RTX 3060 12GB - Alan Wake 2

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hello guys Chris here welcome back to another video in this one my friends I'm going to be testing a GeForce RTX 360 12 GB model in Allen wake 2 this one is the aox model of the card we are running it with the latest NVIDIA drivers and I'm not manually overclocking it you can see all of its specs right here in Tech powerups GPZ resizable bar is also enabled and again we got 12 GB of gddr6 to work with in this card and over on the left preparing it with the i53 600k at stock speeds and 32 GB of ddr5 6,000 me Herz Ram in dual Channel as usual let's go over the PC requirements first we land on recommended with the RTX 3060 as you can see it asks for 8 GB of vram we actually got the 12 GB model of course which is way faster than the 8 GB version so I guess we should be good for a great visual Fidelity experience with the 3060 let's find out shall we all right let's go over the settings first I'm starting at 1080p resolution using daa cuz you can't really set it to Native with d LSS if you set it to FSR 2 it actually enables native resolution but it gets slightly lower FPS like two or three lower FPS than the LSS with the laa I wish they introduced a sharpness slider as well anyway moving on we're using the low settings preset which is not the lowest settings possible as you can see there are things that could still go lower and rate racing is of course turned off at the moment so this is native 1080p with the laa on top which is anti aing basically and it looks nowhere near low settings in other games right it actually looks like ultra settings High settings in some other titles out there so again I'll say the same thing that I said in the 4060 video and that is this game should have had a very low settings preset that actually looks way worse and performs a heck of a lot better for people with weaker cards than RTX 360s and and 2060s and stuff like that cuz at the minimum it actually ask for the RTX 2060 now in terms of vram utilization you can see that it's below 6 GB all of the time here at 1080p using low settings and that's pretty accurate with the minimum requirements once again it asks for the 2060 which is 6 GB GPU it also has a 12 gig model but uh yeah 6 GB will be enough for low settings in this one I wonder how the 4 GB will Faire though like a 3050 for example 4 GB model laptops uh and other gpus that I will test in the future in this game as well like 1650s and stuff like that which is the second most popular GPU on Steam now I'm going to stop it right there let's enable that dlss my friends which looks very similar to Native resolution with the laa okay so this is D LSS quality and uh it's getting 60s all right usually look in this direction is where it drops the most actually and it's only dipping down down into the 50s I guess with an overclocked version of the RTX 3060 it will get you 60 plus all of the time you could also overclock this model of the card I could um and extract a few more FPS keeping it at 60 plus all over the time but as most people won't really overclock I won't as well uh anyway in a single player title like this I would argue that even at na resolution with 50 FPS on average it's going to be a really great experience cuz the game does not St whatsoever you can see that the frame time graph is very consistent and I love to see that and once again the graphics are still amazing on low settings so you can definitely enjoy it like this let's go up here get close to the witch's Hut yes that's it the Hut yeah is there Pizza Hut over here that that would be nice we got tomato sauce right there yes and uh some some things that you should not put on pizza definitely let's keep on going going inside of areas like that of course it's going to get 60 plus also in the city area it's going to get 60 plus using these settings and you don't really need the 13600 K by the way to get the most out of the 3060 if you took a look at the system requirements in terms of the CPU you only need a 3700x for the maximum 4K Ultra rate racing settings that's the highest CPU requirement of this game Let's bump it up to medium settings I'm going to keep this one on low I'll only set it to high on the high settings preset uh no rate racing yet all right and this is it so native resolution medium settings 1080p with the laa which again gives you slightly higher FPS than native FSR 2 which is weird cuz the laa is usually a little bit more intensive than 80 resolution but still okay and this drops things down tremendously into the 30s but still remember this is worst case scenario and getting 30ish FPS still well above 30 actually it's not not even dropping into the low 30s means that it's going to be a consistent 30 plus FPS experience the entire time and it will look slightly better if you didn't tell me that this was medium settings let's put it in this way I would have guessed that this is ultra settings in this game now there is not an ultra settings preset actually uh for ultra settings on the RTX 48 yesterday I actually manually set everything to the maximum aside from rate racing and that's how I got the ultra settings cuz High settings preset doesn't really max out everything but still now let's enable the quality dlss right here and it's not enough to put us above 60 obviously we had like five less FPS I guess than what we saw at low settings it still touches 60 FPS at times and I bet that in the city area of the game it would actually get 60 FPS or 60 65 most of the time but over here with a lot of vegetation which is obviously super super demanding it definitely struggles a little bit more and it can even drop into the 40s as you can see there it di to 49 again for a 3060 and after seeing the system requirements of the game I thought it was going to run a little bit worse than it actually is if you have a 3060 and you want to buy this game and play it go for it I hear that the story is amazing I played through the first Allen wake game actually years ago and I really enjoyed it as well and from what I played in this one about like 1 hour or 1 and a half hours of the story I was really enjoying it as well so yeah feel free to buy it even if you must play at like 60 FPS most of the time the low settings are there for you and they still look really really good let's stop it right there 56 FPS average and 45 1% lows is what we get with medium settings and quality dlss I wouldn't really go below quality dlss here at the 1080p resolution things can start looking a bit blurrier and noisy yeah a little bit more shimmery as well and at the same time it doesn't really improve your FPS like crazy right now it's time for high settings and on high settings it still doesn't Max out everything as I told you with the 480 I did Max out everything manually so it's not the same settings that we're testing here and I will enable this one as well this is a really intensive setting by the way uh actually I'm going to show you the low postprocessing quality first okay with high settings and it's getting 36 37 standing right here and now I'm going to set it to high and see the difference all right 33 and 34 it's not really as high of a difference as I thought it would be I guess it made the bigger difference on the 480 because we were getting higher FPS so we'd get like 10 less FPS with this setting enabled and here it's around like 10% uh but that translates into 3 FPS anyways over here it is still managing 30 plus frames per second of course it gets really really down there into the low 30s at times so again an overclock would definitely put it at 30 plus 100% of the time but even here okay which is where I I saw it drop the most so far it's only dropping to the same 31 or 32 values that we've seen previously look at that all right I that is not bad 3060 again this is native resolution at 1080p with high settings and high post processing and um if you want to have that 30fps experience and lock your FPS to get even more consistent frame times you can have it with the 3060 and we still got that deal LSS support of course which makes the image look pretty much the same once again and it gets us 50 something frames per second or 40 something frames per second look at that that is a tremendous Improvement my friends it's both very nice to see and very sad to see because that means that developers these days not talking specifically about the developers of this game because they made a great job um optimizing it you could say or at least making it look super great to justify the the performance that you get but a lot of these newer titles are relying on upscaling Technologies like a look at Starfield for example looks terrible at Native resolution and on top of that Starfield also doesn't really look all that great when you enable upscaling especially FSR if you do the dlss mod it actually looks really good it's not the worst looking title with upscaling but still you can clearly tell that they relied on FSR completely because if you set it to ultra settings pret it enables FSR by default at 75% medium settings preset in Starfield defaults to 50% um FSR which is 540p at 1080p resolution basically it's kind of insane right how is medium settings preset supposed to run at 540p that's crazy anyway that doesn't really matter that's enough I set it to daa once again and I'm going to set it to low settings set this to low as well since it looks very good already with low settings I'm going to keep the low settings to test rate racing because again rate racing is going to be insanely intensive guys okay so here we go the LSS Ray reconstruction is also here which is nice and oh boy see that low settings with low rate racing ooh that shiness man see this is much more emphasized here with 20 FPS than it was with 30 FPS but sometimes with 30 to 35 frames per second I would still see these little choppiness issues okay that's why I really really recommend you to lock your FPS to 30 if you want the 1080p High settings experience so you don't see any of this like frame skipping issue or whatever but yeah you can see that with rt you definitely need to have the LSS enabled otherwise it's just not going to happen at Native resolution it's not a vrm issue as you can see it's only utilizing like six gigs let's go start counting our FPS and uh it's getting 30s now so if you want to play with rt the lighting is definitely going to be improved I'm curious to see if I still see the popping issues that this game suffers from at the uh even ultra settings or highest settings without rate racing enabled when I enabled rate racing on the 480 those would be gone completely yeah no problems whatsoever let me take a look at the rock this time around so it's going to be a lot less distracting in in that regard guys of course it's also a little bit less detailed maybe I should call D and it drops down into the low 30s at times 30 FPS right there so it's it's not great but I guess it is playable and if really really want to use rate racing in this game for that accurate lighting uh you can with a 3060 and I think you can even increase the texture resolution to ultra since we have those 12 GB of vram and still achieve exactly the same FPS with higher VM utilization it doesn't really change this tree all that much but the ground textur definitely do look better here and uh yeah with rate racing this is probably how I would play it okay that's enough 10 80P guys we should move on to 1440p and I'm not going to test rate racing at this higher resolution cuz it already struggled a lot at 1080 here we go this is 256 by 1440 let's set it to low settings preset again turn off rate racing please yes all right that's much better in the menu and oo okay so if you're running a 1440p monitor guys with your 30 60 things are going to be very intensive they look great but I think it might actually drop from 30 frames per second especially if you see a little bit more action for example here in this Forest Area I mean I wish we could see it with Bob I don't know where that basard is but yeah I bet he would drop the FPS just just by like one or two frames and that would be enough to put us into the high 20s which is kind of terrible I mean again I would definitely lock it to 30 frames per second to achieve a consistent experience without the choppiness effect but uh I am impressed I was not expecting the 3060 to do 1440p Native in this game okay all righty then now let's try it with quality dlss at 1440p and it puts us up into the 40s that's pretty cool obviously you can clearly tell the shadow popping issues right there see that look at that that's terrible and the fact that it still happens on high is is very bad you know but yeah now we're getting very similar visuals to what we saw at Native resolution with quality dlss this time and we're well above 30 FPS the entire time and we won't really have any of those choppy issues you you know so I think if you have a 1440p panel you should probably play like this maybe with balanced dlss I mean balanced dlss won't really give us many more FPS than these and it will look that slight bit worse once again but they did recommend balance dlss with medium settings at 1440p 4 30 60 so we definitely got to test balance the LSS at least on medium okay all right let's stop it right here so we're getting 48 actually 50 here okay let's stop it and I'm going to select balanc here and now we went from 50 to 56 so that's actually a bigger Improvement than I than I was expecting again it's because we're getting higher FPS than previously like we went from 35 to 33 or 32 that's 10% or or so lower and here 10% would be 5 FPS because we're in the 50s so that's it so you can expect around 10% higher frames on balanc dlss compared to what we saw previously with performance dlss at 1440p yeah it's not that bad looking I know some people who actually play games at 1440p with performance dlss I can see a little bit more noise in the image overall but if your target is 60 frames per second I guess you can actually get that most of the time in the game wow with a 3060 let's go back to Native resolution select medium settings preset and no rate racing and okay y so now it's down into the 20s already uh it's not ideal definitely far from ideal my friends look at this not even touching 30 many times G and it's so choppy at the same time nope nope nope nope nope nope we need that dlss let's try quality first whoa what the hell 40s are you serious it jumped up by quite a bit I was expecting the 30 FPS experience that they put in the requirements but no we can actually get the 30 plus FPS experience at 1440p medium with quality dlss which is basically native resolution at this R you can't really tell a difference whatsoever again it's surpassing my expectations considering the requirements so it's it's nice a good case so far don't you think yeah it's a very very good case just walking around the freaking Forest see this is why I don't like about these linear titles I sometimes get really bored cuz I'm here just walking around in circles let's try out the balanced preset here on the LSS with medium settings okay this is what they say is the 30fps experience on the requirements and no we're far from 30 FPS even in one of the most intensive areas in the game that's insane also balance the LSS once again it has little bit more shimmering a little bit more noise in the image then the quality dlss you can notice it a little bit here although it still looks very good and I bet on like a 27 in 1440p monitor it would look even better because I am using a 42 in monitor it's very big so I can notice all of those little imperfections in the image and differences um but keep in mind on smaller monitors it would be even less noticeable so yeah it's it's okay yeah it's about it I'm going to select the high settings with high pro postprocessing no rate racing of course going to avoid that again at these higher resolutions ooh it's it's getting the same FPS as the rate racing low right at 1080p with the low settings everything but it also looks probably a bit quite a bit better yes a lot more detailed for sure obviously you shouldn't really play with 20 FPS so let's not waste time here let's do quality I guess this should be enough oh boy no it's it's it's getting lower 30s already you know what that means that balanced dlss on high settings will probably deliver 30 plus all of the time let's try it out like this guys so the requirements could ask for like a 3060 at 1440p 30 FPS but instead of medium settings preset High settings preset and at this point I'm starting to think that the 2060 will do a much better job than the requirements say it will do that is very very interesting look at this Frame time graph is going a little bit crazy right now don't like that too much what was that but it wasn't really that noticeable but uh yeah I guess it's because we're getting closer to that 30 FPS Mark and we start seeing those little choppiness issues again I really hope that they fix them but yeah this this engine that they built is very very good I actually said that it was in real Engine 5 in the last video I'm sorry about that yeah this is not ue5 if it was it would stutter like crazy this is the north light engine all right let's go up to 4K and at this res I think I'm going to stick too low and only play around with the dlss settings here we have it yep obviously super super intensive but it looks so great guys on my 42in monitor the game on low settings looks like it it's insane it's insane this this always comes to my mind Remnant 2 uh red full I I remembered red full while I was installing the GPU right here yeah that came out this year it has like three people playing it right now and it runs like crap it stutters every 10 seconds or 5 seconds and even on highest settings it kind of looks worse than Borderlands 3 or Borderlands 2 this game provides a better experience than red full and it it looks like that on on those setting like what are you serious anyway let's go quality dlss at 4K resolution still not enough to save the 360 but it's getting close actually maybe it is enough to save the 360 look at that 29 again a little bit of an overclock wouldn't hurt the GPU and it would certainly put it at 30 plus 100% of the time which is very impressive now I'm not going to spend a lot of time here using the um 4K resolution because not many people are actually playing at 4K with the 360 but still it's pretty impressive to see this right like 30 plus right now with balanced dlss looking again really really similar to Quality but you can notice a bit more noise and shimmering around some edges but it's not the end of the world I think I would definitely get used to this but I think performance D LSS is where this will shine the most balance is already 30 plus all of the time so if you want to lock it 30 this is it but performance still looks very good at 4K and it delivers quite the Boost in fps compared to balance right instead of lower 30s we're now getting 40s and high 30s and that is a considerable difference in terms of smoothness for sure so even if you have a 4k monitor you can play this game on the r tx360 no it's not going to be 60 FPS but I mean it's freaking 4K it certainly does look a lot better than native 1080p which was just a blurry mess this is a lot more detail a lot more sharp and define it's it's great guys so that's been it for this one thank you very much for watching this game go ahead buy the game if you have a 3060 you shall not worry about the requirements and I'll catch you in the next one very soon as always love you all bye-bye I
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 77,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i3, i5, i7, i9, graphics, gpu, card, benchmark, games, testing, test, fps, performance, zwormz, gaming, cpu, pc, computer, laptop, desktop, nvidia, geforce, gtx, rtx, intel, core, series, amd, gt, radeon, rx, 3000, 4000, top, rtx 4060, rtx 4060 alan wake 2, alan wake 2 requirements, alan wake 2, ii
Id: aXl3RqaT4dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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