RTX 4080 16GB - Alan Wake 2

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hello guys chis here welcome back to another video in this one my friends I'm going to be testing a GeForce RTX 480 in Allen wake 2 this one is the founders Edition model of the card we are running it with the latest NVIDIA drivers actually these were provided by Nvidia to run this game so they're optimized for it and I'm not manually overclocking it you can see all of its specs right here in Tech powerups GPU Z sizable bar is also enabled and we got 16 GB of gddr 6X memory in this card and lastly over on the left we're bring it with the i53 600k overclock to 5 5 GHz and 32 GB of RAM ddr5 6000 MHz in dual Channel now before we get into it let's take a look at the system requirements of Allen wake 2 and you can see that with the RTX 480 we land in the rate racing High preset with the GeForce RTX 480 being good enough for high which is the maximum settings preset in this game rate racing high with path racing enabled which is very intensive of course 60 FPS and performance dlss my friends this is basically going to render the game at 1080P and then upscale it to 4K so it's it's not really 2160p resolution right here you know but it looks extremely good anyways the performance dlss so let's get right into the game now shall we okay let's go over the settings now I'm playing at 1080p resolution native with daa by the way you can't really disable daa it's either that or dlss or FSR of course and of course 1080p is a bit too low of a resolution for a 480 but I still want to include it cuz this game is extremely intensive we're also going to test it at 1440p 4K and 8K resolutions all right the LSS frame generation is turned off and I pushed everything to the maximum here under this menu on the rate racing settings everything is disabled at the moment but of course I'm also going to try that out okay I'm going to test it around here in this area which is very intensive because of all of the vegetation around us actually right here looking this direction is where it drops the most at least from what I've played so far and I got to the city area of the game already as well as buildings and stuff like that and here it's by far the most intensive part this is a little bit after the beginning of the game okay I'm also not going to spoil anything to you guys I'm not going to play through the story now you can see that the frame time graph is extremely smooth that's very nice to see vram usage is actually going above 8 GB right now so when I tested the RTX 460 it was indeed running slightly out of vrm because the RAM usage on that card was also at like 12 13 GB using these settings here so you will need to reduce some of the settings with the 4060 to achieve a flat frame time graph all of the time but even then it wasn't really the end of the world even if you run slightly out of vrm it's still going to perform pretty well this game and not stutter like crazy like some other newer titles do now how many of you expected 1080p without rate racing with 95 frames per second on average and 77 1% lows it didn't really drop that far you know to 77 but uh it it dropped into the 80s for sure I noticed that and uh that that's that's a little bit lackluster performance coming from an RTX 480 at 1080p resolution this is what I'd expect at like 4K native resolution or maybe 4K with quality D LSS you know I guess the performance is kind of Justified I think especially given the fact that you can still make the game look very pretty on low settings and Achieve way higher FPS of course you don't need to do that on a 4080 so that's why I'm only going to test it on Max settings with and without rate racing let's stop it there though we got 95 FPS average which is still plenty of course to play this game without any problems whatsoever ever but still I kind of want to see it with d LSS turned on cuz it looks almost the same since the game already looked pretty blurry at Native resolution with daa enabling dlss quality well it it gives you more FPS and again the visuals are super similar to what we were seeing before let me just take a look at that really intensive area anyways the LSS gives us like 10 more FPS and it still drops into the '90s as you can see so it's going be slightly smoother of an experience but not gamechanging whatsoever what's going to be gamechanging is if you decide to utilize frame generation of course this will make the picture look a little bit blurrier than it already was but it's going to give you insane FPS as you can see with 160s 170s right now um also right here for example you can start seeing some really high noise levels on her hair yeah and and these vegetations right here because of frame generation I guess but aside from that it still looks pretty good guys I mean and if you really require that super high refract rate experience in a single player title like this one you can have it right here it's not a problem of course it gets well over 144 FPS all of the time so with the frame generation enabled this is performing as I thought it would perform at 1080p native again I will excuse it a little bit since the game looks very very good once again oh that's the witch I've never seen her actually why doesn't she have a heart oh of course of course it's because the story I'm not going to spoil anything anyway I'm going to stop it right there guys you already know if you're running a high refresh rate monitor you can have insanely High FPS with a 480 with a user frame generation only which is insanely weird also if you use daa with frame generation so native resolution with with FG enabled it's also going to provide you with really high FPS visuals are very similar it's probably going to be a little bit sharper and you're going to lose like 10 20 maybe 30 frames per second at times which is not bad whatsoever I think I I probably would play like this if I was after that 1080p resolution High refresh rate experience all of the time it's still going to provide that with the frame generation enabled and the laa as you can see 130s is the minimum in the most intensive area that I found so far and uh yep it's going to be buttery buttery smooth zero stuttering issues whatsoever anyways I just disabled frame generation we're still at 1080p using daa Max settings right here but now let's try it with the rate racing enabled as soon as you enable it on high it actually enables path race inir lighting as well on high so this this is now basically maxed out okay and this actually does make a huge difference especially in the city area of the game for some reason you actually lose rate raced Reflections some of them at least when you turn this off so I would highly recommend to turn it on if the performance is good not sure oh boy oh no oh that's actually pretty rough okay um waa a 4080 at 1080p resolution with rate racing is dropping from 60 FPS it's consistently below 60 FPS actually oh UFOs look at that The Ultimate Guide to spotting an identified flying objects Jesus dude this is so blurry as well holy crap oh boy why do games need to be so blurry I don't understand anyway just for a quick comparison right now 42 FPS with rate racing fullon path racing and so on and now I'm just going to disable this one and see how how it affects FPS it gives us like 12 13 more FPS without the path tracing technology enabled but again since it makes so much of a difference I think I would keep it enabled it's not like the 10 FPS difference that it makes will kill the experience or make it so much better right so let's go back to the high preset here and uh I guess we will need to use the LSS hopefully this time it increases our FPS like crazy and I can't believe I'm still doing this at 1080p res this isn't even the adequate resolution for a $1,200 GPU I mean a $1,200 GPU should be able to run rate racing at 4K resolution right anyways now it's only dropping into the low 60s but we're we're essentially rendering the game at 720p and upscaling it to 1080p yes it does look the same as native with the laa but uh just let that sink in the game is running at 720p internal resolution and this is a $1,200 GPU rate racing is way too intensive and the game also looks very very good with it by the way doesn't it guys obviously we can't really take a look at many Reflections in this particular scenario but again since it's where the FPS dropped the most I'm going to stick to it and well since it didn't really drop from 60 FPS in that really intensive scenario where we got like 62 I believe it won't drop ever from 60 here using the RTX 480 and path tracing and so on so at least there's that inside of course things jump up tremendously we get 80s 90s that's a lot smoother obviously still it's it's rough to C60 something FPS on such a highend GPU right but again we still got that dlss frame generation and if you want higher refresh rate experiences with rage racing and everything enabled well we can still have it it's not a fullon high refresh rate experience but 100ish FPS will still feel a lot smoother than 60 is FPS or 80 FPS on a high refresh rate panel you know and yeah the input lag isn't really that noticeable at 100 plus frames per second all of the time you can probably feel that it's a little bit worse than it was at Native res actually especially with 60 plus FPS all of the time at Native but in a game like this single player very slow paste you know it doesn't really matter in my opinion I would probably play like this since it does feel that much smoother on a high refresh rate panel and we're getting now like 100 plus FPS all over the time now the problem is when we disable quality dlss if you really want that extra little bit of sharpness things in terms of input leg are going to be a little bit rougher of course in the game like this it's still enough to enjoy it and play it absolutely fine also 11 GB of of VM at 1080p resolution path tracing and frame generation do utilize a ton of VM dude damn uh but yeah with 80 something FPS the input lag that you're getting is from around like 45 50 frames so you can start feeling quite a bit of a difference here compared to Native resolution so I would probably just keep the LSS quality enabled frame generation on with all the bells and whistles in terms of the graphical options enabled as well and have that 100 plus smooth experience all of the time that's it for 1080p resolution let's move on to 1440 all right here we have it 2560 by 1440 with daa so it's native res and the highest settings aside from rate racing I turned that off at the moment and guys okay this is this is starting to not be very acceptable isn't it like six 60s and 70s it's awfully close to dropping from 60 and this is a $1,200 GPU again like what the heck seriously I really think it's going to drop from 60 when we're looking in that direction you know maybe here no it's not here I don't remember where it is but uh we're going to get there okay it's probably in this direction actually which is hot 63 right there oh boy no this is not the performance that you want coming from a card like this 800 bucks on a GPU at 1440p I shouldn't need to drop settings flipping hell dude it's it still hasn't dropped at least hopefully it's never going to drop obviously enabling the LSS will make the game look basically the same and Achieve 60 plus 100% of the time but imagine you can actually tell a difference when using dlss or imagine you just don't want to use UPS scalers cuz you you think it's a lie a lot of people think that you know because it runs the game at a lower resolution uh yeah if you're in that position only the 4090 will be able to run this game at 60 plus 100% of the time it's it touched 60 FPS right there so it didn't really drop from 60 which is okay so that means that in like 99% of the game at least it won't really drop or maybe 99.5% of the game cuz this is the worst case scenario that I found but still it's it's really concerning also what's a what's with that Poppin did you see the Poppin it's like Shadow Poppin or something y it's so apparent what the hell no no you can't have Poppin with ultra settings Max Graphics in this game what the heck I'm a little bit more mad over here with the 1440p experience since I was expecting these kinds of FPS at 4K without rate racing it said after all that with rate racing and p r racing enabled in performance dlss at 4K it would achieve 60 FPS so maybe it will actually drop from 60 FPS in that scenario guys what the hell all right let's stop it there at least it didn't drop again and if it does it's not going to be the end of the world I just think that this is such an expensive GPU that it should get way higher performance so please developers fix whatever is going on here if a 48 he can't do 1440p 100% over the time 60 FPS something is wrong D LSS enabled however is going to deliver us a way better experience and this is probably how I'd play the game maybe with frame generation enabled at the same time cuz it's noticeably smoother once again 80 FPS compared to 60 FPS or lower 60s is a heck of a lot better and especially with frame generation on top of it it will feel smooth and responsive and it's going to be a high refresh rate experience so that's where the 4G e80 will shine but still these are the FPS that I was expecting from native R once again guys and uh we're getting them at what like 900 and something P which is what the game is internally running at yeah that's that's concerning it concerns me especially because it's not even utilizing any rate racing at the moment all right let's enable the dlss frame generation feature and see that VM going up like crazy I guess didn't really go up by all that much I guess 12 GB gpus would still be perfectly capable of running this but they would be on edge for sure right and now of course since we were seeing 80 something FPS previously at quality dlss with frame generation it's way better 130s this is kind of a roller coaster you know I play at Native resolution I'm not impressed about the performance I play with d LSS it's it's better it's definitely uh way better feeling and smoother and then I enable frame generation and I'm like wow now this this is a good experience well to be honest every experience that we've had so far aside from the rate racing stuff at 1080p was a really good experience right it's really smooth okay and it feels responsive at these frame rates so there's that there's also the option of course of disabling the LSS and playing at the laa with frame generation enabled and this will give us still 100 plus frames per second I guess while making the game look slightly sharper I can't really tell the difference guys but maybe because it's so dark in here I I can't really see the details very well and stuff all I know is that it it does look very very beautiful anyways especially when I don't have a huge light on my face for recording you know I was really impressed with the quality of the graphics when I first puted up this game that's for sure and uh yeah over here it still gets 100 plus FPS lower 100s input lag is all right especially for a single player game not a problem in that regard and we got buttery smooth frame times at the same time VM usage finally went over 12 gab slightly so I wonder how the 470 TI will do with these same settings all right it's time to stop it right here maybe we can actually tell a bit of a difference in the water uh with the rate racing enabled so let's do that my friends with rate racing high and uh well oh no it's getting 20s oh my God okay it was maybe just applying for a second but yeah it's definitely getting 20s at times oh no can I swim please can I swim oh it feels so choppy as well oh it's so weird turning the camera around with 20 or 30 FPS it's really bad actually also now we're getting the same 12ish gab of VM utilization it's it's just not going to happen right you get the idea okay let's try it with dlss on quality guys so what do I get her get her a book something weird and dark weird and dark for a 14y old are you kidding me that's weird you should be giving her Legos or or a PC which is basically Legos for her to build you know anyway guys as you can see we're now getting 50s 40s so um again not what you want from something like an RTX 4080 but now it's playable at least vrm usage went down considerably as well looking in this direction we get same high 40s these u5 games are so intensive man and again this one looks extremely detailed extremely good so it's kind of Justified the performance but still remember that these gpus are complete beasts you know and even a 4090 would be put on its legs at 1440p Native with rate racing enabled all right let's enable the frame generation now see if that helps it get 60 plus now the thing is all right it's getting 80s 80s is not bad in terms of input leg but when you get down to the 60s it starts feeling pretty bad actually so if we disable dlss quality for example and play that 1440p with daa plus frame generation it would actually be a pretty bad experience in terms of input delay so I'm probably not going to touch that you know just for a second maybe um but yeah this is this is good okay if you really want to play with rate racing at 1440p I guess I I think I would play like it's like 45 50 frames per second input lag but with the smoothness of 80 something frames per second so that's pretty nice for a story driven title like this one 69 1% lows maybe this is indeed the best settings to play with the RTX 480 at 1440p guys also I find it pretty weird when she does this like what what is that what what is what I I think she's dodging something definitely cuz I'm pressing the Dodge button but it's so weird the animation oh does it still have the Popin with r tracing enabl let's check it out so it was right here that it was very noticeable and nope I cannot see any popping issues with shadows and anything with these settings guys everything is really really good oh no that was just a rain drop on that rock oh boy yeah we got a raindrop in front of it anyway yeah so if you want realistic Shadows without any Popin distractions and stuff like that well you got to use R tracing I guess you also got balanced dlss as well looks a little bit softer once again but on like a 27 in monitor it should look decent and now it's getting 90 so if you are very prone to noticing the input leg differences with frame generation enabled maybe use some balanced dlss to increase that average or base frame rate a little bit further let's try it out with the 1440p native with frame generation on top oh no no no this is terrible okay this is not good input lag Wise It's like about 30 35 frames per second at the moment so this is not what you want you can even see it's sking some frames or whatever like it stops at times even though it's not picked up by the frame time graph it is definitely feeling pretty terrible in SL sluggish yeah you don't want to use frame generation below 60 FPS it's not worth it just lower the settings instead okay next up we got the 3840 by 2160 resolution it's 4K it's what I use on my 480 this is my main GPU and I use it to play games at 4K resolution with or without the LSS usually with because I like the higher FPS without much of a visual impact rate racing is turned off at the moment as is D LSS and frame generation and uh right on the maximum settings aside from RT it's getting 30s guys in worst case scenario so that means that for example in the city that is the shadow popping issue uh in the city for example it would achieve a little bit higher like 40 plus most of the time maybe even 45 on average or so but yeah it's it's 30 FPS I was not expecting 30 FPS coming from 480 at least the game looks insanely good though so let's give it that and it's native resolution at the same time oh and I totally forgot if we want to check en closed spaces I can just go here yeah uh it gets higher FPS obviously so that's why I'm not really checking it out very often but keep that in mind you will go there in a lot of situations o nice waterfall I mean it doesn't look very impressive does it but compared to the starfields waterfallen you'll see what I'm talking about that's amazing it's next gen for share compared to Starfield at least I guess we should stop it there 42 FPS average you know at the end is not bad whatsoever and again in the city area it would be even higher so that's good and let's use quality dlss at 4K quality dlss looks extremely close to the native res stuff I mean it already did look very close at 1440p and 1080p but at 4K I just can't really tell the difference and I am playing this on a 42 in monitor so if I can't tell the difference on a 42in monitor between dlss on and off in this particular title probably because it uses daa instead of native by default um you can't really tell the difference in 32 in monitors 28 in monitors 27in monitors at 4K it's always going to look extremely extremely close to Native res and the difference between 50 plus FPS and 30 plus FPS is insane at the same time yeah look at that 55 56 six right here not a problem though Dynamic water as well look at the ripples oh looks nice guys some aspect of this game like pretty much almost all of the aspects of this game look insane look at the textures on the ground pretty good some of them don't look as good but hey what am I hearing whoa what the hell hello what the the hell how do I get there I I kind of don't want to get there but that's so weird oh what the hell from the lake what shut up uh how do I shoot the thing how do I shoot the thing oh boy oh you dodge yeah let's put that to the oh my God no no no no no this I I thought I was safe here in cauldron lake or whatever this crap is but I'm not safe whatsoever apparently [ __ ] can you just shoot the damn bastard please where's my gun I can't select it come over here come over let's not look at the dead body cuz it's YouTube uh yeah let's go welcome back Anderson can't you see what's happening here guys I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen [Music] actually oh my gosh no no no no no shut up dude why no no stop beting me unseen I guess the other guys can't really see you this is terrible anyways you get the idea it gets there there we go we we finally got there it gets lower 50s on the minimum it's not really how I'd play this game but it's definitely very doable okay let's do balanced the LSS still not enough 460 plus I guess okay shut up shut up shut up I'm going to go this way shut up dudee come on what are you doing why can't I use my pie I can see I have 12 bullets and I can't use the crap I think he is gone guys we're finally at rest my friends we we can we can chill down for a bit that was quite fun actually I was definitely not expecting it stand here CD FPS drops into the uh high 50s not the end of the world if you overclock the card a little bit or if you have like a stri version Factory overclocked already it will definitely achieve 60 plus 100% of the time and balance DL L SS at 4K man it looks very detailed it's it's pretty much the same thing as quality the LSS which was pretty much the same thing as native with the laa so yeah I think th this is closer to what I'd play at maybe with some frame generation here you know but uh let's do performance first here we go it it renders the game at 1080p then upscales to 4K and it looks way better than 1080p does and it's actually above 60 FPS but uh you can see a lot more noise at the distance Especial it's not going to be very noticeable on a smaller monitor but at 42 in it is a little bit more noticeable not going to lie but uh hey it's what it takes for us to get 60 plus 100% of the time I guess if it's getting like 70s here looking back at this area it should give us 60s yep there we go not as much of an improvement compared to balance DLS as I was hoping by the way it still drops into the lower 60s but it is all right now let's enable that frame generation with performance dlss and there we go 10090 so with quality dlss or balanc dlss it wouldn't be as good for sure going to go back down there by the way but yeah this is feeling great okay input delay is not really too high with 90 frames per second or like 80 100 frames per second that's around the same uh input lag with those FPS 100 plus is where you start not noticing it whatsoever and like 150 plus it's gone you don't even notice that the input delay is a little bit higher than it should be once again in the city area it would get even higher so you can expect a great experience with frame generation still remember that we're not even utilizing rate racing and that can actually make a huge difference to visuals guys anyway let's keep the frame generation enabled just do a little bit of quality dlss and all right it's not bad still it's getting 80s like we lost 10 frames per second or so cool it's a little bit sharper as well cuz when you enable frame generation on top of performance dlss it can look a little bit softer than what we were seeing before but here with quality it actually does look pretty nice Bob come over here it's actually not as bad as I expected it to be with quality dlss I thought it would get around 70 75 on average with quality dlss but it's actually getting 86 and 86 is still very reasonable when it comes to input delay yeah I think I would choose these settings to play this game with but we still don't have rate racing enabled let's enable rate racing now and uh play without frame generation first and at native resed resolution this is going to be super intensive path racing is also on high oh it looks so sick by the way like the Shadows look a little bit better like instantly but uh yeah we're getting 16 frames per second dude 16 frames per second oh my God is that intensive so what I'm going to do is set it to Performance dlss right away I'm going to skip quality and balanced okay so with performance dlss it seems like we can achieve around the same FPS or slightly higher FPS than native resolution at 4K without any rate racing going on so it's going to stay at like 30 40 maybe 50 FPS maximum or even 60 if you're inside some houses and stuff so it's not going to be a bad experience and if you care a lot about visuals this might be the way to go let's enable some dlss frame generation with the performance d LSS at the same time actually thought it was quality at the LSS for a second while we were running around I forgot that it was performance actually looked really good with performance dlss right 69 okay so this is where the input leg starts being very noticeable guys I don't have GeForce experience installed so I can't really tell you the exact values but what would the exact values tell you anyways right it doesn't really matter just trust me uh it's getting like what 40 FPS input lag kind of like the same input lag as we got without frame generation so high 30s low 40s but with the smoothness of 60 FPS the city area has much better Reflections than this area right here but again this is more intensive so this is where I'm testing it and I actually lost the save game from the city I was going to go there but uh yeah now I can't I'm sorry now I think for the last settings here I'm going to do 8K resolution with low settings actually first I'm going to try it with without rate raising of course low settings preset uh low postprocessing which is very intensive in this game as well and Native resolution just to see if we can actually achieve 60 plus on low no we can't see there should have been a very low settings preset not necessarily for the RTX 480 of course but this does not look like low settings this looks like high settings in some other titles even ultra settings looks better than some titles that came out this year at these at the low settings so it needs a very low settings preset in my opinion for lower NG gpus to achieve 60 plus FPS comfortably otherwise you will need those minimum requirements the RTX 2060 to achieve 30 FPS at 1080p low so what should we do next oh yeah let's do 8K this is it 7680 by 4320 native res I'm actually going to drop everything manually to the lowest oh boy no don't crash on me game please thank you no it's not crashing I think it's just oh it completely filled up the vrm as well as the ram holy crap all right I don't think we can do this guys at 8K resolution with a 480 there we go everything is set to the minimum at the moment can I get back to the game holy crap it completely filled 32 GB of vrm of ram actually not vrm okay that's that's the same issue as we've seen with the RTX 460 when that card ran out of vram this this happens in this game so we get five 4 FPS with 26 gab of ram utilization that is insane and I mean the 4080 can actually place some games at 8K like for Horizon 5 for example performs pretty reasonably on this card at 8K resolution but well not this one okay but at least if you use performance dlss which renders the game at 4K then upscales it to 8K it looks very detailed still even on the lowest settings possible not the low settings preset and it's getting 50ish frames per second most of the time at least in worst case scenarios here so it's going to be playable at 8K resolution tion I I don't recommend it obviously but it's going to be playable this is just for a little bit of fun at the end of the video so that's been it for this one thank you very much for watching don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already Bob is not here anymore catch you in the next one very soon as always love you all bye-bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 86,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i3, i5, i7, i9, graphics, gpu, card, benchmark, games, testing, test, fps, performance, zwormz, gaming, cpu, pc, computer, laptop, desktop, nvidia, geforce, gtx, rtx, intel, core, series, amd, gt, radeon, rx, 3000, 4000, top, rtx 4060, rtx 4060 alan wake 2, alan wake 2 requirements, alan wake 2, ii
Id: qt9uYllUaMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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