RTGame Archive: Mario Tennis Aces

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of doing okay get that Oh stream notification up hey guys can you hear me alright always too much time here cuz I haven't mostly set up oh no wait my stream decks broken okay it's waste a bit of time and press that manually hey folks how's it going are you all the keeping well oh it's been a whole year since I saw anyone um happy new year folks you just gotta get that joke out of the way like you're contractually obligated I have to make it that's a new year hey Ted Oh God how's it going folks I hope you all had fun last night here's to 2020 just sipping some water because I need it may 20 19 rest in peace and welcome back to the 20s we're gonna have like mobsters and just yeah just gangsters in general tommy guns are back in fashion lads i hope everyone had a very lovely new year of a bit fragile today I was at Kevin's house for New Year's last night and well he ended up playing just and so like till 4:00 in the morning and a couple of us are playing chess so yeah I've had an absolutely wild night as you can tell being the 24 year old man I am a bit fragile though I haven't got much sleep I may have drank quite a bit but that's okay you know you gotta you gotta celebrate the New Year sure you can probably hear it in my voice it probably sounds just a little bit shot Jared Eliza hunter pizzas but Artie it's been so long I haven't seen you since last decade let's get scare on up for the game I thought this would be fun because I'm shattered and not in a position to be playing tennis we streamed the demo for this at like the start of the new age content in summer of 2018 I met I've been meaning to play it since finally only getting around to it was like an unlisted video I never made it to the channel from those strict that stream yeah well welcome to Mario's quest for global domination he's a professional tennis player now and oh I thought he was hitting Wario with the pickaxe Jesus it's just what tennis players do these days this is like Nintendo trying to get another IEP or like kind of property out of Mario and here's everything you need for him to be a tennis player oh we got Lucy in the legendary racket oh we have tennis story hang on I thought we were just gonna play tennis I didn't realize this was like a world spine and irpg tennis fans welcome to Marina Stadium at a critical point the finals folks victory hangs in the balance in South Hall team of Mario and Peach is unsurprisingly rain Sucre we all will you keep pushing them on like the Brandon for everything no one can compete with like the global property there's Mario these days why are they covered in tin foil are we doing like a UVO here where it's like Egypt has the curse something unrelated to agent like it was frightened tires then and now it's Wimbledon okay let's see how this goes loads thanks for five gift subs thank you very much Luigi's here hmm they just blanked Luigi I don't like the fact of the Mario characters with speaking as well what's that the bandages you two that this is going a weird direction Oh No Luigi what have you done but that's that's the sound effect he makes in mario kart wii when he goes over a jump in coconut mall I've heard that one oh no they're made of tin foil now okay yeah so apparently this is a tennis irpg we have to save the world by playing tennis as Mario okay I thought we were just gonna play tennis I I was kind of looking forward to some simple back and forth but we've got a plot now okay all days is in the game I don't wanna play this now yeah it's like a portal to Hell in this tennis game everything was going fine until Luigi summons station you know I like the world went the this is tennis okay let's see how this story is going a tornado has intense it really messed up the stadium still can't believe that happened it's like a real-life never yet we need a toad I just want to play tennis I don't see Luigi and the others anywhere where could they be have a bad feeling about this Mario in the waluigi are even more suspicious than usual i Daisy can you just can you just get caught by the tin foil to and like just died that was crazy but I believe it was the rackets grip tape that wrapped up or the Ouija how unsettling toad you know something don't you that winning smile captain Daisy he's not smart he looks really depressed [Music] [Music] that winning smile that's not nervous file oh it is not okay no it'll be just a professional zoom setup on this stream let me just get the little window back sorry I'm a bit fragile too so it's taking even longer that toad needs dr. bear okay well it's just a rumor but they say this island was home to a cross risk kingdom of Basque oh of course bathroom is in the desert is a relic of that once great Kingdom I hear our archaeologist went there recently to research what happened to like the fall and society in the Mushroom Kingdom I I just want to play tennis tennis was proof of course it was of course this is this is you here this is you vo but tense the room walls are filled with paintings of people playing did the Ouija get sent to the Shadow Realm is that what's going up among those wall paintings one that's very strange to say the least it's Ovilus to torment or he's just like in the shrine no but it's obelisk the tennis racquet not torment or a spooky racket floating in the sky with people piling down before it almost looks like the rocket is controlling the raku a mind-control power is oh goodness yeah it's called the Millennium rod Marik uses it in like the dual city arc basically the same thing minute you suggest and that Luigi and the others have been controlled by an almighty tennis racket you can't rule hitters and it seems like a normal conclusion the jump to okay let's go let's go to Egypt and uncover the Egyptian gods wait that sounds dangerous too dangerous for important diplomats like you oh I guess they are princesses so maybe they are at they do of government official positions so okay Mario is just a plumber please let Mario and me to go investigate on your behalf sorry it's possible Luigi and the others will turn up while we're gone yes that's true in that case we leave this important task to you dear friends dear friends is an overstatement Daisy I hate your very existence and I hope you die we won't let you down come on Mario let's go for that desert right away okay alright you no stranger to adventure so I'm sure you'll be fine please just bring Luigi back safely you know Wario and Waluigi you know what no one really cares thank you everyone it's giving - I've missed a lot ding ding thanks for firing to bits our usual answer the best from Ohio it's great to me to study for it's all great for me to study for really big pharmacy school exams have to take this month all the best man shadow killing some hardcore yourself just like the first season of uni oh who will try to commit suicide because he's losing in tennis like cut it oh no we're just gonna be playing toad and tennis later I just gotta put the racket towards his throat it's like I'll do it Mario I'll do it if you don't throw the game but it's like in the toad boy so it's like Mario I'll kill myself you know whatever you win the toad No Mamma Mia Oh No okay let's embark on our tennis adventure look we have branching paths and everything okay so I can go into piranha plant forest I think we have to go to the room start okay stop right there pass here is bathroom so it's your important business there you better scram unless you can beat me in a game of tennis I might lay game straight of Yukio yeah you should know that fast routes can only be entered by those who play tennis so if you want to pass through have to prove yourself by beating me and imagine Mario just bring a gun we don't have to do this it's all just a weird formality just just go in shooting okay looks like we have no choice Mario we can't before unless we beat this guy at tennis let's do this wig thanks for a thousand bits hey guys it's dad the gamer back without her we sports bold and zany moments on this episode we're finally leaving the EU zany am i right meanwhile the number of British prime minister in the last five years growing faster than my subscriber count' smash that like button and leave your mother's pin number in the comments make sure to have a gamer in day that's a very cursed coffee pasta if I've ever seen oh no shadow killer - OH - fire could I believe in the heart of the bubble okay let's play some tennis a bone to pick feet dry bones and a tennis match is the is the audio okay by the way it's not too loud or anything can I make it a bit quieter I forgot to actually do a sound check apologies about that let's just make sure I'm gonna take a sip of water it's a little bit loud okay hope you are saying it's good but some people are saying it's a bit live it's what I'm gonna do is just down but better [Music] is that is that much better just making sure my commutative can't hear anything anymore sounds good okay all people are saying it's too okay I'm okay one more one more adjust area let's go let's play tennis before we started I see you have proper tennis a tie that's no guarantee you can actually play yeah we're just playing like a professional sports tournament there but I don't actually know how to play tennis at the moment okay he's a pro player started and I serve give the ball a toughs that that's how you play tennis put there hit it while it's in the air there we go - 96 miles an hour that's a pretty good swing nice looks like you got a real knack for this I try hitting back your opponent's off it's called a return don't forget to let the ball once before return to serve against the rules to return to serve without letting the fans do that in your phone we'll get the point I try to return my serve okay good start learn the basics that's the stuff after the serve you and your opponent will hit the ball back at four and try and score points whoosah I told you it's like preventing us from entering and like really hostile that's out like hey Mario we're actually friends it's just a misunderstanding also we're playing on a sandy course how does the ball bounce okay magic all right yeah you got just believe in the higher of the balls I guess okay and it's about firing power move L left to right send the ball flying to the edges of the court we go it seems to barely balance as well when we actually do hit it over the signs haunt us I've ever played for is the horizon for I haven't but check back with me later might have something new in the works you want more speed try using a powerful shot press a twice and hit the ball higher than usual for much faster shot hit the ball faster still use a charged shot press that before the bar is to build power before hitting the ball oh okay so you can charge it up the rivals in powerful shots to the left or right side of the court try to return to the center after you hit a ball no you know the basically tennis that was being thrown you a bone now it's time that the match begin Oh God we can topspin slights and flat and lob okay well I'm just gonna do that come on Mario how fast can we get yeah you're just gonna fall for this every time we just got to serve it fire that way and there we go and we win Wow tennis is easy oh we're doing is just hit yeah just don't use your legs ribose don't use your legs thank you I was easy it really helps when he just stands completely stationary and doesn't try to pursue the ball you don't need to go to Wimbledon anymore to good at tennis is that her teach Eason Oh God thank you they're worth giving bitters ever grande wacky I'm bred for a taco gun chef thank you all I eat lost seriously I made it the second round of a real life torment only to one day be bested by amateurs not gonna lie that stings I guess you're pretty okay tennis could have warned me thank you for teaching me how to play tennis at the same time yes you're not terrible okay we're here the temple of bask the crown jewel of bathrooms is where those wall paintings were discovered it's got to be a clue in here and to find the clue we need to play tennis you think mr. Miyamoto was just in the office trying to design this game but guys I have this idea for a mario RPG he's going to save the world Luigi gets corrupted by an evil ancient artifact what waluigi and Wario are back in the role of villains but hear me out guys a plane kennis the entire time prove your tennis skills and solve the gate puzzle in the society organized by playing tennis you want to go into the shops like you own the Tesco and trying to buy the meal deal play tennis the purchase your items at the check edge you're on your way to work play tennis to hail a cab just hit it with a tennis ball as it drives on the highway okay welcome to temple of fast for all of us and require a display of skill I missed oh no I just got a okay I don't have to hit the target it's just a big bit of wall though I'm learning the basics of tennis there we go that's another one there we go okay oh no I got it wrong okay so it's like down an X for that one I send strenght and honor as well as great potential I believe you have what it takes to overcome this trial talking to Santa like an ancient samurai when I'm just like a plumber with a tennis racket a big honor like where is my honor use the different shots you know just solve the mystery and open the gate of trials no one just thought to like play tennis in these rooms no one ever made it this far in this tennis based society because like everything seems to be based around this game [Music] okay well go thank god these ancient runes are equipped with like tennis ball lovers as well no it seems like some kind of fancy like recent high-tech hit but you know no expense stared for these ancient crumbling ruins of an extinct society come on Mario glasses I have my glasses on how many people are here for tenants out of interest - I know I'm streaming on like a different stream died normal I just want to get one in because I've missed the last few days 3.7 K hell that's good to see are you all very welcome tennis okay well we solved the mystery of the gate of trials and we have displayed great honor and our ability this smack a tennis ball these all pharaohs of the tennis kingdom you think they sacrificed people to just like play tennis with like a tennis racket with like a spike or something on the end and they just kind of impale it true like they're harsh like every like hundred years a toad is just sacrificed to tennis gods oh yeah here's the tennis gods master Mario when awaiting your most faded of arrivals I am aster hum vulgarity of the noble King bask is my duty to watch over the one called Lucian by the way I really like playing tennis Lucien as you know certain as you almost certainly already know is the name of an almighty rakish it is a dangerous being with the power to control people it kind of looks like an advanced version of Buffett with the lights it just is just me oh my god it is the exact same color scheme it's gold it's purple and it has like there's only five Infinity stones in the Mario Tennis even reversed we're gonna fight finest like that this is the plot of Mario Tennis holy potato nice roof over but I tried to go over to use kids but she cared we heard kissed her friend instead how do I cope I don't worry about it my oh good thank you everyone given bits as ever Jesus crisis a lot we're gonna just keep moving here but thank you guys King Basque who once ruled this kingdom was awed by the rockets power and took it as his own in the end it destroyed the entire kingdom with the last of his power our Kings only managed to seal Lucien away Donna snapped his fingers and he tried to erase the racket from existence but then Tony Stark came back a played by Luigi in this cinematic universe and you know they kind of start at the rewind tell him King bass stripped the racket of its power he then divided said power between five power stones they even higher the pack it literally is like the plot of the Marvel Cinematic Universe The Witcher no one could ever restore Lucien's power to control people against their will he hid the racket away in a secret room in this very temple since then many ages have passed crime took its toll on that room filled the room breaking the seal that's when the racket fell into new hands oh boy so Wario Waluigi heard the myth of the almighty rocket installer for themselves that's not good a no Thoth was he had no trouble at all controlling two men so wholly motivated by greed Mario just yes I am certain that felt that I am certain that fellow rocket would try to gather the five power stones reclaim its original power my only hope is for you to gather the five power stones before Lucy and does it literally is Marvel Cinematic Universe we have to collect the stones before Thanos make it surely said since but where its power resides some point in your journey I'm afraid you'll have to face those who wield Lucien's mice hear that Mary you're going to have to face loosing eventually how can we win against such power well there's only one world where we win mario has to give his life and snap snap is fingered Mario's gonna die to stop it was mastered the powerful tennis rule called the special shot which is passed out for countless ages do that you just prevail and the contractures tablet a lot of the age of people of the king of the Basque trained he rediscovered new powers within oh god okay we're playing tennis again you must master a new power called the zone shop guys when you just plant press R on the controller that's a power now what your natural price I'm sure you have no trouble detecting the star point we're easy to hit balls fall you jump high at a star point you'll be able to hit the ball to various spots in the core okay okay so run yeah so our wooden rotating star points own shot yeah so you just press a cue really just press our I think I've mastered it fantastic our over the zone shot will damage your opponent's racket components rackets breaks from excessive down to be unable to continue which means they'll lose the match perfect the zone shot and the way you approach glorious game of tennis will be forever changed that is no exaggeration merely fact tennis is the greatest game of our time with zone shots an attack technique is also defensive technique I can counter it called zone speed sharpens your focus to the extreme seemingly slow on the flow of time so that you can easily chase on the ball you gotta get the time stone first before you can use this one okay the holes are theirs zones I got bopped on the nose okay so you can slow down Halim itself pretty advanced for tennis exceptional zone speed is a great way to catch up to the ball don't worry using that won't reduce the power of your zone shot I also advisable to work in your block time so you can protect your racket from your opponent's zone shots okay wait until the shiny ball reaches you and then block what hey okay so yeah see if you just if you tap it at the right moment you can block it lame' thank you for a thousand bits Happy New Year arty enjoying the stream thank you very much you weary master Mario no you need to store up some energy don't shots in some suite of quite taxing so your energy must be at least a third full in order to use those moves okay well such moves you need to find ways to increase your energy energy will gradually increase as you continue rallies and pull off charge shots one card a Power Move got a max charge shot to blow up your energy even more about it I'm not doing it right at my card shop run with L and press a press a shot button very early to do a max charge shot okay max charge shot get it in there we go these gotta charge it up fantastic okay we can also do trick shots okay we can reach balls out of far away and off your enthusiasms out of the crowd we're making your poem think they have the advantage and easily return the ball okay and you gotta be careful with the trick shot though till at the right the right the right stick to do a trick shot okay I got to work on that one okay so Mario just does a backflip when he needs it that's just straight-up cheating but okay [Applause] there we go action time is fantastic there we go what a wonderful trick shot okay I believe it's finally time if you don't leash a special shop I'm gonna forget the names of all of these variants of shots you know I did a vodka shot last night that we're gonna do one of the hosts today Oh No okay special shop only stored up energy max out your energy and press L for a special shot here we go yeah so this this is just straight-up cheating normally you can't do that and have the deadly laser so iron sights in a game of tennis but okay truly our first-rate tennis hero Mario by the way you seem to be on steroids as well like the Jesus you can't normally do laughs he jumped on the invisible air the five sacred stones are hidden in the forest imagine the snow - seeing the flames they beg of you please stop Lucien's return to power okay alright let's venture on into the world then dirty still hungover now I'm just a bit fragile I'm very fragile that morning after I had a nap in the car ride home from Kevin's so that was about an hour ago this is awful we got a guy who knows Paris over Luigi and the others beat us - why is Luigi oh my god Luigi is like Loki whereas Mario's like like a store in this scenario Luigi's evil Oh No crafter thanks a thousand bits I need a moment which toe gets destroyed Mario special shop it's anima style of a toad screaming no it's not possible the secretary critique of Ava in the opposite direction okay let's get the power stones okay you never view how to play cool does a free player swing mode oh so that's if you just want to play tennis that's good to know so this is the main experience of this game and then you can also just you know play tennis but you don't want to do with that you wanna like save Egypt okay piranha plant forest let's go hello Donkey Kong we really really like to enter the forest about now but you wanna play a game of tennis don't you you won't let us true because it's dangerous isn't that right yeah thought so but if you beat me game of tennis you can prove that it's not so dangerous and then you can defend yourself when you're in the forest you know if you ever wondered about it London and you need to get home fast you're thinking of chances like a dodgy back alley you're really good at tennis you should be okay you won't you won't get stabbed you'll be fine you can protect yourself you know how to play tennis Mary oh look at that there's a tennis court here in the forest what a convenient plot device for us to show our tennis abilities it's as if there's a tennis court everywhere in this kingdom oh no he's not looking her out stop playing he's a powerful zone shots and special shots an afterthought you and tried to earn a ko win by breaking the racket yes play tennis beat Donkey Kong while avoiding the Piranha Plants miss Christ yep so I need to charge it up or you know I don't need to worry about like charging it up I can just play I think getting some good charge and power let's see if DK is any better at the nope no he doesn't he doesn't know how to move his legs either I can that guy just do this repeatedly yes yes I can I think we found out how to beat the game like really easily good much good match he just he just doesn't know how to use his legs look he doesn't even try there we go I think I think I do have to try and break his racket though so I'm gonna I'm gonna work on that okay so let's charge it up Oh No okay so the Piranha Plants can get it actually kind of good for me because it just gets me more charge okay I have a charge shot ready destroy kill yeah I'm so that decays just gonna serve and like Mario says I'm launching like the wombo combo on him get him in the eye he's Mario know it that didn't break his racket yeah we need to hit him some more match point no I'm pretty sure I can just win well I don't think we really did the quest but we still did it is it gonna let me progress or like do I specifically have to wait we have levels Mario's racket attack defense durability if you're in a tennis match and you mind to fill your XP gauge your level will go up this is a full-on RPG when Mario is level goes up he gets stronger at tennis when the shots B goes up you can hit faster shuff and your run speed goes up your top movement speed increases your Julie goes up you reach your top movement speed faster when you level up addition to better stats you also be able to block racket damage and shots more easily and you'll enjoy more forgiving time limits for completing challenges if you face an opponent who's too difficult to beat try return to a stage you've already cleared so you can earn XP and raise your level this game is encouraging you to grind via playing tennis [Music] you can check your status at any time a person plus or minus checking status okay am I gonna get equipment do I get like like a faster shoes to give like plus fire resist in in my tennis case you'll get like the electric shock racket will like augment my shot I'm like zap them with electricity it's like Donkey Kong acknowledges his skill Mario how neat is that all right into the forest we go okay the forest practice Corp looks like this way is a dead end oh it seems as a tennis court here though that's handy are we ever gonna get to like a spot on the map where toads like we can't play tennis and like we just have to settle for like playing catch or something with a ball god okay let's practice rallying in ten consecutive shots of school you bonus points try to keep your bet do your best to keep the rally going okay let's practice keep riding till you reach 200 points okay so I don't want to kill toad here so we're not trying to catch him out there we go toad we're trying to keep the Riley going please be kind there we go well I got a Oh I got to do this to two hundred oh my god oh no you get bonuses okay thank God for though oh no it's hope you're not being very helpful for keeping this going come on like he's trying to catch me out what happened today keep the rally going Mario you know just pass the ball back and forth hit him in the ice yeah just playing something like friendly tennis here come on Mario get into the end rally bonus no no yeah we almost got it just don't don't mess up right at the end oh don't do it go gentle we did it maniacally r2d2 thanks to the two quid got some nice action five bits get thunderfury blessed racket of the windseeker oh he leveled up again there we go I I hope we get like a full on equipment before this game yeah we did it you did it Mario your tennis game is improving at a frightening rate my pants because you're so good at tennis Mario speaking of which Donkey Kong warned me that's important to keep racket durability in mind as far as telling the Piranha Plants I can return just enough power to break a racket how shot comes out you try to block it with a when the right ball hits the racket okay thanks for the tip toad let's go deeper into the forest Oh No there's a bunch of piranha plants but wait we found a tennis court what have we used tennis to fight the Piranha Plants why don't we just walk around the Piranha Plants but what what why have we got a what's better always play tennis okay well we're on the plant territory better watch out for their fireballs and defeat the Piranha Plants quickly defeat 30 Piranha Plants within the time limit okay wait this isn't a tennis court I I don't want to do I don't know what to do I shouldn't have judged Mario just got hit confused I'm really sucking at my aim why are they saying like a mint IIIi need to get some logs in there we go guy just yeah I'm just gonna unleash the fireball like directly at one hang on let's kill this guy Oh God too early keep getting the max power shot they're actually quite tricky to like aim this precisely and get them I'm trying but I'm missing a lot my shots they need to get in very specific spots [Music] [Music] I'll get into the hang of it we go walk [Music] go for a power shop hit the ones with fireballs in their mouths I think that one has one oh they're off in their game Mario's getting destroyed in tennis the masts are getting faster we're good enough I got surprisingly intense towards the end me Oh level up we're getting stronger the only start I think that's increases run speed that's it nothing else okay well they're all dead you're amazing Mario now all oars let's go further into the woods the ancient altar pretty deep in the forest now I wonder if we're close to a Power Stone yet what's this it looks like a tennis court I'll admit it Mary this place gives me the willies but would you here I'm sure we'll be okay go defeat the boss at piranha plant forest win the time limit is this this is the first Power Stone let's go against a boss in tennis he's he gonna play tennis too Oh God so what do I do I just have to keep hitting it okay and I lose time if I miss a shot right good to know so he's just gonna get tired from playing tennis and that's how we defeat the boss now god I need to need to do my dodge things more hang on oh Jesus it's not really much of a tennis court here like you can just run real fire back if it bounces twice as it care oh oh I was supposed to get him with a charged shot there okay hang on get him on the ground again there we go hit him in his belly button a lot that really hurt [Music] come on Mario go for his crotch why is he someone in tornadoes oh boy [Music] okay it's just this is just what happens in tennis these days it's new decade they changed the game of it I mean more people have probably watched tennis if this is what it was like you know that's right like forget just like regular like wimpleton win it's like deadly silence on the ball bouncing back and forth let's get like like a power tennis where the athletes are just like pumped up on drugs they're doing backflips they're like going for each other's face and actively trying to murder each other because that sounds far more entertaining I would say when it would take when are we gonna get like the drugs up version of the Olympics well I every actually going in is just pumped full of this stuff and they're just super athletes that's the sport we're waiting for the Russia Olympics oh no that's terrible God he's got a lot of tornadoes I can't dodge that one yeah finish him off oh no my rackets almost gone I mean I need to slow time of it yeah I keep forgetting to use my right stick I don't have enough energy Oh No Oh Mario died in the forest that's it but done but that's the thing we need a version of tennis but the athletes are so strong that like you know they'll break each other's arms if they hit the ball hard enough obviously just bones are broken I like the last mine stand and then the game of tennis wins that's the version I want to see okay let's retry let's retry this Mike Tyson's tennis so murder yeah I just want murder that's is that too much to ask for I will make tennis a lot more exciting tennis bottle were out dono think I got him let's just hit him in the face and see what happens just jack you actually get a twofer if you do without you just not come down so just aim for his eyes that's the strategy now there we go like thank you for the serve let me let me just just knock him over oh yeah he doesn't have eyes just hit him nothing no if you think it hurts up more than likely does strategy you should be employed I should be doing this again hang out knocking down I'm doing good play the game right I'm playing the game right I'm doing good oh I charged that too soon you're not doing damage are you talking about oh do I have to do it with a charged shot on the belly button oh it doesn't count oh god yeah you do okay right well that was some fun to warm up oh yeah he didn't do his Tornai it was wasting so much time [Music] I died lost like a hundred seconds cuz I just wanted like pain on them no no not again not again my racket yeah I got it I got to be real careful no I'm real bad but the timing on that Jordan likes a five good reminder again as a chat we would love if you collaborate or u2's also rumble tumble bring back the Emmy for future games theater legs for five hundred bits as well in his world I'll steer wheels are replaced with Teddy's rackets caused a five two percent increase in accidents and crash it's being thanking for 500 bits before that again as well amber thank for Anup it's okay we'll get this I got a I can just gotta practice my tennis game Oh hell as well fade 9 - thank you for the 5500 to bits Happy New Year man looking forward to all you content you making 2020 thank you very much you're very kind ok here we go no faffing about this time I know what I'm doing type again they're all we lose is time itself and that's fine there we go okay not wasting any time now I just I just gotta get oh it's right trigger for the slow time that's what I was getting wrong yeah I was pressing the wrong that's all right come on yeah I ran out of charge try it again nope Mac he just didn't hit there Mario come on too early died he doesn't want to do it I think I have enough time that it's probably more better if he does a charge shop just let him do it and it's fine oh I missed it we go now so you don't need to do the supercharged for a lot he found the ire button we're making progress and we're getting there I'll beat Tennessee hat [Music] do a backflip over them all - no okay all right just get him down if he does the chard shop just let him have it dog I'm gonna be palsy um if he does a charged shot now I'm just gonna leave it because it's not it's not worth the risk we have health there we go and he's dead wow he's actually straight-up dead Mario just killed a man in a game of tennis okay is that gonna give us one of the power stones but what loot did we get oh we got some shot speed for that that's nice is this the first infinity stone my god you did it Mary you beat that big bad boss you killed a guy you just live in here yeah you got the first power stone oh wow that's one down this is a Paris tone yeesh I could feel it's awful power suddenly in his vest can't stop the chill Mario needs to collect the cursed artifacts the stop sign are still high they know this is bad too and then you were gonna collect them all and he's she's gonna like steal the rocket or something and I already tell us it's going the bay fairy according to the rumors as an old mansion atop a hill on the opposite shore it's a good chance the second power stone is there is just one problem can't get there without a seagoing boat toads don't float we just don't luckily this boat has a tennis course on it who was the captain of this ship that even wanted this let's I ask if they'd be willing to take us across the water if you beat us in a game of tennis did that very people for the day hello to you kite Sarah sorry but we were to figure I should get to the opposite shore could you please set sail just once more today well I see how it is you got some big important shindig to do that right I'll tell you what I was feeling overly bored anyway so I'm open the ship and out but only if you can beat me in wait for it around the Gulf Koopa doesn't play tennis and it's go with the best of three sets O'Hara look marry her there's a tennis court in the deck of that ship that's convenient it sure is toad God he's got a cursed smile now hang on hang on [Music] there's like something with like his lower jaw that doesn't look right i toad soul is soul to Satan I think he sold his soul to like the tennis gods in this world you cannot stop the rise of finals all of you madam you will perish I will snap half the population so that society can thrive its finest toad I need to I need to make it small again oh this is gonna take a while you know let me just have either sizes backed out it's rogue thanks of Ted quit there's my first time ever donating I love your channel and your energy on streams reminder break in one rocket is just like getting all five pieces of Exodia keep it up thank you very much yeah well we'll try it we'll try to destroy some more tennis rackets stop zooming in on Mario his crotch is way let's go back hang on why'd you say that man we feel girly thanks for 800 myths King thanks for foliage if it's so probably tennis court it was abundant here as McDonald's iron America good to know my here's got a hell of a crotch I'm just saying it's a handsome lad okay I don't wonder if his mustache tickles you know I'm sorry okay there we go okay let's play some tennis playing a ship deck isn't exactly standard practice but we're Tennis rebels of the sort you're on buddy let's go the bay fairy avoid the ship's mast and defeat the Koopa Troopa oh yeah that's not like a master Dan krauss-maffei button thanks for tree quit again and that very cursed moment let's go yeah so this why do you keep the tennis court like this like that's it there's no way it's not in the way it's okay they still seem to forget to use their legs we just do that and then we just oh my god I don't have any charge power doesn't matter though yeah they don't know how to walk so we're just gonna get it easy every time is it I think this is just straight up the best strategy in the game I don't seem to have a response to it like whatsoever oh my there we go just just hit it like the opposite direction you're serving it's so easy to win didn't even need to do a charge shot there yeah he didn't make it in time this is out what I didn't we sports this just seems absolutely broken for me hey good luck oopah that point I go okay go get it Cooper Artie is that like overpowered in tennis aces that's just how you're supposed to play tennis it just they just don't seem to like recenter themselves in the middle of the court well I I'm serving again just watch how quick this will go that's one that's two three game point that's four oh so I just took one more shot like they just did you just don't try change court we've got two games we just got to keep going keep hitting it the opposite direction almost lost Peter like Center 500 bits I'm beginning to think that you're still totally hammered I mean I'm absolutely shattered I may have drank a lot of rum last night oh he actually got a point [Music] my friends got me a bottle of Kraken as a Christmas present and they gave it to me last night that's just unfair they're just hitting like that tiny corner like just behind the net okay well let's just wrap up the game real quick crackit is a bad night and Krakens real good I like my spy strong okay yeah like they got me a bottle of that as a present and then we also went out to a pub at a certain point so it was a good night definitely in tip-top shape we're playing tennis I mean if anything it's enhanced my tennis abilities okay like Mario is not holding back I just like killing a lot of people level 6 run speed is slightly gone up that's really the least satisfying level up stats I've ever seen in any RPG you get a like it's like you only like your Pokemon level up but it's like just imagine you just get one an attack and that's it that's the only number that goes up it's just not the same captain oblivious like 300 bits have a good time in the moments amber thanks 400 as well you beat me Wow okay I thought playing and ship gave me the advantage that's a no that's agreed I'll take you where you need to go a tennis court across the water I'd really like to get to oh [Music] there's the mansion as well geez we're making like a good progress we're gonna get at least two of the stones tonight we've only been I've only been streaming in an hour as well that's the thing I've already got one and the second one's coming up real quick let's just walk up to the mansion there's quite a few levels here The Mirage mansion there it is a creepy mansion there's so much creepy on this island alas there might be a power stone in there let's scope things out oh look they've got a tennis court in their front hall no they can afford a mansion they they have a lot of like land and space I just put in front of the stairs you know this seems like a good spot for a tennis course hey mister mustachio mushroom face you weareth have an appointment here at the Stark Mirage mansion wait a minute listen mister too cool to shave what are you making fun of my moustache it's a tennis player it's possible he came here to steal a lot you know what I speak of Queens mega-important treasurer kind of deviant will try to steal such a thing criminal let's get the Power Stone okay well we can never leave the mansion we're trapped inside let's go first opponent we are buddy boo let's test out your abilities make sure you're not all stash and no smash mustache looks like he means business a little trick on them okay let's go defeat boo while avoiding the mysterious mirrors okay our first opponent in the mansion it's a ghost see if the strat works yes yes it does round 2 of the strap still got it I'm a god of tennis look look at all these fancy mechanics yeah we look like the mirror stage so if you hit the ball into it comes out the other end isn't that so good quirky and fun what do you need to spin on tennis just smash on the ball ah boos panics let's go okay so we might actually get some use out of them here good luck boo-boo low is a knee keep lining up the strap best you can keep charging the shots we stand over there we hit it that way that point come on oh that's the first time it went in the mirror Oh No [Music] okay I wasn't gonna get that one I need to try to I like the big jump in duck Dodgers more I think when they gear up for the power shots okay even if he hits it in like behind the mirror where's that ball the ball got like stuck on the light I thought for a moment okay well let's get the free points in real quick [Applause] - there we go [Applause] and three oh we might get that one no he tried one more - good at tennis cats and knives in amber thanks 400 fits each kill the ghost again yeah I'm not trying to get the racket too much am I I think the strikes just working - well I just haven't been no I've got a rally with myself going good luck I like the 1986 tennis better it's so high-tech now we've come so far and you can kill a man while playing tennis that's the new modern experience we need play yugioh tennis no no no that didn't work well okay so if you slow time and you go into a jump tullymore zooms and you don't really get anywhere oh no let's try this again struggling [Music] spooky mansion mirrors are getting me this is the best tennis this as far as like I haven't played I like less you know I can't even say as much say as far as tennis games go I dive I've not played other tennis games I I have played Wii Sports tennis and that's it but it's actually quite fun honestly just a bit weird that like this is like a popular thing like the Mario sports game franchise I guess cuz there's like Mario Golf - I know there's like Mario basketball is like one - actually good fun though just a bit weird Mario golf's my I've never played it I played the basketball one I remember that one BS Mario brutal mixed martial arts that's the game we need no he didn't he didn't even try their match point come on kill this ghost again we did it man your strikers I never played that one that's the football one isn't it Mario WWE wrestling I mean not smash bros basically hey there we go the ghost has been killed again Mario's level seven it's got some slightly more agility I do AK stroke it wasn't like the best Mario spin-off games we can get it let's see there's so many at this point Mario dogfighting Mario DDR I mean that exists Mario NASCAR not even Mario Kart Mary ho dartboard Mario cheese rollin Mario commits fraud oh it's like the GT a Mario game coming like starring waluigi and you're like a drug baron that's the that's the game we need it like a detect the nintendo library okay so do we just not going in the mansion as a practice court go to the reflection room waited true the answer to a very dark room no tell them what's in here with us let's be extra careful yeah wait a minute there seems to be a tennis court solve the mystery of the mirror course let's go it's all the mirror paws I'm clear the path for win the time let's go Jesus where it likes to trade your bits when do you start collecting the rackets to fall in enemies is trophies no it's just it's just me gotta I gotta actually aim this and be trying to be quite precise yeah that's it there we go okay so you just gotta charge it up basically and they're just gonna keep moving this I'm so bad at aiming this thank God I can do this just you just just chain combo it no dropp look okay get it in another one down get it up there [Music] no one down how many times have I got to do this never imagine you find the light of truth but you've yet to behold the Queen's true terror that's the light of truth in the context of the Mario Tennis universe are you admire your skill and get in the star but your adventure ends here final puzzle is a marvel of mirrors can you make it true thinking oh my god we go we got to break the clock open just just use the power shop they'll get them off there we go all know Mario you don't goof just keep chaining these this makes it a lot easier when you know to do this what am I missing that last one come on come on get in there yeah I should just use this shouldn't break the clock I I missed it come on come on one it's what am I doing wrong track the movement what do you mean track the movement oh you gotta aim where they're going okay right that's what you mean there we go okay yeah I'm doing it now there we go I got to actually aim let's do a para shop on out oh I don't actually want to fail this that's gonna be rather depressing if I do get one get one get one get one come on you did it is that it come on final one does just break the clock we did it the light of truth has been defeated pretty sure I was actually the plot of like one of the UVO GX Series something about the light in that Miyamoto just watched a lot of you here when he was right in this game I think that's the takeaway the light of destruction that's it I remember it now I like they all start get like the white Blazers as time goes on except for Jaden this means the goodest boy okay well we did it it we did the Maris how annoying I see you've broken through my lovely barrier and Madam Mirage the queen of mirrors that he introduces else I already know who you are your thieves are after a source of my power because you can play a little tennis you think you can just barge into my domain and the sad attempt to him you late humiliate me yes that's exactly what I think you're truly unafraid I dare you to come hit her I'm glad to show you how terrifying the queen of mirrors can be in a game of tennis patisserie thanks for 100 bits may or may not have had a drunken act in central crisis last night about how the world's been on a constant downward trajectory for the last decade and thank God I have this absolute banger of a game to distract me today Happy New Year everybody hey existential dread still a thing in the new decade let's play some tennis and forget that the world's on fire okey dokey Carlo likes 400 pits as well Mario carrot be considered Mario sports game now Mario karts kind of its own place toxic thanks round Rizzo mayu commits murder and escapes the law on that once which exactly like there were 300 pits as well he loses DK just straight-up tells you should be ashamed of yourself or at least in the Dutch version that's incredible okay weena Maris is probably close by stay on your guard beat the boss Mirage mansion we go Oh in their tennis boss so itu like in this game it's actually quite I mean it's stupid when it's plot but you know I'm having fun playing tennis okay so I gotta just keep whacking these back get some charge power in go get these noises I don't know how I feel like whoo-hoo there we go okay that's that down okay the mirrors are glazed and you just whack it in there okay let's do that three more times why is he got a clock oh okay well that explains it [Music] cool my debt perceptions terrible hair I'm still a bit fragile years and they ever is she ever gonna launch it like and make it more powerful shop I can break my racket or is this what we're doing cool oh yeah so there is more powerful shots okay they do happen what what what was that one dude okay I got to be careful again we go blazing them [Music] oh my god they break our away crew break her away true there we go okay now we got sofas and be crafty now it's hide in the corner Oh okay you're all right Mary all right so if she does the powerup shop just kind of just gonna ignore it I don't think I can ignore it she's gonna keep doing it oh good god she is No Oh No well Heather it was an attempt you want to play again yes oh you can get more racquets how do I get more racquets and skip this and lose into a mirror [Music] yeah get them back in you just find more racquets do you okay it could be your way of doing it I could also just try be really good at the time and those stupid mistakes first bits easy at least Gucci Marsh thank you for a thousand bits hey girl do you convert water into electrical energy because to have so I get the timing down calm down buddy [Music] yep yeah we still have like more or less a max power shot that we can do I just have to try and actually dodge some of these things this time just to save time there we go and over here table and about it go again go again pull do a back flip there's no need to do the back flip I'm gonna try to do like the wombo charged shot in a moment here cuz I've almost got enough for it no dad shot yeah so I'm just gonna do this and see if I can just like launch it directly in the mirror oh no you can't okay that's a fortunately it does take down the counter faster though huh [Music] too early that's all right knock it out please just end my suffer and do the backflip well the backflip actually helped us though like for her charge once it's literally just the charge shot that I'm struggling with Jesus sofas good too early [Music] backed up didn't help maybe I have enough time to do it [Music] good backflip yeah no good no new battles to avoid couches and stuff yeah that's true ok one more shot one more shop oh let's try that again oh I can't believe that just have higher run speed now why do you listen to us cuz I live in hope new year new chat you know it was kind of the ambition I was naive and then [Music] how long are we gonna have to listen to this mirror groan as we hit that balls into like the mirrors we go there we go okay let's try this again this is hell we're just trying to beat how my god there we go I did the backflip Oh [Music] doing good charge shot you're gonna get a max power one in the moment - there we go Oh perfect we save it for this one cuz now we auto get the ball and it counts as a block we learned how the block guys we did it you just have to have the meter on pull oh we got that one like first try - pretty good you know dodge all that let's try not to get hit run Mario at 120 seconds to lives I'm just not bothering get the chard shops I can try it I'm not doing it again no I'm not tuned can I get it without charge felts I don't want that ball no I'm not it I'm not interested in that one give me give me give me an on charge shop please yep oh my god it's just gonna run that in the clock No thank God no stop doing it stop doing it tough to put I got a go for it [Applause] [Music] so upset use your time stop I've done I'm probably doing it with the time stop it basically slows down time and then I get to die anyway I'm so bad at stopping that one actually suck for Will Hunting I don't think we're quite at whoohoo huntin just yet you need the girl God get it you racket yes let's try find another racket okay wait challenge with all I what does that mean excuse me all-out energy I just have this Oh finally we're doing much better at the game who needs the grind really when there's a button that just lets you win instantly now this is like the proper Olympics I was talking about where everyone's just drugged up and cheating is just constantly doing backflips I don't even need to do this jump right now it's the gold leaf equivalent Rock like the gold leaf for tennis every shot now we did it fair and square oh I can't do it right now Ike if I can just keep back flipping oh no I got hit this back flip just back flip I'm still getting hit too so good at games that the mirror seems to mean it no matter what happens if I just like hit it what does it still go over there hang on my gosh I gotta protect the Queen it doesn't even like a matter where you hit the ball like like this is nowhere near accurate still got it oh it's completely broken Mario's gotten too strong I don't even know where the ball is we did it Game of the decade this is the first game of this decade you got to be take care of this I can still run out of time if I'm not careful let's end as nerf the back flip please I'm so bad at timing it's still lots of things but I'm getting hit by most of these sofas oh cheese goat she's going for the wombo move what are you gonna do now okay I'm gonna see if I can deflect it I got it got it again playing fair and square I've just gotten better at the game guys clearly go I'm I'm just getting too good at the game oh no no no no [Applause] [Music] [Music] go back to the world map you're too good at this game please don't do drugs okay let's leave the Royal chamber what incredible power Suze can't return the ball unless we avoid those mirrors then turn on the easy mode you can practice your zone shop or you know just cheap the world that does not feel like we've traveled a lot of the world bonus watch scene start from beginning let's go let's go back to the main menu exit adventure mode see what else we have now use Mario's costume it's Miriam limited time event has been added to coop challenge mode you can play online I reaching the goals and limited time online inventing your costumes and her color variations certain characters to use during matches I know it's Daisy oh she's just here to stay ok but what have we got ring shot swing mode oh this is like the authentic experience where like you hold it like a Wemo let's just see what we have on free play single console play one player or else have we got doubles random partners aced level difficulty playtime full-court select every time okay so that character Jesus Christ is a lot of characters is that like eight sixteen twenty-four that's about 30 characters the fire piranha plant is a character all right Bowser well they got Pauline from Odyssey that's kind of cute comic dry bones boom boom the luma PD Oh Y I found our character but can I make everyone the change humph no I can't oh that's incredibly okay let's just go random who or what again you can unlock some stadiums - can't play on that ship when we had marina stadium nice hard or clay they don't they don't even bother change in the description to explain with huh hazards on or off turn also like for these ones you can turn it on hey ball speed fastest let's go expert level tennis very much Peter lang to another 500 bits little Danny and amber thanks 400 bits each we get four and I forget apex we got Tetris IVIG this is the ultimate battle royale game of the decade it's true okay expert level 10 next well tennis change hoppin Loomis is shyguy and Daisy okay it's a bit unfortunate I don't know why this is the tennis player yeah like this what this this would've been my first choice for characters to implement in this game ideal okay when they got the Loomis not man would just say Sikkim is the shy guy parade tell y'all a good bean I like that guy and I don't don't appreciate this character being involved she has no personality whatsoever okay let's go yeah I don't have hands oh good god oh good god I know I don't think my balls strat is gonna work here oh god they're slow in time I don't want to die too Daisy here no I keep thinking that if you think that Lumas gonna like get it looma like I'm supposed to take left you take rice you keep hopping back and forth I been destroyed change Jesus Christ I'm letting the luma down boys are t so bad it's just because they're so good I know I have I have no excuse I turn the wrong direction Louvre is back must be hurting that's harsh let's go let's go go lemma Oh No why to even slow down time to this degree go Loma I cheat I was like even supposed to reply to that one being this I gotta pay attention in point if I can get like one point know what is she even doing what even was flashed no I don't want to watch a replay a lot [Music] doing my best looma what were you doing I thought I was so good at tennis to be there come on lemma god we did it we did it it's a team effort I was involved in that process I was also involved in that process and I kind of sabotaged it well Noma I just stay out of Loomis way come on look but you know baby luma it's all on you it's I'm useless I'm just standing on the court I shouldn't I'm a dog I shouldn't be here I haven't even got hands got it oh no we didn't even try [Applause] you got it the luma I had a star I coulda jeez you're like slam dunks to go like look at that how brutal that was but what do you mean that you can't just hit it up and hit me with it looma hey I had that the star is there being sabotage let's go strap no shawl you got to keep slowing down time I can't get it I think I'm just going to lose how many rounds that I set it to I'm amazed we're still going aaaahhhhhh is out for blood no nice today to set up the New Year a it's being destroyed a nice game of tennis oh no at least shy guys is actually kind of cute but Daisy just walks on nothing and just pretends to be Superman I don't even like Superman as a hero looma you had that and then you just missed that one this is so sad I wrote east answer really sucks at tennis God have they won wait no hot wait how much was that up to hang on six game one set match I think I'm good yeah I know I know when I've lost yeah I know and I've been beat should I try play online [Music] actually try fight a real human being okay solo invite anyone search for players singles only play style standard play time yeah that's fine let's go see how well we do singles only is the cetacean huh who needs tinder when you got Mario Tennis aces behind the lovely your life Jesus oh yeah I forgot I want eyes on the switch now to healer rock thanks for 500 bits we honest hats off to Nintendo for making a change our character and going all in on the meme it is kind of stupid I'm against devil wolf who has tree stars oh don't don't disband the room let's start okay we're good who are you picking you just went straight for auto okay who will we pickin you want to be our boy let's be shy guy I like shy guy start match piranha plant forests always being the Chain Chomp service ace alright it's fine go team shy guy wait why is that uh tersh I know you'd look so pick those toads on the left looks so pixelated and comparisons the rest of the characters let's see if he knows how to use his legs oh my god bad start no oh now I'm the AI guy forgetting to use my legs [Music] no no whatsapp yeah I can't rely on the strat anymore oh no I didn't get it in time jeez [Applause] [Music] I'm so bad at getting this this is a bad time to be playing tennis echo yeah so just kind of hung over guys you know it's just New Year's I'm not like talk like peak performance just full of it's match point I haven't got one point slow time oh no wait he didn't do it why they follow my face he just paused it I almost missed it well that was devastating great but that thought those are my stats now it was his first time playing too turn the lobby spyler get a new player let's try again go one more game and then I think I'm gonna wrap up for tonight one more try and redeem ourselves Keller around like 300 bits hey Artie happy New Year to you glad to see you spreading it like a true alpha male I just bought space engineers I think we should do a build street like the Minecraft ones we do on it someday I think I'm okay for space engineers honestly people suggest that one a bit but it's just not on my radar I'm not really interested on okay who who are you picking the going Luigi okay let's get the brothers facing off against cheddar let's do this Giller of all consider 520 captain waggle Olivo DS powerless it's true is he going no he just Tom's doll it I think he's taunting after like every point what why does it just stop [Applause] oh come on not like this he's trying to destroy my racket and he succeeded he's going to kill me no he doesn't even need to court match point I can still win it I can still win it [Applause] well what was an attempt leaving the disconnect him from the lobby Jesus well lads we had we had a good run ASAP thanks 400 pitch they're right at the end amber thanks for 100 zani thanks for the tank would pay just want to say happy new year / decade hope you feel better soon man come back into watching your streams again real glad to be here to witness your flawless victories there in 2020 with tennis is a real game from hoof then thanks very much ah God no Lulu no I'm wrapping up the stream for tonight like I'm gonna be streaming again tomorrow night because we're gonna be back on the regular schedule then I just wanted to get an extra one in tonight because I know it's been a little bit we're doing something different tomorrow I'm not doing whoo like til the weekend I think God other stuff I want to do we will do it but like you know we're pacing ourselves just like we do everything okay what do you stream tomorrow you'll see tomorrow keeping it in suspense yeah thank you for coming though folks I hope you all enjoyed the stream thank you for all the bits and subs as ever and know Happy New Year I hope people did have a good night know for myself I'm quite happy that's a new year because we get to work on a bunch of new stuff now it's gonna be good sorcery sorceries happening soon yeah it's coming back real soon that was kind of put on hold because we were doing Pokemon but I figured that pokemons gonna take so long that I might just say it and we might just even take a break and do sorcery cuz it's been so long since we continued that one because I haven't forgotten ever forgot about that one I do want to get back to it just you know life was very busy last year but it's not so busy now and I got more time okay I'm gonna hop out for the night I'm gonna just quickly see who's care I can leave you in we're gonna do a raid you want to stick around for even a minute or two I have to navigate the awful twitch dashboard cuz they kinda I know made it awful let me see who's going okay so I am going to actually I know who exactly who I'm leaving you in the care of Isla Monte is a very lovely bean and she's currently streaming some VR chat so go say hey door Olivia in her care yeah thanks for coming though folks hope y'all enjoyed the stream I'll be back tomorrow same time that we started out tonight well we do unlike a lot of extra streams the next while I'd say we'll just kind of keep an eye on like the Twitter and discord excuse me and I'll just announce them whenever I'm going it's kind of just feel like in the streaming mood and you know it's been a while - yeah see you guys tomorrow oh happy new year again talk to y'all soon you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 32,277
Rating: 4.9311533 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-529392128, rtgamecrowd, Happy New Year, I'm incredibly hungover and we're playing tennis, Mario Tennis Aces, Twitch, Gaming, Happy, New, Year, I'm, incredibly, hungover, and, we're, playing, tennis, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage
Id: fc01zqPaFZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 3sec (7323 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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