Best RTX 4090 Gaming PC Build Guide (w/ Ryzen 9 7950X)

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yo what's up guys into here and welcome to the only RTX 4090 video you're ever gonna have to see this video is going to be a complete experience no one's witnessed 4K 240 hertz 99.9 of us haven't and today we're all going to be experiencing it together this is the fastest PC we've ever built here on the channel the RTX 49b pack so much performance it's honestly too much and unnecessary for most of us we're going to be running it with a beautiful canvas and talking about the monitor it's the Samsung 32 inch Odyssey Neo curved monitor this is the only 4K 240Hz monitor that's available to the public I'm going to show you guys how to build this system completely from start to finish yes this is a full guide the budget we're working with here today is 4 000 USD that's how much this system costs a little bit over to be exact the full total of the system will be in the video's description along with all the parts we're using for this build alright guys well here we go and at the end of this video we're going to be playing so many games on this more than I've ever played in any video here on the channel so my make sure you stick around till the end to see exactly how our beautiful system that we're building here today is going to perform all right guys let's do it so what 49 did we choose we went within a Zotac RTX 4090 this is the Zotac gaming amp extreme Aero version the top of the line for zotac's RTX 4090s we all know the retail price of 490s but I'm going to tell you what I paid for it 2 200 bucks is what I paid for this guy these are not in stock for MSRP at the moment guys so grateful to have a 40 90 though wow For the Love of the Game your new Journey starts here that's beautiful Zotac beautiful oh this looks interesting it's zotac's new Little mascot but man does that look cool I really like their mask that looks dope good job Zotac I love that little homie what's his name it is not a sticker it's actually so you could stand them up nice touch I love your mascot again I know I've heard the 49ers are so big they're so big well how big are they [Music] think it's massive I've never seen a GPU this big oh my goodness let's do a size comparison so this is a Zotac 370t yeah pretty big card but this thing is just bigger like pretty good amount and this thing's already big guys here are the video ports yes it's a three slot card it has one HDMI and three display ports what else is in the bag this very important cable so this is going to hook up to our 4090 and they recommend a separate PCI power cable for all four of these I'll definitely be doing that now this is not going to match the color theme we're going with for our 49 build but I did order custom sleeve 49 the cable that's all white it just hasn't arrived yet and this is a GPU support for the 4090 we'll use this hey I dig the design man like look at that it's dope like alien everywhere okay next the CPU this is the ryzen 9 7950x it's a 16 core 32 thread processor with a 5.7 gigahertz Max boost the CPU is 700 bucks guys content creators dream right here and here we have our 700 CP you see that new design that's a 7000 series Rising CPUs are rocking no stock heatsink included of course so what's next the motherboard we're going to be using the x670 chipset this is an Asus Prime board has included Wi-Fi has included Bluetooth comes with a Wi-Fi antenna this goes for 290 USD very nice accents on it it's just silver and it's yo I just love that sound it's metal ports that our board is rocking honestly it's good like it's good but it's not like really bougie like whoa amazing so many cool ports not that many ports a decent amount of ports do like that this has like a little space theme if you zoom in right here you have the planet Saturn looks pretty dope okay the ram ddr5 baby rated 5600 megahertz 32 gigabytes of RAM we're good on the ram this kit went for 170 and it's only two sticks so you buy another one of these and you bump this sucker up to 64. I like the colors these RAM sticks are rocking very simple and elegant RAM sticks what we're going to be using to cool our ryzen 9 CPU this is the h100i elites AIO the suckers clean all white radiator looks sick and the block looks very classy as well I'll leave the other stuff in there for now it does come with two white fans go over our memory a one terabyte m.2 SSD WD black very very Speedy storage you can upgrade this storage to your liking the juice a lot of it gold rated a thousand three hundred Watts why did I pick such a bppsu I wanted our 490 to get all the power it needed and very reliable power also to have room for future upgrades if I want to throw in any other extra stuff into this system and I have never owned power supply with this much wattage yo this guy kind of that's kind of big whoa this thing's huge look at that power supplies usually end right here guys what the f that is the power supply all right okay now we're going to go over the case by NZXT we went with the NZXT H7 flow 130 and it just has a beautiful white finish all around it's gonna look real sexy we're gonna be throwing in some extra fans in there of course the AIL comes with two fans and here we have a fan pack of three this is by Arctic they are RGB and they cost 44 bucks we'll link it in the video description now we're going to jump into our extras the Funko Pop we're with an apex Legends Rave Funko Pop the special edition now this little piece of plastic here it's currently going for over a hundred bucks this is a limited edition pricey Funko and we're just gonna throw it in there like it's nothing okay then we're going extreme with the RTX 490 we need to turn it up a level with the Funko too and that's how we copped a Funko that's over 100 bucks all right guys we're gonna jump into the build guide now and then at the end we're going to be putting our Masterpiece to the test first we're going to be working with our motherboard and our CPU so first we're going to pull this lever to the side and let it go all the way up and then we want to pull this all the way up to reveal our socket now if we take a look at our CPU there's going to be a Golden Arrow on the top left side of it if we take a look at our motherboard socket there's also an arrow on the top left so I'm going to line up the arrow of our ryzen 9. we're arrow on CPU sockets and I'm just going to let it drop right in it's going to fall right into place and we're going to pull this lever back to its original position that's going to pop right off that's normal we're going to keep pushing this lever all the way back down and then tuck it into there as you're pushing the lever back down you will feel resistance against you some people may feel like they're damaging it when they feel that resistance but no guys it's normal next is the insulation of our ramp we have two sticks and we want them to run into a channel so we're going to be installing it into the second and four Fram slots the gray ones we're going to pull the second lever back and the fourth lever back and the ram will only go in one way like that once you get it into place push down with both thumbs and then this lever will pop back up we're going to do the same thing for the second stick and put it into place and we push down with both thumbs this one needed to go down a bit more there we go make sure they go in all the way next we're going to be installing our storage our one terabyte m.2 SSD all right guys we're gonna install our m.2 SSD here so make sure you undo both of these screws we're gonna put our SSD into here 10 and then we're going to push it back down before we put our plate back on we want to remove the protective film now we re-secure it storage installed now we're ready to put our motherboard inside our case it's very very white guys it's glowing it's like it's a holy case ports on top power button two USB 3s a Type C Audio and mic in the front this will promote a lot of airflow all these little openings this case is very clean there's no screws you literally just pop it open like this that's it and say remove the panel same thing on the back all the screws and accessories we need are located in the drive cage that we will be getting rid of so we're not using hard drives in this build so first we're going to install our IO shield in the back of our case this came with our motherboard we're going to get it in from the inside we're going to push down on all four sides to get it to clip in cool now before installing any motherboard inside a case you want to make sure that all the motherboard standoffs inside the case are already in the appropriate position to support our board and in this case they are ATX form factor first I'm going to line up all the ports with the i o Shield cool and now I'm going to lay the motherboard down and I'm going to line it up with the middle standoff right here and then it just sits there we're going to be using the 5mm screws what's safer is if you were to install the motherboard with the case laying down the only reason I'm doing is standing up is to show you guys better on camera [Music] our motherboard is now secure so we screwed in one two three four five six seven eight points this minimum we do not have to screw in now we're going to be installing our AIO to cool our ryzen 9. so we have to first prep it we're going to be working with this the am4 bag came included with the kit this is the pre-applied thermal paste you don't want to smudge that because you're gonna have to reapply it we're going to remove this we're gonna put on the new ones beautiful let's go back to our motherboard we're going to unscrew this and this [Music] so now we've revealed four points and inside the am4 bag came with four standoffs if we take a closer look at it the side on the right is skinnier we're going to be using the thicker side on the left that's what we're screwing in to all four points so we're going to get our brick and radiator and we're going to have it inside our case in this layout though radiator is going to be on top of the case and the hose is going to run just like that this is how we're attaching it so I'm going to lay the radiator down for now and remember it already has a pre-applied thermal paste and we're going to line up all four points with our block Mount and there it is it's in again I recommend doing this with the case laying down I'm doing it like this to show you guys easier now we're going to secure with four of these thumb screws which also come with the radiator [Music] foreign ER I'm just going to keep turning until my screwdriver stops you can't over tighten it because it won't let you just it simply stops looks good moving on we need a radiate our two fans that a radiator came with and here we have the controller so our radiator is going to sit just like this and your fans are going to sit right under it like that we want it to be blowing air out of the case so we're going to place it like this this side not that side we're gonna have the wires go through the back so you want them on that side and we're going to secure both ends with these long screws [Music] and that is a beautiful prepped radiator so each fan has two cables one is for the fan and one is for the lights of the fan I'm gonna wire all these cables to the back of the case the radio is going to sit like this I'm gonna lay the case down so we can screw it in we have to remove this guys that is the top panel and its filter do as I do fellas [Music] now let's put our filter back foreign [Applause] this one all the way to the back and this one connects to our CPU fan header on the board it's the gray one right here on the bottom there we go now we're going to be working with the fan controller the first cable goes in like this now the two fans on our Radiator on our right hand side we hook up the fan the left hand side we hook up the RGB lighting of it second fan on number two and we're done so you can see this controller supports the six fans now the rest of the fans that we're going to be using in this case so this fan right here I'm going to get its wire so this is the wire we're going to be plugging in this one to number three now the three pack of fans that we bought are Glock gonna plug in right here as well let's install this three pack remove the front panel this Fan's gonna go goodbye to this fan the fan has two cables one cables or the fan and we'll connect to the fan controller the other cable is for the lighting of the fan and this will connect to the motherboard more on that later but these screws come included with the fans [Music] this hard drive cage has to go screwing in the bottom of the third fan right now this is how we do it fans are all secured wire them all to the back of the case we're going to put the panel back on clean this out every once in a while all right ladies and gentlemen back to our fan controller we'll plug this top one in to number four second one went to five our last one on two six all fans are now hooked up to our fast controller now for the lighting of our three fans it's a chain system so here's the first one remove this we're gonna plug in the other fan lighting into it move this and the final fan chained up to it as well now that means that once we hook up one of these to the motherboard all of them rocked up through a chain system this is gonna hook up into one of these guys our RGB headers on our motherboard the lighting for these fans requires three pins that's exactly what we're looking at right here a three pin RGB header a lot of motherboards nowadays have three pin and four pin headers like this one this one supports four pin RGB lighting so we're covered now that all our fans are connected to our fan controller and all the lighting is connected to the motherboard we're left with the connection of the fan controller to the motherboard so one of the cables Powers the fan controller through SATA we're gonna need our power supply for that and this connects the time controllers to the motherboard this is going to connect under here into our motherboard we're going to be doing that later it's time to install our power supply so remember for our 4090 it wants us to hook up four separate PCI power cables from the power supply to our card so here we have one two three four four different power cables for one card Insanity guys what other cables do we need to hook up to our power supply we need our big 24 pin power cable one SATA power cable and two CPU power cables eight different first the big 24 pin power cable right here where it's labeled PSU that is the end that goes into the power supply done goes right there safety power cable right next to it matched power cable we're going to plug in the side that is not split right here into CPU one same thing for our second until cpu2 right under it and now guys four different VGA power cables so again we're plugging in the side that doesn't split one VGA two vgas three and four man so here we have our octopus of a power supply you want the fan of the power supply to be facing down the get it in through here and light it up the screws that came with it our power supply is in now one more thing I'm gonna be doing for our power supply cables is for the big 24 pin power cable I'm gonna be hooking up an extension a custom sleeve white one this would have originally plugged into the motherboard so instead I'm going to plug it in to our extension this is not going to plug into the motherboard it's going to look way cleaner than the front of our build okay guys good job if you've been following along now we're going to move on to the plugging in of all our cables we have a lot of cables here in front of us do not get intimidated it's very simple we're going to take in one cable at a time we're gonna break all our cables down into three sets the first set our power supply cables the second set are case cables that connect our power buttons and the ports up here to the motherboard add the third set of cables our fan cables it only means we're going to be hooking up our fan controller because everything else is already prepped we already did it for job guys first we're going to be taking care of our fans so where do we want this controller where's it going to look the cleanest we can put it in a lot of places but I'm gonna go ahead and be sticking it right here comes with double-sided tape for it now let's clean this up putting the two cables of the fan controller in here for cleaner Cable Management the first one the SATA one this one will go all the way down the second cable or USB one we're gonna let that one free right here so it can reach to our motherboard this is a lovely case when it comes to Cable Management good job mzxt isn't that lovely that's so clean we're going to power our fan controller with SATA here is our SATA power cable we're going to plug in one of them Done Band controller is now powered and we'll tuck this in here now next the USB cable that's connected to the motherboard so we're just going to go across like that and it's gonna go under here and here it is this is going to hook up into one of these USB headers it should look like that and it only goes in one way so plug it in with the USB text facing up all right guys that leaves us with two sets of cables power supply cables and case cables we're going to be working with case cables now first case cable HD audio and it plugs in right here only goes in one way with the HD audio text facing up next is our USB 3 cable this plugs in here only one way where it comes up right here that's going to plug in on the bottom we're going to line it up straight because we don't want to bend pins and then push it in clean next RF panel cable I'm gonna plug into right here again only goes in one way with BF panel Tech spacing up boom and it looks just like that fast case k bar type c cable it's remove this and it's going to be located right here and again this cable only goes in one way and it's in all right guys we're almost done power cables first our big 24 pin power cable I'm gonna work it in right here it has a clip you want this clip to clip back here line it up straight push it in all the way till it clips and it has done just that look how clean that looks guys next our CPU power cable that is located the top left of our build for the first one we're going to plug in all eight pins this clip again will clip up here and it's in first cables in but for the second CPU power cable only plug into four pins so one we're gonna set to the side and it's in super clean and last power cable or our RTX 49b but before we can do that we first have to install it looks like a UFO man we need to make room for it this is going to plug into our first PCI Express Lane we need to remove the second third and fourth one three slab Beast coming in we're going to push this all the way back we're going to look at our card and we need to remove this and we'll also remove this from our ports and line up a card with the PCI Lane once we have it in I'm going to push straight in and that lever will clip back up I already noticed the card it's very secure I don't even sense any sag I mean it comes with a support and we will be installing it this is a well-built 40 90 by zotec I see no sag all right that's one screw in this thing goes right here and it's magnetic down here and just sits right on here and we adjust this accordingly so we get to the very top so we can lift it up a little bit like that and that's the extra support for the 40 90. the only thing is we have this beautiful 24 pin cap power cable that's white but we unfortunately don't have a white cable for this yet because I ordered it and it has not arrived we're going to plug all these in and they're going to go in right here okay so first a pin power cable and there's one two third and the final fourth one we're done we plugged in all the cables now I'm gonna plug in RGB LED strips get our funko pop in there through the time lapse [Music] [Music] we've done it we built our first RTX 4090 build the fastest PC we've ever built here on the channel oh my yo come on that tempered glass panel is so clean it looks like it's not even there once I get the white cable and install it here to look way cleaner but it looks amazing already first boot up here we go guys here we go yo guys this PC came out so clean everything in there matches perfectly I love about our Funko Pop is transparent and you can like see the light going through her no shortage of Lights in this build remember every light will be fully customizable to your liking guys any color any lighting effect you'll be able to do that with the software we install on our desktop there's our finished build guys looks beautiful yo guys so you can also pick up a custom sleeve power supply cable for your RTX 409b at it comes in black and white with more colors to come definitely Don't Rock the stock power supply cables your 49 me comes with guys this is way better we're about to unbox a 1 300 monitor 4K 240 hertz 32 inches Samsung Odyssey Neo G8 that is literally me [Music] yo I've never played on a curved monitor guys my first time playing on a curved monitor yeah and our Beast is alive now if you were following along with this tutorial you actually built yourself a 4090 build congratulations on your 45 new build bro that's a lot of power holy crap now what we need to do is install our operating system Windows 11 onto it I've done a full video on how to install Windows 11 for free the link to that guide is in the video's description then we have to install drivers onto our system a video on how to install the drivers you need is also linked in the video's description and remember every single part using this build will also be linked in the video's description now guys we're about to experience the power of the 4090 on here here we go let's do it settings for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2. 4K resolution throughout the quality settings anti-aliasing is on normal for the quality everything else right here is set to high draw distances are long if we go all the way down here continues high high high let's do it I have the monitor really close to me guys because it's huge in its curved I really do feel immersed into it free for all oh my goodness man we should not have lived there feel like I'm seeing things I shouldn't be able to see because the screen is just so huge I like see everything dude it's like all my sculptures types are we we're in first place I don't even know what I'm not talking about yo that guy missing shots bro I go pro I just see everything man I still get kills I don't care embarrassing kid I need my last kill I can't find them that's right oh let's go baby RTX 4090 baby oh my goodness let's go Brothers brother [Music] oh my goodness I just took out three of them guys oh they're everywhere [Music] Rocky 4K resolution and view distance is set to epics the things that don't matter are set too low pretty much Reflex on on plus boost [Music] that's the first fortnite kill on the 49th [Music] what what is transportation oh dang that's crazy did you see that I just say everything [Music] [Music] that shark's gonna take my kill and the shark took my kill I was used to 1600 by 900 and right now I'm playing at 4K [Music] oh my that does a lot of damage me all right guys for Apex Legends 4K resolution Max fov110 Reflex on our neighbor plus boost and the rest of the settings wow I never thought Apex will look this good whoa this is so cool he's broke he's broke thank you no odds man I'm gonna lower the settings not to try to get it to 240. all right guys now we're going to be rocking these settings right here it's just so pretty I can't get over how pretty this map is man look at it it's just want to move here and not only did we hit 240 FPS we had a locked 240 FPS at 4K what is going on what I don't even know what that hero does bro I can't hit anything dude bro oh my God oh my goodness oh it wasn't 2V1 keep it moving studies for Valerie 4K resolution Reflex on plus boost here the graphics quality let's do it here we go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm ready [Music] [Music] all right now this performance is amazing oh my goodness all right guys I was gonna play some God of War at 4K res so as far as the display settings we have the FPS limit to the max obviously motion blurs off we do not want to ever touch that the LSS is set to Quality as far as the other settings we completely maxed everything to the Max Max Max all right let's do it see how it performs he's never played God of War was he were you dying when he played this you're just not a crazy boss battle okay but look how beautiful the game looks it's like a movie yeah this does look like actually so amazing look at that don't worry that's like a real picture of a door like look at this wood bro it does look real like yeah [Music] I don't see us oh that was nice dude oh no [Applause] two more hits in your dad dude keep moving [Music] [Applause] man like the the whole environment is just beautiful man you're really out in the forest all right man next game all right guys next Spider-Man we're both gonna hop on him okay so 240 hertz it's set to that 4K resolution if we go all the way down we have dlss on and we have it set to Quality because we want it to look good that's what we select obstacle sharpness left that on default okay as you can see we have the preset on high so if we scroll down everything's gonna be turned up go go down down down down and there you have it now you play with normal FLV and then I'll play with the high ref overview so then you guys could see both 40 90s at 90 utilization and we're pushing 140 FPS so no it's not on 200 so Spider-Man is very demanding at 4K with all the good stuff oh by the way Ray tracing Zone yeah yeah man brother let's check out that Ray Tracy dude look at all that Ray Tracy bro dude it's awesome man I mean demons firing on our position oh that sounds the game looks so good though like compared to my old GTX 1050 like so we're gonna turn FLV to the max now and there's all dining now we'll go to that one dude I don't remember any of these controls man all I'm doing is just swinging [Music] all right we're at the top of New York this is stable control what's our situation in Nomad whoa shoot you feel you were falling nothing like a leisurely Sunday Chase through the city right guys I look like a little and dude all right that's another Spider-Man next game we got a lot of games to test okay guys so cyberpunk 2077 is next from 4K full screen of course so we're rocking the quick preset we just changed one thing in it but we're pretty much rocking the quick preset Ray tracing medium and what it's called right yeah but we turned this on yeah yeah we turned that on and then we turned off it was film green yes and then I also upped the field of view from 80 to 90. yep dude this game looks good [Music] it looks real man look at the skin dude bro look at this leather it looks insane it's literally real looks like this will be a cool breeze am I gonna drive right now okay how is he a lot honestly what door genuinely watch out watch out watch out man oh exes it's a horrible idea foreign I can't see anything but it looks awesome how do you run ran great buy guys we're going to be playing some Rainbow Six Siege now I'm really excited to play this game because we're about to play it back still have 4K resolution that beautiful 16x10 aspect ratio Max fov and oh my God the graphics man everything's maxed out everything I even have boom plus lens flare on just so it could look pretty and we're gonna rock FXAA zoom in depth of field I can't do that though that's a little too much for me but anyways guys we're about to play Siege at 4K at max out settings Max fob oh my God here we go oh my God you're behind you behind you [Music] baby kill me throw it throw it now yeah boys how you doing all right guys well that was a fun match now let's get seats to run at 240 FPS though so we can play another match we're gonna lower the settings but still 4K res so we turn down some things as you can see right here and now we are running at in the 300 fps's something [Music] I still got MVP bro Mark was a lot of kills but I swooped in and got that leafy did you expect anything less come on Siege performance was amazing characters were looking really sexy crispy AF man I enjoyed that experience man that was awesome settings for GTA 5 4K res MSA 8 times 2 everything else on here we maxed it out Advanced graphics maxed out too it's okay oh here we go a tornado through an a drive away Drive Away drive away and another name okay on to the next area oh we gotta go inside oh my God got you boy oh snap no he did that's right boy beat the mission that's a wrap guys thanks for coming and hanging out with us witnessing the power of the RTX 4090 for the first time ever together with you guys it was a pleasure I had a lot of fun it was truly an amazing experience I'll catch you guys in the next one Friday foreign [Music]
Channel: CRATER
Views: 838,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 4090, rtx 4090 review, pc build, gaming pc
Id: JrNJ-Zf_BpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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