RTGame Archive: Nintendo Land

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hey this one's just for the stream archive crowd that gets to hear the first two minutes of me fumbling ball smell that's going folks can you hear me okay yeah let me just pop out the notifications and I will get my trash open Oh aired aired need to get my cha heiio folks hope y'all are doing good hey you can see is now IOT sans fine cool hey how's it going guys good to see y'all doing my best to actually get back to regular schedule this is the first time we've been going for like a full proper week in a while that's good leave it on top of uploads I got like one scheduled for tomorrow and I got one scheduled for Saturday already I'm doing actually doing good I'm not dying you guys can hear me okay yeah NIEM here the game okay [Music] good to see Artie how's it going hello youtuber pogchamp oh [ __ ] it's one of those guys Italian is always good it is the ideal state to be doing things in advance I know I have actually been on top of things the last well taking breaks there I say - it's just surprising I love you well it's good to have you here on the stream as well how's it going - that guy Oh God I was gonna folks we're gonna find something tender line tonight before we actually get going we're gonna have to get sidetracked for a minute or two because we actually have a very interesting problem and it's something I didn't even think would have happened and I just didn't think about this so let me just I'm just gonna go here so you see how the we menu is highlighted right now so basically when you play Wii games on a Wii U the Wii U has inish and emulator for the week it's basically how it operates in that emulator is things like the Mii channel for Wii and because it's in the emulator that means like the meze like I want die and end me are saved only inside the emulator so we've actually got to do something here so we can get them on the Wii U itself because currently they don't exist on this console they only exist inside the emulator I I didn't think this actually be a things I thought it would just save it to the console but that's actually how it's working if we look at like the meas here they select me they're just not here mr. bean is here I think that's Jackie Chan a few friends when I was playing this before so we actually need to get them on now unfortunately this has QR code options you can even see only the you can see on the stream that I could chose what I see on the gamepad there is QR code and image share option see actually does update and I believe a lot of people have actually made I want die and end me and they have posted them somewhere I don't know if any of those people are about at the moment but like if you do actually have like your own version of them now might be the time to share them because we do actually need I want ty back I know people have recreated it for switch and things like that and I know I have QR codes on that isn't there way too important that we you know like not from the Wii emulator in the Wii U that I did look it up if you're on the base we there is a way to share them if you're on treated yes is a way to share them this specifically isn't if you're on the Wii emulator on Wii U which is what I want die an enemy are saved two currently so that we do that we have a spot of butter just because of an Wiimote transfer it doesn't exist in the emulator no it doesn't exist I had I've tried it's what I'm talking about you're thinking of like the base week for the Wii emulator on Wii U there is no sharing options that they did just not on it there's a key echo for I want on reddit for I want I okay um let me just have so I want died me let me just see what I can find about people have made their own ones it is the audio too loud too maybe it's just on my screen hang on and turn that down a bit no it's good cool okay I've just turned it down on my monitor so like that shouldn't affect you guys I want the I me a QR code why it's even a search result hey there was one that's posted five months ago that we can try but let's see scan QR code okay oh is using like the front camera oh hi hey how's it going folks uh I need to line this up I've got like papers on my desk that shouldn't be here I gotta move [ __ ] now that it's like a show up god game-pod I beg you this is impossible though this is this is actually impossible guys I don't know how I'm supposed to do this I guess why is it a [ __ ] forward-facing camera on the gamepad for this I don't know that if turndown monitor brightness Hey give me a minute or two to fiddle with this then image what am I gonna have to like print this QR code if we want this to work hey monitor brightness has been set to zero [Music] no that's not working Oh God live draw the QR code I I can't draw if I hand I I think I might have to print this if I want this to work III you've always wanted like a webcam too so like here you go thanks to the technology of like the Wii U gamepad we can finally get this on the stream okay I we have to get I won't die we have to get them I'm gonna I'm gonna have to actually just go print the QR code sometimes I think that's the only way to get it to register otherwise it's way too bright is that for okay no this camera is like terrible so here's my finger look at that pixelation I figure it looks like it's diseased or something on this camera it's like I've come down like the plague like blue blotches on my finger use my phone okay but yeah maybe I can try my phone maybe woman maybe it won't be as bright I want I do our code oh my god it's slow oh my god the phone works wait that's not right no hi another glasses are off the glasses are off okay this isn't the original I won't die hang on I want dying me this isn't him no this I was worried about this this is the boot like the glasses are too high there's something going on with his nose this is like this is like a knockoff I won't die import from we menu you can't no you can't you cannot unload that people keep telling me to import and savor to the Weibo you can't do that on the Wii emulator version which is what I'm using with the Wii U it doesn't work like that the option is physically not there [Music] and we're gonna have to just adjust him I don't think they I don't think there's any way about it at least it works on the phone maybe that is there any maybe someone else has a QR code let me just see this distress isn't him I won't die me QR code people cuz people have posted this to me like dozens of times on Twitter even though they record I want I know this was just Jesus I don't want Jesus QR code arty game I don't like Google myself to like find this me [Music] is to results no that's a saint that's the same search we're not no we're not using Jesus I don't want them I don't want to play with Jesus we need I want like because this is the problem that if we okay baby we can modify if we don't have if we don't have I want I say from the Wii U then like we're never gonna have them we have to fix this you cannot edit me characters then receiving someone else and do not have copying allowed someone copyright of this meat they won't even let me edit up this is my creation [ __ ] Disney am i right Oh God yeah well this has other things hang on trait me you can create me some pictures all we got to do is is choose hairstyle and a few initial things I want I had gray ice your gray hair wears like his old man bun you guys can't see any of this too is I got a look at like the gamepad like that they like split this up where is it that was not his hair that wasn't hair yeah okay so we're gonna take a picture it's giving me tips on taking them so I'm gonna get I want to open on my phone again and I'm gonna line them up and we will see if this works though I want to I me for some reason the suggested results for ever I want dye me include beautiful anime character and female anime so I don't know what's going on there but you guys that orange I want Dyer into some interest in stuff on top of that I'm gonna work it's like come on wait what that's not him okay it's perfect but what is some of these uh-huh Boyer is are you so [ __ ] tiny no it's got to be the first one it's got it okay yeah close enough close enough oh my god what the [ __ ] is this like why is this so bad and he was tall I like VAX body size nickname is just bootleg died odd when was the original Wii Sports stream is like that's his birthday it was like sometime in September no October might have been the 19th I remember one exactly it is okay just save him save him the freaking transformation between these two like there is the original of things to copy it's not the same it's just it's not the same is it wait what if I hang on it create me I got I'm gonna take a picture of him on my phone I've got a lot I'm a genius hang on oh go into him edit okay I'm taking a picture of him on my phone so I have that safe now wait without saving and now we're gonna go to create me create me from photo we'll set it up again yeah it's taking you photo like my phone just like locked itself so I got a maneuver this hang on i how do i line this up before i hold my phone okay photo is captures put my fingers in there a bit too that's okay oh [ __ ] wait that looks more like I want I though I waited some of these up okay so we're gonna stick with the first one okay and then we make up tall we make him fat make him a big boy I want die tree yeah we save him turn him on for Sharon and now we go again so let me go back to him let me get a picture on my phone this is like you know how you'll badly translate someone in Google Translate then you run the translation back through Google Translate and then you'll run the translation back through Google like that's basically what we're doing okay so create me create me from photo line them up again like hairstyle take a photo [Music] this one isn't gonna work as well cause it's not like a reflection of his face on his face but he's back to the first it actually kind of works here's when he went back to the first image how does that how does that happen like his nose flip for some reason - that's like the most notable change I can see there that one actually kind of works okay we'll go with this one make him tall make him a big boy we need to give him like a bootleg name so like what watch you what should we call him as I won't die we have the wrong picture that's the wrong pic oh my god it is the wrong picture okay hang on oh no wonder this one didn't work okay quit what I would save it no you're you're a reject we don't want you is the wrong picture sorry that they're all so ugly I couldn't tell let's take a photo okay I got the right one this time my phone turned off [Music] okay let's see how this works what who's this guy okay now this is the final leg that we're sticking with this chap we're sticking with this guy some of the other options now just go with the original just like something with the eyes that's like really sinister yeah we'll keep this one I said this is bootleg I won't die we're gonna call them me we're gonna call on me like pain there we go save okay we've gone true the mas there's I want die which isn't really I want die bootleg die I want I tree and me like pain oh you guys can't even see that - cuz it doesn't show off cuz I'm on the gamepad yeah yeah we're going with me like pain it's how I died and Vsauce uh Carl oh my you see okay because people that people have made I want die never more accurate versions if those people want to send me a DM on discord or something with the QR code and I get actual paper of what he's supposed to look like cuz people have done it and they've typed me on Twitter for it in the past we do actually need to guess I want I I mean we have the bootleg me so let's go into boot like Disneyland now I need I need to turn down the volume on my end cuz it's way too loud there's a volume okay for the stream what's a discord see below to stream oh okay good so just start by go on to the plaza wait no that's that's not even army hang on I need to oh I forget how did this is motion controls I forgot about that hang on I don't think I can turn that off this is good just okay close saw I think I need to change the me hang on and I think this is all gonna be on yep so change me this is all on the gamepad for a moment or two okay choosing me from me maker we go register [Music] taking a moment to even go true again there how do you let's go and true to I just saw one play there I don't think I heard it hang on the alerts have him playing volume house they know now everything's breaking I'm sorry about that I don't know why I don't know why that's broken you see oh okay no I get it no I think I fixed him hang on well play-doh or want twitch alerts twitch alerts mi alerts yeah net now it's playing now it's playing go I got that fixed oh okay go back into Nintendo land second half an hour but we now have our me you okay so if we go to Plaza yeah well we're walking around as our guy now so what is this hang on we gotta walk or I'm Disneyland just jump off here we're not gonna be able to see his face it's the way the camera is but that's okay I got here I haven't played this game in so long well welcome to Nintendo Disneyland a lot of boxes these here for well we got fruit name and a magic door okay maybe let's go to the plaza I don't know what's going on there so there are solo attractions for this game unfortunately some of the competitive attractions were just not going to be able to play like I don't even know if I go into Mario chase here is it possible for me to start this now you can't play this mobile one okay so if you don't have friends like you're screwed but what I can do I have a Wii mode as well so we'll at least get to see the game I just need to let's get our Me's hey so me like a pain will do I want die tree on the Wemo okay so this would still work so we can still we can still play all the games and have fun okay so I own it I need an extra hand okay well I I can play with my wrist on the gamepad and then hold the Wii Remote with two hands [Music] that should work because I think this this one has AI or something in it to like play along with you so I think we can still play this add this I've like a different set of instructions coming up in my game pod - so I got a look at like two screens with both these controllers Yoshi got to work what you and help you chase down Mary okay so yeah so this is possible to play cuz they love the Yoshi carts I think those are AI so that means I can just play on the gamepad and I should be fine [Music] oh I just realized actually hang on wait no for streaming this this isn't gonna even work cuz I'm looking at the gamepad oh who shape stupid can these guys even get me no they can't you guys so I don't there's no what there's no world where this works you guys can't see the gamepad cuz I like I have like a second I have a second screen with like a map and everything and the oh she's don't even chase me can I get him there we go [Music] okay so yeah so that one you actually need like a second human to play it's actually not possible I thought you can get away because I thought like the oh she carts for AI or something at least we get a fun little replay of the round okay this is like my birthday or no one showed up [Music] get George to play we I don't know if George would be up for us now here's all the precious photos okay so we straight up can't play that one all right that's it that's a shame um that actually really sucks cuz the tree best games in minigames in the entire game I'm Mario chase this Luigi's ghost mansion game and animal cross and sweet day we we can't play any of them so that really sucks okay well we still got til the battle quest so we can play this [Music] do we want a wheel the bow or wield a sword which we feel iti knew you were alive I never thought you play bowls you play your party games by yourself well I thought I'd be okay abuse of milk thanks for 13 quid hey Artie I don't get you straight but you really enjoy your content keep doing what you're doing thank you very much okay people are saying wield the sword let's go me like pains [Music] at least we can still have fun just pretend you know you don't need three other players here hello is it okay I gotta get batteries are you guys going to scram I just want to have fun batteries are changed [Music] wrist strap is on but you don't hit your mic accidentally Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword basically what this is this is the motion control that they want you to experience all the Wemo make sound - okay let's go on an epic questions that get the Triforce it is how you know it's Skyward Sword cuz you have the power of beam or just a spin attack okay maybe you don't have that I thought that would have been Skyward Sword but okay you can't hear the game is this game audio fine I think it's fine game audio's grant it's just talking like she's kind of quiet okay let's go you know until brush of the wild came along this was the Zelda game we got on Wii U this is all we had and then I came out and switch to those if you didn't even need to own a Wii U doing good and you basically just the game plan is just walk up to them and just start doing this and then they die the age-old tactic is swinging wildly I mean if it works that ain't stupid it's basically autoscroller but it's eleda [Music] it's like Wii Sports with different graphics I mean I'm pretty sure for this they just took the Wii Sports Resort game with the swordplay and just gave it a coat of paint for this because I it kind of even feels like how we Sports Resort does more soda and Skyward Sword you know like when this came out with Nintendo Island like first released this was quoted as the Wii Sports for Wii U you know was gonna sell the consoles like that that's why I was branded there was like a bundled seal and everything you bought the deluxe edition console where you would get this it was like the big seller I think the problem was though that like this is more difficult to explain than just bowling you know it probably would have had more luck if they just released Wii Sports was or on Wii U oh I got to actually use strategy I can't actually flail wildly no I still kind of can't honestly we did it we found the Triforce [Music] now you too can be the Zelda you just you just get the Triforce emkin frog thanks 4000 myths okay well we might as well keep playing last ones this is better than fall at 76 I mean that's a very low bar [Music] so if you like that level you can do it again oh that I like Nintendo is planning to do like a theme park in future I think they're working with like Universal or something so maybe it'll just straight-up be this like this this is this is a Nintendo land at least the music nice like Skyrim it so hurts because that's what Skyrim was missing I have anything knows too many guns in that game oh god I gotta wait for him to shoot riveting gameplay as we wait and pause there we go come on combo combo okay and now we actually have to pay attention for a moment just walk slowly towards them wait for them to fire then proceed to walk slowly again it's honestly a shame it's like the Luigi's Mansion game and the animal crossing ones are by far the best in this entire thing those are the ones that something the most time and I thought I'd be able to show off the most but you gotta have friends so we're kind of screwed I really want to see more of those now like they're genuinely good like I would actually recommend buying this game just for the Luigi's Mansion game and Animal Crossing this is kind of shy in comparison to those ones and doesn't really sell the game that well I feel like those ones are like genuinely good unfortunately you could only take my word for it oh it's the big boy that they say everything is like like Yoshi's wooly world but Zelda ow okay so we just wait from the hit and then just do that a few times come on buddy just take your time oh come on you can't just change it now completely unfair max well thanks for five good got what if zelda was a girl or the green go of the sword whose name is zelda what if he was a girl of cash the Moonies like 400 beds as well I love you I'm glad you've helped me my depression well thank you very much blue blue exotica help on baden as well thank you for a thousand bits when we get more City skylines great work though yeah whenever I feel like it how you just play whatever should we keep going with this one like we we do have other games in the pack oh Jesus craftsmen thank you for five gift subs that's very kind more murder you gotta finish what you started we'll do one more keep going until we feel like zelda don't play more like please stop this game is agony [Music] come on me like pain it's just not the same without I won't die I'm not I'm not invested in this me at all we need to get them back we need to get her in HD [Music] you could start with you defeat Canon [Music] come on go for a walk I think the idea is because you'd have four players here and one person with the gamepad they'd actually be shooting the birds as you go but because it's just me basically the pacing grinds to a halt I think like gee I wish I had my friend on the gamepad right now it will be fun if there was four of us slicing through those octa rocks well so um what they called cows No choo-choo it's name of those blob things no laughter rocks [Music] is it just choo-choo okay it's like this or just slowly walk it like they don't like Shirley if there was a piracy you'd have one guy he kind of like tankers get his attention and then the others would like kind of walk up slowly and hit him but because it's just me I just gotta like stop and the Keith did you walk in a few moments later his temple actually is in Skyward Sword let's keep going oh gee I wonder how I have to kill these guys that have incisions along particular paths real mystery those are the enemies in Skyward Sword er like literally just like that like this guy with the shield is just straight-up a Skyward Sword guy and you just have to wait is he protects a particular part of his body each time such a common game I never really played the zeldo him again like the animal crossing' like the Luigi's Mansion ones whereas where this game is that but now I'll get to see a little bit of it now I got this game for free too so I actually can't complain way back in the day they had a promotion where like if you bought Mario Kart 8 you got a free game I think this is the one I picked cuz I just you know I want something to play with friends I do have friends despite how it might look I played this game a lot with them [Music] can I get that other guy this is this guy again come on buddy there we go I pick pick pick man tree with that game well that that deal yeah I think it was like that Pikmin like Wind Waker was one of them and there was like one other game man we party you or something [Music] we did it we got the third Triforce this game seems seriously difficult I mean you kind of just walk them okay we'll play something else in the in the game I try we'll try to pick from an adventure I can go back to using the gamepad I think too Challenger vs. well I've got no one to play with hopeful play is all America go that is terrible I'll have to use the stylus touch to attack gather Pikmin okay I hope this is gonna show up on the screen I mean this is gonna be a fun one to stream if this is all it's like okay I'll read it to you guys you will reenact a daring escape after being shipwrecked on a distant planet fortunately you've enlist the aid of its curious inhabitants the Pikmin just skip just want to play now let me introduce the evil overlord the toughest enemy you will ever face eyes on you was it oh my god what a compelling character for us to face I'm shaking in my boots that's get going well I should I have like regular Pikmin but who's this like one meet it that there they're just here as well I guess why are there bears on the screen as well I say life the ankle is worse on the monitor than it is the gamepad I don't know why [Music] okay well we're broadcasting life like I can see what's in front of me like past these pillars the angle is so much better here but like you guys are gonna have like freakin like tunnel vision or something okay well let's just fight them best we can that me is like level two as well like he's doing all the experience hope you enjoy not Pikmin maybe if it is just like Nintendo line like supposed to be an amusement park Basin Nintendo games like there it's just like a bootleg amusement park like none of this is official everything you see is just like a knockoff product you know all those boxes these are all ROM hacks maybe that's why the Wii U fails [Music] sounds like you're having fun I just I just thought I'd be able to play this by myself but like I I don't think I can I don't think there's any way for this game to work like if it's just you I don't know why they even entertain the idea that you can play it solo like these first ones haven't been great oh I picked them leveled up we're getting stronger Metroid game is great so looks like okay I'll try that one next I'll do like a level of each and just see like all good ones we have because some of these just parents some of these just art that compel them I got I'm just tapping things on like my game on the gamepad at the moment I don't know why the angle is so [ __ ] on the monitor but I can see so much better looking at this little screen well about thanks before it quits in tendo labo boot like autumn said thanks for 100 Android thanks for 100 craftsmen thanks for hundra as well I thought my wrist button release matching game say and everything was fine and you realize your flashlight is going out yeah that's the thing Luigi's Mansion was the best game we can't play it though I think we can't I thought it had like a version with AI way you could play it but I was just wrong that's this version instead well that's this game let's fight the boss my Pikmin just did not oh there nobody like me character died just shut them off there we go [Music] we did it we escaped this bootleg planet yeah people say that they sent the QR code as well I'm gonna check them after the stream there's no point in check them now but thanks hey guys I'll check them after your parents to play the Wiis mansion with you they're not gonna want to do that yeah check your DMS yep for like diems I'm gonna check all that lighter like for the QR codes we'll just leave it for now yeah let's not play that one again people are saying the metroid woman was actually good I can only do the first what what just why do they advertise this game is like it's okay you can play solo there's still fun to be had we know you can't [Music] it's a zoom attack strafe send G send okay so just move yeah it's like flight controls attack and zoom [Music] let's go this better come up on the thing as well after a moment or two I'm just gonna skip the tutorial so that we can get the stuff that you guys can see how to play now skip let's go defeat all enemies [Music] so you guys are gonna have like cinematic camera angles as I just go but that's not gonna work though cuz then you guys can't see what I'm actually looking at sometimes like I'm killing stuff right now but the camera is like look at the other way you guys are watching me like play this game on the gamepad and like you guys just can't see what I'm doing and occasionally the camera is like I know we'll let you see that fit hey I think I'm killing stuff there but did I take the moment to even hop over maybe if I just keep firing it'll still stay looking the right way you guys you got to use your imagination and like pretend that I'm killing a bunch of things there I would oh now it's like full motion as well Otto you're exerting yourself a bit much there I know you've been playing for the best part of 20 minutes take a break you know you don't want to work up too much of a sweat don't want to make sure you having too much fun with this game you doing around use Wemo I'll use the Wiimote let's use the Wemo attachment you got to go all I wear like accessories and controllers if you want to play [ __ ] Nintendo let's go just calibrate it good okay let's go from here see if this is any better I'm actually on the monitor not the gamepad so hopefully me like pain just just skip we'll figure out the controls it's it's never like complicated okay yeah this will actually be watchable so that's something [Music] it's just be - ooh oh and I can do like the little screwball thing it's cute I mean in comparison to the Zelda one at least like it you know I can actually move around to do stuff on this one like that's a bit more engaging I'm not on Rails skroob all the guys I don't know what it's called I haven't played Metroid it's not a to look around oh okay so that's how you like over to camera mode what's it called they're like the ball thing Robo ball morph ball is it it's fine I thought it was like always the screw attack or something that you do with that thing though I just thought it was a screw ball that's okay we don't take fall damage [Music] oh you can jump as well cute I mean this is the most game we've had in the game so far so that's something this one feels like I'm achieving something buzz lightyear simulator everything does have like a very much a toy feel to it did it all the important stats it count hit ratio damage I'll play that one again just like this oh just complete the previous mission ease they want you playing this one a while okay let's try one more this is the same map that's the practice this is this is the same map did I pick the same one by accident this did I picked the wrong one this is exactly the same okay well we're having fun here again I enjoyed that one so much I'm just gonna do it again yeah it is different cuz we're going a different way even I get like my hit ratio up a bit trying to be precise here the gamepad now has like a cinematic camera thing on that that's cute getting some use out of it cat expected to make more than wooden math that would be ridiculous god forbid they add some gameplay for her metroid v looks sick oh this is this is prime for this is like the best metroid game has been the last wall they may want to treat yes but that was like just a remake of an old one this is what we've had unless he count the sport ball one for treaty ass like federation force was it ruins favorite game on treaty s co that's the platform you want for an FPS games come on all right yeah buddy do a powerup attack we did it mastered I don't know that means sent cheap and unlocked oh we got some cute photos - oh is this way that wait this is what the me verse would have been we posted the beef sad yep thank you for using this service it's just gone yeah this is where I like all the miiverse common to pop up to people saying like how they got up me versus dead okay I guess we'll just do the solo attraction Center no it's kind of unfair I guess to judge the multiplayer stuff if you're just playing it by yourself it's you know all of that is supposed to be played like a group of five people but this stuff this stuff is intended just for one guy Oh we'll get started on you like pain I'll line from the start to the goal okay I need the touchpad I take it how to play Oh the instructions are actually the same okay and on the gamepad I can't see the fruit okay yeah so I have to draw the path but I can't actually see where the fruit is on the screen here but after they like draw and look up so i have to like i use the clouds as like markers to work out where everything is i just hit go okay this is what actually seems like a make sense for one person to play you can't really have five people doing this at once at the moment i can use like the patchwork quilt the kind of workout everything else and you have your like a fuel meter - they don't want to stray too much there we go it's it now it's not giving me that pattern cool that's right have a good is this the next fortnight watch out epic this is one exclusive you ain't getting on your storefront okay even big boy thanks 100 bits thanks of 200 pets even Kraft Midnight's 400 the metric game just feels like a sequel to the movie do a movie like Tron they couldn't get the main character of I want DYFS in the sequel or play see what I like pain no no it's me like pain gotta get the bootleg character right they just take my time I think the problem a lot of these games the stream in particular to this isn't the game's fault it's just that the way that works is the gamepad means like you guys don't really have anything to look at while I'm like trying to work this out you guys have to wait have no idea what's going on pure silence gameplay be one of those streamers I can't see the holes on the gamepad either I'd be careful over here that's right every one of those three was there two of us in the game of forget to speak entirely we've done impressions of those before like I'm worried if we keep doing impressions of like some of that like you know like the game and culture that will just become that I didn't won't become ironic it won't be ironic anymore so we got we got to be careful we gotta ease up fish oh there's like a marker for you okay thanks robot lady we go hey wait I [Music] didn't draw that bit I just I had thought I went straight up I must have hit it with my finger or something the Robo voice makes me sadder reminds me of freaking like fee from Skyward Sword again probably not the comparison you want to make for a character it's like fee and Skyward Sword is just like master your batteries are low I'm just gonna go in a few circles here I'm not sure where that is this sends the press yeah she really does yeah I went in a circle of two here cuz I wasn't sure if I'd hit him just imagine you play like a Zelda game it's like in the middle of it the character stops it's like master master the batteries in your Nintendo Wii Remote are running low also is your wrist strap on tight like that's fee a hisses sighs just not that great it's trying to work out where all these ones are this is really tricky I might miss some stuff here we go no Yoshi I'm dying the whole master did you take your Flintstones vitamins ah God was doing her best okay oh god I got to do like a star formation and that this could be really sad let's go I already missed one nice oh wait we might get it no we had two attempts on that oh [Music] thanks for the reminder oh it does actually keep it marks okay that's that's this kind let's go I just want to see if this is possible [Music] okay thanks gay I just wanted to see I could do it Oh God okay we need to keep going I'm just trying to see no I was trying to do a sad face on this one it didn't work it didn't work at all and I probably just cost me the level because I'm gonna run out of energy now [ __ ] I should have been [ __ ] about that time the very in your face have you messed up be big boy lights 100 bits I'm sorry sorry yes thank you 400 bit sir hey arty watching from our ma your videos to help me through a tough time more than any medication or therapy sorry for spamming bits no problem at all my god you enjoying the streams you know God can help even a little colour man likes 100 bits as well more like more like we like paint yeah I just need to go to the goal and I already got the fruit there we go Green Barrett the bottom was actually Yoshi's willpower to play this game this one isn't this bad honestly like the other ones just didn't work because it was just me like they're not fun to play by yourself III don't even I don't know why they even try you don't need friends to have a good time yes you do in this games case yes you do you wanna have fun by yourself in the like Nintendo land have you thought about just being sad and lonely because that's what Mario wants here we go you go okay to go play with some fruit in this quills fun for all the family these are getting nasty don't like this [Music] go real quick come on get that fruit you don't goof Yoshi oh it's okay though because we got it all let's just go all right still have one life left just okay [Music] all right I mean this one is marked I just have to take my time I just have to really take my time there we go oh wow and he just gets all of them go oh we did it [Music] alrighty draw stream one is for like any art games for wii u where like you just draw stuff oh no if there is I don't Pokemon Irish Academy zone 3 BS kind of do want to stream that one as well I think that actually good fun I hope it'll have some news for tree ts games soon ok so for this one I just have to like get the chili at the right time yes III need them all like on the right side go let's go let's go I already messed it up no Yoshi no that was fun [Music] oh we've beat my previous high score I don't know when I last played this we got a stamp is there gonna be a photo of us saying [ __ ] please oh it's cropped damn it I was hoping that would be like one of them share that on miiverse okay let's keep going octopus dance art academy is only you okay you do that sometimes that could be good fun we like pain okay hold the gamepad up rice okay I got it I have to watch the instructor and on the next one two three count try striking the correct poses okay and I gotta just like do things with my arms I can do this hope this comes out for you guys Stage one [Music] it's basically a rhythm game [Music] [Music] every single time like just ever so slightly off I think it's because I'm using like analog sticks for the inputs that it's really hard to actually get them precise because I'm not using d-pad I'm using two analog sticks oh god it's gonna reverse the direction I can just look at I can just look over there I'm just looking at the monitor now [Music] [Music] I don't know if you're supposed to do it that way if you're supposed to just try you look at the gamepad of the entire time I could be cheating right now Jesus Christ [Applause] [Music] we turn around again what okay I have to tilt the gamepad for that [Music] I did it wasn't sure I had the to that one how do I jump okay I just pop it up [Music] nope I got eaten well he had a good run [Music] yeah but are all perfect streak shame you died though no I didn't want I was trying to quit I don't need to be reminded the me versus dead that loan that one weird Twitter thank you for a hundred bits why does me like pain look like hank from detroit becoming you as an insult to hank like a pair of them Donkey Kong's Kong's crash course time for the best game yeah I remember this one there's one you bases have to tilt [Music] however there's one being really hard [Music] god I hope you guys in a good camera view too i zoomed out like that we can't really do this remember this one Kairos thanks 4000 bits I figured out how the cheer yeah just started watching new streams and I was wondering would you mind if I did some animations of some of your videos either way keep up the good work oh yeah dude you don't ask my permission for that just like work away that's awesome how about all means like you know you do you oh yeah thanks okay I found with it okay let's get started but now how do i how do i zoom in on this for you guys okay I can zoom in a little the yet so you guys can actually see this though I was worried it would just be like really far zoomed out so this is all right this thing has a mic well that registers if you talk that registers if you if you talk and just blow into it to flash I I'm tempted to just scream but my family's gonna wonder what the [ __ ] is going on I got if I want that to work I have to properly scream and my family's gonna order like what the [ __ ] is going on we got it oh no we're dead no I gotta do it again I gotta do it wait if I live or work in my life where I talk loudly yeah let me just if I just laugh it's funny that works okay we can we can just laugh at it and that works too oh no we gotta do it Jesus Christ that's so stupid okay let's just make our way for ya know you brave I'm just like if I scream too much my family's gonna wonder like like what the [ __ ] were you streaming tonight and I if I if they explained that it was a Nintendo land that just caused me this Creek they're just gonna be really confused [Music] let's take the elevator this one I she seems fun yet this game is actually probably good this is a big elevator I have to like slightly muffle my screams so my family just isn't too worried yeah I can't do what god dammit I can't do an all-out scream cuz like if I do it all out one like my family's gonna like be really concerned dammit scurry we demand screams God we gotta do it again the bronze trophy just scream I love you family you okay my little sis is scary [Music] okay let's try it again let's try to I actually want to beat this one this one's really fun hold the gamepad upright it's charging at the moment which is kind of hindering me I'm gonna unplug it for a bit I think it hopefully has enough power yet zoom in yeah I remember like the biggest thing in this is if you're too cautious it like punishes you okay everything is fine don't worry I'm just playing this hand online you don't need to watch this it's too flash seriously it's all okay it's all okay I'm having a fun time streaming on Twitch do I just yell into it it works hold X let us hold X - oh thanks so X is X doesn't do anything I don't know why everyone's telling me that Oh instead of flowing you can just hold X that's not as fun look can I just do this I mean that's not the same is it it's kind of funny just mean screaming in terror yeah it's not as fun I mean my family will be less concerned at least let's just go nice and slow Oh messes up okay we're in the clear Oh God yeah I think we did I think we need to go back here there we go just take it out again be brave no no okay I don't lose a life if I go back like that why I gotta go go fast I went too fast one more try okay I'm gone I'm gonna do this again [Music] your personal best let's try this again it's not even that hard it actually is quite hard I have to use like the janky motion controls unlike get a leapfrog version of an iPad it's not it's not that easy Muse in a national tendo switch to play this which only tilt controls so easy it goes fast I can put everything I've learned into practice why don't y'all come o to zoom sorry whoa nice to flash why is it always to flash what does that work I got I'm trying to muffle the screams too much raise rice Oh my family's gonna be so [ __ ] concerned like they're gonna wonder like what the [ __ ] was going on tonight yeah we're doing good crafted business in size and bits listen to how he only responds the screams of agony and nothing else oh thank you very much civil engineer plays ice 100 bits as well over to you boy screams great job keep up the good work thank you very much rod okay doing good why they said on what cup why isn't that going I have like the thing on its side come into that jump there we go only got one life left so I got to be real careful wait for this there we go I got a knot mess up this one cuz like I made a mess of this so many times if there's a bumper there okay making good progress take it slow miyamoto I found out where you live you're [ __ ] look you've done good for the games industry okay you've done Mario and Zelda and Master Chief you know you kind of inspired that but you're [ __ ] Miyamoto I blame him for this I don't want to do that one again I don't want to do it again you were brave enough I've done this before - that's a do I have to do this again yeah I do the other games matter or do we just have to keep going with this one now like this is by far the best game - in the pack we've actually played single-player okay we're gonna be here all night we're gonna be here all night I'm I got a scream more ya know this is the last try alright I'm gonna try it hard as I can last try okay let's do this [Music] no messing about going fast going fast [Music] that's problematic no don't come up [Music] doing good we're doing real good grip our teeth voice after this my voice will be fine don't worry I told on the scream again is okay I can just get away with I can do a fake game or lot I can do I can just do a fake laugh and that register see I missed the hey we're doing good alright I can also cry I can also cry [ __ ] oh my gosh you [Music] very upset very upset some precious memories or the pictures of each is dying repeatedly now I'm not doing it again nope let's play akamaru's ninja castle sure crash guy thanks for a hundred craft but thanks for 100 out of it rest I looked up someone's done this level in 18 seconds how do you do it in 18 seconds okay we're gonna become a ninja you have to hold this one sideways [Music] today's just drink some water tip it's okay yeah that's okay yep I'm doing that [Music] do I have to use the touchpad err to use my finger actually helps you use the pen maybe responds a bit better [Music] I'm gonna sit a little further back just so this is more accurate [Music] oh no she's the robots been kidnapped I don't really want to help I could I could I could have killed that guy but I don't really care about this robot let's go now I feel like a ninja with my stylist got every single one of them so I'm doing pretty good okay let's try that the touchpad there we go yeah it's not as responsive when you go for like just your hand but it feels better to do it that way feels more natural than just like holding the pen I mean this is kind of fun I guess we kill it every ninja nice with the pots oh I probably could have got something good night pots are gone okay the pots give like Hertz oh my god I think one thing we got away your murder Artie well this is a war zone okay to murder people here I wonder if that they were like oh like there's like speed runs of this would they just try and do it so that like I don't miss any shots that be part of it trying to be as accurate as possible like no miss speed run attempt Oh God how do you think of the kids fine [Music] all right I take out a sword suddenly when he comes in [Music] yeah I didn't do as good there but we haven't tied how's it going John scared me to be honest to use clay bonds okay so we get farms now just keep checking oh that one was timed it was those probably more of them there we just didn't get them oh I should have used the clay bombs that's what I'm done I was totally like meant to be like like here please try out the new bomb weapon you just got oh no at user bombs those those bombs didn't them don't they still stand enough [Music] yeah we'll just keep throwing here I guess can you hear me like tapping the gamepad really - I was a guy up there [Music] there we go yep the bombs are useless like that they don't last nearly long enough doing good well not really now we've pissed hey we're still not that I'll take it you can just straight-up miss with the drum at the start - okay scene for the Power Rangers might actually be the Power Rangers maybe this is their Megazord yeah I got a hit that thing [Music] keep going a while [Music] yeah is there a little they spent hours on that float our cheat I don't care about that guys what they deserved trying to kill us is this [Music] let's just use the bombs gonna you get you have to destroy the flow every bit of it then I thought it was just event things but like it's it's just all of it don't forget this bit in the stuff in the back - yeah I do yeah I have to destroy all of it all right well let's just keep going I guess [Music] you or you just stop it enough times and it kind of just dies okay mr. Miyamoto gives a hundred bits and says I heard bus thanks mr. Miyamoto what a fun character the character trades that they have no personality I always hate this kind of character like I hated it in Skyward Sword to wood feet that's the point of a character she doesn't express any emotions or interest in qualities whatsoever hello I am a robot I am here to help you I make funny jokes because I am a robot I do not understand how people speak ha ha ha isn't that so witty and clever beans those are 500 bits thank you very much excellent before was adi but didn't the princess seem to be acted a little bit strange i wonder was it really her play the sequel to find out [Music] you okay we got you got two left captain falcon's twister race let's go [Music] this is why we haven't had a new f-zero game ever God hold gamepad upright Oh God okay all right you need to be looking at the gamepad as you steer this makes it easy to control and see what's ahead of you okay cool so you guys are gonna get like the cool view and then I have to use like motion controls to turn this this is me just shaking the game bad this is why f-zero was cancelled or just never happened okay I'm using it like a steering wheel [Music] I'm just driving along a straight track tunnel ahead Oh No kind of want to just look at the monitor cuz it looks like a nicer view but I can't I can't really see what's ahead of me on the monitor cuz the perspective is so low so I have to like almost have to use the gamepad this is the use for the second screen we were waiting for these tight turns hey the only time I get to look up is when this tunnel [Music] shut up last night I saw in chat was be brave RT it was too brave [Music] okay we got one game my first jump jeez that's a hell of a stamp to unlock you did it you took your first jump off the edge into the abyss however to take a break and out of your dead yeah one more one more we got that balloon trip okay [Music] let's go sly to make a breeze blow okay hope this gives ya hopefully this gives you guys like a nice camera oh okay it does yeah so like on it's really zoomed in on the gamepad Android thanks for underbids the red circle brush simple is no commie reference okay [Music] let's go nice relaxing journey [ __ ] it came in too fast came in too fast yeah we made it to the first island perfect bones despite dying Midway [Music] you don't really need to like swipe so much you can actually just kind of like drag it a little bit like it's kinda accurate it sounds kind of fun [Music] oh you get like a little power up to to become small blowing your mic for two seconds you get a power up I don't know if I want to do that no it doesn't do anything god I might not be able to get all the balloons every time so okay okay oh you can just slow down time to me as I picked mine adventure we played it it was kind of shy you can't really play these games by yourself they're just not that entertaining I mean the single-player ones we have done are better at least f-zero is probably the worst there that one I can I just want to play Mario cars or like play with an actual control scheme Oh God well these are easy to get hit a friend in here unless you know of any that have had off any here oh look it's one of the other versions of us it was like the the stage to I won't die it's a letter from paw good basis the gamepad screen for this is just that it's incredibly zoomed in version like I guess it's handy if you wanna like have precise movement or like just see where you are it's not that useful oh we just prop actually makes this game a bit more enjoyable because I'll have to worry about what's on the gamepad I could just look at the screen the gamepad works best in this like in the Animal Crossing wall and a Luigi's Mansion game by far Oh God [Music] okay we're okay yeah we're dead you can tap the screen to break the red spiked balls with dotty that's a bit late to learn that's how you wish I knew that soon we got the bronze trophy I think that I think that's everything we've played them all like we can't even try Luigi's Mansion we can't even try Animal Crossing again it's a shame I thought you could do those one single player but it's just two of the five you tried with Mario chase and it was just tragic I guess if you want to do solo attraction games like the Donkey Kong on it's fun maybe the oshi one either there's just there's just all these these aren't fun on your own I think that there's nothing really to do in those ones because the pace is just so horribly slow down you kind of just need to have friends in this okay we're gonna give this one last shot this is the best one with her this is the final shot and then we're gonna wrap stream for tonight what Alaska I'm gonna shut up for pyro this too so I don't only make a dumb joke and die Android has four 555 bits let's go like racing ourselves not even gonna scream this time I'm just gonna blow because when I scream I get distracted I'm just gonna go okay we're going faster than our previous best now because a previous best got stuck there [Music] okay doing real good jamming that one you got to go over real fast we got a one up there too is we're doing so good nice one hey big boy help okay this is the last track [Music] we have four lives I just need to get down I was that so hard to get down what am I doing wrong hey that fall is gonna kill me so what do I do you gotta go at speed but if I go at speed I'll die scream I fall off the gutter fight we only have one life left what do i do what do I do this just no I was gonna I was gonna dangle I was gonna I was gonna try flip it about and make my way down that way but nope nope that's that that didn't work you personal best all right okay we are going to leave it there I think I get I gave it my best Oh God Almighty thank you everyone for coming by and streamed up I hope you guys enjoyed it do it again you almost have it no I'm not doing it again but that was the last shot that was the last shot you happen to own this game and you have no friends to play the other games with that are a lot more fun by all means work away Miyamoto nice 100 bits I'll be watching you you may not have any Mario tomorrow thanks mr. Emoto appreciate it god buying food what do you Bill Gates just means you've gotta invite friends over yeah basically tie I don't think I could play this one so I guess I said cuz I saw I thought you could do Louise Mansion I thought you could do Animal Crossing sweet day like by yourself and it would just have AI I remember a version of Mario chase where I thought you had like toads or something with you but apparently I just miss remembered as the Yoshi karts that just punched the guy trying like give you a bit of a hand and I think because I thought that I had that in my head I thought oh you can do all of them they'll have just some sort of advantage they give but no I think it's very much this is if it's like a 1v1 then they give the player on the wrong way at the gamepad a little bit of extra support just to help I think that's what's going on and that's what I was remembering which is a shame this is actually this is actually a good game like the Luigi's Mansion game and the Animal Crossing ones I like the reason to own this like I've got like about but I think close to like five hours in each of those just when playing or friends you'd be fine for an only child at the age of seven I wouldn't recommend this game from the thing is as well like Mario Party in that like you can still play kind of fine by yourself cuz they have AI but it's just just not a thing for this game cuz even if you play like the Zelda one by yourself like the Payson's just [ __ ] you you can't do anything Hazen's all over the place the Pikmin game - I like the Metroid when I imagine will be a lot more fun if he actually when we're playing with people hey subs are followers subs YouTube video should probably have this drivel industry with like Rihanna yeah I'll have to play this with Rihanna sometime maybe later in the air just to I do this game like justice I guess yeah that we didn't get the show it in the best light unfortunately any idea what the games in the weekend are going to be RT yeah you do I know exactly what they're just gonna wait and wait till then no I think one of the streams this weekend on Sunday will start at a later time it's the suit the other person who's going to be joining me and then we finished in a particular game we played together did some voices on recently never try to finish it it's got an update I think since then too so should be good are we gonna do a Club Penguin Street we did call penguin Auto what penguin has been done it actually happens now so you can't ask me anymore we did it Oh God in case you're wondering like what his end card is always like a bit oddly sized come the end it's like whatever I'm doing console stuff it's at 1080p and normally I might like 1440p and like a down scale to 1080 but like this just like it just gets moved about a bit cuz the size for a different rise real star by default thanks to the tank we're just at the end too bad it came too late to Ustream hope to catch you again soon thank you very much and I hope you enjoy future stream sure the vod's will be available too so don't worry too much if you missed this one go back and watch it sure gonna do a tf2 stream again No please stop asking on that one yeah do a mobile game stream while using like an emulator or some of them you you consider mobile games dream no I haven't really liked this other game so I kind of just on my radar at the moment that I really want to play I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go back to this - so you guys actually have a bit of background for music call we talk in a moment what's the regular schedule you can see below the stream it's all posted there it's Tuesday Thursday out it's in it ite you're gonna stream tf2 like no like guys stop asking like come on we've talked about that the more I get asked like the less likely I'm ever gonna even play it again like it really puts me off it I think more people are asking me now because I don't Kevin to the video about it like we were talking about that please tell me was Team tf2 Team Fortress 2 it's a fun FPS game but folks are just a bit clinging about it I used to make videos on him I don't anymore oh we missed tf2 well like see the reasons why I talked about why I'm not playing it cuz like at this point I've just kind of being harassed into playing again and I don't work like that they've talked about it so many times I started like even comments on that eye on someone like the recent videos like they asked like it's exactly what I talked about I made it like a vault I did a Q&A back in who was it September where I talked about that was like the brush in the wild when we were just walking about answering questions and the exact point I made in that is like if I do tf2 again I'm gonna be asked when's the next ruins the next one is the next one and that still happens I'd like to this day and I just read the right people there now like whenever I get comments on that I just say like I said hey you're gonna play tf2 again I just say no I just replied them and say no because I don't I'm just so sick of people coming to me of her like it's honestly annoying now if people just aren't happy unless I make it tf2 video says I'm question do you have to I think it's like a dumb thing to have to claim like say you're doing because you know the only game I've had to quit as Wow I know it's cuz I was addicted I think that's fair Hey hey Dan can you play whatever game you want to play thanks for - sir hey stop asking me to play whatever I want Nexus not my free will no how dare you corner me integers using my own personal judgment I'm playing the games that make me happy how could you be so selfish to just constantly request me to do whatever I feel like ah god it's quite unfortunate people won't accept that the best of luck mate yeah like Mew tells its killed most of my interest in the game at this point but like even but I I don't even want to pick it up these days now and that wasn't always the case like I was still playing in my off time last year quite a bit just as the pressure kept coming like I just got sick of it because I just didn't feel like I could relax with the game anymore and so I just stopped playing I haven't installed my PC again literally only because some of the props from the game are used in Garry's Mod for planning like trouble in terrorist town like you always cast and that's it that's the only reason it's on my computer now that makes me sad cuz I love that game but I don't love it anymore uh you know people just wore me down with it did you finish the Troy yeah I did the last part of it will be uploaded on Saturday oh god that really sucks I'm sorry yeah yeah I kind of this bums me out sometimes because the thing is uh I'm sorry we've gotten to like the whole tf2 discussion it looks like I feel like it's one some of the ways he mentions just brings me down I should just ignore it the thing is with tf2 I would have kept making videos on it last year if people just didn't keep screaming at me to play it and that's the only reason I stopped because like when the channels like finally got going like in June when I'm branch at the variety content oh I was just I just felt happier cuz I could just do whatever and I had this constant fear of a do tf2 again people are just gonna only come from that tf2 content I don't want to do something like music who like just does it once in a blue moon literally just a piece folks I that's the only reason he plays it like that's it he'll just play it once in a blue moon so people stop asking and in GB he just forgets about it I don't want to do that I would rather just kind of play it and I want to make videos on it odd ideas for tf2 videos the last year but I can't make them I made char I made highlights from the charity stream I did last year with like the flap sure all my tf2 friends I had to delete him I couldn't upload because people like I'd never hear the end of it if I uploaded tf2 that light in there and that was for the charity event I I want to do that to promote the frickin charity event and I couldn't do it I had to unless the video - when I even talked about the charity event and that's how bad it's gone oh I can't even do like a tf2 charity thing anymore without being around us I'm not involved with poplar this year I'm just not that's a real shame because you know that was a good cause but like I'm just so I feel so hopelessly trapped when people keep bringing it up and so stressed I've seriously considered unlist in every single tf2 video on the channel and I thought that day that's something I had to like weigh heavily because I'm just sick of it I mean it's staying up because you know it's part of the child's history you know it's important the old cart card here you know we've all got memories with the game no loads of fun times but but that's something I've had to seriously consider now just to get people to stop because they just won't listen it's just really stressful well charity was a force sorry child's play that they provide like kids in the hospital video games to play good cause - guy nights 400 bits do you want Artie let's do a wash no thanks trash gun yeah yeah that's the thing I know III know that I know that very much it's just a vocal minority but it just gets to me because I it's a constant pressure and I get some folks even in like like the subreddit now we're like it'll give me [ __ ] and harass me like they mentioned like Artie left tf2 and it'll be some folks were like he's like a dirty traitor and I get all that stuff now and I've just had to accept thought a lot like oh it just [ __ ] sucks cuz I love that game and I'd want to play it but I can't I cannot play it anymore and it's because of the demand for me to only place that's why I stay away yeah it's a real shame and I'd like I just feel pressure oh I'm sorry gonna take this and post it now too and it's I don't even know you have to use community is full of [ __ ] now if Ally wouldn't go that far the thing is yeah cuz this is the thing it's a very vocal minority the tf2 community is actually [ __ ] fantastic like look at the amount of charity events they do look how they band together I don't know around that game and still kind of keep it [ __ ] going when valve doesn't give a [ __ ] they're actually a really good bunch no the really passionate and the things like tip of the hats things like it again like the black trabocchi we didn't link previous year it's like people raised like an astounding amount of money for like things those kind of things but they're a child of a bunch and the [ __ ] passion and they care but they just [ __ ] harass content creators and it's sad like some of them do they vote it's a vocal minority but they're awful for it and they put Germa off the game that would star off the game they put myself off the game they put me off the game that's just how it is and that's why people leave oh they do more harm than good if you're just like with that passion sometimes you gotta kind of like acts like regulated a bit if I had to guess now I'm sad I sorry I didn't mean to bring anyone down it's just it's just that constant stress it was like someone was saying like what where's tf2 and then I said oh you know like [ __ ] off you know I'm gonna do what I want and I'm just sick of being like I'm not gonna talk about it again I think I might add it to like the blacklist or something on like night boss just cuz I'm so sick of having the deal with it I'm probably just gonna add that to like even the comment sections on my youtube channel cuz I'm so sick of having to address the tf2 thing I just want to do what I want to do and that's not good enough for a lot of people it's just too much yeah it's a shame what about other valve games like portal a portal swim class yeah come on I want a stream portal at some point yeah I don't mean to bring things down or like speak ill of the community because again the tf2 community actually is [ __ ] fantastic it's just a very vocal minority that are gobshites for lack of a better world and like they're really bad about it I believe even I made like eath with my video for branching out which is almost a year old now yeah I'm surprised I got away with this but even then like I call it that vocal minority entitled little shits and I remember doing that and like thinking maybe I shouldn't say this in this video because maybe that's a bit too much but people actually agreed with that honestly that was before things exploded is this a vocal minority and they're awful and they wonder why people leave like most of the current tf2 content creates like I know mo most them are trying to leave like they're trying to branch out not gonna name names but like they will all want to do variety they feel trapped that's just how it's going the valve doesn't care about the game anymore they kind of left it to the wayside you run out of stuff to talk about what do you have - I only not communit that minority just realizes how much of an effect I have and how they push people away oh what a heavy-handed note and [ __ ] the tender land on Jesus Christ yeah I think that's the last I'm just gonna add it to like the blacklist I think from now just so you can't be brought up anymore cuz I'm just sick of it because it brings me down whenever people do that it's something that like just really irks me no I imagine there are other content goes who in the same spot oh I know they just want to have fun no one will they kind of live in the moment you play Wii Sports Club from the Wii U oh that's pretty much we sports though that's the same game happy jingle talk about this [ __ ] do you want Daniel thanks Ally yeah uh like that's what I'm trying to do and I'm sorry I'm sorry to bring the mood down just at the end like it's just that one just gets under my skin like it really does because because no matter how many times I talk about it it's not good enough no other someone even wants to it's kind of like quote me or like a parts of this like pop it on the subreddit maybe get a discussion going they're kinda just spread awareness of how some folks feel when it comes to tf2 accountants might even be Ono might be a good idea just maybe get that discussion going because I don't think it's talked about often enough we watch you play for context receive good mind I want to play Tetris 99 at some point which is a way to do like a private lobby for that so we get all you guys in it play Tetris against like you guys specifically I'll talk about it ignore the tf2 commoners yeah basically we straight book we're adventurous deluxe yeah to forget tf2 a moment bookworm adventures I'll be we did Club Penguin recently oh that's a good idea God people just saying games to play and then your boy pebbles is here hey Artie you should try mesh what a fun video game mess James hey Artie have you considered hardcore drugs like my god what a fascinating suggestion that could make for some riveting content on my twitch TV stream Jesus met ya I can't do it guys as a th at the end okay cut me some slack teat okay teat I can't do those ones struggle ah God that's hardcore Oh Daesan stream Jesus Christ how about read this will a powder as a Hank describes it okay we're gonna wrap up the stream there folks kind of prop the mood a little bit again hope people just understand I'm not like that's something like but sometimes I just like venting about that I think because he gets it off my chest okay there's not many people like end up like yo it's only I I feel it's something I like just the tf2 creators I think in particular only really understand and most people just don't call you know carpet where there's that constant pressure just do the one thing and it's non-exclusive the tf2 I think it's any game you know like I love hearthstone I love watching hearthstone streamers but if all I could do every single day is play heart stroke a hearthstone and all I was expecting to do every single day play hearthstone and just like stream it constantly make decks god I probably got tired of it I'd feel quite trapped no there's more to life for me about my happiest when I just gets play a hobo interest a bunch of things you know I like games that's why I took the child a different direction last year now and I've never looked back I'm happier now I think it's mostly because a dying game they're a bit clingy because yet is less this less creators yeah I can definitely see that you know you're afraid people are gonna leave like some creators have left and yeah they promise content but not really delivered on it I tried to do my best when I said I was leaving and just say like I'm leaving no I'm gonna just do what I want I have just kind of stuck to that the plan never what the plan was to honestly just keep uploading to true the year but I just had more fun with the new stuff so I'll keep doing the new stuff the first video I actually added a new style maybe we should do like a channel history no I'm just thinking about just like for the last year in particular everyone we get to like starter June because it'll be like the one year anniversary of when the channel like you know properly exploded and kind of changed my life again the first video I actually made of the new style was my half-life to him it was like a little side project because I got distracted and I wasn't really having fun with like my how to really play series and we did the half-life 2 streams and I was just wonder if I can make this an interesting video and that was like the first one and I enjoyed that so much and I remember like being there but like with my roommate and I remember sharing it would have like after I finished our first video and like I want him to watch it too I remember him watching it and I remember him just thinking it's like this is like the most excited I've seen you to make a video in a long time he thought it was funny too that does my roommate Fergal in Japan he's actually in the like how to really play spy video like the last one I did of that series actually he speaks Japanese and like he voice is like the spot under characters I remember that night that was the first one I did and then I added it together like the Skyrim video after that and I got that together maybe we should do a channel history night I think that might be a good one just to kind of look back at like because a lot of it a lot of videos are unlisted too maybe it might be like like a channel history but like of like the lot in recent years I guess like we look at some of the old classics like one good bola but we'll talk about the last year in just particular videos and you know maybe even some like my favorite ones of the last year that I've made but just do like a group watcher them and just talk about like kind of I don't know like it deck behind the scenes or some of the commentary I liked her in the streams in the videos it might be an interesting discussion there cuz I even like the GTA one I think that one's always interesting because that was a four-hour stream that made a five minute video and that's not originally what I set out to do with that one I haven't really played GTA insulin no eval staff counting the bolas oh it's rewind time yeah we'll do a child history night soon anyway we'll probably do that for like the one-year anniversary I'll have to check the exact it outside whenever the Skyrim video went up that's my camera that was the first like new style video okay we'll do that so that'll be in within the next month and that'll be good fun John thanks for - good there AR t allowed by the name of a bomb - recommended you so I stopped by the watch you also told me to call your Russell tussle well thanks my grafica thanks for hundred so I think we really cool be just a big stream playing all the games you've enjoyed over the last year yo that could be kind of fun to craft event maybe we just revisit a buncha games you're like a really long one where we just play like what we sports resort we music playing a bit of planet coaster but a casual minecraft city skylines ever we could do something like that sometime that could be fun there's like a TRO vac stream we're like we just talked about the channel and play like you know all the ones who've done that could be fun - we fit we fit requires a bit too much setup I think yeah that could be good I might think about that - we'll do a hot we'll do some anniversary stuff when we get to like June is that we honestly have to because like that [ __ ] Skyrim video kind of marked like you know a real big change in point at Skyrim video went up Andrews leave like a week later I did you know things started to work out on YouTube I guess and you know it got me out of like a really bad place I was uncertain about the future to just you know if this being my job man and uh this is what I do this is what I'm always gonna do now rest my days and it couldn't be happier because that cuz you know I dearly love doing this always been the dream I wouldn't have been doing this like what eight years now come August of this year eight years of making videos and it's just last year the things really took off yeah they took off in summer 2017 to I'd like the first big crow but like some of the tf2 custom maps like last year you know it's [ __ ] insane I gonna get the June it's gonna be like hey so you had 100k subs this time last year almost like 1.8 million like big [ __ ] hell yeah like what happened it's insane yeah we'll talk more about that in June anyway and sure focus just to give a bit of a tease I'm gonna see if I can do hat and time on Saturday if anyone has hat in time and wants to play the 50 player game over I hadn't get it installed or [ __ ] it you guys have actually stuck around I'm gonna leak that to have hat in time that's what we're doing on Saturday okay because that will be out there adding like a 50 player multiplayer game oh it's gonna be [ __ ] class yeah if anyone has it get it installed but we're gonna see if we can set that up yeah I was sure I was trying to keep that under wraps but like yeah you guys have actually stuck around so you guys get the scoop on it if your own hat a hat in time already - like it's a fantastic game yeah I'd really recommend it if you like like Mario Sunshine I kind of like GameCube era platformers but it's a wonderful game we have to have anew update that's coming up tomorrow so we're gonna play that on Saturday I just joy to feel like everyone gets Jesus and you better [ __ ] click off the screen Oh God okay let's do it let's do a quick hole rage - we're gonna wrap up here wolf is going with GTA so sure go ahead wolf help me how many a time he's a lovely lad thanks for coming folks I will see you back on Saturday until then have a lovely week and I'll talk to you all then
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 36,230
Rating: 4.9375887 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-422570705, rtgamecrowd, Welcome to Mario Disneyworld, Nintendo Land, Twitch, Gaming, Welcome, to, Mario, Disneyworld, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: CV0m_N9ciRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 20sec (9920 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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