RTGame Archive: Cuphead w/ Stuart

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let's do this I I just want to make sure that this isn't like completely killing the CPU otherwise we can play mines food we can we can play minesweeper if this doesn't work everyone's gonna be able to hear us now as well because a stream is live oh no way how's it going folks aren't you like no oh there's a nun host glitch on Twitch nice ok I think we're in they're like they can hear us now I think we can hear us now you know ok yeah friend you i friended you on twitch we're friends now those are backlogged bad I'm not gonna be able to scan through your findings do this now that's it that's my argument over Oh God two people tuned into the stream can you hear myself and Stuart okay yeah let's just let's just check the other guy sounds like he needs some acoustics I don't know what that means it's kind of like the background echo it's fine ah okay it's seriously less than the last time I was here yeah yeah it's not nearly as bad you guys can hear us both okay can you hear the music okay in the background too let's just make sure and let me just grab the links cuz we're using like a bit of a awkward setup for this you guys can hear that okay - all right okay well let me do the tag in the discord okay that's sent out close the discord has the benchmark so GPU is actually steady it's at 54 it'll go up a bit once I open cuphead right it's mainly just temperatures I'm concerned about where's CPU temp you have like Elliott frozen peas you can just it's just tossin on the PC CPU temperature is only 70 degrees but that's okay that's fine yeah yeah temperature they melt that important info that's the important question okay let's change this over then okay and can you guys now see the game okay as well I mean I I can you you can see it fine there's there's no input lag for you is there no I'm doing the swirly thing that I normally do in games when I don't know what to do fine he went into the pause menu why is pause that makes no sense and it does it for both of us and we have to confirm every time one of us pauses okay pause okay now that's a different pause this is pause hello everyone welcome to the stream the reason today's stream is a bit awkward to set up is I am playing with Stuart and we're playing cuphead cuphead but it's online multiplayer yeah that's the one we're far away from one another yeah this very far this game only supports local co-op but we've used cuts as a program you can install that basically makes it work online we fooled you Quebec [ __ ] tricks what you're gonna do now I'm not gonna catch it all no couch co-op is a hamachi no it's something called parsec it's a different 100 machi that's a callback people so use hamachi that was like that was like my first ever download from a company and I didn't know it could stab in the dark yeah okay let's try access to the title then you're gonna lose probably lose control for a moment or two no don't do this thing okay is all I have don't take away my controller I'm dead if you take this away what are we waiting for okay those people you gotta watch the cutscene so okay it's important for the plot I'm gonna miss the cuphead lore okay once upon a time in a magical place called inkwell Isle there were two brothers named cuphead and MacMahon they lived without a care under the watchful eye of the elder wise elder kettle he's asleep in the chair it's like one day the two boys won't be home and despite the elder cattles many warnings ended up on the wrong side of the tracks and entered the devil's casino inside cuphead and mcmahon soon found themselves on a winning streak at the craps table ha ha dog exclaimed King dies the casinos sleazy manager these fellows can't lose the nice detail they just get in indicate he's sleazy Casey weren't sure yeah pencil the pencil mustache didn't give them away at all just a guy honest casino owner what's wrong with Las Vegas people have to make money okay Campbell is an honest profession okay I'm not saying buy a lotto ticket every second day yeah guys gotta make some money guys lost everything you don't buy those lotto tickets someone's going homeless okay just think about that I ain't gonna feed as dice kids these these cups of milk is skeletons Tibet okay this child is my child at the four-sided dice do you think he has career prospects God all right nice run boys laughter new cover the brothers gasp it was the casinos owner the devil himself now how about we raise these stakes he suggested for the toothy grin his face that's not it's not a to thicker and low because he is like half as many teeth is normal I ripped me too [Music] they're all just tiny little brushes when one more roll and all the loot in my casino is yours the devil boomed that wasn't really a boon nice I should have read ahead and seen what kind of way he wanted to read it but [ __ ] he's the devil he's not exactly a nice guy yeah but if you lose I'll have your souls a deal Oh God cuphead blinded by easy riches not us and grab the dice for a true no cried mug man for he understood the danger but it was too late you [ __ ] me cuphead sucks I said no you [ __ ] me you [ __ ] you took my soul no you don't understand this is very again you sold not only your soul but my soul I didn't even have ownership of it and you're [ __ ] yeah snake eyes while slamming the floor you lose the brothers trembled in fear as he loomed over them nah how about them Souls the brothers pleaded for the very lives repeatable McMahons dammit this is you your your lightness okay [ __ ] that role I'm just gonna be like not mickey mouse for both of them because I feel that's the voice they would have yes please mister gotta be goofy for my life Satan that's their new souls don't take me away like you did Donald please I'm begging for my very life perhaps there is the devil's negative pulling out of parchment I have here a list of our runaway debtors collect our souls for me and I might just pardon you two mugs it's calling us mugs I know it's like specific to us cuz we are literally mugs but that's offensive you can't just do that that's dealt distant now get going the devil roared kicking the boys I own most brutally you have till midnight tomorrow to collect every one of those souls otherwise I'll be the one collecting yours help Ed McMahon we're terribly frightened and ran away as fast as I could come on Boog mixed up no this is come so cuphead is goofy okay okay - Mickey all right yeah we have to find the older kettle he'll know what to do Oh God he's been retired for seven years he's senile okay let's go is the elder kettle Kingdom Hearts for apparently yeah it's basically we're playing yep yeah oh sorry I was getting my alerts up on twitch sorry what what voice should I do fur for Keppel uh gruffly old man should work I know you don't wanna be pawns in it ever I was a part of the devil Oh the murderer incited in my youth that's how their screams keep me up at night gosh eldercare so many bodies in the kitchen yes I blow the ball and feed them to the people who visit it's the only way I'll be free of their souls but if you're refused I can't bear to imagine your face you could've put us alive and feed you to guests Jesus play along for now collect those count rights okay and yet mean best oh and you'd best be ready for some nasty your shoulder cuddle you're getting on in years [Music] who are when it sells as we speak are you here to eat some of my human pie your dancer friends won't be very friendly once you've confronted them always become like a mean old Irish man now ah he's gonna be change it all over the [ __ ] place cuz I meant it attire it do you believe in Jesus I could go even further wished if you want to Jesus it's got a [ __ ] smack you in fact and expect a transform into terrible beasts take this portion so there won't hang out to dry happy it'll give you the most remarkable magic abilities I can't read Daniel you've you every time I just can't [ __ ] reach is okay I just said oh it's cool Kate and the portion someone saying I'm turning into an Irish pirate give me a second let's no no now go to my writing desk you know with all the Pens made from human finger bones use the mystical ink well there you know the ink made from human eyeballs will be used about special occasions like every Tuesday you need to prepare yourself for a scrap ok nation point and you join in press any button Detroit Oh regress this oh boy oh boy yes like because I decided to voice both of us like should we bowl just do with like not mickey mouse for IKEA characters like Jade golly oh boy come man I was in a hole in the dimension where they were tortured me for ages until you let me join sounds about right your Mickey's got like a slightly American twang or something to it I'm not sure why howdy y'all um Texas Mickey you're Disneyland Florida and I'm yours I thought means I'm the [ __ ] there is no [Laughter] wait what I didn't get that lesson yes hold on ya know what no it's okay like a lot of games journalists when they play this tutorial got stuck in it for like an hour so just take your time Harry flap I know it's difficult to work out press jaw okay you're still doing better than like I think I you GM know I didn't get the chain jump that Daniels just [ __ ] move back so I can see the EXCI move is just press P I wouldn't like come from it comes from your mug head that's that's the source of all your powers yeah you taking it so matter of fact that yes yes that's correct [Music] where the [ __ ] else am I gonna think the blue flame comes from am i gonna argue where does that get his magical powers oh isn't hills from his cup [ __ ] tell me the truth do people drink up heads brains oh no we went in the tutorial again alright I need this exit to my exit to man no we don't we don't need to do it again yeah this way this way please thank you yes well just get me my soul back brother well we have the Apple now okay we should the Apple have let me think what poises have I done today you're in for it no oh [ __ ] it's Eurodisney assembly it's getting into trouble they're on to us with their euros running she did jump in but now I prefer just turning around and going to the big girls I apologize to everyone watching the stream but let me give you a hand Dixie's okay it's a bailout thanks Europe Oh got some money maybe I should have done German then yes okay we gotta go to the shop let me get a weapon okay what's a weapon so you wanna you can pick up like different types of projectiles like we had the basic one to start with but you can buy like chaser where like like you don't have to aim and they just kind of homed in on their target you can buy like spread so it's kind of like a shotgun spread you can buy like a smoke bomb you can buy round about which is like a weird boomerang one we're gonna get enough coins to get most of these as we go along so just just buy whatever I'd recommend spread [Music] I'm really sad that that character doesn't have a voice oh no yes one merci like text for me to do look it's your equip cards your bombs bombs okay look at the equipment you see so dish so you have two types of shots you can equip and you have a super in a charm but you want to equip size that you're a second shop uh-huh guys flip but then see so now you can use I believe left bumper to change projector Tricia sit beside me pointing at the chat and so okay so maybe I was just making it funny comments oh no like just seeing that the word bums space debt with each letter it's like the completely wrong accents not I would have done I should have done the wrong side of me I'll get on the wrong side of your ass I'll do I'll do it an inversely appropriate voice for whatever character that would see it so what is this oh yeah so this is gonna be our first level so like this this game is basically a boss rush thing like you fight cut you constantly fight bosses okay so this is gonna be Jennifer yeah all right okay what's a boss oh here we go spread it we're just we're just fighting a potato you got to dodge the attacks it's okay I got you I'll bring you back to life okay I'm gonna use the damage good afternoon I can't push so many buttons at once it's okay I got you I've done all of this before so I'm gonna like God your fruition and kill it's only so many times I can save yeah I'm not shooting okay yeah you want you want to stand a little tulip okay I'm just gonna like jazz hands this guy's down then I'll just wait for you on the next one oh so I have to hold B to do the B shoot yeah yeah so you just you just hold the attack C and you destroyed well when I was pressing B it wasn't doing anything we're holdin B yeah you just I was trying to shoot you should attack for a moment and it works yeah I'll deal with the carrot don't worry watch over his eyes see yes he has that power of being a carrot today I'm gonna lock on here like good ice ice you have too much vitamin A and you get radar that's that's how it works that's why you got a murder the carrots like in the field before they become sentient yeah we don't really like carrots we just eat them to stop them from taking over yes two stars someone asks a very important question now how do the cups reproduce I assume I mean watery like they have the cup full and there's a straw so I assume there's something that goes on there all right this isn't a question we want to ask now elder elder cash will have kids [Music] wait where's mom like what where is she in this scenario I mean it's not even ceramic that's like the biggest question in my mind are we adopted I think we're adopted all of the shift is going here I talked to him okay a rope I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm putting my moolah in the bank for all I know the devil probably controls that place though they'd never get a whole damn white gold and we spread it all around trying to like just rapidly invest all his money before brexit hits yeah uncertain markets no one knows it's gonna happen don't worry I'm by the 12th of April it'll be the 12th of May it's Jail ability it's never gonna happen we have always been at breakfast with Europe yeah and if some job weapons to find the coin do good for him that's what I say harem harem what sound is like a [ __ ] rump that's not a word it's it's an expression Daniel all rooms I've never heard it it comes from the Irish hair okay we're against the frogs flies and fits at us okay okay back up a little soak up the first run and then jump that one make sure you suck see you're getting better it's important I'm more injured than you this time okay what does bright pass button do right bumper oh I'm shooting a shooting daggers and just I'm trying to save you I tried to save you don't put this on me you already sold my [ __ ] soul listen here come back you caught us into this shirt you're gonna get us out of it God look at you really let it come back I just want my soul back so I can sleep at night haven't seen the demons they keep you you know what that's why no goodbyes no okay I can handle it from here I can handle it from here just my god really I thought they all turn into fans no no it's actually only a couple of them oh sorry yeah it's a rare species they're endangered so you should really stop should we make fun of them oh yeah he's a slot machine now it's okay I'm pretty sure I can clean up the fight from here you think so I think okay I I played this game many a time some people like watching the stream may be surprised you can give up this is one of those games I'm actually okay up because I played it there's no okay there's two Oh Dania not reppin diet Daniel look this is what I'm talkin a lookout I'm gonna only taken one point of damage okay please oh I don't have a super that's why I believe you believe me that I couldn't have done about your moral support you know yeah I'm glad you eat it that together oh there's this teamwork for joint effort [Music] you got a see group projects in college am i right God all those times I used to normally pull people down and now I'm carrying you like another oh my god hey wait down here down here does the temple notice a fish Daniel be gone spirits away you're real I was about to hit you with this old Paree move that's what you deal that's how you deal with ghosts around here it sounds like he's on the verge of becoming like a chain-smoker oh there we go that's ten years alone speaking of your spoken of fish oh we're spooking the fish Jesus we can't do this in here this is a place of worship I'm sorry yeah so okay so we have to learn so you're not shrinking myself you gotta parry the ghosts by just jumping into them and like hit hitting the jump button again yeah well get on it down go dad go go then go good and good appreciate your hope go dad go dad go go go dad go dad it's all things are so like sly coming up to the earth slap me I slap you with my knees cup shoes where did they get leather I I mean there are coward is new characters they probably just skinned them alive mmm I think they probably skinned people right oh god it a like inverses in all the farms you just have like actual humans don't walk away it's human leather it's the toughest this is what happens to all the tourists who disappear and Disney huh so what should I do for here hurt should I do this if you want yeah you can take this one I just know that the first word is gawrsh it's goofy again they're all gonna be goofy oh no honey just thank you boys for saving me just go a little high pitch it is a lady well why bother no no it's gone now you've warped the goofy voice I can't I can do it like just struggle in puberty voice myself I am known as the legendary Travis my life is paint looks lovely to meet you ma'am I was searching for magic y'all tried but us girls speaking of magic please expect this gift and should help it didn't help me with my voice to speak with the manager I don't know if I'm legally obliged to give you that present do you have ID where are your parents why are you in this blossom I been here what will Walt Disney let me go he still owns the copyright my spirit can't rest in peace give me this all except that t-shirt deal laughter let me go okay see you later a cup lady no she's a seasoned assistant does Walt got her Walt got her know what's the super here B you must forget I'm dead oh yeah yeah so we got a super so when we fill up like five playing cards you can do a super move what's a playing card so you know we like you Perry stuff and you see those little playing card meters that appear next to our house mm-hmm yeah so that's like a super charge okay we gotta go back around look it's just a walker okay I'm really tired so let it go it's my soul well I'm tired of living with you know we have to get to the end of the level have to kill everything I can't stop no I use my super instead of joking I'm in it I bet it your life your life your life I know why - triangle no no waiter had no ears ago this forest is your fault that's definitely in well see when we die next oh that's an Irish one for sure that's a good Jesus there's no if I go laddie now Arturo Wow oh you're stepping up harder now just speak in Irish accent and calm down I have a right pair of lens on you you'll be good with the cows [Music] Stuart I'll keep going I'm just gonna keep going save me I got you did you yeah I don't feel like I'm back oh yeah you went off the screen but I save I die no I got you I thought I could jump over him but his little his little head popped a I'm not gonna be able to do that again okay you're on your own if the shaft it was really damaged why just jumped into the you know what I'm just gonna run I can do this I can do this okay look let's just go ow yeah let's just just there's too many flower people that's a controversial statement okay so that didn't work but we need that smoke bomb I think Oklahoma helped us a lot if we get rid of one level we can bowl by a smoke bomb and then we can like spare people's ears because we've been screaming the entire time please these levels are the most stressful like in the entire game nope let's just not run let's just let's just take our time and slowly gun this is a execution mission reading it is kill all the flower people you can get them out of here rid the land of the flower people there's those bastards just keep the whole Oh God dan you're gay you're HIV okay oh my gosh I missed the flap for my niche I got only and she could have mystified when I missed it it's impressive god this guy's taste good enough to go where okay further than we've ever been ok we got it we got to fight the mini-boss oh I ran into it I thought it was her aide I can't save you save yourself I'm just gonna try and make it okay I'm real close to the end please brother okay we've made it we've met Oh we did it we have been liberated from this hell it's so stressful it's so stressful the running guns like the lowest part of the game we did it easy I've aged 20 years yeah god I feel like that fish now any fish hooray okay can we get a smoke bomb man yeah let's go get the smoke bomb jeez Christ just by the smoke bomb awesome so yeah so you can only you can only equip like one extra power up I won't power up at a time and then it's like two main shooting abilities right like instead of like the smoke bomb you can get next or harsh if you want instead but I think the smoke bomb is just a bit better because you actually go and visible just audio-wise just at while we have a bit of a little is the audio too loud at all like do I need to adjust myself at Stuart's I know we're screaming a lot because we're super stressed but I actually just want to make sure that like it's okay trying to stand you we need to I need to turn down the volume or is it good laughter it's louder is just it's just a meme from Kevin's channel it's fine later later people are saying later yeah it's what they do it's okay don't acknowledge oh they just get worse people they just get worse Danny I can't ignore it's like this disregard for democracy oh he's very hard just watch where he jumps he's got kind of like a popper - he jumps there and then he slaps oh I gotcha okay I'm gonna watch him now I'm here at the kitchen look you can infect that much item at this point okay I'm gonna do a super tease a bit big damn you've left me I had no choice where is his health meter I have no idea so he'll meter doesn't actually display like it like in other games it's just like you have to judge it by the amount of transformations you've undergone and see you actually see the progress when you die okay why did the time where you are because you died before me yeah but like we're the same this is mine that's not what I said I might take take his ball okay and there's no need to do oh my god he jumps at different locations you can't just crash into one spot yeah you gotta ever pay attention I'm dead again I got you I got you Oh Kevvy Kevvy well Daniel after all I've done for you [Music] let's try again why am i drinking myself this is my problem I drink my own blood out of the cup stay alive it's unhealthy get back I am back down I judged that very well good don't touch he goes for that little joke every now and then how do you judge triangle okay Stuart I can't save you shall continue the fight my creamy insides are done Jesus Christ I'm now blueberry flavored what does that even mean I hate Danielle here stop Daniel he's already dead I'll finish the fight look he's only dead okay we gotta piss on his corpse still having your soul removed I won't rest until his body is also desecrated it's not enough for him to be killed in this world we must not get into heaven [Music] Daniel just out of curiosity did you ever introduce Who I am oh it's Stuart notification you guys all know it's Stuart here yeah let me just check Stuart his name's Stuart no they've all forgotten no Daniel it's been looked at most of them don't know who I am cuz it's been too long here I'll popping it I'll pop it in the title industry my god who you know it's my friends - hi I'm Stuart it's Stuart he's is the guy I started like the YouTube channel with back in 2011 yeah yeah I I moved off to a business role I'm I'm the CEO their CEO and working in Google yeah but both of those things okay let's just keep going I've got conflicting interests what's it to you what's that flying a plane like a new cockpit telesales blueprints oh my god is that gonna need some constipation that's yeah he hasn't gone to the toilet in four weeks he's just waiting to blow Oh [ __ ] young yeah so yeah we get we get planes thanks special shrink Oh are we gonna be fighting the Germans oh yeah one oh so there are tree people Trisha Trisha is hiding in a Stuart spot in the back yeah she's gently just watching I'm making sure that I stay in line I guess which is which is understandable I'm a bit of a bastard I might just go too far with the jokes someone could die on the stream someone that's a there's a very small sample of people who could die Daniel wait so what just gave 11 quid and said suck my straw Stuart I'll do it Oh God what is that she's transforming if you're in doubt just press and hold triangle to dodge and just lie low a moment slap my soul to bring me back she fires Leonard yet oh Jesus I was thinking I was flying around as you this entire time which player am I again no man I'll fly near the bottom so you ample time to watch am I so what yep oh goodness geez man watch out for the projectiles I'm not letting you die please do stop tapping actually just told ya oh no thanks guys hey we nearly made it patient isn't it I'm a blimp hero wimp I don't think describing yourself as a blimp is like very flattering [Music] our the helicopter somehow what oh my god Stuart she's gonna do a zoomies ooh ah she comes she comes back - okay watch out for this guy he's gonna poke and then he's just gonna keep poking oh oh don't Oh gotcha he's very quickly to a Pokeball yeah maybe you stay near the bottom that does actually give me a bit more time to resurrect you dark Daniel have confidence in me look you've died a lot man yeah we both with the bulk out of bomb we can use so if you press C if you press B I gotcha yeah well press okay just just drive it there you go okay this is a new powerup I think responds an orb and it's good yeah okay we have to move around this just keep firing just keep firing how do our planes just work oh my god you still got in here I tried okay I can take it from here you just sit back a moment or two [Music] I know that dance but Daniel you're in our face it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun oh and you'll know there's aliens it's gonna be fine Oh Daniel this is far more important she is the moon now Daniel okay she's the moon there we go I got her Daniel did you ever stop to consider the effects of killing the moon we don't need tights it's fine it's just it's just easier that can keep like consistent waterline okay first you saw my soul [Music] whattcha whattcha plan well where's the line for you it's the life I got a killer mob that's kind of what I'm afraid of but cop heads tired of just losing at the casino so he's just taking it out on everyone Oh God okay this is not a running running gun are you ready no who is this we have the smoke bomb now so that should hopefully make things a little easier [Music] no I want I gotta wait we gotta wait for a Perry thing to come that down stand here a moment done over here okay so now we just wait for a bounce in pink one right Daniel oh wait I can use your body hang on get yourself filled ago no just get yourself killed again for a moment there we go yeah we're doing good we're barely let's do what I need help i need help okay I'll carry on solo Daniel you need you need me let's try that again we did we did not make it very far this is probably the worst running gun in the game to drop because you asked for my soul in exchange for coins again it's the premise of the game okay yeah I got it she's Christ wow this gotcha [Music] did you fall down the pit no it's a figment of your imagination what does this be [ __ ] Oh No this level just sucks like it's so bad we don't need to do it what we can just skip it we don't need to do it why we'll come back we'll come back we need the money well you looking at my chip hey it's not my fault I've been busy fighting off those casino debtors now I gotta save up to have my blade fix so well may I wish someone would bust that dice King one it sounds like he's kind of drunk when you like slow it down so we'll bust that uh yeah what's his name why I oughta do it don't jump we gotta kill a flower oh oh oh oh okay this one's quite challenges so it's gonna be a lot of [ __ ] on screen so you just want to do your best oh oh okay so that one goes up top and then it comes over the bottom Oh gotcha oh dear Oh gotcha this is actually helping if I can express my dismay I feel family oh dear you gotta kind of look for his tells to see what he's where he's going oh I can't watch that many things die after all that's coming back from there what's he gonna do keep heading up I'm gonna raise a power up face soon please I'm okay you're doing good you [ __ ] our fingers oh you can't break those down nope Stewart thank you okay it's phase to do that so I very quickly don't die do yours too we might know Stewart itself here Oh keep shooting it just can't I believe in you I don't let's try that again take that take that you're a rapscallion just done dodge the seats ow got done I had to do that in church all the time my god Stewart no hey the kids love it Daniel Oh keep going no no we got very far that time let's try it again first time is change first time you get an easy start there - you can move closer to him because you do more damage with this spread shot i i'm not spread shopping yeah but my left bumper and you switch weapon what no way that's why yeah I jump what have you been trying to do Chris B no you B is your special switch weapon is left bumper shoot be okay this makes a lot more sense now thank you let me just try to do something there they're not making your other I'm not trying to do that I'm just assuming control of the game listen I can I can just give me ball controllers okay I have a better chance just like overcooked it's no you were way worse than overcooked I maintain my stance that I was best at that game okay got a move also nice plug for more is a TiVo boots with Daniel Stewart check out the overcooks let's play on the youtube channel the only plug we need is for like game dev tycoon oh god damn it try again okay I think it's easier for me if I stand back because I got sometimes easier that's that's faster that's fine have it Stewart you [ __ ] up Daniel don't do it you [ __ ] up a quick that's not standard can't even say [Music] you put too much pressure on me see now you're not concentrating on saving my life we're gonna be fine to him now going to do better oh I can't shoot that thing I keep thinking like a fool I think you can do I think maybe no you've got you've got it you've got it don't worry don't worry don't worry about it don't worry about so here we go yeah yeah there you go there you go now you get it just shoot that flower and his sickness the first jump yeah I knew that would happen you can sure that thing can finally we can shoot little projectile shooting okay Denton oh Jesus I thought I could just do the chorus - I was the goose well they put in that uh whole head of yours gone off milk maybe I maybe I should stop maybe you should stop drinking my own brain maybe that's a problem it's a problem of drinking brain it does see yeah it is like just brain juice that's bad what happens if you they just just lose all the liquid in their head do they just die that's what happened to kettle that's why he needs a category now I just boil other people's brain fluid Danielle I'm gone I'm leaving you oh no and for yourself Oh God as a new divorcee I get there in the end he's so cute it till he gets a long longer nose for some reason and gets an angry expression I wouldn't have killed him if he kept a smile on his face just be happy oh jeez what's with these plants and the boomerangs that's not how those planes the whirring stars you know it's very worrying what's he doing what house he's I couldn't live without you you just immediately jumped into him yeah I Daniel you're very dear to me and now you owe me my soul try again what's cracking okay this this is a good start let's play it slow and let's get the stuff that spawns damn please already been his foot today no stop getting hit Daniel please yeah this game is quick the dad gotta be you gotta be quick Daniel second times the champ only failed once yes all the other times I don't camp just test runs yeah I have to get those things before you just like run into you the challenge keep me alive that you can do something that freaking flower thing yeah oh no I tried to jump I keep forgetting that oh isn't jump you can't just press up and go I just glanced at chat for a moment and the first thing I seen Stuart is a liability I heard that many times that's it why is down duck butt up is shoot up that kid that grinds my gears okay you can shoot you can get down no slap me with your foot brother nope brother brother so many things [Music] oh no brother brother oh my god we're fall right though brother let's keep going keep going ah brother brother use your super when you can milk them that it's up to you instantly is it you put the pressure on you can hire that when the flies around the top of her to see hits the ground thank you okay we got us we got it does the pink seed we got I missed it oh those things grow from the scenes yep oh I was thinking about that too hard yeah okay got hit twice that's okay get that Daniel dine in here thank you are those wooden carrots they're not gonna get me oh no but that thing is I gotcha Daniel I'm not like when you die Daniel watch a for stuff you keep getting hit let me die permanently oh that was way I just thought well sin to it the game was like here how the easy mode and you were like notice no thank you I would like death [Music] talk to me yeah I'm gonna try I gotta concentrate what's going on what's going on site I panicked because I saw the yeah I was about to say as a hey beaver versus myself running for my life I don't blame absolutely terrified I don't want to go back to antihistamines man do this again okay pink where does he think we took more damage trying to get it no it's okay when it opens you can still get it OOP Daniel please I got you lazy I'm giving you more bonuses right like why you touching my my soul possibly black good oh I got back but it did nothing you did nothing brother I got I got you you're not that yeah okay don't bother anything one don't bother with the pink look away from you I'm crying I was trying this this is like the best content ever oh yeah this is probably my least favorite boss in the game flowey yeah he really got me with that one I really struggle okay check out the penguin there it is no I've missed it I got the strike because someone gave bits you sumbitch you terrible got a giver it's dad okay would you would you would you would you would you just keep shooting would you could what you go in the right direction or in the wrong room yeah that's a pinkie I tank yet it [Music] Daniel oh oh oh I couldn't get any I'm gone I can do it from your child no I can do it from here rayji couldn't do that the branch touch you're allergic to branches remember branches hurt comes oh Jesus we've given up on doing things like the voices as well like the thinking tell were properly stressed right now like we're just trying to get past this oh my god no god I hate being on one health it sucks okay we can still win it from here stretch it yet face these easy hits when he does fine this one is your worst with the seats yeah oh no it's got ya underneath your feet which I know okay so we'll just keep it tally and like where we're at well good we're gonna get past this second try second truck how do you shoot damn press and hold right bumper and you can aim a loss down on the spot gotta watch out for the seeds now every time I die you're I can do it [Music] I can do it salmon mr. love you don't even read the menu you're just like oh I'm gonna I'm gonna do it you know how you know he's insane he grabs his own jaw to scream [Music] people who grabbed her and jaws to scream they're the worst okay watch out for the seeds I tried to do it but I don't think it's me I said oh no Daniel you said nothing about that laughs Daniel please like power help my soul Oh Stuart Oh bicycle there you know got your back did night we'll keep each other alive yeah it's just a try look fun it's just I keep missing them Oh Daniel good store help no you went too fast what sugar won't you're here no no will this go on YouTube well I mean the 20 takes of this one boss might not yes it's like uncut yeah it's the roughest like the old like dodgy attempt of puppet yeah people know my god I slipped off that platform [Music] genuine terror oh my god we got this a hyper cutter every time Stuart Isis 0.5 seconds that in itself might be too long yeah I'm cleaning up the plants faster there we go okay I don't care at all there we go it up there would you watch okay I know that [ __ ] got you shut up shut up you didn't believe that I love him have that one cuz he looked sad oh no oh no so those no genex no they wouldn't in my video games oh damn you can put on the hell is over that was over oh my god we killed a flower Oh God that's why you hire a gardener they deal with the demonic monsters first strike great oh yeah skills that was pure your skill we did it together now we still have to do the running gun no why do you want to try this again okay time for bug land oh it's time Oh Oh wonderful awesome bird don't see that very often Daniel get it Daniel my soul I'm so afraid to die a little longer so I can reach it it's all part of the strap no [Music] save it Daniel try harder I don't know if it's worse go go go come on it's a little bit it's gettin past pastas first bit is the worst yeah this is just the best ever the problem is it's a little bit buggy what do you mean it's buggy it's a little bit it's a little bit buggy Oh cuz there's I'm gonna kill myself now okay I'm still going Danielle this is as far as I've ever gone yes it is yes my controls not working oh I keep thinking with control isn't working but it's really I keep getting confused event up and shoot and jump there we go okay I'll just I'll just wait a moment or two for you Oh Daniel please please there's a little bit of input like I think is there it might just be the on the running gun levels okay just take your time yeah cuz I'm alright so wait hold on come down Jimmy okay go backwards in the level good I really wanna kill I really want yeah look alright alright me I'm pressing X now yeah okay I'm pressing X now yep that that works excellent that comes up for you any idea that comes up for me fine okay I'll tell you what I see I'm shooting now now I see it I I'm sorry I just really want to kill out true no Stuart climb fine Mike Daniel yeah go play input like Daniel so bad I don't even know how I died here I'll do this one solo okay I'll run forward switch weapons and keep shooting why oh my god boy right right why why my last words are all do this one solo we got this okay come on we can't make fun of more Disney properties if we get stuck I died let me just I have to get past bouncy ball hell you missed the pink one I can't get the coin you missed the pink you're always on my case okay not even my adoption biologically oh that's true well my word against yours that's fair okay well I accept that I guess you're right [Laughter] see my wish you here okay you've destroyed the woody man's oh my god okay that guy just died I helped you and they murdered him for it oh oh look they're fine they're cartoon characters you know animate at the feel pain as a programmer yes they're not before this is this is your deserve you deserve this fate well invited you to the tree only members is welcome easy can't believe at that time okay I think I'm ready again by not messing around dad I'm not mad I'm going forward but I could have saved you I'm just gonna keep going okay good on your IR eat the shot while you're doing that I'm sorry I abandoned you I'm just too stressed right now I want to get past this level give me my few coins take a chill pill you dig Dinah yep are you are you understanding me when I say no I don't I don't need my chill pill I had one already I swear to God take your chill dude chill to tack tick tock yeah it's it's lower calorie than a pillow the future medicine is here Daniel Oh Mike wait no I got it it keeps murdering these four or five people damn Daniel coming they have it coming dear help not to kill him again yeah I'm not I'm not bother going for the coin I'm too greedy bing-bang-boom you see why mean this penny more here's the boss hey bang oh I get it come yeah although they slapping will stay laughing about oh it's a big good it's a big old bug oh oh give me another lunch please killer them we're in the clear he's a monster we're in the clear it's done oh it's over okay we have some extra currency pink like the one upgrade you'll want cuz we ain't doing another Inca that's great I lose years of my life every time I do a running gun yeah it's so stressful it's bet the equivalent of doing cocaine can't just say that Stuart why the hell okay my and I'm not moving yeah your minh oh my goodness what oh my goodness I am was moving there for a good 20 seconds before it should have ice cream oh no it shows in real time okay I'm starting to move yeah that's three one thousand well the moment you said that I start about six one thousand seven one thousand eight one now nine seconds later oh no it's a sawed his pyre sex was really delayed maybe we need to take a break to let your CPU cool for a bit CPUs fine honestly I'm everything's still fine yeah I'll check the benchmarks and someone gives me oh Jesus ah I wonder Lech with the 50 gift subs whoa noise that costs 250 bucks oh my god I I don't think you got one Stuart no you don't get a sub you know what you've done should we try end the call on parsec and then just try it again yeah just refresh it yeah how do I you want to unhold like disconnect you need to shoot your computer I'm gonna kick you did you do I did it yeah is it dead yep I rejoin me now I'm gonna request controller disconnects it yeah we'll get we'll get we'll get them back [Music] Stewart is a goes to be honest that's right okay Windows notification sound [Music] okay you're back in press any button to continues through pressing it but I'm not seeing anything Oh although have we completely broken it I hope so I can't even get I can't even get out did you say I don't know if you say I think this game auto six okay okay okay okay okay okay let me let me enable mice and keyboard again and see if that helps white put a pillow over the over the game's head there we go myosin keyboard naval express a Shh is your controller looking yeah Oh No maybe this is the same cover it with the pillow I got to open a window it's too warm no soap iris I acted up [Music] okay so it's time to wait I can you know table I know I have to I have to close the game yeah yeah that's fine okay and then we'll close par ii and started again have at it well parsecs didn't sink now again isn't it I don't know can you look at my screen MD HR yeah yeah it didn't sink again okay commence free let's get this load dancing thing are we in sync we have same press any button play or two is joined yeah yeah yeah okay let's see if I yeah Horace Ike was struggling we ordered in the sink again oh okay stream saved let's keep going who is this young guy who's this young man wait wait wait wait this is a well ain't that a pimp looks like you boys really put the kibosh on and Dennis I was gonna say temperatures differences you're gonna head on over to the next aisle yeah depth is you know the word depth ur plenty more mods for you a lean on man goodbye - man he's gotta go feed his kids again feed his kids oh it's all Dirk oh my god oh I know you know that's me that's me hey your eyes hang on I take the stairs I caught up with you I believe I found a way Oh to this mess you're in look at how you're happy I'm concerned um yes hot dogs hot dog I will take one please your strength is growing you'll soon be a match for the no-good King dice and maybe even the devil himself go giraffe to take his place here it must always be a devil it's just like the Lich King I do but you'll never get close to the devil unless you already have those sword cut just like g-hold are cattle you know a lot about collecting Souls look in those eyes Daniel look in those eyes and tell me if you see as so how you've done some things in my use will you get a chance to turn the tables on that team so when the time comes do it alright take how [ __ ] bait ah God okay we're at the zone - here we are in happy land happy land what do you want to start with behind the store store the store like I think you have the it's past here and this 104 q we have three levels we can do the cupcake the pair of it or the rollercoaster the cupcake seems sweet okay I don't see what you did there but let's just go here it's okay I understand this is this is a jawbreaker he literally just follows you look what about the little garlic yeah he felt he falls to Trailbreaker what's that for the little guy you jump over the big guy you got the little guy look this guy is really strict boy there we go one that keep shooting okay that the what the waffle explodes and there's no the jelly beans you gotta get back you said explode I didn't really understand I thought you meant he died not when he was just tearing his own eyeballs I know I didn't think that someone would tear their own eyeball that in order to kill me but that's just like you never know in this world that someone why you're in a rush well waffles are in a lot of pain play knows us I think that's really you know multiplying by the fact that they tear their own Isaac to fight their enemies [Music] like flails they swing the rams like the little Itachi cords you know the poor thing yeah and smack them into people I mean waffles have got it incredibly tough it's a sight to behold not that they'll ever see it oh geez oh [ __ ] me no yeah so now sheet rows her head in here oh I thought I had a bit more leeway I was kind of I was kind of waiting until I could say she should have quit while she was ahead Oh corn on the cob oh how is the finger right he goes in the figure I know I always cook this he does Oh remember to use a smoke bomb actually no because you can just pass through he killed me dying gotcha brother I am and brother I have been slain ladies fly fine oh no no no I'll do this on my own I got this avenge me it's the waffle you're dead [ __ ] if you're frozen oh I think was made in Belgium you don't stand a chance don't mess with the Belgians word that's something that oh my god I'm just a cup oh you're a mug same thing I already did I don't know but I'll join you solidarity - let's try this again someone just said that guy is looks corny you just gotta watch out for this one cos he follows it that's not very polite I assumed in - do you see that I was like no I'm not gonna wait for you to do your he's got a soft spot for you he's following you more than me that's because nobody likes me oh Jesus oh I got killed by a jelly bean [Music] embarrassing Joe night jelly night light [Music] did I get you know I don't know how long how long was i off the screen for Daniel Daniel he'll back you go keep going sir no I can't forget I can be invincible we can do this yeah this won't be another flower I promise you got to stop running into the job no different person that's why my red self wasn't moving oh no it's the cupcake Oh Oh even literally just like parts on the ground just just ejaculate but mess you really easy the Dodge oh my god hey so you say what never that's my first I would be also if I were you he's dead he said don't look up there it's the waffle waffle sorry David just just stand back when he does that I'll get the jelly oh no no he's almost there there we go keep it in the jelly okay we got one H Beach oh my god okay this guy is easy is he he literally just follows you it's okay oh my god the jelly bean the jelly - jelly bean my dude the jelly beans I was a draw oh whoa let's come back kind of way oh my god I just jumped on it but oh oh no no le beans aren't here yet so just focus on the boss have you got me those balls okay now we got to worry about jelly beans I start off with 1 hp I can't believe it yeah that's what happens no no no no Dan I just got the whole game with one HP it is player 2 I have lost two of my health trying to save that's your own phone let's just give your back I mean no Stuart I tried so what's up they feel like I'm the first okay this is this is the cupcake Oh Daniel we both got hit Oh John you olive oh dear I haven't got hit oh dear done yeah we both got hit go keep going you got i'm shooter i'm shooting the wrong way die no I'm dead the cupcake kills you Daniel I think you're getting too caught up in the details [Music] cupcake 1000 no the peloton is back there deadly deadly I tells you I'm dead Daniel gotcha I gotcha not today back the jelly is the brick and jellybean every time is earwax later okay at least we start off with yep sits down back Samba I hate you thinking I'm you keep thinking on you know jelly means shoot the wrong way I think we fought all the possibilities too [Music] okay yeah waffles and waffle down waffle down I'm literally eating a waffle right now you monster and shout okay well then watch out for the jelly beans oh that was clutch plays clutch plays jelly bean no it's got like a surprising amount of resistance don't catch it [Music] corndog dang that's not a corndog I don't know candy corn Oh gotcha it's just pac-man yeah but I am the ghost she's also shoe oh no someone called me an idiot who's that that you're who said that yeah that's real Rudy why don't we want a name right now how dare you offend our gaming capability on this trip mm this twitch.tv channel arrest that man in the chest just let's do it go yeah unleash me Daniel let me be who I'm always supposed to be oh oh dear Daniel you've been hit huh oh goodness me Stewart you have also been hit yeah Stewart you're you seem to be struggling they're deep details why why are we against each other Daniel I can't tell you I can't save you yes you can then just try that's gonna be fun oh this is good okay it's the cupcake someone said no offense but you guys aren't exactly the best at this go for the world record at the moment [Music] come on goodness II know I press right bumper the Dodge you should have saved my life save your brother I'm your brother your brother we got it this time but we have fought every stage of this boss we made it to the last one too it's very straightforward but just need to not die at the hands of the waffle that's an impossible ask waffle day because that waffle doesn't have any parents so it has out the time to be sparked the waffles kind of handsy right save my life I got I got yep concentrate ah Jesus I didn't think about doing that before that I was talking I wasn't focus I should've been telling off that one guy for saying don't like focus you you need to you need to ring yourself in you are all over the place Daniel I think this guy is probably the hardest one this guy's all for love to get in the way of the stage and the gumball is the easy one I don't know I'm thinking the waffle stop lazy I saw a Dodge Hey keep bouncing oh no whoa everybody get down no doubt he's gonna want full [ __ ] jellybeans let's gather up a guy safe Daniel please you're safe waffles dead where are the jellybeans come on that's what this one's real straight for I'm dead [Music] we're gonna do this how much tell you have you got tonight Stuart just retry can't afford to take a hit on the first one huh can't afford the taking hit on the first one we're gonna take some hits here - this is the hardest boss we've got yet [Music] chief chief Daniel leave me alone he's following you he's gone for you now I don't know you know that there we go he's done okay I'm dealing with jellybeans man okay you be on jellybean duty no we both just got to go for jellybeans when we see them on aha no get the jellybeans [Music] nice place pro plays for plays for the pro game the best players in the world of pro game ring hang us emoji Oh jellybeans that down Daniel get I got this soul my eternal life form I gotcha my eternal life form yeah yeah ah start your word turtle life form my life oh no okay okay I got him bad I got him man keep [ __ ] with fingers it's the gumbo [Music] someone says we can carry the pink jelly bean yeah we can it's just really hard because there's so much stuff on the screen you can do it okay me and cue it then just being cute Daniel get this in now yeah get her get her better [ __ ] head okay get out of here lady with your with your with your head mister I'm supposed to yeah she doesn't have much held on that stage just being cute should have gone to Woody's should have gone the hoodies DIY okay they're piece of meat it's mean you know candy corn at least we're getting this one out the white person hey first one down we're probably gonna get the waffles Scott always gumballs real easy just watch out for his gum pops okay for the mountains balls jelly bean all right gotcha with us Nikki now he's got me he got me he got me kind of guy he got your life gumball goddamn [ __ ] it's a cupcake the hardest one no we can't give me our life I try I am I have to help I have to help final stage you can do it you can oh my you can tell you more knows you have you can Harvey Norman us come on Atlantic up care we got a go drew DIY okay okay and other brands you should have quit I was gonna go down jump off and go back gumbo don't Stewart its to it I beg you well the fight starts don't just waltz into the gumball machine okay I'll tell you what's happening I'm not looking oh my god I was telling you off and I got hit I yell when the does but the guy is dead just do me a favor and don't walk right into [Music] I'm dying him laughing I traded my help keep you alive as you would very special [Music] Oh what that forget it's the waffle he's easy he's easy sauce I want another gumball Oh got crushed by the waffle yeah well he does he's a he's a slippery fellow he has butter on them let's try again it's just the jawbreaker I need to stop not looking at what's going on I think that's my biggest robbing it would help too this is hater then look at the screen I think that's a big issue there we go okay neither of us took a hit yeah we're really good at this game go again it's the waffle waffle waffle [ __ ] it's okay we have fought this adversary many times this Belgian man please save me from this building just a guy fella can like suck and waffles at us yeah we need to space ourselves out God [ __ ] you got me okay that's okay okay that is not okay I got jellybeans I got you I'm still on full its gumbo oh let's go okay there's no excuse in except jellybeans I have to hurt myself to go back I'm dead every time you tell you it gets to be hurt okay you're with me for the final stage use your super honor and and oh you don't put up for it you don't have enough for it okay Stuart don't Danielle Daniel I did it I got there thank you okay I hear you we need it I'm making this is the run this is the run yeah I think the big thing is it's very tough to risk my life Kate you and you're dead now that I'll tell you that your problem is that you don't do like nature I needed to train you Daniel you've already we go I'm just gonna have to I'm just gonna have to go solo some guy that I should stop dying and honestly I don't know if I trust other advice not the best advice is look no I think it's a really good stress I think my my deaths have been of the utmost importance to this room and I don't think you would have gotten with as far as we have today me dummy okay that's fine beat her be her super him [Music] okay Daniel then you got yeah you got us a strawberry vanilla have can't last forever you've got her now you've got her by the head oh I did it oh we did it we did it looks like so got her just desserts [Music] kill me I am I am hungry first the climb first rose the first right first right it was simple we did it together okay now this is like a next-level watching watching and let's play you actively make it worse for them you're watching of course you're not really playing a huge part in the game but you're just making it harder oh I love these levels we're really good at them okay I can I'll do my best what do you mean oh we're different people yes I'm blue I thought I was doing great there no I'm dead I gotcha I really thought I was doing so well okay so you got to go through the gaps there I didn't go alive let's do it I can't get to you I can't we're done this is it you have so many faces it's the coat room just do your vents oh we forgot the power up for the plane I think you can get like bombs for this level I might have helped just do your best I have some faith in you no mistake not ruling out your game realizing I revoked its revoked I don't even know what a video game is so much no we need to go back we can we can get a thing Ben good thing that helps it oh god my heart is in my throat this guy is on my own oh Jesus I didn't realize we were doing something here yeah dad now we just get bombs yeah airplanes that now equipped with many blogs switch your weapons any time during bail thanks what is he supposed to be uh what do you mean like a microphone or like his body I think he's syrup like a waffle of syrup oh okay maybe well we got the bombs arrows syrup he's a canteen you're a canteen and canteen is a place ellaby to switch your weapon that's bunker-like so mind the cuts [Music] oh dear God okay gotcha okay so we need to go through the bit with his face where ever you can press triangle it'll go small you move faster way the projectiles aren't destroyed gotcha slap my entire body not dead today you might be tomorrow though you never know I mean anything can happen yeah start dropping bombs on them you can make short work of this we work together your priority [ __ ] I'm glad I gotta eat before we finish that sentence I'm not really into you player you can do a dog the freaking whirly eyes you can do it I don't think so oh okay I could just hear things crashing these cats just Katzman take these bombs to the face you you notice it's not a nugget he's a genie you can't just say that Oh genie Mac Genie I see what you did there it's an always a week's yeah oh I'm gone oh no I shouldn't have made funnier you know I was I was closing my eyes with with grapefruit self-praise [Music] what why are they saying 48 their account events that was monstrous do any of you know how many is me and having listened because I feel like he's in the majority that's cuz I can't die you must only slap my town form and I return Oh God Jesus that's dark what is Wow oh my goodness he's mocking me I'm dead you were so close that beats Melissa free no strings attached oh that's nice I doubt it just I'll leave before then you just out of spice I don't have anything else on tonight just screw the guy is here I do want dinner yeah is there is there such thing on this channel as as Brinks no just keep going do we yeah you're here forever now stores oh dear oh it's a different one it's not the cat's dead [Music] [Applause] hol carry on I'm sure you can hear my stomach rumbling downstream just position the mic like we're really close you've got yes I'm getting piss incoming nice oh my god those statues have tiny buds on them or are they chests I don't know I'm pretty sure the chest just keep going got a good rhythm god it's an eyes are terrifying there we go not a stage down yeah and just go ahead puppeteer hon get some early damage in here [Music] do all my best oh no oh no Daniel gotta believe I got a stuff going for the bumps but if I play the bad guy oh god oh my god oh my god it is he hurting you hope not no I hit the pyramid they're hard oh Claire you oh so close the final phase 15 okay I'll try survive how about that I mean that is a bold new strategy to adopt at this stage in to get to you think it would work I don't know man no Matt that attitude you've already taken to a hit like listen again be smart I'll just kill myself now Haley bout damn time you've already taken two hits even against us stay with us forever stammers no no no it's the cats again I can't do that anymore not since the accident just haven't been the same bang bang if I eat my bombs you piece of cat [ __ ] bill harsh down calm down no you missed me with a sloppy mess my soul I could I couldn't get you it's like you're just at the top of the screen yeah that's what happens okay I can try carry from here focus of where I was and I did in my exams and unique yeah I mean you only did English it's a bit harsh I didn't invite you on here to damage my self-esteem okay well he's a cokehead - right pretending to be you - marionette couple okay one life left last stage when she just camicazi in his face my goodness dynamite goodness my goodness oh oh come on oh so goes this is quite upset don't worry we'll get out the only repeated as much as we've repeated yeah flower I believe in us I'm I refuse to die this time I just refuse about it I've hot no you only hit you again [Music] that's it I cut it twice I didn't get it at all how nice is for you Thanks now I've gotten hit twice by the really easy thing that we both just wedded to an exploit yeah those are the really easy things we lost you just keep saying in the chat like Daniel just focus as if like that's going to suddenly like change things my god I wasn't doing that before mm-hmm I hope yeah game on screen before Oh how people know okay [Music] but in record time when the game came out no less their world wasn't even like an IGN walkthrough I couldn't use game facts I'm dead again slap me yeah thanks the cover got on your liver okay give up on row staying at the top tends to work best here you just win he does - you gotta dodge huh just what he does that one thing with the I was eating hummus okay people are telling me to focus like that will change anything I've got this I'm just gonna oh my god I'm just gonna watch no I'm not I'm not dying not dying I'll save my super for the final stage because it's final stages the worse I got three time zones Chloe there we go [Music] get him at the bomb oh you got there faster things were 1,200 pits I get everyone's we give him pits and suburbs about it's just kind of hard to catch him because of the nature of the game and Stewart being yeah maybe you should get some foam Estonia I don't think hummus is good gotta focus just boot yeah I think it does make it a bit easier to have more HP if like you have two players well you've already beaten the game so I played that one but it still hurt me they really got me Daniel you go oh my gosh I'm dead I gotcha okay we both made a truth here we're life you want to stay down near the bottom more so because if you die up here I'm not gonna be able to save you and just use like a machine gun oh I'm good I can do this I'm sorry what would the slap oh am i dead [Music] darn that's that's frustrating you can do this that was gonna be my moment you know but as far as it's back to this curry hummus it's really good I got like a triple pack so didn't know which paper I would want let's do it I'm trying not to die but I'd have to say that the the curry out of it tomorrow come alive I'm alive first time to be a little saltier and people are asking what brand and I really can't say kiss minute sponsored but sorry so close if you could survive that final stage and you had a bomb we'd do it so just tell us more about you I know I took my hand off the control do it you take took it as I hit the hit the hair let's do it you want to restart I'm gonna keep going I think I can do it I think I can do Oh Daniel when you come over you can try this on will it still be there the same it is like a months from now no not very same but you know I'll save you some what is it like in the freezer somewhere I think you'll agree do you understand you let Rianna judge - hmm I find all ups are quite divisive it's a vise stone or stone it answer the question sorry what was the question stone in I have forgotten all knowledge from the previous six years that there's not the serpent gods good that did you I had to empty my brain talking about this oh no oh my god oh no [Music] not letting you die he's not your new quest I'm not letting you die where are you I went underneath stay back a bit I could do it on one help I just need to excel at them I drove into the wall I wasn't too excited to save you people are asking if I'm good at copán yet and I is progress but yes I'm oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh my just stay up behind him Stewart no no because it still tracks you from behind it so does it yeah I'm gone man I there was a donation that came in and I looked away for a moment why those guys yeah PVA and thanks for 15 quid Oh quick to kill him just Tony no I'm not looking again everyone donate I was reading the top that my own recommendation I'm just saying what the people say understand that it's democracy gotta cut straight everyone pay our tea to die I asked the premium service that is me failed and had this cake Haas good my cost good money doesn't come cheap someone's asking what the [ __ ] is promised its grant chickpea with special kind of oil it's kind of like a peanut oil it's pretty good you can spice it you can add different things to it like olives tomatoes curry curry powder - okay can you can he do it can he do it let's see my mother is just gonna shoot it with the little bullets but I'll get me far away and the freaky pair of its damage is just - I need more help when I get to that final stage if you are alive in that final stage and had a bomb that like Daniel that's not gonna happen stop making wishful thoughts about me and life and being you're already on one like what happened I touched the cast under you can't expect a man not to pet the cats I live okay thank you I'm dead me not Danielle okay I'm not letting you go Daniel you need to move on no let go they're gonna be safe jack you're gonna make it off the Titanic look your father's would weigh down the door coach okay Stewart's that I'm gonna make it to the last one I'm gonna die again gotta believe come on I'm believing in this promise [Music] welcome back to dinner time it's diverse someone tonight at don't distract me God their message was their message was die fool let's decide that they wanted lost I've lost one help Oh Oh - no I'm dead no I hate these jewels things are so hard to track you're not that you're coming back Daniel they died now you didn't mm-hmm I undo des I did I will save you you're not God I'm not letting go let go okay hold alive you see you can make it past these two faces they ask I've never made it past this one my god how do you instantly go like the first one he just gets you I just Oh see it's my own again let's see if I can make it with to help [Music] you can do us I believe come on no Daniel not like this okay I made it to the final one again focus get that in now this choice really bullets here is normally caused in distress but you maybe change stuff bomb so you can follow more damage he did us he did us did it ladies and gentlemen he is truly my god oh please wha earth strike yeah I can't believe we did on the first go scoop this game is [ __ ] easy the only two minute time world record Z I don't want a step all night we can go get the oh yeah pause my favorite part they never killed me go to the shop really good yeah level yeah never kill me in the shop so what should we get Daniel XR a hit point ah you might want that honestly you lose your smoke grenade for that though that's the only thing there is lobby there's a specific boss fight where I think the lava is really good but I'm gonna pick up that okay I'm gonna do that too day sir is really good too yeah I'm gonna get that later I'm not very good at using my Dodge button so I'm just gonna take that exit point okay well so how stressed is everyone in the church at this point oh you have y'all pulled enough any Gray's showing up zero deaths so far yep it's true we haven't died yet mm-hm someone's just screaming I think this has been a wonderful introduction to what it's like to have me on the show you have to keep going sorter yeah just give me a second I'm just having a little hummus okay everyone is just screaming in the trap that's a good sign yeah take this chance to read chat yeah sure some quality chat Bhandar time is literally everyone is just screaming tell us how you feel how do you feel - is inevitable that we'll just screamed honks yeah it's therapeutic just just keep going just just touch just just gently touch that a key and hold it hold it for as long as you need [Music] how do you find active so what we killed me and I feel like the A's and the E's are getting way more love in terms of the vowels try the other bells see if you feel a bit just a very long yeah let's go to the roller coaster carnival kerfuffle okay this should be easy yeah I think we all had to pass the harp it's you know the game only gets easier from here only oh my goodness oh no okay well I've only been hit once you can shoot the Ducks too right why would you want it because otherwise when you jump into the Ducks I hurt you come on I'm coming yeah roller coaster yet you have to pay attention to this in the background is that roller coaster no oh my now [Music] glad we chose this game I I'm just like an itch to play cuphead lightly thank you for joining me on this journey I can't get you I'll get the Dex I can I can do it from here you can slap the pink things that you see yeah I know there's one slap at all trying to get in damage get the roll the roller coaster is still coming so this is gonna be a stressful Oh Mike [Music] [Music] doing fine you're doing just going down I just I just need some words of encouragement yeah go does like motivational DVDs where it's just a guy saying nice things about you like that that's what I need right now nice things suck wasn't nice enough you got me back how do you dodge that let's just retry if we take it a hit on like the first like time we just gotta start over that's gonna happen so you gotta talk to you gotta jump in the air and watch many sneezes that's who oh I did I couldn't do it oh yeah you made at the face do that's cuz I have for help that's true actually I'll heal the bay's dice I got your back stay save me Stuart I okay come on okay I'm not giving up I'd rather die than not complete cuphead I'd rather die you take a tree hits ya by all accounts I should be dead don't worry okay [Music] do it your your projectiles aren't even hitting them they're fine they're not making it all the way you need to use something different they're not even hitting them Stuart did you know jumping exists yeah I did I Gentiles are just fine sit on the ground yes here's the fun thing about how I've been playing this game I it's not that I have a poor strategy that is wrong I am just bad I am just not very good I jumped into the horseshoe yeah that's suboptimal Oh can we exist can we exist I'm gonna go change stuff nope no stuff damn damn there's no getting off the roller coaster please you know what you signed up for we're gonna have fun we're gonna play video games together Stuart okay didn't I say anyone I've never played this game before and you were like oh really oh it's super fun don't worry no it obviously is I've had a great time you were like oh I was like oh I'm not very good at video games though is this gonna be okay and you're constantly and it's not final I've actually really enjoyed myself I'm not a bother yeah maybe I just need to calm down a little I'm letting the stress get to me of the fight and I'm taking it out of you and that's not fair no genuinely those terrible piece of [ __ ] I'm sorry I'm sorry I took it just let me go they took a hit Daniel you took another hit and I missed it looks like it's on me okay I'm not gonna die watch this I'm gonna do oh dear oh dear snap ah Jesus he moves forward you ready goes gonna knock the other Packer I'm shooting the wrong way oh I haven't delay again Oh No well I'll keep you alive just just spam some projectiles before you die I'm just gonna keep shooting up where it's not avoid me the roller-coaster claim you were running out where are we now 65 I don't know it can't get the particular number they're gonna go wild because that's the kind of humor someone I've loved somos Daniel you need to take responsibility this isn't sort of like our audience you've fostered oh my just spat a horseshoe in my face 6666 we gotta do it in the next three takes now this is it oh this is that if we both die here I'm gonna go have dinner properly okay I gotta make this count I gotta make this count okay here it goes extreme descends if we get 69 deaths like that's what happens 68 don't give him the satisfaction that's why she's standing on dead 67 no that doesn't count if you die like mid-level it definitely does 68 70 it's 70 it's on seven seventy does no I don't think I count Slyke that's like that I think it's like you failed a level that can subscriber only subscriber lijjat subscriber only chest it's Crowley jack okay all right this this is the last try this is it this is it 68 clip what you what you need Stu okay I think I need that you have it equipped hold on lobbying does more damage than shooting right it does but it's slower you you better off like kind of with the shop B or something in this because there's the projectiles everywhere and that'll catch him but which is shot a even makes sense shot in excess yeah shall I make sense you don't want to lob in this one lob is where they couldn't something's below you and if I does more damage okay okay okay it I'll give you like a tit range oh okay there we go fine I'll take damnit somebody takes the sweet old time sometimes before coming at you with the car yeah yeah yeah so with this one you just use the spread because now you can pick up all the balloons this is good because now we have like Oh [Music] right yeah no I we're gonna have to pick this up another time Daniel oh my god Diana just know that it's just a number that's just going wild okay it's okay Oh God try let us get to dinner then yeah we can pick this up another time I'm definitely willing to come back okay and finish this off yeah III mean not the game so in the meantime I can practice that's pretty handy and maybe bring some honor to my family my family three hours every day starten dude just a quick a quick aside do you remember when we were kids and we played Super Mario no Mario Kart all right very yeah and we just play on the way all the time and I remember the first time I played with you at your head and you laughed me do you ever remember that forever laughing yeah but I was playing I haven't you you laughed me on my first my first try and I went home and I borrowed my sister's we and for the next month I played it daily until I went back to your house and beat you for the first time and then I never played that way again you've done everything you need to do yeah yeah I played it every day after school for a month remember that yeah good times good times we're gonna do dapple with carpet we'll go to practice yeah I'm just play aiya the tiger in the background and and and already what can I try one thing actually hang on there is an age-old tactic that sometimes work can I can I just try to this one solo and see if this works yeah go for it I'm gonna I'm gonna remove you because there is a legendary strategy that we employed every single time we play darkest dungeon that never failed us to actually defeat a boss no it's a particular song and I just want to see if its power still lingers people are saying later don't don't line them don't mind them I just need to prepare this Pink Sheets because you kicked me you're cheating I got a Netflix ad I just need to play past this hang on we don't have to deal with them so okay okay let's try this you [Laughter] it wasn't worse it was worse a shop it was worser shops absolutely yet but you were out of power your own low power mode we got further any any other attempt at least yeah yeah oh alright I'll kick this up another time Danielle it was good to play and I hope everyone now knows who the [ __ ] I am thanks for joining stream I did I'll be back soon - really really rock them and only die every second stage sounds like a plan okay okay I'll talk to you later have a good dinner all the best all the best I thought you slider we all the best oh god he's still here he's gone he's gone okay do we try it one more time I don't know if I could have used the power of Scott man quick beat the game okay we hope we only go one more okay all right [Music] one more this doesn't work we've angered the power of Scott [Music] you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 40,239
Rating: 4.9537868 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-403652876, rtgamecrowd, notDisney: Don't deal with the copyright infringement, Cuphead, Twitch, Gaming, notDisney:, Don't, deal, with, the, copyright, infringement, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: um2Frcc12lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 7sec (9847 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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