The MOST POWERFUL Gaming PC EVER?! RTX 4090, i9 13900K Gaming PC Build w/ Gameplay Benchmarks | AD

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true story true stories to them just brushed how has this gone so wrong the most powerful gaming PC you can build all over again that's right ladies and gentlemen today we have the brand new 3900k Intel CPU and also the brand new RTX 4090 master from aorus which is the single largest graphics card I've ever seen I mean just look at this look at this every time they see it I just can't believe it I'm not sure you're ready look there literally crazy I don't really can't stress enough just how exciting this build is going to be and in this video as always we're going to walk you through all of the parts we're going to show you how to put it together and obviously we are going to show you some benchmarks so you can see exactly how well the 3900k performs with an RTX 49t let's get started there is honestly so much new stuff to talk about today it is crazy first things first a massive thank you to gigabyte ioris for actually sponsoring this video and also for sending out this the brand new z790 Range this is their Master motherboard so it's a top end serious bit of Kit and essentially you're going to get a little bit more bandwidth with z790 is going to support the latest 13th Generations chips out of the box but obviously if you go for the latest and greatest you get maximum features and this pretty much has a lot of stuff on it I mean this is definitely ready for PCI Gen 5 ssds look at the size of that heatsink you've got loads of i o on this if you want USB ports then you're very much covered Wi-Fi 6E 10 gigabit Ethernet PCI generation 5 on the top graphic slot as well for future upgrades PSI Generation 4 for SSD scattered throughout this and then I love the fact you have this handy dandy little button so you can remove your graphics card without having to like ravage your motherboard with a screwdriver and risk damaging it definitely nothing I've um done before but as always we'll grab our motherboard and place it on top of the box and then pick up our brand new CPU and I'm going to be honest with you the previous generation the I9 has not necessarily been the chip to go for mainly really because in terms of value for money the i7 and the I5 did actually have very similar performance you can find that video in the top right corner of your screen so for most games even with a 3090 TI it didn't make too much difference but this time things are very different because the I9 actually has extra cores versus the i7 and the 4090 is so ridiculously powerful a lot of games can be CPU limited this is why I'm so excited to actually try this out because even the ryzen 7950x was not able to properly um utilize the 4090 in every single title at every single resolution even 4K in some tests so I'm hoping that we see much better results from our I9 we actually have a total of 24 cores this time and I know a lot of people are very cynical about this they say that they're not real cores they're efficiency it's not as good go for ryzen but I assure you you have a lot of performance under the hood and if you do want to see exactly which is best you can find my full review of these chips coming tomorrow unless you're watching this in the future then it's live now two stories because I've just rushed true stories until they've just brushed how did that happen well let's hope it still works oh user error anyway PC drop tips aside for a second true stories let's move on to our Ram which is of course a ddr5 and I can't stress enough how difficult this is to open I can't stress enough just how critical mass ddr4 versus ddr5 is going to be with this generation because my theory is if you can use ddr4 and get very similar if not the same gaming performance with these new Intel chips versus the ryzen chips that demand ddr5 then clearly you're going to be able to save yourself a lot of money by going for Intel and getting the same level of performance but in today's video we're going for a very very fast kit of memory this is a 6800 megahertz XMP overclockable kit from g-skill their Trident Z5 I've got my concentrating face on right now well that's genuinely because I'm fascinated as to how this is going to perform imagine if ddr4 was the same imagine and of course that's exactly the same story with ssds because PSI generation 5 ssds are about to drop the one that we're using here though is only Gen 4 this is one from sabrant it's their rocket 4 plus and this is actually a really nice sort of sweet spot because it does give you some PCI generation for performance it uses the actual bandwidth but it's not the absolute fastest SSD you can get but in my previous PCI Generation 4 versus 3 versus hard drive test that you can find in the top right corner of your screen we didn't really see any key differences in terms of game load times so if you are looking to save money that's the way I would go but if you're spending this much money on a gaming PC maybe you want to spend a little bit more just for a bit of future proofing let's take this absolutely ginormous heatsink offload I'm also going to be fascinated to see just how well PSI generation 5 ssds can be called because if you need heatsinks like this to actually keep them under check well they're probably going to produce a fair bit of heat SSD is in remember if you do want to go for Gen 5 SSD you are going to have to put this in this top slot so if you upgrade later make sure you swap them around or you don't get the full speed but now that our motherboard is complete we can move on to our lovely little chassis when I say little the whole reason I've gone for this is because it is quite a wide boy and believe it or not when this launched this is the meshify 2 light so this is the one that comes with RGB as well I thought why would anyone need a case this long it just seems a bit like a waste of space right well the answer is clearly that they knew things like this were coming obviously you can do custom Loops have loads of Radiators and things in there but this is one of the few chassis I think that will fit a card like this in there without any issue at all will give you plenty of airflow and will allow you to actually enjoy having a very larger system I mean tall is great but you know you need the length how does the side panel come off very easy just a little tab the other side also comes off in exactly the same way you're getting a sneak peek I haven't seen it yet what have we got yeah quite a nice little layout I wasn't a massive fan of the fractal torrent purely because the power supply was up here and it was quite messy if I'm honest once you've got all the cables in but as long as you can sort of stuff everything down here use a modular power supply I think this is going to be very easy to keep managed especially with this large plate back here the question becomes though is there actually any fan or RGB Hub or are they all just Daisy chained to me it looks like they're just Daisy chains which I'm not a massive fan of even cheap MSI cases come with a load of like cable management and extra extensions for RGB and fan speed I think that's something that could be improved going forward but it's not a deal breaker the price is fair if that's the only problem I think this is what about 120 ish depends on the version edit cold do your magic I'm watching you let's lay our case down flat and actually get our motherboard installed oh I'm sure you've seen all of this before but you do occasionally get someone that's never built a PC that just goes in super hard and wants to go 409 40 90 and they might not know what a standoff is and of course a standoff is when you have two people in a saloon that have a disagreement and they take it outside and have a little uh who can stay alive competition well we're in anyway oh and here it is jet black design not the most original but it's going to allow for plenty of RGB goodness I have the power literally because this is a power supply and we've got Vivid exclusive here actually because this is the dark power 13 from be quiet it's a 1000 watt power supply and the reason we're using this before it actually comes out is because it has the new power connection as standard it is one of the cables not to worry though because you get an adapter in the box with a card like this it's just not going to look that clean or you can buy a third-party cable for your existing power supply as long as you make sure it's an official one that will definitely work and then you can have a much smaller power connection without a load of dingly dangly cables everywhere where are you where are you there you are a jewel ended 600 watt connector yeah it's new I told you everything about this is new including my I mean my glasses are fairly new let's go with that do you like them no one commented not one person I'm amazingly insulted here we go look bang and of course the new thing is this thing here PCI Gen 5 600 watt connector tasty is it exactly the same both ends I believe it is so here we go for the first time boom fractalis is a bit tight why do manufacturers do this just have loose screws be like me have a screw loose all of the time fan facing downwards slide it in feed your cables through I mean the main reason that we're doing this now rather than installing the radiator is so the CPU connections can be much more easily fed in and plugged in before you've got this space occupied by radiator plug in our SATA connection for our RGB fans and then just plug in all of our i o USB the works really and at this stage you can actually see that our rig is coming along very nicely there are just two components left to go the graphics card that we're put in in just a second but now we need to move on to our CPU Cooler and make no mistake this is going to use a lot of power I think I've seen the I9 go over 200 Watts like a fair bit more editor call what's our magic wattage wow is it really that much that's a lot so point being you're going to need a decent CPU Cooler to actually keep it under check and the one we're using here is from MSI I haven't used this since the original 12th gen launch actually it was very good this is the s360 so 360 Rad or like really big air cooler are probably going to be the options you want to go for as long as it supports Intel 1700 you're probably onto a winner not really any RGB but you do have a display on the front of this actually that you can customize and make look pretty it should be very straightforward just grab the back plate and feed this through oh the hole's not big enough are you joking why fractal why what's the point of having a cut out if it doesn't cover the blooming socket why why would you do this why would you design it like this it's just silly it's so stupid as well because I'd actually always recommend that you put the back plate on before you put it in this case for this exact reason but I'm thinking oh no the audience just want to see me move on as quickly as possible let's not bore them well are you bored now once you have got the back plate on you have these little posts that then screw into it to keep it all nice and safe and secure we'll screw all of the fans into the radiator blowing through it so when it's at the top it'll blow all the hot air out of the chassis every video I say to you guys I hate radiators every video and the reason for this is because something always happens I've put all the fans on blowing the wrong way it's just so easily done and then you have to redo it all just makes you want to cry because I've used this cooler before I wanted to add a little bit of thermal paste right in the middle just grab the whole unit and gently place it on top give it a good push but once you've done that you can then fix it down with the included screws there are some cables that you will need to plug in and feed once you've pulled that all through the back you can grab your top plate and then place this on top and there you have your cooler installed whoa that was a little bit more frustrating than I would have liked but the good thing is I'm about to make myself feel a whole lot better by installing an RTX 4090 as I say the biggest one I've ever used how many slots officially two but I mean that's more like three and a half getting on four so let's remove our pcie slot covers pick up our oversized GPU and see if it fits but that doesn't look ridiculous at all does it it's almost as if we plan this definitely needs the screws to keep this safe and secure I believe yes Inside the Box you do also get a graphics card support bracket if you're worried about sag and you don't mind a little bit of extra stuff in your rig personally I'm not a huge fan of them but I guess it's probably sensible to use it but I believe the very last thing we need to do for this rig to be complete is to actually plug it in boom just like that give it a little tidy up and actually that looks very very clean doesn't it what do you guys think I know obviously we've not got any RGB at the moment but this is definitely a very well themed build in my eyes I think the only thing some people won't like is the lack of any RGB fans at the top but I don't think it matters because the rest of the case is going to be doing the talking the only issues I have with the case are the lack of any hubs for fans or RGB and the fact that they didn't give you a large enough cuts out but everything else has been pretty easy to build in cable management of the straps and everything is actually in nice places it's very easy to do so as long as you're aware of those couple of limitations I think you're going to enjoy better in this case so we get this thing turned on oh God it might not work because we dropped the CPU that would be really really bad I'm actually on time please I'm hungry I want my lunch power in oh wait it's turned itself on that's very strange it's not supposed to do that I've never had a computer do that before it was on at the switch so it turned itself on the graphics card has come to life and it's sort of striving this was unexpected I was trying to build up the tension ah I mean will it work will it work are we gonna get something on screen there's no RGB on the actual fans yes oh no oh no oh no this is unusual oh is the power button no I'm so confused I'm so confused this is the weirdest build I've ever done the computer has a mind of its own z790 is sentient why does it keep restarting though well apparently we have made it to Windows I say give me a couple of hours to get this sorted out get all the games updated everything ready to go RGB the works and we'll test out some performance including benchmarks oh the stress is real it works ladies and gentlemen I have the RGB I have the fan speed I even have the XMP this is the fastest Ram I've ever used running at 6 800 megahertz you may think I'm lying but look look look I don't know if that's gonna make any difference to gaming performance but it's definitely something that's nice to have and as I click Start a quick reminder for you the previous Champion the 7950x got around about 38 000 on the score it's gonna be very interesting to see how this Compares I think we're going to beat it but can we hit 40 000 can we do it oh almost almost 39 422 so faster than ryzen but honestly pretty neck and neck but we're hitting a Max of 100 degrees on some of the cores it is a hot mama a very hot mama and in terms of power it's using 290 Watts 290 watts in a CPU like hey I know it's XMP but that is astounding but enough of that let's move on to the games are we going to start off with the big guns some Apex Legends running at 4K Max settings and as you can clearly see at 4K resolution we are absolutely smashing it we're not hitting the 300 FPS frame cap but we're still getting over 200 FPS now we hit the ground it's gone down a little bit it's still pretty much on the money though and this is pretty insane I think it's fair to say that if you do want to go for an RTX 4090 you need to have a good reason for actually going for this and playing at 4K High refresh rate is definitely a solid one and unsurprisingly if you do look at the GPU temperature at the top right corner of your screen around about 52 degrees this cooler is definitely doing a very very good job let's turn the resolution down a second though and have a look at our results at 1440p and dang just look at that we are pretty much hitting the nail on the head almost 300 FPS constant that's pretty crazy I'm very very impressed by that our one percent lows are almost 200 FPS as well oh oh oh oh oh can I actually deliver oh I've only got a Mozambique uh I was too busy being blown away by that FPS I have never seen Apex like that and just in case you're interested in acoustics it's not the absolute quality system I've ever heard it's the CPU Cooler and the CPU that's producing a little bit more noise than with the AMD system this is still essentially silent there's no horrible whirring it is pretty darn texting let's move on though to a game that has dlss 3.0 and Ray tracing headline feature and this is actually the game I think I play most F1 2022 this is in the where I'm not sure what's going to go well but he's got away well and this is running at the ultra high preset at 4K dlss set to balanced and as you can see we're getting around about 144 FPS but this is pretty much all the FPS you're really going to need but we have a little Trek up our sleeve and that is if we go into settings we go into Graphics video mode and then here is the new magic setting dlss frame generation and we're going to toggle this on resume the game and just look at the difference to the frame rate not quite double but not that far away you what's that about an extra 60 FPS or so between 180 and 200 frames a second at 4K Ray tracing the works pretty darn impressive but take this crash with plenty of enjoyment oh no it's all gone wrong what happened Break by wire failure what are the chances of that I mean this clearly wasn't my fault though look Perez gives me a little shove I've lost control smashes into LeClaire what would the FIA say eh for our next title we're going to take a trip down memory lane one of my personal favorites some pubg and I'll be honest I haven't played this in years apparently and I need to do some training now which seems silly when I have about 400 hours on this game but anyway this is a very different kettle of fish this is running up 4K Max settings dx11 and just look at that frame rate no dlss or anything like that here just a solid 250 FPS and the thing with pubg is every time I open it up I do want to start playing it again but I just then remember how frustrating it is when you get popped across the map and you've been wasting 30 minutes looting and you didn't even fire anything and it's like oh we just turned it down to 1440p now and you can see we're getting 400 FPS 400 FPS Max settings 1440p that is incredible that really is quite something isn't it our FPS is barely dipping below 330 FPS let me know down in the comment section below though if you do still play pubg is this your top title have they improved it genuinely would love to know and for our final title here's a game that you don't really ever get to see on YouTube some shadow of the Tomb Raider and of course I just you see this all of the time but if you saw my 7950x video you know exactly why I was showing this because this of course is a renowned title for being very CPU bottleneck and the 4090 even at 4K does start to struggle in a title like this so what we can do is run the Benchmark and then at the end it will give us a very lovely gauge of exactly how CPU limited we actually are get your predictions in now guys what's gonna win the CPU the GPU this is the most powerful gaming PC you can build it's Shadow the Tomb Raider can it be toppled or is the GPU going to be allowed to stretch its legs my project section is on 91 GPU bound here we go I was wrong 85 even with Ray tracing on I thought you know what let's give this as much chance as possible let's really turn up the graphic settings 85 I can't believe that the 3900k is still bested by Shadow the Tomb Raider who would have thought overall I think there is a lot to say about this system firstly looks I think it looks brilliant there's not really too much I would change I love the whole fractal mesh on the front I know we've had cases like this for a while but it definitely still stands out the extra length is definitely going to come in handy as we've already discussed it means you can even put like a custom Loop in this without any issue whatsoever it's just more a case of whether you're happy to have this level of performance this level of price and this level of power the three p's I guess my advice is pretty similar to the last couple of builds and that is if you do have the use case and you have the money then it is going to be worth it especially for upcoming features like dlss3 better Ray tracing but I'm still more excited about the 4080 and the now canceled 40 80 12 gig that will probably be the 4070 TI because you're then not going to have to worry about being CPU bottlenecks so you're going to be able to use every single frame that you can generate and obviously it's going to cost you less money I think this is still a very Niche setup and if you have a need for it then great but for most people watching this it's great to look at but it's not necessarily something I would say is a must-have purchase bite your time a little bit and maybe watch this space because there's some pretty interesting Hardware on the horizon and you don't want to miss it thank you so much for watching this video I really appreciate it let me know your thoughts on the 4090 on z790 on the whole system I'd love to hear from you smash the like button if you've enjoyed this video get yourself subscribes and of course if you do want to check out current pricing on anything this rig you can find it listed down below with my Amazon affiliate links but thank you so much for watching this video I'll catch you in the next one [Music] [Music] no let's not put that in
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 941,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intel 13900k, 13900k, i9 13900k, rtx 4090 13900k, rtx 4090, rtx 4090 build, rtx 4090 gaming pc, 13900k 4090, meshify 2, intel, gaming cpu, gaming processor, processor, benchmark, gameplay benchmark, pc gaming, gaming pc, pc, pc build, pc build 2022, 13900k benchmark, 4k gaming pc, dlss 3, ray tracing
Id: sNv4BFRjj1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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