RTX 4070 - Worth it at $599? - 1440p Gameplay Benchmarks

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hello guys Chris here and welcome back to another video in this one my friends we are gonna be testing the GeForce RTX 4070. this is not the 4070 all right this is way too big to be a 4070. I'm pleased to announce that the RTX 4070 is very small just how she likes it at least I like to believe that but look at the size difference between the 4080 right here and the 4070 it is insane this is a thick boy huge and it won't fit in many cases well this will actually fit in a ton of cases that's awesome to see but what other good things does the 4070 hide beneath this beautiful cute cooler let's find out the RTX 470 is based on the other Lovelace architecture like the other 40 series cards it has 588 Cuda cores just like its predecessor the RTX 37 70 and unlike its predecessor it isn't vram starved at least not for now I hope it comes with 12 gigabytes of gddr6x vram with a 192-bit memory buzz and a bandwidth of 504 gigabytes per second it has 184 tensor cores 46 rate racing cores it supports av1 encoding which is great for streamers and content creators and this is a great one it consumes 200 watts of power it's actually power efficient my friends we got a new GPU that doesn't consume more than 250 watts how crazy is that and surprisingly it's quite rare to see it reach 200 watts of power usage usually it's between like 170 and 190 Watts finally it will release tomorrow for 599 US Dollars MSRP and I really hope it actually sells for MSRP know that price is 100 more expensive than the MSRP of the RTX 3070 and it's the same MSRP as the RTX 3070 TI which in my opinion shouldn't have existed in the first place so 5.99 it's not a particularly good price for a 70s Q card you know the 1070 days are over but it's not too bad in my opinion I was expecting worse at least so if it performs well at 1440p especially I think it might be a pretty compelling option let's find out in the 17 games that I tested today shall we first up let's play cyberpunk 2077 at 1440p resolution using the rate racing Ultra preset I'm gonna disable the LSS first it comes on by default and I highly recommend you to enable the LSS when using RT but you know just for curiosity High crowd density right here Stark County rfps and it is completely terrible like 30 frames per second I mean if you're lucky to 30 it might very well be playable but this is not what you want out of a card like this obviously this is just for a little bit of fun here okay where is Bob by the way Bobby's always here did he run away already wait a second I think I saw somebody sneaky bastard running away Bob who the heck do you think I am I'm Gonna Get You boy this is not ideal definitely and Ray tracing was meant to be played with the LSS anyways or FSR so yeah let's let's enable that okay I'm gonna set it to Quality which is not the auto preset the auto is actually balanced here and this makes the game look a bit better in my opinion the native resolution because it's it's slightly sharper and it's not more shimmery or anything or blurrier that's because the native resolution actually comes with baked in TAA and that makes the picture a little bit softer than I'd like so yeah dlss gets rid of that softness and it ends up looking quite good here in cyberpunk 2077. I think I myself would play the game like this with the RTX 4070 it delivers 60 plus like 95 or 97 of the time there will be a couple of drops in really intensive scenarios but I don't really mind that too much okay I like it and this is with Ray tracing and without frame generation if we enable frame generation it's probably gonna go crazy in terms of FPS why did you set it to Auto I went quality anyways thank you FG is enabled now and yeah all right getting close to 100 frames per second in one of the most intensive areas in the game and it's a little bit weird that I would say it looks close to Native resolution now maybe a little bit softer at distance you can see a bit more aliasing as well because of that frame generation but I mean you do get 100 frames per second and yeah I guess that's the 4070 experience in cyberpunk 2077 it can play it absolutely fine with rt at 1440p 100 FPS with the frame generation is quite nice to see indeed oh sweet these FPS are actually quite good guys this is Call of Duty war zone 2 and we are playing it at 1440p resolution using the Extreme Graphics preset the only thing I changed here is a depth of field I turned it off down here all right I don't like the effect and over here we're using 115 fov I'm gonna go to the zarqua hydroelectric as usual one of the most intensive areas in the entire game because of the water and we we have arrived let's start counting our FPS one percent lows are gonna be pretty low but that's normal here in Call of Duty war zone two that's just because that frame time is never smooth for some reason I I just don't know anyway this is where it drops the most and it drops into the lower 80s so you can definitely play this game competitively with the RTX 4070 even if you want to make the game look pretty on Extreme settings now it feels a little bit stuttery because of that frame time graph going crazy all over the place there but that's just the game itself on Extreme settings that happens and there's nothing you can do about it let's go down here now near the water again dropping into the 80s again basically the water is the most intensive thing of course and now in this area it should jump up yeah 120s probably 130s maybe finally at the end of my Benchmark run we got a little bit of a forest area with vegetation which is also a little bit intensive compared to other areas in the map and it drops into the lower 90s a higher 80s at times so not a problem here in war zone 2 you can play it on Extreme if you want to but I'm gonna enable the LSS on quality next and see what it's capable of now in this game the LSS quality doesn't look anywhere near native resolution native res was really soft but the LSS is like over sharpened you could lower the sharpening a little bit but it doesn't really look all that great but here we are in the water again it jumped from 80 to 115 plus basically that's a really big jump in performance but again you sacrifice a little bit of quality there now we have a poorly optimized piece of crap called The Last of Us Part One and this one okay we're playing this one at 1440p resolution native at the moment no dlss and the ultra settings preset so the game is maxed out at the moment basically all right this game looks very good on ultra settings by the way it doesn't look as good on like high and medium especially medium looks like crap basically but Ultra is the way to go if you have the horsepower to run it and apparently the 4070 here can definitely push 60 plus 100 of the time in The Last of Us Part One now there is a slightly more intensive area that I've come across after we go inside and kill a bunch of people and that's where I've seen the FPS dropping the most in this game so I'm just gonna play through for now gather some averages so far so good for single player title you only need 60 FPS in my opinion also interestingly this game is not stuttering too much 61 FPS right there by the way it's dropping a lot here but still no drops from 60. also the LSS in this game doesn't look fantastic so I'm not really gonna test it out here in this one maybe for a later video that I test separately with a lot of different settings in The Last of Us I feel like this is the way to go especially if it doesn't drop around here which is that most intensive area that I've come across so far I've played for about like 10 hours already okay so it's dropping look at that 58 FPS nothing that an overclock wouldn't offset but it's interesting to see it drop from 60. okay let's try something that's actually well optimized Forza Horizon 5 at 1440p using TAA because it looks better than these two right here in this game only in this game okay using extreme settings preset as you can see and the reason why we're not utilizing the LSS today is because at 1440p Native it's already a buttery smooth completely Flawless experience look at those FPS see this 2023 developers you can have good looking games that run at hundreds of frames per second on good gpus it's always very refreshing to come back to Forza Horizon 5 and see how good it performs all right there we go jump can it be faster please okay there we go yeah all right 140s yeah this area is not really that intensive anyways we're gonna go to the city and see how much it drops to there look at this now 120s starting to get slightly CPU bounds over here by the way getting 90 something like 91 GPU usage at times now the most intensive area in the entire game believe it or not is eternal inside of the tunnel it drops but getting out of the tunnel it just gets wrecked at 90 something FPS is what you get in minimum or worst case scenarios next is Apex Legends we're playing this one at 1440p using maximum settings aside from this one right here which I can't set to maximum for some reason it always sets itself back to very high and looking at the entire map we're getting like 190s 180s 200s at times look at that anyway let's start counting the FPS I I really what the hell is that guy bugged okay I really wanted to go there because it's the most intensive area in this game like it drops like crazy around here compared to other parts uh so it's getting like 130s minimum I'm managing to avoid these people no no no no no all right let's go down there all right oh boy stop spotting me through the walls and everything like with sonars and stuff that's so so unfair damn it's okay at least we're seeing a lot of like the map so that's great right I am really low HP at the moment also if you want a more competitive experience than this I think on low settings it would probably get like 200 plus all of the time because this is really really high I was expecting it to be a little bit slower here in Apex Legends but again it's just because we've been testing games that are either too intensive and broken like the last of us or with rate racing okay this is a good spot for us to test out our ultimate with a lot of explosions it's really intensive okay I'm probably gonna die with it but I don't care I just don't see lowest FPS possible 117 is the lowest I mean you you can barely notice the drops honestly even with all of those explosions who is gonna complain about this this is Flawless in Apex Legends now it's Battlefield 2042 at 1440p using the ultra settings no dlss first and in this game I actually prefer to have the death the LSS enables because seriously as I was saying I prefer to have dlss enabled in this game because it it basically looks the same or slightly better than native resolution it's just that the native rays in this game also has that forced TAA which I don't really like that's a freaking robot dog gosh I hate those so much anyways as I was saying it's because that native resolution we got that forced TAA in this game which doesn't look great whatsoever in my opinion I just get these two guys good stuff we got double XP or whatever going on right here XP boost that's nice okay so yeah I think it looks a little bit cleaner with the dlss so I prefer that but if you prefer the native resolution well you can still run the game absolutely fine it feels battery smooth probably because I am running it on 120 hertz this time around with my capture cards hopefully it's it's recording everything just fine I'm sure oh okay there we go and enabling dlss on quality puts us at 120 so we gained 20 frames good it's the robot dog Jack again I call it Jack by the way for those of you who don't know uh I want to start counting the frames no more 80s here it's getting hundreds basically nine set of 120 or 100 FPS you're gonna see 140 and 120 which is insanely good all right it is very very nice you know what else is great about the LSS it lowers the power usage of your GPU a little bit as well even at 99 usage it consumes just a tad bit less power the 470 TI and the 4070 over here especially is just amazing in terms of efficiency this kind of performance with 170 watts of usage is insane now we have Spider-Man remastered at 1440p using TAA no dlss or frame generation are enabled by the way very high settings preset which is the maximum settings preset it's not set to the maximum though rate racing is turned off and look at those FPS just that is that is complete completely crazy and insane I was expecting it to be way worse here like 160s 150s it's actually starting to be a little bit CPU bottlenecked at the moment down here near the crowd you can see its GPU usage is fluctuating a little bit you are likely going to be CPU band if you don't have a top of the line CPU or like an i5 13600k overclocked you are gonna see less than 99 GPU usage very often and probably see lower FPS values as well but you know this is what the GPU can do 99 100 plus FPS 100 of the time that is insane and it's a very beautiful game as well even without RT like those Reflections they are looking pretty nice aren't they however if you enable rate racing obviously things are gonna be a bit worse mostly on the CPU side of things I'm gonna do it right here so right racing is now turned on on high and you can see the reflections there are now accurate to the scene behind us yeah and the FPS are still super high like what the hell I thought I thought it was gonna drop like crazy dudes what it's only dropped about like 20 FPS maybe 30 at times it's a little bit more CPU bound as well as I told you rate racing is super intensive on the CPU as well as the GPU but it is still super playable and this is native resolution we're not using any FSR or dlss what if we I'm just really curious at the moment guys what if we enable dlss frame generation I'm not enabling dlss this is frame generation over the native resolution okay and it gives us 100 FPS okay not a major jump in performance you actually gotta enable the LSS as well to see it big jump in performance I guess the LSS super resolution quality continue yeah that's it see that now we're seeing 120s 130s with rate racing if we disable rate racing it would be in the 200s I think guys this is awesome this is just an awesome experience an awesome looking game at the same time well optimized games are the best can we just stop buying crap like The Last of Us please now we have fortnite Battle Royale with the Unreal Engine 5.1 it looks really good at 1440p using DirectX 12 and the Epic settings 100 resolution scale no dlss and the rate racing is enabled as you can see real-time Ray traced Reflections are set to Epic as well and well we're seeing 50-something FPS around here that is not really that great but you have the option of utilizing the LSS in this game which looks amazing it's like the same as native resolution on quality because it works really well with the art style of fortnite and that puts us over 60 well over 60 in the 70s even getting 80s at times so if all you want is that rate racing experience at 1440p the 470 can definitely provide that it's really beautiful guys like fortnite these days is one of the best looking games out there you can see pretty much everything through the reflections on high for example it would look a lot worse by the way I have played it on high uh a lot of times already with other gpus and I can say that the reflections are like probably less than half of their resolution and epic obviously if you don't really care about the visuals in this game which a lot of people don't you can also play it at like low settings it will achieve around 300 frames per second even more than that if your CPU is strong enough so yeah fortnite has no issues here as long as you use dlss even with rate racing at 1440p oh damn this is actually super good so we're playing Red Dead Redemption 2 at 1440p and I pushed this slider all the way up to the right I only disabled motion blur and that's it it's still not Max settings okay but I would say it's ultra settings some things are still on medium or on high but this is actually super buttery smooth dudes I was expecting a little bit worse performance we're not even utilizing the LSS at the moment and I'm not going to utilize the LSS because this is how you should play this game the LSS in this game doesn't really look anything special I would say so these are the settings that I would use here no need to like optimize or do Hardware unboxed settings which are great and will give you more FPS but here you can just max out that slider play on ultra settings and it's gonna look amazing and play amazing at the same time look at those frames beautiful the weather here today in this video is just absolutely magnificent I love it here in Red Dead Redemption 2. this is Flawless dude it's never gonna drop from 60fps with a 4070 in these settings holy crap kind of makes me want to play this game right now wow but unfortunately we gotta stop it right there we've seen a couple of different scenarios already Jesus what is what is wrong with you roach what are you doing now it's Hogwarts Legacy and we're playing this one at 1440p using Nvidia dlaa as the anti-aliasing mode which looks way better than TAA and it actually performs a little bit better than the AAA high and down here I turn these off because I don't like the effects over on the advanced settings we're using the recommended ultra settings preset without rate racing I really don't recommend Ray tracing in this one by the way and around hogsmeade which is the town where we are located at the moment well it is a little bit CPU bound you can see a bit of fluctuation there in the GPU usage department so um we're being limited just slightly by our CPU but it doesn't really get much better than this honestly it's just that this area of the game is completely broken now the town over there was the most CPU intensive area of the game that doesn't mean that it's the most GPU intensive if you don't have a CPU bottleneck you will see less FPS in areas like this one near water and a lot of vegetation things can drop by a lot and it is dropping into these 60s like mid 60s at times it is a perfectly reasonable experience though I was expecting maybe slightly better over here especially not in hogsmeade though um but yeah you can rest assured it's going to be a Flawless experience in Hogwarts Legacy if you lock the FPS sd60 by the way is the best option to play this game with so you saw how the frame time graph was a little bit crazy at times with a few spikes and stuff I'm gonna limit it to 60 FPS the scanline sync as well so we don't have a lot of tearing and now you can see this place has seen better days that this place has seen better days yeah but yeah it is a really really stable experience right now all Hogwarts Legacy needs is an FPS cap and you will be experiencing this battery smoothly basically there are still a couple of small spikes in the frame time graphs oh boy I gotta say I am really impressed with Dying Light 2's performance at 1440p with dlss enabled on quality frame generation is turned off but dlss actually looks better than native resolution in this game because native res again is really soft in this one and over on the advanced settings we're using the high quality rate racing presets and I tried it first just on high without Ray tracing it was getting like 150 FPS with the LSS quality then I tried it with rate racing not the high quality rate racing preset just rate racing preset and it was getting 130 FPS and well I settled for high quality rate racing because it's still getting well above 60 frames per second this is insane performance also I'm sorry about the weather here it's awful I know but I slept for like three nights straight and it was still awful so I just figured well let's just run with it it's a little bit more intensive than like clear skies also damn it oh you jump was terrible get out of here sir thank you very much okay how are we gonna do this I really want to go in that direction no stop it stop it thank you all right if you think we got a really nice weapon here also zero stutters vram usage is at six gigabytes using Ray tracing see what's wrong with the new like Last of Us and stuff like that these textures well they don't look very good they kind of look like The Last of Us textures and they're using like half as much vram so yeah not a problem if you want to play Dying Light one or two like oh my God they're gonna run buttery smooth like one percent lows off 80. that's awesome dude next up is Elden ring we're playing it at 1440p with medium rate racing maximum settings and the motion blur turned off and we're getting flat 60fps because the game is actually capped to 60 frames per second I was seeing around 50 to 55 utilization on the GPU before I enabled great racing if you're wondering and then I enabled rate racing and that GPU is starting to get a little bit more utilized as you can see it also looks a little bit better also the stuttering issues is from the game itself it's installed on an SSD actually it's an nvme PC Express 4.0 SSD where this game is installed and it's still stuttering like this so oh it's dropping into the 50. you know what never mind don't use rate racing in the Elden ringers because it's terrible it looks good honestly the lighting was a lot better looking but it drops from 60 and without it GPU usage is much lower the GPU also consumes a lot less power it's at like 110 to 120 watts of power usage and the graphics still look great anyway let's try to kill this one it's not gonna happen I have never killed this Dragon before here it comes he's breathing out some fire for us and not a problem it will never drop from 60 FPS I think unless you use RT of course now we have Microsoft flight simulator at 1440p using dlaa and no frame generation at the moment but I truly think that you should utilize it in this particular game we're using the X12 ultra settings preset here and I'm just gonna disable the motion blur all right here we go so as you can see without the frame generation in place we're already super CPU bound and we're already below 60 frames per second actually touching the lower 50s there probably in the city we would see like 40 ish frames per second this is not good okay I mean it's it's all right for a simulator title like this one and you can still play it absolutely fine but if you have the option to play this with much much higher FPS by enabling a single setting that doesn't really make too much of a difference in a game like this I would take it so that's exactly what I'm gonna do okay here it is NVIDIA dlss frame generation let's turn that on still using the laa no like dlss quality or anything this is native resolution with dlaa and now look at those FPS like that that is double the performance like two times the performance of the Native resolution without frame generation and it does feel a heck of a lot smoother all right that was that was really close and on top of that it also stutters less whenever you have frame generation enabled vram usage is also well under control at less than 10 gigabytes GPU usage is still not maxed out even with frame generation we couldn't really get rid of the CPU bottleneck in a game like this but you know it's to be expected this is the actual World 99 GPU usage in this area is still fluctuating a tiny bit but now we're reaching the limits of the 4070 and one of the most GPU intensive areas it still gets the same 100 frames per second now for the competitive title I got OverWatch 2 over here at 2560 by 1440 100 resolution scale maximum frame rate is set to 600 and we're using the ultra settings preset all right here we go guys OverWatch 2 is running like a breeze my friends it is so good in this game Jesus 260 FPS now unfortunately it doesn't make me a better OverWatch 2 player at all I am terrible at this game still don't know why I choose to test it over other competitive Shooters but yeah well today I actually have an excuse because valorent didn't work whatsoever it was so stupid like it told me to enable TPM I had it enabled it told me to enable secure boot I have it enabled changed settings in the Bios to disabled enabled it again nothing worked it was just the worst thing dude anyways Here We Go ultimate dropping slightly from 200 maybe going by the one percent lows but this is really really awesome guys like super buttery smooth yeah if you want to play these games at ultra settings you definitely can with super high refresh rates indeed I still managed to play Valerian for about like 20 to 30 seconds and here are the results I got like 500 600 FPS with a CPU bottle like so that's that it would probably drop into like the 400s in more intensive scenarios with ultimates and stuff but you know it it runs battery smoothly and it's never GPU bound at 1440p next is the 10 year old GTA 5 it's still very popular and we're playing at 1440p using four times msaa maximum settings here aside from post FX which introduces motion and Bloom because I I don't like those you know anyways these are turned on this one isn't because it's more of a CPU bound setting and we are getting 100 plus frames second it's it's so smooth now the thing with GTA 5 is you actually need to play it using Max settings basically because otherwise if you for example skimp on the Jesus what the heck if you for example disable MSA or set it to two times it will get FPS so high that it will break the game engine with these cards you you actually need to play at Max settings or lock the frames per second to like 144 or 120 so you are sure that the game will run Battery smoothly because whenever you break the game engine and that's when you get near like 188 frames it starts stuttering and it's not a good experience now I hear you ask all of the time why do you still include such an old title well a lot of people still play that that's why and we we get to see Jack and kill Bob and restore the balance in the universe balance anyways it can still be super intensive as you can see if you get to grassy areas with msaa and ultra um aggress hello Jack how's it going maybe it will drop even into the 70s here near these bushes yeah that's the case 60s oh oh sorry uh it drops into the 60s and it gets a 69 one percent lows goodbye Bob and it's conclusion time Assassin's Creed Valhalla is now running right here while I talk about the 4070 for a bit and well should you buy it that's the real question isn't it obviously it's up to you you've seen the results if you want to buy a 600 GPU and if it actually comes out at MSRP tomorrow it's actually quite worth it in my opinion yes it is not really a true next gen leap in performance compared to the 3070 unfortunately usually we'd see the 70th year of the Next Generation beat or at least get really close in performance to the ATT I tier from the previous generation which is now like the 90 TI tier and this time it only matches the RTX 3080 in performance at least here in the EU it costs less than the RTX 3080 or the RX 6800 XT when bought brand new of course used those gpus might be a better deal and it also consumes a lot less power than those cards while having the LSS 3 at the same time which is a nice bonus of course that's it for this one's already way too big thank you very much for watching and I'll catch you tomorrow hopefully see you soon love you all bye bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 347,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k0Zq_iyNCcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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