I Accept Random Tech Crap For A Video Again...

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ah it's finally time for another episode of David  accepts a whole bunch of random crap for a video   no offense to the people who make the random  crap of course this time around though I don't   really know what's in any of these boxes because  Anna chose all of the products herself so I'm   going in a bit blind this time but first a quick  word from today's video sponsor today's video is   sponsored by PayPal honey apparently PayPal  owns honey who knew honey is like a viscous   liquid that sticks to many promo codes while  shopping on the internet and like most viscous   liquids honey is deliciously useful when it  comes to finding many promo codes on your   favorite shopping websites I find that Honey's  viscosity works the best at attracting promo   codes while buying PCS from major PC manufacturers  all you do is get honey and when you're checking   out you do some honey and it'll look for the  best coupons it can find to maybe save you   some money on your card so add honey to your  browser today and join honey dot com forward   slash darvel and then get some free honey thank  you very much honey for sponsoring today's video I think I'm going to start with this one because  it says from the future on it apparently it's a   crazy cool speaker with ultimate sound so I'm  guessing it's a very modest Bluetooth speaker oh we've got some very anime-esque pictures on  it it's called The Mars Bluetooth speaker and   it looks really angry it looks like it's  gonna come and invade my office and maybe   do some terrible things to me which is quite  exciting 15 hours of battery time I actually   think it said 20 hours of battery time on  the outer box so let's just quickly make   sure uh yes the outer box does indeed say  20 hours of battery time but I guess it's   fine Mars is the god of war after all and  not the god of consistent Packaging foreign a lot of comments from people saying that I'm  too mean to products I've I heard the product's   feelings and then it means that they can't  perform the way they need to perform because   I keep pointing out their insecurities and  kind of poking it a little so in today's   video I'm gonna try and be extra nice that's  what we're gonna do today we're gonna be very   nice that that's pretty cool you've got some  foam in the shape of the thing let's pull   it out oh I probably shouldn't have just  grasped like that with my gross man hands   oh it's really heavy as well oh and then  here we have all the styrofoam sound here is the speaker and it's in kind of like  a matte black oh it's like an alien murder orb   thing now on the front we've got a little Tweeter  that'll handle all of the high frequencies and   then on the back we've got this Midwifery thing  so from what I can tell it's a two-way speaker   there's a USB C port on the base that has a  bit of an orifice vibe to it there also seems   to be LEDs all over it so I'm sure it's gonna  light up all menacingly this is a very sturdy   feeling thing I think the top is made of metal  and that combined with the weight of it means   that Mars feels nice and thick I'm excited to  hear what it sounds like very promising stuff   oh I'm being so positive next up I want to have  a look at this tiny little package so the outside   like wish packaging is completely unmarked and  then the inner box is also unmarked mysterious oh it's two things tick time what are these  Shenzhen Green Giant energy technology okay   that's just an address a okay so I think this  is the tick time whatever the tick time is and   then here we have a USBC to square USB cable  uh that's a very good thing I like when they   put USBC ports on stuff so that means this is  a very well thought out product whatever it is after spending quite some time examining both  the tick times and reading the manual I still   couldn't figure out what they were I think this  is like an egg timer but then I Googled it and   it turns out their Pomodoro timers which I was  quite disappointed to learn does not involve   pasta apparently it's like a time management  technique designed to increase productivity   and these timers make doing Pomodoro easier I  guess you learned something every day now I'm   not entirely sure why they reached out to  a tech channel that mainly looks at gaming   Hardware to review their Pomodoro timers it's a  bit weird but anyway let's look at the next thing peek do I already liked the case it's nice  and easy to transport you've got like a little   handily thing oh it looks like a steam decky  switchy thing so that's very exciting let's   look at the accessories first though there's  this HDMI dongle thing wait is this one of   those wireless HDMI transmitters that would be  awesome other than that it came with a 45 watt   Woolworth what looked like a Bluetooth dongle and  every cable you can imagine it's finally time to   check out this bad boy wait these look like  joy-con controllers it is surprisingly comfy   to hold you can see here the little third-party  joy-cons have this bulbous booty that makes them   much more comfortable to hold to the Nintendo's  joy-cons but these controllers are uh and I'm   trying to be positive here interestingly  attached to the display on the side there we go okay they are removable that does  help explain the but there's quite a bit more   play than on a switch which says a lot on the  back we've got a whole bunch of buttons with   a headphone jack next to it that's very nice  and then we've got two USBC ports and a mini   HDMI port it actually comes with a cable for  that which is pretty cool and then finally   we've got a decent bit of heatsink poking  up here we have a message from the CEO oh in   this note Peak 2 spoke a lot about their seven  millimeter latency free streaming technology   which got me thinking that this was like a  streaming console that uses that wireless   HDMI adapter to stream games from other devices  but then when I tried Googling it it quickly   turned out that this product doesn't seem to  exist there's like no info about this thing at   all so I guess in the review section of the  video we will find out how this thing works no way it's another switchy thing it's  like a giant switch it's called the Orion   gaming display you can strap a battery  pack to the back for maximum ergonomics it doesn't come with much in terms of extras we  pretty much just get these two little handles   are not little switch controllers you just kind  of screw it onto the side and then you can hold   the display nice it comes with a little travel  pouch and just like a blank keychain for some   reason and then finally there's some little  plastic bits for you to lose at some point   wow these are some serious velcro straps on the  back of it they do kind of hang out the front   when you don't have a battery pack strapped  in but we also have speakers on the back no   that is not a stand so it's just got a stand  on the one side kind of folds open as well   oh I see this is like a Mothership for your  switch so I think you can kind of like strap   your switch in here and then you like close it  in attach the controllers on the side and then   you have like a huge Fisher-Price switch I am  so excited to try this thing on but with that   let's get to testing all of this super amazing  genre redefining products see I could be nice now I'm going to start off with the little tick  times which as we've established are Pomodoro   timers and basically how they work is you turn  them on with these two buttons and then you choose   a side which has the amount of time you want  and then you have that facing up and then timing   happens there's not a whole lot more to it than  that if you want 25 minutes you have 25 facing   up and then at times you could also set more  specific times using these buttons If you want   oh it's upside down which is actually easier to  do on the other one with this one when you have it   facing the one minute Direction you can actually  tap and then add minute intervals to the timer   so this one's easier to like set custom values in  I don't know what else to say I don't know how to   review a timer um you can also set the volume of  the ringer if that's important to you and there's   also a magnet in it so you can stick it to the  side of a fridge or whatever if you want and um   what else oh yeah according to Amazon reviews the  battery life on these are pretty bad and you can't   use them while charging so you know that could  be a problem potentially and then finally they   cost just under 40 dollars each which considering  the build quality I feel like is quite a lot for   a timer but that's up to you to decide and um  yes with that let's move on to the next thing   foreign to try out this little  Mars alien Bluetooth speaker   uh so first off I guess we just  power it on and then ready to pair oh we've got some some Starcraft Terran  sounds coming from it when you power it   up I immediately could tell from the Starcraft  noises that you know considering that we have a   tweeter on a side it is kind of directional  so I am gonna gonna point it at me although   look at the RGB on it okay Bluetooth is connected  now one of the first things I want to check it is very directional yeah it's super directional which for a Bluetooth  speaker I don't think is ideal it's not a huge   deal but I feel like you just want to plop a  Bluetooth speaker down in a room and not worry   too much about where it's facing in relation  to you you know I'm not going to talk too much   about the sound quality of the little testicle  of death because it's mostly a novelty right   especially the special editions that have like  mini guns and stuff glued to it but compared to   the only other Bluetooth speaker I have access  to Anna's UE wonderboom 2 which is a bit of an   unfair comparison because that's like half the  price but the Egg of the extinction sounds way   better than the UE 2. it's got decent low end  extension and when the gonad of Destruction   is facing straight at you it stays relatively  clear even at higher volumes having said that   the top end does take an ice pick to my ears a  little bit too much for my liking you can also   use two of them in wireless stereo mode but  having to buy two gets really expensive for   what they are all in all taking into account the  build and sound quality of the little overview of   immolation I think the 230 dollar asking price  is quite a lot but fair for what you're getting wow that is a thick switch we've got see if  it can run off the switch's battery because   at the moment I don't have any external power  plugged into it a few moments later okay well   it doesn't work so clearly it needs  external power just give me a moment foreign wow it is now a reasonable amount heavier  despite me using the smallest battery bank   that I could find one positive of the battery  bank is you can kind of use it as a stand to   like rest the thing on my first impressions of  gaming on it were very insightful I mean it is   it is bigger than the switch display now at risk  of being a Debbie Downer the display isn't amazing   the only information about it online is that  it's an 11.6 inch IPS HD display which I think   means it's 720p I mean it kind of looks like it  wait let me quickly try the switch display whoa   the switch display may be quite a bit smaller  but in terms of image quality you know things   like black levels and color vibrancy the switch  display curb stops the Orion's display this isn't   even the OLED version I do also want to point  out after filming this initial session I could   only get the switch to interface with the Orion  one more time and it took me about half an hour   to get that one more time to happen the Orion  would just give me no signal warnings despite   having the switch running plugged in in the  same way I had it plugged in when it was working   earlier oh in terms of price this thing cost  250 dollars without a battery pack which means   it's finally time for me to give my opinion  on the Orion and considering that earlier I   said I wasn't going to be mean to stuff in this  video um yeah let's move on to the next thing at this point I'm pretty sure the little Peak  2 can't natively play games on it it can just   like Channel them off of other devices but  let's give it a quick try no it seems like   this doesn't even have an operating system  on it it's basically just a display with   controllers so let's set up some external  hardware and take it from there foreign so I've plugged the wireless HDMI transmitter  into the Xbox at this point I'm not entirely sure   if this handheld has a wireless HDMI receiver  built into it or if I have to use a different   dongle but I guess we'll find out soon enough  hey it does have the wireless HDMI transmitter   built in so that's very cool that's exciting  stuff now we just need to wait for the Xbox   to finish updating so a bit of a problem the joy  cons won't interface with the Xbox which come to   think of it makes sense uh even when plugged  in so let's try and transmit from the switch   that should make it much easier wait actually I  wonder if these connect to a switch maybe if I   okay so they're like functioning  joy-cons so that's good to know   wait a second I just realized what I'm trying  to do here I'm trying to wirelessly transmit   the HDMI signal from the docked switch to  a dummy version of the switch I don't know   that feels like a bit of a stupid thing to do  so I'm gonna stop doing that and set up a PC   instead and use this as like a controller for PC  games instead that makes a whole lot more sense   to me let me do that aside from connecting the  joy cons to a PC which was a bit of a faff the   whole process was quite straightforward and  in no time I was busy playing some GTA 5 on   the wireless switch clone thing but almost  immediately there was a bit of a problem oh some and Terrible's happening I'm not entirely sure what happened there but  I think the haptic feedback motor in this right   joy-con just went ham there uh but it stopped  now so we're good but the haptic feedback didn't   stop freaking out it was all over the place  yeah the haptic feedback is some of the worst   implementation I've encountered pretty much ever  I think it's really weird but like I mentioned   before I need to be positive about the product so  uh yes the haptic feedback does make it feel like   you're experiencing an earthquake I I don't know  if if immersive is the word I'm looking for but   it is a thing that's happening anyway moving  on the display isn't very good but the input   latency is it kind of feels like I'm playing GTA  5 on the device just like the CEO said it would   feel like in his note although I'm sitting right  next to the PC with the wireless HDMI transmitter   plugged into it so yeah let's quickly test out the  range the PC is just on the floor over there and   we're here and we've lost signal we don't have  direct line of sight with the transmitter so I   I guess that makes a difference but it's not the  longest range ever so here we have signal again   this is despite us not having line of sight of  the transmitter which is on the back of the PC   so let's see at what point it's working again oh  no we've lost it so my rough estimate is that the   range is about two and a half meters without  a direct line of sight with the transmitter   the thing is I don't think this product exists  I couldn't find it anywhere online and when we   reached out to Peak 2 asking for a link to it  they just didn't reply so I have no idea what   this thing costs or if it's even for sale you  can check the video description We'll add a   link if Peak two ever replies but at this point  this test may just as well have been a fever   dream because I don't think this product exists  which brings me to the end of the video let me   know in the comment section down below what you  thought of this second Roundup of random products   we get emailed about on a weekly basis and yeah  until the next video thank you for watching bye oh yeah oh
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 480,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: gloHgsy1ATI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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