RTX 4080 | Cyberpunk 2077 - DLSS 3, FG, RT tested

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hello guys Chris here and welcome back to another video in this one my friends we're going to be testing cyberpunk 2077 which is looking fantastic right now with very high FPS in the RTX 4080 we're playing at 4K resolution first using the high settings preset I'm gonna disable oh that's why it was getting super high FPS FSR right here as well as sharpening and I will disable the motion blur as well everything else is set to the high settings preset at the moment High crowd density as well and now we should be seeing yeah okay oh that's that's a big difference all right let's go over the PC specs as well this is the RTX 4080 Founders Edition we're running it with the latest nvd drivers at the time of recording this video and I'm not overclocking the GPU you can see all of its specs right here well kind of because Tech powerups gpus still doesn't support this GPU here but you can see that with the kudu core count and the vram the configuration it is the 4080 over on the left preparing it with a ryzen 7 5800x3d and 32 gigabytes of RAM let's get into it shall we okay so 4K native resolution it is pretty damn intensive as you can see 60 FPS I was expecting a little bit better especially after I set it too high instead of ultra in the options menu and I saw 120 FPS but yeah I didn't really notice that FSR was enabled and that's a good thing you know because it still looked pretty damn good with FSR enabled and of course we got dlss support on this GPU so things will get better and they will get way more playable as well now you can see that the CPU usage is not really that high that's just because this game doesn't really like AMD CPUs unfortunately oh boy okay it doesn't even use smt on the AMD stuff yet and I tried to fix it with the hexadecimal editor and it didn't really work I couldn't really find the actual string you know so this is what we're stuck with it doesn't really bottleneck this GPU although we can see a little bit of GPU usage fluctuation but you'll see that with like dlss we still get way more FPS so it's not really CPU bound you know um anyways as you can see we just went through the most intensive area of the map oh yes and we gotta kill Bob a ton of times in this one because I forgot to kill him in the full review of the 4080 gotta stop it right there 64 FPS average 47 one percent lows it didn't really drop that far it felt smooth and playable but of course we need that dlss stuff oh and I am also utilizing a press release version of the game by the way which performs slightly slower than the normal version that you guys can play but it allows us to see the LSS frame generation okay so let's set dlss to Quality here at 4K resolution which in my opinion looks pretty much the same as the real deal then native resolution and it performs way better as you can see we're not even utilizing the LSS frame generation yet that can look a little bit softer and it's a little bit noticeable you know the difference is if you are pixel peeping especially you can tell that the FG is enabled but here with the LSS quality if anything it looks slightly sharper I just I I keep looking at like pixels and stuff to see like shimmering and then I don't pay attention to the road I am so sorry but yeah it is slightly sharper like this than at Native resolution some of you might like the look others might might not like the look at all but the differences are so minimal here playing at 4K that I just enable it and forget about it enjoy the game like this it's a lot smoother you can see that it's getting 90 FPS around this area right now oh yes and we gotta kill Bob I totally forgot and look at that GP utilization it's still at like 96 plus all of the time where did they go I don't know where Bob is we gotta come back later again oh no oh oh I really liked this car please stop can you get out V thank you oh boy we are screwed um also I disabled the mini map and stuff like that because it looks way more immersive like this I think oh yes there's a roach right here yeah it's it's the roach car right but it's not really mine oh boy okay anyways uh let's go to the most intensive street now see how much it will drop to there also take a look at that power utilization a lot of people have already mentioned this in their reviews including myself in my full review but that power usage is just amazing this GPU is actually efficient usually in most games I see the power utilization being pretty similar to the 1080 TI that Digimon is running in her rig we usually play together you know so I asked her what kind of TDP are you seeing right now or a power usage actually and yeah it's it's pretty similar especially if you overclock the to 1080 ti so you could say that the 4080 is pretty efficient so is the 4090 it never really reaches like 400 plus watts of usage that card and it's just insane in performance of course around like 30 faster than this if you want a no rate racing experience this might be the way to go high settings still looked insanely good here as you saw now I will turn off dlss and we're gonna play a little bit on ultra settings this is the preset I am once again gonna disable Fidelity FX sharpening as well as motion blur and leave everything else as is in the preset 4K resolution so here we go [Laughter] now to be fair in my testing the RTX 4090 also dropped from 60 frames per second here I believe it got above 60 on average like 70 or something like that um I like this car better wait a second no don't go away okay what just happened oh V what what are you oh my God it's still cyber but guys say and where is the car I just left God damn it there's another one here it's a pretty one I think yeah it's kind of like the the one we started with so let's go let's use this one here we go we're inside now also another thing that I forgot to mention is that whenever you are walking around you get way more FPS than while driving around still not enough to get 60s though or 60 plus at least all of the time uh but yeah keep keep that in mind I I actually test everything uh in like worst case scenario here so like the most intensive couple of areas in the game goodbye Bob finally that bastard is dead I think yeah seems to be dead so very very good yeah over here you can see dropping oh this is yeah there it is okay well it's just how it is my friend cyberpunk is that intensive wow I was actually expecting a little bit better here in this game honestly ultra settings but you know I still looked amazing and it performed really well and of course we got that dlss that we should probably what were you guys doing that was weird I guess we should probably enable the LSS right away because this is not what you want right let's go to the dlss enabled oh yes I forgot to test frame generation it's high settings it's not really needed you know but I'm still gonna do that okay dlss on gives us those 60s but it's still gonna drop though yeah it just goes to show you how intensive this game really is 59 there well the fact that it only dropped to 59 back there and now again means that it's gonna be 60 plus most of the time because again this is the most intensive street that I've come across in this game and it's it's really really intensive compared to other streets if you drive around the town a little bit you know anyway 60s or 50s right here okay again you can see a little bit of GPU utilization fluctuation but it's not really a CPU bottle like I assume so if I said it for example again yep there we go beautiful stuff uh yeah if I go ahead and set it to like Ultra performance for example which should make it like GPU bound completely yep there we go you can see the full limitations of the CPU right now and it is at like 120 FPS or something like that so it's not CPU bound ever whenever we are below these frame rates you know so let's stop it there again I'm almost dying inside of the car I disabled the health bar as well so maybe I shouldn't have done that anyways let's use VLS says frame generation with quality DLS says here at 4K and this is how I tested this game oh no the car is on fire again are you serious oh my gosh okay do I have like health things yes I do let's get out of here though the car is almost exploding oh my gosh yeah there we go uh now this is how I tested this game in my full review I know what to expect it's around like 80 FPS average or so yeah come on missing things there we go it's looking really good still though this is very impressive guys oh no well I guess we got our cargo back the beautiful shiny one yeah you can see a little bit more fuzziness and shimmering around some objects but it still looks really good with frame generation enabled guys and it gets 90s in the hundreds and worst case scenario it gets like 70s so a well above 60 FPS experience all of the time no rate racing enabled oh yeah I actually tested it with Ray tracing enabled in my Sunday full review what is happening cyberbuck stop please thank you so those 80 FPS on average that I was telling you about were with rt enabled and the FG and the quality dlss as well right here it's actually closer to a hundred then to 80 which is very impressive you know you can play it very smoothly of course with an RTX 4080 or a 4090 as well 490 got like 120 130 FPS using these set no I think 120 yeah 115. something like that I have a video in the channel if you're interested in checking it out most intensive Road here didn't really drop that much it's very smooth God damn it what the hell did you have a stop there oh boy anyway let's stop right here yeah 94 FPS average and let's enable now the rate racing Ultra presets it actually defaults with the LSS on by the way like it again you should use it but let's try it out without any dlss form at the moment oh boy and let's disable that motion blur as well because it looks terrible actually at these lower FPS it doesn't look as terrible but still yeah this is very rough okay it's around 30 FPS average it will drop here and there as you can see 29 there it's not really what you want is it rate racing in this game at least is still super intensive in other games like I actually tried it in Battlefield 2042 native 4K resolution and I was getting really good FPS like 60 plus all of the time 100 but here this game just has too much Ray tracing stuff I guess it's an implementation that is really really intensive so it drops immensely from 30 frames per second it's it's not good let's enable dlss now on quality which should still make it below 60fps yeah remember it it gets like 50 to 60 most of the time but it's starting to get playable especially after playing for a little bit with 30 FPS you know this this actually feels good and it gets 50 or 45 plus I think let's see it in the most intensive street though here we go dropping to the lower 50s High 40s yeah that's exactly what I saw in my full review as well not bad guys but it is not what you want from a 1200 GPU once again it's rate racing with quality dlss and no FG so it's pretty impressive that it's very playable to get these FPS in the last generation I actually needed with the 3080 TI I actually needed to play with performance dlss and even then it was worse than this so it's impressive the performance uplift but the price of this GPU is just too damn High let's enable the frame Generation stuff and oh there we go we are in the 80s this is very good okay come on good stuff 70s and 80s should be what we get here no drops below 70 I think at least not so far let's go goodbye Bob once again yeah we're killing Bob a bunch of times today it's revenge for him running away in Red Dead Redemption 2 in yesterday's video are the roads actually like drying out because it was super shiny when we first started it and now it hasn't rained for a while so I know it is very very wet in this road right here you can see like in front of the car it's it's not really as sharp as it was without FG but still I mean this is 60 plus FPS if you want the ultra settings Ray tracing all the bells and whistles I think it's worth playing like this you know because it's just it still looks beautiful it's a great technology in my opinion A lot of people don't like it but I really do you anyway I'm gonna turn off frame generation now and use balanced dlss because I saw that it still looks and plays really good like this yeah 60s not bad just gonna check it out in Bob's roundabouts with these settings okay got a little stitter there I actually think that was an auto save there by the way because it always happens in that little area but yeah oh it's already dropping from 60. if you don't want frame generation and you want Ultra RT what do you need for 60 plus FPS performance dlss yeah apparently performance dlss is the setting to go if you want 60 plus all of the time and RT enabled on Ultra not even on psycho by the way although psycho art is not really that much more intensive honestly all right let's go to the most intensive Street once again seems to not be too different from the FG um experience both visually ends performance wise frame generation was giving us a little bit extra FPS although the input lag was a little bit worse as well because that's how that upscaling technology works but honestly guys I can't really feel the difference in input lag at least at these FPS honestly it doesn't really make that big of a difference so yeah and this is not a competitive game if it was a competitive game I would strongly recommend you to disable frame generation because the extra input lag would actually hurt you your performance so there's that Fringe 74 FPS average pretty damn good I don't think it dropped from 60 though and let's turn off the LSS I guess you know what let's try it out on high enable dlss and frame generation on quality here and turn off motion blur of course Yep this is a really smooth experience what is wrong with my door there oh my gosh I wrecked the car okay yeah this is nice guys it still looks really impressive it's very sharp and detailed still even though FG is enabled oh I forgot about Jack Jack is right here by the way a beautiful boy didn't leave us my friends is right there he's always been there I recently found him this is really impressive with Prem generation it gets rid of the CPU bottleneck because if you remember we were CPU bound at like 110 to 120 frames per second earlier in this video and now we're getting above that with full 99 GPU usage I really love what this technology does to your frames Everything feels that much smoother especially if you're running a high refresh rate monitor I'm running 60 hertz here because of the capture card but this is this is a another level of smoothness basically and the fact that it looks so good still it is definitely worth it and I'm running a 32 inch monitor here so it's easier to spot the imperfections of frame generation than like a 27 inch monitor in a 27 inch monitor you will be hard pressed to notice the difference between even like quality dlss and FG with quality LSS or even performance honestly because performance still looked pretty damn impressive in my opinion okay I'm back to race racing Ultra just gonna disable dlss and see it with maximum Ray traced lighting and this one right here set to Psycho as well so this is absolute maximum settings in the game aside from motion blur oh my gosh yep and as you can see it's getting pretty similar fps to ultra Ray tracing right so it's only a little bit more intensive with 25 to 86 there it's not really like a night and day basically but it is yeah it's it's measurable I guess the difference between Ultra and psycho RT in this one I'm not sure if you can notice the difference visually though but uh yeah we're getting like what two less FPS in this area so of course we still need to enable the LSS and frame generation to make it playable here also whenever you enable the LSS it always sets it to Performance which is the auto setting at 4K in other resolutions it's different of course so I will manually set it to Quality again yeah this is pretty good 70s now again the the smoothness and the input leg is just it's great I can't really I mean let me just get out of the car and play it a little bit in first person okay now I can feel a little bit of input lag basically the least FPS that you have the more noticeable it will be the input lag reduction here um compared to actually native like 70 frames per second and FG 70 frames frames per second but you know what it's still not terrible I mean I missed that shot there I usually wouldn't maybe but maybe I'm just bad you know yeah you can definitely get used to the little bit of input like you know what just a little input like test for you guys see that it's not really that big is it there we go kill these basters right here these are Bob's Friends by the way Bob runs the city you know he's uh one of those Mafia guys uh okay there we go come on oh boy there it is there it is oh yeah this is looking fantastic with all of those lights and reflecting in the ground and stuff this is It's A Beautiful game guys and definitely very playable like this it doesn't really get much better than this you know 60 plus FPS with absolute maximum settings quality dlss and frame generation of course the 4090 can do much better in this game this is one of the games where that GPU is has a bigger lead in performance compared to this one but still that doesn't mean that this isn't a capable GPU for this once again does it drop from 60fps ever like this now let's leave this settings like this turn off the LSS and play a little bit at 1440p resolution because I've seen some comments saying oh this is a perfect 1440p GPU I think it's more aimed towards 4K and Nvidia themselves say that um but still if you want 1440p well I got your back guys there we go 2560 by 1440 using same Ultra maxed out settings no dlss at the moment what no way yeah well actually yes way because 4K is that much more intensive than 1440p I just remember it yeah still it's it's getting around the same FPS as 4K with rate racing and quality dlss I believe right pretty much the same experience in terms of smoothness and visuals look a little bit worse to me at least but that's because I'm running a 4k monitor of course if you're running an at 1440p monitor it's going to be really really nice so here at 1440p let's set it to Quality no frame generation first okay wow that looks really good okay it actually looks a little bit sharper once again than native resolution and on a 32 inch 4k monitor it actually makes it look better like this than at Native 1440p which is interesting and now we're well above 60 frames per second all of the time we killed Bob he apparently is sticking to our car for some reason well humans you know made of Flesh and Bones it's gooey oh what the hell actually never mind he's not a human how did he survive that what the hell dude Bob just die already please I'm gonna turn this thing around again no no no the car is on fire no we died Bob got his revenge there at the end guys at least we spawned here so everything is all right so this is basically going to be 60 plus FPS experience all of the time you just need to enable quality dlss at 1440p for it to be and Max settings experience and it still looks incredible even on a 32 inch 1440p monitor which is what I had previously before I upgraded to 4K it looked really good with the LSS enabled um should we do 1080p let's see 1080p okay turn off dlss here we go okay so at 1080p we can finally get 60 plus FPS all of the time without the LSS at Native resolution impressive I don't know if it is because it's 1080p you know you should definitely not buy a GPU like this for 1080p gaming well you know you have the option now let's see like with uh quality dlss frame generation and DLS as enabled at 1080p oh my God all right I guess we're reaching the limits of frame generation plus this CPU because GPU usage is definitely not maxed out now at least it wasn't back there now it kind of is whoa all right then 200 FPS there wow that is insane actually and I forgot to test 1440p with frame generation as well that still might give you the high refresh rate experience damn that's insane guys and lastly for this video which is getting really big I bet 1440p using quality dlss frame generation and the maximum settings aside from that and it's getting a hundred and forties yes it is a high refresh rate experience like this once again I can see that it's a little bit blurry like in front of the car for example in the road it's not as detailed but it it still looks amazing and it's a high refresh rate experience in cyberpunk that's absolutely insane now there's GPU Bound Again by the way at 1440p with FG wow this is insane this is just insane I can't wait to see where they go from here goodbye Bob see you in hell buddy yes I am going to hell as well because I have been testing and breaking people's eyes with like gt710s and stuff like that g100s yep but I am not as bad as Bob himself you know obviously anyways guys that's been it for this video thank you very much for watching hope you enjoyed it don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already and I'll be back very soon with another one probably in version two and I'll see you soon bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 164,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4bQCutpW8zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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