Rufa Mae Opens Up About Running For Senator | Toni Talks

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Joining us today, the Philippines' sexiest comedy actress and the original "Booba". The one and only, Rufa Mae Quinto. Yes, welcome to me. Go, go, gold. I leveled up to go, go, gold. - I've become wealthier. - Yes. - Your life has now improved. - An improved lifestyle is what we have now. Hello friends, vloggers, netizens. What do you call your subscribers? People. - People currently watching us. - Yes, people. Also to animals, hello. Hi and hello. Welcome back to me from the U.S.A. Yes, you just came back from the U.S. Yes, I was quarantined because of the pandemic. Lockdown happened and I was locked in. All kinds of locks. Even padlock. Peachy only came back because — I just felt like it. She missed the Philippines. But, you already had a green card right? Yes, I really didn't want to live there. It's like, I only wanted to go there to visit my husband. Because I had no career there. I didn't know how to live in a country I wasn't raised in. I wasn't from there remember? At that time, before the lockdown, I just felt like extending my stay for a little while more because I said to myself, it would be awhile before I can return to America. Because I was supposed to do a soap opera. That usually lasts for like 3 months or 6 months. Isn't that how long a soap opera is? So I said, we wouldn't be able to return to America for a while, so I should make the most of it. And when I finally had enough, that's when the lockdown happened. I wanted to leave by March 21, but lockdown had already happened by March 19. Even when I called in for flight, there were none. Everything was closed. So said, fine, I'll stay here for now. I also didn't know what to do at that time. Athena also cried alot since she also wasn't from there. You know, ever since I was a kid, I've watched Peachy from Ober Da Bakod. Yes. That's where I first saw you. Yes. But she didn't start in Ober Da Bakod. Did you know that Rufa Mae started in That's Entertainment. Yes. Who were your batchmates? Those from the last batch. Like? Like Judy Ann Santos. No, I think it was second to the last. I think Assunta and the others were the last. But our batch was when That's was about to close down. Judy Ann, Sunshine Dizon. Kyla Alvarez, the singer. - That's Entertainment? - Yes. How did you got into That's? I auditioned. You wanted to be an actor then? It's because I didn't attend school for two weeks. And I was an honor student. Yes. It's like I felt embarrassed that I wasn't attending school. Because we didn't have money at that time, so they -- They worked hard so they could provide for my studies. And I insisted on attending private school. So even when we really didn't have money, they persevered. But it's a good thing that I passed the audition so I no longer had to study. It's like what I said would happen actually happened. Because if I didn't, then I'll have to make excuses to my family. "You know we don't have any money yet you still keep skipping class." I might have heard words like those from them. I had a friend that made me audition, to try modeling. I really tried modeling. Like Birkenstock. Like Liz Claiborne. I actually started internationally. - Yes. - That's true. So we went to companies like McCann Erickson, whatever agency we could find and they would pay us 5000 pesos. That was your talent fee back then? Something like that, but nothing more. But when you started modeling, how much were you paid? Around 150. 150,000 pesos? Yes. - Wow. - But it started at like 5000 pesos. - Something like that. - Wow. So you really started with modeling? Modeling, but I didn't feel good about it because I've always felt like I was a little chubby. Because wasn't I always a little meaty? But when you were young, did people tell you that you were beautiful, sexy, fit to be an actress? Actually, I didn't think I was beautiful that's why I went into comedy. But all of them thought I was sexy. I said — I'm only 18. I said, I'm not beautiful. So that's why I went to comedy so I would seem obscene, but just a little. But when you were young, were you already a comedian? No, I went into comedy because I also didn't know how to act. So that I wouldn't have to cry because I loved to laugh, right? So I wouldn't have to cry. I'm not a dramatic person even though my life is full of drama. So dramatic, that I can't help but laugh. What was the hardest thing you've been through? Imagine, I only had one uniform. Since grade 1, I only had one uniform. I don't know how I was able to attend school without anyone taking care of me. It was that level of hard. We didn't had a faucet. Because my mother was in Pasay. We had to fetch water from a well. Where was your father? They were separated. How was your relationship with your father? Both my parents are gone. So we can talk about them. No, just a joke. But when you grew up, how was your relationship with him? You know, I realized that even though my life was full of drama or my family would often be wasted, I was never a lonely child, because they were never truly gone. They were always there for me. They weren't perfect, couldn't typically call them great parents, but they never left. They were with me until their last breath. But how was your relationship with your mother? We were fine, but due to circumstances it felt like I took in her role as a mother. It was because she frequently went out, right? So she would often leave my siblings to me, their ages ranged from 2 to 9 years old. That's why it took me a long time to have a husband and a child. Because you became the breadwinner of your family? I felt like for so long I became the -- Mother. Aside from being the breadwinner, I also became my siblings' mother and father. But were you able to tell your mother all of that? I didn't tell her because she wanted -- "Daughter, it feels good to have a child." And I was like, "You kept giving birth and you dumped them to me to take care of." But when you started, you didn't get the lead role immediately, right? No, I didn't. Back in the day, a movie is often subjected to a lock in shooting. Right? Like Gloria Labandera for example. You will shoot that in Bataan for 2 weeks, 3 weeks. It would take a while. My family accompanied me. My siblings. Then we would all stay in one hotel. Where we would eat. So I said, "Oh, guess we lived thanks to showbiz." How was I able to survive when my producer barely remembered to pay me daily. Isn't it that when you just started your salary-- isn't that large. it isn't that large and sometimes it's paid in installment. You don't even know when you'll be paid. Was "Booba" your big break? "Booba" was my biggest hit. Launching? Launching. But actually, it was because of Gloria Labandera. You were Gloria Labandera in Kool Ka Lang. All the comedians were action stars while I was the leading lady. Yes. Right? People like Joko Diaz, Ace Espinosa, Jay Manalo, Andrew E. and Bayani. You became everyone's favorite because you were the leading lady. Because you were a sexy comedy actress. Bong Revilla, Rudy Fernandez. You became everyone's partner. I wasn't able to work with FPJ (Fernando Poe Junior). I said, so that was what my life was like back in the day. In showbiz? Yes, only in showbiz. I didn't work on anything aside from that. How do you handle the pain? Or challenges in life? Because, don't you always say that you're a happy person. You just laugh at everything. But there were times that it was just really hard, right? I realized that it doesn't matter how long you think about it, you won't instantly find a solution. You'll just have to patiently wait for the answer to come. Just chill, do it step by step. What did you realize in life when you had a child? I became braver. At current times, a lot of terrible things can happen to the world. Like the pandemic and all. It's like there's nothing else for you but pray and be brave and be ready, you know? But what is the one lesson you learned from love? From the many experiences you've had in love? You'll really have someone that you love. But just because you love someone doesn't mean it's immediately right for you two to be together. Because sometimes, life would be harder if you two got together even if you truly love them. Unlike when it's easy. Was it like that with Trevor? It was like that with Trevor. It felt like everything went right. Even when we were struggling. I don't know, maybe it's because we had a child together? Maybe we got lucky. Or maybe I'm just lucky in life. No, life just felt light. Or maybe our life just didn't feel heavy? Maybe others' life felt heavy. Maybe their personality is dirty or something. I don't know, I no longer understand. So it's dirty. No. Not like that. You didn't mention any names. Whoever those people are, it's up to them to figure out who is dirty. We've ended up with dirty. Yes, we've strayed too far. - To dirtiness. - At least it wasn't toxic. Just dirtiness. Dirtiness. But now, it's more like freshness. Freshness. But if there's one thing you regret in life, what is it? Maybe the thing I regret most... when you're... You know? What? When you're putting on botox. I can't say. Because it was hip. When I added botox, I didn't want to go out. I said, why is it like this? One is lowered while the other has risen. I was like. Wow, you've really regretted something big, botox. It's painful for me because my face looked different. Even when I don't do it to myself, I don't want to look and see someone else. You look into the mirror. One is lowered. For example, one is lowered then the other is rising. You have to do another follow up. It would rise. Then when you look. The other one is lowered. Oh, you'll have to do it again and again. So I said, I no longer want to go out. So that's the only thing you regret? Because if you think about it, you were injected. Just dab some ice here and there then boom! I said, so it's like this then. My gosh, I said. You have no regret in love, in any decision you've made in life, in being an actor. Botox is what you regret. That's why even if I want to do another botox, I'm now scared to do so. You don't even need it, you have a good figure. No, of course when you give birth, your waist has loosen. Maybe because it was cesarean. You have a belt bag? Something like that. But you still look sexy. You know my work out is like --- extreme. Really extreme. I just do everything I was like this and that. Still nothing? I even frequently stay in our clubhouse. And you have yet to slim down? I would slim down and relax a little then it'll come back. You know? Oh, it's really hard. When we become a mother we promise to ourselves that we'll give our children a better life than the one we had. - Yes. - Right? We hope that they wouldn't experience the bad things we experienced. - Something like that. - Yes. What is your dream for Athena? My dream for her, is to be healthy, especially with today's times and to be smart. That would be enough. She doesn't need to be perfect or what. But for her to be kind and intelligent. But of course for her nose to be pointier. Why is it like that? Didn't you tell that to me also. Yes. Why do parents feel like that. Child, squeeze your nose. I'm worried because we kept wearing masks. So I said, daughter squeeze your nose. When in school I thought, my gosh, wouldn't her nose flatten even more? Because of wearing masks? Just keep squeezing it. Aren't parents like that-- Guys, didn't we use to clip our noses. - That's the dream, for Athena's nose to be pointy. - That's first. If there's something you're grateful for in your life. First of all, I've survived in America. I know how to do everything. Laundry. Dishwashing. Cleaning. I know how to clean, but it's different, it's like a masteral, you know? Your hands are always moving. When you see some dirt, you just move because if not, you know, who else would clean all the mess? And when I'm cooking, what she'll do is, she would break tissues into pieces... So you've already cleaned up and here we go again. Oh no, what would we do now? That's the best thing I was able to show her, that I became a normal mommy for her. She knows that now I'm an actor, mama is working. You know she said, "Mama, daddy, I'm going to work too." She said she wants a big house. She said, "I'll help you, mama and daddy." You know, like your mom... - Mommy Pinty? - And Alex too. We're like those two. Your usual scene? Suddenly it's, "Pst, stop that." Happy then would suddenly get mad. That's what I said, my gosh. You're becoming like Mommy Pinty. Yes, like that. Like you're changing your mood because your child just wouldn't listen. And my bras, the jelly bra. The kutsinta (compared to a steamed rice cake called "kutsinta")? You know, she'll stick it to her bum and go. I said, don't do that that's my bra. And she's like, "Mama, where's the jelly bra?" We were like that everyday. That's not a play-- Like that. That's not a toy. Isn't it frustrating when there's always a clutter? Yes. I had OCD then, now it's gone. I am no longer OC. I just ignored it because I accepted that the world simply had a certain smell. It's become dirty because of... It's dirty. - So if it's dirty outside, then nevermind. - Yes. Maybe that's why I went home because it's no longer beautiful there my daughter is also nervous that, "What's happening to you mommy?" She would say, "Mama, you know I'm still a baby?" “It’s hard to clean when you’re a baby.” She said that? Yes, sometimes she's like a friend. I'm like, "Okay, just drink from that glass." I forgot her hands were still tiny, she couldn't hold the glass. Just the normal glass with water. So it would always spill. It would always spill to her clothes. We would be like, ugh. Then we needed to speak in english there. So that's why we came home so we could think on how. So, would you stay her in the Philippines or in America? In my heart, I want my situation to be like this, everything is open. Slowly back to normal. That's what I want, but if not-- You'll stay there? And of course another thing is if we're healthy. What do you miss most in showbiz? When you came back? The haggardness. Being sweaty. That's why I said, when I saw us, wow, we've cleaned up nicely. You look like a real celebrity, right? Because in reality, it's really not like that. But now, it looks like I've succeeded in life. Of course I see us on TV and all. But now in person, you know that feeling --- That you clean up. And when I went to my first show in Laguna, in Biñan, did you know that when I saw the people, I felt like I wanted to cry. Aw, did you miss it? I really missed it. These are the people who truly supports me. What do you not miss in showbiz? For me, I just accept all the heaviness that naturally surrounds us or that not everything is perfect. Aside from choosing the people that-- Because you'll get affected, right? We're like that. So just be careful and accept that not everyone you'll work with, you'll meet will be okay. Right? True. Just don't be positive. It's fine. - in COVID. - Even if they're mean. It's just how things are now. Do you have something like that? At the age that I want to retire. I also want to run for senate. Why would you run for senate? No, it's just a joke. Ah, okay. No, but you know, when there's no one you can count on. Because people like that are-- Who is really decent? So you don't see yourself in politics? I'm not saying no but when there is really no one else. When there is really no one that would run and be counted on, of course, I love our people. Where would you run? Which area? In Senate. - In the entire Philippines. - Wow, senate. Not just local, but national immediately. We'll go all out. In Senate, it's legislative. Lawmakers. What's the first law that you would make if you became a senator? Oh, you're right. There's something like that. Ah, nevermind then. The law... Would I go to Batasan Pambansa (House of Representatives)? Yes, they're the ones who make the law, the senators. I would make law for milkers. I would give away all the milk. Free milk for everyone. Yes, free milk for everyone. And more coconut juice and honey, joke.
Channel: Toni Gonzaga Studio
Views: 2,633,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A990H2lYm-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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