Why Herlene "Hipon Girl" Is Back To Zero | Toni Talks

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We know her as "Hipon Girl." But her real name is Nicole Budol. But I got my name Herlene because my dad's name is Herber, and my mother's name was Len-len. So, Herlene. And then they got separated before I got baptized. They don't want to put their names anymore. That's why they changed it. They said they don't like their names together anymore. When I was born, they gave up on their relationship. They don't want to be with each other anymore? Who raised you then? My grandparents. Shoutout to my grandparents! - So you're staying with them until now? - Yes. Where did you grow up? In Angono. You're from Rizal too, right? We're neighbors. Just a few blocks away. Isn't it one of your life's baggages that you grew up with your grandparents? I don't know what story to believe in -- my mother's or my father's. But my father had a clearer explanation. My father said that- Oh, I might make my mother look bad- but this is true. If you're watching this Mama Len-len, here's what Papa said. Papa said, Before, I was trying to get you, because I'm my father's only daughter. Then my mom said that- everyday, my father would go to my mother's house. "Len, give me my daughter." "Alright take her, I have a lot of kids anyway." Something like that. My mom really has a lot of kids. How many are we- How many? Four. Then our youngest, a baby, even died. So your father took you? Yes. Then I stayed with my grandparents. Then my father went abroad, that's why I grew up with my grandparents. What's your mother's side of the story when you spoke to her? She shrugs it off. Why would you easily believe your father? she said. But she doesn't have an explanation, that's why I believed my father's story more. How did you get into showbiz? You started in beauty pageants, right? Not really, my mom just forced me. Why? Because my sister's the title holder in Muzon and Angono. Title holder. My mom said, "Look at your sister, she's doing a lot in life." You should too. Before, I was really dumb and I wasn't resourceful. Why dumb? Why are you calling yourself that? I have a hard time comprehending things. What was your grade like back then at school? What's your average grade? I was satisfied with a 75. Passing grade? Yes and sometimes it even gets lower. I had a hard time. If I get an 80, that's like a jackpot already. Hey, I made it to 80. You can't mess with me now. Then my mom said, "Join that contest, it has a big prize. So I just joined- - Ms. Angono. - There. I was the title holder. Oh, amazing. Not like that, it's just the Ms. Arts title. - But I have a crown. - How old were you? 17. The reason why they're making you join those pageants was because you had the height? What's your height? 5'9". I had a nicer body before. Until now. I look bloated now. Before? Before, I looked as thin as a drug addict. Very slim. I really had that curve. So you and your siblings are all tall? - You're all tall? - My mom is. What's your mother's height? 5'8". Then my dad's 5'7". My mom has a very defined butt and boobs. I didn't have those, only the height. Then she told me to join pageants. I only joined once. The pageant question for me was- Ask me, come on. Okay. The winning question asked in your beauty pageant before was...? If you were the answer to the most important question, what would be the question? This is unforgettable. What's your answer? If I would be a question, that would be an answer to the most important question, the question would be- who should be the winner in this pageant tonight? Of course, the answer is me. That's your answer? Yes. That's why you won. Yes. Confidence. I was just really confident that night. So when you won that beauty contest, did you think that that's what you wanted to do your whole life? To be a beauty queen? Not really. Then what is it? That's when I got bullied. Why? I got into a lot of fights with gays. Why? Because- why would someone like me win? Why would someone like her win? You're not pretty. That's when they started calling me "hipon." Because I beat the "pretty ones." I only had a nice body and the height, but not the face. So when they called you hipon, were you hurt? At first. But I can take it. Were you offended? At first. But when I got to think about it, I said- "Oh, they're kinda right." I can take it. Okay. So how did you get into showbiz? Oh, another thing, this is with my sister, too. Go. My sister joined Wil Time, Big Time. Kuya Wil's show at Channel 5 before called "Wowowin." Oh yes. - In TV5. - Yes. My sister joined that. Shoutout to my sister, Jessalie Timbol. - You're amazing. - A lot of shoutouts, huh? Yeah. Shoutout to Mommy Pinty. There. Shoutout to you, too. My mom said, "Win or lose, we'll get 10,000 pesos." - That's easy money. - Oh really? Yes. Okay. How much was the consola- Consolation. That's right. Consolation. Con...what? There, you got it. The point is, you won't leave empty-handed. There, okay. That's what my mom said. My mom would give me a thousand bucks for an audition. Then other auditionees were there. They're really pretty. They'd usually be half-Filipino, then half-foreign blood. But what they needed in the show was someone different. Being pretty isn't enough. My confidence gave me the edge. The edge was it's boring if everyone's the same and pretty. That's why thank you Lord, I'm not that ugly. Just the right balance between pretty and not. That's when I realized that I was the wildcard. All of the competitors were pretty, but I was chosen? When I left the room, I was mocking them and flauntingly apologizing. I kept saying sorry. Everyone was really beautiful, even the backups. The backups were beautiful too, but I still emerged. Hey, you know who you are. I became friends with her at the end of the day. So you're friends now. Yeah, there you go- I got in right away. My mom was so happy. And then, the competition hasn't started yet but my mom already said, "Let's split it. We both get five thousand bucks." Then we went home. When we returned, nothing. We lost. That was an interview, right? Yes. Kuya Wil's interview. I found my answers too cheesy, but a lot of people seemed to like it. Kuya Wil laughed too, but they said, the people were the reason why I got in Wowowin. After that guesting, you went home without anything- They asked me to come back after two days. Why? Because my video got thirty-five million views. And the people were requesting for me. So it really is because of the people. Were you shocked with the thirty-five million views? Yeah. To be honest, I really found my answers cheesy that time. Very natural- I was just saying what I wanted to. So when they asked you to come back to Wowowin, they already told you that you'd be a regular? No. They just told me it's another guesting. So how were you regularized? When they were calling me in on a daily basis. Did you feel that you were becoming one of the hosts already because they've been getting you everyday? No, I usually- I still feel nervous because anytime- That's why I always tear up. Because when Kuya Wil tells me, "Tomorrow, get some rest." I would cry. - Your salary was enough? - Yes! It was really good. What did you buy with your first paycheck? For me? Nothing. So what did you do with the money? I just kept it. Good thing I did because if didn't- we'd be done in the middle of the pandemic. My grandparents didn't know I was saving. At that point, we just had our gate repaired. We weren't even able to continue renovating the house. You had the gate done already? Yeah, just the gate. Because before, we didn't have one. If there was, it was too small. My dad's tricycle wouldn't even fit through it. But now, it does. The renovations didn't make it inside. Our roof isn't even repaired yet. - Because of the pandemic? - Yeah. So how did you survive? With your savings? 100- What? thousand. You saved a hundred thousand bucks? So you spent all of that? Of course, I had a huge family that relied on me. Really had nothing. I had anxiet- Anxiety. What is it? Anxiety. Anxiety. You were anxious. I had anxiety and I didn't know what to say. What is it really called? Anxiety. Okay. I'd cry everyday. I came to a point where I said I don't want this anymore. You don't want what? I don't want to go back to my family. Because? I was embarrassed to. Because? You felt like you couldn't provide for them? Yeah, we were back to zero. We really don't have anything until now. We don't have any means to make money again. Because my whole family solely relies on me. Before, just on food, but now even the electricity bills. How many people do you support? I seldom give to my mother, but mostly for my grandparents. For their medicine. My grandparents don't even have vitamins these days. It's expensive. I've been vlogging but I haven't gotten my paycheck yet. From your vlog? Yeah. I don't know how to get the money. It's Alex who would help me out. So that's why you really cried when she pranked you. No. I was crying because that was really Gucci. Why would you cry over that? It was more expensive than our house. Our house was bought for a really low price. How much was it? It was just the rights to it. What do you mean rights? You still have to pay monthly? And you don't have any titles to it. How much do you pay monthly? With my grandfather, it was eight hundred bucks a month. But that was long ago. It's like my grandfather's whole life, he'd pay monthly. Eight hundred bucks? Until now, you still pay? I don't know with them. But seems like, we were able to fight for it. Because of this whole pandemic. I couldn't really complain because I'm not the only one burdened by it. I became complacent. It was also my mistake I became complacent- that I thought there was something else besides Wowowin. But nothing. Other people think- I would be anxious when someone would ask help from me, and I can't give anything because I really don't have anything to give. I could not tell them that, even I don't have money to spend on myself. A lot of people on Facebook would message me saying, "Len, help us please." They'd ask for milk, stuff like that. And the elders too, they'd ask for help. I am already having a hard time providing for my grandparents and I'm embarrassed that I couldn't help them. I would just leave those messages and not reply. Because nobody knows. They just think my life's just a happy one, but it's not. I'm not a cheerful person really. I always cry whenever we fall short on money. I have nowhere else to get it from. So how do you live your day-to-day lives? If I get sidelines. People who would ask me to post on social media. Or on TikTok. That's where I'd earn and if not for that, I won't be able to earn. I don't know where to go after all this. I never expected I'd be a television personality. I'm okay with the simpler things. Do you still want to become a celebrity? Yes, because- I want to be one but no one will get hire or get me anyway. Before, I used to assist golfers. I would follow them around with an umbrella. A caddy? Umbrella girl. And I became a vendor in a wet market. I was a vendor a long time ago. I also worked in the city hall. And also for Lava Mocha. Even if the salary was small, if I put all those together, it will be huge. I had more earnings before. Promise. Before, I'd never run out of money. I'd have at least five hundred bucks in my wallet, but now, I'd really have no balance. - Back to zero? - Yes, really. Has this been your biggest challenge in life so far? Yes, because no one was leaning on me before. If I had money or none, no one would care. But now, everyone's relying on me. I have a small store but it's not doing great. Some of the stuff I'd sell would even be my old clothes. The ones that I've only worn once. I'd sell them for just ninety-nine bucks. So that we can have some sort of income, too. - How many subscribers do you have on YouTube now? - A million. That's because of Alex. She helped me out a lot. The way Alex treats you is as if you're sisters too because she doesn't forget you even after you met. Why don't you take me in instead? Do you want us to talk to- Shoutout to Mommy Pinty too then. Mommy Pinty, how about a chance? - Let's get Herlene. - Your mother is so kind, too. Yes, she's really kind. But I was really confused with Alex when we vlogged. What confused you? You don't understand if you should be happy or sad after that vlog, but I was happy eventually because I brought home the bag. Is that the bag you brought today? - The Gucci one? - Oh, no. I don't use it. I would even ask my aunt to put it in an airconditioned place because it can't be in a dry place. It's true what they say, being a TV personality is just temporary. Look at me, two years, then now I'm gone. It's hard to rely on that. I became complacent that- it'd be easy for me to get jobs even after this. But none, zero. I put up my own business too, the store I mentioned. I sell lip tints too. People don't believe me when I do live-selling. They'd comment "mine," but they won't get the product. Then they would tell me, "Sorry, we thought you were joking." What name do you use when you live sell? My name. Budol? Through my page, Herlene "Hipon" Budol. - Maybe they think you're scamming them because of the impression with your name. - No, not really. I say, "These are pre-loved items. Low prices." Then they'll call "mine." Then they won't get them. So, I end up selling them for lower prices in the store. But they don't get sold too. Even my cell phone, this was just a gift. Who gave you that? The fans. - Do you have a boyfriend now? - Yes. What's your boyfriend's occupation? In an office. Above minimum. What do you mean? His salary is above minimum. So he earns well? Eight hundred bucks. Oh, wait. Seven hundred. It's more than the minimum wage basically. - Where did you meet your boyfriend? - On Tinder. - You're on Tinder? - We've been together for a while. How many years? Almost three. I do Tinder before. Now that we talk about your love life, I see a little smile on your face. A while ago, seemed like the weight of the world is on you. What does your boyfriend give you these days? None, or sometimes, some money. Money. People think I give him money. But the truth is, he's the one who gives me money when I'm out. So when you cry, when you're sad and struggling, you tell your boyfriend about it? Yes. He'd say, "Don't think about it." He'd tease me so I wouldn't dwell on it. Maybe that's his way. It's not that nice. He'd tease me until I get annoyed. But it does take away my mind off of problems. But that's great. You've been together for three years. Yeah, because- Wait, I feel fluttery. What quality did he have that made you stay for three years? He decides to settle with me. Even if sometimes, a lot of people would have a huge crush on him. Girls and gays. He would still choose me. Even if you're going through a lot in life, even the situation is difficult, you still find a way to be happy and to smile. As if the problems are not that heavy. I could make other people happy, but I couldn't make myself happy. What do you think would make you happy? If my family is happy. I am at my happiest when I see my family. Anything family-related, I cry. It hits different with family. So that's what you want, for your family to be happy? My grandparents talked to me before, "Our time's running out. When will we experience comfort?" Before I entered Wowowin. They didn't even know I auditioned. It was just my mother who knew. And I thought we'd be at ease when I was in Wowowin. I do my best to feed them really nice meals. We'd dine out even if we rarely go out. I never experienced that again. It was only when I was still working in Wowowin. I want them to experience the things they never experienced. But it all ended too soon. But I am still happy. Wowowin made a huge impact in my life. It changed me. I was able to give them what I couldn't before. How old are you? Twenty-two? Twenty-one now. Turning twenty-two in August 23. That's near. What's your birthday wish? What would you wish for on your birthday? For me, there's none really. As long as we can eat that day, I'm good. I don't have- I don't know. I can't think of anything when it comes to myself. I feel like life still has a lot in store for you. This challenge now, all these experiences, they're just making you stronger. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the reward. I think when you finally get through this, you will finally understand that- "So this is why I experienced this. This is the reward." It's always better. I hope it's really making me better. Somebody once told me, you'll only recognize the presence of God when you have nothing. So did you feel His presence? Yes, because I could still give my family even a little income. You won't be able to feel the Lord if- Case in point, you won't be healed by the Lord if you are not sick. You need to see God through your pain and suffering Is it like that? No, there's a similar saying though. You will never know that God is all you need when God is all you have. That means, you will never understand that He's the only one you really need, until He's the only one you have. He won't let you go astray. So sometimes, you'd be surprised that you're still surviving. Yes. Look at me, I keep complaining that we have no food on the table, but we end up being able to eat. Because we are resourceful. I don't get affected by people who are- I'm just really lucky too because of the people around me. I am still thankful. Even if I'm at a low point now, we could still survive each day. That's what's important. Our problems will always teach us lessons. What do you think this is teaching you? Nothing is permanent in this world. Don't be complacent that someone will always guide you. You should be able to do things on your own. Nothing is certain. What's one thing you are sure about? I will never get tired. I will do everything I can each day for the people I love.
Channel: Toni Gonzaga Studio
Views: 13,132,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toni talks, toni gonzaga, herlene budol, hipon girl, wowowin, willie revillame, alex gonzaga, celestine gonzaga soriano
Id: _Zdl-__msQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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