The Finals on the GTX 1080 Ti!

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hello guys Chris here welcome back to another video in this one my friends I'm going to be testing a GeForce GTX 1080 TI the legend from 2017 in the finals this one is a gigabyte triple Fan Edition of the card we are running it with the latest NVIDIA drivers as usual and I'm not manually overclocking it you can see all of its specs right here in Tech powerups GPU Z this card has 11 GB of vram and once again it released back in 2017 and it will probably surprise us today my friends let's move on over on the left we're pring it with the i53 600k overclock to 5.5 GHz so there are no CPU bottlenecks and 32 GB of ddr5 6,000 MHz Ram in dual Channel let's get into it shall we let's start by going through the settings I'm playing at 1080p resolution and we're also going to test this one at 1440p and 4K using Tau for the resolution scaling method at the moment with 100% resolution scale so this is native 1080p with TAA on top basically and then I'm also going to try it out with some FSR 2 on quality at H resolution and we are starting with the Epic settings preset of course rate racing is turned off all righty here we go let's start counting our FPS guys the game is looking great and it's playing very very well as you can clearly tell right like we're getting 7080s here with 1080 TI at 1080p resolution probably a lot of people are playing at 1080p with 1080 TI in 2023 and apparently you can even max out this ui5 title this is a little bit stressing sometimes okay I'm nervous here okay now I don't want to to to be a burden for my teammates you know all right let's go let's go I got you I got you boy we did well right I think oh my God I'm on fire am I going to die while Reviving our Bo okay I'm fine all right so the fire spreads a little bit apparently that's nice also what's really nice is the performance from the GTX 1080 TI it's not super high refresh rate but remember that this is epic settings and it doesn't stutter whatsoever which is super impressive for Unreal Engine 5 like even fortnite who makes the Unreal Engine they don't make fortnite smooth or as smooth as this at least so the developers did an amazing job here oh my God why did I Rush him I was clicking this button for Mele but apparently my buttons aren't as I I selected but yeah I spoke to a developer like one to one actually and he told me they do care a lot about optimization and so on and it's really really awesome to see anyway let's go ahead and try out some FSR 2 okay this can't really go to like native for example so if you want native you will need to use taau there's still XS as well uh but let's start with FSR oh that's rough guys that's pretty rough the FPS are insane high at the moment but you can see a ton of issues visually look at that it's so fuzzy there is a lot of noise in the image visual noise that is of course look at that over there as well ah that doesn't look good okay if you want really high FPS and if you have a smaller monitor you might get by but I I think it will still be very noticeable U even on a smaller monitor like a 24 in 1080P monitor instead of the 42 in uh 4K that I'm utilizing here come on come on come on come on come on come on all let's explode that thing actually yeah there we go yeah everything is very destructible as well here which is super super great to see really like to see that there we go got him should we go upstairs again these guys are super tiny some of them come on nice got another one let's go up let's go up yes okay can still do this oh another tiny one there we go good stuff my friends we're doing fine H five kills so far and for some reason like oh boy oh boy oh boy wait a second wait a second I need to concentrate come on come on come on come on no I didn't get him ah so low HP okay let's stop it there 127 FPS average 92 1% lows so FSR improves our FPS like crazy but again with those visuals I don't really recommend it guys let's see if xss tells another story cuz it usually looks quite a bit better than FSR 2 and oh right I can still see a lot of noise but that noise was still present even at Native resolution and this is ultra quality xcss it's not quality so it's actually rendering at a higher resolution than FSR 2 on quality here and you can definitely tell the difference both in visuals and performance so performance isn't as high as FSR 2 on quality but this is really good still and it's a decent improvement over native resolution with TAA also not sure if I told you already but TAA looked a little bit fuzzy as well it's not perfect you know even at Native resolution it has a bit of noise gosh damn it maybe I told you that but I it doesn't matter I'm a little bit stressed out over here you can probably tell right okay there we go good job buddy he got him alone no help from me unfortunately let's continue here cash out cash out should we uh no okay let's go to the cash sh over there anyway the 1080 TI definitely does a good job here at 1080p resolution those weird noise effects will be a little bit minimized on a native 1080p monitor um and I think you you should have a pretty decent experience here with xcss ultra quality and that's what I will recommend for the 1080 TI there we go winners first game very nice my friends also I didn't notice it but vram utilization is super low even 4 GB card can probably handle this on Epic just fine like a 980 for example that's really cool all right guys 3565 1440 is now applied ta set to 100% once again and the high settings preset instead of the Epic settings preset first of all they look very similar second we were getting down into like the 70s at 1080p so of course at 1440p with epic it would probably drop from 60 so I think the high settings are probably a bit more adequate for 1440p if you want that visual Fidelity experience oh boy new map my friends let's start counting our FPS okay I have never played this one and we got a lot of different colors I wonder how this looks during night time as well cuz you know there are a ton of neon signs and stuff like that that should glow very very beautifully now at 1440p I can notice a lot less noise obviously but it's still noticeable you can still see it uh even at this higher resolution with the TAA you enabl even at 100% scaling I am completely lost at the moment come on oh there he is one of them got him there's another one there oh boy he has a shotgun come on oh I really wanted to explode that thing no I got the other one but they were three also performance is just awesome once again I I'm really impressed here with the 1080 TI's ability to stay above 60 FPS in a u5 title I didn't think we'd see a u5 title this well optimized obviously it doesn't have as much detail as something like Remnant 2 for example but does it look better it might all right anyways that's probably enough for the 1440p native resolution testing 79 FPS average and 62 1% lows this also looks to be a little bit more intensive than the previous map that we just tested so it's good good it's very good let's see FSR 2 now at 1440 pit set to Quality I can definitely notice it once again that it is a little bit fuzzier a little bit more pixelated especially when you move and especially on those lights for example uh that are very very straight you know you can see a ton of aliasing there over here as well yeah but I mean you can Overlook that at 1440p not so much at 1080p uh at 1080p I would definitely avoid FSR but I mean at 1440 I could see myself using this okay come on oh no no no no we're screwed we're screwed buddy you need to to to do this with me we need to kill the purple bastards no no the other one just went away damn it now YouTube compression is probably going to wreck some things here the game doesn't have a ton of details so I think it's still going to look okay or reasonable on YouTube but I I want to tell you guys would you rather rather play like this with a lot of shimmering here with FSR 2 and get 100 frames per second on average or get 80 FPS on average come on oh this is a big guy this is a big guy okay we got him we got him but would you use this or would you rather play at Native resolution still looking a little bit fuzzy at times but not as much definitely um and getting like 80 FPS average like 20 frames per second less basically still 60 plus all of the time I'm not sure what I choose honestly maybe on a high refresh rate monitor this those 20 FPS would make a difference come on nice got him got him got him the other one didn't come to his rescue guys I I really need some someone to rescue me there we go there we go buddy our boy just died up there how do I go up there is a bit confusing once again I don't know the maps all right anyways I think that's probably enough we've walked around we've killed some people got 100 FPS average in 76 1% lows it's really good if they Implement FSR 3 instead of two I think I would probably choose FSR but so far at 1440p I think taau on 100% scaling is the way to go but we still got xcss of course The Best of Both Worlds you could say for the GTX 1080 TI it's a little bit softer though but since it is softer that means that there isn't as much shimmering in the image and it ends up looking a little bit better in my opinion than FSR 2 on quality and on top of that we get pretty reasonable results oh my gosh the movement is insane should we should we oh this has an alarm going on when you steal it come on all right got him got the thing oh Jesus Christ what the hell happened here who did that was that you I don't know why did everything get set on fire all of a sudden all right got him got him again oh boy you think you can fool me by doing the exact same thing as I did coming from behind no you cannot that's my idea all right another one down come on come on all right yep you know what since T still looked a little bit shimmery and noisy I think I would go with XS once again now the game is probably like halfway through cuz all of the teams are tied oh boy what the hell that's crazy dude you can actually level up this entire thing that's that's amazing reminds me of Bad Company too it's nice to see early or X Battlefield developers playing uh or are doing making this game yes what the hell I don't know what I'm talking about sometimes I need to concentrate you you know the drill right it's very hard to do commentary and play these games at the same time I think we're doing fine so far right come on right come on on nice oh that's the third one I'm really low HP though yeah not going to happen anyway since we are halfway there and Living on a Prayer not a very good song by the way uh I'm going to go ahead and set it to 4K resolution well guys I thought that was going to last a while but U no it ended very quickly I'm in the game obviously so we're at 4K resolution native at the moment using the medium settings preset guys okay Yep this is way more intensive at 4K resolution look at this it is not getting 60fps but it's not feeling terrible like obviously you don't want this experience on a firsters shooter in a competitive one like this I mean if it was like Avatar it's also first person game so it's fine but yeah not not on this but I I'm not really feeling a ton of input lag it it feels okay if is we definitely got to use some upscaling here at 4K resolution or even the low settings guys oh no no no no stop stop stop stop stop stop I'm fine I'm fine I'm still seeing some ghosting once again around the rails over here very very noticeable guys it's pretty weird because it's native resolution again I wish we could disable TAA or all of the forms of upscaling here and just run native resolution without antialising oh oh yeah no wait it's way harder to control the the gun with 40 FPS than it is with 60s I'm going to stop it right there and enable some FSR I'm going to do like performance here because I've seen that it actually looks pretty decent in this game at 4K there is a ton of aliasing you can notice that obviously oh boy wait wait wait wait wait wait come on come on come on come on because it's performance FSR it's rendering the game now at the 1080p resolution and upscaling it to 4K doesn't do a bad job again but it definitely looks like you're not playing at Native 4K come on oh got to reload come on yes cop I'm going to get you I am going to get you you bastard there we go there we go okay now everything is on fire can I actually grab that yes no I cannot I cannot God you damn it you Steelers I had that thing where's my team all right so in the end we actually managed around the same performance as 1080p native and 1440p Native with the the settings that we utilized I'm going to try balanced FSR since performance looked so me again and over here with balanced it seems like it is performing Pretty all right still above 60 FPS for the most part it's probably going to dip down into the 50 sometimes uh but it's looking a lot better in performance at the same time okay now I'm curious about about xcss I'm going to set it to balanced as well that's a little bit softer once again you can instantly see there's also quite a bit of shimmering here so XS on balanced even at 4K resolution doesn't seem to do as great of a job as like Ultra quality at 1440p and 1080p uh and it drops from 60 FPS I've already seen seen it dip into like the mid 50s so not ideal I guess just use balanced FSR at 4K resolution and medium settings if you want to Target that high visual Fidelity experience again and finally it's time to go down to the competitive setting so I set everything to low aside from the view distance which is set to high and the textures which are also set to high we're back to 1080p as well with TAA 100% resolution scaling let's go all right it is now a high refresh rate experience my friends we're in the middle of them all oh I'm fine I'm yeah I'm not fine anymore come on come on we're fine yes yes we're going to do this we're going to do this kill this guy come on nice got him o I'm like 16 HP out of 250 so that's really really low guys come on okay okay okay 6 hp I need this all what is it oh we got killed from behind obviously okay so the game still doesn't look bad on the lowest settings I'm noticing a lot of Shadow popping like for example take a look at there yeah it just draws in while you walk it's a bit distracting actually but aside from that it still looks very similar to what we've seen so far with a lot less Reflections basically that's that's the main thing like draw distance of the shadows and the reflections but I will say that for the performance you get this might actually be very worth it especially if you are playing at a high level or or on a 144 HZ monitor just a high refresh rate monitor yeah it's totally to totally worth it to utilize this okay okay I'm going to steal this buddy please don't go away don't cover my please over me where is he going dudes why did he leave we need to stay here just a little bit longer we're almost there okay we got that thing I got to remember that we can explode that if anybody comes in all right come over here buddy come over here we're fine yes we're going to do this it's taking a while actually I hear them uh there's one it's a heavy one come on nice got him got him got him got him y man it it's just feels really really nice actually in this game got another one good stuff good stuff we made it we're in the lead already that's great that's amazing all right anyway let's go ahead and try this out Ultra quality um xss there we go so once again slightly softer maybe a little bit more shimmery than TAA you and it's getting pretty similar FPS anyways so just just use native resolution I guess it doesn't really matter too much in the end the experience that you get is still a high refresh rate one and there isn't much of a difference really like right now the averages are exactly the same as we got at Native res obviously we're not really doing the exact same thing as we did previously uh but still come on come on if you don't have the FPS counter enabled you definitely can't tell a difference guys all right come on come on I'm holding to steal hello hello you bastard got him got him got him okay okay where's my boy I think I'm alone at this point yep I'm playing alone versus a couple of teams of three can we do this my friends can we do this I don't think so I'm not feeling very confident at the moment let's try oh come on nice got him got him got him if I One V one all of them we might actually stand a chance maybe we should let them all come and start shooting at each other and then we will uh start killing them bastards come on oh no two two versus one that's not fair how did I die oh grenade okay so again exactly the same results it just depends on whether you like the look of xcss more than native I guess at this point there's not much to it so let's bump it up to 1440p here we go it's now applied let's do this so we're still getting well over 100 frames per second that's pretty good guys I'm also loving that we have not seen a single stutter in this video maybe at 4K a couple of them happened actually but they weren't really gamebreaking like they are in many of the titles that we see today oh my boys in business look at that they have red dot sites or ACO Scopes or or whatever the crap that is right good stuff okay this one's just standing still this one doesn't mean business okay 1080 TI just refuses to Die My Friends it is amazing I mean it you could say it it died in like Allen wake 2 for example that was terrible because of the lack of mess shaders um but hey aside from that it it still works pretty well especially at 1080p res resolution in pretty much all of the games and the 11 GB frame buffer also helps it quite a bit obviously that's one of the reasons why it has aged so well the other one being the Pascal architecture is just amazing of course uh but you might start thinking twice if you're considering buying one of these cuz they consume a ton of power as I'm sure you're aware of by looking at that graph you know or the on screen display actually come on come on come on come on come on oh what are you doing let's go all right my team has got them bastards so let's see how it does with some XS Ultra quality I'm only using XS here because again if you are competitive if you want to play competitively nice good job we actually won that but yeah you want the visuals to be clear you want to spot people very well and you don't want shimmering all over the place so that's why I'm preferring to use xss alone here although it doesn't really make that much of a difference it kind of gets exactly the same FPS as native resolution for some reason different map different FPS I totally forgot about this map right here guys this has a lot of vegetation and as you probably know vegetation is very intensive in games so even with xcss ultra quality which only gets like three to five more FPS than native resolution anyways uh yeah it's getting like uh around 100 frames per second down to 90 something at times so it's quite a bit different of an experience compared to the previous map keep that in mind still guys even though this is not as high refresh rate of an experience it as it was before if you have 120 HZ a 144 HZ 1440p monitor 100 FPS is still going to feel really really nice or like 80 plus frames per second it's it's going to feel way better than 60 you're still going to have that little Competitive Edge over people playing at 60 HZ and to me at least it doesn't bother me in the slightest I I like 100 FPS experiences you know once you start dropping from 80 frames per second then it starts getting a a little bit rough in competitive Shooters but this one feels good at the FPS that we're currently having still okay the guys are down there the enemies let's go where are my teammates up there one of them is sniping them bastards probably being a pain in the a for them okay come on come on come on buddy fight them bastards let's go oh I still died there was another one I didn't notice that one okay let's stop it there though uh I want to try it at 4K here we go 3840 by 21 60 same competitive is settings and it's not really enough as you can see it's still dropping into the 50s at Native 4K it's not going to happen guys oh my God I'm missing everything oh my God no again it's prettyy it becomes pretty hard to hit those shots once you start dropping into these frames still possible to play obviously it's not impossible it's not completely unplayable like it would be with a gt710 for example or gt 1030 uh I don't recommend you to try those by the way but I will'll probably end up trying at least a 1030 here I'm going to stop it there okay we need some upscaler here and I'm going to try to utilize balanced FSR 2 which didn't look too bad and of course on low settings it's going to deliver actually an even cleaner image than at medium settings cuz we don't have as many effects so it doesn't shimmery as much shim Shimmer Shimmer yes not shimmery doesn't matter let's go okay so over here down into the low 70s right so if you're playing at 4K I think we found the settings for you either medium with FSR 2 balanced but of course in this game or in this M actually it would probably drop from 60 FPS quite often as opposed to the other map where we played it was always above 60 so you're just better off playing this at low settings add some FSR into it and if you have a 4k monitor you can still experience some decent Graphics all right let's go going up they're probably hearing me at the moment no the cash shot is over there all right stop stop stop sniper guy over there oh there's another one in that direction why was he shooting at me why me the other guys are there are we winning or something no we're not even winning I don't understand we need to kill the other boys we need to stick together the losing teams how do I go there this this has no zip line right or does it have a zipline and I'm just not seeing it maybe I'm just completely blind okay it's it's down here going to revive my boy no don't shoot there he put an explosive there damn it did the FPS drop like crazy there when it exploded I didn't notice it but well you guys saw H and it's over second place well it still run well and I definitely enjoyed my time here with GTX 1080 TI in the finals I expected a little bit worse especially because it's based on ui5 and yeah it's just a breath of fresh air thank you very much for watching this video let me know if you're still on a 1080 TI as well I'm curious to see that and I'll catch you in the next one very soon as always love you all bye-bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 46,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i3, i5, i7, i9, graphics, gpu, card, benchmark, games, testing, test, fps, performance, zwormz, gaming, cpu, pc, computer, laptop, desktop, nvidia, geforce, gtx, rtx, intel, core, series, amd, gt, rx, 3000, 4000, top, arc, 8gb, 16gb, graphics card, hd, GeForce, gtx 1080 ti, rtx 1080 ti, gtx 1080 ti the finals, the finals, finals, the finals gtx 1080
Id: reNnACLWJ9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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