Ray Tracing Performance On An Intel GPU Is Weird...

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in today's video we find out if Intel's new  graphics card can do the hardest Graphics in   thing rage racing but first today's video sponsor  today's video is sponsored by Corsair and their   fancy Dominator platinum ddr5 in White NOW aside  from the obvious hello epine that comes with   these top blad kits they also perform very well  you can get 32 gig kits in up to 6200 megahertz   speeds in the white version and that performance  combined with their 12 ultra bright capellex RGB   LEDs make these a great option for any high-end  gaming system check out the Corsair Dom Platts   in white using the link in the description below  thank you Corsair for sponsoring today's video thank you I finally get to lay my grubby little mitts on  an Intel GPU for some reason Intel went with   a naming scheme that's suspiciously similar  to airbuses now I really wanted to buy this   Intel Arc A380 but I just couldn't because  it seems like Intel allocated like three to   Canada and considering that I don't live in  Ontario I I just couldn't find one for sale   so I ended up reaching out to Micro Center  who did get an allocation and they were very   nice to send it over so if you do want to buy  an Intel Airbus GPU go check out Micro Center thank you wow that is some of the nicer graphics card  packaging I've seen it kind of feels like   unboxing a very fancy whiskey not that I have  any idea what that's like I'm just imagining here so I'm assuming this is like a little RGB to  internal USB cable and then we've got a bit of   documentation telling us the logo was used with  authorization but what about the naming scheme I know that you know they've been out for a  while and we knew that they were coming for   the last several eons but still holding an Intel  GPU does kind of feel like I'm grasping A Relic   from an alternate universe it's it's pretty  weird it's cool on the side it does say Intel   Airbus with not weird catching on fire power  connectors and then I'm assuming under there   we have the RGB connector thing I really hope  that you're going to be able to control the RGB   without that because any additional cabling you  need always looks a bit weird but this is quite   a cool looking heatsink design it reminds me  a little bit of older EVGA graphics cards from   like the 900 series you know on the front there  is some threaded holes I'm assuming this is for   like non-saggy mounter things and then the back  plate is quite nice I really like the design of   it I think it's a cool looking GPU it's not too  overstated and it's actually two slots it's not a   massive ass graphics card and I like that this  the highest end version of the graphics card   doesn't cost three million dollars so that's cool  uh on the back we have a nice blacked out rear i   o Shield yeah that's a very standard rear i o for  a modern graphics card to have so it means this is   probably not a GTS 450. now when it comes to the  ray tracing performance of our little Intel Airbus   graphics card the specs are relatively promising  because it actually has 32 Ray tracing units in it   whatever that means but hopefully what these units  mean is that we won't get horrendous performance   hits from Ray tracing so with that let's drop the  little a770 into a system and see how it performs   now I'm going to plug the Intel graphics card  into an Intel powered system because I assume   it would be the most comfortable there oops I  definitely didn't just bump it against the tripod okay turn it on so much lighting we've also got a  signal out that's awesome uh oh actually on   the note of the monitor we're using I swapped  out the ViewSonic display that I've been using   for years now with the monitor by NZXT of  all people it's one of their new canvas 25f   models which is a 1080p IPS 240 hertz display  so also curious to see how this Stacks up I'm   very interested in Arc control because I want  to see what kind of screen capturing options   and stuff you have with this Intel GPU that  is an odd smell for a graphics card to make   wait the driver is telling me to manually set  the allocated graphics card to the external GPU   not the igpu surely it doesn't expect me to do  this for every game right I'm I'm not gonna do   that and see what happens just because  that would be ridiculous okay and there   is a screen capture facility so that looks  useful anyway with that let's get to gaming um that is not a very high  GTA 5 frame rate is it a 1080p   although a very big advantage of not having a  super high frame rate in GTA 5 is that you don't   run into the stutter Zone damn it's actually using  about 95 of the GPU as well the A380 is working   it's little it's a little behind off and we're  not getting the most frames per second here wow   Battlefield 5 seems to be on some interesting  drugs here uh let's give it a minute well it's   definitely improved but we still get these very  heavy stutters maybe dyron X12 has something to do   with it so let me switch it to dx11 and see what  that does okay so we're in DirectX 11 now and it   stopped having seizures it's actually running  very smoothly now uh and we're getting quite a   high frame rate except for just now we've been  averaging above 120 frames per second and then   in terms of power drawing temperatures it's  actually looking pretty good we're hovering   at around 140 watts and temperature wise we're  sitting in the low 60s that is with a very low   ambient temperature though now I'm really hoping  this DirectX 12 stutter apocalypse thing is a   Battlefield 5 specific problem because otherwise  the ray tracing tests for this video are not gonna   go well right after saying that I went and tested  Battlefield 5's Ray tracing performance and aside   from some of the most stuttery gaming I've  ever seen we actually didn't lose that much   gaming performance enabling Ray tracing in dx12  so that's a promising start in a delusional way   after that very interesting result I tried to  get cyberpunk to launch which just refused to   Black Mesa also didn't want to launch which I  just tried on a whim but luckily Quake 2 RTX was   more than happy to play ball it's Quake two time  you can see that we are getting hella frame rates   almost a thousand but this is without any of our  Rays being traced so we do need to give that a   shot whoa this is going very well that is a high  frame rate for Quake 2's RTX setting and it's it's   set quite High here as well but we're well over  100 frames per second this is promising not even   just in a delusional way that's good stuff little  Airbus Graphics gone next I wanted to try control   but epic games refused to download it because  it was having a bit of a compatibility kerfuffle   with the Intel graphics card apparently the system  didn't support any of my other games on Epic Games   either luckily a walk around wasn't too difficult  I just had to download a bit of software that   bypasses the minimum requirement thing which got  the game to install but there was one more problem   so when launching control it doesn't give you the  option to launch in dx12 for some reason so you   have to go into the game file and specifically  find the dx12 exe that's not annoying at all   wow that is running the crap out of control at  medium settings moving over to Ray tracing with   medium settings we actually didn't lose that many  frames per second it's handling this surprisingly   well let's see what happens when we Crank It Up  To High rage racing again this is very impressive   we're still consistently sitting over 60 frames  per second despite having cranked Ray tracing   settings in control now if only it was less of a  faff to get running and I'm not quite sure this   balances out what happened with Battlefield  5 earlier but still it's it's impressive so this is fortnite running a 1080p competitive  settings it's not a super crazy high frame   rate but it's nice and responsive and  you know it's difficult to complain   when you have 200 frames per second uh there  is the occasional stutter but that that's just   fortnite things I guess okay let's turn  Ray tracing on wait is Ray tracing on I   feel like we've not lost any frame rate here  yeah it's on it's even like reasonably on I'm   confused are settings just not applying or is  this thing just a complete Ray tracing Beast   I feel like it looks different let's just do  epic apply oh okay well setting everything   to Epic has just broken the world so I think  the settings are applying it's just a beast   apparently no I'm not sure if this actually is  Ray traced but if it is it's mighty impressive   now before we try some Ray traced crisis let me  just quickly try and get cyberpunk running again okay it works nice all I did was restart the PC  and that seems to have cured it for some reason   at 1080p medium settings this is not the greatest  result and for some reason the power draw is down   quite a bit from some of the other games we're  just drawing about 130 Watts on the GPU although   I'm not sure how accurate that is not super  promising in terms of Ray tracing performance   but let's give it a try okay 30 frames per second  but in all fairness before we turned medium Ray   tracing on we were sitting in the high 40s so  we haven't actually lost that much frame rate   and at least the graphics cards drawing more power  now let's try psycho Ray tracing for the hell of   it okay jumping to Psycho we've barely lost any  additional frame rate we're only getting about   24 frames per second depending on where we're  driving around but this kind of makes me think   that once they sort the drivers in optimization  out this Airbus is going to be a real monster   now I'm also curious to see what happens  when we use Fidelity FX with the Intel   GPU so I'm gonna put this on quality yo  I love that I love that Fidelity FX works   on graphics cards that aren't just AMD gpus you  know that's really cool what happens if we do like   super Fidelity FX Ultra performance whoa that  is is shocking that is really crazy looking I   love all the smearing behind everything it looks  like we're role playing as a VA access sketch now of course we also have to  try crisis remaster I did get a   driver warning that apparently Ray tracing  isn't supported with this graphics card but   it does let us turn it on so I guess we'll figure  that out in a bit what happens there but let's get   into the game and see wow okay at high settings we  are getting many of the frames per second okay so   the frame rate is kind of all over the place uh  we're averaging over a hundred but occasionally   it dips to under 60. so let's see what happens if  we turn Ray tracing on again it did tell us that   it doesn't want Ray tracing to happen so it'll be  interesting to see if it lets us turn it on now if   I remember correctly visually Ray tracing makes no  difference in crisis remaster so we're gonna have   to rely entirely on the frame rate to determine  if it's on and it's lower so I'm assuming there's   Ray tracing happening now okay then finally I  do also just want to do the can it run crisis   mode I love the fact that there's actually a  setting that implies that the game is terribly   optimized but that's that's fine you know whatever  we've now lost more than half our frame rate and   the stutters don't take us down to 60 frames per  second anymore they take us down to like 10. oh look at it stuttering and with that very  eloquent description of the stuttering it   brings me to the end of my first video with an  Intel GPU which was interesting it was kind of   like living with a very smart drug addict  sometimes it has these moments of clarity   where it runs very well but other times it  goes on a stuttering binge and then refuses   to play random games anyway thank you for  watching if you enjoyed the video consider   watching another one a suggestion will pop up  in a second and until the next video bye-bye foreign
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 536,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: m58m34GYFbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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