The GeForce 9300 Garbage Edition is my New Worst GPU...

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hello guys Chris here and welcome back to another Sunday video in this one my friends it is finally time to go back to the channel Roots yes I am saying goodbye well just for a little bit to the RTX 1490 because I am tired I'm tired of playing games with super high FPS every single time like who the heck enjoys that right we're gonna be testing something terrible today and what oh hello there g100 it's time for something even more terrible today this right here is the GeForce 9300 GE and as you can see it definitely has the looks of a super old and super terrible GPU doesn't it that's because it is a super old and terrible GPU but it might not be as bad as you think it doesn't have a fan so it's completely silent actually it might play very good music wait a second now this thing right here was just a display adapter when it released in 2008 it was meant for you to actually plug monitors into it and not really gaming of course because it doesn't have the capabilities basically it has eight Cuda cores eight that's that's the same as the g100 okay a 64-bit memory Buzz same as g100 540 megahertz clock speed same as g100 g98 architecture same as g100 but they do differ in a couple of things the g100 has 512 megabytes of vram ddr2 clocked at 510 megahertz this one has half of it at 256 megabytes of vrm ddr2 as well clocked at 500 megahertz not a major difference but it is slower than the GeForce g100 so it is my new slowest GPU in the channel so with all of that said let's install this gimped GeForce g100 in the system shall we and yes my friends I am using a 4x3 resolution because this is the only monitor that worked with this graphics card yeah I know it's terrible but you know since we're going to be playing at 640 by 480 in most games anyways it might be adequate also I am using OBS to record everything today because none of the capture cards work with this GPU as well it's amazing amazing isn't it oh oh yes right away 69 FPS in the menu That's crazy let's go to the settings now so we're playing at 640 by 480 lowest resolution in the game using you guessed it the lowest settings in the game as well oh I was going to complement this because of the 69 FPS that we got first oh this no way come on dude this is worse than you and of course it is it has half the video oh my God all right dual barrettas cause one pistol isn't enough oh yes we actually got one I can't believe that Jesus okay just started counting our FPS this is where the vram gets taxed the most by the way looking at the entire map or entire map but it is actually rendering all of the map Behind these buildings and stuff okay all right let's go can't believe we actually got a kill already that's amazing I thought I'd be here struggling for like 10 minutes without getting a single kill how is that guy not killing me okay there we go there we go buddy oh at least we got jumps to like 100 FPS when we die so maybe the best experience is when you're dead in CS go oh look at that almost touching 20 frames there oh come on come on two bullets is that enough no no wait I need to change there we go nice we got another one I can't believe this [Laughter] oh my God all right there's an AFK guy oh not even 30 look at this guy is serious oh I hear someone oh my this is the worst thing I've ever seen in CS go basically damn just a single flick come on come on come on there we go oh it actually worked all of these years playing death match and testing gpus have made me a pro in CS go so I can actually do things it's just it doesn't shoot all right I I'm giving up GPU is teasing me guys it's giving me 60. oh there we go there we go 69 FPS here in the menu of DOTA 2. we're playing a 640x480 using lowest settings with 40 render scale and we're gonna be watching oh my God High refresh rate experience here while looking at the Bobs very good no Bob is bad oh my God oh my God oh my God so the first oh my God was me actually being surprised because we were getting 30 FPS the second oh my God was just it dropped to into the 20s holy crap that is terrible now and the third oh my God was just taking a look at the graphics because this is kind of not seeable anymore you know you're gonna have a terrible time oh my no no don't throw up that much please all right this is pretty much worst case scenario right so why why camera is going away I don't understand uh uh it's so bad though it is not playable fun fact our friend's Story Once Upon a Time I played this game with the g100 entire match and I got like 20 something kills with around the same FPS as this maybe a little bit better at times but I I yeah it was terrible I didn't really play with these Graphics though this just looks like crap yep the GPU is absolutely awful but we still gotta see Jack of course DirectX 10 800 by 600 by the way it says that we have four gigabytes of era but that's just because whenever you have less than one gig the game uses Ram as system RAM and it shows undefined Shadows there because I turned those off in the config files this is lowest settings possible with 50 resolution scale which means that we're playing at 300p actually oh 18 17 FPS if it gets 18 FPS on average it is exactly the same thing it as the g100 guys it is looking really pixelated though but you know what on a monitor like this one it is not awful ah it is though if it was 6 45 480 or 800 by 680 it wouldn't be terrible but it really is get out of here wrecked our car oh oh come on dammit that's awful okay we got it no we don't uh okay it's fine though it's fine look at that almost the same average as the g100 but I believe it's gonna be worse now oh God no all right Michael we're good we're good somehow I didn't even lose any health there so it's fine it's completely okay surprisingly guys it's not stuttering too much I thought it was going to stutter a heck of a lot more than this but you know maybe I just can't tell that it's stuttering because we're already getting insanely low FPS and normally when it stutters it drops your FPS to insanely low FPS maybe it is like an infinite stutter when you're playing this game I'm kidding it's it's actually smooth in that regards not smooth gameplay but smooth in terms of such a Regular Show I'm so sorry okay um please get out of the way people all right let's try not to hit never mind I can't I just cannot do this without hitting people I'm not making this on purpose okay I really try not to hit anybody but the input like couples with insanely low FPS it's just it doesn't it's impossible you know what I thought it was gonna be worse at least at least that come on come on let's see Jack Jacqueline up we left Jacqueline anyways you know Bob is the the reason why she cheated on Jack she didn't want to hello Jacqueline how's it going good to see you actually maybe Jacqueline loves us more than Jack so yeah let's go down here oh this is so intensive 12 FPS I thought it was gonna be worse it's it's running better than CS go actually and goodbye Bob let's just I think he's dead already no he's not he was pretending okay there we go now he's dead we got rid of Bob we saw Jacqueline I am happy today you know this is great especially after testing the 4019 now that was the last GPU that I tested in this game it's it's not a night and day difference it's the same game we're still playing it we still did the same thing as in the 4090 video maybe it's played no it's not now one of my favorite games from my childhood is Need for Speed Most Wanted from 2005 and we're playing this one at 800 by 600 using the lowest settings possible here all right where did the HUD go ah this this has the widescreen fix in place but hey we can see the FPS at least it's not bad actually guys how do I use the nitrous I don't remember it oh oh there we go okay it's X expert initers arrow keys to control the car and stuff kind of terrible controls no let's go this way oh boy can't see the map either that's bad good thing the other guys are in front of us then to show us the way look at the averages guy oh yes yes there we go 69 average 28 when percent lows that's that's not too bad I thought it was gonna be better honestly because it's a 2005 game and these Graphics look terrible but at least it's getting 60 plus on average that's amazing that's incredible for a GPU like this you can't really ask for much obviously and this is the most playable thing that we've seen so far so I'm happy with that even here in Forest areas not dropping too much okay oh I remember we can actually see some explosions here yep there we go or here's some explosions because I don't know how to look back he's more than playable guys super enjoyable GPU temperature at 84 degrees Celsius it's passive cooled man it's passive cooled so it's okay it's not without the link I don't care if it dies if it dies it means that I will end the video sooner so that's better for me and for you as well no more headaches definitely not play with a GPU like this it's Arc fear evolved six why is there a six I maybe it's like a season or something but yes guys this is Ark survival evolved or fear evolved that's very fitting considering the horrible GPU that we're playing with it is it's terrifying you know we're playing at 6 45 480 using the lowest settings and I am using the extremely low memory mode because it's the least intensive one here in Ark survival evolved not even DirectX 10 mode it's the extremely low memory mode and let's see it's taking a while oh my God one FP two three oh what is this oh it's so horrible look at my hands there no what is that am I a dinosaur now oh no okay it's just loaded them ah ah it's so bad what the hell dude three FPS four what about looking at the sky come on give me ten nope five oh my God oh my God we're not even in a very intensive area you know this is the starting I think oh oh come on it's taking a while to render trees and stuff I don't think I've ever seen it that bad honestly I'm just gonna move on too bad that's the pure sound of nostalgia my friends this is GTA San Andreas at 10 24x768 super popular resolution back in the days actually is released in 2004 and we're using the low settings draw distance set to the minimum okay it's minimum not maximum there and look at that oh yes we can play it pretty well 60 FPS okay now what should we do maybe grab a car and get out of here damn it okay all right maybe grab a yeah this is nice okay let's go oh yes character kick right there very good oh what I can actually oh my God no this is terrible I could control the motorcycle with my uh my mouse oh come on I just went to look around not control the motorcycle with my mouse yeah that's weird Okay um now driving really fast in this game is actually intensive because there are these oh I can't I can't drive oh my god there are these speed effects you know which actually erect your FPS if you are driving really fast it's dropping from 60 there already uh it's not too bad though yeah it is playable I mean the PS2 ran this game at 25 frames per second no no no get out get out of here watch this nice and easy there was the weirdest takedown ever okay at least we got 69 on average can't really complain about that thank you policeman okay I'm in the police station right now and I know where a weapon is okay right here all right see that I knew it this wasn't really the weapon that I was looking for honestly there is another one somewhere in the police station or maybe that's in Vice City I don't know all right let's go I'm not gonna say anything okay so many people here hello buddy can you help me grab a weapon and help me please up there we go we're dead now yes left for that too is next we're playing at 640 by 480 using lowest settings I think this one's gonna be playable guys all right let's oh no no seriously it's dropping so much at times and we're still in the base oh come on dude 22. ah are they so loud by the way 16 frames no way oh come on I actually thought it was gonna be okay I was thinking of playing it at Native resolution even I just how how I am baffled right now I did not expect this to be so bad Jesus 24 that's the Cinematic frame rate I guess if you want the Cinematic experience this is gonna be it at least most of the time when it's not dropping to the teens uh terrible stuff dude hello spitter how's it going can you spit the acid in my G-Force 9300 GE please because I I don't think this is good for anything honestly browsing the web unless you are watching videos is not half bad with this GPU oh my God this is Battlefield 3 guys I don't know what resolution we're utilizing at the moment because I'm playing in windowed modes because in full screen it doesn't work properly the capturing um but it's 7 FPS it's terrible I I want to go to the menu okay thank you uh this is lowest settings as well by the way of course as usual it says 640 by 480 there but in Windows it just doesn't work the resolution for some reason even if I set it like it's 6 45 480 there doesn't do anything so it says full screen there so yeah uh I will keep lowering this until we find a playable frame rate so and I will then count the pixels when I'm editing by the way okay 20 FPS are close to it it's way better we're starting it's starting to become playable there we go I can now shoot people that's great am I killing civilians as well oh I'm so sorry so sorry about that there we go this is the campaign by the way because I keep getting kicked from the multiplayer because of punk Buster yes it still has that problem even all these years later I mean after they took like two months adding a scoreboard to their latest game I'm not really surprised lower it down a little bit oh God I can't see the FPS now we need to yeah okay there we go 30s 30s is finally playable I can't see a thing the FPS are in front of the screen but now oh look at that 100 FPS sometimes crazy stuff good good good very nice sequence there oh I'm hearing I'm hearing something uh I'm I don't know what to do I'm hearing a C4 or an explosive this is bad this is it's probably gonna explode I don't know I just I want to proceed with I don't know how to oh okay there we go oh it doesn't explode on easy difficulty very interesting let's go keep on going okay good stuff I could take my time there Skyrim is up next we're gonna play at 800 by 600 Rays using the low settings here all right everything is turned down to the lowest where why are the guards not after me they're always after me when I start this game what the heck anyways it is definitely unplayable you can see my mouse around there it's kind of weird let's uh enter the city and see the FPS dropping even more than that Yep this is not good even in Skyrim guys an 800 by 600 is actually the lowest res that this game supports at least without going into config files and stuff like that so ah maybe if you can drop it down to like 300p in config files I don't know if that's possible even it might be playable but then it looked like crap so ah what a disappointment guys okay so Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is just around the corner and what if you want to play that with a 9300 GE well good news my friends you actually can but only Modern Warfare 2 2008 but it's it doesn't matter it's the real original Modern Warfare 2 very good game right here 640 by 480 using the lowest settings oh yes this is um I thought it was gonna be better not not gonna lie this 640 you know and the fob is terrible oh God it's dropping so much though oh I didn't like that that was really bad no let's not die right away please thank you come on oh my god oh this is difficult actually this is really hard that's what she said of course okay let's go careful now not running around like a prick hello little Trash Jesus those textures look so bad but well we do have 256 megabytes of vrams so the textures need to look that bad otherwise it's going to be awful let's go this is nice what surprises me the most is that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 was very playable on the g100 but this this is struggling quite a bit guys I don't like that too much oh boy come on there we go I don't think I've ever been to this part of the map or at least I don't remember oh what but why what I'm abandoned oh that's why I haven't been there yet okay now what if you really want to play some OverWatch too um it's not possible because it's a dark X11 title and this doesn't support it but you can play some paladins instead it's free it's it works kind of I guess 800 by 600 lowest settings let's go with Groot I have no clue what the other ones do customize your Champion I I don't care really let's just play it oh this isn't the g100 get like 60 FPS this is getting half of that maybe it's the map I don't know oh what at least it's sort of playable right we have horses I totally forgot about that let's go this OverWatch with with roaches everywhere oh at least we saw roach in this video that's amazing all right okay [Music] Rochie's gone oh my God that was an invisible roach what the Groot killed me is what the heck so I'm not gonna lie I am kind of hating this guys let's go kill the other recruit okay there we go come on come on I don't know what to do damn it it feels so bad with 30 FPS it's so stuttery guys that's Widowmaker there or not real but yes uh let's go take care of the Widow take care of the Widow there we go good job good job we did it oh it's so terrible drops into the 20s in freaking paladins wasn't expecting it to be so bad here honestly oh we got another one can we get another one come on what the hell is happening get off the weasel again nice okay I'm starting to have a little bit more fun now that I am getting used to it my guys are pretty good not gonna lie it's all because of my teammates my teammates are doing everything seven six five I'm gonna I'm gonna go here yes focus on me don't go to the payloads we got it see I did something there by the end I died but because of me we actually won that finally it's time for a Minecraft ah Java edition case even the game is scared guys look at this it's so funny we're using the fabric mode or like sodium I just installed Iris and sodium so that's it okay it runs better than the native version of Minecraft let's go over the settings here 800 by 600 using low settings it seems like it is playable guys damn this looks so bad though go up please look at that that looks like noise you know when you film stuff during the night and your camera isn't that good this this looks like it it's so damn noisy Jesus all right we got some beautiful looking mushrooms these are mushrooms like they're not trees maybe they're three mushrooms I don't know the game is playable at least it gets 60 FPS there look at that that's beautiful I couldn't ask for a more decent experience than this honestly this is great okay I am not gonna complain about that almost 69 on average right now look at these huge caves as well beautiful stuff here 69 right now not anymore damn it it fluctuates way too much but hey this game isn't the game where you need like really fast reflexes unless you get into a very bad situation with the zombies so even though it stutters a lot you can definitely play it and to be honest I think it always stutters no matter what it's just because it needs to render the chunks and everything it's just it looks really bad dude it's almost night time and I haven't seen Jack yet at least we are seeing some beds right here but I don't want to see beds now I'm getting sad because Jack doesn't like cause there are pumpkins and everything and I'm even sad there now because we got 59 on average not even 60. come on did Facebook buy Minecraft are they stalking me now they know first they were scared of playing the game with this and now they say finally complete I just I don't understand let's move to the conclusion my friends it's finally conclusion time I don't have anything else to say this thing is absolutely terrible I shouldn't have bought it for four and a half Euros at least it was less expensive than the g100 which was 5 Euros so there's that and I guess that's what it's worth maybe even watching videos on YouTube at least at 1080p didn't run very well at 720p it was okay but it still lagged every now and again it's really bad guys anyways in all seriousness I put some pillows there but it actually hit the ground thank you very much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it it's always kind of interesting to take a look at these very low end gpus I myself have a little bit of fun doing it so I hope you had some fun watching it as well thanks again for watching catch you guys in the next one very soon and as always love you all bye bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 177,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 year old gpu, gpu, graphics card, years old, old tech, old gpu, old pc, components, cheap, old drivers, high end, directx, ebay, deals, 2020, popular, 10$ gpu, graphic card, csgo, dota 2, valorant, mw3, cod, tech, old, outdated, dx10, dx9, cheap graphics card, cheap gpu, 1€ gpu, paladins, mw, bad company 2, battlefield, rocket league, 2007, league of legends, low spec, low end, worst gpu 2020, worst gpu ever, worst, slowest, slow, vga, display adapter, 1$, 9300 ge, ge, geforce 9000, 9300, gs, gt
Id: j04HDqBTamA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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