This Ugly PC will BLOW YOUR MIND - All Noctua Gaming PC

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omg a two fan gpu finally [Applause] gpu makers what are you doing it's the same thing every generation massive carefully designed heat sinks and then you go and ruin it by slapping these dinky three dollar fans on them to try and keep everything cool you might not realize it but those fans are one of the most common points of failure on a graphics card and with most of them either too difficult to take apart or impossible to find replacements for a lot of the time your only options are to throw the graphics card away or rip the whole shroud off and zip tie on whatever fans you've got lying around well noctua must have been paying attention because they did basically that with the help of asus they came together to create the ultimate rtx 30 series cards and they're glorious so what better way to celebrate them than by building the all knock to a gaming pc so hop on board baby next up brown town wait next stop this message from our sponsor pdq take patch management off your plate by automating it pdq can keep your machines patched and up to date automatically giving you time to do more important things like watching ltt start your free trial at linus [Music] it's no secret that here at ltt we are giant enthusiasts of noctua products you'll find them in just about every machine we build here at the office and if our staff aren't going for an rgb look at home you can bet that they're using noctua products for their zero compromises approach to performance and reliability and it's with zero compromises in mind that we began our knock to a pc by finding an excuse to use the biggest fan they officially offer this 200 millimeter absolute unit of a cooling fan there aren't actually a ton of cases out there that support this size even then you have to be careful because this fan is 30 millimeters thick that is five more millimeters than the standard 25 we're gonna have this and everything that we've used linked in the video description below so just because a case comes with 200 millimeter fan support from the factory does not mean that it will support noctuas as replacements looking at you lee and lee now obviously a plain black case on its own wasn't good enough for a machine like this so we had our resident da vinci work his magic with the paint booth and wow does this ever look amazing shout out nicholas for really pushing this build to the next level look at this we've even got noctua themed back pci covers i just realized i never actually named the case we selected it's the master box h500 argb from cooler master and the reason we chose it aside from it fitting our 200 millimeter fans is that this build is all about performance and airflow and it certainly has that with a full mesh front panel that supports not just one but two of our 200 millimeter fans look at that isn't that incredible and a large top vent complete with magnetic fan filter that supports another two 140 millimeter fans and finally a single 120 millimeter exhaust at the back the process for installing these is a little fun you got to pop the pop the front panel off just like that you got this nice little mesh dome actually love this from an airflow perspective and then this bad boy is going to be an intake for us and it's going to go a little something like fan cable through oh my god how are we going to get this fan cable through here i guess like that wow yup that's gonna take up the whole space all right we're gonna use noctua's cool little silicone vibration isolators to install our fans so you just pop one of these bad boys through a little something like this a little tedious but does that look freaking amazing or what it's a giant wall of cooling performance you simply cannot put anything in here that is not getting a blast of fresh air my one regret is not enough knock to a fence thankfully we have more oh that's not an nfa 14 but that's okay because this is a 120 mil for the back oh my god it's been so long since i've used these i forgot how you're supposed to install them you put the silicone things in the fan first oh shoot i need another one oh so dumb yeah they're all in wrong oh my god i had a brain brown fart moment here i totally installed these wrong it's been so long since i've used these i normally just use screws you put the long side into the fan like i did but you don't do it through the case that's what this little notch right here is for that's where the case sits so for those of you who were head desking up until this point in the video i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm fixing it so then you oh wow these holes are really tight okay it went it went boy was that ever a tight fit look at that vibration isolating goodness look at all that play it's a good thing maybe there were people out there screeching that it's supposed to go case side first when i did it the last time i don't know guys i just used screws so that i can talk about our screwdriver not yet soon yes got it all right now i have to line up four things at once instead of one at a time and they're all floopzy it's like getting a flaccid thing into a tight thing you know a knock to a cable extensions all right let's put this back fan in yeah with properly sized holes this is a fair bit easier boom done look at that installed this is glorious i don't even want to cut off the little nubbins i say we keep them yeah you can't even see the our case wasn't the only piece that needed the knock noctua treatment though and our motherboard gave us plenty of opportunities to add color accents x570 boards in general and our tough series from asus is no exception often include active cooling for the chipset giving us a perfect opportunity to replace that generic little whiny fan with one from noctua so to begin our operation we put our baby little 40 by 10 millimeter noctua under the knife removing everything but the impeller and the fan blades themselves unfortunately the heatsink shroud around the stock fan didn't really accommodate our thicker noctua replacement which necessitated some overly precise tormach action to make it fit but you can see how well it turned out enjoy it while you can though because by the time the build is done you won't be able to see it anymore oh boy well that's not gonna help turns out they do still need me for something oh i guess we went with a one terabyte wd blue because it didn't matter what we chose because it's under a heat sink if i was to choose an m.2 for this build based on the overall theme of reliability i would probably go with something from samsung we don't have any experience with wd blues dying in particular but based on the numbers out of puget samsung makes shockingly reliable ssds so there's just a degree of trust there that i don't necessarily have for this particular drive on the subject of things you won't be able to see when we're done there was no way we were going to be satisfied with any old power supply so knowing that alex had already taken apart this ax 1600i from corsair we thought it would be the perfect candidate for a little noctua operation a little snip of the cables followed by some solder action and the end result looks pretty darn near factory under this painted fan grill not bad right i think we could have gone well okay there's some there's some problems but they're cosmetic they're cosmetic okay the good thing we replaced it too because this fan ends up spinning up to its highest rpm during boot and the factory corsair unit in my opinion unacceptably loud easily the most noticeable one in the system though in fairness to corsair it would have immediately spun down to like zero okay one thumb screw later power supply shroud comes off it's actually a very easy case to work in very standard oh this feels so wrong i guess it doesn't really matter because we wouldn't see the fan anyway it's covered in this shroud but okay we'll know it's there brandon this is what i was thinking when i lost my train of thought corsair used to include and apparently still does little magnetic replacements for the labels look at that clean now we are still going to cover it though little pro building tip if you want to save yourself some hassle later you can pre-install your modular cables on the motherboard and then run these as you're installing the board rather than once you've already put heat sinks and everything on here and it's real difficult to get at them couple other things we should probably install on the motherboard before going any further we've got an amd ryzen 7 5800 x3d it may only have eight cores but damn it it uses their 3d v cache and is the fastest gaming cpu in their lineup we'll get that boy popped in there and we've actually got a second ssd this is the one you guys are meant to believe we're booting off of but it's mostly just for show this is a corsair mp600 ssd so not even like top of the line anymore but we just liked it because we could put it here and put a little knock to a fan on it and plug it in like there unfortunately there's nothing knocked too well about our 64 gig kit of 3 600 mega transfer per second crucial ballistics memory we can't even put a knock to a cooler on it unless we make our own by 3d printing it is oh lordy it's not the most elegant thing in the world we're using motherboard screw holes see that standard atx screw holes to get this bad boy on here but boy is that ram ever going to be silent silent ram it's all like bad but but not muted unfortunately i managed to scuff our totally awesome professional rattle can paint job a little bit here but that's okay because i've got a little paint tip for you guys spray some of your paint onto a plastic surface like this get a little stick or something like that put that in there you can get some little touch-ups going on in here come check this out brian how's that it won't have quite a perfect finish from six inches but from six feet you'd never notice it so many things about this build feel out of water but we finally got into the cpu heatsink and oh come on we gotta go with the classic ladies and gentlemen that's right we actually obtained a black knock to a fan and then replaced it with a brown and tan one because knocked to a pc wait cryo rig thermal compound get this out of my face can't do the all lock to a pc without using noctua thermal compound geez i guess that's what i get for asking stupid questions like where's the thermal compound gee i don't know linus maybe in the box for the cooler you know it was actually a very noctua inspired process by which we brought our screwdriver to life i remember having a conversation with their ceo where i said well to make the best fans you guys must have the best engineers and he kind of laughs and he goes well no we have good engineers but it's more about giving them the time to do their best work and that's why it's taken two and a half years to make a screwdriver oh my goodness there you go all right one cpu cable two cpu cable oh come on where is the other one corsair has these ah these heat shrink tubes on there cables that ah there we go we had wanted to have cable mod cables for this matching our knock to a color scheme but unfortunately there was a shipping delay we weren't here in time those eight pins would not go in if they were not pre-installed at all for our first screw we're going top right which means we're going to be using a custom length motherboard screw this is because it's got to go through that 3d printed ram cooler oh yeah it's threaded nice we're glossing over a lot of the cabling but the summary is lots of extensions lots of y-splitters we've got all of these fans plugged into the motherboard headers now all we got to do is get some ltt store cable ties now available in so many fun colors though unfortunately not brown now it's time for the centerpiece of our build the collab you did not know you needed the asus x noctua rtx 3070. wait what are we putting a 3070 in here for gpu prices are way better now let's go for the newer 3080 edition shall we it looks exactly the same but that's not a bad thing everything about this design is performance first from the back plate to the massive 120 millimeter cooling fans to the 4.3 slot thickness though i do have to say i wonder how much of the performance of it is noctua's fan engineering and how much is just that it has a massive massive heat sink with a suicided extra clearance here for the heatsink so that the airflow could kind of blow out around the card better oh probably lots i'd buy this one 100 brandon you don't get it you don't buy noctua components for the looks you buy them for the performance that's their whole shtick no one will care what it looks like if the performance is outstanding wow even the m.2 way down here on the board is i would say barely accessible i think i could probably swap it out but it wouldn't be easy we do get one expansion slot we've got this one pcie by one down here so that's good otherwise this gpu has taken up the whole thing as for cable management for our power connectors here rather than come down to the power supply like this we're gonna go up and over and we're gonna strap it in really tight at the back to try to relieve some of the strain on our poor pcie slot here so bear with me i wouldn't really recommend this but i am doing it so make of that what you will okay let's see is it more level actually not bad well bad but not unattractive all that's left now is to fire it up time for the big moment oh yeah you can hear it a little you can hear it a little the all knock to a pc does make a little bit of noise but give it a second i suspect that's just the gpu ramping up oh it's the power supply wow is that ever quiet that is amazing my mic is right here i am literally whispering right now and i'm inside this man computer can feel the suck too not that it sucks it's just airflow while we apply our memory overclock profile i can share with you some fun things about our peripherals this may be rgb up the butt but what's that brown switches from gadaron and well this is more just story time than anything else this was the one gaming mouse we could find with a fan in it we really wanted to put an octopus fan in there but they don't make one that small so it is now the loudest part of this build oh wow what is this windows 95 what is happening allow me to just paint finish up my desktop wallpaper here we're obviously gonna have to get in game for a while but guys i've got the panel closed stays so quiet wow our gpu is at 330 watts running at 64 degrees and i can barely hear the bloody thing that is wild how's our cpu doing oh i don't know maybe 67 degrees while drawing oh okay that's only 62 months i guess that fan just hasn't even ramped up i swear i can hear a computer over on the short circuit set better than i can hear this one it is so quiet this is in game now this is legitimately in game the one thing the pc can't cool though is me thankfully though i have this see if we can do a little better here yeah i mean you gotta test it in the real world brandon i don't know why the fps counter is not working that's extremely frustrating pretty quiet hey this band at the back is it's got some toast though it's hot is it hot in there oh here let me help you with that well that one's pretty quiet too uh no this one's pretty loud yeah this is not an actual knock to a product um and it's not very quiet the rig though is the only awkward part of the conversation is the price we've got somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 worth of fans in here well outside the budget of most people when it comes to configuring a gaming rig but hey you can't fault the performance or in my humble opinion the look because this may be one of the most ironically gorgeous builds we've ever done and this may be one of the most gorgeous segues i've ever done to our sponsor mine thanks mine for sponsoring this video your digital footprint is valuable and you have the right to 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of your data if you guys enjoyed this video maybe you'll enjoy the closer look we took at the asus x noctua gpu it turns out that the performance they've squeezed out of this thing and the silence is not just as simple as slapping big fans on any old cooler
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 4,073,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all noctua gaming pc, gaming pc, Linus Tech, Noctua, RTX 3080, Silent PC, Quiet PC, Brown, LTT
Id: TFE9wfAfudE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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