Live: 13900K & RTX 4090, Overkill Gaming PC Build

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do it all right I clicked the button it can't be undone now it can't be undone the damage is done it's gone live we've gone live on the main Channel how often do we do this well it's about actually is it once a year I was gonna say once a year when did we do math class I was this year it was early this year wasn't it I uh it's a blur five months I thought it was last year I think it was this year really okay well anyway the point is we don't live stream on the main Channel very often so here we are doing it now hopefully it is working we have had a few technical issues before starting the stream to say the least we were hoping to start about two hours ago so all the all the tried and true set up from the last time we streamed that worked flawlessly with all our various cameras we've got a top-down camera and all that again nothing wanted to work there was heaps of problems so Tim's been troubleshooting that well I've just been sitting back and watching Tim do it so and that's why you'll be building most of the VC because it's all my energy I'm just like Tim's already done his job so yeah a lot of you are already asking who the guy on the left is so I'll explain that in a second we do have a third Hardware unbox team member um and well I guess we've probably got enough people in now at the point where LTT Shields we do have the LTT screwdrivers normally you have my DeWalt uh gyroscopic screwdriver which is still floating around but yeah LTT sent a few of these over and I have been using them um in in combination with my DeWalt screwdriver they complement each other quite well these are I primarily use these for tearing down graphics cards and doing sort of more fine fiddly work rather than the powered uh electric driver so anyway they are good but we will be Shilling for LTT a bit no but they're genuinely a good product and of course we've got our GN mod mat as well which is another great product that we love so anyway um I'm just waiting for Tim to sort of he's getting charged up and chat chat working so it's going to be I would say about a three-ish hour possibly longer stream so um strap yourselves in we will be building a pretty cool computer and yes we are doing it for the third Harbor unboxed member Baylen who has been with us for nine months now um started earlier this year um so basically we want to build bail in a computer because Tim got a new studio built which we pretty well built this year over the past few months and balen who we've hired as a everything man and everything man is the easier way to describe him but primarily he's meant to be a video editor he does all the b-roll you guys will have seen the smoke machine all the great b-roll he's been doing he's an editor so he's sort of a jack of all trades uh but he's also quite handy with the Hands-On stuff the power tools he's a fit young fellow he's 25 years old um and he he doesn't shy away from hard work so when I said I was going to Tim's place to frame up I don't know how many linear meters of framing Pine because it was a lot Balin was there so basically balen did about five sleepovers at Tim's house and two days of very hard labor and you know a few times I was like mate don't come don't come it's too much we're asking too much of your videos like nope nope don't be silly and I basically couldn't stop him from coming and helping us so that was nice so he sort of went above and beyond for us so uh shortly after that he he's not a PC Gamer either that's another interesting part of this story he's a console gamer he was um we converted it we converted him pretty quickly he's loving the PC gaming so I set him up with a PC he's learned the keyboard and mouse he's very good now if you've watched the um gaming unbox channel at all you'll see that he's come on Leaps and Bounds so he's very much a PC Gamer now but anyway because he put in so much effort went above and beyond for us I set him up with a gaming PC as a temporary makeshift kind of thing it's like a it's a pretty good system but we said later in the year when all the new hardware comes out we'll do a live stream we'll build you a new computer so that's why we're here um been a few developments and I'll talk about this just quickly and that's one of the reasons why balen's not with this yet because I don't want things to get too emotional but in January of this year Baylen lost his dad um it's a very tragic circumstances which I won't get into here but he basically lost his dad who was his best Mac and he worked with him full time and all that and so he's had a bit of a rough year um but working with us and that's helped I suppose anyway recently his mum wasn't doing too well and she just recently got diagnosed with stage four cancer so this isn't a charity stream we're not asking for donations or anything like that I just wanted to let you guys know what's going with Baylin and if any super chats that come in or whatever we're giving all of that to Balin to help him and his mum because they were already struggling a bit because you know he'd lost his dad and so they've lost the income and everything there and yeah with his mum um being diagnosed with stage four cancer has been brutal so Balin is getting all the appropriate hope he needs which is good um and we're just hopefully with the gaming PC it'll help him pass the time and all that sort of stuff and he enjoys gaming with us as I said those of you who watch gaming unboxed will see bailing in there regularly uh he loves his gaming so it's a good way to take his mind off things and play so we thought it's kind of all come together really well well poor choice of words but the fact that you know we can build the PC which helps with the unfortunate situation that you know is before him and he did all the hard work for us early in the year so anyway I get too much into it um and like I said I didn't want bailing here for that whole thing but Baylon this was all you know balen is aware of this I'm not ambushing him with this he was more than happy to let all you guys know a bit about his backstory and what he's dealing with at the moment um so yeah that's all been run by Balin and I'm gonna go get him in a minute show you the hardware and then we're just gonna have a fun time building but as I said any any super chats or anything coming we'll be giving that to bail and his mum so for you know she's a fighter we're hoping she will do well but it is stage four cancer and you know they know what that what that means but hopefully the money will help them you know have a nice meal here and there and enjoy things without being too financially stressed all right yeah and then hopefully the PC you know it's a bit of a bit of an escape for some of those things right yeah it's pretty pretty good PCS yeah yeah it's gonna be a great PC for him um he'll really be able to enjoy gaming and as I said an outlet for bail island is gaming playing games and stuff so he's gonna absolutely love this I know he's yesterday when the hardware was coming in we only got a lot of the parts yesterday it was like a kid at Christmas it was so balance um he's even younger than Timmy's 25 so he's a very young guy to have you know lost his dad and be facing potentially losing his mum as well um you know so anyway horrible situation but hopefully we can brighten it a little bit with some gaming and whatnot so I'll go grab balen um you can monitor yeah we'll mind to chat for a bit a few people have pointed out the uh Linus Tech tips screwdrivers not showing for LTT or anything they did send over these screwdrivers which we'll be using for the build which is why they're here um this is actually my first time holding the screwdriver and it feels really nice I've seen some videos you know comparing the performance of this to other screwdrivers as it's turned out um that it performs quite well but we're going to be really putting them to the test here in this particular build video so yes LTT screwdrivers we've got the gamers Nexus mod mat that we'll be building on so a bit of a shout out to our YouTube friends as well um yeah no sponsorship or anything but we're just like supporting other members of the community like that so third Harbor unboxed member Bailon of nine months doing a lot of hard work actually I was good timing as well with all the hard work you've been doing with endless b-roll um baitlin's report against some serious hours for us just a few I've seen the pile of motherboards over there that you'll be working through I kill them it's like that high a lot of it a lot of the Q a questions have been you know one of the x670 boards coming you know when when's the round up of b650 said you know and I'm balancing like I'm working on the b-roll guys yeah because we are um testing those shortly so um we'll probably bring in all the parts and get building yeah sounds good let's go through all the parts so we'll move those out of the way this is the hard run boss colored one right yes pretty cool the LTT orange Edition mustache unboxed lives oh yeah you're carrying on the Legacy so this this is an interesting um development this case the prospect 700R so um basically we've we're working in conjunction with PC case gear uh and then msis come to the party Nvidia uh and Intel so thank you to those guys um it's not paid or anything they're just providing the hardware and getting some exposure works out well but MSL were pretty cool about and I said look we want to provide a 49er graphics card so they'd have to twist my um too hard and they said we know you'll probably prefer to use or possibly like to use a different case you want to custom make this for Balin so basically balen could pick any case that was sold by PC case gear we just got this case in for the 13th gen test system and balen fell in love with it almost cool see you did the b-roll of this thing yep and you absolutely loved it so balen actually said MSI well I wouldn't mind a prospect 700R which MSI were wrapped about yeah and it's a fantastic case to build in which you guys will see so happy happy little accident there yeah I reckon very cool yeah it is a Sleek case it's got some nice really nice Cable Management features um so we've had some super chatting support of bailing which has been thanks so much thanks Luke and see Chris Beamer all right you want to grab that one Celestial confuses thanks thanks everyone all right for your contributions there's a handle for you and everything got it there was some serious camera Shake there just Earth Shadow sorry about the earthquake guys it's um it's not it's not ridiculously heavy for its size but it's not lighter though so Ben with your mustache this is like you wanted this right yeah that's right because I like halfway through my mustache business I always like trying to trim it to the right lengths and stuff man I was hating it now in fairness I actually can't get it much longer than this that's good oh that's good just keep it keep it slightly trimmed keep it simple nice and simple nice naturally throttled to that length it'll take me 10 years to get a handlebar like you had man sorry this is the case and it actually makes for a great test System case because nice hinge doors and the good thing about these hinge doors is the magnets are strong a lot of them they just swing open constantly whenever you pick them up but this you really have to grab it and pull it to break those looks like three quite large magnet sections so and then they are they clip in as well yeah which helps yeah because a lot of the magnet doors rely primarily on the magnets and not so yeah so these clip in nice so if you do lean It Forward just moving it around that's yes and they lift off like real easy I need to get me one of these for my test system yeah I do like the Corsair one that I've been using but the 500d without the clip when moving it around you tilt it a bit that's right they just swing open so I usually have that case set up with no doors and then when I sit it there to do thermal testing I just they do possible yeah that's how I go about it but this is um really nice so so I think we have links to lift the parts in the description if you're interested I think you've got to swivel it out a bit more um finding out more information about them I'll um give a bit more information in a second a few people have been asking the price of the case which we were really nicely I think it's all work it is a premium okay so I can't really speak to the value because I'm not a case reviewing expert but 380 us is the MSI Prospect 700R so it is a pricey eye and a pricey item so it has a really nice LCD screen the front that you can by touch adjust fan speeds and stuff and it actually works really well we'll look at that when we get it all set up but I can't speak to the value of the case and say it's a great value case because we don't test cases so hopefully someone like Gamers Nexus checks it out and I think they'd be happy with the airflow it does have Good Earth it has very good it does have good airflow that much I can confirm I think you can pull this off this just pops off nicely there's a there's some masking tape there on the fan filter which you can take off um so did I pop that on properly not looking I don't think I did anyway um I'll take it off for now so the computer will be building the balen gaming PC build if you like this build and want it PC case gear will make it for you show the exact specification or PC case gears pre-built program you can you know order any combination of parts so if you like this build but you don't particularly like the motherboard or you want a better motherboard or a board with a different feature they can do that for you based on the price they have in stock so anyway just so they build you anything anything you can go to their website there's a flat fee and they you can do a full customization they do a fantastic job like great Cable Management I knew they had pre-builds I didn't know they'd build you anything yep they'll build you anything as long as they sell those parts often yeah which they sell most brands in most parts I'll just put that there um but yeah we have to give PC case gear a plug because they did organize all of this for us so big thank you to them so I've got the glass panels off on the back here you can see like the nice Cable Management Channel they've got then they've got channels here for the motherboard power and all that sort of stuff create pin power and a controller built in there as well by the looks of things yep and then yeah the LCD panels up the front here the touch panel um it's pretty neat it works surprisingly well um yeah I was really impressed and then all these panels no there's not oh yeah and Michael says PC case gear give me free lollies when I buy cables they do it's very nice I've gotten a few orders from them recently and they give you gummy bears so I'm just slowly taking the case apart because that will make the building process a bit easier thanks Kevin for your well wishes beat me let me do it thanks Q rash as well yeah and ZK I think there's a I tried playing thank you very much hopefully Kevin's fixed these stability issues he had a few crashes last night yeah it was a bit annoying [Music] um so anyway so we should probably get the rest of the parts what do you want next uh we'll probably grab everything now yeah that's the big thing out of the way I'll come and give you a hand thank you Intel who's watching the stream as well thank you Intel Australia for your Super Chat yes one of the things that you didn't think you'd be saying on a stream thanks and tell for a Super Chat the world we live in today you know and thank you all Maria as well for helping to pay for the power bills which we've got a 1300 watt power supply so yes um so speaking of Intel we have the 13900k the hot and hungry Beast itself um Bailon maypower limit this but we'll see how we go he's mostly gaming so it's not too bad for I mean what's good for gaming yeah um not too bad in terms of power consumption sure it's not going to run it yep so it should be fast enough for bail and I reckon this one so we have that should be fast enough come on that was that was a strong sarcasm the MSI 1300 watt power supply so this is pcie 5.0 ATX 3.0 fully supported power supply that looks so good too so we've got this Beast there's not many of these ATX 3.0 power supplies on the market which is no there's a I think thermaltake has one I think be quiet has or is launching one shortly this is the AI 1300p yep um yep you can get that for 360 us as I'm sure people will in the chat be wondering about how much that costs and I'm already using this in our z790 chest system it's been working a treat so far so that's good um Corsair 64 gigabyte dominate Dominator memory so I have actually that's 5600 stuff so it's good ddr5 dr5 so unleashing maximum performance yes on this which would be good and they're very nice packaging as well um and then we have the spatium that's actually what it's called that's how the exit yeah I don't know oh no uh-oh no we know this right we worked it out it's that SSD uh-oh I was relying on you to know this it's the m480 um two terabyte SSD spatium spartium I can't remember which one most people thought spatium no it's definitely not that because it's a spacious right no it's definitely that's right I think I said it right okay anyway yeah I know it's not I know it's not that um z790 carbon Wi-Fi motherboard which we've also used already um good board no issues so far so that's good and then I haven't used the core liquid c360 I've used the s in a lot of our test systems which has worked well for us so we'll see how this goes um not sure and the Crown Jewel the gaming X Trio RTX 490 so again I hope this is fast enough for Valen yeah I don't know what are you getting that for you 4K 720 720p okay good good so it's good bailing um with some humor there on his computer knowledge [Laughter] so there all the parts that we will be hopefully putting in the case and hopefully we'll push the power button it turns on and works and I do really hope that is the case because do you remember Matt's build oh yeah was that this year troubleshoot yeah yeah okay yeah you're right so yep nice cool so it's a good setup very sick so balance already said I'm not putting any CPUs in any sockets yep um so I'll do that but that's fine yep a little bit jealous this is better than my gaming PC I'm using at the moment which I I can't come I've got a 30 90 in mind so it's not too bad no it should upgrade mate to be fair I can believe that I'm using a 1200 F so I can drop in upgrade to 3900 Cafe I really want to oh well uh is Intel still in chat all right let's open this up all right let's get some top down action you can get some top down did you want to take it out of the plastic bag oh I've done enough of that yeah I'm not gonna lie you are good at it I just thought you might want to show off your own bagging skills no I'm good okay actually you're really good at getting these off as well oh yes that's a satisfying part right sometimes Baylon hates it when you get the boards where uh that they break off and don't pull the thing off or they get stuck behind yeah whatever balance upset that's almost always the reason why yeah David asked in the Super Chat what are your thoughts on bottlenecking with something like a 30 90 with an 8700k at 4K have a 2082i currently and only game at 4K I don't think whether I should upgrade my CPU um I don't think you'd see much bottlenecking up at 4K um providing you're playing with medium to higher quality settings if you're not playing like a like some simulation type games like a city skylines or something the 8700k is basically a 10 600 okay it's not the world's fastest CPU by any stretch but it's also still very capable so unless it's quite obvious to you that you need to upgrade I wouldn't um be rushing out to do so so do you want to do them off now yeah I want to see the professional in action the b-roll master I'll open this up while you're doing that definitely done a few of these now that's all crap just reach over you and grab that there we go nice that just all falls out I've never actually opened um a retail packaging for the 13th gen but it looks similar to the 12th it all falls out as you do it good job so there we go so I think that it was gold last time the little plastic silicon shell y can be you know what I mean so silver than an upgrade or a downgrade uh it looks like we have come in yeah sort of second place here but it is there we go do you want to get some b-roll of that for me well it's nice and wow wow I can't believe you've asked me that so there's the CPU I'll pop this back in here so we don't create too much mass I'm sure at this point everyone's seen yeah what the CPU looks like we'll stick that oh yeah I've got that yeah it was gold yeah it's in the Box oh that was for the ks though so that might be because it's a special edition so I've zoomed it in a bit so we can see this you can zoom it right in if you want is it right Zoom it right in that's the wrong way oh hang on I've got to put it on a box that's in Focus because we're not all right we're not using auto focus on the gh5 grab the uh you've got time here too uh this will work that'll work cool how high does it want to be actually grab the uh maybe the graphics the graphics card box is that gonna be tall enough yeah oh yeah I know it's squashed the uh CPU then all right that looks good to me look at that wide rope asks is this the only 40 90 that comes with the three prong cable extension and you'll get more OC power with the four products I didn't know that was a thing we'll explore we'll find out later I would have yeah I was under the assumption it would be a four prong but we we can that's something we can explore a bit later on so thanks for the heads up okay so pop the CPU in and I usually just try to line up a corner first and then you can gently just drop it and make sure it's give it a wiggle just a gentle one not not too aggressive just a gentle wiggle um so that's in and then you just close this put a bit of pressure on there and the top will pop off once you put the lever down just like so sip so we're streaming at 1440p for this stream so I'm interested to see what people think of the 1440p it's the top down 1440p is that only 1080p well it's 1080 but it's streaming a high bit rate sure at 1440. so if you're watching it at 40. it looks pretty good here okay I'm just because we've never streamed at that resolution on the main channel before so right interest to see how it goes yep okay well that's in yep um The Next Step I guess we will get to the SSD we all appreciate the quality b-roll thanks for the Super Chat there that'll make Wednesday mostly your job I haven't done a I don't think I've done any b-roll for at least six months now yeah so yeah yep good stuff so there's your spatium I'm gonna go with that I'm certain that's right so now now it is time to use LTT goodness yep so I might get the uh get this fella out I think Mark asked could you have a fire extinguisher handy for the GPU power connector who just talked about that on the Q a series yes we have plenty of thoughts coming up on that in our q a series coming on the channel in the next couple of days um very interesting situation going on there this um hang on oh thanks Jim sorry about that there's a few different ways you can use this but you can definitely use it one-handed um but I sort of just do that so that should lift uh these screws a bit funny sometimes there we go so um I actually haven't looked oh okay oh it's got a quick release I was gonna say I haven't because opt for for the test systems oh that's out of focus so I'm going to put it back up on the box yeah for the for the test systems I use a piece I express expansion card that's probably better yeah thanks for the Super Chat spunks I know you're uh thanks funks good to see you there spunks you join us for some well not me but these guys for some gaming sessions who does he does he's our favorite chicken is it those who know um yeah so this has like a quick release mechanism so if you want to peel that plastic off there you can oh it's yeah it's the best part yeah I know I know you love that so um we only have one m.2 so I might as well put this back in this um doesn't have a thread for part of it right so there you go now it's in properly so I'll just put this back together because I wasn't meant to take that out the satisfying ratchet sound [Music] okay I did it I was a bit nervous about that all right spatium so that will go in like that Clips in it has a quick that's it simple so it's got um how you going there Tim it's got a little bit here which you can't really see but it's got a little um like ball head and that's what the quick release connector here pops into so interesting a little bit so we want to Pop That and I think that will just go there and then clip down maybe if you want to push that in yep and let's just make sure the drives yep Drive seated nicely when it slots across it would push the driving anyway rather than pull it out so we took all the thermal pads off top and bottom so that's good that's done yep uh we could if you want to open that and get your shiny new memory out we can plug that in you're right zaga masks being a fan of your content since Matt was the host a long time nice uh do you guys think there will be a noticeable difference between 13 600k and 13 700k for gaming at 4K 144hz with the 40 90. um probably not much difference uh yeah probably not much at all we will have some benchmarks on that I've I'm only commenting on this because I have done a little bit of testing um at 4K so there is surprising there is some differences at 4K with a 49 between CPUs um so yeah there is so it's not it's not just what we've seen previously where they're all just you know hit a brick wall the same frame rate there is some difference uh but it's that powerful it's that powerful yeah oh they look nice yeah like the Platinum rgbs Chuck them on the top down so we can all have a look very nice they look pretty cool they do so they've got the black across the top and it's kind of like the well silver but it's you know they're calling that platinums yeah anyway looks cool I like it we'll pop that in the appropriate slots hopefully this doesn't crush the box too much yeah there is our memory installed so we're not going to populate all the dimms but this is better for frequency anyway but you've also got 64 gigs there so it could be sorted you can do a bit of video editing from home yeah no excuses um I reckon we might look at putting the mounting gear for the AIO on it now and then we're ready to pop it in the case uh put the power supply in the case yeah just interesting question Steve from one of the super chats how are we supposed to set fan curves if 7000 series will shoot straight to 95 degrees and try to run as fast as thermals allow I don't because I haven't had a chance to look into it because we've gone from one product release to another what I can tell you is I've been doing a lot of cooler testing on am5 but haven't got into the fan curve stuff yet but it's not going off CPU temperature to adjust the fan speed which sounds odd at least doesn't appear to be because the fans when it hits 95 degrees they're not ramping up and going crazy I've only sort of seen fan speeds pick up when you're sort of heading towards 100 degrees so I'm not quite sure what's going on there I reckon it's using maybe like power as a measurement I'm not sure that'll be like a Next Level advancement I think yeah so the next step of you know CPU is always going to run it as fast as they can at you know the highest thermals then Bankers will need to start looking at things like power or load ideally power that would be a much more accurate measurement what I can tell you is the fan speed's not ramping up like crazy when it hits the 95 degrees so I'm not 100 sure what's going on there Chris says Intel please don't change the socket all the time that would be nice that would be nice maybe a future generation intent Intel I'm just going to sit that on the side of the box there since the memory is already and just pop this in quickly grab the right one it's good uh yeah it fits like a glove so that was nice and easy yeah LJ 1700 that is what we're working with and what motherboard is a few people have been asking in the chat uh it is the carbon MSI carbon z790 yeah kind of unwrapping stuff like plastic so I'm just putting these little mounting standoffs in pretty straightforward pretty easy these are screw in nice and quickly any reason you aren't going with an aftermarket contact frame on CPU um we definitely could we don't have any spare ones at the moment that's something we could definitely upgrade in the future if Balin needs it but I think for the most part he'll be okay yeah cool but yeah we um that's something we could look at getting so we've got um the memory the SSD the CPU and the standoffs the mounting hardware for the cooler so I think we're pretty well ready to drop this thing into the case so I'm just going to put that aside there put that down there how much does the motherboard cost good question a lot it is a 540 us motherboard that's one of the premium options yes expensive premium options but a lot of this build is premium stuff that's what we're going for it's like sort of an Overkill build which is why we've got this high-end case and high-end cooler and stuff treat Bale into an epic gaming PC so very keen probably top down for this top down yep get on it Tim with these you might want to zoom it out fine I'll do it all right there we go that's mostly in frame isn't it yep uh looks like all the the first thing you want to check is just default the motherboard standoffs are where they need to be and if there's no extras but that looks pretty perfect pretty standard layout for an ATX motherboard um wires and whatever out of the way so there's a there's a locator one there which is just it's sort of risen a little bit um so basically now that's I think that's pretty standard for cases these days so you want to gently get that in under there like that and that looks pretty well like and there you go just fell into place so is that easy yeah um we did have a box of bits and pieces and I reckon there's probably some screws for this case somewhere so what is this for yeah this is for the case also we can you can vertically mount oh okay it must be right it goes in like that which we're not going to be doing no because that generally just results in latency issues and whatnot um and it doesn't come with the Riser cable I'm pretty sure it's just the mounting stuff um thanks to Brad and scratch for the super chats no thanks guys appreciate that scratch is one of the boys from uh well he's been a long time Harbor unbox supporter but he also gets in he's been in a few of the pit sessions and stuff oh lovely so yeah anyone that sort of joined now if you want to jump back to this first few minutes of the stream we sort of explain a few things there about why we're building this and whatnot so if you're okay to get up to speed you can do that all right so we have screws screws more screws and even more screws so I'm pretty sure these ones will work for the motherboard at standoffs and I'll use this screwdriver oh people have been asking for you using that blue screwdriver for so long oh here we go we'll be finally indulging them with the hardware box custom this blue one believe it or not works exactly the same as the orange one watch put the screw over the hole and then you turn the driver and oh hang on I've got it I think I've went the wrong way there we go see that's so good and done perfect amount of pressure every time but I if they these I know these are expensive but they are genuinely really good I it was a nice tearing down all the 49s with this really precise they're yeah satisfying views after steel one yeah one of them is meant to be to you but you know so I didn't get it to you in a hurry yeah I know like my where's my merch so you can keep the customer I'll take the orange one there's a black one as well there's a black one I got three wow nice that's how that's how uh thank you that's how much I'm hogging them no I was going to get Tim his eventually once I'd finish using it in like five years uh but no they're I love the uh Harbor unbox blue one and yeah they they're very easy to use it's impressive how little wobble there is in the shaft for a ratcheting drive and how little a pressure is required to activate the ratchet I saw project Farms or one of those channels did a full breakdown of it comparing it to other screwdrivers and it performed really well in their tests it's genuinely good so I know it's expensive like my DeWalt gyroscope drill that everyone loves isn't that much more expensive but I feel like they excel at sort of different like you don't want to use the gyroscopic drill for graphics card tear Downs whereas I think it's I think it is better for doing what we're doing right now it's quicker and easier and you can set the torque setting um but yeah you can't use it for everything whereas you could use this for everything yeah so there's that I suppose and this doesn't go flat it doesn't have to be recharged just to be clear we're not sponsored by LGBT to Shield this screwdriver I'm giving I'm just giving my honest opinion not supposed for any of this actually although obviously some companies do provide well they provided the hardware Intel Nvidia did provide some Hardware but and then we worked with PC case gear but PC case gear as well hoping out we're not recommending or we're not showing off any hardware we don't believe is good as I said Baylor loves this case and I've worked in it already I think it's really nice um I think this this generation we genuinely have had three really good releases in terms of the quality of the hardware like ryzen 7000 Intel 13th gen and the RTX 490 all going pretty well pretty well yep okay so motherboard is in probably do I reckon I reckon we do the power supply because to get the eight pins through there with the AIO installed will be a pain in the back side so I reckon that will be so people are saying we need a beefy power supply well we do have as bounce unboxing over there a 1300 watt PSU ATX 3.0 so it's got the new piso 5.0 power supply our power connector which hopefully is going to be provide additional reliability than using the adapters obviously there's been some torque of the adapters having a few issues the big boys I'll potentially just the cable the connector we'll see but with the cable coming from the power supply that gives us a big a bit nicer liability I think well it's it's definitely a nicer cleaner so someone mentioned that the graphics card only comes with three eight pin for the adapter because it's like a stock model that is irrelevant for this build because we won't be using that but I am interested to have a look at that and do some testing with that see where there actually has got the yeah well see if see if yeah if that's the case um to begin with see these you can peel these are magnetic very cool so you can you can change which way they face the the power supply oh yeah I think it is cool and then the side that you're not going to see you can take them off and stick them in the case if you want which I think we'll do so this side you're not going to see these so you can do stuff like that maybe put around the right way not to trigger everyone in the comments no I reckon that looks good I like that that's that's perfect cables Galore the other fold so we want this one I haven't seen a connector like that in so long that is USB to yes it is it mini or micros micro USB thanks for the Super Chat Daniel from one of those it's yeah I haven't seen one in a while yeah just to see some hard run box fans in Colombia yeah this power supply let me put on the top down camera and you won't see too much so here's the 16 pin pcie 5.0 yeah cable and there's the connector right there on the on the modular power supply so I will say one slightly negative thing about this MSI cable is that it ain't very long having said that how much does it differ from a normal 8-pin cable maybe maybe it's just oh there's another one or is that just no that's the normal one isn't it hang on this one has eight what is this one what are we looking at here oh so this one has both so is that the same length as that one yes all right so where's a where's the stock standard like um so what's this this is a s this is a six to eight pinup let's have a look how long this is because maybe I'm wrong maybe it's not that short it just looks short for some reason um well it's the same length as the standard ones so maybe it's not short I don't know maybe I'm used to the the thousand watt plus units having really long cables not sure please bend the adapter cable for science well you've recently been running all your test systems with them I absolutely the craziness as I've said to you guys many times in the past when it comes to test systems and whatever I am not delicate which is what I try to not bring to these build videos um and yeah I I've put some photos on Twitter of how I have my test systems configured yeah I walked in this morning I saw the the 12 what is it the 12v HP WR connector with it like just a direct 180 straight out of the cave I'm like oh you're you're uh you're getting pretty running a pretty fine man yeah I think um I think it's the third picture I put on Twitter of just the cables going every which way that's normal like for the test systems but um yeah check out or over unboxed and you can see those pics of your test system running with a serious Bend and not having any issues so and in light of a few going up in fire I'm definitely not changing my Approach yeah it'll be interesting to see what the sort of Fallout is from that in the coming days as more information comes out and we see we'll monitor it seems like each of these launches there's been some sort of thing that comes up whether it's power cables or capacitors or Space Invaders type things coming up but we'll see yep so that's the CPU 8-pin we need one more of those which is probably got some nice braided cables there yeah oddly this one is not but that may be because of the fact that it's a well that PCI one isn't either no these are yeah none of the 600 watt cables are yeah so maybe there's something moves a thick Cable in there yeah I'm not sure on that one not sure not particularly thick actually surprisingly fine what else can what else today oh you know just cables just cable stuff we've already got two of them this part of the build's a bit slow and uninteresting but I'm just plugging in everything that I think actually there's very few cables to plug in because we don't need we don't need the six to eight pin pcie cables so we've got our two motherboard eight pins we've got a PCI 5.016 pin 600 watt cable that is um in the spotlight right now four SATA cables which I think we'll need for AIO potentially and their LCD panel thing in the case Steve Charmed in oh no oh no shut this in the Stream now um how much do I need to Super Chat to have you admit that bad cables are actually conspiracy from fire extinguisher companies to boost their sales what hasn't worked here because we don't have a fire extinguisher I reckon we can pull it off for 50 though um okay we do have our mod mat here Steve I've um I've said how much I like the mod mat already so put that check in the mail actually Steve's gonna throw me a few more mod mats I believe I finally unrolled my mod mat in my new studio the other day oh okay I had no space for it and yep been doing some system Builds on there it's been very nice I've actually got my original Mod mat it's just is it there on there where's the original one Steve sent me like four years ago or whatever I think it might be this one has been from hell this is saying a lot of sister bills a lot of test system teardowns I have given this thing absolute hell and it is in no way physically damaged it looks a little bit worse we're not too bad this section is clearly seen some action yeah I've seen some action I mean all of it has to be fair like you can see there's some watermarks there from liquid uh cooling uh Adventures well the name is Nexus has given us the money for a fire extinguisher now so thank you thank you for supporting Baylen and his family Gamers next distance much appreciated thank you very much everyone much appreciated um so yeah I I obviously still use that one um proof that you do use stuff that's given to you I use it all right um I when I built my desks I used it as a doormat and that got a lot of hate people like how could you be so disrespectful to Steve I sent Steve a photo he's like yeah that's awesome he's like beat it up I want to know how they perform yeah I was like all right they're like well they're actually really good doormats they're way better than doormats as being doormats they're virtually indestructible as far as I can tell anyway we'll um so yeah there's bugger all cables when you eliminate all those um pcie cables DC power cables so I am going to move um there's I don't know how I'm going to show this on camera actually I might be able to do it like this there is a three and a half inch Drive Bay here that we're never going to use yep what are you laughing at Tim I'd use all my three and a half not my gaming PCs yeah my workstation has got like four or five hard drives in no no that's not even including the server just like direct actually drive access actually come to think about that that screw doesn't even do what I think it does I don't think so let's just pretend I never did that rewind actually from memory this was a bit you you have to take if you want to do this which I'm not going to do you have to take all of this out and remove the basement divider to get to that right but I just get a little screwdriver because I can't be bothered and so that's what we're going to do because I still can't be bothered fair enough the one thing I always like about the top down cameras everyone gets a great look at how good your hair quality is hey true yeah because everyone can just see whatever's going on up there you have the top down camera always gives great vision into people's hair yeah no I don't worry about mine I'm just happy to still have some hair I'm hoping that in like 10 years you've got the iron full Einstein looking yeah just around the sides I'm headed that way I'll be 50 in there by then so I reckon I will now I'm just gonna um either on this side so this Tim just entertained the people while I um fumble around here for a moment yeah I'll get you get off the hair cam for you so appreciate that people can have a look and you are fully hidden by that case at the moment yeah oh Google I might duck out for a few minutes and have a breather mm-hmm yeah is this stream sponsored by Linus Tech tips no no but we are they did generously send over apparently three of their screwdrivers but if Linus does want to sponsor the string we'll probably go for another two hours so it's not too late no no sponsorships for this stream although as I said a few times you the viewers are the sponsors viewers are the sponsors and yeah obviously MSI Intel Nvidia PC case give all generously donated some hardware for this building for for bailing everyone so yeah I don't know why I can't click that in I'd manage it on the test system anyway we'll just leave it Loose for now and that way I can pass all this through we can sort of get this show on the road James asked has there been a tour of the new studio team um I've sort of been on our for our patreon and flight player members we've got a few BTS videos showing the process of building it I haven't done a tour of it finished it's not fully finished yet there's still a few things that need to be done but it's I'm definitely in there and using it but I will be uh doing a BTS video showing everything off at some point but it's much more effective than uh the previous setup I had for the past four months five months I've sort of been working from sort of a temporary office setup and then going back to my old Studio to film videos not a very good way to work it's much better to have everything set up and ready to go at the one place definitely all right so we're just going to pull that too there pretty good for now thank you no definitely not screw those guys you're the worst I'll blur it out can we do active we need some sort of AI technology to blow your drink Jonah asks why there's an upside down MSI logo on the on the case on the case here is that it's on the PSU shroud but he might mean no I think it's that one he's talking about yeah possibly yeah I've installed it properly stop complaining about it just stop talk about it guys what am I doing wrong here there we go I'm not paying attention what monitor is fail I'm going to use with this system 27 inch gigabyte I honestly don't know my other names neither nobody knows I gave you two monitors I I believe it was the m27qx or with the QP QP yeah 1440 165. yep pretty good yeah and I think I gave you an MSI 284k monitor as well yeah that's right yeah mag281 yeah I made you to it on Europe so that's a that's a really good monitor yeah like that 28 inch panel from MSI Samsung a few other brands all very good so yeah it's amazing you can remember those those names he's the only man alive person once you have to read them 20 000 times entering into Excel or writing writing the script for the video and making a video I people always ask in the in the video comments like I can't believe you can nail the name of these things like how many Cuts did you have to do it's like no Cuts yeah I get it right usually because I've said it so many times and lead up to filming like Intel xcss people I can't believe you've said that so many times like you just sort of you know when you're practicing things or doing whatever yeah just you sort of just plus I've reviewed so many monitors now that I'm so used to the naming schemes like the letters and numbers and yeah I'm a trained man now finally oh yep no nothing's gonna fall out Steve's just battling with the uh I never battle top down me top down come on Tim yeah you're meant to be all I was too busy reading the chat don't read the chat they'll work it out all right so this I really like this it's actually uh it'll be interesting to see if Steve from um Gamers Nexus ends up looking at this did Steve do a second Super chat for a hundred dollars yeah that was his fire extinguisher donation because we said we didn't have a fire extinguisher oh okay go buy one okay yeah yeah we'll do that now I'm gonna have to have a fire extinguisher in my next video damn it it's true background yeah otherwise everyone would be displeased all right I'm just gonna hmm I don't remember that being difficult last time maybe I did something different or maybe didn't go through the thing it was meant to go through oh there we go it was just stuck so these are the two eight pins that are going all about there and they've got these nice little channels that you can run them through Yes except I wish the tags faced the opposite direction so the um oh yeah yeah so because it goes in under there yeah but for some reason I don't remember that being a challenge last time met maybe they weren't still the other way around on the other one maybe I don't yeah I don't remember having an issue with that anyway it's not a big issue if I was to get one monitor any price breaker what would you recommend well I have 350 inch yeah I have just been setting up my new gaming setup with my Alienware aw3423dw so the 34 inch Ultra wide OLED it's never going to get old it's very nice I'd recommend that but there's a few alternate options that monitor coming from MSI Samsung I think there's a new Alienware version as well so I don't know whether you'd wait and see what the other options are like and toss it up or not but certainly I've been using the Alienware and it's been good they said there's a few bugs with the firmware that it would have been nice if you could update it update the firmware but you can't so people who are buying them now get the updated firmware I bought mine when it came out don't get the updated firmware bit annoying there's a few sleep bugs and stuff it's not like a deal breaker or anything but I think I believe those things are fixed in the versions of the being sold at the moment yeah that's a bit unfortunate yep just lesson there to always have used updatable firmware yep so I'm going to try and pull these cables through because foolishly I didn't give get all of them all the slack oh through the bottom it'll eventually get there I think I might be close to having enough now I feel like pretty tight there now yeah the Asus 42 inch OLED I've been testing that as well that's that's reasonable you'll see a review of that soon the testing's pretty much done on that but it's looking good looking good especially compared to the LG C2 few coat cons and Pros deck comparing the two but um it's been good thanks Decoy for the Super Chat Legend hoping to see uh yep fares as best as she can yes all right two eight pins are in Balin beautiful we've got them in there nice and clean tight that would have been next to impossible with you the radiator installed yeah nice Chuck the case further up so we can see a bit better hang on a second hang on boss I'm just going to I'm just gonna grab the USB related connectors and we'll feed them through this is building is always so awkward on um on camera because you've got to kind of you've got to kind of show what you're doing kinda as best you can without bending USB pins there we go which is always a challenge and that one all right if we sneak that through there Tim ing like USB done so yeah there's USB cables are the worst yeah they went in pretty good there be a bit of a did you get favorable orientation on the motherboard where they looks like you did yeah as in sometimes they stick out or at Angles Matt I make it work to make it work just that boss yeah I'll make it work he's made me work that's for sure someone's got her mate that's true it's true all right USB to uh we'll feed that through SK hijinks wants to play fortnite Tim when are you jumping on the bandwagon ah never everyone asks yeah never if I've always said if you choose at any other game I'll give it a go any other game any other I'll play Warzone which I've played like once yeah so I'll probably get absolutely owned um I'm happy to own you in any other game so we'll do some competitive farm simulator we can get the best yields across the season okay okay you're not allowed to have your daughter run your farm for you because I know she plays yeah she loves it she absolutely loves it oh here's another question were you just talking about this on the stream earlier about the LTT screwdriver versus the DeWalt cordless screwdriver oh well all right everyone stand back for a bit of a tutorial can I find ninja it's over on the the test bench it'll be it'll be floating around it's never too far away it's my primary weapon of choice yep I don't like having that channel there that's that's wicked yeah it's nice because otherwise they usually go like yeah across and it's just a mess so the DeWalt gyroscopic screwdriver versus the LTT screwdriver what are your thoughts Steve is the I can sum it up pretty quickly for you so all right side mesh so they're both excellent this isn't that much more expensive which is pretty crazy given that it's um a gyroscopic drill but see see how it does that and you don't get that with this wobble in the shops um but anyway that doesn't matter too much but so with this should I just okay so this is a gyroscopic screwdriver so when you pull the trigger doesn't do anything and if you go slightly to the you know right or left it'll go that so if I go so if you're using it for to undo uh one of the screws here so you pull the trigger nothing happens it just makes a bit of a noise and if you turn the left it'll undo the screw and so if you said it's on it's on the highest torque setting here so if you just line the scrub and you do a few turns gently so you don't thread it so you just pull the trigger and you gently turn see how it's going slow and then you can go so it's very quick I can do up hundreds of screws very quickly with this thing we would whereas this is much slower but more precise but this is better you wouldn't use this for tearing down a graphics card or taking a cooler off or doing any sort of fine work you can adjust the torque settings and that but it's a bit you know it's it's it's not ideal and especially a powerful tool yeah I mean you can as I said you can dial like it won't undo this screw now because it's got the lowest torque setting so I can't do it but anyway you can adjust the torque but for you know fine work you know you'd want to I've used this for tearing down all the 49ers it's fantastic and if you had to buy just one of these and you're doing PC Building graphics card tear Downs all kinds of intricate work this would be the better option um if you could only choose one but the ultimate combo is both so like well over 200 US to spend on screwdrivers or just go all that if you were a PC Building professional so you're doing all the work we've done so far this would be as good or better for but if you're also going to get into your um you know tearing coolers down installing water blocks like kind of stuff then you'd probably want to use something like this I love both of them personally don't make me choose Tim hey the comment I was asking so no it's a it's a good question I think they they both have um their own strengths and weaknesses but well mostly strength really just there's some things one does better than the other um okay sorry mate now that detour is out of the way we have an A RGB connector so we have to work out where that goes and I think it's at the bottom of the motherboard these are always a pain in the back so there's one there so I guess we'll go for that one yeah so I'll just pop that on all right fan connector there's the front panel stuff which will probably work if we poke them through the grommet at the bottom here Hugo's not a fan of the RGB the RG which RGB yeah right no Baylen does like his RGB yep so a few people also wrapping the iFixit toolkit in the chat I've got one of those as well I think it's pretty good oh you've said that before yeah you like it I like my fix it tool kit with the um you know that again they would be better for tearing down yeah it's good for very precise work and obviously unlike just having a screwdriver it comes with all the additional little you know tweezer things and pulling things out you know that'd probably be like the next level of professional for that sort of stuff and it comes I think how many bits do these LTT screwdrivers have a decent selection but yeah the um ifixel one obviously has more but this is obviously all built into the one tool so if you're doing a lot of PC Building I'd prefer to use that yeah because it's a ratcheting version if you're doing a lot of like iFixit fixing things and tearing down that then the iFixit stuff is definitely better the right the one with the Bendy cable one where you can bend the uh screw into different areas I find useful at times to have yep you can get that sort of thing for these as well but yeah like a flexible extension and I guess so basically we need to up our screwdriver budget again to get not just the DeWalt option and the LTT option but the iFixit toolkit as well you want all of the options let's be honest Nick asks will I get any benefit upgrading from a 30 90 to a 40 90 with my 5800 X 3D and 1440p Ultra wide or would I hit that CPU bottleneck you saw at regular 1440. um consuming you were just saying that you would you also have seen some differences in CPU performance uh at 4K it is depends but you you have a 1500 X 3D which is pretty good um 1440p I tend to find does typically sit between obviously standard 1440p and 4K in terms of house CPU limited it is probably a little bit closer to 1440p because some games you know you're talking about a wider aspect ratio which can change CPU loads and subtitles just depends a little bit there but I mean you've got pretty close to like the flagship CPUs of today in terms of performance so even if you are CPU bottlenecked there's not a whole lot you can do about it we'll be looking at what's the difference between a 13 900k and 5800 actually like under 10 faster yeah probably yeah yeah yeah so um so that was just quick and nasty what I've done there but it's pretty effective so we haven't put the AO and all the fans in yet but so they've got this nice channel here so that's all neat from there up this stuff here needs a bit of work but it's fine for now uh where do I go opposite direction these cables here are obviously nice and neat they're good so you've got easy access to the back of the CPU socket um two and a half inch ssds if you want to mount them there and you can put fans down there if you wanted to yep beautiful excited you're getting excited I am good Cable Management are you gaming all night tonight for a while I gotta come in tomorrow though right yeah I suppose I have to give you the day off all right that'd be too good a few more Super chats and you can have that never know I've given it all to you anyway put a super chatting for me now Kitty that's all good um all right so Bailon we want to do events on that yeah I reckon load the fans on that yeah John tell me which way we're gonna be oriented I reckon we'll put it in like uh that yeah and have the fans blowing out so mounted that way and then that can sit uh possibly like that maybe yeah I reckon so that way it's the right way I think I think that'll do for you but initially nice yeah beautiful corded DeWalt like oh okay you're opting for that hopefully Linus isn't watching sorry Linus it will be a little faster um that's true it will be uh okay is the other pump must be okay it's an inline pump I think thanks James for the super jump saying thanks to our extensive 1440p coverage to have your reviews the cables coming down this way yep well balance doing that I'll just sit and relax actually should I unbox the 40 90 or should I just sit and relax to know people like 40 90s don't they maybe some people these are your right ones right uh yes that looks good yeah yeah I think you'll be right maybe set the torque setting to like try 11. yeah 49 where do we leave that thing here it is I'm actually intrigued now to see what adapter cable this has one commenter saying about the three the three yes I will be testing this card um it will be getting benchmarked and it will be getting compared to the Supreme X so that's something that will come up in that content if it does have a a three pin so you've got a second we've um I'll just borrow this one more Bailon uses another 40 90. we have other 40 90s yep it's a standard the standard 40 90 thickness whenever I take them out I feel like it was bigger than the last one it's pretty huge yep and he's a big boy it's not nearly as maybe it's as tall as this the Supreme X there so there's the graphics card relatively heavy for a 49. so we've got the support mount bracket which we might look at installing I reckon it might be and yeah he's right it only has three not four there you go so the potential for extra OC capabilities with the four pin connector might be accurate potentially yeah only a three okay interesting and then we have this bracket here which I've never used one of these before so we'll suss this out Super Chat here says I've currently got the Asus Rog Swift pg279qn it's a good Monitor and the Asus fi 32q I want to switch to one screen as my Prime and I'm also streaming Should I stick a 2-2 is that right if you're streaming I would definitely still stick between this sorry sorry Tim um yeah if you're streaming I'd stick to still to stick to two monitors but if I was going to choose one of those I would definitely choose the Asus monitor um as your main screen instruction manuals I'm looking for our language all right let me study this Tim I'll get back to you soon uh-huh uh-huh yep nothing I want to know is here um super chat here says twenty dollars for a GN toolkit with a written guarantee for bailin so left to get you a g and talking as well okay cool oh he's got one right there yeah there were a few people asking what you thought about that actually um to be fair I haven't used it as much as I probably should have but yeah I mean it this this would be fan I mean how many screwdrivers can we possibly use for this one build but I mean yeah they're really high quality and they look like all the ones you'd need for various tear downs and whatnot yep maybe for the next build I'll use the gn1 but we've got the mod mat so we're giving Gian some love I do have them thoughts on undervolting the 13 900ks they're a sweet spot for performance per watt for gaming and production workloads 300K um well we talk about this pretty extensively in the um is this a Super Chat is it yep in the Q a series but yeah look under all things in my opinion very much like overclocking will depend on Silicon quality so your mileage will vary there but for your individual chip and your motherboard and yourself it's worth exploring um You probably have to put a bit of time and effort into validating stability so it doesn't crash at you at the most an opportune of times but yeah undervolting is overclocking in a sense just going the other way in a way so I move this here because it didn't have what I wanted Mitch says with the increased weight of newest gen graphics card should more case manufacturers Supply vertical GPU mounting hardware with cases it's probably better just to come with the graphics card but require them really because they can vary and that allows them to make it a bit more tailor-made rather than a universal thing that might just you know you're paying for something that you're probably not going to use in most instances so yep I would say no so I'm I can't find the instructions but at a guess I reckon you chat can do an online manual lookup for me I reckon this gets mounted under the card um like oh like like that do you reckon that would be right or is that dumb is there a does it hook into anything or does it just support it I think it just supports it yeah because this is just a rubber sort of yeah I'm guessing can people even see what I'm doing yeah that oh we can switch it more to I think it goes under like that yep that's my guess it probably just sits on it oh I scratched the computer case slightly oh God that's behind the door yeah just behind the door no indication on there no there was nothing about using a gaming extreme there was nothing in the manual about it I'm take I take it the online manual is a bit more useful it goes under the card cool all right I that was my guess no need to look it up because people have done it for us that's what I was hoping I was Outsourcing that one so this is ready to go when you are good job good job and you can take more tires off these I think Leo says sold my pg2792 for the aw3423dw zero regrets I would probably agree with that I think that's an upgrade for sure you get proper HDR and Olin pretty good upgrade wide rope says sixteen hundred dollars for three prongs and it was disappointing that's why I asked because no one is mentioning it so this must have been the guy that let us know about the three pin connector oh yeah I will cover that in our review that's for sure and I'll test the difference as well yep what's the best spect gaming PC you'd build where you wouldn't notice the room getting warmer my 12 700k 3080 TI made my room an oven in summer yes yeah so you probably want you probably almost want to be experimenting with like the power limited chips or just getting you know the a chip and power limiting it pretty significantly so you'd probably want an AMD CPU because they are more power efficient for the same level of performance so you probably want to get some sort of CPU like cut the power in half on it yeah if you really really keen on doing this you would go on somewhere like eBay buy a cheap power meter because it'll be roughly accurate plug it into your wall see how much power your PC is pulling when you're doing the activity that you typically do and if it's 400 watts well then clearly that's too much for for your room and that's causing your problem so do you need to halve it just 300 watts make a noticeable difference so you can limit the power of CPUs gpus bring your total system usage down to 300 watts maybe 200 Watts which is going to significantly reduce your performance but you can see what that does to your room and that'll give you your answer probably if you're that serious about about that so this is noticeably heavier that's for sure the Supreme although yeah the Supreme is noticeably heavier it's the higher end model of the two um but they're strikingly similar in a lot of the design elements but the heatsink's clearly bigger here and it's probably got a bit more copper in it a few more heat pipes and whatnot um but I don't know how well you guys can try and balance that there just balancing 40 90s live um that's the Top Shot fuzzy top Loops a job requirement yes yep I believe that's what we put in Balance contracts yeah it's the only reason they got me so that's the the the rear i o anyway I'm going to put this down before I drop one of these live serious chonkers right there yeah big powerful gpus Linus will think I'm gunning for his title if I drop one of these things live Joel asks have you taken a look at the Dell g3223q you've never seen that one name before um I haven't I actually don't know too much about it so maybe in the future Dell though difficult to get Dell monitor samples here and Dell's yeah a bit challenging here in Australia so we don't tend to look at too many Dell monitors but hopefully at some point that will improve a bit and we can get on and review more of their products you guys just need to Badger them non-stop on every single social social media they're on but don't tag Us in it do you want to hold that for me Tim or Balin what are you I'll give it to you actually since it's your build if I drop it it's it's fine yeah if yeah if you drop it it's fine I'll just put this GPU precariously closed no no I put it over there for a reason because I could I I saw it ending badly where it was I saw people were getting nervous in my dlss3 video about having that was the top comment that was hilarious yeah that was funny actually all right little did they know that thing's so heavy it's not moving because with a bit of a hit anyway yeah let's chip your concrete if it does all right I'm gonna rotate it's getting sorry everybody failed it's noticeably heavy where the power supply is yeah there we go all right I'm gonna use this then yep now there were some smaller screws that were with the bigger screws that you just used yeah wonderful they secure the radiator in the place that'll be good got to do some editing at home now yep Balin will be able to work no matter where he is sure that's why you wanted this PC right yeah yeah we should still do more work no other reasons no you got to keep him busy he gets bored otherwise that's actually sort of true yeah yeah can't stand feeling like I've done nothing for the day so it's good I reckon we can snake this cable through here I kind of got the rubber grommets in the case too yeah that's pretty standard um they do vary in quality how some of them fall out real easy yeah which is not cool and makes the building process very unfun interesting Super Chat here I watched another YouTuber who said Windows 11 runs smoother and snappier on amd's N4 compared to Intel 12 13th gen is your experience the same or is this just a highly subjective perception I think a highly subjective I haven't nothing in benchmarking has shown it up and I use both both with 10 and 11 and I've not noticed that myself and I'm usually pretty sensitive to that sort of stuff yeah I don't think there's any reason that this would be the case but I'm not saying they're absolutely wrong um they yeah I don't know but there's you'd want to be making a statement like that you'd want to have done a lot of testing to make sure that what you've seen or what you've observed isn't unique to your two configurations ah todders provide us with some confirmation via Super Chat here's the 3070 gaming extra with the exact same bracket you put it under the graphics card so imagine cool well thank you Todd for that Super Chat and Emmanuel asks do you think 4090 is wasted on a 34 inch 2K Ultra wide monitor also any thoughts on that 40 90 connector melting definitely not wasted on Ultra wide I've been gaming I've done a lot of gaming on 3440 by 1440 Ultra wide with a 30 90 and often you will not be maxing out today's monitors like 144 175 hosts if you've got that Alienware one you won't be maxing that out so I haven't done too much with the 4090 but I don't think it's wasted it especially if you're playing with things like Ray tracing like you want to be playing you know cyberpunk type games with Ray tracing the 490 is going to be really good for that um thoughts on the 4090 connector melting we you'll see more of our thoughts in a q a episode that's coming up on the channel soon but basically yeah it's only a very interesting thing there needs to be more investigation done into how those connectors were failing whether it was you know people bending the cables or bending them in ways that you know are going to cause failures even though you know you have as in Steve here has been bending some cables and has seen no issues but it could be things like uh those particular connectors had manufacturing defects in them or issues like that there's there's all sorts of things that could be the the cause behind this and I think you know it is obviously very concerning that power connectors are melting and there's been some evidence of that but also a lot of people have 40 90s and are using them without their power connectors melting so that's important to sort of balance it out being like you know idiot we need to investigate this more and Nvidia needs to investigate it arbs need to investigate it so on people need to investigate it just find out what's going on but if you have a 4090 I don't think you should be sitting there you know watching over at 24 7 just to make sure your house doesn't burn down um we certainly don't have the evidence to say that it's like a widespread all connectors are going to melt at some point sort of issue and like I said a lot of people are using the cards without that problem happening yeah so yeah it's kind of a wait and see on that one um yeah we'll see we'll see what happens um yeah yep Steve's just perfecting his cable management here did I like the OCD it's not perfecting is the right word I'm trying to make it less disastrous and you know just all the fun RGB cables just sorting those out apologies if you guys can hear lawnmowers at any point in the background not a lot I can do about that one it's a big lawnmower area around here it is a bigger it's a big lawn area um okay where have we got a spare Alexander says is a ryzen 7 3800x going to bottleneck a 3080 shot 1440p uh probably right say again 3800x 3080 TI 1440p bottleneck you're probably getting there depends on the games for sure but yeah definitely yeah probably looking at upgrade territory right there but uh it really does depend on the games how you play them all that sort of stuff um and then how severe the bottleneck is and you know I mean there's bottlenecks and there's bottlenecks so it may not be that severe that it's worth worrying about too much nothing good yeah a couple of cable ties would probably be the way to go and then this is the pump where's the pump header Harry asks with a 4090 Supreme installed is there sufficient space to install an ae9 sound card in the last piece so you slot any issues with blocking airflow to 4090. in which case I'm sorry which motherboard we're probably near down motherboard and case information um but if we assume that the card is sort of slotting directly next to it now I guess it depends like I'd have to have a look at what we call this motherboard you'd only just get it because see how the I'm really bad at this mirrored thing yeah see that how that's down it should be up here yeah it's one down it's one down so you'll probably be looking at when you slot this in you've probably got just finished use the bottom slot so it'd have to be a single slot sound card and I mean I guess the the benefit of the 49ers being so big is that they're very long and Tall so a lot of other expansion cards are usually pretty small like I'll just get an example from over here for example this is a Elgato cam link Pro so this is a capture card with four hdmis and if you're running this in your system like this and you've got this capture card right there it's not even blocking the entirety of the first fan let alone the second two obviously not ideal you wouldn't ideally have them so close but worse come to worse cards that are you sort of pieceo one point you know times one things like this a very small relative to the size of 49s so yeah it's probably going to be okay um but yeah just depends on the size of that card it's like much longer than something like this like it was like that and a bit taller then you start blocking you know multiple fans isn't any more of this cooler stuff um I don't think so I think that's for um other sockets yeah yeah just gonna do a little bit of cable tie work while I'm here and yes some people have mentioned in the chat about you could potentially use the PCI Riser with your sound card being less of a yes all the graphics card I guess latency sensitive issue well yeah probably all right Tim you are really perfected in that cable management no it's not it's not that it's not that I mean to perfect it takes a bit of time it's it's a surprising amount of time and effort that goes into that but um it's looking not too terrible really considering is pretty good you're happy with that Tim I'm pretty happy with that I'm happy with it oh well Bailey's happy such a really all that matters at this point thanks Nelson for your contribution for bailin and his mum appreciate it Nelson okay so oh you know what stuff I just made you put away yeah we need to put the bracket on the bottom I thought so so you know what's going on I have no idea see the plastic I'll get bailing to peel that but you want to make sure top down is Tim yep there you go you want to make sure you take that off and put the AMD stuff in with otherwise your thermals aren't going to be the best there's a bit of a bit of insulation going on yep just peel off there's a little peel tab there actually use the appropriate peel tab please maximum pressure come on go go come on don't stop there you go there we go that is clean there we go how nice is that so if you're wondering about bailin and his family situations skip to the early part of this live stream if you want to get caught up to speed on that I'm not sure if you can do that in a lot can you do that on the live stream Oh I thought so so I thought so yeah potentially but yeah just skip to the front you'll hear our little intro about what this builds for what it's all about don't really want to rehash it too much during this stream but you can skip the start learn about how we are giving all the super chats to Balin and his mum's situation so yeah much appreciate everyone who has uh supported by Lynn and his family through the super chats throughout the stream so far people have been very generous I really appreciate it yeah so do I uh was there like thumb screws you've got fine Springs I reckon Springs and thumb screws are almost the final pieces to this this build puzzle so I think we want to just sort of wiggle it around like that so the pump is in the radiator for this one which sort of solves a lot of the orientation issues yeah you're not going to get people being like Oh game is next to the set that the orientation is all wrong yeah Dan's Nexus don't I was talking about I need four of them right foreign people are just tuned in I'll be like what what's this game as Nexus Roblox drama Sylvie yeah it is probably for hitting the house no yeah I've also you know would actually be handy to be able to hook up your gaming PC to like central heating oh totally it's so handy just hook up my entire studio and all my test systems to central heating SLI heating you got like a 500 watt boost yeah I know people did that with mining rigs but since that's dead it's a bit for some other reason I love how you say that with such Glee oh come on gpus are available now what's not to like all right sorry to all the crypto people out there yeah Tim's like sorry not sorry suckers uh Savage okay peace it is an MSI case Prospect 700R I believe yep that's correct yep that is right yes we are using the MSI z790 carbon Wi-Fi as our motherboard LG 1700 of course the people joining in we've got the core I9 3900k as the CPU MSI is provided here the gaming X Trio RTX 4090 which we'll be putting in yeah the prospect 700R case we've also got the AI 1300p PCA power supply so it's a new ATX 3.0 power supply PCA Gen 5 1300 Watts it's very nice plus we've got the spatium SSD or however you pronounce it I'm pretty sure I'm right Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB ddr5 memory so yeah very high-end system [Music] foreign Douglas actually how many brackets does that it is three Timber monitor question about the 4090 I think it's overkill for an ultra wide no no no no I'm actually looking forward to upgrading my 3090 to a 40 90 so I can max out my monitor especially with new games like playtail Requiem Spiderman's very intensive those it can be CPU limited I'm not I'm not used to I'm gonna do it normally when I get to a graphics card all these things have been removed by Balin yeah I was like why is that not just dropping in has a little protector on boom all right screws don't you hate that one you just did a thing and then they know where to be seen when I put those thumb screws is that them no I think it's them I think so I think it's them Tim's like I'll just let that one sort itself out so balance got nothing going in under the graphics card no so we could install so I think this screw has to come back out with your hunting yes so we're going to give this this is the first time we've used this particular bracket which I don't think is going to fit no doesn't actually fit in this case because because that's like that's another slot there yeah the the MSI board is um in the pcie slot needs to be up one right so sag City for you you can use the supremax um just to build a Lego trick just get a couple Lego bricks stuck them in there um so anyway that's sad that's our first hiccup it is that's surprising that an MSI made well it's just fit in there it will on a different motherboard motherboard on a different MSI mode one of the various motherboards we offer not just just not this one so I am going to um we have to bend the crap out of that I'm gonna well you have to anyway because it hits the panel and baylen's got insurance don't you I'm gonna be upping it that's for sure yeah definitely premium you got that fire extinguisher money from games get an automated system yeah I reckon just keep bending that further and further I mean that's kind of basically how look my test system ones are bent more than that and I've I've I'm I'm not one fire in yet yeah so that should be fine yeah well it's um I'll try and straighten them a bit obviously I've been a little bit brutal with that but anyway it's quite the band that's fine well we are all out of options on that one yeah Tim's menu a little bit of clearance yeah less of a band you can get it up to there yeah you can cramp it further down yeah I kind of want to bend the crap out of it though and see what happens you're um I'd rather not you're you're a guinea pig yeah I am a test system yeah even when you're gaming you're on the job yeah um so we'll put a anti-sag thing there [Music] um we're done do you want to see if it works I'm actually going to go step out for 20 minutes you can deal with that no kidding um I guess we'll just chuck all of that into a box yep people asking did you edit out the thermal paste no I did it people just didn't I was so fast nobody noticed I did it without saying anything I was very stealthy I just put a big line down the middle and chucked the thing on and thought yep Baylor will be right so there was thermal paste on camera but yeah I wasn't sure how many thermal paste related comments we got well should I use this monitor just turn it around towards the camera yeah I mean we can grab another monitor if you want but otherwise we must use that one otherwise you'd have three monitors on the one table sure and they're already 30 inch monitors yeah all right let's um stand it up can I just put this here for a second yep pop this back on and see if I can rebuild it it's um this top panel is quite nice I'm going to move this yeah case over it's out of focus but they'll get the idea I need to upgrade my top mounted camera to jh6 so the autofocus will work beautiful and now I'll do the front which is right here put that in there and oh I think it slots in the bottom first yeah it does so it hooks over the bottom and then pops in you do it's a good thing the doors come off I'm not doing that for dramatic effect it's actually very heavy so we've got a solid metal back door I'll grab a keyboard or Mouse for it so I'm not sure how we'll position everything that you can wear up on that Tim official cable do you want me to grab a keyboard or Mouse yeah yes please all right where do you want to just uh Chuck it in the front somewhere so we can see it yeah I just bring it around the front yep got something like that yeah I'll just leave the cable there I'll I'll go back around so we can have a look at how it's going to look okay yeah we're gonna need to bring it more in like this I'm going to need to shift this thing over a little bit Ah that's all my exercise for the day done there work the top filter restrict exhaust airflow uh no I shouldn't probably a little bit well we can remove it because it doesn't technically need to be there bring the monitor just a little bit further in yeah there we go but we'll optimize all that sort of stuff later let's just see if it if it works if it works because as we found out last live stream this could be another three hours before we get it up and running you did um what do we have to do the original boss was incompatible with the memory so we changed the memory got it working but then we had another problem which was also caused by the bias so we updated the BIOS and then everything worked but I think there was a few steps in between there as well oh that that's right the the motherboard didn't fit in the case that was the first time the case said it had extended ATX support but it didn't support the extended ATX motherboard that we had for the case that was all provided by anyway it was a fun time you've probably plugged in the front USB this over the back yeah we can if you want okay is it all plugged in yes we need to turn the power supply obviously but we've got mono uh monitor mouse keyboard flick the power supply give it life just once it's fine good oh I'm nervous do it okay well guessing the front pedal connector worked yeah I was pretty sure I had it right yeah okay well you want to get that nice airflow yeah it's a bit warm in here what's the ambient like Tim 50. put the aircon on Kendra says great live build hope there is a radio on one next month well YouTube is coming out who knows could do we have a few other people that could do with new computers so yep what's that um it kind of flickers on and off does one of those lines yeah you'll see watch is that just a loading thing I think so effective not sure then it goes away hopefully that's not broken because I'm not pulling the whole computer of how to fix the LCD panel oh I think oh no Mary just needs to warm up oh it's doing some weird banding let's just let it warm up yeah and it turned off it showed something on the screen briefly oh okay well let's just let see nope YouTube focusing on the the screen on the MSI case it doesn't matter that much it's the pump not it doesn't feel overly hot or anything the pump's connected right it showed stuff on the screen saying something about something and then something about something cool I'm glad you got that I couldn't see it from where I was you were the one right next to it not looking at the posting I'm looking at the LCD phone on the top of the coast it looks a bit looks a bit oh okay no it's all right it's all right it was just a booting issue yeah oh yeah it looks fine okay 34 degrees cool that looks good it's probably about 30 degrees in here yeah it's warm um super chat here says remember to only bend the cable 90 degrees from your good friend Jensen so let's pop this in um oh looking good I don't see a giant blurry vegan roof bastard and then I'm just going to squeeze in here to the it's interesting how that Intel motherboard says Expo profile isn't it Expo for AMD and XMP for Intel I wonder if the memory we've been giving us for a and b where's the memory kit the Box yeah that could just be because we haven't actually loaded anything yet but it looks like that's what the profile is on the memory yeah interesting uh yeah it's AMD memory well Elisa supports it in the Bios um hang on I might have another kick one sec it's a good opportunity to test the Expo memory but I mean it's supported in the motherboard like it shows Expo all right well I've got I've got other Corsair 64 gigabyte kits if we need that I designed for Intel yeah yeah so if we have any problems we can change it um I might look at updating the BIOS can you see the screen okay yeah that's just loading the M flash utility hasn't blown up again just the one time and the LCD panel on the case is working correctly yeah now that it's booted up and working and I looked like there were some Mega issues but no dramas entering flash mode so we've got in one of the USB 2 ports and we're going from a version one to 1.1 um they're about 25 days apart so this is the latest boss so it's always especially with a brand new platform it's always a good idea just to put the latest bios on there just can help some stuff like memory compatibility any performance or issues like that they've ironed out generally the first few biases are a bit janky so it'll only take about a minute or two to reflash it I'll walk around so you can hear me properly so this case this is never advised by the way but we don't have hard drives anymore that's fans in the front has fans in the front and it's a mesh front grille so it looks good obviously you can install some software and program those I like how you just like people wondering about power cutting in the thing and you're just moving the case around during the SE days you can reflash biases when they're when they're um dead but that would have been but look I just keep the code for a second time that that would have been good though because we could have done a tutorial on how to save your bios let's do it um in the chat here it said Expo kit on Intel system bios option says I Expo XMP and AMD says bios a XMP yeah yeah so to be Intel specific timings for Expo so it should work fine yeah it should work fine big emphasis on should have you got the top down camera for a sec I'm just going to tilt this episode slightly there we go that's a good angle let's Zoom that sucker and then I'm going to refocus it all right that's pretty good yeah that's just yeah looks good looking nice beautiful now I don't think we can we can't oh we can go through the menus I believe yep so we can we can turn the fans we'll try and make this loud there you go look at that you don't have any Windows support yeah I don't know how audible that is on yeah it'll be audible people were saying they could hear the fans on it yeah okay well do you want to die hang on we'll just wait a minute ago 20. oh the boss is updated we'll come back to that test now when I was getting some b-roll I was having to play around with the case and it's pretty cool yeah it's very cool it's good not having to use like potentially clunky software yeah in Windows yeah all right hopefully it boots back up all right I should load Auto in the bus because there's no operating system installed at this point in time that is to come but I don't think we'll do a Windows install on stream so it's normal that when you flash the bars it does a couple of power Cycles retrains the memory which is the stuff the procedure we went through initially we're now doing all over again what happened don't worry it's working it's just doing a bit of memory training ddr5 stuff so is that memory going to be compatible yep yep yep sweet should do hmm it can be slow it can be quite a thing the first time people were freaking out when am five when as rock and that had like quite long boot times depending on how many memory sticks had it enabled but that's just really it seems to be a ddr5 I think it's not um it's not particularly about an am5 am5 LGA 1200 sorry 1700 same deal given the viewing angle on the LCD panel it's it looks quite good on the screen there because it's on a 45 degree angle yeah Tim could do some um all right so let's turn the fans down so we'll go 20 that's on 20 that's on 20 that's on 20 so remember the settings as I was doing them there's only one I hadn't done so it's noticeably quieter the fan you can hear though may not necessarily be the fans we're adjusting the speed for just yet but that's very cool I mean the microphone to give you guys some idea is like 63 the microphone in the frame yeah it's yeah it's right next to the case so it's probably exaggerating but how cool is that the LCD is pretty compelling on this like like it's pretty pretty cool the fact that you don't need software you don't need to be like so you can do it's got RGB so can we just look at that all RGB is off I think just about is it all off yeah is that Ram so the Rams are lining up but it does all the case stuff so we can do like static um can you pick the color top oh wow so it's not like a it's it's not it's not gimmicky to the point where it's useless so you can check temps see temperatures there that that's there's a temperature sensor in there so I can you could Mount you could Mount that temp sensor under your vrm you could put it behind the CPU socket which gives you pretty accurate CPU temperatures there's a lot of things you can do you can go Fahrenheit if you're that way inclined um which is the correct units thing yeah there's a clock which connects to the MSI Center uh there's a weather app which would connect to the MSI app um screen saver you can put you know photos Okay cool stuff there you've played with this more than me by the sounds of the hardware on box I'll go in there yeah chill for us when you're at home so that's pretty cool that's pretty cool um someone asks you what does memory training actually mean is the motherboard building a file system entry for the memory sticks no it it's just well it's just it's configuring the BIOS with a base configuration that will be stable and work based on the memory that you're using is my understanding of it I haven't really looked into it but I'm pretty certain that's what it's doing so it's just it's working out what settings it needs to load to to work at a base configuration which Speaking of let's um change the camera angle best settings to enable slash disable a new OS install I think these days you can leave most things on defaults are the best settings for doing that yeah the question was best settings to enable slash disable on new OS install um I I mean generally I just load XMP or Expo and go for it just make sure your F TPM or whatever it is is um The Trusted platform module that's working so that you can install Windows 11. apart from that everything else is probably pretty standard so balance already playing with all the uh he loves his RGB yeah if you're wondering what kind of gamer they target with this stuff it's X console game that's actually that's not untrue so yeah this case is for people asking the MSI Prospect 700R it's a very nice case it's very nice expensive though but it is expensive actually I'll grab the the front panel it's very aggressive like it has got a big sort of aggressive angle at the front panels and stuff yeah it's a it's definitely a quality Case now the last time we pulled this stuff off it wasn't um it's still need a little bit of a a wipe down with a microfiber cloth yeah sorry if I'm blocking the camera here people and as we said before it's got magnetic doors but they also have Clips so if you move the case they never come undone which is a really nice really important feature yeah if I scratch that plastic up so we're loaded with the memory profile we have the latest bias installed we have good ambient temperatures um but I think we'll probably leave it there rather than install Windows and do testing all that so by default um this actually hasn't asked us what what uh so by default on this motherboard the it is running without any power limits so that is the default configuration as you guys have seen we've just we've loaded into the bias twice once with the original shipped blast once and and now again with the latest boss and by default both times it has configured our core I9 1300k without any power limits and this is the default out of the box configuration for basically all Z series motherboards whether it be z690 or z790 we're using a z790 here now a quick and easy way on the gigabyte boards to change this is to go down to the GPU sorry MSI board on the MSI model I've just said like six things wrong in a row of getting tired here we just did a couple of hours of Q and A's before this the MSI Motherboard down to the CPU cooler tuning that is the pl1 which is basically unlimited using on the water cooler mode now you can go to 288 Watts with the tower air cooler or the Box cooler is 250 which is laughably high for any box cooler I'm aware of but the Box cooler is probably if if you're a gamer that's probably a good option um having said that you know if you don't mind it running hot then it doesn't really matter too much sorry but that's probably more an optimal setting but that's something we'll play around with later and maybe do some content around that um but yeah cool so well it works that is a plus it works it works it looks well that's all we can say at this point in time yeah but we will what would you want to move the monitor back out of the way is there any questions we need to address Tim or is it no Super Chat lately but obviously lots of people are just chatting away as usual oh yeah they love to chat away as usual I'll move this into the middle what angle should I put this on a nice angle so you can see our streaming configuration more like that yeah that's good there yeah is that showing the stream key and everything well you can't see the stream I'm just teasing I'm just teasing all right I've got the Corsair keyboard so we've got to get that Corsair money just make sure they can see that and the Logitech money that's a lot to take them out yep good uh do we want to have comments monitor back running as a comments monitor uh ah yeah okay if you want I don't mind as well how long I've been going for how an hour and 50 minutes this is the cable by the way yeah you'll need that do you want me to go around yeah go around hour and 50 minutes okay that was pretty efficient well we can you can have a break if you want Baylor up to you if you want to just stretch your legs and yeah I'll just walked through part of the camera so bad guys um but yeah the LED lights on your eyes after a long time yeah they get tiring yeah yeah I'm getting a bit of a forehead um headache like yeah right yes anyway enough about my issues so yeah we'll just do some Q A's for the rest of the rest of the live streams if you've got any questions we've got this working first time and wow yeah aren't you being that looks pretty cool especially on the cooler like that the k63 is a great keyboard I love it for gaming but the wireless function on it is janky as hell um so I basically have it wired the whole time and that kind of solves that problem I would still recommend it because I do really like that keyboard it's one of my favorite keyboards for gaming on but yeah the Wi-Fi feature is janky as hell yes not bad not bad I want to see how fast it installs Windows um it'd be fairly regular Windows install speed but we won't you know we won't settle that up valence personal configuration on stream and we're not going to get into benchmarking and doing all that now um maybe that's something we could we could bring it back for and do a another live stream at some point but we've also got to do our patreon of float plane live stream after this and then Tim still has to drive about two and a half hours three hours home so I don't mind doing that I'm probably only living about the same time as usual but yeah if you're a patreon play member once this stream's done before we take a short break and then we'll be into our patreon live stream so if you want to we'll be chatting about you know the latest that's why that's why we really relax very relaxed um no that'll be good but yeah uh is the screen on the case 4K 144 Hertz surely surely it is but it is it's not complete garbage the viewing angles on it are good um the touch stuff works well and it you know it's not show I we haven't put any like high resolution or high quality imagery on it but that serves the purpose but I get that I get that it was a joke we need to get Tim a private helicopter yes please if someone wants to fund me a private helicopter I am all for that with a pilot because obviously I can't fly a helicopter pretty quickly yeah yeah probably would probably would I say those things are pretty easy to fly yeah Tim's like give me a week he's flown them on uh what is it Farming Simulator done some crop dusting in your chopper I have not but I believe that if they added helicopters to flight simulator yet or not because I can fly planes in the game but helicopters that's basically the same thing as real life I've I've heard it's an action yes especially when you hit all the buttons on the cockpit that are like disabled not functional you know it's really realistic in that way and the respawn yeah um Can the screenplay gifs I think so but it can Okay can Bailon Balon who's our resident uh expert on the LCD screen we should have got an MSI representative online uh any plans to include dxvk results in GPU benchmarks card like cards like the a770 seem to benefit quite a bit so yeah dxvk is the DirectX to Vulcan transformation library or whatever it's called so if you're running on platforms like Linux that don't support DirectX theoretically you can use dxvk to you know transform it over to Vulcan and get it running um probably not something that you would Benchmark too much I would wouldn't imagine it's probably more like a well it may benefit something like an a770 it's like you'd have to do that content for that product and DirectX tends to work perfectly fine on AMD and Nvidia gpus but you know if we were covering like Linux gaming or something like that then a feature like that I think would be yeah look I don't think there's too much a770 Arc GPU content lined up maybe in six months or so we might do like a driver update investigation see where performance is at whenever we do big gaming benchmarks those gpus will be included so you'll see that uh the results there but yeah not too much interest in those and they're pretty difficult to buy at this point in time so it'd be content that would only be uh you know useful uh to a select few of you whereas ongoing driver support would be probably interesting to all of you to sort of see how the program's developing there but really testing drivers inside of six months probably isn't super useful yeah yeah we'll test xcss on the a770 in the next week or so so you will see the sort of Intel versus non-intel platforms running xcss on the channel but yeah as far as like performance testing it doesn't sound like you have much planned there yeah yes is the LCD control here only working with specific types of case fans you assume it would work with most uh it's just got a yeah it's got a well as long as they're four pin which has got a fan controller in there which I've plugged uh the AIO fans into um and yeah you can control all your fans it's a just a Fan Hub essentially a fan controller with a with just a you know a run-of-the-mill touch screen LCD just standard stuff it is quite impressive it's quite cool I mean to be fair the old school dials used to do the same thing but not nearly as sleek thanks Ellie or Eli Ellie for the Super Chat yes thank you very much they're very much appreciated so I'm actually a bit excited to um once we've done the patreon live stream I'll set this up for Valen get it all going I've bought Modern Warfare 2 so I'll give him access to my account and um go home and it's gonna be fun yeah yep play some games and then maybe we'll um we'll game tomorrow night or something we'll definitely game what is today Friday night um we'll definitely game then yeah so I heard the visuals in Modern Warfare 2 are pretty impressive it does look like a campaign it does look good yeah I haven't like you know people are asking when are we doing a GPU comparison or something like that tough it's been tough lately guys um it comes with the new war zone as well is that right I'm not up to date with Call of Duty for like the last decade that's right it does because it is war zone two well I think Warzone 2 is free to play free to play so it doesn't yeah you don't need it yeah but it's like it launched at the same time yeah I believe so and it has a normal multiplayer mode as well this is how out of data I'm on Call of Duty yeah it does yeah right yeah yeah interesting like by normal you just mean a frag respawn Fest type thing with you I mean like definitely yeah the old school uh stuff yeah I know I I haven't had much of a chance to to get into it I was just doing that this morning so probably if we weren't doing this today I probably would have been messing around with a bit of war zone um I'm doing some a lot of uh benchmarking as well as usual um which we talk about in The Q a looking at like the 3600k the 12 600k the 50 hour X3 the 5600x and the 7600x all using various memory configurations so not just the best sort of memory you can get out for out of the box performance but also stuff like um Sweet Spot memory so how do they compare it in terms of cost per frame using Sweet Spot memory and then we'll account for various you know motherboards B series boards like kind of stuff so it'll be a really in-depth value analysis of all those sort of mid-range-ish type gaming CPUs or CPUs that are often used for gamers so that content hopefully will be coming um only be a few days away at this point I'm well into the testing but anyway that's stuff we are working on will there be a review on that case I'm planning to buy that case I'm not sure how good the airflow is you'll probably have to ask the airflow without doing a review airflow seems no seriously though um it's I can feel tons of Air B like it's cooling my hand putting my hand there like there's loads of I know it's not very scientific but there is plenty of airflow going through this that's the testing quality we love that Hardware on box it um has a has a quite a large mesh opening um so yeah sucks plenty of air through there I I would say that Gamers Nexus would find this to have excellent airflow plenty of air coming up the top and the fan at the back is pushing it all out so I don't think that you could also have side fans um as well so you can have six intake fans or oh yeah there's like a little air channel that runs through yeah I think you could even remove that um but anywho I think when it comes to airflow it's pretty safe to say this case is good I think the only concern really is the price so do you want stuff like the LCD panel again the magnetic doors that also clip into place are really good they're quite what am I hitting keyboard Ah that's fine we can hit the keyboard all day so they lift out you can remove them and reinstall them easily and then when you close them they clip in nicely and the advantage of that is I believe we haven't had this problem yet it'd be funny if these fall open when you move the case which I'm doing gently because it's running the door doesn't open which happens on most magnetic doors yeah balance sweating every time I move his computer more that way more yeah so we have less streaming PC screen and more RGB goodness top top right corner of the case but if I go further it starts to show your shelves yep there we go um so yeah I think it's a I think it's a it's a really good case to build with um really nice build quality excellent Cable Management pretty effortless on that front I like the doors I like the look of it I do like the LCD panel it's it's not gimmicky I find I think it's quite high quality how often you want to change the speed of your fans manually like that you know hard to say and I I think it genuinely it looks good from all angles the back looks good top the back side the glass panel but yeah we're not case reviewers so I'd be I'd be trying to twist uh long hair Steve's arm on that one get Gamer's Nexus to look at it and I think that'd give you the final verdict but I yeah I think they'd find the airflow good pulling some lightest energy moving that PC yeah yeah I've been trying to avoid the line of centers you know I had the graphics card out before I was balancing it on the case the 49 while I was trying to maneuver 249s around the same time which no no single person should ever attempt but we got away with it how much room for a custom Loop um I would say a fair bit of room I believe the EK has made a uh bloody what's it called block um my brain's not working uh like a exchange plate monoblock thing I don't know what you're looking for my brain's not working someone in Channel someone in chat will um correct me on that but it's an EK um dish distribution plate oh God I nearly got a migraine trying to sometimes things just don't pop in your head when you need them to yeah a distro there's a dishy plate that goes in there so that I don't know people like those but anyway you can put plenty of water cooling stuff in there yeah I don't know what Michael's on about but it's Michael Hammond so it'll be good I said something um yeah distribution block yeah so the guys are on to it now you just have whenever I whenever we get stuck we have to pause wait 30 seconds we'll get the information see look at it all coming in now Legends yeah good work guys um but yeah I got there there's a bit of a latency of about 20 seconds before my brain ticked over I'm interested in seeing how much the GPU is sagging I don't think at all really I think it's sagging really much at all yeah have you got a spirit level do you want me to go grab one um without the GPU support bracket hang on a second it's a shame that doesn't fit in there with it yeah but that's just the motherboard my little choice visually it looks better without having the support bracket but you need it because it's so big exactly that support bracket I reckon would look pretty cool this one in my opinion this is the supremax the premium one and I'm sorry MSI but I think this thing sucks I think um gigabytes option which a lot of people didn't agree with me so actually what one said white ones there yeah in my review of the tough gaming 49 which I think is a very good 490 but I think this solution is this showing up Tim yeah the um the pillar of support I think this is a pretty crap solution so you undo that that pops up and adjusts to the height of your card it's got a screwdriver in it for some reason um but we're gonna need to remove one of your hands to be able to see yeah that's good it's got It's got a screwdriver so the pillar of support which I think is a bit garbage it's nice high quality aluminum but it's garbage for this doesn't even fit well I suppose maybe you could get the back plate but the back Plate's thin aluminum how much pressure do you want to place on that to lift the card up I'll wait to the card probably not and also that's a Suicide Solution right that's the services also that's a bit janky it's magnetic this is plastic so the magnet's not even working so here it doesn't do anything it'll attach there nicely but it doesn't fit under the car so it's lower setting admittedly this is an MSI card but if you put the tough gaming here you run into the same problem it doesn't actually do anything so that's useless whereas the gigabyte solution which goes back to the motherboard this would be in the way in this case I think but you can remove that so this is msi's supreme X version so you have to have a giant pole in there and it kind of like leans forward as well like the cards I know the card's powered up at the moment so I'm probably gentle to it so that's there you go that's not but yeah you have to have a giant pole in there the length of the poles a bit ridiculous as well like does anyone need the GPU to be supported up to their case like that was my argument you have to have a really big case or a Dremel so anyway yeah yeah that's the um I feel like the Lego is the way to go I reckon you could probably Chuck in position or something and it's always Lego with this guy how much Lego money does he get yeah a decent amount a flagpole mod what do you think about the 16 pin adapters melting we've talked about this a few times already um Tim and I are waiting for a bit more evidence before we do a well we've talked about in the Q a um but we need a bit more evidence a bit more information before drawing any conclusions or you know to avoid jumping to any conclusions yeah could just be a matter of some defective connectors who knows um out of the countless 49ers they've already sold we've only got a few examples of things going wrong and yeah but it's concerning for sure we don't want to downplay it but yeah more information required before we certainly wouldn't make a dedicated video jumping up and down about it based on the evidence at this point in time I think it's fair to say yep um I'm not sure it'll be as ridiculous as the poscap thing turned out to be for the GeForce 30 series where people were convinced that the capacitors on the backside of the car determine whether it was good or not it just turns out it was a bug in the drivers that they solved in the way we went so we'll have to see how that one turns out best how many 490 cards come with anti-sag stands um anti-sag measures I believe all of them come with some something that to um tackle it as for like stands like the Supreme X well we saw the tough gaming one uh I think the colorful Vulcan that I looked at had a a crappy stand thing like the Supreme X so far the only good solution we've seen has been the gaming I received from gigabyte I liked that but again that would struggle to work in this case yeah you'd have to remove that back panel so it could be done uh and then some motherboards it may have compatibility problems with if the USB 3 ports aren't at a you know right angle uh and then the MSI gaming X Trio the two base models we've looked at the gaming X Trio has this which I think looks pretty good which I think is a pretty it should work pretty well it should it won't be as robust as the other designs but this should work well if you can fit it in the case which we couldn't because the PCI Express times 16 slot is one slot down the primary there's two m.2 slots above it so this doesn't fit a bit of a buzz kill so yeah we'll have to test this in a different case yep there's some weird flashing for its rgbase bailand did you change something no I didn't change anything I think it maybe goes like it Cycles through like you know after a while we're not at some sort of alert status yeah breathing it's cool all right fine all right well the uh the connector and this one hasn't burnt up at idle yet thanks balen I know that people don't get in the RGB though the people love RGB as much as you they just won't admit it oh that's good that's really good Balin coming from console is the two things that Solomon PCS were high refresh rate gaming and RGB lights yeah the refresh rate definitely um yeah I remember you came to me and you were like so what's it like gaming at 144hz because what's console like for the most part 60 yeah yeah best case yeah so yeah I can't remember what game it was but I got you on old game 144 and Bala was like wow yeah I can't go back now especially FPS games there are people that are adamant that there is no difference between 144 Hertz and 60 hertz no well that can't be true and some people claim that they've tried a 144hz panel and it was no different to 60 hertz and I maintain that Windows was set to 60 hertz where in our con in the comments section of our content they've tried one to 44 Hertz and it's a gimmick it's no smoother than 60. and I can't fathom that but only the only explanation is a they're trolling which is a really lame troll that no one cares about or B they used a 144hz monitor with it set to 60 hertz they just assumed that it would just automatically change I don't know that's all I've got on it for you on that one yeah I mean you have to be really unobservant to not notice the difference especially if you went backwards like if you went sometimes increasing the refresh rate you're like yeah but when you go back it tends to be much more noticeable if those people have gone 60 to 144 and they're like um okay you get used to it quickly and then you go back to 60. those people should be like that's really slow it's it's jarring it's it's really bad um seriously what is the difference between 190 FPS and 290 FPS just basically input really so yeah for playing shadow of the Tomb Raider Assassin's Creed no real difference but if you're playing a Call of Duty type game an apex Legend you know a battle royale a multiplayer competitive game and you will notice the difference yeah and it should be clearer visually for fast motion and that's because flick shots and stuff are definitely easier to hit yeah it's because monitors when they're running at a higher refresh rate so I'm assuming here you're running at 290 FPS on a monitor that can support that you even notice it at like 140 though yeah I mean that's from the latency benefit yeah it has a supported monitor as well you get the visual benefit where it's showing you more frames so as your eyes are tracking things on the screen there's more samples being shown so things are less blurry so typically if you're on a higher refresh rate monitor and say you're in a game where there's lots of text like things written on Textures or whatever and you're moving around really quickly 240 hertz you can definitely notice the difference visually too yeah so yeah just be smoother again so it'll be smoother clearer visuals I think when you start going like 140 to 165 it becomes a bit indistinguishable yeah like again the latency you'll notice it a little bit but the visual will be less obvious but when you sort of start doing big increments that's when you'll notice of the yeah smoothness I thought the upgrade from 144 to 360 Hertz was massive like it it felt I still want a game changing different you need to give me one 360 Hertz being very accustomed to 144 360 felt like a like the mouse was instantly moving on screen to a degree that even 240Hz didn't really well if you just just in Windows on the desktop if you set it to 60 hertz the ghosting effect is impressive yeah and then 30 Hertz it's like not even following you it's like it's like a time delay a very obvious one and then 144 when you move the mouse around there's still quite a large amount of trailing so imagine 360 would really get rid of that which is what you want when you're using your mouse to Target enemies and stuff I think Windows adds in some of those Trails but yeah yeah well you can't it's it's noticeably less with 144. is HDMI or DisplayPort connection best for gaming I don't think it matters too much to provided your monitors can run at the maximum refresh over HDMI I prefer to use DisplayPort I think most PC Gamers would prefer to use DisplayPort just because it's high bandwidth generally um I just think it works better I think it works better it's like it's got HDMI is some weird settings at times like scaling and that DisplayPort tends to be more straightforward Plug and Play type stuff but again depends like yep depends what you've got available to you but yeah I primarily use DisplayPort whenever available yeah identify as well there's DisplayPort tends to work over lower quality cables it's more likely to work on a lower quality cable whereas HDMI doing like 4K 60 on a terrible quality cable it just does not work yeah yeah tends to work especially if the cable's short yeah the mouse trailing thing you can definitely turn that as a feature but that it's very obvious it's like it's yeah this is more yeah frame Trails rather than yeah anyway hypothetically if you could choose your personal end game monitor what are all the specs you'd require to make that in-game classification big question you're probably fine with what you've got at the moment yeah um I think a thousand Hertz would be nice just just a casual thousand because a thousand Hertz would give you the benefits of backlight strobing without needing to use backlight strobing so everything would seem super clear even on a sample and hold monitor would be awesome Yep um obviously then plus like high resolution HDR all that stuff yep so probably you know I don't know four or five decades away from something like that you're at a game then yeah you'll be old enough to enjoy it as well yeah I'll be in five decades I'll be seven almost 80. yeah so it'll be peaking in terms of reflexes absolutely peaking um Power unbox I still can't buy MSI Supreme x49 he didn't get it day one now couldn't get it at all with Nvidia throttling Supply I Wanna Cry um basically they were popular they were pretty much I think we said they were always going to sell out and be difficult to get for at least two weeks probably a month we're sort of expecting in a month or so you'll be able to get one whenever you want but you know we can't guarantee that was certainly more popular than we were expecting it to be uh but yeah you can buy them in Australia actually so it depends on your region yeah it seems like again don't know how accurate this is because I haven't done a lot of verification or whatever but it sounds like nvidia's planning at the moment more for this launch of the 4080 16 gig card so you know they've done the 4090 obviously that's their next big release so it sounds like that card sort of the supply allocations going there so we'll have to wait and see what happens beyond that that's launching on November 16 so still a few weeks away from that we'll see what happens with the 4090 after that where the allocation goes for making Supply and stuff obviously the die is actually different between the 49 and the 40 80 16. so or should we just call it the 4080 now that they canceled yes the 48 or the X4 yeah yeah so the 48 uses a different diet but it sounds like you know they're planning for that launch mostly and then we'll see what happens with the 49er Supply so hopefully it's not too bad but yeah they had a lot more Supply than the 309e launch and sounds like it was in demand but obviously there's still scalpers out there trying to like you know be opportunists you know try and capitalize on this but yeah um what is the DeWalt screwdriver you have there I think I might get one it is the DCF 680. I don't know if it's the latest um gyroscopic screwdriver but that's what it is what else we got here Baylor which GPU is the best one in your opinion ones that are available um are you talking about best 49s your best GPU well it depends on your budget unlimited budget you probably would be going to 40 90 I would have thought other cards well the 490 is certainly the best right now that's for sure but it's uh not cheap and also in many regions difficult to buy um there was a question up a little bit but yeah it doesn't matter yes oh this guy asked this question before that we missed is it okay to connect a motherboard placed on top of its box to a power supply and then flash it outside of case and just um I know well I mean mother booting motherboards on boxes have been done since the beginning of time so you can certainly do it whether it's the safest and best way to go about it probably on some sort of anti-static foam or anti-static bag would probably be the best way to do it uh but I think the box is probably pretty safe but I I'm certainly not recommending you do that I just know it's been done you know there's plenty of overclockers out there that their main case is a box so you can see using my test system on a box at the moment oh my God no wonder your results are all over the place you're absolute shambles over at Tim's Studio send him some money so they can upgrade to a case please um yeah no I will I use um I use cases traditionally for my computers buildzoid always shakes his head at me when I put stuff in a case but anyway can I get this PC please well I'm glad you asked that question because if you go over to PC case you'd probably want to be an Australian to do this PC case gear will make you this exact system they'll make you the bailin ultimate gaming PC so if you go to PC case gear their website I believe this system's possibly already there but if it will be at some point if it's not yet they will still make you the Balin gaming PC and if you'd rather have a different motherboard or a different graphics card um or a different anything they can also accommodate that with their pre-built system stuff so PC case gear did help with this and we've sort of done this in conjunction with them and yeah if you want a really high quality uh built pre-built PC that would be even neater and nicer than what I've done here go to them because they do they do take their time and they do a really good job we've had a few of their pre-built in before and they've got a very high rating and stuff like that on uh on Google reviews and whatnot but they do a good job and if you go over their website click on their pre-built you'll get all the information you need and they do back to base warranty and all that stuff as well is the guy in the middle standing on a milk crate or is he actually taller um I've got a huge I'll just hop down from it there we go that's better Hey guys does this look right I'll just hop back on actually oh it's better I've been dubbed bowling now Ballin With A basketball how many Viva La dirt League jokes have been in the chat by the way there's got to have been a couple of issues if there's if I scroll back through here and there's not it's a good day for fishing her I am I'm gonna be so angry I am oh the worst part is is when I came in here I didn't actually know dirt League I'm I'm doing these Viva La dirt League jokes and balance like I have no idea is it gonna be like this all the time I quickly did some research yeah I made him watch um what was it bailon's route yeah yeah very good stuff so we've got actually here we go anyway I should get you one of these and stick it to the case if you fit under the GPU that would have been perfect he might sit next to it he would probably fit next to it I love all the stuff we're doing now this can be actually I'll just put it here while it's running I want to he'll get melted sandals now forget about power connectors that's awesome personalized yep those bailins are out balance gaming Beast I don't mind fishing too so actually yeah you love fishing as well so that's all born and didn't read the rest of my question oh no scroll back to him I see no bail and PC on PC case gear yeah yeah it's probably they're probably um getting parts and and listing it but basically you can order the Balin PC from PC case gear um possibly available tomorrow or whatever but there's a link it's not up there yet no no it's not there yet but if you want the bailin gaming PC from PC case gear they can facilitate that uh it may be a bit tight with 490 Supply at the moment I know they're getting some of these gpus in so they can make this specific system so anyway if you want it pck skier will offer it to you um Christmas present maybe by the end of the month yeah it might be some more in yep if you like this case and you want to change the parts in it again they can do all that for you if you're an oil Baron and you give people this as Christmas gifts yeah get two 49ers yeah have one horizontally and vertically yeah yeah and you could even sit one on top like you could although that said the vertical mounting in here now you could do this you could have like just a showpiece glue it down yeah yeah yeah of course I reckon put it this way and then stack them up so if you had like four or five 49s you could make a tower you could do like a Jenga type yeah or like Domino's you could do like a Domino's yeah stand him up all the people we've just triggered yeah we should stop live streaming before we trigger more of our subscribers more fire comments yeah no I wouldn't be worried about the connector until the don't say anything officially no we don't know we don't know um but yeah moving on we don't know but we're willing to risk bailing it's only my house it's fine you'll make it out I'm sure he knows I've got another one of these cases yeah I wouldn't be surprised if the paddle goes missing and he has a backup hey Steve did you cop any floods no I live on a hill thankfully so we just caught wind but no flooding here um all good but yeah it's um it's pretty devastating and horrific for all the people that have suffered from the flooding which has been widespread in Australia yeah pretty full-on yeah a bit more out my way but not not affecting me personally but a few towns around our place that have been not going too well from the floods slow sandbagging efforts and stuff been going on obviously basically like shepparton and stuff being here pretty yeah definitely done yeah no sucks big time um I hope you have an air conditioning available and I can crack a window I'll crack a window just gaming off the windows do you have aircon to run something like this yeah not in a specific room I'll be running it in but I'm sure I can get Pedestal Fans yeah I open the door and put a fan yeah fine yeah that's the old trick right power limited to like 40 Watts you'll be fine there'll be enough to play fortnite that's what you get these people um you can at least cut you can cut the 40 90s Power in half and it will run pretty well still yeah very very well is the 5800x 3D at 300 a deal at this point 300 um that's a really good deal that's a really really good deal because you can get yourself a very cheap am4 motherboard and that thing will scream on it that's a that's a stellar deal I've never been referred to as Lionel Messi before if that's who they're talking about well that's random they're talking about one of us and I'm yeah someone says wait Lionel Messi is building PC now let me get it I know vaguely what he looks like I didn't think he would that looks more like Steve yeah that's my athletic build actually so thank you well thank you um I saw another question in here somewhere how you said no giveaway please um pcie slots Maybe revised do you guys think we're at the point where pcie slots need to be written particularly I don't think so there's not much that could be done that could realistically reinforce gpus of this size from the motherboard it really needs to have something reinforcing it on the other side like which is why most of these you know support brackets yeah I mean if you're in front of the case at the bottom if basically if you've got a a a like a a workshop Vice yeah and then put it's sideways and clamped the pcie slot in the Vise it would just snap the PCB and the car to fall to the ground so like well I get the pcie slots can be damaged making them stronger just moves to the next weakest link which is the pcie connector so that part of the card would just snap off if this isn't supporting it correctly which it would so the SAG mostly occurs at this end of the card but anyway that's as Tim says that's not really the solution the solution would be to make the cards not gigantically oh yeah L-shaped motherboards so if the motherboard goes like that then you can just let them just native vertical gpus it's a perfect idea that I can't change a new mother change the motherboard format to the L-shaped that is the perfect idea it's a great idea no flaws now pay me royalties for that thanks yeah yeah because I'm starting a new ATX form factor as a piece of cake yeah people love new form factors which is why things like the power connector's gone really well why that Intel um spec with all this stuff on the motherboard's gone super well Hub Hub mod mats and screwdriver when well you can buy the harbor unboxed mod mat officially approved version at GN store we we highly recommend you do that and we also really like the um Harbor unbox screwdriver which isn't available yet but you can get that at the LTT store so I recommend heading over there if you want one of the hardware unboxed screwdrivers The Limited blue Edition may come into the store at some point but we do offer a nice orange version and a blacked out version so check them out LTT store Linus better pay me this time I'll be very upset if he doesn't yeah left to hook up some deals there yeah yeah we line us come on I didn't drop that 49er to steal your crown has he dropped any 49ers yet no he has to have they've been out for so long now he's dropped at least two by this fight yeah just bound to have yeah we're coming up to streaming for two and a half hours we should probably get on with that yeah getting onto our patreon and float plane yeah the build's been done for a while um we're not going to go any further as I've said um we'll we'll do our patreon flight plan live stream then we'll put Windows on either Balin uh and a couple of games and send him on his merry away exciting yeah it's been good good fun so yeah awesome um thanks to everyone who did uh contribute in the super chats that means a lot you're welcome um yeah half of all the guys that did thanks uh PC case yeah everyone MSI good yourself and video yep yeah that was good to see all the support from the community so it's nice and they've got their super chats in so it's a sort of a win-win yeah um so much appreciated we'll give that to um balen in advance thanks you are welcome and thanks for all your hard work because as we said if you missed the start Baylen has been a trooper for us this year Tim had a new studio build and I had to drive out to Jim's Place which is like a five six hour round trip take all the tools out there um there's probably nothing on the main Channel but we did a massive framing job a huge area for his new studio mega mega undertaking and balen came every single time a few times as a roommate don't come you've done so much work he's like no no I'm coming to help and it was hard work like we put up 400 kilos of Steel above our heads and endless amounts of Timber and we spent probably 10 days all up 10 full days like from the crack of dawn to well after Sundown and there's a big mission and Balaam was there every step of the way it was good fun too too though so it was good he um nearly broke his thumb cut a finger open yeah out of all out of all of us you're the professional basically my neighbor and you've done a bit before myself the most yeah you did a few good injuries but you pushed through them um so that was impressive to see and then during this latest um you know push of products we've been run off our feet and bailon's been in here all day filming and making sure we got plenty of b-roll and doing all the editing and making sure the graphs are all highlighted and stuff like that so you've hurt yourself this computer thank you very much voice and um yeah yeah thanks for the help on the studio to be much appreciated that's cool it's good yeah it was good fun so yeah now Tim's just got a good little Grinders get modest's unboxing going again I see this unboxing we'll be back in a few days yes those are you coming very soon on pg4c uq you'll see that online it's unboxed yeah so if anyone was wondering why monos is unboxed has been a little bit dead for the last two months basically what happened is I got the I got the pg4 to uq and I was like I've got no space to test this this is the next thing we're building in the studio and now and so I was like I'll just build a new studio did that now it's all done they can go nuts and go testing so monitors unboxed will be revived later this week and there'll be weekly content at the very least from this point forward yep yep awesome sweet thanks everyone for watching this live stream especially watch the whole stream to the end much appreciate everyone MVP sound for the whole thing and of course all the people watching on the replay as well thanks for watching thanks guys thank you see you later see you next time who
Channel: Hardware Unboxed
Views: 247,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardware unboxed
Id: s8PE6XQd1qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 35sec (9155 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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