a young generation that needed the answer not an answer he is the answer it's the message that john the baptist first spoke when he saw jesus on the banks of the galilee he looked at the people and he just said it behold the lamb of god he takes away the sin of the world well tonight we are still declaring that message to a world that desperately needs to hear it and he still takes away the sin of the world [Music] thank you jesus [Music] christ [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i shall never know oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] he's [Music] but i'm standing right here [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] effort [Music] i am [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sir [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh [Music] are you loving me [Music] [Music] you shed your blood for me jesus on calvary thank you for being born for me jesus for loving me souls never never never knows [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you lord thank you lord he's about 22 almost 23 years ago now i guess the lord really surprised me with the greatest honor that i have ever been given by the lord really in this life and i had never dreamed of working with young people i had no idea that that was ever going to be in my future when i was in my late 30s i had been in the ministry i believe lauren shared with you all a little bit this morning about this journey because we she told me mom i'm not sure they even really know you know know the story of what's happened with the ramp but i can just brief you very quickly but um i had been ministering on the road at that point you know about 20 years thought that i'd be doing that till jesus came i didn't everything could really see myself doing anything else besides singing and speaking and ministering i uh get this strong word from god surprisingly to move back here to my hometown of hamilton this is my hometown all 7 000 people are kin to me probably true most of them and uh i was living my husband's job at that time was in chattanooga so our home was there you know employees our staff everything and but this this impression in my spirit i could not shake i was to come back we were to come back to hamilton alabama and long story very short i have an awesome husband who respects and honors the word of the lord in our lives enough to say this is what the lord's telling us to do that we're going to do this and so we did i'd been here about two weeks and i was about it was about 1 30 in the morning-ish and i was driving through this downtown area of hamilton right up here and it was actually the shopping uh lot the shopping center where fajita grill is it was that one i was at that traffic light and i just all i remember was looking over into that parking lot and seeing these kids sitting on the hoods of their cars and it was just you talk about a moment in time it's amazing what can happen in the few seconds of a traffic light your world can turn upside down with just a few seconds when god is speaking and i tell you right now ladies take notice of what you notice because it would have been easier to have just seen those kids and kept driving but when you feel something prick you it's like it it's like something makes you do like this and then you just feel this tap and you hear a voice first of all i remember looking at those kids and i remember thinking i remember exactly thinking those kids they have no idea who the real god is they're just wasting their lives and that's when i heard the voice i want you to work with the youth of this community i was thinking i'm almost 40 at that time i was 38. i told you i guess this from that video this morning i told the lord i said lord that that's not me i am not the person to work for young people i am not cool i am old and i am busy in ministry that would not be me god and then he said these words that would impact me forever i heard him say but what you invest in the lives of other young people you'll reap in your children at that time lindsay was 12 and lauren was 15. but i knew that word was god for one thing i know his voice and the impression of this in my spirit but i also know that's the word because the word says what you sow is what you reap what you sow is what you reap so he's saying to me what you invest and what you sow in the lives of other young people you'll reap in your children and i'm thinking lauren's you know 15 going into teenage years lindsey too i need all the help i can get i don't know what that looks like but you know when i'm not on the road or something what i could do is i could my sister and her husband they were pastoring a little storefront church in that shopping center across the street so i thought you know if i'm down the road on wednesday nights i'll go over there and and start i don't know do something with their youth group or something so i went over there on a wednesday night and there's about seven kids in that little room that little cinder block a windowless room in the back and all i can remember i remember that night so well i was sitting in the back in a metal folding chair watching these few little kids and all of a sudden i fell in love with really a generation of kids i didn't know but here's what i remember thinking looking at those seven kids that nine two of them were my girls i remember looking at those kids thinking you know i don't want to do six flags and and pizza parties all the time and stuff i can't but i know this i know two things i know the way to the presence of god and i can love these kids you know what i found out later that's really all they ever wanted anyway that's all they really ever needed anyway they need to know the way to the presence of god i'm telling you it is the truth even they didn't they didn't even want me to be cool in fact when i used to try to be cool they used to say miss karen please don't ever do that again please don't don't say that please don't do that don't miss karen don't don't wear that don't wear that but i knew that the truth is and you can listen this is the truth the only answer i'm going to get up here to say this because it's that important the only answer for this lost generation in the world today in this nation and in the nations of the earth the only answer there isn't an alternative there's no plan b there is no other way their only answer for this generation is an encounter in the power of the real god they have to see him they have to encounter him they have to know him it's been the only answer since adam and the world tries to pull them in and deceive them and buy them and influence them with their billions and their trillions of dollars they try to own our kids but i will tell you this the world with all of their money cannot buy one moment in the presence of god come on that was bought with the precious blood of his son for those kids and god loves them more than the devil hates them come on and god's after this generation he hasn't called it quits he hasn't called it done he's just looking for some mothers and fathers in the spirit that can pray them in and come on that will intercede for them that will believe they can be reached and do everything in our power to reach these kids that's why we're living y'all and i'm telling you moms and dads our hearts burn for our natural children that's what this is so much this conference has been about because i want to believe with you for your natural sons and daughters but i am also here tonight to call you and ask you to join me to become an army of women and men too of intercessors spiritual fathers and spiritual mothers i am asking you tonight i believe you were sent to the ramp and watching the ramp not by chance but because that call is on your life and i believe god is asking for spiritual fathers and mothers this question would you be willing to love kids beside your own would you be willing to love those kids you don't know their names but he does would you be willing to love young men and women that don't have a mother praying for him at home they don't even know what that looks like and you say well miss karen how can i do that you know i'm busy and i get that and i know that and i'm not i'm not saying i think god has called you to go you know particularly to start i don't know what it may look like for you god may ask you to take kids in your home he may ask you to foster children he may i don't know what he may ask you to do but i do know this we can come together and we're a lot more powerful when we come together you know and if you would be willing to come together with me and let's do something together to establish something that young people could come to and i believe god brought you to the ramp because a ramp is one of those places in the earth there's many places god's raising up but the ramp is one of those places where the presence of god dwells i never knew when i started this work 23-ish years ago now what it would ever turn into i never dreamed those seven kids when they when that when the i told them i said kids if y'all will pray he'll come they didn't know how to pray they didn't know it was it was awkward and weird we didn't have music lights and nothing there wasn't an instrument there or nothing it was just quiet in silence but i just thought i remember thinking to myself i want to i'm going to pray myself like i want to hear them pray someday so in all the weird silence we'd pray with those kids i would pray with them and i'd just pray loud and strong having my hands we're all holding hands in our little circle me end up about to end by that time about 12 kids remember when not a big old football player had come from the high school down here and he was standing in the circle with us and i was just praying lord in the name of jesus i thank you for your presence that you are here you are mighty you are strong and open my eyes and those kids are looking like but you know what went long before they were praying with all their heart and when they pray with all their heart he comes and when he comes and when he came the drug addicts didn't want drugs anymore come on the kids that were already bound in alcohol didn't want that kind of drink anymore kids that were bound in sexual perversion wanted to live holy and pure lives because that is what happens in the presence of jesus hallelujah he changes the heart kids that were bound to pornography started getting set free that's what happens in the real presence of god come on kids think god's boring come on god's not boring religion may be boring god's not boring oh if they think god is boring they've never met the real god oh he is anything but boring so we determined we just want to create a place where kids can come those kids went to school and got their friends seven kids turned to 30 kids and those 30 kids started praying they met for an hour they asked me would you pray with us miss karen from 5 30 to 6 30 every morning yes for an hour before school starts teenagers high schoolers they went to praying i remember one morning i told them put your hands on the window up across the street in that shopping center i said kids put your hands on the windows let's call young people in because we were believing for a hundred young people we were about 30 strong i said come on kids god can give us a hundred so we started praying the kids i remember that morning they had all their hands on the windows they were yelling gods and young people we call them in we call them from the north we say come well they were thinking north florence alabama like 45 minutes you know north god was thinking canada come on they were saying god sinner from the south we call young people come from the south they were thinking jasper 45 minutes south but god was thinking south america because they learned god will do exceeding abundantly above what you ask or even what you can think or imagine and oh has he ever done exceedingly abundantly above what i imagine i never dreamed in those early days when i what was going to happen i bought this old grocery store i mortgaged everything i mortgaged the farm at the valley i mortgaged everything i owned to purchase this old building you should have seen what it looked like and rat infested closed used to be a piggly wiggly they finally named it big star been closed for many years we gutted it and rented renovated this place we were asking for a hundred but from the first time we ever opened in this building now then for 20 plus years almost every month young people will come and it'll be a field from that wall to that wall until over 400 000 kids have come through these doors and been transformed by the power of god you know what that means this generation is desperate for truth and i want to ask you tonight to watch these screens and as you watch the screens this is a three-minute video recap of just one of our conferences like i said we have them almost every month and this is just what's been happening this has been happening there has never been a conference yet ever that he hasn't come and so every conference kids am i telling the truth every conference looks like what you're about to see in the summer we take the kids down to the rock hole where y'all were today and we baptized them and so this is just be i'm not sure which one y'all are going to show but show them about a three minute peek into this room and what happens watch you've got to have an overarching stance of no toleration for sin in your life that if compromise is present you're not comfortable when you have an encounter with jesus it's not a moment of bliss and a life of darkness he showed up to overthrow the darkness and to bring you into a new day of righteousness [Music] i believe there's some people in this room god bought this weekend because god wants to give you permission to run set your mind that you're not going to just settle to be a normal christian but you're going to say god i'm going to pursue you all of my life you were made for the pursuit of the glory it's a quest to live the rest of your life for that all of your life you would be saying jesus get through me as soon as i stepped into service just like the holy spirit just refreshing my spirit it encourages me just knowing that god's after me too probably just a renewed fire for god i feel like revive to do much more than i have been i came struggling with depression and anxiety i've been on medicine for over three years and god delivered me completely and totally and i feel like a new person [Music] baptism is the day of reckoning where you reckon what christ has already accomplished for all time [Music] when i came out of the water i felt something that i've never felt before when i came out i actually felt alive i was just overwhelmed with joy i just felt newness this week has meant healing and restoration for my family liberty that i've never had before i'm not the same victoria that i was before [Applause] [Applause] [Music] where you stop is just where you stop what if you just don't stop god wants to use you to change things in your family and in your city through your prayers through your faith god didn't put an age limit on mountain moving faith when you encounter the living jesus everything changes [Music] give god praise for every changed life ladies come on god did that god did that tonight i want to ask you if you will join me i'm going to ask you to do two things i want to ask you to partner with this ministry and how do you become a spiritual mother and father one of the ways is i believe you can become part of the ramp by partnering with the ramp you can become literally a spiritual mother and father by supporting through prayer and finances to help us we just bought that old shopping center where the ramp started we just bought that place hallelujah about about two or three years ago we got to renovate it because i don't know how many conferences we turn kids away we have turned away hundreds of kids there's been some conferences we turned to way more kids than we could get in this building i can double the amount of kids in that building across the street than i can this one and we're going to build a school of performing arts on the far left end and we're going to train take the gifts that young people have and not let the world have them and pervert them we're going to let them encounter god and use their gifts to glorify god to preach to sing to dance to play instruments to act to preach come on that's what we want to do we want to bring kids into the presence of god awaken them to who he is and when they see him he will reveal their purpose and that we want to establish their faith so that the world cannot dismantle it oh don't even get me started talk about a righteous anger not much touches me more than that one how the world and even christians sometimes forget it but i'm talking about to dismantle the faith that our fathers have put in their hearts god forbid it i want to take this school of ministry here is going to establish their faith to be unshakable and unmovable on the infallible word of god do you believe that with us [Applause] so let me ask you tonight here's what i'm asking you to do two things when we're going to receive an offering that's going to 100 go to this ministry and go to the ramp i want you to give tonight in faith don't just give casually given faith on the promise that god gave me it's your promise too you know how i know that because it's in the bible because what you sow is what you read but here ladies here's the place of our faith what you invest in the lives of other young people you'll reap in your children i didn't make that up it's no gimmick it's the word and so when tonight when you give when you're writing that offering when you're filling out an envelope or you're dialing this offering into your phone i want you to be thinking lord i'm sowing this as a seed into young people like these that i don't know i don't know their names i don't know their stories but i know they're going to come to this place and i'm going to provide and help this ministry to keep this place going and growing so that we can continue to bring young people here and here's what i'm asking even online those of you that have watched this as a front porch friend i want to ask you to join me let's become an army yes of intercessors but also an army of spiritual mothers who love kids not only our own but also the kids that we don't know and we're going to sow into them and believe god to bring ours home amen in jesus name so tonight if you want to text and give they're going to put that information on the screen you can pull out your phones and text to give and if you want to explain that lauren if you need to help me do that you're welcome to come if you want to give by cash or credit card there's an envelope at your seat somewhere at your seat and you can just fill that out and we're gonna come and receive your offering tonight and if you want to write a check make it payable to the ramp ladies do what god tells you to do do as he leads you to do in your heart and give accordingly i believe this ministry of the ramp has blessed your life but i believe you're believing with me let's bring kids here amen in jesus name lauren actually the ushers have the envelope so if you do need an envelope for cash or credit card giving if you'll raise your hand and they will come and serve you amen if you're watching online there's a place also you can give online we so appreciate not only you watching every week and being a part of the front porch we're going to join together online and we're going to do something for the kingdom of god and the earth to reach a generation so right there online you can click to give and be a part of this offering and those of you watching at home you put the same faith in your offering that they're putting in this offering in this room tonight amen anyone else need an envelope right if you want to fill that out just quickly thank you so much thank you for your giving thank you for your giving every bit of it is going into this ministry and every bit of it is going to be reaped back in souls and we say hallelujah our next conference will be in october and we have fall ramp and then in december the 29th 30th and 31st every year we have what's called winter ramp young people will we have to do that one in cleveland tennessee it at the oci building because we can't get all the kids in here there'll be at least 3 000 kids there and that one i don't even have words it's like it's holy ghost fire seven services packed into two and a half days y'all those kids are transformed by the spirit of god i don't have words your offering is helping us to be able to put these conferences on so thank you thank you let's do this till jesus comes anybody want to do that till jesus comes amen amen all right if you will if you'll just let's hold our offerings up or your phone up or with your hand up if you're giving tonight let me pray over this offering father thank you tonight that you've brought these women and these men to this place lord you are the one that calls you are the one that speaks your word of promise father i thank you that tonight you're giving them the invitation of a great honor to be a spiritual mother and father with your heart imparted to us now lord i thank you that in obedience they are planting this seed of faith in the promise you have given us that what we sow we will reap may they reap it back in sons and daughters and grandchildren till you come in jesus name i bless this offering and we say amen amen if you'll just hold go ahead and they're going to receive this offering quickly quickly quickly as they are receiving the offering and you're putting your offering in this is the last thing i'm going to ask of you tonight concerning the uh this what's in my spirit concerning this calling for you and that is to become a partner of this ministry our partners how many of you already partner with the ramp raise your hand i know there's some here wave at me wave at me partners i love you i love you thank you thank you thank you thank you i know tammy for sure but tonight if you say miss karen i want to join you on this mission to awaken young people around the world i want to join and i want to say yes to the call of becoming a spiritual mother or father and i want to become a partner of this ministry what does that look like you're committing to pray for the ramp and to pray for me and this team you're also committing to give financially to this ministry every month as the lord lays it on your heart to do there's a partner card at your seat you may have already filled it out if you haven't you can pick that up and fill out this little card right now she's they've got it right here thank you honey here's the card and uh there's a place online you can go also and become a partner to help us here at the ramp if you want to fill this card out what we're going to do we have a gift for each of you that want to become a partner tonight so we're just going to take a few moments not long at all if you'll fill this out very quickly and hold that up our ushers are going to come and give you a gift so if you are interested in becoming a partner fill that out and uh how many of you just say that mr karen i feel in my heart i want to say yes to this call god's given us tonight to be spiritual mothers and fathers i want him to give me my heart his heart to love young people that i don't know or lost people i don't know and i want a partner raise your hand i always want to see you hallelujah kids thank you jesus thank the lord look at this this is wonderful [Applause] keep your hands up those of you that feel called to just do this and to partner with us in jesus name lord i declare your blessing over these that are saying yes tonight and joining us in the mission here at the ramp bless them back a hundred fold father as we join together for your purpose in the earth in jesus name amen if you'll keep your hands up we have a gift for you and if you can give them your card if it's filled out you can hand it back to them and that would be great keep your hands up we have a gift for everyone signing up tonight keep your hands up if you're signing up to be a partner you can fill out your cart if you can give it back to them now it'd be great and if you can't you can leave it with them at the information booth at the end of the service thank you so much keep your hands up until we get your gift i don't want to miss anyone keep it up high hold your hand high sweetheart let us get to you ushers quickly get their gifts quickly they're bringing them on i see they're coming don't give up on us we're going to be baptized in fire in a few minutes chosen so get ready all right thank you lord any more hens there's a few more hands that haven't received their gifts so these precious kids are running and i appreciate it did y'all have fun at the valley today we should have brought palmer for the service tonight he needed ministry keep your hand up if you haven't received it yet all right they're still hands up please don't give up on us right here there we go sweetheart thank you thank you there's hands way over here can y'all see me there's right over there there right over there thank you all right keep them up high we want you to receive your gift and we want to thank you for your partnership and from now on i just want to call this what we are going to do for for the kingdom of god reaching young people it's not going to talk about just what i it's going to be we i'm going to call it we are you all ready for that come on we're going to do this we're going to do it together there's still a hand right there for her gift and there's a hands over here and i'm not going to quit till i make sure everybody's got their gift thank you jesus what was your favorite part was the barbecue good today it was pretty good wasn't it i liked it yes your polymer was your favorite part the wrong hole i love that y'all were baptizing yourselves that was beautiful beautiful i've never we've never had that happen before i heard a commotion going on i said what if they got into it the rock hole they said they're baptizing each other i said well hallelujah that's glorious i love it oh my if y'all knew what we went through to get palmer to be that calm my mind i'm telling you the bath he had he has never been so clean but he was good all right is everyone served everyone's been served again thank you from the bottom of our hearts if we didn't get to pick up your card your information card leave it at the information booth before you leave tonight all right chosen baptized in fire let's go [Music] there's a generation on the verge of seeing the great move of the lord a remnant raised up for this reason but which of us are gonna step up and seize it many of a few girls may i always [Music] [Music] i'm starving [Music] i will lead them to the crossing to salvation open up their ears to the longing of creation i see a body standing up into formation every tribe and every tongue and every there is freedom breaking out of the cages there is beauty rising up from the ashes i see jesus in the eyes of masses it's the time to see the church in action i wanna be your disciple i wanna be a worker in the camera i wanna i repent get enough but you can fill me up i'm starving [Music] will you receive the power of your spirit upon us amen amen we receive the power of your spirit upon us amen amen [Music] [Music] we will go and make disciples we will go baptize them in the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] sleeping giant i'm not found in my flesh or the internet i've been given the keys of authority to speak to the doctor make it obey i got to give you the kingdom inside of me i got the key to the kingdom living inside i went in water then i went in fire sin was red when i [Music] [Music] um 82. [Music] i'm um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i know that may not be our kind of music exactly but i tell you what this young generation needs it and they hear it and they receive it because when they're baptized in the power of the spirit there's a lion that's going to come out and roar to some come on one of them one of the messages that we call this generation to when they come to the ramp we call them by because we believe it's what the lord has called to lay down their lives for the sake of the kingdom of god in the gospel that whether by life or by death they say yes to the call of god i believe that's what this generation may face more than anything we have ever imagined in the days that are coming that they've got to be willing to say yes no matter the cost no matter what it looks like we do a drama here we're not going to do it tonight but but in in our conferences for the past several months we have closed the conferences with a song that we call it's worth it all it's going to be worth it meaning they they demonstrate what it is to be a life laid down even by many martyrs who've already given their lives even physically but we've called them that's there's i believe it's in the catholic church they have what they call white martyrs and red martyrs and the red martyrs are those that give their lives completely even to to death physically but white martyrs are those that even living have lived their lives say a mother teresa or people like that that have just given their lives fully as saints of god that they live their lives every day with a yes to god that is a life laid down that's what we're calling this generation too we have a red sash that we give these young people when they come to our conferences we call them to be willing to receive that red sash that represents the blood of the martyrs but most of all it represents their life fully given to jesus and that's the message of this song is i will say yes god i don't know what what the cost may be but whatever the cost is you're worth it and i say yes to the cost [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign if we are the ones who [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] i believe god's going to raise up a generation of young people it's going to shake this world with the message of the gospel of jesus christ and i believe when you believe with me your sons and daughters are going to be in that group amen in jesus name go ahead and bring this out please bring this word and um it may be that some of your sons and daughters end up coming to the ramp school of ministry maybe some of you come to the ramp school of ministry that'd be fun too it's not just for young people i'm here right so it's i always say the ramp is not just for young people the ramp is for hungry people that's what the ramp is for it's a place for people that love the presence of god if you love the presence of god you'll love the ramp so because that's what we're after more than anything else it's what we want i know you're physically tired so i'm not going to keep you long tonight but i have to just deliver you a word to encourage you before you leave can i do that all right are you able to hear it are you can you do that all right well let's just let's just talk just about a few things before you go because i want to encourage you that as you're about to leave this place and go back home i want to say a word tonight that will encourage your faith and prepare you for what god is calling you to do they're going to bring me a door because i'm going to use a door tonight to close out this word and i'm going to need it so just let them set it up and they know how to do it so there we go i shared on my front porch a few weeks ago something that happened to me this spring that caught my attention but it was a word that the lord spoke to me i had just woken up and i literally had stood up out of the bed and when i stood up you may remember this word from the front porch when i stood up i heard the lord speak to me like a voice in a voice as though it were audible but i don't know if it was or not i just know i heard it but he said what i've called you to do do it now time is of the essence and it kind of shook me because i thought well lord does that mean i'm gonna is that now i'm like gonna die or something like what does that mean you know but i was just kind of wondering about that and i didn't tell anyone except when i came to the raft that morning for early morning prayer because we pray here from eight to nine in the weekdays and um i met some of my pam and kevin and the smallies were back here i walked in and i said guys the strangest thing just happened so they were the only four people i even told about it and it was the next day i received a text from a man of god who was a prophet that i don't even hear from very often but he's a pastor out of birmingham he's a southern baptist pastor spirit-filled man of god but every once in a while he'll text me and every time he texts me every couple years or so it's going to be a word if i see his name on my phone i'm going oh you know because you know and when i looked down and saw his name i thought oh boy so i i did the text and looked at it and it says all he said was praying for you this morning and heard this word over you what i've told you to do do it now time is of the essence well rocked my world as you could imagine but the reason i shared with it on the front porch is because i knew it was not my word only it is my word but it is not just i just here's how i feel if it's my word it's going to be your word too with my front porch friends i'm going to share with you all what i hear from god all right because i feel that connected with you in my spirit and we are in this together are we in this together so because of that i want to share these words with you because i believe they're yours so tonight i believe god is saying to those of you that are here and it should shake all of us what he has told us to do we've got to do it now because time is of the essence i don't know how much time we actually have phys individually or corporately but i do know this we don't have time to waste i don't know how much time i'm going to have physically if i live till jesus comes who knows when that would be you don't and i don't we don't have a clue but we know this whatever how many years we have left we don't have time to waste so whenever you get home i want to encourage you on just a few things when you get home make sure that knowing you don't have time to waste you are leaning in to hear these things that god is speaking to you individually you're leaning in to stay focused to what he is and whatever because it makes me say god what you told me to do well then i want to make sure i know what you've called me to do so i'm not wasting time i want to know clearly and understand and i do know clearly i know he's called me to raise up a generation of young people and to bring them into his presence and awaken them and i know he's called me to raise up an army of intercessors and you're part of that so you're you're in that mission with me too in jesus name but god has called you to not be distracted by things of this life and cares of this life that weigh your spirit down and keep you distracted you don't have time to be distracted [Music] keep your focus on things eternal come on i know it's easier said than done but you got to do everything that matters intentionally we don't have time to be distracted by things that don't matter the clock is ticking and every second is just pushing us toward eternity so every day keep your focus on things of eternity things that are eternal watch what voice that you're listening to watch the voice that is speaking to you of discouragement lindsey spoke on that this morning he's a deceiver make sure you're listening because we're not ignorant of his devices when you get home from this conference don't be surprised if things get worse you can't be distracted by that either if what you're praying for you get home it gets worse instead of better how many times did that happen to me i don't know i'd get a word and get worse but that's just because god is working and my faith is being tested and the word is being proven come on just because listen to me good just because it gets worse when you get home doesn't change one thing about what god has said to you those changing circumstances do not change god he said what he meant he meant what he said and he's going to fulfill it do you believe that watch your spirit because sometimes when you get home and and things start happening and and you're getting phone calls and people saying this they're saying that maybe you get home and they're saying where in the world have you been what have you been into you better not you're acting weird now you know know what i tell you something else you don't have time to be offended don't be surprised if you get home and sometimes your own kids can offend you sometimes your spouse can offend you that usually hurts the worst of any of it right offense hurts the worst the closer they are to us but no matter what it is honey this is important you don't have time to be offended it's easier said than done again but here's what you got to learn this is one thing i have learned in my life and i think you have to probably we're just going to have to live our lives forgiving all the time all just just live your life all the time just forgiving and you know what i can say that because god lives all the time forgiving me so because i need him to live all the time forgiving me i'm going to have to live all the time just forgiving people it's just the way it's going to be because you can't keep the words they say that hurt so bad and keep it in you and let it stay there and brew those offenses if they're harbored will hinder your prayer life and you can't afford that i don't care if you've got to pray god i forgive them every day every day if you've got to start your prayer off every day forgiving them i'm telling you sometimes when your kids say things there's no pain like that and you got to forgive them too and just let the lord know say lord even if you don't feel it you may not feel it you may still be hurting you may still be angry about it you may still be feeling the pain of it but you just tell god god i i don't even i don't even feel what i'm saying right now god but i choose to forgive because you tell me to and it's a decision that i make and that's my final answer they're forgiven and when you choose to do that those emotions and everything will line up with it eventually you choose to do what's right the bible even says to husbands if they don't treat their wives right their prayers will be hindered so how we treat people even enough in dealing with them when they offend us can affect our prayer life even jesus said i just thought about this and mark book of mark he's saying you can ask whatever you want and you can speak to the mountain and its move and and whatever you ask and for prayer believing you don't doubt it you receive it in your heart it'll come to pass then he goes and if you have ought against anybody go to them he even says to go make it right if you're if you're praying for somebody and you realize that there's something wrong between you and somebody else he says go and make it right with that person and then come back and bring your offering to the altar i had to do that and i wrote about it my book and i don't have time to preach on that tonight but i had to do that when i was praying even for her the lord brought some people to my mind and boy when he did i made the phone call some people had not talked to in years because i thought there's nothing and nobody worth this relationship nothing that's worth not being able to break through for her so do whatever it takes you don't have time for anything else you got to keep the channel clear you know why honey because your prayer life is everything when you get home listen good you pray i know you do i'm just going to encourage you all right that's what we do that's what the front porch is it's a place of prayer but keep praying you pray you it's good it's fun to tell your pastor to pray for you and your best friend y'all pray for me y'all pray for me that's fine we pray for each other and that's important but you pray you got to make up your mind it's an intentional thing because listen when you pray it matters and when you don't pray it matters pray often ephesians 6 18 says pray without ceasing listen to this verse ephesians 6 18 pray without ceasing how in the world do you do that i think i've told you before i don't know but i i have i think i figured it out because he lives in us that's how we pray without ceasing i talk to them to the holy spirit in me all the time he lives inside of me so we just all the time communing sometimes i pray you know it's it's other so many different ways to pray sometimes if i'm just walking around i'm always talking i can be talking i'm always talking the holy spirit so i can be talking to other people i do this every day every day i'll be talking to people in conversation while he that person and i are talking i'm also talking to the holy spirit because sometimes i'm saying tell me what to say holy spirit tell me what to say on there sometimes i'm going holy spirit help me get all this cover's not just no but no i am but i am do you do that too all the time you can talk the holy spirit constantly you'll be at walmart talking to the holy spirit always always i've told you before i walk through walmart all the time with my phone in my ear constantly you know what i love to talk to god and just hold my phone up because that way i just talk to him like he's on the phone while i'm at the grocery store i'll have my phone there i'll be in the produce section i'll be getting my cabbage and talking to god on the phone i just pray without ceasing you can do that but listen to the rest of ephesians 6 18 pray without ceasing then he says pray in the spirit at all times pray in the spirit oh i love that another sermon for another day but i love it that the holy ghost in you the spirit of god in you he will pray the bible says in romans when you don't know how to pray the holy spirit will pray through you with groanings that cannot be uttered in acts 2 the holy spirit came in them and gave them a language of the spirit to pray with come on that's another form of prayer all kinds of forms of prayer paul said i pray with my understanding and i pray in my spirit you've got to be able to do both pray he says here in the spirit at all times then it goes on here he says and on every occasion that just sounds like praying without ceasing you're praying all the time pray every day every day you're living a life of prayer then he says on that verse so stay alert and look and be persistent in your prayers powerful pray like you believe what i tell you every week what john wesley said i say in almost every front porch episode john wesley said it god does nothing in the earth except in response to prayer god does nothing in the earth except in response to prayer come on pray like you believe that pray like you believe that if you don't pray it's not going to happen pray like you believe that if you don't pray it will not happen you should pray like that you should carry that kind of responsibility the first time i ever read that heard that quote by john wesley i thought i don't know if i believed that or not that god did nothing wrong through it took me weeks to just deal with that i thought in my mind then i realized why i didn't like that what john wesley said i just i thought i think it's because i don't like it you know why i didn't like it because i didn't like that much responsibility but then i begin to realize in this bible it's proof god does nothing in the earth except in response to prayer he waits for somebody to pray he looks for somebody to pray come on that's it that's right could it be that the world is in the mess it's in because he can't find intercessors in the book of ezekiel is the israel was about to be destroyed because they had sinned and they were going to reap destruction and the bible says god didn't want the land to be destroyed but the bible says he was looking for an intercessor he was looking for somebody that would stand in the gap for israel and make up the hedge and then the bible says but he looked and found no one and so the land was destroyed it matters when you pray and it matters when you don't it mattered to israel because there was no intercessor it will matter to your son if you give up it'll matter to your daughter it'll matter to your marriage no area of your life will be fought harder than your prayer life in that something it's free it doesn't cost anything to pray free anybody can do it but there'll be nothing in your life that satan will fight harder than your prayer life nothing you know why because he fears your prayer life more than anything else you do he's even fine with you going to church satan will be all right with that just like you don't pray if you go to church without praying you don't really have ears to hear what the spirits say but if you go to church and you've been praying when you go to church and your pastor is preaching you're going glory to god god just said that to me in my prayer closet oh hallelujah and it's building your faith come on come on satan doesn't mind if you if you can even be real religious and knowledgeable and read the bible and all that so he that doesn't really bother him the pharisees did that all day long what he's afraid of is when you get in the word and you're praying and you're talking to the one who wrote the book oh because when you know the one that wrote the book the book is just not words written on a page the book becomes a voice speaking off these pages in your life that's what satan fears because when you pray you have an ear to hear oh when you pray you can hear your father and satan knows if they ever start hearing him and they start hearing what he's saying they're going to get his word in them and that's the one thing he can't come against the word of god in your mouth because prayer is not just about you talking it's about him talking and you won't be able to hear him talking unless you're talking come on can you hear that when you begin to pray you start co-laboring with god to bring his will through you on the earth there's many kinds of prayer many kinds quiet prayer i don't talk about that one a whole lot just because we've got it down so well it's many kinds of prayer it's quiet prayer loud prayer soaking prayer stomping prayer formal prayer casual prayer church prayer coffee prayer corporate prayer and private prayer but the only kind of prayer that is effective is the prayer of faith come on you can use whatever method you want you can shout it you can pray it you can stop it but the only kind of prayer that would be effective is the prayer of faith this verse is so important i got to read it it's in hebrews the 11th chapter and the sixth verse this is talking about the prayer faith listen it says this and it is impossible to please god without faith it is impossible to please god without faith that's huge y'all i want to please god oh my anyone who comes to god must believe say believe anyone who comes to god must believe king james says believe that he is i like that version anyone who comes to god must first believe that he is in other words that he said when moses said what is your name he said i am is my name in other words i am that means he is anybody that comes to god you've got to believe he is he is what he's everything you need come on i believe he is i believe he's my healer i believe he's my provider i believe he's my peace i believe he's my joy i believe he's my life i believe he's everything and anything i could ever dream of needing i believe he is anybody that comes to god must first believe that he is and i love the second part and that he is a rewarder that's faith faith is believing i believe he's a rewarder and then it tells it of those who diligently of those that diligently seek him he's a rewarder of those that diligently seek him not casually seek him not occasionally seek him not passively seek him whatever jesus jesus have your way not not passively seek him diligently seek him you can go look it up that word diligently there right there it means tirelessly he's going to reward somebody tirelessly seeking him i'm tired but i'm not tired i don't care tirelessly and then it says also persevering when i looked it up what that definition was they gave the example of that word diligently seeking him and when i looked up the example for diligently it said the picture of it was a dog chasing a squirrel that's what the bible says prayer is supposed to look like can you imagine palmer chasing a squirrel i mean it'd be it'd be unbelievable for the squirrel because he's going after it no matter what it takes he's going to get the squirrel if he'd possibly get the squirrel that's what prayer is supposed to look like one of the most amazing places in the bible to talk about prayer and that's why we do it often i love the book of luke it's just one of my favorite books in the bible the way the heartless of the white whole thing was written but in luke jesus specifically talks about how to pray that's one of the reasons i love this book so much and buddy what i'm telling you when i needed it i drank these verses and you hear me talk about them a lot because i read them so much i became best friends with this little widow i'm amazed that this is what jesus said was the or i should say i'm amazed that this is the example jesus used when the disciples ask him to teach them to pray they've asked him that a couple of times i mean you would think there's all there are so many forms of prayer you would have thought jesus would have used sort of a dignified approach to god not that there's anything wrong with that there's times that hey the fear of god can make us come to him with tremendous respect and we do and we should i'm not demeaning that but the example jesus uses in luke 18 and one more i'm going to read before we quit and i'm almost through he says here one day jesus told his disciples a story to show i love this that they should always pray and never give up i love that he came to tell you you should always pray and never give up you never give up it's what he said i'm reading the bible never give up now listen now he says again this is the story he used this is red letters he said there was a judge in a certain city who neither feared god or care about people cared about people and a widow of that city came to him repeatedly saying give me justice in this dispute with my enemy the judge ignored her for a while but he finally said to himself i don't fear god or care about people but this woman is driving me crazy he said i'm going to give her i'm going to see that she gets justice because she's wearing me out with her constant request i was blown away when i read that when she was gone i just i loved that it was like god giving me permission to just wear him out and i made up my mind that's what i'm going to be that's who i'm going to be i'm going to pray till i just wear him out with my constant request [Applause] that's how he said to pray then i love the next part that's what the unjust judge said now look at this jesus said learn a lesson from the unjust judge he said even he rendered a just decision in the end then he said so don't you think god will surely give justice to his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night he said i tell you he will give them justice and he will give it to them speedily love that god's jesus said if that learn a lesson from if he would do that he didn't even love god or care about anybody don't you think god well surely he said give justice to his children crying out to him day and he says i tell you he will give them justice then he said he'll give it to him speedily and after a year and two of praying i was thinking this don't look like speedily this don't look like speedily but what he means there is it is even when time's going on and on and on when he comes honey it's going to be so fast your head's going to spin come on it was one morning she woke up i've been praying for years and years one morning she wakes up boom i want to come home all of a sudden everything hits a whirlwind and he kept his promise and he came speedily he's going to come to your house speedily oh he's going to blow your mind it's going to happen so fast you won't even know what hits you now listen to this one i love this verse oh this when i ate it and drank it and god gave it to me in that season i had never understood this story really until then this is another time one more example tonight of jesus teaching on prayer and it literally says in luke 11 5. first of all in luke 11 1 it says the disciples came to him and said lord teach us to pray all right then the bible says in 5 verse 5 then teaching them more about prayer jesus used this story okay can y'all move that out of my way honey then teaching them more about prayer jesus used this story now listen to this story very carefully all right he says this suppose you went to a friend's house a friend okay good suppose you went to a friend's house at midnight wanting to borrow three loaves of bread you say to him a friend of mine has just arrived for a visit and i have nothing for him to eat and suppose he calls out from his bedroom don't bother me the door is locked for the night my family and i are all in bed and i can't help you but i tell you this though he won't do it for friendship's sake if you keep knocking long enough he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence if you look at the interpretation of that shameless persistence one interpretation said translation said because of your gall just wrong gaul jesus said so i tell you keep on asking and you'll receive keep on seeking you'll find keep on knocking and the door will be open for everyone that ask receives he that seeks fines and to everyone that knocks the door is open what in the world of all the stories he could have told he tells about a widow and a woman who would just was driving the man crazy because she wouldn't quit asking every day every day every day there she was now then here's this guy what a strange story to tell us how to pray a man going to a friend's house at midnight bob sorghi wrote a book called illegal prayers on this story he had a revelation on it i i have never seen and i have never forgotten and it changed my prayer life in my season of intercession and he said this bob took this story and he just simply put it in our language he didn't change anything about the way it was written or the whole purpose of its message he just simply updated the story to our world and here's the way bob told it it's exactly what jesus was saying bob put names in people with this story with a friend at midnight so he said there was a man named dave he lived in dallas with his family there's also a man named jim he also lived in dallas with his family now jim and dave are good friends very good friends now jim also has a friend in saint louis named rick now on this particular night jim and dave who live in dallas the such good friends that had dinner together they'd actually jim and his wife and family gone over to dave's house and they'd had dinner had a good dinner and enjoyed it went home so uh they get onto the house and and uh all of a sudden they they realized rick who was living up in st louis he was driving actually to houston but on the way to houston he decides he's getting so tired because it's getting late it was during midnight he decided he's going to stop in dallas jim lives there he's also a good friend so rick just decides i'm just going to stop off at jim's house and sleep tonight so that's what happens rick comes to jim's house knocks on the door and you know jim and his wife was actually in bed but uh and you the way that bob told this is you know in jewish tradition those the jewish families were very hospitable so when they had company everybody was involved the children the family everybody's involved so jim and his family's in bed and rick's knocking at the door and so you know uh jim goes the door and well hello rick it's so good to see you what what you doing he tells him i was just driving through him getting so tired i'm gonna need to to be able to to sleep me and my family says do you mind if we could say oh yeah you come on in come on in honey you need to get up uh you know rick and his family's here y'all get everybody up come on honey we got company so they come on in the house they're sitting around the living room and and uh so jim looks at and ricky says you have y'all had anything to eat and jim said well we didn't even have time to stop needing we are hungry and rick's going well i mean jim says well we got to get them something to eat honey and so his wife looks at him with big eyes and kind of gives him to the kitchen so jim and his wife go in the kitchen she looks them she says jim you know we don't have anything i'm not in the grocery store we're out of everything we're out of bread i can't even fix them a sandwich so jim says don't worry about it honey because tonight when we were eating at dave's house i saw after we got through eating they had some leftovers i saw him put some bread in the pantry so what i'm gonna do you entertain rick and his family i'm gonna run over to dave's house and i'm gonna borrow some bread i'm gonna borrow three loaves i'll be right back you take care of things i'll hurry just down the street a bit so what happens is jim runs on over to dave's house so this is the way it went down jim i'm jim he comes over dave what what why who is it hey dave hey dave listen dave listen it's jim jim yeah jim do you know what time it is it's yeah it's past midnight i know i hate that i really do i hate it but listen i i've got to have i got to have just a little help if you don't mind please yes can you get up i don't know it's kind of late i hate that but i really gotta get you up because i'm needing to borrow something i need to borrow three loaves of bread dave it's three loaves just three loaves real quick jim i ain't got no bread yes you do because tonight when we were in y'all's house i saw you after dinner put those three loaves in the pantry you have leftovers i saw it dave you got em get up get on up i need you to get up and go to that pantry and get me that bread everybody's sleeping no i can't i'll just get it to you in the morning no i don't need it in the morning i don't need the bread in the morning i got to have it right now no i i i can't i can't no no no no no no i can't this is ridiculous this is ridiculous just come by tomorrow and go home and i'm going to tell you you got to get off my property if you keep doing that come on dave i can't come on dave no now you see something happened just then now he said you're going to have to get off my property now what that means is the truth is now what jim's doing he's actually breaking the law and there's loss for this you know and so what jim knows that dave could if he really wanted to he could call the police and have jim get into a lot of trouble but jim also knows dave ain't going to do it because they're friends come on they got a history together so jim knows dave ain't going to do nothing about it so jim's just going to date hey dave what in the world jake dave i need you to get on up i'm in a hurry i need that bread real fast three loaves oh no see you done woke the kids it's all right it's okay come on it's just gym now you see actually this is going good for jim too because what happens is jim knows if he can keep knocking he can get those kids woke up and when the kids wake up what happens is the kids are saying you know daddy who's at the door and and and daddy's going oh it's jim and they're like well what does he want he's saying they're just he's wanting to borrow some bread the kids are going dad give him the bread you know give him the bread jim knows that he knows the kids have pulled and see honey that's what happens with you when you're praying and you're not getting the answer like you think you need to be getting it you need to go wake up some other god's kids come on you need to go wake up some front porch friends you need to get them going god give her the answer god bring him home come on you got to wake up some other kids to pray that's how jesus said pray this is the example jesus said it dave dave don't get quiet on me come on dave you going back to sleep hey dave just don't wait she's not here she's dave dave i ain't gonna leave i ain't leaving dave i gotta have that bread and i can sit here till morning day but i ain't leaving i made up my mind i need three loaves of bread dave i'm sitting right here honey i ain't leaving your house dave come on come on dave come on come on that's what god this is how jesus said to pray come on honey this is how jesus said to pray i didn't make it up come on this is what he said to do that's why he sent some of you come on that's why he brought you here come on who needs some bread who drove to hamilton alabama come on who needs some bread we ain't through you gotta come you need some bread and we're gonna give you the bread come on come on you need some bread you've been knocking you've been sinking come on honey come on god's heard you god's heard the knocking he ain't through hallelujah anybody need bread anybody need the bread anybody want the bread come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you god yes yes but we will pray we will pray in just a minute we will i want to tell you this give me 30 seconds maybe two minutes we're almost finished when lindsay was gone i had the most amazing thing happen to me one night i will never forget this i had just received this revelation from the lord concerning the bread and the revelation of a luke 11 word and it was so real to me i did i prayed like that i'd go to the front porch of my house to the door of my house i'd bang that door by myself and i prayed like that he said to do it so i'm going to do it i'd pound that door and i just go god is caring you said knock it it's it's me god i pound it every day god is carried i need three loaves of bread god i need the bread for her healing a loaf for her deliverance look for her salvation i need the bread god you told me to knock and i'm knocking god [Music] one night in the middle of a conference this room was filled with a thousand kids lindsay was gone i was standing right here right where you're standing lindsay i was standing right here i was just worshiping the kids were all worshiping in this room she wasn't here but i was just lost with god it wasn't even on my mind i wasn't even thinking about that i was just thinking about worship all of a sudden i went into a vision more real to me than you being here physically i went into this vision [Music] i looked and immediately standing before me was a door [Music] and i'm looking at the store and i'm just thinking what is this all of a sudden i didn't even think about anything except what is this door the door opens when the door opens i see three loaves of bread come out of that door just like you just saw and i looked at the bread and i remember thinking oh you're giving me the bread [Music] you're giving me the bread three loaves and i'm standing here in this worship nobody else even knows what's going on and i just by faith i take these three loaves of bread and i'm just blown away with it and all of a sudden i feel this com this compulsion i felt this pull to walk in to the door and i walked through the door and when i walked through the door i found myself in a warehouse a warehouse i have no words to describe a warehouse that was so gigantic i couldn't even see the top and it was nothing but shelves of bread the entire warehouse was nothing but bread shelves and shelves as high as you could see and then i heard a voice speak to me and the voice said you just want three [Music] i said no god i'll take them all for a generation of kids come on god if you're asking me i'll take the whole warehouse i'll take it all god for the kids and the nations that need life and healing and deliverance come on don't you ask a small thing of a big god god don't ask a small thing of a big god your god is more than able to do exceeding abundantly more than you're even asking for let's stand all over this room come on lord available in jesus name come on mothers i want the lady that just came up here and gave me that prayer request to come back up here with the ladies we're going to pray over their need right now hallelujah the door is open ladies come on if we are seeking and we are knocking and we are asking him if you believe his word is true is there faith in this room tonight i said is there faith in this room tonight can we believe that if you need a miracle then come down here and just stand come on or if you don't if you're not comfortable doing that it's okay you can stay where you are but we're going to pray over this room tonight oh jesus i want my leadership team come on pam lee all of y'all come on stand up here with me these ladies that you know who you are you all know who you are don't make me have to think of the names just come on come on chosen come up here behind me stretch out over these ladies around these ladies right here come on those of you watching online right now this is your moment too it's your moment too god sees you he sees you you're not alone you've been feeling that way thinking that you're not alone no he's heard you he's come to answer thank you jesus what is the name of this baby two babies twins that tonight need a miracle right now their names again rich and bricks rich and bricks will you say their names rich and bricks we are standing before the throne of god right now those baby twins they've been messaging during this service to pray to pray they have to have a miracle right now for those babies let's pray over them like it was your children or your grandchildren father in jesus name we approach your throne we send the word of god to these babies right now we send the word of god of healing to rich and bricks in the name of jesus to ridge in jesus name healing healing into their bodies life come on y'all life in their bodies we declare those babies will live and not die let there be a turnaround breathe rich in the name of jesus breathe in jesus name breathe life in your lungs right now life and healing in your bloodstream healing right now alibi even the mind the heart healing now in jesus name wholeness now in jesus name oh father by the power oh whoa whoa the blood of jesus is stronger the blood of jesus is stronger the blood of jesus is stronger healing for these babies now we send the word to them we send life to them in jesus name [Music] now those of you that are standing here that need miracles we're going to pray over you right now in jesus name thank you father hallelujah raise up your hands by faith all over this room if you will please oh in jesus name is brian still here kevin is kevin here just keep your hands up thank you lord thank you lord in jesus name the name above every name we declare the power of the name of jesus healing in bodies tonight [Music] healing now in your body in the name of jesus whoa thank you god supernatural healing don't tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it we've seen it already healing now the mind with the power of your spirit the power of your spirit in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name watching online healing in your body right now by the power of the word of god the authority of his word we declare and we send healing into your body receive it now receive it from heaven in the name of jesus [Music] thank you holy ghost pray kevin thank you lord we speak healing deliverance salvation over every situation every situation lord your will is to heal your will is to deliver it is your will is to save lord we speak that right now in the name of jesus the name that has power it has power we invoke the name of jesus under every situation in jesus mighty name lord you know every name you know every name heal deliver and save tonight in jesus name and lord we speak about healing again healing in everybody by your stripes we are healed in the name of jesus be made whole be made whole in jesus name amen [Music] oh jesus we thank you god lord that your presence is here god you are greater you are stronger than anything but i thank you that tonight god faith is rising in this room faith is rising lord right now like never before god there's new measures of faith being given out all over this room lord we receive it god a bold faith an aggressive faith god we declare god their life will never be the same god they're going out with a faith that believes god you can do anything and you will and you will do it god we declare there's a turnaround tonight not of a going after the promises god of believing you god of declaring the miracles god believing and expecting the miracles lord we agree together the captive of the warrior will be released the pleasure of the tyrant will be retrieved by you will fight those who fight every one of us in this room god you're going to save our children you're going to save our spouses god we will not give you any rest but in wheels until we see the miracles happen lord faith faith faith fresh faith fresh faith fresh fire god we thank you god lord that we are taking it back we're taking it back the enemy is under our feet god i thank you god that bold prayer full prayers god will be released god oh we thank you lord we thank you god we're taking it we're taking it back we're taking come on let's take it back right now right now god we're taking it we're taking it yes lord my daughter's coming home my son's coming home my husband's coming home my children are being delivered my children are being set free in jesus name oh it's happening it's happening it's happening right now right now don't you see it chains are breaking chains are breaking off of your children tonight tonight come on lord we're taking it we're taking he can do it he will do it he did don't you tell me [Music] [Music] to take it back it's time to take it back in jesus name oh god [Music] cause i've seen families reunited i've seen prodigals come home so don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it i've seen a real life resurrection i've seen addicts find me free don't you tell me he can do it won't you [Music] oh lord tonight i pray for the grace and the faith to pray crazy prayers things that may seem completely impossible things that that from the outside world they'd look at us and they would say you are crazy to believe for that well lord tonight we say we are believing for that we are believing for the impossible we are believing for what the world may think is crazy but lord we say that we believe we believe we believe you are the god of the impossible oh we stretch our faith tonight and we believe that we will see the impossible become completely and totally possible in jesus name don't you tell me he can't do it won't you tell me he can do it won't you tell me he can do it won't you tell me he can do it don't you tell me he can do it won't you tell me he can't do it [Music] we were praying before service for healing and i know miss karen and several of them have already prayed but i just love that the lord says that healing is the children's bread and i think that you have seen the illustration tonight that there is bread for you and i believe that the healing virtue of jesus is flowing in this room and if you need healing in your body if you need healing in your body reach out and grab it reach out and grab it it is the same yesterday today and forevermore and we speak healing to your body we speak healing to your love to your emotions we declare by the blood of jesus be healed it is your bread it belongs to you for the finished work of jesus christ by his strength you are healed we are healed you are healed you are healed we speak to cancer we speak to pain chronic place leave bodies in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus be healed be healed be healed [Music] i've seen broken bodies healed don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it and i've seen real life [Music] and i've seen families i've seen protocols return don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he don't you tell me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] too good [Applause] thank you lord thank you [Music] thank you [Music] you're here you're here he's there right where you are you're here you are enough and we believe that you are yes we believe that you are we believe you are a rewarder those that diligently seek you we are seekers we're going to live our lives seeking you we're going to live our lives seeking you we're going to spend eternity seeking you out your bread and life to us you are good you are so good you are faithful god thank you thank you thank you lord thank you for front porch friends that have said yes thank you thank you thank you jesus for these front porch friends i pray that you will give them new strength and you faith and those watching too in jesus name renewed hope we're believing god for incredible testimonies coming out of this and when they come you're going to get all the glory nobody else will you're going to get go ahead and give him the glory ahead of time you're getting all the glory for all that you have done and will do and will do and will do all the glory is yours now and forever amen when you leave this place you pray different by strong and bold prayers you never stop pray a lot all the way till jesus comes amen [Music] right before we close i had something special that was brought to me that i didn't even know about but apparently there was a few cards that were passed around the whole auditorium for you and they have signed this for you you'll have to you'll i'm sure be reading all the notes but open it up there's other how sweet did y'all do this you signed this well that makes me want to cry i know it what in the world are you serious this was just brought to me [Music] to every name to every sweet friend you are my gift but thank you thank you for this means so much to me i will read every single one of these that you have written thank you it means the world you being there just knowing listen when i talk to that phone it's not a phone to me it's you it's your face and i mean that and knowing that you're there in prayer means more to me than you can imagine because we're in this together we are in this together and we've got each other we're going to be to each other what we showed tonight we also call each other aaron and her we're going to lift our each other's arms up all the way the card means so much thank you i won't forget that and i will read every single one of those things i love to read your comments the sweet gifts that y'all gave me today some of you that beautiful picture someone gave me a picture it was just beautiful about the hell of my front porch friend and even now in the back and the journal and i was the doc the donna karen sweet arizona sweet there you are precious it was beautiful i loved every bit of it your cards that you gave thank you thank you the sweet rocks that's right thank you so much for coming now i was going to introduce my husband but i think that i just wore him out and he gave up and he went home but he i was supposed i was going to introduce rick to y'all tonight he was here he was standing back there but i think he i think he gave gave me up but someday next time i have you been blessed have you been blessed you feel like your faith is strengthened and you are renewed ladies you are loved you are loved you're not going home alone he's going home with you he's going home with you he's the one he's the one he's the one that answers i can't wait to hear of all your miracles you better let me know what happens you can private message me you can i don't know whatever way you got to do it you got to come back in person to the ramp but you better when they come home and your he all this healing is manifested you better get back to the ramp and tell all of us what happened because we're going to rejoice with you we we are going to shout with you and dance and run [Music] thank you so much now next year we plan to do this again but we might we'll probably do it in october when it's a bit cooler and um and we're just we're just going to let this grow and just let the front porch grow until we have an army of praying women and we're going to see the world changed amen amen and thank you yes i told the ladies in my group today that they were pioneers for this because it's never been done and they were willing to come when we didn't really know what we were doing and help forge the path for the ones behind them and they're going to be double blessed because they're pioneers for this they were willing to work with us i love that we did learn we learned some things to do we learned some things to do better next time so we want it to be the best experience for you that it possibly can be i want you to consider the ramp and even hamilton alabama your other home and most certainly the valley is your home too all right i always want you to feel when you come here you're coming home to people that love you thank you so much for coming we love you all we'll see you very soon i'll see you on the porch wednesday night all right we love you all so much thank you thank you thank you and good night everybody you
Channel: Karen Wheaton
Views: 6,952
Rating: 4.9575596 out of 5
Id: s1f3ds4BvY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 6sec (10146 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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