I Bought A 16inch MacBook Pro For Gaming...

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This is easily the most expensive thing  I've bought for a video and it doesn't really   surprise me that the first Apple product I buy  handily takes that crap but anyway in today's   video we're going to talk about gaming on this  very expensive laptop because I think it may fix   some of the problems I had with my first gaming  experience on a MacBook not too long ago I think   it may but we'll find out but first a word from  today's video sponsor that's going to help me   financially recover from this MacBook I hope  today's video is sponsored by a deep pool AIO   the LT 520 but now available in white if you're  the type of person that color codes your socks   to your eyebrows you can now match your fancy deep  cool AIO to your pet arctic fox even the fans will   match and if you have a real hot CPU and you think  240ml won't cut it there's also a 360 mil variant   so with its ease of installation great performance  and sexy looks check out the deepcool LT 520 in   white using the link in the description below  thank you deepcool for sponsoring today's video [Music] now I broke my MacBook gaming virginity with  this 13-inch M2 MacBook Pro an experience that   left me much colder than I was expecting oh wow  it even struggles to run dodo which I didn't know   was possible aside from the fact that there's like  half a game that runs properly on an Apple silicon   MacBook the main thorns in my side was a display  that has the input lag and motion rendering of   an axis sketch and that connecting an external  display to that MacBook using a dongle is an   extremely buggy and frustrating process so with  the display that makes gaming feel like you're   swimming through maple syrup it just wasn't a  good gaming laptop which is why I thought the   16-inch MacBook Pro may solve this problem because  for your massive additional outlay amongst other   things you get a 120 hertz display which should  be good for gaming right well let's find out now this is the base model of the new 16-inch  MacBook Pro now I didn't want the base model   but we'll talk about why I refuse to spec it  up later in the video Even though I wanted to oh that's a lovely tear [Music]   yep there's that neutral  clean smell very nice [Music] oh it's a heavy boy this is always the case the  packaging is immaculate and then down here it   says designed by Apple in California which somehow  never stops being funny to me but I guess built by   Foxconn in China doesn't quite have the same  ring to it so you know I guess it makes sense   that's nice yo Apple really knows how to make good  packaging don't they open that up just like that   and then in here we've got like a nice braided  power cable cool and then over here we've got our   metal magsafe connector this power cable situation  really gets the juices flowing It's pretty dope you know it's fancy when the corners of the paper   is rounded it's a diagram of what  the two ports on the laptop do cool oh never mind look I found the mention  of it being assembled in China in the   smallest letters I've ever seen at the  base of the power brick packaging this   just makes me feel like at some point there  was a boardroom meeting at Apple with like 50   high-paid Executives in pastel color shirts  discussing the least conspicuous place to   put the legally obligated assembled in China  text yeah that'll do a good job of it I'd say and then this is our 140 watt USBC power  adapter it's nice and small okay so now   I've washed my hands for the 17th time and I  think I'm finally ready to touch it oh this   looks exciting [Applause] almost dropped  it holy [ __ ] what a magnificent device   damn first impressions are something Apple does  better than anyone this laptop really grabs you   by the crotch it's very impressive that they  can Mass produce a laptop with this kind of   build quality the panel gaps are remarkably even  the material quality is amazing even the screws   that hold the bottom panel on are beautiful those  Foxconn workers really know how to make a nice   laptop damn but the moment it turned itself  on I noticed a problem what no way this is   what the 100 okay it has to be not running at  120 hertz otherwise that is a complete outrage   that's that's what it looks like 60 hertz blocks  and feels exactly the same look at that ghosting   what now this is something that's very difficult  to accurately capture on camera but let's do a   comparison to give you an idea this is a video  frame of movement over a similar color palette   on the not particularly special display of  a gaming laptop I paid 500 for and this is   what similar speed of movement looks like on the  pro motion MacBook display and this doesn't even   illustrate the input lag which is very noticeable  on the MacBook even on the desktop but we'll talk   more about that when we get to the gaming section  now I want to clarify I'm not saying the MacBook   has a worse display in it than the little Aces  that would be ridiculous when it comes to Colors   brightness contrast and sharpness the MacBook  display is nothing short of physically arousing   but to achieve this it sacrifices the two arguably  most important characteristics for a good gaming   display input latency and motion rendering luckily  it's got a dedicated HDMI so that could help one   of the problems at least I'm really glad I didn't  spec it up because again it's not the internals   that are going to be the problem on that note  let's crack open this beautiful laptop and have   a look at those internals [Music] well this  is terrifying uh although one thing that is   already promising about this bottom plate is  that it kind of ends over here and it doesn't   wrap around halfway through the i o in the  way that a lot of Windows laptops's bottom   plates do so it may actually be less annoying  to get off but I am ready to eat those words [Music] it does feel like there's a  little bit of glue and after quite   a bit of struggle and with the fear  of accidental Hulk smash setting in I   decided to refer to a teardown video  which taught me about the clips oh that's not nice but I was the only one that  came away from that experience injured I keep   hurting myself with tech stuff lately look at  that oh it smells very neutral clean in here   that's where most of the neutral clean smell  lives actually again it it is a beautiful thing   Majestic undercarriage aside it all fairness  to Apple according to ifixit's repairability   guide this laptop's not a complete train  smash important things like the battery   are relatively easily replaceable the problem  comes with upgrade ability Apple just loves to   solder things like storage and RAM down almost  like they're scared you're gonna steal it and   then they charge you what I can only describe  as an extortionate amount when you spec these   up while buying them which I think is a good  point to explain why I only got the base model   while specking up the laptop I wanted to go for  this M2 Max upgrade to get the additional 11 GPU   cores because gaming right and I thought that the  250 upgrade was steep but I was willing to pay it   however when you click on it the price goes from  3 200 Canadian dollars to almost 4 000 Canadian   dollars now I'm not very good at math Apple  but I'm pretty sure that 3200 plus 250 is not 4   000. now it's not really difficult to see why  this happens if you just scroll down you'll   see that Apple forces you to upgrade to 32 gigs of  memory for the M2 Max upgrade which costs you 500   Canadian dollars for 16 gigs of RAM and at that  point I just refused there is no way I'm paying   500 for 16 gigs of RAM I don't even want so that  I can get 11 extra GPU cores this is just Madness [Music]   yeah oh that smearing always catches me off guard  anyway in terms of game Library it looks pretty   much exactly the same as it did six months  ago when I was on here last a selection of   games that are primarily played by under sex  middle-aged people on their iPads in terms   of top paid game we've got Resident Evil Village  which is quite funny it's like it's the only game   they ever talk about like every time at a press  conference they need to mention gaming they wheel   out Resident Evil Village like we're all supposed  to be super excited by that oh but we've got limbo   on here which as we all know is a game that you  definitely need 2 500 worth of Hardware to play   oh I see civilization still five dollars more  than on Steam for some reason actually let's   start off with some civilization five that ran  very well on the little Berber MacBook now for   a more relaxed game like Civilization 5 gaming  on a MacBook is really nice because of the very   efficient Apple silicon I don't even think  the fans have turned on it is extremely quiet   which means you can comfortably game with the  Fantastic speakers on this laptop which is not   something you can do on a normal gaming laptop  which would sound like a Harrier taking off at   this point and considering that there isn't much  movement going on in Civilization 5. the motion   blur isn't that much of an issue and you don't  have to react to anything quickly so the input   lag though noticeable isn't really problematic  but for two thousand five hundred dollars a nice   civilization 5 experience isn't quite enough so  let's try some Resident Evil Village which should   run very well considering how proud apple is of it  application you must first sign in I I am signed   in with my Apple ID signed in as and then there's  my name yeah but it is signed in what do you mean   how do I sign in more than I'm already signed  in account settings which wasn't a great start   to trying out Apple's showpiece game which is  apparently a reasonably common problem so this is   a known thing that the one game that Apple brags  about being great on Apple silicon just doesn't   work for some reason you've just gotta love that  lack of bugginess on Mac OS and after ages of   struggling the only way I could get it to work was  by creating a new user on the MacBook specifically   for Resident Evil Village but at least I can  finally play the game aside from another quick   problem I'm confused it just said that it  was connected will not reconnect I forget it   and then it it instantly reconnects why has  nothing worked on it yet but apparently it just   wanted to Gaslight me a bit because eventually it  just worked like nothing happened so finally we   can play the game so that only took four attempts  very good I don't know this is this is definitely   a horror game this is the most terrifying thing  I've ever had to do in a video game oh there's   no button to drop it so we're good okay that  motion rendering is so wild but aside from the   motion rendering once I dropped from the very  high native resolution of the MacBook down to   1080p it started running pretty well it is so  dark see anything the mini LED is is too good   at producing contrast it actually has a similar  problem to OLED but aside from Resident Evil   being very dark I was quickly getting invested  in the plot package is secure no Hall and he   says about the bay as he hands the baby over and  once we got outside at 1080p with this expansive   Vista the combination of the great frame rate  beautiful visuals and complete lack of noise   the MacBook was making a compelling argument  for it being a good gaming laptop until actual   gameplay happened so last night I took the  laptop home to do some gaming on it and the   zombie battles leading up to this point was like  the hardest thing I've ever had to do you can see   here that there's a bit of a delay between when  you do the input and things happen on the screen   so you just couldn't react quickly enough to what  the zombies were doing and it meant I just missed   all of my shots it was really crazy although I  will say it is way better since I turned camera   acceleration off with that on it was crazy bad  whereas now it's only pretty bad and oh that   motion rendering is rough it's like there's  heavy motion blur built into the Monitor and   that smearing is just a one-way Street to eye  fatigue even for my seasoned gamer eyes which   really makes me want to plug this into a decent  gaming monitor so let's try out the HDMI ports hmm wow when switching over to this  display you can really tell how   good the colors are on that MacBook  display this looks so much worse   and this isn't even a bad monitor but again there  was a problem wait a minute why can't I set it to   above 60 hertz it eventually let me set it to 240  hertz but only once I changed from the Default   Resolution to a different resolution and then back  to the Default Resolution For some reason now I   use Dota 2 a game that I play a lot to gauge the  difference between the built-in display and the   external NZXT Monitor and again on the built-in  promotion display it felt like swimming in treacle   for any kind of competitive game you just can't  use the built-in display on this laptop but once   I switched over to the NZXT monitor it felt like  I was gaming on a completely different system I   did have to drop the settings to potato levels to  deal with the stutters but now it was playable I   actually won a ranked game using the Macbook  so when all said and done putting aside game   optimization what you can and can't play on the  MacBook which in my opinion even if they fix all   that this MacBook won't be good for gaming because  its display isn't good for gaming and that's kind   of an important part of it they really need to fix  the Apple smear it's a problem I've had on all of   their non-o-led devices either way I still stand  by my conclusion in the previous apple video I   don't mind that Apple treats gaming like it's a  suspicious package at the airport because Apple   buying game Publishers is my idea of purgatory  and with that until the next video bye-bye [Music]   foreign [Music]
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 520,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: Q0pfBBYukok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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