AMD Fluid Motion Frames - RX 7900 XTX - Cyberpunk 2077 | 4K

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hello welcome to the video I'm going to be checking out my 7900 XTX on cyberpunk I'm going to be trying out the AMD uh fluid motion frames so effectively frame generation I'm going to be doing it at 4K uh and then Graphics wise first I'm going to just test out with FSR quality on and we've got everything on Ultra all and uh and high Ray tracing path tracing everything's off uh I'm going to play it first for a little bit with the AMD fluid motion frames switched off and then I'll play with it switched on as well so we can see the difference so this is what it's like with the AMD fluid motion frames off we're getting about 70 to 80 FPS I I'm going to have to use this AMD overlay because basically it doesn't pick up on the frame Generation Um through MSI off the burn or anything like that it literally only work through AMD overlay so going to have to be using that slightly different from what I normally use uh but yeah seems like with these settings going to be hovering in around between 70 and 80 I think I will check out take a look maybe we can get into a more city city area see how much our frames drop I think we probably see it Dro to the six diesel I should imagine uh GPU power looks pretty much the same as normal it's pretty much maxed out so by the looks of it we've got about 10 gigs of vram being used um it seems probably about right I think 4K with ra tracing and everything off I think maybe we see a bit higher than that normally uh I know with 4K ra tracing or path tracing at least you normally seeing about 16 gig I think if I [Music] remember I've got a little bit of ghosting going on it seems like on the car here which is I assume what's is being caused by FSR dipping into the 60s a bit here as [Music] well uh but overall performance seems pretty good not too bad it's playable at least with these settings going to try and take get to a city area so we can take a look at that it is stuttering a little bit I can feel um in the frame time there you can see it uh couple of stutters uh but it's kind of been like that this game overall and pretty much anything I play really so they dips into the kind of almost mid yeah mid 60s is 67 65 so you're probably with these settings at least FSR quality going to at least stay above 60 which is decent obviously we're not running any ra tracing or anything thing you'd expect if if you switch that on it would really destroy the [Music] performance okay so now I've switched on the AMD fluid motion frames and as you can see it's pretty much doubled our FPS so now we're getting we've gone from kind of 65 to 70 to well we're at about 120 to 130 so round about double on average um we'd probably be averaging about 65 is here so we're getting like yeah pretty much double or maybe just under sometimes slightly over so very very impressive increase of FPS the frame time does look very strange we saw this issue with um FSR 3 and for spoken when I tried that it made the frame time look crazy which is looking similar here to what it was in for spoken as well uh GPU utilization still 100% vram looks about the same as well I know with Nvidia cards you switch on frame generation often times you see it increase V Ram by one or 2 gig um but it looks looks like it hasn't really changed that at all so definitely an impressive increase of FPS not not noticing any latency or anything like that thought maybe it'd I do have anti-ag on as well so that's likely combating some of [Music] that so definitely a nice increase in performance it plays nicely I don't doesn't feel like it's stuttering for me anymore which we were getting before H but it's a bit harder to tell cuz that frame time is so up and down it's a bit harder to tell still getting the ghosting on the car as well I know that's more an image it's not worse with the uh fluid motion frames on on or off it's about the [Music] same okay so I now wanted to try out uh we've got four case still um and I wanted to try out with path tracing and stuff on so I've had to drop down to FSR performance uh we've got everything maxed high or Ultra like we had before but instead now we've got par tracing on here um so this is technically R tracing overdrive um this is without AMD fluid motion frames at first so our frames are going to be quite bad I think we're looking at about 20 maybe under 23 FPS by the looks of it um kind of interested to see I know I think AMD have said you should be getting at least 50 to 60 FPS before enabling uh fluid motion frames so obviously our our previous test made sense cuz we were above 60 when we used it um I do want to see what this is like when we enable when we've got to say something like 20 I know with Nvidia frame generation you can get away with often times being at about 30 FPS um if you switch it on if you're below 30 and you switch it on the latency can be quite bad uh but it it kind of sometimes depends on the game too though some games I think handle it better than others um obviously there's performance here with path tracing on um is is really not too good the fact of using FSR performance as well I mean trying to play this even with quality uh is really really not too good our vram obviously like we were talking about our vram just by switching path tracing on WE it's gone up by about 3 3 and 1/2 gigs so we're at about 13 and 1/2 gig now right so I've just enabled AMD fluid motion frames and and it looks like it's doubled our frames well not not quite we're dipping into the 30s here but we started off with 40 so it almost doubled seems to be when there's lots of movement it it drops the FPS quite a lot see like here we're dropping down to what we had before yeah it's actually worse we're getting 18 now yeah it does not doesn't seem to perform too good the latency isn't really any different for me though 52 milliseconds oh actually it is bad it is it's worse it's worse than it was with the without the fluid motion frames it's not horrendous but it's definitely more it's definitely noticeable Still Still path tracing is still not really a a plausible thing at all to run at on these AMD cards unless you drop the resolution loads even then the the frame rate is still sometimes of CAS it's not that amazing uh to really even run it here we need Ultra performance on at least at 4K vram interesting actually looks like it's gone up by switching it on we're at 13 and a half now we're over 14 which we didn't see with r trting off we didn't see that increase with fluid motion frames okay so I'm now just going to try out uh just normal raid tracing so I'm going to switch path tracing off and just have normal raid tracing on uh I'm still at 4K we've got FSR performance on still um and then the settings are higher Ultra like we had before and then as you can see here we've just got psycho R tracing but path tracing is Switched Off so I want to see how it kind of performs with that instead um it's it looked to me like we were getting about 50 to 60 FPS here 54 so a lot better than when we had path tracing on this might actually now be doable at least with just normal Ray tracing seems like that it'll actually POS be possible with fluid motion frames I've currently got that off but when enabling that which I'll do in a set we should see our frames double so it should be what around about kind of 80 to 100 I'd say by the look look of it okay so I've just now enabled fluid motion frames and and yeah we looks like we're doubling our frames so we're between 80 and 100 like I thought I am noticing though this the input lag uh I'm noticing it quite badly here maybe it's just cuz I've kind of tested it more now but I am really noticing it I see it's less than it's it's not as bad as when we had path tracing um by on that stat you can see the frame frame gen lag the latency is not as much as path tracing I think was at 50 so now we're at 28 29 and but I am noticing it more switching fluid motion frames on and off I'm definitely noticing that more and I do I have anti-l lag on as well um but it's definitely noticeable for me seems like it it performs worse with Ray tracing on Ray tracing or path tracing feels like the Laten is way more intense but I guess that's because our frames are lower so obviously the lower your frames are native uh not native but the lower your frames are before you enable fluid motion frames the worse the latency is going to be you know if you're if you're above I guess 50 to 60 like they recommend you're probably not going to have too bad latency so yeah I definitely probably try and uh stick to that stick to that if you can and make sure you you've got at least 50 or 60 I think we were just we were Hing around that but I think we're maybe just on the lower end of it cuz we were hitting the 40s with it off so we'd have to enable Ultra performance I think to uh give us above 50 to 60 and then it probably isn't so bad the other slightly odd thing to me is I'm just not convinced by this frame rate I'm on my 144 htz uh display and it just doesn't look like 90 to 100 fps to [Music] me like this looks the same as when I had it at 50 which I find odd and I'd say I'm probably a pretty good guess of frame rate I see different frame rates enough um um and it just I'm not convinced that this is a it's saying 100 FPS I'm not it just doesn't it doesn't look like 100 to me not entirely convinced by [Music] that that's going to be it for this video guys thanks a lot for watching make sure to like the video jop me a comment let me know what you think of the fluid motion frame so far and I'll catch you next time
Channel: Benchmark Boy
Views: 63,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: benchmark boy rx 7900 xtx, benchmark boy, amd fluid motion frames, fluid motion frames, fluid motion frames amd, 7900 xtx benchmark, 7900xtx, 7900 xtx, rx 7900 xtx, RX 7900 XTX, xtx 7900, amd, gpu, nvidia, cyberpunk 2077 rx 7900 xtx, rx 7900 xtx cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 7900 xtx, cyberpunk 2077 fluid motion frames, fluid motion frames cyberpunk 2077, amd frame generation, frame generation amd, amd frame generation cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 amd frame generation
Id: ok6aMLqn_a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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