Stay Woke | Chris Estrada | Redemption to the Nations Church

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] that hey what's up everybody how are you jocelyn good morning are you being serious yeah what's up what are you up to hey listen first of all as you can tell i i i'm happy to be back on the pre-show my my partner in crime here is uh just taking a mental break and so we really had no idea that we were alive and that's facts but we're here now we're here now and we're glad you're here that's that's the big part thanks for joining us thanks for watching with us from wherever you're at we're bumped that you're in the building y'all we are so glad y'all are here i'm so glad that y'all put up with me almost every week because i am ridiculous i am absolutely ridiculous listen i've been gone for two weeks i mean it was two weeks and i was just out of it obviously i was just meditating on just like how good the lord is that he brought mike back here by my side to keep me on track y'all your girl is crazy so just drop in the comments um hashtag pray for jocelyn because she's not okay hashtag let's make it a trending topic on twitter tweet out hashtag pray for jocelyn listen we're pumped that you guys are so pumped you'll never find a better pre-show no wherever you go no matter where you go you will never find a better pre-show but also make sure you share this stream share this stream maybe next week share it with me no today is going to be amazing it's going to be amazing day you want to share it this is what people need some people that need some joy they need some joy and some laughter embarrassment yes jocelyn getting up here and laughing hysterically i think laughter is contagious so i know you're laughing right there at home so make sure you share the stream like it comment all of that good stuff once you tell us what's coming up i will tell you what's coming on tonight reset which is obviously what jocelyn needs is happening tonight at 6 00 p.m hosted by redemption school of ministry and pastor devin this is a time it's i know it's been a while but it's a time of prayer teaching it's been amazing times anytime we've had it and now we're getting right back into it and we're so excited we're looking forward to what the lord is going to do here tonight in the sanctuary if you're not able to be here you can go to redemption school of ministry's facebook page well they will be streaming it live and i'm pretty sure i'll probably be on youtube as well so everybody can be a part of it um nobody's gonna miss out whether you're here in the chattanooga area or you have to watch online we want you to get we here we want you to get online because it's going to be a powerful night i can feel it i need it obviously [Laughter] i'm so pumped right now like a burst of energy just went through because i was like wow jocelyn get your life together so anyway you guys can join us tonight at 6 00 pm hosted by pastor devin and we're gonna be amazing reset let's go j rooks you know one of my favorite days is coming up because it gets to celebrate one of my favorite people and it's mother's day first of all before we start talking about mother's day hey mom hey mom i know you're watching i hope you're not embarrassed by me i love you mom i hope you're proud i know you are a mom but mother's day may 9th coming up it's going to be an amazing time right here you know again mother's day is just one of those days that you get to just call your mom celebrate your mom i mean first of all you should be doing that all the time no matter what but this is a day that we get to focus on celebrating moms there are so many like moms moms are just special people in general like it's just one of those things that like no matter how old you get like when you get a hug from your mom it's just it's just something different it means a lot it's just it you feel the security you feel the assurance that okay everything's gonna be all right i'll get i call my mom at least once or twice a week in the mornings we talk yeah and we just you know and it's one of those things i get to reset and i get to not have to worry about being an adult for a second i feel like i'm just a kid again and get to celebrate my mom so we have mother's day that was a beautiful tribute mike i was you know it's my mom man i love you mom and on that day we're going to honor our mothers with a special gift now last week we were talking we're trying me and anna i think we're trying to take bets on what we thought that was like the gift was so why don't you drop in the comments what you think the special gift for our mothers will be because i mean i don't know i've heard cars i've heard everything between like money i don't know it probably won't be a car listen you should definitely send your mom flowers so flowers right you're missing your wildflowers but when mothers come here they will be getting a special gift and we want to know what you think that is so you just dropped them i heard some rumors i'm not going to say i'm going to keep it to myself surprised though i mean whatever you think we'll talk about yeah we'll talk about it off camera but it's going to be dope so make sure you bring your mom she gets a gift when she comes yes and it's going to be an amazing time at church it is may is going to be so full of we're kicking off like a lot of summer events so if you haven't at rtt an email if you're not connected with our church and that way first of all you should and you should get the app by the way to do that but there are gonna be so many things happening this summer for families for youth for kids i hear we got firebrand and kids camp coming up first of all this is going to be i've we were talking we were doing some planning you know we were trying to work out some creative stuff and it's going to be a banner year and i know i said that about y ones and if you watched wyatt ones it was a banner year but i really do believe that uh camp is gonna be a banner year i think it's supposed to be bigger better than ever i think i think we are going off on camp and you don't want to miss it listen if you are in the chattanooga area you or even athens hey register send your kid yeah yeah register register for camp um spots are filling up quick they are yeah real quick so you got to make sure you get your registration in um and be a part of it because it's gonna be amazing time and you can go on the app to look at those events how to sign up for that there are several things like i said going on you can go to the church website yeah you'll see events happening there too i mean we're just trying to make sure that it's a jam-packed summer oh i mean i don't know about y'all i love warm weather i love just i love the sun that's out now and being able to be out later because it doesn't get dark until like nine o'clock so we have a lot of things that are going to be it's amazing every week you want to stay tuned do you want to get the app you want to make sure that you're plugged into the website as well right and like this is the best thing i love about our church jocelyn is that most people slow down in summer no no but we we ramp it up we we we try to we try to get more people involved we try to get more family events we try to get a family the family involved so that's why i love summer here because we start ramping it up even more and we i mean again we just love family we we prioritize family right here and this is just shows this summer there's so many things for the family coming up so also again like jocelyn said get the app download the app there you can do so many different things you can find out any event that's coming up uh this summer or anything in the future you can give right on the app and and it's gonna be [Music] yes yes sorry but yes get the app y'all it's going to be an amazing time mike we're about to get ready listen prayer prayer we need prayer we need a lot of prayer and i mean so much prayer so we are so excited that you guys are here with this day we hope you had a great time on the show watching us listen we did this purely for your entertainment but no guys let's make your place right now an altar we're going into a time prayer a time of worship um an amazing word it's going to be brought to you by special treat for you guys do not miss tonight and guys we will see you later we love you guys love you all [Music] you have been my helper do not leave me or abandon me god of my salvation even if my father and mother abandoned me the lord cares for me because of my adversary show me your way lord and lead me on a level path do not give me over to the will of my foes for false witnesses rise up against me breeding violence i am certain come on rttn i am certain that i will see the lord's goodness in the land of the living wait for the lord be strong and courageous wait for the lord today let's go before the lord and say father we are confident as this that you hear us when we call and we are not calling out to a god that is deaf or blind but a god that inclines his ear to his people so today we will not wait for a song we will not wait for a feeling that we will grab ahold of it before we even begin there is no plan of the enemy that can stop what god is gonna do today oh come on somebody join me in these altars we invite you to flood this place right now fly this place right now love this place right now we lift up our hands and we say father have your will have your way have your will have your way we thank you lord that like the psalmist said we desire to dwell with you come on somebody come on can we set our affection right now on him when we want to dwell with someone we love we talk to them we say lord we love you we honor you come on if you don't know how to do that today you just lift up his name and say father if it had not been for you on my side where would i be but today on the second day of may i will lift you up and i will say that you are my light you are my salvation in the middle of everything we find ourselves and we thank you because we have the answer to every situation for you are healer you are redemption you are salvation you are hope you are joy you are position you are victory so we shout we sing we wave our hands we move our body because we know that you are worth it today that's right we set an atmosphere that you can inhabit that you can have your will and your agenda in your way we come into agreement god that as it is in heaven so too shall it be here on earth as it is in heaven let it be here on earth let the glory of the lord come among us let the glory of the lord rise among us god we join with the elders we declare that you are holy holy holy is the lord god almighty which was and is and is to come holy [Music] oh lord i will never let the rocks cry out in my place lord but thank you god for the wind of the holy spirit that is glowing in this place i thank you lord that you are salvation today lord i pray that if anyone feels like they're away from you that today your arms of love would wrap around them i pray that they would declare the sweet name of jesus like never before god we thank you god that today you are picking someone up out of the fiery clay you are establishing them on a rock on a salvation lord today like never before god come on come on that's right we magnify the lord together and we exalt his holy name today if you've come to magnify the lord today can you just lift up a praise today come on that's right we said this atmosphere full of expectation full of faith that you were gonna do something among us that we have never seen before in jesus name we pray and we celebrate god in jesus name we pray and we celebrate a risen king like never before amen somebody bless the name of jesus sin that we might become his righteous name his body was broken for our transgressions but i'm so glad that's not aware the story is the land that in was and since that day sin has lost he's alive hallelujah hallelujah [Music] where the story is is he gave me a reason to dance hallelujah he gave me a reason today he gave gave me a reason he gave me a reason to dance hallelujah is [Applause] is is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is hallelujah [Music] i'm dancing out of my grave clothes victory morning set free is come on [Music] yes is [Music] [Music] jesus you are lying today [Music] hallelujah and who is [Music] no person could be found in all of creation my heart is just [Music] [Music] [Music] who was worthy to open the scroll and face and when i saw your throat i saw my future so it's only you yes oh come on [Music] who is worthy it's only you it's only you it's only you it's only you it's only you're the only one worthy jesus we'll sing you songs that the angels never sing we're joined with heaven this morning we join with heaven this morning [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] is the one who is the one [Music] [Applause] is is [Music] is [Music] why are they [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] we'll sing songs that the angels never say you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're so early you're so i'm so worthy is [Music] who is worthy to open this room [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] is you listen let me explain something this morning at 7 30 as long as i've slept on a sunday in a long time we got a guest speaker you don't have to turn the lights up i'm not through worshiping yet i'm just giving an explanation 7 30 i got a phone call this morning that said bishop we're not going to be able to have church the power has left the building literally at 1am last night a transformer melted and epb had to come out at 1am and put a new transformer in and they didn't think we were going to be able to have church this morning and i was going through all these different ways of how we could still have church and i got ready and got got in the car and i was on my way to get my coffee and my cheese danish nobody paid for it this morning but on my way to starbucks he said i want you to declare that thing's going to receive power and that building is coming back on and i want to tell some of you something this morning you stepped into an atmosphere where the enemy's got one plan but god's got another one the enemy has one assignment but god has another one and i'm going to tell you who gets to decide who gets to decide what you go home with it's not the enemy or god both have a plan but you will decide i need somebody this morning to make up your mind this is the day the lord has made me and my house are gonna serve the lord somebody put a worship on your lips somebody put a praise in the atmosphere crown him with many crowns the king yeshua is worthy to be praised [Applause] this morning [Applause] is [Applause] we're moving into communion in just a moment but i want you to reach over right now and put your hand on your neighbor's shoulder in faith and i want you to begin to declare right now that the power of god the power of god not just the the omnipresence of god i'm talking about the manifest localized power of jesus touch their life right now i need people filled with the holy ghost to open up your mouth and begin to declare this thing some of you're gonna have to contend for what you're hungry for you're not just gonna get it passively the kingdom of god suffers violence and the violent take it healing is taken breakthrough is taken deliverance is taken blessing is taken it's in the atmosphere but somebody has got to take it this morning you're watching me online and the enemy has been coming against your house i rebuke the devil in the name of jesus and i declare right now that the king of glory is bringing manifest blessing into your living room into your bedroom into the hospital room somebody lift up a prayer to god this poor man crying unto the lord and the lord heard him and delivered him out of all of his trouble prayer will shift the atmosphere somebody lifts up your voice somebody lifts up your voice the power of god is moving the power of god is moving we give you praise come on tori come on tory [Music] [Applause] worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes who is worthy to open the scroll [Music] will you join us this morning as we take communion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] when you walk into the room everything changes darkness starts to [Music] and vanish you walk into the room every heart starts burning and nothing matters more than just and when you walk into the room everything changes darkness when you walk into the room every heart starts burning and nothing light is more than just to sit here at your feet jesus sing us to him we love you me [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] situation ceases to the exist the dead began to rise there is resurrection [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Music] we when you walk into the room sickness starts to penis every hopeless situation it ceases to exist and with you the tent began [Music] resurrection [Music] we love we love you we love you jesus we love you [Music] jesus we give [Music] we give you permission our hearts are yours we want you we want you come and consume come and consume god oh we are we give you permission [Music] we give you permission [Music] oh is [Music] our hearts you [Music] [Music] we will never stop can't live without you jesus we love you you can't get enough [Music] we love you and we'll never stop [Music] we love you we can't get it [Music] is i give it all i give it all [Music] oh this is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] we love you and we'll never stop can't live say we love you lord [Music] and we can't get enough i want to do this i was late coming in this morning because one of our leaders in our church they've been with us for some time ed mcgee came by and wanted me to pray his eyes been attacked with cancer and he and cheryl came and asked if i would the elders and and some leaders would pray so we prayed while i was praying with him i had some communion elements in the back and i said i'm going to serve you communion and when i gave him the bread the lord whispered that verse to me healing is the children's bread [Music] let me tell you something when god gives you a word and quickens a word in your spirit it produces faith the bible said faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and when the lord quickens a verse in your spirit it's intended to produce faith where there was a question i believe in this room today healing is coming to people with diabetes people with high blood pressure people with migraine headaches people with back pains people who have lupus someone has sickle cell anemia fibromyalgia i don't have to call it out for you to be healed if you just took communion a moment ago when you ate that bread it reminded you and me that healing is the children's bread and i came to remind you you're not a slave you're not a you're not a step child you are not trying to earn your way into the kingdom of god you are the children of the most [Music] if you need healing in your body right now i want to serve notice on any principality of religion that thinks it will ever steal the power from this house you will not cut the power of this house off and i'm not talking about electricity i'm talking about the anointing that breaks every yoke i'm talking about the stuff that puts families back together and hope in hopeless hearts it resurrects dead dreams and calls lazarus back to life i just want to serve notice that we will never come to this house and just get through a service barely and talk about how we endured it because jesus is alive on this sunday morning and the same spirit that raised his three-day dead body up from the tomb is the same holy ghost that's working and walking and moving in this room right now and if he raised the dead body of jesus up he can heal your liver he can heal your pancreatic cancer he can heal your lungs from copd he can heal your mind of every poisonous thing that ever happened to you bitterness is getting out sorrow of soul is getting out depression you've got to go i declare that healing is the children's prayer somebody who believes that christ is a healer i want you just to take 20 seconds and praise him for what he's already healed and praise him for what else is on the way because he ain't done yet he ain't done yet somebody praise him this morning in this sanctuary we give you praise for healing everybody healing every infirmity healing every sickness if you need healing in this room right now would you just lift your hands whatever section you're in if you need any type of healing just raise your hands and if you're near someone whose hand is lifted would you please just reach over and touch and agree with them in this house we believe the body is activated and that the gift of healing can flow through you so right now all over this house if we could just touch and agree and release the healing virtue of jesus christ speak healing speak the word pray in the spirit agree in faith and right now father all over this house the body comes together and we touch and agree and we declare our faith is activated and healing virtue flows right now that this atmosphere is saturated with the healing virtue of jesus christ we declare in the name of jesus by his stripes we have already been healed it is already been done and we declare the manifestation of that healing is unlocked right now in every sick body every troubled mind every broken heart right now the hope of jesus christ and the hope and the power of jesus christ comes upon you and i declare healing from the top of your head to the souls of your feet we declare in this atmosphere it is as if the throne room of heaven has extended itself to this atmosphere and all sickness must bow to the name of jesus right now would you just touch and agree and if the lord gives you something to pray we release you to pray it right now but we believe healing is flowing all over this house [Music] come on take it that's all there is to it right there take it take it we're going we're going to move on in a minute but somebody's not going back to the car with the same mess you came into the church with somebody's not going back to the car with it this is you're going to testify about this moment right here you're going to testify about this moment right here because if christ does it how many know the devil can't undo it i said the devil can't undo what christ does in fact i'm reminded of what the prophet said this affliction shall not rise a second time god's getting ready to heal it and the enemy won't be able to put it back together oh somebody lift him up lift up jesus in this room today lift up jesus in this room today i will bless the lord at all times his praise will continually be in my mouth my soul will make her boast in the lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad oh magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together somebody giving praise in this room right now we lift you up jesus we lift you up oh god we lift you up oh god i thank you for healing families today i thank you for healing marriages today i thank you for healing bodies today thank you for healing minds today jehovah jehovah rafa just keep agreeing for healing right now just keep agreeing for healing right now someone is in desperate need of a miracle and i just heard the lord say the fire of healing is burning in this house someone's going to feel the manifestation of healing in your body like heat wherever that place is that needs healing you're about to feel the fire of god the heat of god be applied to your body and it's going to drive out the sickness the disease the tumor the cyst someone right now you are in desperate need of healing we're going to press in just one more moment and father i pray the fire of healing would burn in this place right now in the name of jesus and if you begin to feel that hot hand of the spirit on you you just begin to praise him by faith knowing your healing is done your healing is done right now there's a fire of healing in this house in jesus name [Music] we're gonna go on but does anybody feel that fire hap i don't do this every sunday but can anybody testify right now in this moment that you feel the fire of god touching your body lift your hand lift your hand anybody else i feel the fire of god touching my body right now anybody else lift your hand don't be ashamed i'm not coming for you i'm doing something right there i'm doing something right back there why are you doing this because if it's burning in one it'll burn in everybody if you'll just believe him right now just lift your hand if the power of god the power of god's touching your body right now jesus we give you praise jesus we give you praise you're a good good father there's nobody like you we give you praise that sicknesses are leaving the day hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it is done and it is so if you believe it shout amen give him the best praise you've given them all morning long right there come on don't panic with it don't look at your neighbor and find out what they're doing do it give him your best whatever your best is that's what i'm asking you to give jesus right now when he could have called ten thousand angels he stayed a little longer on the cross somebody give him a praise a little longer praise him a little louder praise him a little higher if you ever jump jump a little higher than the last time you just give him your best praise hallelujah hallelujah i'm telling you i'm not through with this moment i'm not through with this moment i feel god breaking a yoke in this church i feel god breaking my yoke in this [Music] go ahead and praise him sweetheart go ahead and praise him somebody ought to help her praise the lord somebody ought to help her praise the lord my god church i'm telling you i feel the very power of god resting on us this morning hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] chris horvath just showed me this verse i want to declare it luke chapter 10 verses verse 9 and jesus said heal the sick there and say to them the kingdom have god has come near to you why am i saying that because somebody in here is struggling with doubt and i'm here to tell you the sign of the kingdom is the healing of the sick and i came to declare in this atmosphere the kingdom of god is here the kingdom of god is here you can lay hands on the sick and they shall recover in the name of jesus the kingdom of god is near you it's at your seat it's in your section and because of that you can release healing in jesus name [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah there might be a skeptic in here wondering if this is real i pray that every sick person on your road get healed and every dead dry religious dry high get baptized in the holy ghost i pray the fire of god shoot through your belly and the anointing of god make you snap your neck and break every yoke somebody give jesus praise [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody give god a high praise in this church hallelujah [Music] hallelujah i'm going to tell you when they told me we're not going to be able to have church i text the staff i said put a makeshift sound system on the stage because this man of god has a i don't even know what he's going to preach i told him i said we have to have church because the word in his belly has to come forth and i text him and told him you better pray and he said i have to release this word because god put it in my belly and i just came to tell you the enemy will not stop the word of the lord from going forth today and when this word goes forth it's not going forth in bondage it's going forth in power somebody's shoutier so we're going to move on but i feel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i cannot see it but i hear i hear rain i cannot see it but i hear yeah that's it [Music] hear rain we're moving on one more time say i [Music] cannot see it but i hear i hear rain i cannot see it but i i hear rain one more time say i but i hear come on i know that sounds crazy but that's what the bible says walk by faith and not by sight come on look at your neighbor tell them that we're moving on saying what my time says but out here [Music] everybody clap your [Music] come on somebody give him a praise for what's on the way [Music] [Music] [Music] we have to move on we have to move on but sometimes we do in a pentecostal church what is called a praise break some of us praise him for what already happened some of us praise him for what he's doing but some crazy people in the room praise him for what he's getting ready to do if he's already done something you want to praise him if he's doing something right now you want to praise him but if you're praising him for what's on the way you got 30 seconds to praise him for what's getting ready to happen at your house how is it gonna happen it's not bad night it's not bad power but it's by my spirit sail below giving praise for it [Music] i want you to look at the person you came to church with and tell them help me praise the lord for what's getting ready to happen in our house help me praise the lord for the blessing that's coming to our family somebody take 15 seconds after all you've been through you want to give god praise that the storm is passing over and the sun is rising again and the joy of the lord is gonna be yours the holy spirit just spoke to me and said this is a plowing this is a plowing there is a word that's about to go forth in this house today it is seed and the lord will not let it fall on hard ground if you want to receive what god's about to do there's a plowing that has to take place in your heart because deep is about to speak to deep and i just hear the lord saying this is a plow on this atmosphere this praise is a plow because we didn't come for a sermon today this is a prophetic declaration that's about to change the rest of your life you better open your mouth turn your feet loose turn your hands loose and plow the ground of your heart with [Music] praise [Music] everybody praise him [Music] [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] everybody can't count the highest price [Music] now somebody shout with the voice of triumph somebody shout with the voice of triumph i feel it getting better already for you i've got a promise everything is gonna be all right somebody says [Applause] i can not see it but i'm here [Music] teresa ashley come here real quick come here real quick come here real quick come here real quick devon lay your hands on her that thing is coming out of your body and that pain is leaving your legs today how in the name of jesus i'm amanda clausen somebody say i can not see it [Music] but i hear i hear rain yes i do [Music] give you thanks [Music] thank you for it today god can we give him thanks for his presence [Music] i'm going to expedite this because i want to get right to the word i'm going to expedite this help me welcome everybody watching online right now come on everybody all over the world seriously romania south africa canada uruguay pakistan bahamas nova scotia 46 states of the united states are watching come on tell everybody good morning welcome come on in jump on in with us today [Applause] two things number one don't forget tonight at 6 pm is reset touch your neighbor tell them reset devin and i will be teaching we're going to have a time of prayer it's the first sunday of every month and tonight at sundown begins our prayer and fasting tomorrow morning if you can make that phone call take a picture of that on your phone tomorrow morning if you'll call that number you can join us for prayer at 7 00 a.m in the morning be leading an hour of prayer from people all over the world join us for that prayer meeting i want you to jump on you say pastor i'm sleeping at that hour i know but can you wake up one monday out of the month and spend some time with god in prayer come on family say amen and i believe god will connect our hearts you don't want to miss that in the morning i look forward to seeing you or hearing your voice on the other end as we pray for needs and we pray for revival listen tuesday at noon right here in the sanctuary sanctuary is open tuesday at noon devon and i'll be leaving tuesday prayer and uh i'm not asking i'm not a fasting police i'm just asking everybody the first three days of every month this is the culture of this house the first three days the first monday tuesday and wednesday of every month we spend time fasting and praying lord gave us a word some time ago that if we'll keep the cold room fire burning he'll keep sending his blessing and reviving his people somebody will say amen so we want to keep that going and we're going to begin that tonight at sundown it goes through wednesday night at sundown make a provision to fast something and uh we're gonna ask you to do that also if you're a first time guest somebody help me welcome all of our first-time guests so good to have you so good to have you listen if you're a first-time guest i want you to text 423-200-4933 the word guest to that number they'll put it on the screen for you if you'll text that we got a free gift for you just behind our sanctuary over on orchard knob avenue we have a cafe called together cafe we want to give you a free drink on us just to say thanks for coming you'll get a card for that if you're a first time guest and you text the word guest we'll make sure you get that we want to bless you and your family because we believe everybody in this room life flourishes when you get planted in the right atmosphere come on how many want to be planted in a jesus loving community loving faith-filled spirit empowered church that's what god's asked us to be and that's what we're going to do so i want you and your family to to prepare your heart for that and uh if if you are a first time guest just let us know you're here we want to follow up and serve you and your family let you know that we have something special for you and give every one of you a gift as patrick hampton comes to receive this morning's offering shake hands with three or four people hug somebody in your zip code bless one another get to know somebody and welcome each other to the house of the lord god bless you for being at redemption today [Music] amen amen praise the lord everybody hallelujah how many of you glad to be in the house of the lord this morning hallelujah i am truly honored and i'm grateful to be a part of this family and let me just i just want to kind of testify this morning to all of you i found this church in the midst of a pandemic my family planted ourselves in this church because all the other churches in the cities were closed but your pastor kevin and devin decided to stay open and when i was sitting there this morning the holy spirit spoke to me and he said don't take this house and this anointing for granted and i want to submit that to you this morning that we those of you especially those that have been here for 20 years and you've been faithfully planted here it can be easy for you to take this anointing for granted but i'm here to tell you god is getting ready to send a harvest to this church there are families out in chattanooga just like me that's looking for a place to be planted and the way we show god that we're not going to take it for granted is that we continue to sow into good ground amen and so i'm going to challenge you this morning to sow into this place so for the word that's getting ready to be preached this morning i want you to sow what you can if you're watching online you can give at you can bring an envelope and you can also give by the mobile app amen so i'm going to ask that you go ahead if you have your gift ready if you're going to get by phone just hold it up in the air right now we're going to give god a wave offering hold your gift up in the air right now all over the building just hold it up hold it up and wave it before the lord right now before we give father in the name of jesus i pray that you touch every single family in this house this morning i pray that you continue to bless their family i pray that you anoint their hearts to give to you o lord to give exceededly above what they were thinking at first oh god i pray that you bless the family i pray that you bless their house and bless their finances and we pray this prayer in jesus name amen hallelujah [Music] [Music] crazy [Music] say great all right sopranos come on see sopranos [Music] now let me hear the brothers sing this part come on sing this part come on we're not through praising him yet [Music] hallelujah [Music] he is wonderful [Music] everyone on your feet is he is wonderful this morning hallelujah well praise god already everyone standing for the word of the lord this morning if you're not already chris estrada needs no introduction if you've been here any length of time at all you know that he has come to this pulpit and preached under the anointing and the grace of god so many times and we're thankful that he came all the way from california and he brought his sidekick elisha everybody tell elisha good morning come on tell him good morning i want you to help me welcome our athens campus athens we love you and this morning our lives are going to be changed by the word tell our brother chris estrada you love him as he comes to this pulpit to preach the gospel this morning wow i you know i feel like hell is nervous and i like it like that you know i feel like i feel like i can each drop into their their conversation they're probably saying something like they do that when the electricity goes out i'm here to tell you something they're gonna think twice about the next time they ever touch your babies touch your family touch your campuses i'm not playing around you just saw you you said a warning shot across the bow letting the know you don't get to take ground here you don't get to disrupt you don't get to is there anyone else who understands warfare like i understand it that all you need you don't even need to throw the punch you just need to flinch a little bit and let them know i will put you in check and i will make sure you know you will never step out of line again am i the only one [Music] i'm not mad i'm happy i'm not frustrated i'm free i leaned over to my son i said can you tell the difference in this atmosphere he said yeah i said that's not hype he said dad that's heat i'm telling you i feel something i feel something i feel something what a tremendous honor it is to be a redemption to the nations i i am just so blown away absolutely blown away about what god continues to trust you with he continues to allow you to steward and i think it's a reflection of quality leadership across the board from this incredible worship team to those who are ministering to your babies and your children come on those who are ministering youth young old pastor josh you guys are just phenomenal but can i just say and i'm not here tonight anybody or mantel anybody but i truly believe that bishop wallace and pastor devin are much-needed voices in america and on the earth and i honor the both of you so much this is not this is not flattering this is almost in a way saying thank you for staying on the front lines is i believe with my brother you know as as we watched churches make the difficult decision it wasn't easy to stay closed or open but when you have a pastor that says you know what we're going to agree to disagree and we're not going to stop church and we're going to continue to have church there's something about courage that draws people in there's something about i'll break the mold i'll be the first one i'll be first man through the door i'll be the first person on the front lines god honors that and what is god is doing this is just getting started this is i'm gonna say man i remember when redemption was small because i believe what god is doing in this hour is so significant so i honor you guys your whole family i didn't come alone i have my wonderful son with me he's 14. he's uh he has such a sacrifice every week i mean this as a as someone who travels around the world he has to constantly say goodbye to dad and i just want to honor him for absolutely releasing myself and my wife to do what we do it's a huge sacrifice this 14 year old pays and um and i just honor you son thank you for letting me do and do what i do and and run in my calling your support means everything to me and i love you very much very much can you honor my son elisha [Music] you may be seated i i just i i realize that i've got a lot of new friends in this room i i but i do recognize that i got a lot of latinos up in here hey where you at caramel come on where the caramel people at all the brown people come on caramel yeah that's right that's right and we got a lot of chocolate in this room too come on chocolate go ahead and talk to me and we got a whole lot of whipped cream up in this room too come on whipped cream it don't matter what flavor you are we all got a sweet tooth in here but let me tell you my story so you know where this crazy mexican is coming from okay i grew up on the border of the united states and mexico and now if you've ever seen an episode of narcos that's like a family movie all right that's i'm telling you it was either if you've heard about where all the drug trafficking is or the cartel wars okay those are all my cousins so christmas is fun or the atf is involved there was never an in-between and so by the age of 12 i found myself with a drug addiction a lust problem and an anger issue but i love to play basketball come on anybody love to hoop in here anyone and so i would go to this church they had a gym they would open it up right before their service and they would get all the students from the gym into the service well i was those that would never stay i would always dip and leave and find somewhere else to play in the youth pastor got involved in my life and one day he came to me and said hey do you want to go to church camp and i honestly god bishop i had no idea what this was he said hey you want to go to church camp i said there'll be hot girls at this camp i'm going to spend my time wisely and he said well we're going to go for jesus i said fine you can go for jesus i'ma get some phone numbers i'm going to camp what i didn't realize is on the first night of that camp i got saved i got filled with the holy spirit and i got called into ministry all in one night game-changing night from that point forward man i can tell you i went to bible college i went into business i was a missionary to the nation of sri lanka i went into youth ministry where uh josh and i have connected on this where we just had a sweeping revival come through and we started watching youth and young adults begin to posture and position themselves as risk takers and as influencers and as voices in the last 12 years my assignment has to raise up these next wave of generals these next wave of influencers that are going to pioneer in ways that we have never been in places we have never gone to do things we have never seen done come on anybody else got faith that god's not doing the same replay he doesn't have the same playbook he doesn't just stick new marketing on it and call it new he has something fresh and i believe this house is on the front lines of it i serve an incredible vision at missions me our vision is to unite the global church for the salvation and transformation of nations and i'm not playing around when we say that we want to live the impossible well our story has a unique edge to it but at the same time our call is that we would unify the church i believe that one of the one of the greatest strategies against us is that the enemy would fragment us as they would call us to live in our pockets and our streams and our circles he calls us to live in our group of friends or our style but we would never link arms of someone that doesn't pray like us or someone that doesn't read the word like us or someone who doesn't sing worship like us let us lay down a lot of that garbage that so holds us back and let there be unity because there's a strength that comes from unity that we've yet to tap into did you hear what i said there is a favor that comes when you're in unity that we have yet to tap into and our job is to unite the global church and we are seeing an incredible move of god begin to thunder across the earth and to give you more context of that i want you to watch this video because what it means to us is that this is a sign that god is getting ready to make an aggressive move on america that there is a posture that god is doing in this nation where he is igniting all of these men and women to finally just come into alignment with the prayer of jesus his final prayer that we would be one he could have prayed anything but yet he prayed that we would be one and i believe that this is an incredible opportunity that we're standing in an incredible moment and to give you some context around the culture and the language of what i'm talking about i want you to check out this video nearly 3 000 years ago the prophet isaiah asked the question can a nation be saved in a day can a country be changed in a moment we believe this audacious question has been answered in late 2011 president lobo sosa of honduras opened the doors of his government to a new missions era the nation overrun by violence was desperate for hope after two years of strategic planning and preparation one nation one day was born in july of 2013 the largest missions team in history gathered in miami filled three chartered 747s and were strategically placed in every state across honduras with a goal to reach every person in the entire nation for one week medical brigades humanitarian teams school ministry teams and national leaders conferences impacted hundreds of thousands of hondurans at the end of the week honduras gathered in the 18 largest stadiums and 18 cities simultaneously for a moment that would shift the course of the entire nation father in heaven we invite your kingdom to come to the nation of honduras in a moment the global church stepped into a new missions era in 2015 the one nation one day vision spread to the dominican republic the world watched again as one nation one day forged top-level government partnerships and the national church united for the salvation of their nation in 2017 the momentum across the globe erupted as missionaries from 33 nations spread out across the nation of nicaragua and reached one in every seven nicaraguans face to face with the gospel in 2019 one nation one day expanded to a new continent with a new model built for a nation of 32 million demonstrating unprecedented unity in the global church peruvian teams joined hands with the largest team of international missionaries to date to become the change in their nation together over ten thousand missionaries and volunteers reached 1.1 million peruvians face to face in schools clinics clean water sites and stadiums across the nation the years following one nation one day campaigns have been marked by measurable transformation government leaders collaborate to create solutions to national social issues like gang violence domestic violence education and unity follow-up campaigns organically birthed within each nation have marked the sustainability of this new missions era an era with the global church will unite for the salvation and transformation of entire nations an era where every person in every city and every school every home every street corner across the nation can have a face-to-face encounter with the gospel of jesus christ the purpose of the great commission was not simply that the church would grow but that the church would leave the church united is gonna do what the world divided could never do [Applause] can a nation be saved in a day yes it can come on who's got faith that god wants to erupt this vision in the united states of america and we can take ground because i got news for you that july 2021 we are coming for los angeles the juggernaut in our nation and we are now at 20 000 missionaries that are going to take ground adopt every city block and we're going to make an aggressive move in this city and give the nation a blueprint so that we could finally begin to say that revival is back in america at a level it has never been with a church like it's never been 2020 was just practice we are coming in to a fresh move and i believe that this hour matters the most anybody else believe that god wants to storm our nation like never before anyone else believe that god wants to go into high schools like never before man i'm telling you i'm so consumed by this vision and i truly believe that we have expected too little of ourselves for too long and i believe that what god is doing now is he is causing us to awake to a supernatural vision where there is no way we are going to accomplish what he has set to do the world they can build homes they can dig wells they can establish orphanages they can do feeding programs what we need to do is stop losing ourselves in being a serving agent but also being a solving agent that when we see problems we don't post about it we pray about it we get a strategy and we execute that strategy and shut down things like corruption or a corrupt foster care system or we shut down moments that are going to sabotage our young people i believe this is the hour in so please stand with us in prayer as we are moving ourselves into this play i believe that god is going to do something so significant now are you ready for the word i have to get this word out of me i feel it burning on the inside i don't believe that anything that happens happens by fate or accident i believe it's all in the alignment of god he's got your attention this morning but i don't believe that he's done are you with me i believe he wants to speak so talk back to me i love this church i love this house and i love your passion and i want you to respond back can you do that somebody say yes say come on somebody say something on comebody i don't know how to spell that i don't know how to spell that are you ready for the word all right turn on your bible turn on your bible go to second king six if you open it that's fine i know what generation we're in turn it on if you open it that's fine if you turn on that's fine the bible says it's the word of god that's living and active not what it's written on or shows up on in second king six i i i gotta create some background so we can get some context for where i feel like god is taking us in second kings the sixth chapter you will find that the the king of syria is constantly creating conflict with the nation of israel he will get around his circle of advisers his circle of generals and he will come up with these wicked plans to actually invade into israel and only share with them it says that as soon as he leaves his mouth it ends up in their hearing but it ends up in a pair of ears he didn't expect and that was the prophet to the nation of israel his name was elisha and elisha would take that word and give it to the king of israel and say you're about to be invaded send garrisons and reinforcements to this place so you can fight off the attack it says that time and again elisha would warn the king so this didn't just happen one time this happened all the time all right and so here you have elisha constantly feeding the plans these wicked plans into the nation of israel to the right people and this wicked king can't seem to get a foothold a stronghold a little bit he can't take any ground and he gets so frustrated he calls that same circle of advisors and generals together and says which one of you is informing on me which one of you i have a leak in my administration and which one of you is telling my plans to the king of israel and they'd be like i don't know it's not us it's not it's not us my lord the king what do we do and he says he says what is going on and they say israel has a prophet can i say america has a church homes have praying deaths houses of worship have a praying church are you following me he says they have a prophet who hears everything you say even in the privacy of your own bedroom that's awkward let's just be honest that pillow talk and go stay on the pillow very low it says that he says well tell me where he's at they say he's in dothan which means cutting he says well go and get him there so this king sends a whole army for one man are you following me this army approaches and this is what we're going to read as they are completely surrounded look at verse 14. it says so one night the king of syria sent a great army with many chariots and horses to surround the city when the servant of the man of god got up early the next morning went outside there were troops horses and chariots everywhere oh sir what will we do now the young man cried to elijah don't be afraid man i just got to stop right here you know any time god is about to do something massive he always has the preface it with these words all throughout scripture all throughout the playbook every time don't be afraid i'm going to deliver you out of egypt don't be afraid for born in this day in the city of david a savior whose name is jesus are you don't be afraid i feel like these are words that are echoing whether you got a mask on or you don't have a mask on whether you got issues or you don't have issues whether you've been hurt or you're healed don't be afraid there's something about people who have separated themselves from everyone else because you can totally tell in the last 14 months who has moved forward in faith and who has moved forward in fear i'm preaching better than some of you say amen already this morning i might have stepped on toes but that's fine i get on a plane in a little bit i'm from the hood i can tell you this that i believe that there is a strength there is an authority there is an access point that you have when you live with these words don't be afraid oh sir what will we do now and he responds don't be afraid and then he says for there are more with us than against us can we have church this morning [Applause] [Music] there are more with us than against us then watch this it says elisha prayed oh lord open his eyes and let are you hearing that say that with me open his eyes say it one more time oh lord open his eyes and let him see the lord opened the young man's eyes and when he looked up he saw the hillside around elijah was filled with horses and chariots everywhere as the aramean army it began to advance toward the is this prophet it says this it says oh elisha prayed oh lord please make them blind so the lord struck them with blindness as elisha had asked let's pray this morning let's pray this one holy spirit i ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of jesus christ father i ask for your presence to manifest itself in ways like never before in fact i speak to this atmosphere and i say that you were full of faith you were full of hope you were full of peace lord you are full of this room is full of authority and i come against every limit every restriction every barrier every lie every demonic harassment in this room and those watching across the world i declare is broken right now in jesus name and i call your men and women to the front lines of what you're doing i call them into greatness i call them in to strength i call them in god that you would begin to separate themselves from every veil from every lie from every excuse god every place of a confusion i say must fall now in jesus name i declare you're open in the eyes of your people and i thank you for what you're giving us in this hour in the mighty name of jesus and everyone shouted amen amen i have a title for you this morning but i'm going to preface it with this i have no political propaganda cultural affiliations with this title when i was writing a message i honestly thought this is a dope title that's literally what i thought because i feel like god wants to speak from this subject i feel it's my assignment to tell you to stay woke i i think i think we have settled for a natural wokeness i think we have settled to notice things but not heal things to point out things but not address things i'm not talking about a weak woke where all you do is post more than you pray where all you do is complain more than you complete i'm talking about a wokeness that makes you a weapon in the hands of almighty god and you begin to sabotage the plans of the devil everywhere you go we're the woke people at who know what it's like to not be moved by new cycles by social media feeds by agendas by cultural persuasions but they are anchored in the word of god they are embedded in the place of prayer and fasting where are the woke people in i believe it's time that we didn't have people who knew what it was like to sleep walk it's amazing to me how many people can have sight and still have no vision it's amazing how all the evidence can be there yet the layers of deception still claim the control and the decision-making of our life but baby you came into the right church and you're under the right anointing of the holy spirit that he is going to wake you up out of your slumber and that pain is not going to tuck you back in bed that addiction is not going to put you back to sleep no you're woke now the woke are rising the woke are here and they ain't going nowhere [Applause] stay woke i remember one time i was coming out of the gym uh you shouldn't be that impressed i'm from california people literally get gym memberships before they get homes it's crazy but i remember i was coming out of the gym actually it was a dodgeball tournament so that just that's terrible but and i'm super competitive as my son i don't like to lose i play to win anybody else come on dads help me out i didn't come here for the l i came here for the dub are you if you play me i'm telling it doesn't matter if it's a matching game with my four-year-old or it's 2k with my son i plan on destroying you do you ain't go because i'm not going to give them a participation trophy for a nice try i'm man i'm helping somebody out right now i remember one time my son was playing this totally rapture i remember my son was playing baseball and he got in the car and said dad we won i said no you didn't no dad we won no no you did not i counted he said no coach told us we won no apparently i pay coach to lie to you i'm telling you i believe in winning and so we got eliminated early and um i remember i'm leaving this dodgeball tournament and i get a text message on my phone and i and i it's three text messages one right after the other the first one say yo what's up next one said this antoine next text message is this darnisha from saturday night bishop honest to god i promise to jesus i meant to text back this is not darnisha but the autocorrect on my phone said this is darnisha pastor devin to which he responded sup girl what i have anything else to do that night so i just responded back nothing he he emoji emoji emoji what you doing to which he he said what you doing right now i said i just got out of the gym i'm kind of tired he said you should go to bed i'm like that's a great idea look at antoine speaking godly counsel into my life 30 seconds in i go home i shower anyone that knows me i go to bed at nine o'clock i like to go to bed early because i like to be up early i'm normally up around 5 30 and so i love i'm on early rise that's what i do and so everyone on our team our family knows don't text me after night because you ain't getting a response back until the next morning so i'm lying in bed my wife is reading her bible because she's the real christian and and i remember i hear my phone right next to my nightstand hear my phone go and i'm thinking that could only be pastor josh that could only be one person sure enough i look at my phone it was antoine and antoine said sweet dreams baby girl and i was oh look at this guy caring about the condition of my rest so i responded back but i was laughing i was like you don't even know he didn't even know and my wife sitting there goes hey who's that i said um that's antoine she said who's antoine what does he want i said well um he won't talk to darnisha she said who's darnisha i said life's funny i said i'm darnisha she said you're a married man pretending to be a woman talking to another man i said baby when you say it like that it sounds bad this went on for two weeks oh yes it did check it out go to the hashtag days of darnisha darnisha with an e because she's a deep soul independent woman anyways darnisha days hashtag i had people following this hashtag from all over the world saying you're insane keep it going and i would have fam i would have but then he hit back hey darnisha i want to see you again and i knew that as soon as he saw me he would recognize some things have changed and shifted about the last time he saw darnisha [Applause] i knew that when he saw me he would recognize i am not who i say i am i think the kingdom of darkness is so nervous about redemption about the church in america and the church on the globe because he's been exposed he's been proven a liar he's been proven defeated he has been de-armed and i believe his greatest fear is that you would finally see him for the defeated one for the weak one for the disempowered one the woke people are not moved by agendas they're not moved by climates they're not moved by cycles they're not moved by seas they are moved when he moves this is what it takes to stay woke that you are constantly aware of what god is doing you're not listen when you're woke you live different you are ruined you don't live the same you're ruined for normal this world's greatest attack on the faith of a believer is not don't try this the attack on a revivalist is that's impossible that's not the greatest attack the greatest attack is just be normal woke people don't settle for normal what people don't have the meal called normal whoa people don't sit at a table called normal no woke people no i am birthed born built chiseled to sabotage the things of the devil and to enforce the things of god on the earth where are the woke at i believe the enemy's scariest day is coming i believe in isaiah 14 where we look at him and we will look down on him and we will literally say is this the one this is the guy that caused havoc on the nations this is the one that caused disease this is the one that caused divorce this is the one that caused depression we're gonna look down on him talk down to him trash talking i say let's throw the party a little bit early and let's start today right here at church and say you will not come near my family you will not come near my campus you don't get to come near my babies you don't get to have my marriage you don't get to have my family my finances are my future come on where where the woke people at i'm saved baby but i ain't soft and i am done watching a generation commit suicide i am done watching teenage pregnancy rise i am done watching the foster care system grow and families just get comfortable i am done where are the woke people at i'm not talking about woke where you get to call everybody out i'm talking about woke where you get to call everything in [Applause] where are the woke people at where are the mighty ones the burning ones the ruined ones the strong ones not people who look at church attendants but people who are literally reliable to heaven where are the woke people at i believe they're here i believe they're in the earth i believe they're at redemption i believe they're watching from home and they're sitting in these seats and then i'm telling you it will not happen on our watch we are done where are the woke people at they're rising they're here and they ain't going nowhere come on give me five seconds of praise if you know god woke you up out of your pain he woke you up out of your problems he woke you up out of your confusion come on where are the people know what it's like to have a touch from heaven and it surges through you and you ain't going back to sleep i believe that the woke are here if we're gonna stay woke there's three things you get to say with your life number one number one number one i'm ahead when you're woke you live ahead i don't know why bishop but for some reason as i've pastored and mentored and counseled a lot of people even leaders it seems there's this mindset that the enemy knows more about what's going on than we do where did we learn this this isn't even gospel this is not even scripture you know what he does do daniel chapter 7 he comes in to pervert the times and the seasons let me put this in your world he tries to get you to miss your moment he convinces you that this is happening and if you were to do this you'll get backlash or if you do this then you'll get sabotaged or if you do this people think differently and awkward about you but the truth is god has raised you for that moment he comes to get you to miss your cues he's not listen the enemy it's very rare for me to talk about the devil and i understand this is a church that pastors and lives in revival it's very rare that we would ever do this but it's so also ignorant of us to not know his schemes and the truth is is that he loves to get you to miss moments so that you sabotage yourself you know the most part the worst part of of john 10 10 where he says the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy if he can't actually kill you he'll just distract you because a distracted life is a waste of life and when you waste your life he did destroy your life this is why we need woke people when you live ahead listen the enemy is not omniscient he's not omnipresent he doesn't know things before you know what he recognizes he recognizes certain spiritual traits about your life that's the way martin luther king jr prayed dr king prayed like that and he caused a movement like never before that's the way that smith wigglesworth used to fast and it cost me a whole church to be birthed and right that's the way that moriah woodworth etter used to prophesy and i remember what kind of ground i lost he recognizes characteristics disciplines traits and i believe he's nervous about redemption i'm here to tell you stay woke when you stay woke number one you get to stay ahead you get to say i'm a head i had a student who had a dream before a service and in the dream jesus came to him and brought a a gallon one of those gallon ziploc bags and gave him a hand it to him and said go to this walmart down the street and i'm going to send you and every person you touch i'm going to heal so this kid wakes up gets in his car drives to walmart goes to the pharmacy aisle he says the farming cell is packed he says i'm waiting for people to pick up their prescriptions i mean there's a woman that comes around she's got her hands full of prescription pills and she turns around and this kid says hey and and listen he said he says listen i'm from redemption and uh god speaks to us and he told me to come stand right here in the pharmacy at walmart he told me whoever i pray for he was going to heal i mean what can i pray for you about it's not like this woman could go well nothing i mean you got to pack a bag of pills for some for some so she says well i've had these back issues and i just can't seem to get free from the pain in fact i've been taking these for years just to lower the pain even though i still feel it he said no problem god's going to heal this 16 year old he says no problem so he goes over he says he lays hands on her he says father in the name of jesus i command this back to be healed and the pain to never return that she would walk in her healing in jesus name as he says in jesus name she goes whoa and he says what happened she said i felt something he said well do something you couldn't do she said i couldn't bend over so he said do that so she goes okay you want me to come back up this is literally what happened he says come back up she goes and then she goes down again and then she comes up goes in again comes up goes down again and keeps doing this until i can't i can't believe i have no more pain i'm totally healed and god heals her in front of a pack line and the pharmacist at walmart an employee saw this and brought a gallon ziploc bag to this kid and said i don't know why but you're gonna need this this woman sees it takes her pills tosses it to the kid she's so convinced and walks out that walmart completely healed then the next person comes and they get healed asthma gets healed i'm telling you growths get disappeared i'm telling all kinds of stuff starts breaking out in this pharmacy aisle this kid shows up to church that night i catch him the hallway right before service and he's like hey pass chris check it out you know we taking ground baby i mean he's doing all this and i said what are you doing what do you thought he was trying to sell all the pills the other kids we was winning the lost and i'll never forget he told me the whole thing that why would it happen because he's ahead the bible says time and again elisha would pray and be warned and then tell the king of israel and he was able to sabotage the things that were coming against the whole nation what would it be like if we had a praying church between sunday and wednesday of this week where god says there's a terrorist attack going to happen in this city at this time but if you get there on this day at this location in this moment you will catch all of these men their name is this and this and this you get in touch with the right authorities and you sabotage school shootings you sabotage terrorist attacks you shut down suicide i'm telling you this hey the hair on samson's head is growing back in the church [Applause] i'm woke now because i'm ahead i live ahead do you know that i feel like a lot of you been getting dreams i think a lot of you have been getting these supernatural encounters and they're coming with assignments or these ideas and you're thinking that's just too wild i'm not the right one can i tell you something friend that is not a suggestion god doesn't issue proposals he gives assignments you're over here thinking i'm going to shut down homelessness in my city i'm going to break the follow this snipe a site a fatherlessness cycle i'm going to come against all kinds of corruption and you're wondering if that's god just do some simple math i mean the devil would never tell you to stop fatherlessness he would never tell you to end corruption so if he would never do that there's only one side of this equation that it is i keep my theology very believe it or not i am professor estrada all right i'm the hottest professor you've ever seen but i i am professor estrada i'm just keeping my kingdom math simple good god bad devil safe you're woke now you're woke stay woke when you stay woke you say i'm ahead here's the second thing you get to say number two i'm an ambush oh i feel this i'm an ambush you know i it it it's interesting that elisha is completely surrounded and yet he literally is the ambush of god in the natural it looks like the other way but in the supernatural it's not what's taking place you know it reminds me i had a woman i was sitting in my office and my assistant is sitting outside in her i have my door closed and and she's el salvadorian so she comes with all the spicy okay she ain't playing around all right that's why i hide her so um and i remember this woman storms my office in her into her room of my door closed and and says where's pastor chris i need talk pets where's pastor chris i need to talk about the kids right now where's master chris and my assistant doesn't miss she's like what you do what we don't come in here like that what you want to talk to pastor chris for girl you better shut your mouth in jesus name and and this woman's crying hysterically i hear it so i go to the door bishop and i do what any man of god does in this situation i lock the door i ain't going to get a case you won't catch me i'll know tmz so i'm sitting there and i put my ear to the door and i hear this one i need something that's good she is crying is it i need any type of red pepsi i need to talk about where's pastor chris and my sister what you want with pastor chris fault and she said she said i heard a voice in my car give me this address we have an unlisted address give me this address and tell me to come to this office and that pastor chris would have a message for me i'm standing behind the door hearing this and i look up to heaven and he'll have a message for me i'm like really because when i prayed this morning you brought nothing up about this you didn't say hey watch out crazy women jumping in the office look out you know i don't heard nothing about that i didn't hear nothing and then i said this lord i'm not ready you know what he responded he said that's okay because i'm ready can i tell you man i feel this when you it does not matter if you're qualified it does not matter if you're trained it does not matter whether you're in this season or that season rich or poor ethnicity or this college degree what matters is he is always ready and when the anointing comes on you friend you will do things that you were never trained for you will say things you never thought of and you will be in places with a favorite authority you should not be you are an ambush i remember i told my uh she's sitting there please let me in i opened it and i said ma'am ma'am ma'am i'm here come on in i told my assistant you come too in case anything pops off i need her you know and i said man what's going on what's the story and she said i was driving in my car god i didn't know it was god yet she said a voice spoke to me in my car gave me this address and i said okay she said i she started to tell her story i'm on my fourth divorce i have different babies with all these dads this is a cycle that's happened in my family's life it happened to my mother happened to my grandmother and my great-grandmother and i stopped her and i said ma'am i think what's happening here is that a generational cycle is being broken and those curses are being lifted and the way to get this thing started is for you to surrender your life to jesus when i said that she started manifesting a demon right there on the couch i'm not doing ah demon juice is going everywhere and i'm telling you how many know that's not when you just pray in quiet tongues that's like emergency 9-1-1 jihad real spiritual war-fed tongues i'm telling you i'm gonna teach you something about latin folk though when they pray in english and then they start praying in spanish baby get out the way i'm gonna tell you right now my assistant i'm sitting there ah she's on the couch rolling around and i'm sitting there like i have stuff to do i'm literally that's where my i'm not being i'm being honest that's where my mom was like right just like this and my assistant goes yes and that devil didn't have a chance the power of god hit that woman and she just pulled on the couch and i'm sitting there like yeah god [Applause] that's what woke people do you know what's interesting to me about elisha elisha literally does not pray about what you think he would pray about you know it's important to know what the bible says but it's just as important to know what it does not say did you notice he is surrounded by an entire army and what does he do he doesn't even pray about them do you notice what he doesn't pray lord are you with us god you're going to protect us he doesn't pray lord will you deliver he don't do none of that you see that what does he do the only thing he prays about literally is his blind servant that's it he's surrounded by an army and he prays about a blind servant could it be that that is what jesus is doing right now as he intercedes at the right hand of the father that we were blind for way too long that we were in love with ourselves for way too long that we were impressed by ourselves way too long and now he's saying god open their eyes and then he sends a 2020 and what really mattered started to be shown to you and what you really carried started to appear to you he started unveiling he started unpacking he started unlocking and all because you're woke now [Applause] i'm here to tell you 20 20 and steal one thing from you don't subscribe to that garbage it only built you chiseled you formed you forged you established the things that god wanted to last and the things that needed to die by [Applause] telling you the woke arising there's an ambush but it's not what you think he literally doesn't even pray about the army he only prays about his blind servant could it be that we have been praying about the wrong things for too long could it be we've been praying in the wrong way for too long james says your prayers are off because you ask amiss because you have a motivation or selfish agenda attached to it i'm just trying to help i truly believe that what's happening is for us today is what jesus has been doing since the beginning of time abraham is told you'll be the father of many nations you remember this and then he says he he goes 14 16 years into this journey and he says god where are the babies at we playing and praying but no babies nothing and god says boy go outside this is the christian stratoverse he says boy go outside and he says count the stars abraham's like 1 7 12 11. he's probably kind of like me i got a bible college degree okay so it matters and i remember reading this and i'm sure he lost count at like 14 and then he says god there's too many there's no way i can count there's too many and god says so will your descendants be they will be innumerable on the earth what is he doing opening his eyes are you seeing this what does he do to joshua on the eve that he's about to go into a fresh battle strategy that's never been done before his probably still has it called jericho and god says just take a walk for six days and on the seventh day do it seven times and god's and joshua in his military brain he's yielded he's not reckless but he's still yielded but in his mind he's thinking is this going to work so he takes a walk the night before they're supposed to start this battle strategy and he meets a man with a sword drawn and joshua walks up to this guy and says are you for us or for our enemies and and i love the way the lord replies he's like no you don't even jesus is slick he don't even answer the question you for us before i mean joshua's ready to fight he's like hey you feeling froggy make me jump you know like this is why because he's been pregnant with a victory he couldn't deliver for 40 years and so finally he's failing he's like you force four enemies and god says it literally jesus says no but as commander of the lord's armies i have now come watch this to show you see i have given you jericho he is opening up his spiritual sight jesus is walking through the harvest fields and he has to stop his disciples and say look the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are a few say pray for the lord of harvest to bolo to send laborers into the harvest look he is opening their eyes do you like are you seeing a pattern here when paul gets saved it says that he was blinded but then something like scales fell from his eyes are you seeing this jesus how many know jesus gets away with everything this man can interrupt funerals ain't nobody tripping they can cut holes in the roofs of homes and nobody i'm telling you if i did that you punched me in the throat he literally you got to read the bible some humor he goes up to a blind man and says do you want to see i'm thinking jesus that's cold like he blind like i know you all know him but maybe you missed that like he blind jesus literally says do you want to see and this man is like i'm sure he's like yeah and so what does jesus do gets over there he spits in the dirt and makes mud takes the mud and puts it in the eyes the guy doesn't even see it coming puts it in his eyes i'm thinking jesus called you savage sir and then he asks him now what do you see i'm like jesus you just put mine in his eyes he says now what do you see and and this man says this i see men walking around like trees you seen that then jesus says okay spits again in the dirt and then makes more mud takes the mud puts it in the man's eyes and says now what do you see and then the man says i can see clearly now i i think a lot of people have probably misapproached this text because they literally think that this was a progression of healing it was something that that okay he didn't get the first time we're going to pray for the second time nothing wrong with that i believe in the word being a 70-sided gem where you shine light on it and it sprays light through a different way you move it one degree to the right or the left and it sprays a different layers of light are you following me but you have to understand what's happening in the context of god's heart because he says first what do you see and the man responds i see men walking around like trees correct well you will find that what jesus is doing is healing his spiritual sight and then gives him his natural sight you're like what are you talking about you will always find that trees and people are always connected in scripture psalms what does it say the very first song blessed is the man who do not sit and see the score full nor walks in the path of the o righteous nor stands with sinners what is it say for he will be like a tree planted by the river which his leaves will not wither and whatever he does will prosper are you seeing it jesus even said you will know a tree buy its fruit because a good tree bears good fruit and a bad tree bears bad fruit therefore pay attention to their fruit he's not talking about having a green thumb he's talking about knowing the folk you walk with he is literally opening i believe what god is doing is he's opening spiritual sight right now all you've been seeing is the problem and now you're going to see the purpose all you listen all you've been asking is the questions and not what's the strategy can i help you out we are in an invitation season could it could it be that a lot of these miracles we have made the high point were just the invitation let me just help you out elon musk one of the great pioneers of our time starts tesla i'm sorry moving back starts paypal because he wants a different way to to transfer money around the globe then starts tesla energy vehicles no gas needed then he starts spacex and someone comes and says you're spending millions billions of dollars on putting a rocket in the sky putting civilians there why and you know what he said he said i am good this is language for us admissions me he said this is my marsh shot he says i want to get a rocket eventually that will travel all the way to mars and when it lands at mars i want to have a pod that will plant a tree and then i want to take a picture of a tree from earth plant it in mars with red backgrounds and the space in the sky and the galaxy in the milky way behind it and i want it to be an invitation to the next wave of pioneers innovators and ideators who are going to come and say if we can plant a tree in mars then we can do other things i believe there's something spiritual to that when jesus says greater works will you do than i do it was the invitation could you look at hot spiritual high moments as the invitation that there is more that a tree on mars is not the accomplishment and that's what we've been so in love with with our success rate and our ratios and our trophies but our trophies have turned to anchors and they have caused us to get stuck in a season in a style in a method i'm telling you everything shifts accept the message stay woke it's amazing how eyes that see are common i'm saying eyes that look are calming but eyes that see totally rare totally rare i believe this is what hap was happening in this hour i don't know another way to say this but ii corinthians 4 4 says the god of this age has blinded the minds of people but jesus part of his messianic mandate was that the spirit of the lord god is upon me he has anointed me do you remember this and then he says the spirit of lord god upon me has anointed me to praise god and then he says and to restore sight to the blind he is not talking about natural sight there could it be that what happened this morning the worship what god is doing in this moment right here is he's just waking you up you thought 2020 was the show that was practice i'm helping you church here we are at missions meet we've done four nations 3.6 million people in 10 years have given their life to jesus we've done 64 stadiums and when we embraced america and positioned ourselves to make an aggressive move there god said all those 10 years that was just practice i feel this for this church all you've done up to this point practice all you've lived up to this i don't care how old you are if you've got gray hair a lot of hair some here no hair purple hair doesn't matter to me practice it's all it was because this moment that we're living in right now i can't be any more clear this will define us these next 12 months i promise you will define this church you will see 90 days of visitation like never before and that will be the culmination of your practice and then god will thrust you into places in the moves you you i'm telling you like we're thinking about how can we make our services better and bigger and god's like i want to take the city we're not dreaming big enough we're not thinking big enough but when the woke start getting in the conversation when the woke start letting people know what they see when the woke start coming in and they're not coming in with complaints they're coming in with solutions when the woke starts noticing problems and then they pray and god delivers a strategy friend things will change you know why he destroyed sodom gomorrah wasn't because of the level of sin if you look at the conversation between him and abraham abraham says if there's at least ten righteous he didn't he didn't say if there's only this much sin he destroyed sodom and gomorrah of the lack of righteousness not sin could it be that what god is going to do in chattanooga is not because you lack this it's because you emphasized this moment right now stay woke you're ahead you're an ambush here's the third thing when you get to when you say i'm woke number three i'm an answer you are not the question i don't care if your mom didn't love you and your daddy didn't want you you are not the question you're the answer you're not here sucking free air you're not here purposeless you have spiritual life on the inside of you otherwise you would not be here there is a reason to your existence it's not just so you can mess up your life as best you can and hopefully at the very end you remember to repent no you are an answer i'll never forget in 2011 like you saw we found ourselves in the office of the president of honduras we said mr president the country's in pain the homicide rate is here suicide rate is here your poverty lines are like this we said mr president but what if god was speaking to your nation through isaiah 66 where he says can a nation be saved in a day can a people be reborn in a moment we said mr president we want to ask you for five things number one would you stand with us two years from now making one nation one day a national holiday and that you would stand with us in the largest stadium in the largest city of your nation and declare that honduras is a new nation under jesus number two would you open up all of your borders so we can ship in millions of dollars of humanitarian aid number three would you open up every high school in your nation so we could bring an army of 2000 missionaries to storm every high school and touch every heart with doing an assembly a message of the gospel an altar call a laying on of hands and then plugging them into a local church if they make an eternal decision number four would you give us the largest stadiums in the largest cities of your nation that's 18 soccer stadiums and would you underwrite all the audio the visual and the lighting just some small asks to journey a world leader president lopez took a resolution out of his desk and signed it into motion right there and it passed the honduran government unanimously in 30 days and it birthed the one nation one day movement we started working diligently to begin to preach this gospel but at the same time calling the church to link arms with people like never before and i am telling you that we have seen this over the last 10 years how denominations don't matter anymore circles don't matter anymore not to this generation i i have nothing against movements and their emphasis i speak all across them and i've said this in their circles but at this level they don't care you think a meth addict cares if it's a.g cog or baptist they just want to get free they don't care nothing wrong with being a part i'm telling nothing wrong with it but friend let me tell you something this is what god is doing he's causing the merging of movements not just ministries now as we started calling the church from all over the world every continent just just in peru we had 40 we had 10 000 missionaries from 43 different nations 150 plus organizations represented a picture of what god is doing that was practice here we are in honduras as we start positioning ourselves and really posturing for us to take the nation about 18 months in we've built this team everybody's coming in six months the church of honduras has a fresh spark of fire on it i'm telling you fire has fallen on the vision and people are moving i mean the government's aligned the military is aligned the education system's aligned the banking systems when you have the largest telecom company in latin central america tell you that you can text everyone for 21 days before and after your moment and we're going to pay for all of it we're going to pay for your billboards we're also going to build you a tv studio so that prime time for 60 days every day between 8 a.m and 10 a.m you can talk about whatever you want fred that's the authority and the favor of unity [Applause] we are i'm telling you everything's aligned and then the minister of tourism shows up and he says you guys can't come and we said what do you mean you can't come what do you no no we're coming what do you mean they said you booked the wrong plane we you know nobody would believe that we could buy 2 000 plane tickets no major airline they don't even do that for the olympics we are lit this is what i love the church is causing new problems for the world i love this this is my speed as i said we can we you can't come you had to rent you had to charter your own you rent you chartered a 747 and the largest plane to ever land in honduras is a 737. so we're category five as a whole nation and we need to be a category seven and we said what needs to happen for us to be able to land these planes they said you have to build us a bigger airport you have to tear up all the concrete pour new concrete put new lighting upgrade all our tech and radar you need to get us new emergency vehicle services you need to extend our terminals and pretty much build us a bigger airport we said no problem inside i'm like we got a problem we got a big problem there's a problem this is a problem josh we said no problem they said how are you gonna do it we're like we've got a private funder sure enough in six months fresh concrete was poured lighting was upgraded tech and radar was upgraded new emergency vehicles was given extension of a runway and a building this is what the church does when it's woke don't you tell me that god can't do it in chattanooga don't you tell me he can't do it with you don't you dare lie to yourself and tell yourself he wouldn't use me we're building the world's biggest airports and you're still worried about your finances and you doubt he could heal you i'm telling i'm here to all the dust off of you you're done sitting on the sidelines we don't need your church attendance we need your involvement we don't just need you to amen we need you to be about it everybody wants to be a beast until it's time to do what real beasts do and they get out there in the streets and they start winning souls making disciples raising leaders and releasing revivalists this is what the woke do [Applause] i challenge you to dream bigger god is doing so much more when you're an answer you come into contact with verses like i say isaiah 43 19 he says behold i do a new thing for the last 14 months too many people are asking what's the next thing what's next what's the next vaccine who's the next president what's the next issue when's the next this when's the next that and god's like i don't do next things i do new things he says behold i do a new thing and then he says this don't you see it in other words it's already in play it's already activated it's already in motion he said oh shouldn't you you should know my character by now i am always doing something new why don't he's literally saying how come you as my people don't see it and then he puts out this audacious map he says i will create roadways in the wilderness he says i will create rivers in the desert and he's saying don't you see what's he saying he's saying don't you see that the impossible is now made accessible it's the invitation you come into contact with jeremiah 33 3. god says call to me and i will answer you and then watch as he says i will show you great do you realize how much battle has been going on for your sight i feel this right now how much he's been fighting to get you distracted i'll tell you what the woke are in this room i feel like they're all over the building and you're no longer going to be hood winked bamboozled and you're not going to live through smoke screens anymore you're going to see very clear defined with i'm talking about clarity like never before because he says call to me and i will answer you and i will show you great and mighty things which you do not know i'm telling you i've been sent to you this morning the electricity had to go out to get your attention i've been sent to you to tell you wake up this is no longer sunday to sunday this is no longer god hope you move we are in a desperate urgent hour we have expected too little of ourselves and thought god was happy and then when he took the little we thought validated us away in the last 14 months and realigned us and calibrated us to where we needed to be all of a sudden a strength came like never before we've never been in days like this so lose all your experience i have found too many people they are just satisfied with exposure i just want to be around it and then there's another camp we're satisfied with experience been there but you never left and then there's a hungry group that doesn't want anything else but encounter and i'm telling you the days of second hand revelation are over this belongs to the woke now do you mean some of you are anybody else feeling this right now you remember in the garden who'd the enemy come for he didn't come for the one with first-hand revelation he came for the one with second-hand revelation you god comes to adam and says you can eat from any tree even the tree of life but not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as soon as that information is passed to eve it is second hand revelation are you following me when he got it from god directly it was firsthand when he gave it to his wife to her it became second hand so who'd the enemy come for the one with second hand revelation and you think you're going to survive the next year off of bishop wallace's preaching and we got a whole church addicted to secondhand milk heaven forbid that we try to get them to eat me i'm trying to help this morning i am so consumed i don't want leftovers i don't want the scraps i don't want the crumbs i want the meal that was break fresh in the heart of god and the woke what would satisfy themselves off of anything else [Applause] where where the woken you know what he he said he went throughout the earth looking for someone that was completely his sight is so important sight determines your hearing how you see something is how you receive something sight is everything why do you think he's trying to get us distracted racial tension political confusion division in the church cultural issues distraction distraction distraction distraction all of these matter but my vision is being fought for like never before would you stand up with me i feel a very somber sovereign moment i don't i don't know everybody's story i don't have the privilege of being in this house every week and building that sacred journey of covenant relationship but what i do know is i get to see things from a certain perspective and as i travel around the globe as i hear from different leaders in churches there is a genuine excitement there is an anticipation i think that song i smell the rain i don't know anybody else but i just feel i don't smell it i'm i'm in it i believe that the woke are so aware of what god is doing that it takes moments like this activations like this to get you to align with what god wants to do in this hour and i'm just a missionary that's at the end of the day it's what i am uh i have no business doing what i'm doing i have no business talking to presidents i have no business talking to governors or senators i'm from the hood i didn't even graduate from bible college until i took over the one i should have graduated from i ended up leading the bible college i never graduated from you figure that out and then i graduated my life has been so backwards it's been so not the normal way and i feel like that is what's happening in this place you're not just being trained for church you're destiny training right now people laugh at fighters by the way they train manny pacquiao would have bamboo sticks hidden against his rib cage so he would learn never to lower his arms george foreman would tie a rope to himself and then to a semi and pull it up and down his street and people laughed at him until he started knocking him out muhammad ali would go underwater and hold his breath and shadowbox so the weight and the resistance against his muscles he got so used to that when he got in the ring he could say i move like a butterfly and i sting like a revival requires resistance training that's all this was resistance training for you to get woke i truly believe that god is activating people right now i don't feel led to pray for anything else if you need a miracle it's yours if you need freedom and breakthrough it's available to you what i feel assigned this morning is to wake you up and i would lose my voice on this message right here if it meant that his church watching in this room and around the world would wake up i'm not asking you to wake up to problems i'm not saying you're being lazy i'm saying you literally you're ahead you're an ins you're an ambush and you're an answer if this is resonating with any of you i just feel led to do this this is resonating with any of you you say pastor chris you're challenging me you're hearing the voice within the voice this is just establishing itself on the inside of you if you feel provoked just raise your hand i've got to dream bigger i gotta this is not just thinking myself there i need to read more books that's not what this is this is about waking up look at all these hands you got a church full of dreamers you know what the word dream in in the hebrew means the original hebrew there is yazar which means dream and there is yatsur and the which is the root word and what dreamers mean it means creators so when you dream you're not just thinking thoughts you are literally creating atmospheres and expressions would you take that hand you raised and put it on your heart [Music] jesus jesus jesus it's time lord we answering your call it's time to get our sight right i feel such a holy moment it's almost like i'm slowing everything down and i get that but i refuse for you to miss lord let scales fall off eyes right now let those who walk like the apostle paul begin to see there's more going on than just what's happening in my family it's more than my marriage at stake it's more than just mine or theirs it's bigger it's an invitation that if i chase after the impossible that i'll get to live it and it will serve as an invitation to my neighbors and a generation you will lay hold of what generations only touched in prayer [Music] father wake us up wake us up wake us up wake up oh sleeper wipe the slumber from your eyes wake him up god wake him up i just want to prophetically declare some things over you and then i'm gonna have another moment holy spirit it's not just what you're doing it's what you're making available i declare over your men and women that they matter i break every word that has sabotaged you in your identity in your confidence and in your destiny i tear it down i declare for a fresh focus that you will be so resolute that you wouldn't lower yourself to distractions anymore i declare for clarity in a spiritual realm seeing things from the third heaven i dispatch angels to come now on your people to guide them that they would be those ministering spirits that we were promised that we would do the type of things that require angelic intervention and activity lord i pray that even while we're sleeping we're woke that in the night hours you were just continuing to build to chisel i think a lot have felt the resistance god why do i feel this pushback what i feel resisted did i do something wrong he says no you've done something right destiny training on your men and women [Music] lord i stand in a generation gap that she would align the fathers and mothers with the sons and the daughters to see that we all matter regardless of our experience as a latino i stand in an ethnic gap to say we all have a seat at the table of nationwide salvation and transformation as a kid who came from a family that did everything it could to make sure there was a meal on the table we break the mindsets in the demonic cycles of poverty right now [Music] america's kids be forgotten 250 000 foster care kids in america but we have 350 000 churches recognized by the irs we should have solved this problem a long time ago we breaking the curse of fatherlessness off america wake us up forgive us and position us we solve in this problem we're ending corruption corruption doesn't get to have government corruption doesn't get to have our schools he doesn't get to have our churches he doesn't get to have our marriages you're shut down now in jesus name father i pray i pray for the intercessor to rise to stand between the living and the dead the sent ones to be bollowed like an archer sending an arrow she would be sent out of the bow of god i declare right now over us i'm preaching and praying for myself i declare over us that will not be moved by agendas by news cycles by social media feeds by persuasions perspectives and opinions but we'll be moved by the rush and the mighty wind of the holy spirit will be moved by the voice of many waters will be moved by the thunder and the whisper of your shout will be moved by the nudging of your leadership we will be moved by your word and your word alone we should subscribe to only your truth not to youtube channels podcasts not to downloadable this or streamable that but we'll be moved by your spirit the woke are here if this is your first time i want to apologize for the longest service you've probably ever been to you came to church it's like going to chick-fil-a and then apologizing for serving just chicken or mcdonald's sorry we only have burgers and fake chicken you can come to church you're gonna get a touch from heaven that's what you're gonna get but if i could just talk to some friends maybe you have never surrendered your life to jesus and you're still having the fog around your mind how does this life get better because i came to church and i thought about ending my life and i came to church i i thought about leaving my wife and i came to church i thought about abandoning my family but i came to church how does this get better staying woke i'm still asleep there's only one way and that is to surrender your life to the lordship of jesus christ you tried your pills you tried your one-night stance you tried that bottle you tried that service and it did nothing but put you into more cycles in issues you say i tried church but did you try jesus [Music] people always tell me pastor chris be careful the nations you go into you know you may get something may get on you one lady found out that we went and had a revival service and a tattoo parlor god led us to a tattoo party and everybody in the shop started getting saved she came up to me said you need to do a detox fast pastor josh i never heard of that and she's you need to do detox fast i said what is that she said you know something may have got on you i said ma'am i know people have been into our church services and nothing got on them good god bad devil i'm here to tell you that emotion you call it emotion but it's spiritual life coming on the inside of you that's him the the fact that you're trying to ignore this moment is just the last finishing touches of a resistant that's breaking because your heart is being molded and soft so that you could receive the gift of salvation unwrap that thing and you will find mercy for both your past and your presence telling mercy covers not just you but even the sins of your daddy and your daddy's daddy you'll find grace what you're wanting to do but can't seem to find the strength or the wisdom to do grace you literally have the life of jesus come on the inside of you and he pushes you towards holiness and he pushes you towards integrity and he pushes you towards character and you become just like him you dig deeper into that little present and you'll find things like authority you thought the life this life was supposed to slap you around and hopefully you make it but then you start throwing your own punches back and you watch life begin to come into alignment with the way he wants it to be lived you dig deeper into that gift of salvation you know what else you find you find favor everybody doubted you everybody forgot about you they overlooked you but not him because 2000 years ago he nailed himself to our cross so that we would have the opportunity to have a favor with god and when we get favor with god we get favor with men you know what else you find you find purpose you thought you were just a thought in your daddy's eye however many years ago and your mama thought the same thing no you were strategy you're a walking revival with legs you know what else you find this is incredible you find love i'm not talking about the love that you're accustomed to that's contract you know contracts set the terms on which we separate but covenant love sets the terms on which we stay together [Music] and you find peace he doesn't i'm telling you it won't make sense when you got storms freaking hurricanes going on in your life but you fine you good and my one of my favorites is joy i was so depressed as a teenager i just hated myself hated my life i knew what i was doing is wrong and it was the absence of joy but when i made the decision that you're getting ready to have the opportunity to make this joy came flooding in and i'm telling you can you tell i don't get depressed at all everywhere i go as a party i promise you that ask my son he was we were standing by my table last night and i'm over there joking around for an hour and a half after we just did two and a half hours of ministry where was that knoxville my son's like dad we gotta go and i'm like yeah we have a party hold on we we turn up i have so much joy i don't know why but he's given me this life he's given me an amazing wife he's given me wonderful kids all because i made this one decision lord i surrender my life to you take whatever you want i want to ask if there's anyone here if you have never given your life to jesus but you hear me unpacking and opening up the present the gift of salvation and you need mercy and forgiveness for your sins that wickedness so that that love that grace that truth that joy that peace all of that authority that favor can come rushing into your life if you need forgiveness if you have never surrendered life to jesus she said pastor chris today is my day i'm waking up i'm waking up if that's you would you raise your hand who am i talking to i see you i see you who else i see you i see you yes sir yes ma'am thank you lord yes ma'am yes sir i love it god's touching lives let's pray church and would you pray after me say jesus i give you my life i thank you that you died for me that you rose again and you're alive today i am woke now and i thank you that you will keep me that way i am yours thank you for forgiving me in your name i pray amen amen come on can we give some praise to god for touching the lives of people i love you church god bless you [Music] tell chris estrada you love him before he gets on the airplane and goes home listen if you want to bless him for the seed that he poured into us you can give online there is a special ge guest offering tab or you can give in the back we have offering receivers devil's going to share this and we're going to go as we leave here today and we prepare for reset tonight in the fast for the next couple days i just wanted to affirm the word that he gave about being awake and kevin and i are awake all the time right now i don't know if i have any parents of newborns in here um but genesis is such a good sleeper and the miracle that happens and this is just what the lord was speaking to me last night as she can be dead asleep until hunger hits her and she will scream bloody murder until she is fed and the lord just really was dealing with my heart personally i wrestled about sharing it corporately that this these next few days of hunger are about awakening and you can't sleep through hunger you just can't and i just want to challenge you to take this word and eat it and as we fast the next few days to let that hunger be a trigger for alertness and awakening just like a baby i love you tonight 6 p.m i know it's five hours away but you don't want to miss it get back neighbors say neighbor i feel better now than i did when i came in go in peace be a witness at lunch see you at 6 p.m tonight god bless [Music] hey guys wasn't that an amazing treat pastor chris estrada come on bringing a word bringing the heat we're always glad to have him here and just i'm very meditative right now and just even just really touched six notes that definitely took some notes and just said stay woke and i mean it has a completely new meaning to me even and just you know things that he said like when you're woke you realize you're an ambush that you are ahead um you're a head and that you're an answer and all of you are answers today um just to what the earth has been groaning for and uh what is happening here in this earth you are answered you can be answers wherever you are wherever you're watching from wherever you're watching whatever city you can be you are an answer and i think that that was just a call really to um to awaken the church as a whole to awaken us as individuals and like pastor devin even just said like there is hunger beginning to be birthed in all of us that is going to produce an awakening and um so i'm just very excited i i i feel like this is going to really overflow to tonight's reset uh prayer so like i said if you're or like we said before if you're in the chattanooga area get here 6 p.m redemption to the nation's sanctuary uh 6 p.m we're going to have that time pastor kevin pastor devin will be leading if you are not able to be here physically it's going to be amazing you don't want to miss it and if you can't get here tune in uh you know redemption school of ministry they have a facebook page you can go they will be streaming live at 6 00 p.m so there's absolutely no way that you can miss those things i'm excited for tonight just this this service and and what god did this morning i am anticipating that there's going to be something even greater happening tonight that the lord is doing something and yeah and don't forget hey monday we got our fast coming up yeah and from wherever you're watching at you can be involved in this fast just like we are in chattanooga and in athens you can be involved in this fast push something away it doesn't you don't have you don't have we're not saying hey um yeah only only juices pastor devin says the best we're not the fasting police you know but push something away be intentional about uh about pushing something away because i believe that god is doing something in the earth right now and this is the best time to get your hearts and your minds right and a great way to do it is fasting so we encourage you guys to pass it's gonna be three days monday tuesday wednesday um and yeah i'm telling you it's going to be an unbelievable um you can join us for prayer on tuesday as well the number we'll make sure that we try to get that information out for the number that you can call it 7 a.m eastern time uh if you're in a different time period or time zone you can join in seven a.m it's probably gonna be monday tuesday and wednesday for those listen fam we love you we thank you so much for tuning in and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 3,423
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Id: A1qU2dQi4bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 19sec (10819 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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