3080 vs 3090 vs 4080 vs 4090: Don't get ripped off

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before we get going I should probably explain why are there two different percentage thingies on the sides here well I was I couldn't decide whether I wanted to set the 3080 as the baseline or the third or the 4080 as the Baseline and measure the average percentage results from there so I ended up doing both so on the left you see the 3080 set as the Baseline and that's comparing average frame rates for each Benchmark run this is currently showing my first plague tail run and then you can see the uh on on the right you can see the same averages but using the 4080 is the Baseline percentage and the reason I I was debating this I decided to do both is I think some people have still missed the point that there's a massive difference between a 4080 and a 40 90 but a much smaller difference between a 3080 and a 3090 and it's best shown I think seeing percentages like these also as you're watching the stats up there um I think some of the interesting ones to keep in mind is you know you've got the GPU utilization percentage it's temperature but when you're looking at the temperatures think about it's um the different cooler models will get different results the specific models I'm using here by the way my 3080 is a 12 gigabyte version I'm not trying to do that to skew the results it's just the only 3080 that I have because 3080 Founders Edition launched before my channel even existed this is 38 they have the 12 gigabyte version is slightly faster than a 10 gigabyte model and does have a little bit more vram obviously and um so then I've got a 30 90 and a 4080 that are the founders Edition and my 4090 is a gigabyte gaming OC sorry other stats you might want to look up up there are the amount of power draw each one is reporting because there's definitely some efficiency gains going up to the 4000 series and then uh if you look at the memory in green that's showing both the um the amount of vram that is allocated and the amount that is reported as being used per the game process and this is all according to Riva tuners statistics server if you're wondering where this is all coming from uh if you're looking at the frame rate counters the FPS numbers the one on the left is the current frame rate the middle is the average the one on the right is the one percent lows and I think this is an interesting comparison because pricing's all over the place and I'm gonna give you some more thoughts on that uh at the end of the video let's hop into the benchmarks all right so let's start out with plagetail Requiem at 4K Ultra settings because I think this is a good judge of the type of demand we'll get from graphically heavy non-cross gen console games because plagetail Requiem was designed to stress the PS5 and the Xbox series consoles without worrying about backwards compatibility and I think that will get more common as we get deeper into this console generation let's face it a lot of games are designed with consoles in mind also this is just a very beautiful game graphically I don't think this intro scene really does it just as this game is extremely impressive but here we can see that like once we actually get camera control only the 4090 is delivering over 60 FPS at Native 4K with the 4080 averaging throughout that cut scene a little over 60 and the 30 90 and 3080 well below 60 FPS both currently and in the averages now most big release games these days do support dlss so that's what we're looking at here so running through that same intro cinematic we're seeing now all of the gpus able to deliver at over 60 FPS averages the 3080 a little below 60 here the 3090 a little bit above in this exact scene but the 48 and the 490 are both well over 60 FPS and the 4090 giving a true High refresh rate experience at 108 FPS currently with 122 average in the scene now what if we kick on frame generation first thing I'll mention is that this scene isn't as impressive for frame generation frame rate boost as I've seen in some others also I did a whole video on this and please watch that frame generation frames are not equivalent to other frame frames so I really don't want to use it much in this video it's really a separate topic you have to address because the frames are not created equal they don't decrease system latency the way normal frames do they don't always look as good but they can it is a very good feature that you should be aware of now if we drop down to 1440p we see the 3080 and the 3090 a lot more at home in this kind of a demanding title both of them averaging over 60 FPS and the 4080 delivering a high refresh rate experience and the 4090 um just crushing it way over 120 FPS and that's native no dlss required at this point now again let's switch to another recent graphically demanding title this is the Callisto protocol and we're starting out at 4K Ultra and you can see here that the frame time graphs are looking very uh up and down throughout pieces of this Benchmark I'm using the game's built-in Benchmark so this game is not super well optimized however the graphics do look quite good and again it's one it's a demanding uh recent release so I did want to use it here and here we can see the 40mm 90 really stretching its legs compared to the other gpus in the other test with over doubling the performance I'm seeing out of the 3080 here so it really seems like this test now this was without the ray tracing enabled at first which is is really interesting um but what if we kick on the ray tracing wait a second were the new cards supposed to be even better at Ray tracing get an even further lead here well that would be true if they didn't get held back a little bit by the CPU at times here if you can see the GPU usage percentage especially on the 4090 it does occasionally dip below the even the 90 percent range and that's indication of a CPU limit and what a lot of people don't realize about Ray tracing is that while it does increase the demand on the GPU it also increases the demand on the CPU and this game doesn't seem particularly well programmed for the CPU usage with Ray tracing enabled uh leading to CPU limited situations more than I think should happen if they were able better to uh multi-thread it because if you're like the CPU is not reporting much usage percentage that's because it's not multi-threaded super well here you can see this again by dropping down to 1440p Max Ray tracing settings where here we see the 40 90 barely outperforming the 4080 in a lot of the scenes but again if you look at the GPU usage percentage um the 4090 is rarely close to being fully utilized at all so that's what's going on here and I think this is useful even in a GPU Benchmark because it does stress the fact that if you're if the rest of the system can't keep up having a faster GPU doesn't actually help you out much and especially the 4090 at 1440p can often get limited um by other factors in the system rather than really fully stretching its legs so if you're playing at 1440p you might want to consider whether the 40 90 would just be wasted although it would give you a lot of Headroom Headroom for the future now notice that if we go to 1440p ultra notice not Ray Trace settings the frame rates overall are a lot higher we still see a little bit of CPU limitations going on especially on the 40 90. but much less so and again this is emphasizing the fact that it's actually turning on Ray tracing that is increasing the CPU demand so much that we're seeing the um such large CPU limitations on the 4090 although like I said here there are certain areas where definitely CPU Limited in this Benchmark if you watch it back staring at the GPU usage percentage on the 40 90. and again my stats on the left and right hand side of the screen I know I said at the beginning of the video again they're they're measuring the average result by the end of The Benchmark run and comparing it to the 3080 and to the 4080 respectively but let's hop into a slightly older game about going on about two years now but also still one of the most graphically demanding games out there with cyberpunk 2077 at the 4K Ultra settings notice this is not even including Ray tracing yet and notice that neither the 3080 nor the 3090 uh break 60 FPS throughout this Benchmark run at least on average uh the 4080 is able to average 60 uh over 60 frames per second throughout the Benchmark run and the 4090 is the only one giving you a uh particularly High refresh rate experience although this is this is stressful on the 4090 as well at 4K notice here that the 3080 and the 3090 are also closer together than we even saw them in the last two titles that we tested which I found was interesting and again I want to bring up the fact that I feel like the 3080 and the 3090 are giving you a very similar gaming experience whereas if you compare the 4080 to the 4090 um it's going from around 60 fps to a much higher refresh rate experiences it's a more meaningful difference here now here I'm looking at what kind of settings would you maybe actually play the game at if you were doing it on a 3080 or a 3090 at 4K because thing is you don't need to just play a game at Native 4K with all the settings cranked to ultra if you turn the settings down to high and you enable dlss quality then both the 3080 and the 3090 are able to deliver a pretty high refresh rate 4K experience although yes it's not native 4K now that we're upscaling with dlss but if we allow the same thing on the 4080 and the 4090 then you're getting a truly High refresh rate experience I mean the 40 90 at this point in The Benchmark is averaging 150 frames per second I mean that's just absolutely nuts we see a little bit of a CPU limit as we dip into this more populated area of the city so that's something to keep in mind um but it is a uh yeah the this is a very impressive frame rate result here so again just sometimes it's worth tweaking the settings a bit speaking of tweaking the settings how about we just kick on Ray tracing to the ultra preset and now we see every single GPU struggling including the RTX 4090 however I would say that the only GPU here where you might want to consider actually playing at Native 4K Ultra would be the 4090 because we can see it hanging out in the upper 30s to lower 40s which again I'm not saying is ideal or the settings you would realistically actually use but the other ones are consistently below 30 FPS and the 3080 and the 3090 are sometimes even below 20 frames per second and you just really couldn't even consider playing the game at those settings I mean the 4080 maybe you could try to lock 30 FPS but we see the one percent lows and even the average below 30 here so really I just wanted to show off that that with Ray tracing enabled at 4K and a heavy Ray tracing title all of the gpus here are struggling although the 4090 really stretches its legs with these demanding Ray tracing settings now what if we actually tried to see could the 3080 and the 3090 get 60 FPS with Ray tracing Ultra if we use dlss aggressively so I've switched dlss to the performance mode but I've left it at 4K Ray tracing Ultra preset and the interesting thing here is we're actually seeing the uh 3080 and the 3090 are often below 60 FPS even using dlss performance remember that is upscaling from a 1080p image this is a four times area upscale 50 linear upscale um so it's extremely aggressive and guys I I know some people are less sensitive to it than me but when using dlss in the this game I can definitely Spot the Difference compared to Native especially in things like the palm tree branches and lines on the pavement things like that but notice that the 4080 is above 60 FPS actually averaging about 80 right here the 40 90 is averaging over 100 FPS so if you're willing to use dlss aggressively you can crank the ray tracing settings alternatively if you're playing at 1440p uh with Ray tracing Ultra and I did enable dlss quality here because I based the uh I ran so many tests that just aren't going to fit into the videos so I did test these at the native resolution but I wanted to show that at 1440p of the 3080 and the 3090 if you're using uh willing to use dlss quality they can get a uh above 60 FPS experience with a heavy Ray tracing title like this one so RT ultra settings dlss quality the 3080 and the 3090 are doing fine whereas the 4080 and the 4090 are delivering a truly High refresh rate experience and we see that the 4090 here is only averaging 14 faster than the 4080 but that's because it reaches CPU limits again a look at the GPU usage percentage on the 4090 right now and guys this is a ryzen 7 700x on 32 gigabytes of uh ddr5 6000 cl36 memory so this is a fast system and it's getting high high frame rates it's just that the 4090 at 1440p um is really such Overkill it's hard for any CPU on the market to keep up uh depending on the game obviously now we're looking at 1440p Ultra so notice not RT Ultra so with the ray tracing turned off how are these gpus doing in a demanding 1440p title well we're seeing that both the 3080 and the 3090 are giving you comfortably high enough refresh rate experience I think for most people's tastes with the graphics cranked um and we're seeing the 4080 and the 4090 uh doing a better job at maxing out you know a 120 or more monitor with the 4090 um I mean average wise would be perfectly suiting to like 165 Hertz 1440p monitor that kind of a thing but you can also see right here the GPU usage percentage even dipping below uh below 100 so again the 4090 obviously the fastest here but unable to fully stretch its legs in every scene although it wasn't too held back for the most part because again with rt off we had less CPU demand here I thought we'd look at what about um what about multiplayer games so Modern Warfare 2 and by extension war zone 2 2 although that's harder to Benchmark our very popular uh multiplayer games and I thought it would be because these are competitive multiplayer and I'm using the built-in Benchmark here um I thought it would be useful to actually not show the extreme preset we're looking at the balanced preset because I think a lot of people would turn down settings in a game like this to try to get high enough frame rates here we're seeing the 3080 and the 3090 doing fine they're over 100 FPS or around 100 FPS average whereas the 4080 and the 4090 are are doing much much better the 4090 could actually play pretty competitively at 4K with the balanced preset and you'd really even the one percent lows were up around 123 FPS on the 4090 there which is um pretty impressive we could see the average overall stats here at the end if you were interested in that now here we're looking at 1440p and once again I'm looking at the balanced preset because again I think that's more realistic for how people would set the settings in a competitive game maybe you disagree or maybe you turn them down even farther here we can see all the gpus delivering a good experience a very high refresh rate and the 4090 it's kind of just fun to see how far it can go at times it's it's even getting close to 300 FPS all the although the averages are closer to 250. and do keep in mind though that if you're more interested in the war zone 2 rather than in the uh Modern Warfare 2 aspect of the game while the GPU percentages would be similar you're more likely to be CPU Limited in the Battle Royale um so that uh you'd be less likely to actually hit frame rates quite this High um in the war zone 2. it's just hard to actually Benchmark that accurately because it's a you know a live Battle Royale game here I thought I'd just also show that you know not every game is demanding as some of the ones we've been looking at here they're still extremely popular games like Forza Horizon 5. uh here we're looking at its 4K extreme preset with the temporal anti-aliasing enabled but no upscaling we're seeing all the all the gpus delivering uh a a very good experience we can even see the 4080 and the 4090 um getting a little bit CPU limited here even at the 4K extreme preset now keep in mind this game was recently updated to where I think there's a little bit of Ray tracing enabled on the reflections uh even outside of the forza Vista mode now um whereas that did not used to be the case although I'm not sure if the 4K extreme preset actually has that uh enabled or if you have to turn up the ray tracing further from here for that to uh to take into account I haven't dug full fully into that uh into that difference here but again I think the 4090 is only showing 19 faster than the 4080 primarily due to its uh not quite being fully utilized especially again if you look at that GPU usage percentage um the 3080 and 3090 are mostly pegged at 100 the 4080 is often at 100 and 40 90 is being utilized very well but frequently below a hundred percent so that's why I think we see a little bit less of a gap here also the 3080 and the 3090 were extremely close in that one they're also extremely close in Red Dead Redemption 2. here we're looking at the 4K maximum preset and I do mean preset I didn't change all the individual graphic sliders I uh took the overall Graphics quality setting and slid that all the way to the right for a favor quality we can see that all the gpus do play the game well at 4K Max however you're not really getting a high refresh rate experience until you jump up to the 40 80 or just turn down a few settings um and then the 4090 delivering excellent performance overall I'm not running the average and one percent lows on my rtss display up there if you were looking for it just because this Benchmark run has loading screens involved and I didn't want to deal with trying to start and stop overloading screens and all of that so at the end here if you want to get the overall average frame rate there you go you can spot it even between my percentage stats and all of that they all did did well here now I did want to test out a dx11 game to see if we saw anything unusual happen here so God of War is one of the more recent and graphically beautiful dx11 titles and they're all doing well here and nothing seemed to be particularly crazy or unusual about the um the overall percentage differences that I saw here if you're looking at the overall frame rate though rather than the percentage differences I will note that this opening cut scene I'm using as The Benchmark is easier to run than much of the more actual combat focused gameplay so the overall averages I think would make sense to um you know expect to get lower overall averages during average actual gameplay than what we're seeing here this is just an easy place to get a comparison as he picks up the log and turns this corner if you look at the current frame rates in this scene this is more tip typical of actual gameplay we're seeing the 3080 around 70 the 30 90 around 80 the 40 80 around 91 and the 40 90 around 123. so that I think is more useful than the average is when getting an idea of how the GPU will actually perform in that game the averages were just useful for comparing the gpus uh here we're looking at Horizon zero Dawn and this is the 4K maximum quality settings I think in this game they call it ultimate quality and again what I'm really kind of showing here is that while in the early games we looked at the 3080 and the 3090 were not able to Max Games out at 4K those are the newest most graphically demanding titles if we're looking at older games that still look quite nice and a lot of people might be playing uh the 3080 and the 3090 actually can Max them out at 4K so sometimes you know people debate well is this really a 4K graphics card it depends on what you are going to do with it right I think the 3080 and the 39 are definitely still 4K graphics cards just understanding that as new games come out over the next couple of years you'll probably have to use things like dlss or turn down some settings or both whereas um in older games like this one you can still crank things to the Max and not really have a problem all right so some final thoughts first of all I think when you're buying right now on the 3080s and the 3090s if you're trying to buy them new it's very difficult to get reasonable deals for a while we'd seen 3080s even the 12 gigabyte models coming down to around 700 to 750 on a very regular basis but if I tried to get one of those right now let's pop over to actually this is PC part Baker this is this is live we can search things it doesn't find every deal in the world but it does search a lot of major retailers for their new in stock uh options what we can see here is that the 3080s are now starting over nine hundred dollars and I just don't think that you should pay that for a 3080 right now when you look at its uh you know performance difference versus the other cards all of that and also just what it cost recently uh being down around that 700 Mark not too long ago this just feels bad so how about the 3090s if you tried to buy them new we try to buy 3090 new I'm seeing prices up at thirteen hundred dollars or more and you might be like well that's at least under MSRP but guys the MSRP of the 3090 never made great sense let's again pop back here again this this was just the plaguetail Requiem 4K results I think this gives you a good idea of what I'm talking about notice the 3090 in many of the games was less than 10 percent faster than the 3080 and in this game it was 14 faster that's that's a better than usual result okay so in other words in the vast majority of the tests here's one of the takeaways I wanted you to see if you really look at it did the 3080 or the 39 notes did the 3090 ever really give you a meaningfully different gaming experience than the 3080 did when you're not just staring at the frame rate counters I think that usually you would have a lot of trouble telling whether you were using a 3090 or using a 3080 they're giving you a very similar overall experience in the types of Graphics settings and frame rates and resolutions that you'd be able to do so if you're deciding how much should you pay on the used or new market for a 30 90 over 3080 I just don't think it makes sense to spend hundreds of dollars more on a 30 90. the only place that might make sense which I'm not really focusing on here is predict productivity use cases where the 24 gigabytes of vram actually mean something because games don't really need that amount of vram or at least not any games that I'm familiar with me I'm sure there's something and somebody will tell me in the comments now if you're buying used notice that you can get uh 3080s used for under 600 and that's not too difficult to do now you're then going to have to deal with the fact that it's well it's a used GPU has it been mined on is there still a warranty can I trust this seller so look at all of these very carefully before deciding you want to go used but I'm just saying that with how bad the prices have gotten again on the new gpus I think the used Market is offering the far better deal on 3080s right now now jumping into 3090s I'm once again seeing them cost hundreds of dollars more than a 3080 and once again guys the 3090 in actual gaming is not giving you that much better of a gaming experience than a 3080 so that's where I don't think that Gap makes a whole lot of sense now if we jump into the 4080 and the 4090 well the 4080s are more readily in stock new for around their 1200 MSRP the problem is the 1200 MSRP sucks so that is what it is and then the 4090s uh this 1800 one isn't really in stock I checked that's a glitch in PC part picker and in stock they're more like two thousand dollars now that sucks that being said we can see that the 4090 does how should I put this if you're looking for a high refresh rate 4K gaming experience especially if you want to consider using Ray tracing at all it's almost the only choice now you might be like what about the AMD gpus and all of that I'll be reviewing those separately so another thing you might think about in this video is this is really if you're considering going Nvidia obviously I couldn't fit every GPU on the market in this side by side so you can think about those but amd's 69 sorry 7900 xdx is not as fast as a 40 90. so if you're just looking for the best of the best they can kind of justify any price they want to charge as long as somebody's willing to pay it so that's my thoughts on that now the 4080 I really think the fact that we're actually seeing these sitting in stock around the MSRP um around the MSRP this close to Launch I think is an indication that the price has to come down soon and I think the fact that we're seeing the 3080s and 3090s selling at high prices again um might be an indication that the supply is drying up because as Supply dries up you might not see those desperate discounts quite as far and I guess what I'm saying about that is I think 4080 prices are more likely to come down uh Nvidia will allow that easier once the 3000 Series has sold out more anyway I what I was really hoping to do with this video is help you guys out if you're looking at the 30 80 versus the 3090 please don't spend much more money on a 30 90 unless you're you doing something professionally that actually needs 24 gigabytes of vram in which case it might make sense and heavily consider the used market right now on these although please research use gpus and buy somewhere where you have some sort of buyer protection all of that kind of stuff um yeah 4080s I think the prices need to come down uh because again look at it compared to the 40 90 right if you think about the 4080 versus the 40 90 there's a much larger performance Gap there than there was between the 3080 and the 3090 the 40 90 is actually giving you a meaningfully different gaming experience than the 4080 whereas the 3090 kind of isn't compared to the 3080. I think I've rambled on enough um I'm hoping to see all the prices come down and if you're more interested in comparisons with AMD gpus um coming soon I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 528,757
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Id: xgfFzdF7kWs
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Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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