RTGame Archive: Totally Reliable Delivery Service & UNO

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] hello everyone [Music] are you as well oh oh i've i'm not apparently so well i'm having some trouble hang on let me just there we go here we go we're good we're good how's it going folks y'all very welcome to the stream can you hear me okay can you see me okay oh jesus frozen in time how's it going folks you're all very welcome to the stream it's good to see us everything seems to be fine that's good nice shirt thank you i think it's this is a jumper but thank you quite like this one thank you for the hype train as well folks geez i haven't even done anything i hope everyone's keeping well sorry i'm a little late to start the stream today i was just trying to get a bunch of things ready for the stream today uh we're playing totally reliable delivery service with the irish lads uh we're down at it we're down to jack so it's nice but we've got the other four of us so we're gonna play a four-person multiplayer game because of that and it's gonna be fun i've been wanting to play this one with them for a good ol while i'm excited i have my glasses here too i will pop them on jack is dead yep no he he perished this morning um overdosed on coffee i believe he was topped this morning that doesn't quite sound right oh dear yeah how's it going though folks thank you for the kind words and the haircut too it's a bit all over the place because it rained like [ __ ] twice and i got caught up in it twice today um but i still i quite like it it's actually short now like not on the back of my neck anymore i love that oh dear it feels so nice for jack oh jesus i think kevin's almost ready and the rest of us are just getting our stream started i think i think brian's gonna be a few minutes more but we'll have everyone together soon can't believe jack is dead i did it clay thank you for 100 bits amanda thank you 400 bits thank you everyone who subbed save thanks for 300 bits who's all playing it's myself kevin uh dahi and brian aka mr terrorizer not the drift king unless we forget darkness thanks for two quid as well is this your former ups colleague reveal oh god this is gonna be great when brian gets here because i before i'm always saying like did you know they used to call me the drift king back in college i can just be it's like did you know i used to be a mailman back after college i used to work in ups like way back in the day so hopefully those skills translate um to playing this peach thank you for five gift subs thank you very much rt game and lore uh wait you could drive no i didn't drive it was kind of like a two-person team uh i had to get out and push a trolley like and walk 20 kilometers a day it was not fun it really killed my feet for a while i think i hurt my knees when i was doing that job too unfortunately it was fun i had no consequences whatsoever on my body oh jesus all right dan thank you for 500 bits what is the mullet making a comeback the current hair looks lovely though no the bullet's gone the bullet's gone check back in six months it's how long it takes to revert the grow back oh jesus okay let me just do one or two other things i just want to make sure that's because it's not [ __ ] capturing at the moment hang on not any better yeah that's working they've changed this quite a bit since the last time i played it what is a totally reliable adventure party is that a different game there's dlc and stuff now can i customize my character oh my since when could you do all this oh god i'm gonna i'm gonna like mess them up if i start customizing them [Music] but i don't i don't trust myself we'll give we'll give them red pants it's full-on outfits what are these outfits from i don't know okay let's just go with him sure we won't go too fancy okay uh defiant thank you for the five gift subs as well thank you very much okay let me see how the fellow lads are doing i'm just going to hop in the discord there kevin's here at the mo so he we might unmute soon we can hear him uh let me just get this set up okay dad [Music] oh no he has a customizer no we should be fine don't worry can we get a face cam um i mean i normally go without face cam if there's like not a reason for it myself i do have my glasses on i can let me let me just confirm that there we go oh hello how you doing kevin i'm good uh are you lagging or am i lagging [Music] uh oh you sound fine wait he scored a man okay i think it's okay now actually you were laughing but it was like what is happening okay yeah that sounds way better let me turn you up a bit uh how you doing man how you feeling i'm all right i'm still a little bit ill but not as bad as it was yesterday so that's good that's the main thing just soak in the hot tub a little more after the stream and i had to you see here's the thing about a hot tub right when it's inflatable and you fill it with water and it's inside you eventually have to drain the water out i had to go get a water pump to actually pump it out of the house because like it's not like it's connected to the mains and i can just drain it oh god yeah i didn't even think about that because like you it was just like in like your garage or something wasn't it yeah it was in the conservatory yeah that conservatory's falling apart jesus it stormed me down here today and i went in and there's just water everywhere oh no she positioned the hot tub under the leaky roof and then it would fill itself naturally the hot tub just catches us just gotta heat it up after that boil it like a kettle make it nice and warm there you go how are you doing i'm doing good yeah um i've just been wondering about dublin today sure uh i got a haircut um oh very nice yeah they opened like just this week it was like if i don't get one now i don't know if i'll be able to get one till like christmas so i'm not taking any chances wait everyone's just asking me like what's a conservatory is that not like a universally known thing is that yeah that's that's not an irish thing is it that's not just an irish thing no conservatories are common okay a lot of people don't know um americans how would you describe it like a lot of old irish people call it a sun room but you're not gonna know what that is it's it's like my one's really shitty it's made out of basically plastic so it just heats up it's like being in a little glass house it's just a room with a lot of windows but it's not actually inside it's on to the side of the house yeah my one is about to collapse it's like it's like a sun room um yeah typically they don't uh they're not supposed to collapse but kevin's a special case yeah it's a new feature like that's the whole house sometimes people are saying it's a greenhouse no it's not quite a greenhouse lads greenhouse where you're growing your plants yeah yeah not quite what we're doing here call it a sunroom okay a lot of people actually say sunroom that that's like a very like old irish people would call it that here that is weird not many people would say sun room here conservatories i thought that was the norm i thought so too it's a primarily european thing no the more you know the more you know i i find it hilarious when that stuff happens when i say something that i think is normal and the whole chat collectively goes oh that's not a comedy thing oh jesus yeah i mean i had that on the stream like a while back i was trying to explain what tato crisps are and the fact that we had like you know potato park and it's like a theme park based around crisps and even then with crisps you have to explain that's what you they call chips and chips is completely different thing here yeah it gets messy and don't even get me started on the whole soccer football thing oh jesus that always starts an argument in chat and where is nogla die i'm surprised no he's not here he was all gung-ho for today i know brian's getting ready and he's an excuse because you know he's on like uh on the west coast is he streaming binding of isaac has he messed up the time maybe he has is he he's live on youtube at the moment doesn't he he's like has he messed up the time i'm just watching his stream now hang on he is he's just oh his members only mode is on so i can't message him in his chat to get his ass over here looks pretty damn good he's in here he's no idea okay he he's some man for one man can someone who's a member in knuckles chat tell him that we're waiting how are we supposed to be here should we maybe we can ping him on discord maybe actually oh kevin headphones by the way because i'm getting a bit of an echo i can hear myself a little second um that's really weird just watch daddy in the meanwhile oh my god i'll just turn you down on my end um no worries i can do it through the app yeah he seems to be having a pretty good run i feel bad tearing him away from it but well if he's mid-run he can finish the run i mean i don't think we might open his run as well you watch as well that's all that's all really quick is nice provide commentary over his run wait someone's just sent it out yo doggle the lads him i'm gonna pop my camera back on just so we can watch him there we go he's pretty focused right now yeah he is i i was asking him the other day did he want to play somebody because um we're supposed to get [Music] isaac is [ __ ] great it's good fun yeah um people are saying wow rt you're very good at eyes like it's not me playing right now it's doggy we're just just waiting on them oh god i mean i'm down for that sometimes if you can if that effects off um i'd love to play with you kevin i've already told about play with them but i'm sure i can play with both of you no no you gotta pick one now you can't you can't two times like that all right i'm gonna just put myself over dahi's webcam so it looks like i'm i'm gonna do that too hang on there we go speed up that's nice people are just gonna be like like now that we've covered his webcams like who's talking i'm the wrong way around but they still do yes no no no line this up hang on oh no that is good there we go i'm just going to hold the controller like trying to give the illusion oh this is it i am holding it up for me all right this is it guys this is the final level final run and you know what i'm gonna do with my eyes closed so i'm just gonna you're waiting for me that's boss fight one second it's so fast so good one second i'm just gonna look in the complete opposite oh he's on to us he knows we're watching him now oh my god he must be really good at isaac i don't think i've ever even gotten this fair is this spoilers for like biting of isaac like game box no it's like it's all random so it doesn't really matter jeez i've never seen this guy dude how the [ __ ] i'm going to beat this oh jesus i don't know if we can do it then we can do it this guy's gonna be just hoping for the best it's like yeah when you hand like like your little brother like an unplugged xbox controller or something like that it's like i'm that guy on the screen like yes you are you're doing great walker he keeps saying you [ __ ] you absolute [ __ ] so i put myself next to you giving [ __ ] [ __ ] on he's talking to me he usually talks to me oh dude i don't know i'm gonna i'm gonna let me try okay that's it that you you're doing okay you could be doing better i'm gonna beat around the [ __ ] bush i'm going to be the main character you got to [ __ ] pull your way i'm doing all the work here [ __ ] [ __ ] i think i think there's only one [ __ ] here daddy it's not playing the game yeah let's kill these oh my god we're doing it you're doing it come on kevin get the hearts i'm the main character on my end you're just the boss constantly oh my god you're just the boss trying to kill dahi no i'm isaac it's the binding of kevin at the moment it's a fun little mini game while we wait for him honestly he's doing great destroy these [ __ ] you you healing the irish lads play the other irish lads tonight oh just pretend to be back oh that's a lot of bombs i don't know where we've got loads of health though we're good we're good we're good we're good i i like this right i think we're doing good here eat him bomb straight strong run strong yes yes oh that's how it's done lads put anything in there yes i'll blow it up oh and what's in the treasure box it's me right there guys there he is oh great just move your camera over like again hey at least we beat her right i'm so happy for him i'm happy for dahi game kid was healing you good job gamecube save the game twitch raid here on youtube people gave him money to tell him that like we're waiting for him like drew oh yeah i'm sorry we're watching your stream it was great you you did it good run dude oh it's echoing now it's not he in the car no he's here oh he's here he's here crying dude i got i got twitch rated boys thanks for the switch right anytime i'm sorry for just rebroadcasting your stream you can dmc us now all right working on it all right guys stop streaming people are stealing my content i'll talk to you later oh hang on guys i gotta only i've gotta talk to my lawyers i've been emailing me oh my god how you doing dahi it's good to see you grand man and as good as can be as natural from that advice as good as can be what is going to be that's grand ah we're just waiting on brian he said he'd be 15 20 minutes ago i reckon he's close to being ready yeah um i can get the lobby set up if you want in the meanwhile uh i'll just see how this works [Music] uh if i just die do i have your ad on epic do we even have each other i don't know i i i just assume we've got each other out and everything we do i assume i have your social security number if i need it kevin you do i trust you uh okay i'll just i'll just make a quick password hang on let me let me hide the screen uh what in what mode were you playing doggy i've never played against that boss before that's green mod i think it's new right right okay i've not tried that one i don't think it is okay i put that in the discord there don't say it aloud it's tempting it is it is it is all right okay does that work um it's like i have to relaunch my game it just instantly crashed i don't think that worked hang on [Music] i think i can show the screen now because the password censored okay i'm gonna hide mine for now um they know how many characters it is but it's like we should be fine it'll take them a while to decipher it um i think you can customize people when you get when you get going you can buy items and stuff it's it's not letting me host it um i'm clicking play and it's just oh no it let me in that time okay i think now if you try drawing off me okay make sure that the uh the game will actually launch first noise it's like a wizard here i i've sold i haven't played this game in like years [Music] let me just toggle some things here i'm gonna hide myself i think i just gotta i think i just have to wait for you to connect off me i'll just sit tight i might have a bit of a uh an issue oh wait it might be launching it's like all i can see right now is a sign that says totally reliable as we all have connection issues i'm just trying to get in the lobby a little bit ironic uh right okay i can just join off your friends and then there we go let's get in oh the explosive drum responds that's nice damn dan gained a few pounds it's just my character he's a chunky boy [Music] we appear to look very identical kevin well people do say we look alike oh the graphics have changed in this game yeah it's like changing it used to be like kind of the human fall flat style more wasn't it yeah it was yeah they actually have like little like straight upper bodies and clothes now uh this guy this guy right here let me tell you about this guy i'm wearing my heartbeat monitor now so if things get tense people will know why are you playing this with a heartbeat monitor i just think it's important that people know how i'm feeling throughout that's just playing resident evil and i'm just leaving it on oh god i saw you're playing um the earlier one your heart rate is higher in this game of resident evil it probably will be my resting heart rate is apparently super low i've learned over the past few weeks uh it was like at the scary moments it would reach like the 70s but most of the time it was like mid 60s and going down to 50s even it was usually like mid 60s i guess it's just keeping it calm and collected under pressure sure not much gets to you i guess yet unfortunately chatter pointing out and it is true that my heart rate resting is normally 69 and like like i'm not even i'm not leaving i'm so actually being serious i mean how do you even mean that like what are you gonna do to change this that's the thing i can't control it oh i think we've got a brian in the chat hello fantastic oh he's muted oh hello hello brian i'm here hey good to see you man i need to yeah you you sound [ __ ] shattered is everything okay tired oh jesus i got totally reliable uh service but it's like telling me like ah you're very quiet and aaron hang on uh yeah no i'm just talking quiet um [Music] i got the game but it's telling me that it's like it says i own it and then was by the deluxe edition uh we got the we got the version on epic if that helps i know that's what i'm on okay um it's just that when i go to my library like it says oh no it says i can get it i gotta keep turning you up daddy i'm kind okay he's just a bit shy yeah yeah someone bullied me in my stream oh no yeah [ __ ] why are you towards wankers oh no oh we're gonna have to watch nothing but support on our end yeah who would do that [Music] oh [ __ ] i'm dead uh brian is everything okay for the game on on your end who the [ __ ] uses epic i don't know my [ __ ] login i mean this game i believe was exclusive on it for a good old while [Music] what's it called tomato town tilted towers oh my god and the song chug jug that was your soundtrack on loop the entire stream i'm already excited i think the kids would love that [Music] i just love that line that's just wiped out tomato town because like it just sounds like you've casually committed genocide or something like that like it's just so nonchalant about the banger that the song was [Music] that song was incredible top of all your truman's what was it estelle who was a kanye kanye was pretty good god i need to turn you all up no i'm not talking youtube style man it's just genuinely hard to hear you it's like even for myself outside of the stream i'm just trying to listen to you uh you just probably still have water in your ears from your bathtub streams i mean we did get a bit waterlogged the baby finally dried out the other day why won't you log in my bathroom still smells i i don't think i can wear that suit again it's overpowering mint what did you put in the bathtub uh like two full bat bottles of like uh like bubble bath and like four different bath bombs oh sweet jesus did you put in fairy liquid yeah i put in some fairy liquid and some like undiluted squash at one point too you were mad i mean i was fine i had to have a shower after the bat because i was worried like there's so many like chemicals that like start burning me or yeah that can't be good for your skin so like i just like kind of scrub down afterwards probably a good idea yeah the advocate the avocados just sitting in the bathtub at the moment because i don't know where to put it it's so massive even when it's deflated it's just sitting there like i can keep the donut because the space for that in the cupboard the avocado is too big first timer there's the first time for everything kevin are you doing achievements in the background uh no i've just been wandering around but i'm trying to figure out what we're even supposed to do no it's mine can we give me the parcel where are we supposed to bring it you're supposed to leave it with me give it here thank you all right this is like the worst way to carry it your arms will just be breaking where are we actually supposed to bring it uh it says the cars down here i think let's get let's get the mail back i'm trying to remember how to drive this thing what is the controls oh jesus you're asking the wrong guy i'm not sure oh i got it it seems like it you all right i'm okay yeah i'm just i'm just remembering how the drive hang on here let me put the package in i put it in is there any like notification for you where we're supposed to go with this thing it just says delivered to the security kiosk but it doesn't even indicate where it is right now it it doesn't even say that for me it gives me nothing is that just here like you're talking to the wizard just here no i didn't you just stand in his circle okay it's very hard to steer the car when it's like confusing it's like a behind your perspective the crashing noise is so loud it's over the top why does this game behave so differently to the bait it's changed a lot yeah maybe it'll tell me now that i've spoken to the wizard no one must be tired of running unlocked vehicles for downtown [Music] i'm getting like a cutscenes just put cars in a game called totally reliable doesn't seem too reliable i feel very reliable between you and me hi jesus are you getting undocumented with the install is it working it was [ __ ] one of yours huh is the install working yes don't know i'm trying to figure out a sponsored video real quick no worries i think i spawned a plane in the world so i'm just trying to find it where are we supposed to go the truck over here [Music] could just hear like brian stretching right trying to find a will to play this game again wait have you played this before yeah yeah was it was it rough or oh it was rough it's like sandpaper on my balls oh no that's how particularly stained again that was rough no we didn't we didn't have to play this one again if you if you had like a bad experience boys come on lad come on you know you'd like a bit of uno oh no we can't uh the last juno session got so heated we can try some of this first uno makes you that part that nobody really don't have a party brian oh we can't i don't know if we can do a mario party again now jesus we literally have phone playing games after that one i needed a few more 30p lessons before i get over it to be honest with you be unboxed before i'm ready to [ __ ] hit a block okay you're just gonna do it again all right fine all right do i join my friends am i friends with you oh no they said ah sweet smell of victory uh let me see i i set it up so you can just join even if i don't have your address yeah is it region oh no oh is that a password thing uh it's a password yeah i i put the password in the um in the server [Music] okay sorry i joined a game i joined a server oh no there you are oh yeah i feel like it's just tradition at this point whenever we play a game now it's like we have the setup period whoa dude the dps is insane on this thing with the dps dpi yeah like damage per second are you are you attacking something ups is naughty problem do you have a gun yes i'm coming back let me let me get a car my tps when i play an fp this feels like very controller driven i feel like i should be using a controller i i i did last on myself the hell was that hey you guys sideways i'm here let's deliver the mail oh my god that crash sound is it's so loud you're male 1 all right cheney we all are fairly similar let's get started who's doing that someone's going to have to change who is fondling me is that you kevin you you get that i like how y'all it's impossible to know who's who we're all the same we've all grown the same mustache i think i have a slightly different oh how are you able to grab my ass like that come on i've got each of your asses now let me take yours back in the truck one cheek in each hand i'm trying i'm [ __ ] upset though you can tell you can tell i'm upset i'm upset about this i don't like to be fondled then now i'm happy i got used to it you change your tone i'm wondering what's this weird strange feeling in my pants i'm trying to just bring you back i'm incapacitated good [ __ ] [ __ ] nogla fondler oh jesus our room boys don't want that name to stick i'm okay no club fondler drift king is throwing drift daddy or television not not dogla fondler yeah there's yeah that's a rough one all right wait okay just deliver to the security kiosk have we got everyone here if everyone gets in the car really driving both arms grab both hands brian are you there left hand twice yes give me a second we got ron ray's dive shop i'm having a bit of trouble steering the car raise your arms up run i'm trying to just work it out it's so hard to steer this vehicle why won't the controller work ah jesus christ is this all an ambulance but not for me damn it brian you're looking well is this the kiosk then is this is it anyone feels like an important security kiosk how do we put the parcel in try to deliver to earn more money if we just hold onto a truck and someone drives we should all be able to get to where we need to go i would have thought that the kiosk is up the road or something he was getting in the door kevin go yeah yeah bathroom oh it's probably up this way we're in a bit of trouble i've lost brian you're brian you gotta get in the truck now jesus christ you shall not pass oh we need to get the parcel if you want if you want to grab that there ryan where is it look at my butt wiggling i mean look at that little wiggle look at that little wiggle look at that little wiggle whatever i move my legs kevin got distracted by the cake dude is everyone holding on to the vehicle [Music] kevin looking at my cakes you can put it away now it's very distracting jesus it's very hard to steer this thing oh health no no no aviva healthcare will save me triple a and aviva oh look our hero's coming over oh he's got a fork in there i got this i'll keep yanking on brian's head hopefully i could do this i actually i actually can't move i actually i can't move either we have to wait for the forklift brian to wait to get saved oh nicely done someone pulled me out someone pulled me out i got my ass stuck in here let's get this look it's just such a [ __ ] input there's there's such a delay with the controller we ready now is everyone in this game to the customer okay jesus christ i didn't fall should we just walk where is the station no there's a thing over here wait hop on in kevin is there a checkpoint oh jesus christ let me just stare into the point behind if you give me the box it will never fall out i might hold it i'll try but i think you're holding on to me which is great yeah yeah exploration point on the map yeah go to that there it is the gold things just like gta boys gta 6 that's where we're playing right here this restaurant yeah let's go it's coming out is this the goal this is it it is this is like a mini game or something oh the box isn't looking too good what is this try deliver to earn some money thanks where do we deliver this box i'm just gonna scout with the car you broke the box oh it's fine we were never gonna deliver it anyway we might be better off something there's something for nasa and a heart thing and like a heart transplant thing it seems important i'm trying to turn around hey get in and die [ __ ] it up walk it off i'm ready to drive oh i'm not in complete events laser barrage is that how you're driving i just like you know the air through my hair is it the green pleasant here who's got an ambulance is there anything oh die die call for help help go get good job right now where the [ __ ] do we deliver the mail ambulance i need an ambulance ah jesus what is going on up there i think we need to drive oh the plane all the plane oh i'm taking the plane all day all day let's go bro i feel like the game is born oh no brian i hope you guys pick us up that's what you get come on now brian we're a team here we'd like moon jump over to you god i hurt myself oh no it told me this thing stands straight away i'm up pretty high i see aliens see you of ours oh fly the plane this is so stupid i love this game i'm like i'm stuck on the plane oh i think you gotta wait for a new one is the lobby [ __ ] bog sedan or something i don't think this makes me any sense i can't play this for this controller this [ __ ] delay is you can't use the controller like i hit forward and it takes like two seconds no delivery boys no delivery plane's not working did you find it on a new delivery no delivery i have an ambulance hang on where are you is i'm coming back now i'm the guy with the mustache the i think we all must stop what the [ __ ] happened where am i i'm stuck underneath something oh i broke the game oh i broke the game the game's completely broken do i need to restart again glitch i i think you did dude i think it's oh this is my what the [ __ ] kevin you're right here i got you no i'm underground and my controls are backwards oh okay let me i'll set up a new lobby lads okay we'll see if this works any better yeah my controls are also backwards when i'm on the ground what the hell is us okay i i've closed it totally reliable except it's not reliable at all it's not been very reliable so far oh my god okay uh let me it'll be the same password as before okay set it up now he broke the game a joke so many people in my charge just saying like this is purgatory it felt like it that is very accurate ah jesus uh is it started i i clicked play but it does it didn't put me in the lobby i have to like spam click it a few times oh no or it doesn't let me in i hear a voice this game this game didn't have that much trouble before like i played it like once before and it was fine what happened i don't know i can host it like i host yeah you go yeah i want to use charlie's host instead it's like because it's not cooperating with me [Music] you hmm said it's like a password for it yeah try something that you the knuckles get just only like four games set up how many people are playing this game come on in boys put the password in the chat is there i just click join game is there only like six people playing this in europe i understand why it's so [ __ ] from me you're from the us yeah the input like oh my lord so uno so i did a lot of it did a local game and it worked perfectly fine let's wait till everyone's here before we start [ __ ] about with the world it's saying like use x to walk oh okay you can axes oh i got you you can walk slower if you want come on in brad [Music] this is the dance of our people i know you're a [ __ ] we ought to go to canada did you did you guys have to learn how you were standing for like a count kaylee back in the morning we didn't buy them we didn't buy jesus i was [ __ ] exhausted so i was well i was a bit of a chubby child and i did mike hayley uh so it like it tuckered me out god loved me like when i was doing irish dancing up and down trying to jig brother join the jig all right just grab a partner and then you start late i did it what the [ __ ] just happened i talked to the wizard i think oh sure because you're talking to the wizard time has frozen for all of us kevin sorry i didn't know the wizard was that powerful i thought it just opened the gate okay we do we all have to talk to him you must be tired of running unlocked vehicles for downtown i'm too poor i'm trying to [ __ ] suck his dick yes it's working the gate's not open nice [Music] did you deliver that wow amazing oh my gosh was that the security kiosk this entire time yeah oh that's kind of sad this thing didn't spawn get in there in there come on now yeah that's our nice package there now uh boys i'll uh i can package this all day uh wait where's the next one over here i think you just have to wander the world [Applause] oh my gosh my hands literally stuck my hands literally stuck it literally stuck i'm trying to this is definitely have to oh oh how convenient i just showed up and it was nothing that's so convenient oh guys i strong man i'm the strong man get in there drive drive i'm trying it's very difficult to find the steer in the wheel that's it it's that's it push it forward is that kevin on the front yeah i'm ready you're gonna okay yeah you he's doing his own thing dude brian where the [ __ ] are you it's starting his own business this is a four-person job brian right there right there right there jesus [Music] this isn't helping i need to move that's it silver we take those we take those it's all brian's up there let's see yeah we gotta get brian we're just missing him right now i think he's enjoying his little old plane i'll be honest with you i can't play this can't play it's too bad laggy the the input lag is just it's just ridiculous yeah ah that's a shame i'm trying to try and try and drive okay it's just it's just impossible so you guys just just work around i'll just stand here well no we do you can play a different game if you want now brian we're not going to leave you behind no no no it's it's fine it's just i won't be able to do anything you to walk to work there he could you pick us up good record heaven's chasing me with a stop sign right now okay i'm asking you to stop what you want just keep going come on in guys you hold on to me oh the controls feel so much more jank than they were before and it seems a bit laggy for me for some reason but that could be my pc my pc is freaking out recently come on kevin hop on honestly i'll be faster walking looking at you wherever kevin where are we going we have [Music] the [ __ ] truck again there you go you're fine with the helicopter pad insert youtuber's channel joke here's this zip line zip line package might be a bomb zip line over here oh wait we're here i'm coming hang on hell was that i was just using an explosive okay we got we got to go up the mountain now do we yeah oh god i know how to get up there grab this oh wait what i'm gonna saw did someone get shot i got blew up at a fire extinguisher oh no oh the car just exploded what the hell is that a million bombs into the air oh brian you're all the way over there now what the [ __ ] did you just do to me stuck in mount olympus he's on the mountain in mount olympus how do we get him back in the game how is that even possible oh my gosh what the [ __ ] i just got a helicopter always boys boys boys boys oh okay let's get the helicopter hang on and we can pick up brian as well just like gta says we gotta get him yeah oh god dude that is weird lag basically okay someone get the box oh i'll get the box stand yeah i'll get the box name hang on it's actually really hard to just pick up the box because it lags yeah can i hold on to like the blade hang on well i need you to hold on to the box well i'll hold on to the blade with one hand and then the box with the other yeah i'm holding on to the cardio okay yeah i got you hold on the balls i kind of need you i kind of need you to let go of me because i need both hands for this so you have to let go of me okay all right i think kevin's got the box now you need to let go of me with one hand and grab the helicopter can't let go of you kevin all right there you go grab that handle there you go i got it we're ready chief all right don't go off here where are you i'm gonna hold on hang on kevin oh [ __ ] hold on we need to flip the vehicle it's landed on kevin yeah there we go there we go uh we're working on it perfect working on it we're working on it i i haven't got my license yet so okay i trust in you we got to pick up brian oh my god yeah we got to pick up ourselves really i'm holding on to the vehicle how do i fly off why is this so awkward what the [ __ ] it's not too junky you [ __ ] helicopter oh this game is no the power so we lost the players oh my god you try taking the person and go on the helicopter oh that's how you go up oh i'm doing it wrong i'm doing it wrong i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done let's get the parasol back on it's so difficult to just like hold on to anything okay you're good great i'm trying to hold up the handle just try and get in i can't you can jump yes you can there you go i can't hold on to [Music] it's so dark and everything okay i'm on i'm on i'm on i'm ready this time let's go are you all right i'm ready okay come on kevin you gotta hold on i can't see anything and this is a disaster change your brightness brian's almost made it down the mountain are we coming over brian no it's fine i'm already here you took so long we're coming for high-end we're coming to the chopper oh my god [ __ ] oh i [ __ ] up something so jank we've still got the power so we can deliver it yeah yeah yeah yeah you totally can all hundred percent let's go back and get one now that we got all the lads together you just say sean's in the box we're trying to deliver him oh sir sir helicopter back there is oh an umbrella you got your lads holding up okay i seem to be on my own over here i want to see if you can see the like okay so i'm gonna okay i'm gonna hit i'm gonna hit move on go three two one go it wasn't that bad what do it again was it no maybe maybe because maybe there's even a delay moving there probably is yeah so three two one go and now it moved yeah it's uh all right i guess the voice is also delayed i can just pull you around like i don't know where i'm going either but so when i try and run in like a str drive or do anything i feel like i'm drunk cause i'm like i got this i got crazy i got i got this i can drive i can fly oh thanks i was having a lot of trouble there she's okay excuse me i'm sorry i'm sorry excuse me excuse me excuse me i got i got up the handles are on the outside so it's like i gotta i gotta hang on to the edge can't you can't hold on to the helicopter if you're inside it which seems like a design flaw sorry um come on what the hell i'm doing i'm gonna deliver this package on kevin nice we're in the helicopter brian brian's good to go literally could smell your breakfast right there we got brian we're gonna transport him all right let's go oh brian hang on now okay we got we still gotta pick up kevin go far brian i don't think the helicopter will support us all right i will we gotta get us off there it is don't you tell me how to do my job we need to take it slow now all right you fly this piece of [ __ ] you're definitely weighing it down boys you're definitely winning it down it's taking a while to go up oh oh jesus got the person i don't know which one i am anymore okay on this one just hang on to that hang on tight boys hang on pat we got delivery that's six minutes late baby let's go oh dog you're doing a flip don't do a flip we're good man just showing off flip boom dude we need to land great smooth this bar i dropped the purse it was a book and a beer it's still good [ __ ] oh my god can we get back to the mainland we can just live on the island now fish fight fish fight fish fight oh i can't wait to have this fish fight is this a tornado is that how we get back to the island well there's an airport there's an airport to get slapped kev you're about to get slapped do not want to be slapped with a fish go away from me oh my god yes a fun tidbit for you is lads i used to work in ups uh but it was not it was nothing like this what so what about hard to believe i can really see what you have though i mean they do seem to take better care of the packages here now compared to ups that worries me i yeah we don't have this unlocked there's something vaguely in the vehicle look at brian just got off in the tornado kevin you just are you exploding i don't know what else to do in this game yeah i'm just like wandering around interacting with things trying to see if there's even like something we can pick up we have to go back to the wizard i don't see any deliveries we'll unlock everything the wizard the wizard the wizard the wizard the wizard is back at spawn no no there's a new wizard a wizard there's a new one is there yes i'm running over this we're unlocked area boys let's go wait whoa we cinematic area what site is jordan cannon cut scene of the island it's my intro alright shut up do a new youtube intro i need to add some like dubstep and like something like you know like sniper sound effects grab this grab this then same time here what does this do oh it's a jeff black it's actually kind of handy where is the delivery it was on the bridge it's by me i'm the one with no pants here dude we're going pretty high we're coming back down jesus there's two packages this time i like how we both finished at the same time no oh come on i don't like the way you've said that daddy wait kevin was that the car that just went into the sky that was the car i had just gotten both packages on and the tornado hit it would actually be faster to walk okay what are we doing here deliver i thought this game would be fun because i know i've pitched this like for all of us to play together for a while this is awful it was fun the last time this was fun the last time i played a lot of issues here but like this is this is horrendous like input lag is like it's awful i'm actually having fun i'm not i've no input like oh well you're the whole story so you're having my i'm having a great time what are you talking about i'm trying to just like have a little drunken walking simulator for me i'll hold on to you daddy that's not dahi that's me oh everyone in you're coming with us we're going on here just grab onto to us i think i'm going to walk into the horizon and retire from this job i'm on are we good this is the best i could do hold on to the car okay okay kevin's going into the horizon yeah i'm i'm just gonna let the sea end me okay now you have to be mindful of the package sideways where's the package going oh all the way i've got it in my hands i'm doomed gotta take it to the other side of the island yeah that guy looked like car oh no it took too much damage oh hold on guys this is this is going to be the package this is the package i can talk to the wizard again oh don't where's the wizard i'm just i'm unlocking here we go oh guys guys look at this what do we have to deliver here is that is that a gas canister yeah all right deliver it yeah all we do is deliver it up to the rooftop it's so heavy i need help it's too heavy lift it there's an elevator over here you can use half there's a flight of stairs right here all right so work with yourself i don't know if that goes all the way to the roof you [ __ ] i'm trying it's up here isn't it you're [ __ ] up bro why are you trying to help you have to get up the stairs oh tornado is going to [ __ ] us dude stop oh [ __ ] it's getting away are you okay oh yeah i think they're okay kevin they're all right another successful ups delivery the you penises could am i a ghost i can't interact with anything i can't i can't you're just not pulling it what's this sand stuff over here come on all right somebody hit the button are we honest we'll get on get on the elevator all right on there guys i found the content i've gotten in this session so far brian's just acting camera man get up oh no oh jesus hold on be all the way all the way hold it the other way which way's the other way hold on do you want to [ __ ] do it come on to the top to the top you're so close you you're so [Applause] we need to go up quick i'm slipping i'm slipping [ __ ] [ __ ] sake we should have taken the mystery go up okay wait for [ __ ] sake he's literally going to be up there wait there we go no i'm gonna fall trolling is so [ __ ] good okay i'm getting off i'm getting off can you i'm getting a new job as a stripper who's unconscious me i'm gonna kill you [ __ ] are going down oh my god damn it all right i'll operate the light the stairs no stop strangling me oh maybe it's best we restart that one oh this is horrendous so uno oh gotta try it one more time boom all right we've come this far now i got this i'll do it myself oh my face i'm helping you actually all right bad news when it's goshen it's so difficult to deliver this parcel okay all right yeah okay now let's just go perfect we literally a second ago yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna make my way hold your left stick forward i'm losing my patience i don't have a lot to begin with this is so much easier just let me drag you oh brian we need to go back down not on the other hand guys have okay i'm on go yeah it's that elevator is trickier than it looks there we go come on doggy stop going limp hang on hang on don't fall no wait what if i just hold it up it looks like so you know the difference because i am moving it okay sorry brian i appear to be holding it i'll move i'll move okay i'm just standing here down down down down down this way okay you guys okay we're going to the elevator [ __ ] it almost made it [Laughter] all right i'm going up the stairs oh we're going off now are we [ __ ] off let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go come on we got this man [ __ ] him you got it you got it you can do it he's waiting patiently yes oh i give up i give up stop don't even touch me stop holding we have to go up the stairs the elevator won't work it will if you believe it will work we got it we got to do it oh god oh i've lost control this went from the worst to the best game ever really quickly no it just went worse to worst er oh there we go there we go there we go there we go that's you oh no come on brian you can suck an ass here come on get your head in the game get your game in the [ __ ] head let's go let's go do not fall that's it oh where are the stairs to the roof it's on the far side come on oh wait yeah we got to walk all the way around oh my god this is infuriating there we go it's gone lance i can confirm there is no stairs to the roof okay sorry i guess we gotta use it we gotta use the lid yeah the hard way i could feel that uh it might be bad for him to go i think it's more fun to watch him use the elevator we have to disagree i think it would have been hilarious for him to get all the way to the end to find out he wasted his time it's so ugly sponsored like my god i'm trying to just i know how it works i'm not figuring anything out i am the king of the elevator i am the king of the elevator how about you just hold on to that and how about the drunk the american ping will oh my god look at him go he's making looks see i don't know what's probably knock myself out come on come on brian okay get out of the boy bring it on where am i i don't need you to hold me in fact i would rather if you not hold me i can't let go come on it's my moment it's my moment your moment dude yeah how do i raise my arms uh or why i think or elsie alti lt alti oh yeah no he's right why i think they both do it he's using boom and we're going up boys let's go we're going sometimes we did to come in here and just get the job done guys if you guys want more tips and tricks and had to be incredible just move to america and play this this is the best subscribe to youtube.com terrorizer now watch kevin doesn't flawlessly why are you delivering it again we did it i just thought it was just fun we're having so much fun doing it i thought we'd do it again oh no get off there we need to move on god damn it [Music] the heights i can reach god damn it we failed so many deliveries can we make it back to the mainland and try to go out i don't know if it's possible i just because i can't do [ __ ] i'm just like stealing footage from all of you i did it it's full of you you did actually do that that one fairly well yeah you you got the job done but we couldn't it's not it's not just something you should be happy about you should be ashamed of yourselves i i kind of blame kevin for most of my problems so i'm ashamed of him no [Music] get that leggy ass in there uh-huh there you go hold up hold on to my ass there's plenty to grab onto there now brian i'm holding on to the two most fragile things in here yeah i don't know if we can get up that high we might we cannot necessarily wait okay okay brian you gotta jettison yourself all right i'll let go don't let go you have the box he's trying to take the package oh this is made the situation significantly worse it's precious they're so stupid i'm holding out it keeps giving the problem we're doing good we're actually getting up there i don't think we want you're there we go about the blimp is so close see oh oh america oh this okay easy now okay the rocks broke my fault easy [Music] careful get it in careful let's go this chopper i'll catch you i'll catch you that was so good until it wasn't heaven almost pulled off the most mission of possible [ __ ] the back of the plane jumped to the front and then narcolepsy it was so sick looking he would have been able to turn on [Laughter] imagine that ambition impossible narcoleptic imagine that like possible sleepy time oh there's a mission over here i think okay talk to the wizard uh down i'm down to stop playing this in like 10 minutes i think it's funny we can play something and now i'm beginning to wake up to it and it's going to be the opposite well we'll play this we'll play this a bit longer sure but like should we play some uno afterwards so we do something that's maybe a bit calmer yeah i'll probably have to go after it so okay you guys feel free to play away without me though what did kevin say what did he say i'm gonna have to go after a bit more of this you stream pretty early kev i do i stream at five so i've already been streaming for three and a half hours where's the parcel all right hmm i should probably stream later to be honest oh well i know that earlier the day time's honestly quite lovely [Music] like i i do like on the [Music] delivery failed gentlemen oh no let's just i got this stay there stay there dude you're gonna see the movie okay you're gonna make the jump yeah here we go this is my time to shine gentlemen okay we're waiting for you i'm honking come on check this out check this out right all i do is i go like this don't spin it just try and bounce off the thing okay he didn't quite make it hold on hold on i went my there's the car how can we get in the hoop oh you're bouncing this okay so maybe not full speed yeah yeah yeah it seems to just propel you higher and higher oh this probably slows me down who's grabbing on to me yeah this is good yeah you need to slow down too slow come on there lads all right [Music] you can bounce on it i'll be like a speed bump for you doggy if you go full speed through me oh that's big brandon yeah let's try it out wait i'm still alive but i'm stuck in the water no uh ah guys oh and there's a shark coming in to kill daniel oh my god what's after happening you're so casually saying that it's so crunchy and there's a shark coming in to kill daniel and now we see jaws coming in to rip daniel's [ __ ] head off oh i'm just like trying to noise paddling pool right now oh there's no bouncy thing anymore sorry it's gone back to the surface he said he capsized it oh now i drown okay oh wait is it good now or it's fake it's back it's back fixed i got the car oh my god get your fat ass off my face oh you're driving you're driving too fast that's too fast slow down i'm not even going on this thing speed bump of course [Music] jesus tried to get him it's actually really awkward and used to land like perfectly on it there's a lot okay there's a lot it gets on okay this could work holding on to my hand let's go boys oh let's go this is the one ah we're so close this trick shot voice is so close on this you want to grab this hold y and then put it on and it stays in perfectly wait does it yes yes you wouldn't know that though because you keep [ __ ] i'm actually here to do a job let me grab on to you that's not me oh sorry i can't forget that people look the same all right go on boys drive all right here we go oh we've got package i don't want to wait no we didn't we got a kid with a ball we need to go back okay we're not even like trying to deliver the mail anymore this is just like hitting ryan what yeah gta 5 studs everyone on the car i need your ass off my hand sorry i it's stuck okay there you go i'm in i did not consent to your ass being on my hand pop it in no brian let me put it in right let him put it right hey put it [ __ ] i'm fighting them i'm fighting them [Applause] how is your baby made let me put it in [Music] i just want to give you a hug brian there you go i'm trying to i'm trying to i'm trying to turn so i like to go like this and i like to jump in on my car and i like to drive we need to get out kevin you're a little [ __ ] baby god yeah i i'm gonna have a heart attack before this [ __ ] job is over boys you know we could just go around stalking stuff the opportunity to annoy i had to quit drinking it was cold i ended up holding it you tried to try it okay i just need to drive forward i guess i'm just coming along for the ride this is it this is the angle we did it i'm good i wonder if you can get gold just driving around probably i got the package all right it's too late it's not happening come on no you really [ __ ] are [ __ ] off just going into the ocean floor all right we all need to be in for this one i know this everyone in the car everybody in all right okay this is he's trying to hold my hand because he knows i'm having difficulty okay i'm in guys i'm in kevin hold on to me i'm in i'm in i'm in let's go drive drive wait is the package yeah package is fine here we go here we go there you go hold on a little bit left hold on a little bit left over there go on nice and steady that felt good i thought that was it well there you go you you drive again you have a gauge of like you know a little bit less next time okay just a touch just a touch mister i'll put it in i'll put it let me put it in let me put it in i'll put it let me put it i'll put it in there i'm just grinding this pole back i just drive just right [ __ ] it it's not me driving someone else's am i driving yeah you are getting there oh [ __ ] i got knocked out and yeah you guys got it though that's a good pace that's a good place it's a good place it's good this is good this is good it's good nailed it it doesn't wow it turns out we were supposed to drive all the way around it wasn't oh we didn't even put a ramp there for idiots like us maybe it doesn't even [ __ ] waste our [ __ ] time it's gonna keep children busy for an hour poor grown men funded by adults oh god all right let's just deliver normal come on go left go left go left left our package ran away hey uh he's running away yeah we'll we'll pick up brian now hang on sorry having a bit of trouble okay get in brian ten dollars ten dollars wow is this freddy krueger i've been boys i think he's just sunburned let's find our next job go up the magic mountain is everyone it no not everyone said is kevin running away somehow i've learned how to play this game with the lag fair play because yeah it does seem pretty horrendous for you like i'm struggling i'm not i don't have no reason to wait now wait what i didn't know what you could sprint oh thanks pretty nice are you just sprinting into the distance kevin no you're driving away from me i've been trying to catch up with you since we left the boardwalk me pick up kevin i've just been running after the car i just learned to run to be fair so i was kind of happy get in gotcha worked remarkably well it's like speed we can't stop the post vehicle oh my god this is horrifying it's just like neck is stuck in the vehicle do the jump do the jump i'm going to jump oh we don't have a lot of speed worth it we're in a oh let's visit the green thing they're looking for their mail too ah jesus i don't know why we get like this weird cut scene of like the zone every time we go into a circle we got a plane oh we gotta we gotta mount the plane together oh an actual truck that delivers oh we got everything now oh we're flying we have to get the plane let's see all right we're going to take it to that ufo boom here we go oh where is that back there we got a delivery we got a delivery right here by me oh my god the air i got on that ramp just by running what the [ __ ] guys we got a delivery here yeah we got we got we gotta use the plane i want i wanna hop on to like the propeller at the front what am i doing how am i doing this what is going on all right can you see me i'm just glitching okay come let on of me i do need help i'm somehow flying on the wing are you okay over there ryan [Music] oh my god kevin can you see my ass cheeks yeah they look great dude it looks like i can have myself oh yeah it really does ten dollars did i want on my own take off boys it's a little bit heavy i think we need a bit more runway no no the controller is i did it earlier oh wait hold on what the [ __ ] there you go come on save it save it there you go now pull the nose uh push it's inverted i think push that's the last time i ever heard from the right analog stick it's the right analog stick isn't it yeah it's a little bit yeah it's a little bit weird oh i'm in again so once you kind of get the tape ready correct you're fine right right i'm just trying to drunkenly get over this fact i've mounted myself on the plane there does seem to be a parasol right next to the planet should we grab that there you go that's it that's it that's it oh no oh let's hold it heavy keep holding guys why would they build the building right in front of the runway oh there you go we gotta go try the right through that blue ring yeah why what are we doing going through the blue ring go down go down now go right brian smith the greatest flyer of all time 200 [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh you're the greatest flyer of all time and i'm i'm still hanging on with this trying to grab on should i do a barrel roll i think i'm ready for the barrel roll yeah i'm gonna swing by get ready to grab us okay i am grab my hand brian my hands are up [Laughter] oh we're stuck in the island again aren't we oh for [ __ ] sake i needed like 10 miles there's a helicopter here there we go i got it i got this one i'm just gonna hold on to you brian's the only one not ryan's the only one he's just on the edge as we're all just like hugging each of clothing other not into that kind of stuff i'm staying back here oh god i'm glitching into the helicopter oh hang on brian oh no no i'm fine i'm safe to the ufo oh no come on we might oh pick up velocity all right here we go nice touchdown oh we can you got an ice area unlocked then that okay there seems to be a hang glider over here [Music] that seems with the vehicle oh what is that oh sledding oh what is that do you see the hang glider oh what is this i'll race you to the bottom oh my gosh oh my gosh you could slide down the mountain in this wait what are you doing oh my gosh guys guys guys get in get in oh we got to make a delivery with this oh i just want to have them right see ya look i'll get you oh wait there's a ramp at the end and i am stuck underneath this helicopter oh brian you should have said something sooner no i wanted you to go down the hill and it made it even more comedically perfect thank you and the helicopter is gone yeah i i no no i'm fine now i got rid of the helicopter i couldn't stand the engine okay we get we got does the pirates with the delivery we don't need it we don't need it we've already done that one what about okay what about the hang glider then this one looks fun all right heading up we're enough for that you gotta really like leg it up the mountain you guys want to go on the ufo i kind of do all right i can't trigger the paracel [Applause] oh there's a yacht i'm having some trouble let me pick you guys up no i'm trying to get you kevin no for [ __ ] sake you got chip go yeah but it's a little heavy my character shitty's pants guys oh we're all the way back here my character literally shatters pants in the air brian if you might want to kill yourself just so you can get back to us quick oh all right jumping water is the fastest way we're very far away we can get him pretty quick though get him on the helicopter gonna hug us like go to brian or are you oh wait oh you're falling we're going oh brian's just jumping okay well we'll pick you up brian we're on our way what how is he flying what he's on the hang glider all right mission impossible tom cruise this [ __ ] all right just grab on to us okay grab on grab on oh we're so close that was oh yeah oh so close we need to go back around we're sitting there oh no uh if we're down here oh my god it's okay cinematics don't worry guys cinematics what a painful way to go it was ralph [Music] uh helicopter no this game is still so jank but i'm having a bit more fun with us now yeah no helicopter apparently the the library is just not working we have to talk to the wizard [Music] i'm just going to i want to oh we need more cinematics give us call hot air balloon there's a helicopter where is that hot air balloon wait wait there's a hot air balloon yeah i saw it in the cutscene let's have a look here hop on the helicopter with me i i definitely want to do the the martian ufo thing what i got you buddy got this got this all right you fly you've never flown before where the hell was it there it is i see it where it's over here it's in front of us hot air balloon oh there okay it was outside my draw distance i could not see oh that's just oh hot air balloon parker here's the ufo just four boys and a hot air balloon is there a post that we can deliver with it uh about that doesn't deliver any more content and happiness content and happiness there's one here but it's not working it's not worth working yeah let's hop in well we can actually all fit in this one oh right it's on the side heavy as usual yeah we got to get brian ryan get in trying to line this up there we go here we go let's go boys we don't have to hang out in a hot balloon we're going the wrong way can we just go like to maximum altitude do we have a person ah brute strength you know just crapping that's very inappropriate could you let's go with me now definitely that's definitely me it's definitely i'm like right under the goat there she is four postmen on adventure you have four which you the ufo or about the prove ufos are real the end game can't wait for the government to do it we have to do it ourselves well what was the stuff about ufos the other day what was going on there ah they're all just distracting everybody from kanye west and kim kardashian's divorce that's what we need to focus on oh i see how it is all typical propaganda just settle the hot air balloon on this yeah that mountain does look pretty high the bigger man there she is actually that's the moment when we were up wasn't it here she is are you able to go down or oh yeah definitely but i okay see i'll just chill oh this is great look at this go i want to get to it first you know what i mean oh no legs are literally floating don't worry what are you doing i want a dangle i want to get a better view i want to dangle i don't want to die i'm abandoning [ __ ] i'll go down there myself i want to see you better it's not worth it kevin kevin no you're not going to make it i'll make it fine oh we actually made it fair play [Laughter] there we go oh so there we go fun down here yeah yeah i'm good i'm good to go now hi kevin hey there's actually nothing here speak to the wizard there's nothing here oh where's the hot air balloon wow new aliens are a waste of time ah yeah there's there's nothing the government just didn't tell us about him because this isn't a ufo this is just a big long long speakers big long loud speaker that's what it is how do we get a speaker subwoofer guys it's just a subwoofer it's just bass oh look at him look this is a beautiful way to end it boys look all right i'm in the ufo looking out to the ocean isn't that beautiful isn't it beautiful looking i couldn't resist i just couldn't resist i couldn't i know you couldn't kevin has left the game uh that's enough for me i think we we discovered aliens that's that's what i expected oh that's fair i'll get some rest man it was good i need a bit of rest and a bit of food i think um but let's thank you for the games it was a pleasure delivering mail with yeah maybe we should try and play earlier next week like maybe five or six um i'll pass seven's fine for me as well i'm sure we'll figure something out um yeah i mean i'm always jamming for whatever which it's good fun it's always good um are any of you continuing to stream or uh do you want to play a chill around of uno yeah i'm down i'm done i'm done i'm done brian you're down for some muno and who else a robot wait a robot what well yeah like three is gonna be the fourth person yeah who's gonna be the fourth person we can play with a bot okay that's what i'm asking should be all right i thought you had someone else please name him after me and have fun lads i'll i'll send the people over to you dan so they can enjoy your thanks kevin you're too kind no bother at all have a good one i'll talk to you soon talk to you all of us [Music] oh god i got into that a bit but it's like yeah that game is much more jank than i remember yeah it was it was it was better back in the day wasn't it hence why the first thing i said was like oh yeah like this oh no i'm just trying do i have you play installed i'm pretty sure i do where is it you play pictures this folder is empty not showing up for me oh no i i know i don't know because it's ubisoft connect now they changed this that's right here i'll update the category let's plot let's play a cheeky round of uno are you original uno delivery oh i gotta i've got to update the client and [Music] i don't know if i can remember my password hang on let's uh try four different password and email combinations a while since i played uno probably would have been like last time would have been with you i think oh my god how much installing take off my jumper too it's [ __ ] roasting now in there hang on one sec i'm good i can hear yous again all right let's play let's play a cheeky bishop i have it installed i don't but it's quick it's saying uno demo that's not i thought i own this game why it says it doesn't own it daddy but one what uno and what on on ubisoft connect i thought that's where it is okay don't be mean or anything but you could probably just buy it like if you don't own it you might have bought the steam version but not you play one like i'm sorry but you sound so irish right now i can't tell what you just said there he said you can just buy us like he doesn't know if you're doing the steam version or the or the you play version what did we do before because i i i don't worry i understand [ __ ] thanks um so yeah basically that's it anyway like uh new game details add to my games it's just uno demo i definitely own this though you just see oh it's because i own it on steam but then it's registered with the like ubisoft account because you need one to play it exactly you can just play the steam one that's fine okay i'll download it real quick shouldn't take long boomer rt i'm figuring it out come on though lads kevin thank you for the ride thank you very much in kevin a grand ole he's a grand old lad i i do feel like like when i play i feel like things feel short though you know and you know no with you guys yeah it's like i feel like seven's too late you know kevin's usually tired and wants to head off yeah we should we maybe do an earlier day at five if we can but it's just like it's just trying to balance and get everyone in sure because like you know getting getting brian for five is impossible i imagine no i hate you so you used to do whatever that's usually that's usually okay problem solved brian doesn't want to play with us oh god be nice if you're all in the same time zone ever you ever coming back to ireland brian like even like you see the family yeah i want to but the country is a [ __ ] joke i mean it's all locked down at the moment yeah the hotel it's the hotel quarantine we can we can keep your company in the hotel we'll get like rooms next year we can all play that way we'll just yell real loud it should work you sound so done bro i'm just thinking about ireland this is so [ __ ] frustrating oh girls guys it will all blow over soon we're getting there you know the vaccine applications like if somebody wants to be at the robot that would be kind of funny someone wants to what does someone want to be in a team with the robot i mean i'll play with the robot i guess i'll try it what kind of uno would you guys there's like problem authenticating the ownership of this product it doesn't want to launch for me i have it installed now uh i'm down for whatever kind of uno i'm just trying to get it to work okay i i believe you might have to just get it on you play it to be honest with you buy it again yeah yeah that's my suggestion uno ultimate edition i'm just worried it's going to say it's like you already own this okay i mean that that's a bit shy because i do own this but let me input all my credit card info again too it didn't save that either validation pay i agree to the terms i have to install it again i think then you sure it's only you know though don't let you know people are telling me the pirate uno lads please okay i got uno own the full game now let's download it again accept and continue for some reason the file size is different on this version of uno compared to the steam version of uno six thousand people watching a bad try to install uno this is the quality content you guys come for all right okay it's almost there now y'all got baba in ireland is baba like the baba tea cause i believe we do have that now there's a few places for us boba have you had pogba dahi i like how do you have your rover good bulb in it yeah but you you it's all the pellets like you can get like the different flavors i prefer oh yeah i prefer the ones that aren't uh i don't like the the black ones i prefer like apple or orange or the fruity ones yeah yeah the ones that pop in your mouth nice chewy black ones aren't the best my opinion kind of like licorice someone saying for you oh huh people disapprove i think people are saying sacrilege yeah well you guys can take that out of context and cancel me if you like whatever works well no just for you i think it's like just for you your mobile preference yeah they're not happy good thing it's not my job to make them happy jesus i don't even know what you're implying die that's our parent's job where is this going i'm scared like oh you stop stop please okay hang on i i think i've got it now who knows starting i think i need sorry what'd you say ryan i said i hate ubisoft every time i always can never remember this [ __ ] password [Music] a new content available [Music] new reward accessible ai emotion cool i'll take it [Music] let's play some moon get cancelled speed run any percent i believe that's just playing mario party against jack now he'll do that for you need to just adjust the audio you already have me um add it don't you die uh we've played this before actually i actually don't know um i'll have to check oh no i've only got three friends it's max kiewa yeah what's your i'll i'll add you what's your uh it's just rt game crowd all one word um did you get it yeah i got you now there we go all right brian are you on are we friends no i'm trying to log in oh brian yeah we're not friends be amazed if you had didn't have him at it [Music] like you're just business associates strictly you know you meet up to do records and you don't speak to each other [Music] have like a winged angel girl downloadable content doesn't look very uno-y yeah i know that one's not on at all oh no [Music] whoa yeah all right there brian [ __ ] ubisoft you got this come on i'm ready to join a lobby whenever uh you got one guy and get it all set up you have to click like online play and join or something is it like i remember how i actually get to play the bts uno rt is there a bts uno maybe on mobile maybe on mobile it's on mobile shut up chat now how many versions of bruno are there it's just antonio we tried that one before uno flip but this joe stant one has a pretty insane card in it though the just answer was fun when we played that i like that boom invited uh where do i look for an invite shift something i invited you to the game thank you all right i'm here now oh you're talking in game you're talking about the game somehow uh how do i mute myself you gotta go into settings you actually sound so bad mike your mic in discord and that sounds like a radio did you hit a keybind your chat is freaking out is that better is that better it's because i remember we had this issue before where uno for some reason hijacks your stream's audio the moment you like join a lobby i remember we had that problem before and it was so i can't how have they not fixed that surely i'm not talking in game anymore dahi now am i no no no you're okay okay sorry about that oh cool i'm deaf now people are saying i'm really struggling on there can we help you at all brian no just nothing you can do i changed my password and everything i just wanna be again i think i think um i had to make a new account or something which is why i didn't have the uno on this account i must have had to change at some point uh i think i'm getting in now finally beginning to try again there's a problem authenticating of course there was you french fox oh so someone's just said why does brian always sound so sad it's early in the morning for me and i have to play with these [ __ ] it's nice to see you too brian nice to have this quality time together i wake up normally around three guys oh my god we played a game that i hate and now we're playing uno on ubisoft which is the worst this will bind i don't care what you do just open the [ __ ] game brian i gotta ask a problem hey you hey juno you hate the other one what game do you like i hate all games right now he likes he only likes games with vanoss that's that game on a retirement i'm trying to think because even if you play mario kart it's like half the time you're screaming about the game yeah no i don't scream about the game that's very silent brian so people are just genuinely concerned about chat like is brian okay he sounds hungover oh god i've been picturing brian sitting there with a glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other his black and eyes squeeze and shut oh my god brian needs a coffee it does sound ash we get some top of the morning to you hugs for brian yes send brian your energy because god knows he needs it he's a tired lad right now can we order brian a coffee what's your p.o box brian okay i know i know a fella that sells good coffee just order like a bunch of sean's coffee like over in your p.o box to be like a [ __ ] mountain of beans in like like [ __ ] in the whole stream as well here you go just chew some more beans brian that'll perk you up now oh god i picture brian like the guy from that meme where it's like time for your blank yes dear oh no like the coraline dad brian is it all right all right talk to us you're in a safe space here brian sorry bro i couldn't quite hear your insole because you're just quite quiet did you say you hate me yeah oh okay thanks for clarified [Laughter] come on now ryan i offered right at his sleeve schedule ah he's so reciprocating like we're sending brian so much love and he's just like go [ __ ] yourself shove your love of your hope brian why oh my god please log in oh please please please please i wonder how much time we spent playing games tonight relative to the amount of time we spent setting up the games it feels pretty close you just hear brian bumble into himself as he's trying to set it up he's on mcdonald's internet oh no don't say that lance he's in like a cafe at the moment it's a soft spot is this i know you're making doesn't like to be always gonna oh okay we stare clear of that then you're making mistakes don't bring it up oh sorry okay let's steer it clear supermax international completely different starbucks wi-fi he sounds like a dad trying to fix the plumbing on the sink he does a bit yeah dad he nearly helped out now ryan is my final week's mood a finals week even final week sounds like yo the end is 9. if this french canadian company does not accept my [ __ ] password don't you have to have a password that's different than your other one though don't you want to shut the [ __ ] up later come on now brian you can do it in the future someone said how can i accept my password david it says password changed and when i type it in it won't do it right uh is caps lock on maybe someone said he sounds like stew pickles making pudding at 4am new password talk us through your process brian dude come on now we're here for you we're here for you everybody all day let's get some rivers and commentary going no i'm because i'll i'll spell out my password apparently my camera's not working anymore hang on we go where's it going lights i took off my jumper because it's a little warm in here i'm small camera is further back than it normally oh is we go i swear my account has just been locked or something because of all the failed passwords there we go you've had too many login attempts recently so i like i feel like it's happening here i'm just going i'm going to log into i i if you want we could leave bruno for another day if it's like if you're not up for it and everything's working against you you get some rest we could play another time oh i am determined you do sound quite done right now the new password can't be the same as your old password it's always ubisoft it's like the only one that causes me issues oh god it's the only company that does it i believe you can do it [Music] i'm signing into us i don't know this is going to be the same thing there was a problem authentic in the ownership of this product my controller felt [Music] i mean i'm just kind of enjoying the chill lounge music at the moment are you having a good time yourself dahi this is lovely i think yeah like honestly it's kind of like i feel pretty sick it kind of you know it's there just they're just listening to brian's struggle yeah almost like yeah brings joy to our own lives download for pc what is it right you really do just sound like a dad trying to fix a problem brian it's like i'm logged in i use the same credentials to log into the web browser version then when i go to the software it acts like no that's not your password that's not your password like [ __ ] i'm literally logged into your browser it's running it please makes no sense how can you sign in on one thing and not the other is he using the right email someone's asking no you're not well there's your problem then brian gosh right silly come on now are you are you are you uh using gmail are you using gmail what you're doing jesus have you tried duct tape have you put in a comma instead of a full stop just reset google he's using aol oh god have you tried using edge his pc is windows 95 like have you had turned off your firewall have you given your social security number have you tried that right three digits on the back of your card expiry date look look just short chat chat will help you chat will help show them your login info they'll tell you what you're doing wrong it reminds me of music playing airline we're just waiting for our flight right now oh my god it's finally logged in it took so long hey [Music] i'm happy for you got there in the end it was a hell of a journey we just a few [Music] oh god we're finally able to board we're making progress in the airport how long do we spend listening to the brian struggle i don't know i i mean that that's good that'll be youtube highlights and of itself though i was just kind of waiting about room it's not a montage of him grunting that's an entire video that's my that's my friday upload sort of oh there he is oh we got him we've got him in the legend the gaming terrorizer start match let's go gentlemen we're gonna have a nice clean game nice clean game no swearing no uh no no we're not allowed to [ __ ] swear oh you definitely can swear all right paradise very trendy trendy terrorize their trophy 2v2 because we thought it'd be funny the trendy go he doesn't release all my cards i think i'm just missing my turn wow trendy you know what to do i have a lot of things what what trendy might have a lot of gold oh [Music] still i can't oh what just happened [ __ ] wait it's green oh yeah we'll put a card down there sorry i thought yeah yeah yeah we're fine go on trendy come on he's gonna do it he's just waiting he's just waiting for his time come on trendy oh no he's gotta do it here dad he's gonna do it bastard oh god trendy wait i just missed my turn i didn't even get the flashlight yeah because it skipped yeah like a red make it red make it red make it red there you go dahi pit terrorizer with trendy it honestly sounds good i like them trendy team you know yeah oh do now i don't think so no i don't think so trendy oh poor trendy ah that's what you get trendy for forgetting i had a plus four you dummy i pop down my one card oh no terrorizer [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh that's a that's a very unfortunate fight you're [ __ ] that's your hand now oh oh you had this brian no i didn't play because we were on like one card why did i bring you down to ourselves i'm waiting i'm waiting i hear it comes when you're 30. no [Music] it's okay i might be able to get it back i gotta keep it away from i hear you can't keep passing it back and forth oh yeah yeah yeah i thought they're going to win they're going to win here buddy they're going to win oh plus two plus two nice oh what the [ __ ] you know why wait what happened what challenged it i thought i'd turn that off i thought oh oh wait i could jump bendy what does it mean you challenged it i don't even know what happened there put down like a plus two or a plus four but you could have played like a different card they can challenge you so like uh you didn't say oh no i'm sorry oh i'm trying to quit one let me quit oh that's why i drew more cards i forgot yeah okay all right all right okay quit okay i'm gonna make another game you wanna do a random i think we should do random instead of teams right brian kind of [ __ ] in with the computer wait i thought he's not here this is swaggy i'm making a new game he left he left him oh okay it's just me and brian playing now i just quit okay oh they just hop out quit please do not reset my audio um there you go invited gentlemen come on in reset my audio but it's okay you know that's bad no i said the internet's so stupid [Music] here we go already this time no teams so brian you don't have to be with someone which is great because really dumb swaggy boys swaggy oh get your swag [Music] i'm sorry does anyone say that is that a reference to something daddy what get your swag on yeah you don't know what that hot about the beast i must wag on no i just like whip my hair back and forth what the legit sign [Music] i feel very uncultured right now am i going to have a turn at some point as well no don't try to decide oh oh my gosh yo thank you swaggy my guy let's swag it up brother hey go fish hi guys swaggy oh he likes red and blue red and blue yeah well you don't like yellow so you're wrong so we just said daddy is trying to be cool i really am i'm like that meme of that that kid [ __ ] off i'm like that meme of that old guy acting like a kid in high school how do you do kids what the [ __ ] would you use it twice for why would you do that you're a [ __ ] i thought it would stack oh i didn't realize gosh oh i got a card here i got why rt game and uno does not go well together oh no i missed my turn oh no i missed my turn yeah it's like that's what you're bothering about you know well you had bigger problems there bud there we go absolutely cocked yourself out of a plus four as we put a five down swaggy dude come on let's go swaggy swag it up okay let's make it oh no wait no i shouldn't have done that did you do that dan oh [Music] swaggy's um got it no no no he's [ __ ] yeah why did you have to think about that because i was contemplating london win wow ah now daddy what why would you do that why wouldn't i oh everything we've been through why would you do that i just want to play my card yeah well there you go there's your answer oh that's not bad you swap are you giving it to swaggy no i was thinking look at this little [ __ ] that's particularly good for him wow wow uh you have to stop and then you have to stop him he seems very happy about it what does he have dan tell us what he has you need to stop me that's not gonna do it no way no way does he have two of these there's no way where he wins what can the king of [Music] well look look when they give them chew they might as well be thrown away oh jesus i just want to have a fun time playing card games with lights swaggy let's get swaggy a win that's not happening oh [ __ ] why did you do that i can't do anything oh it's not happening brian's just got his door for me and hit no starter today and he's buzzing he's perked up a lot yeah no i'm happy for you bro no i'm laughing at the double plus four and the fact that you were going to finish on two wilds is such a scummy move oh yeah left me no choice but i had to do it for you yeah i almost got away with it it wasn't for that rescue terrorizer wow i thought this is just that's 2017 boys all my days i'm surprised i haven't been able to like you know update it considering ubisoft owns both of these games yeah but here's the thing it's ubisoft wait why do bluetooth oh i forgot that does that why would you do that why would you do that oh my gosh i won't be laughing too much swaggy swag come on swaggy you never know you could have a plus two give me a few more carrots there thank you oh my god i'm gonna draw i'm gonna draw for sure here swaggy do what you have to do swaggy let's go swaggy no bro how could you do this to me steps [Music] oh my god oh my god he got 421 points he did it as well oh my god i think we're swagging with the swag boys wins so far and i think we should all be happy with the wins the machine uprising is at hand i think brian did you two plus fours as well yeah i did yeah you had a naughty hand i saw at the end there at the end i was given two plus fours i was gonna i definitely let swaggy win there i was happy for him swaggy plus four terrorizer can't that's why you win this time swaggy getting too powerful yeah why give me that i got skipped well you're gonna get plus eight now he's he doesn't have a plus four there's no see you could have it now i was a little worried there though let me put this in i'm just slowly working through my camera could be plus four and me here oh oh oh you're gonna plus for yourself hey brian you got a nice hand buddy yeah what are we gonna hand you got oh enjoy that's all right that's your switch is it no it's not all right it is all right i like this hand what is it so zero rotates them all isn't it and seven yeah he's got he's got two zeros no glue is two zeros so he doesn't like yeah yeah and brian's got a [ __ ] hand doesn't care what it is yeah so i don't care oh my god oh no okay 280 i will keep this one in my pocket voice i foresee a problem with the cards i have and my chat four sees it as well but you have two sevens or you've two zeros the silence confirms my suspicion uh oh you don't have to worry about yourself ah thank you oh well there we go no it came back around okay i'm okay for a little bit still yeah now he's got two sevens or something so i'd probably keep it off a lot show oh there we go oh thank you swaggy all right we're doing everyone else we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it the chaos has begun oh [ __ ] i don't think i can play anything what do you mean what do you mean i was so close we're in boys [Music] in there like swimwear what oh yes does anyone say that oh you got 25 chance of being wrong variety of 25 percent chance of being wrong oh let's go ah this is why i'm going to be featured in alphabetis oh he doesn't have it i was just showing off my voice acting skills you have to just like yeah just presenting your range for brian yes yes yes i gotta i still don't have one how do you not have a red couldn't be me okay there's one i have so many of other colors are even more red i don't have a wrench let's just play that that's good that's good my turn so whose turret is it okay ah get your revenge oh no please big brain big man all right i play this and i swap for you i get a little [ __ ] hey friend and you play that and swap them back big bread what's the point of all this what is the point of anything that doesn't matter now [ __ ] you oh hello oh why would you do this [Music] oh my god and a boop come on swaggy do it for me don't turn it yellow swaggy make it yellow swaggy yellow you [ __ ] red that's so close um god gee i wonder thank god why that why would you make it that hard it's not red there you go oh you [ __ ] i feel like i'm gonna be here a while damn [Laughter] i think you should make it you [ __ ] so i dan you don't have reds huh why would you keep turning it back well i don't really play uno for my fun i play for other people suffering there you go daniel you surely have a wand then i do have a one it's not red though it's the son of a [ __ ] i don't have any yellows i gotta get it on red dammit swaggy oh no i don't need more cards that was actually the perfect card for me oh my gosh dude i just want to trade by hand bullying him back and forth [Music] i don't want swaggy to play i don't like swaggy there we go twofer oh forever whoever nice talking getting rid of some cards now oh god he's got the best hands now oh who's got the best hand i want it swaggy come here taking it back it was your hand you wouldn't know if you had it oh i looked at my phone a little bastard surely you should should have known that he had that brian no i was i'm looking at my whatsapp no daddy why why did you take my hand i don't know i like that i just saw one i was curiosity okay curiosity it was the ceo this is bastard swaggy what what's wrong you only got yellows oh you [ __ ] okay let's let's make it blue chance are you playing guys i'm feeling like i could [ __ ] at any second you need to use the loo no like okay so it's just a side effect of oh [ __ ] indeed stop i don't have any yellows now keep whispering to me down i like it i don't have any aloes okay welcome back to asmr you're giving it to the man who has nothing but yeah oh well there he's one [Music] keep it yellow because swaggy's got a yellow uh seven you just take it off him you [ __ ] that is such a rat [ __ ] dude we got a baby ratchet wow seven wow you are [ __ ] gonna win again literally rats go swaggy [ __ ] dirty filthy rats the bunchy it just keeps reversing it oh my gosh oh stop making it red oh no not having reds i just like don't have like two of the colors in play at any one point in time oh my god dude go on swag you win it you ain't gonna win it oh you dumb ass swaggy tried to call it get better swaggy no stop making me pick i think a computer would know to call uno humans are i have too many cards you're fine you got a little yellow huh doesn't like yellow doesn't like is that you joker he doesn't like yellow my father was a reversal or card oh no oh he doesn't like yellow i don't know father come on swaggy let's go boys victory is mine this is bad it's very bad for ye yay swaggy can't save you know brian you're bald [ __ ] come on swaggy you gotta have something good come make it yellow or blue make it yellow oh no i have a problem wait what if i just don't play something make a card okay okay can you stop me from winning now huh i doubt it i didn't know if i could just draw from the deck i didn't want to [Music] he hasn't got it nah i just i i did have it i just didn't really feel like you like it you know what i mean oh my god the big difference is a big difference i don't need this many cards i think you do that you can get every single last one of them bitching you don't have to kick swaggy while he's down poor guy play it oh my god okay okay okay [ __ ] bro what have you done what have you [ __ ] done you [ __ ] oh this is so [ __ ] oh he's oh my gosh dude what is going on okay come on we have a chance oh my gosh dude oh my god come on swaggy no swaggy not red red oh my gosh dude [ __ ] there we go no oh hello [ __ ] what do you have dan what do you have uh it's just making that doll about the turn what does he have oh um it's like two reverse cards i believe okay he's finding he probably doesn't have a yellow i'm just gonna play those so you always got to play this like like a little rat they'll play like a rat then all right so you lose your hand you tell everyone else what the other person has if they're close to uno that's how it works we're lit rats here this game is going on forever it just it keeps coming back yeah i can't go like this i'm going to be here a while oh yeah look at the gridlock still on the quarantine dance you might as well enjoy it this is how we pass the many months playing on until quarantine is awesome tell me how american says it's okay i don't i don't want to play this just play it i know it's a green zero okay sure oh oh very nice oh he's swapping with swaggy yeah i swear you won't tell everyone what my cards are i'll [ __ ] you swaggy you will take them though yes trusted you swaggy oh i could have double reverse this isn't great again that could foresee the problem the draw oh my god oh boys let's play do i don't have one do i oh i know it's red it's red i oh color blind oh my gosh literally logan paul boys ah it's red now it's red i'm just letting you know down it's red red down okay it's red then surely he doesn't win oh [ __ ] i clicked off my game i got him oh you got it i literally clicked off my game and i was like no i want him to win actually [Music] these are red two and i've got the other ones it's blue just take brains just take breaths give me those [Music] oh oh oh oh no he's gonna he's gonna swap her back am i i can't dan has no picture at all i don't need i have facebook you have dan a red and a blue right uh you don't remember let me check hold on let me check let me try to check real quick all right you know what i don't think a lot of people have uh green no i'm just gonna keep swapping the hat oh let's go dude what the hell swaggy daniel i'm gonna do you a salad just because i hate david david david okay this is what david thinks of that oh [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no one know what ryan sorry sorry daniel right how could you i don't know david pissed me off he's davis now that's how we know you're angry at him that's that's when you know it's it's it's gone past the point of youtube i'm gonna i'm gonna tighten this i'm gonna title this dan brian and david and swaggy to play uno good friend swaggy what the [ __ ] are all these people who is david well you guys just have fun playing characters you guys have fun we'll let you guys have fun watching oh my god how many shared cards do you have oh my days dude that's bestiality by the way swaggy's a fox what you guys are jerking each other off oh my god back and forth jerking each other's decks see get it the joke on dicks we see what you did though we see we see but we're trying to nazi trying to ignore it you're trying to be i'm so sorry [ __ ] off there you go have some more cards check your sheep this game oh my gosh no no no you're not doing your deck jerk off [ __ ] now let me play the three oh no every time we're close we just refresh our entire hand this has been a long game for sure not that long though it can't go a lot like at least some points or something [Music] oh no i don't think he's got a yellow he ain't got a yellow oh daddy that's very good he got a yellow that's fine he ain't got a yellow i did the math i've been counting cards oh oh my gosh what have you done not again swaggy thanks ryan thanks fran oh no oh no come on swaggy no oh my god all right you got it he doesn't have a green there's no way he has a green brian doesn't have a green right no i don't oh thank god i thought he was giving you the dramatic build-up his voice acting has improved a lot i thought he was lying don't you [ __ ] i'm so sorry [Applause] not red oh now you know what the other person has oh no daniel oh daddy you've got to stop me for winning dad to you i don't have anything i'm gonna do you gotta draw a card or else i'll win here's a [Music] all right we gotta keep going keep up the chain oh my gosh come on this is yellow i'll [ __ ] blow my top off i deserve to win i've been on uno so many times i had a red four or something oh my gosh okay swanky swaggy swaggy for the bread i gotta just keep it away you made it right you dumb [ __ ] okay i believe in you and swaggy oh my god let's go swaggy swaggy the chad dude cocked your oh that's hilarious let's go swag boys what a [ __ ] [Music] oh no this is looking bad this is looking real bad oh wow i mean it's looking real bad just use your own uno swaggy's gonna win oh yeah no he didn't have a green no he brian you're gonna have to stop him you're gonna have to stop him right let's go oh no what's he have dan you see it loud and clear when i got it it was like a green ace oh no oh no you ain't oh no you're right oh he's going for the win he's going for the win this is such a crazy ending make it blue swaggy you some bitcoin swag swaggy oh my god you two are doing it again you're jerking you turn the stacks off play it we're still in it oh when will this game end it doesn't end oh my gosh this is going for like we've been playing this like close to half an hour close but but not oh my god you have a long way to go yeah this hasn't been a very very entertaining it's actually a good thing it has actually been a really appealing day exactly has been really tough have a youtube channel we should give him a shout out after all this oh here we go here we go hit him with it oh no swaggy swaggy you what and what have you done this i like how swag is so aggressive on a jumping but so gentle and he's reckless yes he is oh wait whose turn is okay dan just like spawning a chair there like where am i i don't know whose hand to take i'm going to trust my postcards [Music] well this ain't going to make it no i can't even play that one that's going to be counterintuitive [ __ ] swaggy we all have to refill our hands now we're too close to finishing the game this is the refill you mad man oh my god ah thanks daddy nobody everybody nobody kid about her yeah oh my god that's what i was talking about him being a madman he took that i knew he'd play it oh my there's always let's go now let's go now it's over yeah let's go swaggy where is it my right hand man lockdown is over i can see people in the streets again [Music] it's 2024. everyone's been vaccinated a hundred times and we can finally go outside without masks we'll do one more game i'll do one more game because god only knows all right enjoy the last one 45 minutes later it was stupid how long that game [Music] it was pretty dumb right that's why i can play that goddamn disco ball thank you swaggy swaggy man thank you oh go on down hit him with that plus four you just picked up he didn't pick up no plus four yeah i did i didn't i don't know what you're talking about you can play that at least fine well if you're not gonna do it i'll do it to yourself okay now i can confirm he didn't get a plus four he thought he was lying he didn't trust me better garbage look at this look at his hand oh my gosh here we go folks come on empty them out i can't remember what color brian's character should have known it was literally my hand i forgot doesn't have blue why no i do i'm trying to there's a certain thing i'm trying to do he's going first well i guess i'm just doing the disco ball it's the disco ball that's what he knows he's got some sevens oh it was my hand oh it's the seventh no he's weird he's just waiting he's fighting this time yeah he's fighting all right he's biting them oh he's giving it the swaggy go on swaggy now take take no glass all right there we go it works perfect he's taking mine that's right you know swaggy i thought we had something swaggy oh my gosh oh no he's almost done it swaggy gonna win not again no way no pay no [ __ ] way he doesn't have a yellow i have all the yellows always yellow i'm john where it just slams that yellow nine with uh city it bind it oh my god nothing i could do well actually you could have not put down the yellow knife i didn't know he was gonna have a yellow nine i had to play a yellow definitely yeah but don't say there's nothing you could have done though definitely i'm gonna i'm going to gracefully bow out with that all right it's trendy now ah that was an amazing game with my good friend swaggy there i definitely feel like brian donated that window swaggy though i did he said it up i wanted swaggy to win all day murder his career he needs it he deserves it oh my god it's been good fun [Music] bit of a miss on the first one but we still had a little bit of fun towards the end and we did we did we'll try to play something else again soon hopefully we can get the full gang we can do that fun one uh keep talking that could be really good i've never heard of a it's real it's real good fun it's very stressful okay oh great hopefully get everyone together for that soon after after this after this uno session that's exactly what we need something more stressful just somewhere we just all scream at each other how many players is it it's pretty much unlimited you can play with however many you like it's like a bit there's a bit of like a tech setup for it but like i'll i'll i'll have it i don't know why i can't i can look into the idea of trying to sleep earlier and then uh you'll consider it for your good friends here across the pond i'll try i can't go to sleep last night oh oh yes i hope you got a good night still playing yeah we're still playing let's i'm gonna hop out i'm not surprised honestly proof that robots will eventually replace all humans right there oh no all right it's very good good crack lads talk to you guys ah jesus i'm not surprised that my ai counterpart like instantly won the game ah thank you for coming tonight folks give it up for the lads it's been good crack thank you to everyone who sub during that and thank you for all the bits as ever i do hope you enjoyed the stream that was wonderful that [ __ ] swaggy game it just kept going like i don't know what was up with that oh god yeah thank you for coming though folks i hope you enjoyed the stream uh i should be back come saturday we're probably just going to do some more subnautica then i've really been feeling it lately and i kind of want to try finish the game this weekend if we can um so yee that'll be the next stream should probably be some more subnautica highlights on youtube before then as well so we'll be all up to speed i've never actually made it to the end of one of our tv streams before it sounds like people get killed off when you phrase it that way my god i survived hashtag swaggy replaces kevin yeah from now on whenever like the irish lads get together like sorry kevin swaggy is just so much more entertaining than you he's the new honorary irish ai i'll be replaced by however my counterpart was too because apparently they're just strictly better than me uh which is fair you know i i should have foreseen this oh god let me see who else is streaming just so i can leave in someone's care uh if you are on youtube uh that crowd yourself uh go say hey uh tadahi because i believe he's still streaming i don't think brian was streaming uh i am gonna leave you in the care anna and minx are playing some roblox together uh that sounds very cursed go say hey to them thanks for coming tonight folks i'll see you all saturday have a good night
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 24,770
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: 1029278058, Delivery, Gaming, Irish, Irish Mail Delivery, Mail, RT Game, RT game, RTGame, Totally Reliable Delivery Service, Twitch, UNO, animal crossing, callmekevin, comedy, die, forza, full stream, funny, funny clips, funny montage, game, haha, i want die, minecraft, pc, poe, poespas, pokemon, rt, rtgame, rtgame accent, rtgame full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames full stream, rtgames stream, tf2, twitch, video games, west virginia, woolie, xd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 3sec (10683 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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