RTGame Archive: A Hat in Time

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[Music] I'm not like no I'm not late don't start that I'm here hey folks how's it going you hear the game volume okay toe Jehu nope a lot look I'm on time okay I had to like inhale my dinner just to try and make this dream okay so don't give me this [ __ ] I had like bacon and eggs and it's a full like just in it's awful I wouldn't recommend it to those roughly but I wasn't running light though cuz I made it on time I mean I was running late because I thought it'd be short on time I'm not like [Music] Oh God [Music] how is it going folks a hat in time there's just a cat that looks lists on the main menu I don't know what's going on here but sure we won't question it can you hear me okay can you hear the game isn't too loud is it I just need to kind of get it up here it's really hard to tell for the audio for this one oh and I want to stress as well just going into this I have actually completed this game but it didn't I would say for whatever reason so I lost all my progress cuz last time I was playing this was on my portable PC back in like autumn 2017 I want to say I got all the 40 time gears but like now I'm just back to square one so that's a that's a bit of a shame let me just check some of the options too just to make sure like this is the best it can be like up that very high quality there's no motion blur or anything is there vines graphics basically what I'm looking for is just to make sure isn't that black screen is amazing it's not a black screen okay yeah it's like it's green blur radial blur get rid of that I think everything else is good [Music] is that coming out nice and Clinton huh nice and clear for you guys my mic is peaking you know Mike Pekin is what happens when you got a skip like things like the sound check oh my mic actually is too loud there we go okay that's fixed wait so is it a black screen you're revising the site is it actually just showing up as a black screen or can you guys see the game I just want to make sure no okay right so it's fine go I can see okay I trust the mods on this yeah we see it thanks Ally okay have a good craftsmen x100 bit says outside of here but you save our TV looking forward hopefully playing with you today yeah so this is actually the big thing this is the reason we're playing this game today first and foremost this this is a [ __ ] great game like I would recommend picking this up if for anyone who likes platformers and just wants something kind of like Super Mario Sunshine like that kid a GameCube era kind of platformer but the reason we're playing it today for god knows what reason they added 50 player online multiplayer to this game I like there's no there's no logic behind this it's just you can just set it sort of 50 people can join though already name I got to do this with controller party name is RT game this is gonna be open to everyone - okay that's just all gotta eat cheese this is what I mean look at this everyone's just here I haven't even oh wait wait oh oh I didn't accept it become this quick holy [ __ ] I don't know why this is a thing this is like a single-player platformer but just we've got 50 people though yeah the room code is RT game right here who's looking for my computer is chugging hard Oh like I hope it's gonna be able to support this okay uh okay if we can rally together the Hat kids hang on I'm gonna stand on the TV could everyone just come over here for a moment to rally the troops let's get it stopped rowing money everyone just pull over here and stop this [ __ ] for like two yeah okay okay everyone's over yeah just everyone just stand over here for a moment it's a stream delay i know there's a stream of life I wish I had some de probably characteristics refer by Hackett I don't so guys we're gonna try and embark on a playthrough of a hat in time we're gonna start with mission one and we'll work our way through we all want to just stick together we would go on the Mafia ten okay but we're all gonna just try playing through the game I just like get two bosses on that together so whoever wants to come with me yeah everyone just come up to that okay yep for barbecue around the telescope everyone just get on in oh my god how many people like here Jesus Christ okay we're gonna just start or welcomed we're gonna start with welcome to math for your town sterile welcome to mafia turn I know everyone and welcome to mafia attempt okay we're good we're going in with some of them G if the game isn't dying on stream is it cuz like Jesus Christ this is already quite intense my pc isn't overheating [Music] that there already go i can't tank yeah oh no wait wait there's no stash go after those - this way hot kids Jesus okay we need to stick together we need to stick together men let's go to mustache guru I'm gonna I'm gonna do something in the sense hang on don't don't even try don't even 60 i like graphics is there like a preset that we can go for stat standard quality [Music] that we do we just need to do something hopefully that's a bit more bearable in the streams okay but we need to get the moustache girl folks everyone everyone just stick together here she is she's she's completely broken I I think we've just glitched alright hang on moustache girl let's - girl I don't know what we do if any of the hot kids been able to get mustache other people are guessing it like the timepiece already yeah there's like okay there's a congregation over here let's just go true mafia town and we'll catch up with the Hat kids study here at ten minutes okay here they are okay they're all doing smug dances yeah the interactions are just completely broken through that's all it's happening they've already triggered this event I need to now get the parasol and there's other Hackett's like let's get the gear but can we can we please get a group photo just by the fountain if that's possible if everyone just kind of comes in here how do you do like the damson emotes if you just do that everyone likes mug dancing and that know if someone's killing us how do you dance [Music] you know I am Oh I'm using a ps4 controller does anyone though oh there we go okay so it's pressed the left stick in no there's no there's no dance though all right dance [Music] Georgia say it hi Artie I think you have bigger problems with learn how to I'll vote but this is important we need to know how to dance up and down on the d-pad someone keeps hitting me I know please stop hitting me for two minutes close the boats at the same time [Music] I'm doing both emotes oh it's not working okay I'm just gonna accept the like Karen counts I've just I've just gotta acknowledge it's not possible oh I can't believe so many [ __ ] people have to DLC to again if any wants to join in this it's like the latest DLC for this game and you could just like take part in this room code is arty game let's get the gear we're gonna move on to the second level like let's try beat the game like this there's a leader more than the top right who's this one guy who got a hunter in 88 oh my god how many people are here out of interest to the room might be over yeah it's 3,000 people here so the room might be full just FYI okay we're gonna go meet and barrel blast okay we're gonna wait two minutes before we get going we'll do that at the start of every level just to give people a chance to get in there's a barrel battle-ax too if we're going for barrel bottle well I hope this is what the devs want us r2d2 your fat base people that way to vote we're gonna try hurt them okay look we've done we have coordinated things like don't starve in the past okay everyone just climbed the wall have everyone get out there we go that let's just meet up here a moment everyone just sit tight we'll gather the hack kids but how do you play the game like normally with this many people like it's so distracting it's just people everything that was way back here we get a 4 to 5 cave or play plants vs. zombies I mean you're not wrong I guess this is the first multiplayer game we've tried in a while massively multiplayer okay hat kids my kids were going to go over to the Mafia guy so if everyone just follows me I need to get some accessories or something to distinguish myself everyone get the string here too just so you get like like the power-ups we're gonna need more hats later okay come with me hat kids we're gonna fight them off here now I think there's more than one child that's bearing witness mr. mafia Bobby is not sure what to do what do we do with the 50 eyewitnesses okay here we go we got to fight the Mafi let's go boy now I can't see oh I'm getting hit by the other hat kids more than the actual Mafia go the Mafia's tired can't even hear Oh a lot a lot of people are sided to get the timepieces down to I got to dodge the barrels but I'm not gonna be a I mean L can be able to see me barrel III should have to run I have to run and just try not to get hit by like the other Hackett's I'm bouncing on this app kids head this used to be Keithley say dodge after that oh this corn eight men children of the Hat I'm almost dead I'm almost dead okay I just need to knock title god damn it oh we gotta do it again oh no last time I play hat in time this no joke happen to this one I had my like I think like 3000 first ring people he gave out to meet with playing the game because it was a new release on teeth and a happy like stop stream and the less playable because people are so upset that I was playing near release I think now thankfully it's worked out because now we get to experience hot in time on stream in the ideal way the camera is broken the cap it's dead we had kids that kids you need to move away from [Music] what do I do even if you pause the game they're all just still moving well what do I do do I have to go back to hub and just enter again the game is not designed for this many people but like we're gonna we're gonna try it okay back back to hub I got I gotta try it again so help me God we will do a playthrough of this game with this many people I just can't wait till we get like the motorbikes and things like that cuz like that's all ahead of us yeah we got a do barrel bottle again get it we'll just get it done on stream Oh while you're out of the area change the code no I'm gonna I'm gonna keep it as this it's just hard to you okay let's try again that kids assemble it's kind of okay at the moment because we're not completely mob I'm gonna need to get some more help just before I go in though yeah I think we've ironed out some of the hot kids because a fair few if you complete the level just wait in the hub just wait in the hub okay well we won't let's go let's go [Music] you know who needs like low-end games come and gone okay you don't need the Avenger than you are we got like 50 children with hats [Music] okay don't salsa don't softlock it's working okay okay wait if everyone can agree not to jump during this bit just don't jump because once people start jumping we'll get hit by the barrels as we start jumping over people's heads ton of them we must coordinate that going guys sheet he has a stay of a motorbike now I can die I only got hit there because someone else likes whacked me and that I couldn't see where it was I need to get like my own skin like outfit so I can identify which hat kid is me no it's a flat again it's soft lock I can see myself that's me jumping it's me Chuck okay we got trouble what barrel battle that's fine we'll just we'll just move on to the next level I've done it before I've done it before [Music] Jesus everyone back to the hub everyone just meet in the hub we're gonna go for the next level did you make a roof new roof no I'm not changing the room because people are just saying make the new room because they they want me to kick people are on the server I'm not doing that you can connecting me how we're doing gonna I'm not making a new code right [Music] where is the costume thing no it's here but it's it's not active yet okay I think everyone's here getting real difficult to walk that's a good sign and the doors are just still get open yeah we're gonna meet at the start of act tree she came from outer space let's go legitimately 30 people queued right there actually haven't even beat the game yet no I have but it didn't cloud say for some reason I have actually finished this Ivan bled the DLC I got all the 40 time basis though in today's game [Music] okay just another day in mafia town oh we got our coat now okay let's go use left trigger to find your goal okay hey this way my hot children going on an adventure oh that's just like Bo kid isn't it that's like the player two options for co-op you just play a surname [Music] let's make our way up just have like a chain of hot kids I get in there that'll ruin yard yeah I do actually need to try and get these we do want to get our extra hats there there's a sprint hat how do you activate the hot I just just left trigger okay [Music] been a while since I find no I assume we have to meet where the congregation is yeah it's up there [Music] don't you try the booby just here huh [Music] okay here we just keep going it's fine it's just it's just a bunch of small kids let's make our way forward oh I just teleported up here I I'm struggling a little I think I think it's register in other people's progress and just accelerating this forward I got like a checkpoint there I should not have gone that's okay we did it he's dancin hat kid where's the guy he's still down there I know he didn't come up he's not custom stuff I can t wait I can't even get down he's a tough it oh [Music] no it's it's like registered our progress is being further forward than we should be and because of that it's that would possible to get him because it's tracking our progress as if he's already up here but he's not Oh guys stop hit me stop hitting we softlock to the oh no we may not be able to do a full playthrough at this right I'm gonna see if I didn't just make my way down no you cannot stand down there so what do I do because there's the Mafia guy jump on top of them it's just it's really tricky to do that with people just keep hitting us it's like get [Music] you can't do it right back to the hub I can't do it we have to restart the mission [Music] yeah I think other people are coming to the same realization and they're just coming back no no I have to complete this one I gotta try it again [Music] people there people need to not run ahead I could tell people not to run ahead but they're gonna run ahead that's the problem maybe if I just reset it I might help what's the party room it's arty game when you finish the level if you're welding people will finished it just leave the level and just wait for us in the hub sure because that always were gonna be in trouble [Music] rollout hat kits Nolan run ahead you'll ruin it for like the 49 other people here above this before [Music] go around [Music] that's gonna be an anarchy - like there's just a kid saying [ __ ] I heard the time every time I clouds over it's like goop or Peck or something I don't think there's any way around that so like Bob's just don't worry about it it's just the stream today [Music] okay let's try this again they're already soft well I think it's already soft locked [Music] I think we've already bought it let's see yeah this is still the go I need to get rid of the gunk and then like go up to him again I think Lina sounds awful yeah it's it's softlocked okay all right I'm gonna go do that level offline real quick I'm gonna I'm gonna turn off the lobby and then we'll go back into the lobby in a moment okay we work up we're gonna we're gonna snap the players just for a moment cuz I think we're gonna just have to do that from time to time goes a certain level start go to work turn it off they're gone okay we'll get it so everyone go do level tree in their own time and then we'll meet back up for level four okay how much is this gave its thirty quid I do actually like strongly recommend this game it's a very fun platformer like this and Mario honestly are probably the two best platforms to come out in recent years sorry ukelele it's just it's just not for me [Music] okay some peace and quiet just firm him hiss [Music] now we now we can hear ourselves think again so enjoy like the down time you're back before long why not just mods RTB IV because I think I want to have while you think everyone who guys I think this was gonna be much more chaotic and interesting to see if we can do over 250 players [Music] yep so you got if you get hit during this basically it locks you out of like the cutscene trigger and that's what was happening I think that's what's happening in the barrel battle fight as well like this is how it's supposed to play out and we miss certain triggers before - yeah he didn't climb up that wall before so that was like part of the issue up the wall this time the dad suppressed the kiss and blood buds at the same time I'm just I'm honestly doing that but that's I think it's cuz I'm using like a dual shop for maybe my dad some blue buttons well the Kissin blab buttons are like up and down on the d-pad oh wait it works oh you have to like alternative a minute or two and then it starts doing it okay I get it now [Music] we can get some smug dancing in later [Music] because I was trying the Preston ball at the same time that's not what you do you just you just keep alternating and it eventually just returns itself intense okay okay we're gonna turn back on the lobby so we're gonna meet in act 4 next let's come back here yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna flick the switch party name is still arty game here we go but suddenly we have kids oh yeah it's so it's so quick like the moment you flick that okay once you're done exploding once you appear on the spaceship act 4 act 4 kids down with the Mafia [Music] activate co-op so maybe doesn't soft lock no we're gonna online party I want everyone in everyone's taking part in today's hatton time stream I got our I act like chaos society I actually do really recommend in this game like it actually is really good I owe this probably isn't the best way to show it off cuz this is like a dumb stupid I can't get down hang on there we go everyone needs to get in the cannon I I physically can't get in right now there's too many Hackett's everyone everyone just meet up here for a moment everyone just meet up here and just dance a little okay that's how we'll just organize ourselves and we'll wait for the lobby to assemble no don't knock don't be that guy everyone just dance it's a crook dancing means you're ready okay so everyone just confirm right like ready up by dancing that's how we're gonna do it got her here yeah we seem to be good okay let's head inside the casino kids oh how do we get inside oh we need to we need to press the buns [Music] how do we actually open I don't remember some people are getting inside there goes a hack kid did I get soft locks again okay hang on wait wait someone said you can toggle it from the main menu can I just like to pop it off for a moment know that that's co-op I think mustache girl is supposed to press the other button [Music] okay I'm just got everyone just wait inside inside the building wait inside but let's try this again guess I need a patch for this real soon I feel like I might be one of the first people to actually test this with 50 players so like for Lobby size so maybe if there's like a dev or someone who swings by we found a lot of stuff flux there is a chance they might swing by we actually have had devs in the chapter games before like hitman we have had the devs join us before Twitter retweet them there's a lot of those okay you I don't know if anyone else is even trying to stream this with 50 players I don't know why cause like this is like you know I this seems fun we're just gonna try do it again don't knock people off the thing please go just take your time getting into the cat right so the soft lock the soft lock is clear okay don't hate other hack kids yeah good if you hit a hot kid when they're in when they're talking to someone and they're in a cutscene it breaks that's how it works but III think that's how its consistently been going I'm sorry I've missed every donation too I just realized craftsmen Ashley Maxwell and sir Dan like logic savage we have thousand bits earlier this is my second string of years thank you very much sorry about missing literally all of them it's just been like all go yeah so I don't hit other Hackett's like please because like you'll actually ruin it for them we have to cooperate or is this is gonna be impossible if it's all flux too much what I'll just have to do is I'll just have to pop off the hotline mode again yeah but we have we have to actually try and cooperate because Oh like we can do it if if we can cooperate long enough with this we will try and do a full playthrough of this game with 50 people but that is on the condition that people cooperate and I really do mean that okay like we're gonna try will even try get to the DLC but those are the terms just don't don't kill others I thought that is the big thing we need everyone to be like I would stand it when you kill these mafia men to try jump back it's already softlock doesn't just skip through the cutscenes yeah I'll try I'll try skip true and back to the hub I reckon there's other people getting in the same state once you get inside the place just sit tight they're hurt well thanks for two could actually think for that 100 I'm loving this so far I know I'm God I hope people are still enjoying the street like this one is just going to be a mess and there's no way about it because like what we're trying to do is is overly ambitious to say the least yes so if you get hit during dialogue like it's softlocks and that that's causing most of the issues okay so that that actually triggered like that that didn't play before there's less hot kids here now so we actually have a chance okay and she's coming down we got it oh we did it I feel like there's some hot kids live just up there just on the side I thought those without even trying to get him oh god we made it inside skip the cutscene before it breaks I hope this tecee nose doesn't realize there's some children in here no you're supposed to be over the age of 18 to gamble but the gang has assembled how y'all doing hey how's it going road hog [Music] just say it stay cool okay they're not gonna know this kids in here go through the back the floor is like giving away at the moment we need to open this door how do we open the door we need to get that key don't we okay everyone needs to go get the key all right everyone oh this guy's I've gotta let the merchant in so pretty creepy an extra batch [Music] I'll get the magnet badge you need the lobster bucket okay I'll try get the lobster bucket in a moment just get some power-ups we have the magnapunch I need the lobster bucket here's the lobster bucket but how do I use it the buttons already pressed how do I use this with the lobster bucket the button broke how did someone break it this two lobster buckets - as it softlocked again oh no I think part of the problem is people bring and empower if they shouldn't have the people with the ice statues need to stop maybe that's breaking it cuz I you you shouldn't actually have those things right now well all things any other way to get that no way true the toilet try putting the bucket down I'm trying to pop it down I can just goes to trow it how do you just pop it down on the spot right do I have to toss it use drop I don't use drop Oh right trigger okay we can make a tower of buckets I got everyone kick the bucket party right trigger game okay yeah we've broken it again but button is just the button is dead I've got two buckets now [Music] my voice is really quiet as much I think my voice is fine what about of people thank God like we did the audio check in sounds as it always is wait wait wait you know it opened oh my god if another person is on it the button goes down what it doesn't open that's what soon it oh thank you wait okay everyone back up no everyone just back up a moment it does actually work the buttons not broken everyone get off the button everyone off get rid of the buckets everyone off like this person yep this one person needs to get off look at this see it does actually open hang on so everyone just stand off for a moment [Music] okay so yeah it works you guys just need to we need to form a queue briefly we have to do this one person at a time so everyone just line up outside the door please we can do this we should actually do this everyone line on up okay we need to go one person at a time but one needs to get that bucket off I can't pick it up anymore someone pick up that bucket okay alright so desa by if you want to go first if you want to pick up that bucket and open the door oh he's there okay yes cheddar if you eat okay who's going first burrito boy burrito boy step forward please burrito boy if you can step yep if you want to get a bucket and pop it on the bus we'll get you the key there's a bucket for you he's gone to him they've actually [Music] okay yeah there goes one of them not epic okay yeah just take turns take turns yeah so getting the cube and when is your turn step forward and I make the bus I Kevin leaves a nicely doing the cue yeah so it's just right trigger to drop it on the button right trigger at the drop [Music] there we go once it's up go forward grab the key and then just wait in the lobby okay a next person please a road honking I believe is next to the boy how's it going buddy you want to pop that in your bucket open the door get the key thank you very much a froggy as froggy could step for her oh my gosh this is gonna take a while yeah so froggy go next road Hawk King you need you need to back up you need to back up yeah thanks buddy everyone just keep in the line outside I can't believe this is a work shift okay thanks froggy froggy did you get the key yeah make sure you get the key froggy oh it's not opening for froggy any stuck is there anything on the button oh no it broke on the button struggling lads who should end the money I think that's what's doing it how do we get rid of this money on the ground the button broke does everyone stay in the cute oh [Music] I'm so sad now cuz look everyone works so hard like you have no idea how much like coordination requires to actually form a line like this with like the only communication be like voice chat on this twitch stream of me talking to people the buttons broken guys I'm so sorry I'm gonna go on ahead if you don't maybe hop off online we'll meet and act 5 it seems to be completely soft locked froggy left - I think he's I couldn't bear the guilt I'm just so sorry folks everyone just gotta die yep we'll meet back up in act 5 we'll meet there see you guys that everyone else that got the key if you want to like kind of keep going here you joined the main like on a hat pack let's go forward okay yep that's been some like hack kids waiting in the freezer this entire time how's it going guys into the vent we will continue with the children we still have left I'm gonna break these perils to you actually the Brewers have don't you can't get that yet some more yarn [Music] yeah I get event if anyone's upset that they couldn't get past that there don't worry we'll meet back up and act 5 you can do it offline and just like kind of like going as them okay now no one hit each other here Oh Oh wait there's a mafia guys there's a math you know supposed to be fighting we go beat them down you haven't softlock just yet okay we made it where am I hang on hi I can't see which one am i oh yeah I found me a family everyone jump with each other's heads to dodge him [Music] dodge the sandbags I think the music is completely broken I lost I lost sight of myself I'm gonna I'm the only happy without a name raincoat [Music] I don't know where I am half the time he's doing your best kids so insane sorry unlikely but let's keep going i someone hit on there and I don't know if that was me this is so hard to follow [Music] I keep losing track of where I took a hit there we go we got him where am i again oh gosh okay no no no one jump where am i I'm trying to hit them this is just difficult to comprehend Shh no don't die where am I does that stop them all I'm here I'm here I got myself [Music] I need to get down and get up this is gonna be impossible the music fix itself here we go I need to just carefully watch which hack kid I am here we go we didn't have the music before that was the problem [Music] keep getting some of the hot kids are starting to finish up - this is making it easy I say they immediately get hurt [Music] by myself mafia let's go I got tossed into the ball if I keep my umbrella out that's how I can distinguish which one is me because the other hat kids their umbrellas well doesn't appear as much no that's not even a good indication [Music] just keep going you can do this only a few more hits [Music] hardest fit is dodging the lightning because I don't know where I am Jesus we got him oh my god we did it that's okay thank you for the 500 fits oh Jesus cries OH that was so hard to get true but that's one of the most difficult things I've ever done I think it [Music] meet up and act 5 let's just have a moment of calm as you watch the car Lou thanks 4,000 bits so in case you wondered we need these things as fuel for airships super pig 360 has joined the online party if you're not gonna use them to fight evil mafia town I'll collect all the timepieces for myself you have my word on it there she goes a moment of calm [Music] that's just like me for enemies now okay let's meet back up on the ship it was only for her to steal her like our money successive it's gonna take a moment the load because I imagine has to get all the players back in early thank you for 100 bits you surprised oh we're back [Music] a fair [ __ ] play for all of you getting the dance going as well you guys don't even have comms a credit record [Music] okay guys let's go to the next world I can't use one of the riff tokens oh thank god give me like a costume piece now I don't enough tokens down I need to get more okay we're gonna go - yeah let's go - world - area unlocked world - folks they're already in there okay and we go kids dead bird studio someone else's host in the lobby [Music] it's not me anymore [Music] yeah well Act one dead bird studio let's go here are lumen thank you for the five gift subs very kind [Music] protect the freakin horn I have to skip the cutscenes because if the cutscenes go on too long they'll just break okay guys we need to sneak into dead bird studios this is a stealth mission that's all so I'll just make our way over to the vent now we got to be careful and we need to make sure no one knows we're here all right the stealth mission which someone's already flicked the switch it is just gone is that gonna affect all of us like I may not be able won't be able to progress if someone else does hit something does this affect oh great no it doesn't affect all of us that okay so that's at least something we have to dodge like the searchlights let's go forward stealth mission stealth mission kids again do not try to just intentionally kill people like please don't what did I just is come on guys because like we're not gonna be able to do a Fletcher of it if people keep the murder at each other I will do a complete player of this under these circumstances provided people cooperate best I can and I really mean that [Music] yeah we can't let them know we're here [Music] can't let up no oh yeah I should I should probably be getting some of the yarn I need to get more hats I see our [Music] let's do a collectathon platforming so we're doing stuff okay I got spotted disrupting studio recordings we got a fine make our way forward okay salt and cactus harass me out I it's so hard to see him cuz it's just children everyone it's children everywhere okay no no no stop stop stop stop that one good wait does this affect all of us I hope not that actually affects all of us oh my god okay that's good that's gonna be a messy when we get past it the fact is all to a degree 50 player manicure so basically what we're doing right now I'm in a spot of otter we're okay how's it going kids how many have we still got the some still stuck over there some of the kids have gone on there like really far forward just try and do our best and catch up imagine this being your first exposure in this game is this a game or is this just like an art installation like this 50 player I don't know I need someone to flick the switch yeah we got it we got it move for children okay I think we've met up with the main party for trying to get the coordinated dance code okay come on kids [Music] that is going to like haunt my dreams no I didn't go fast enough hang on right out again you gotta go quick should be using the sprint out go let's go okay put the guy everyone's on the bus I would know don't like people off don't whack people off have we got everyone here okay let's let's move forward though they're on their own bus okay they're on their own version of the bus we just have to keep going [Music] it's being continually being fined for owl harassing to as we go we'll keep attacking them I need to do one quick thing here to turn off my little desktop program I have called flux I help me see a little better don't know if it will but you might [Music] you've got bounce off each other's heads how we make progress no hot kids stop oh my god help our vacuum I know I've done I'm just right here I have to go up there [Music] remember it's a stealth mission got to be sneaky oh my god we've made us no no don't hit each other don't don't don't it's it what's the one thing I said no more hack kids [Music] Oh gotta skip the cutscenes or in trouble oh we gotta take the passport photo how is this going to work this how could I get my picture take thank sport no I know the queues are pretty busy these days office is a bit backlog to say the least I'm in the ceiling okay where am i oh no this is still fire then you also join for online party mode code room name of mercy go I'm overwhelmed we got it we got it I was a good stealth mission how do you get everything Oh oh my god are we going to be able to get true this because this is like too much stimulus I think like this is too much [ __ ] happening but like at least at the others times when we've done this like you know even when it's minecraft we have like a bit of space to operate out of but everyone is in the same space when is hitbad 50 will tea place tell it visually gets filled I decide sky that should not be happening when we just join the lobby that that shouldn't be happening we need to stop that trumpet the trumpet like the trumpet is driving people insane okay guys we're gonna do the next mission just meet up at the stars we're gonna do murder on the owl Express everyone just make their way in murder on the Isle Express everyone just meet at the start of the Train you please no trumpet guys because much it's a bit you know if we want to play this true and not like go lose our money please like we have to develop like laws for our society she's Christ okay a nice classic murder nice classic murder mystery someone just got off the train it didn't solve up what's your uncle's sister's maiden name oh now invite us a lot [Music] I'm just gonna go over kill me the prompt has disappeared there we go keep going for what's up buddy I cannot decipher it what is this say what is this thing I'm hearing a loss of mirror there [Music] there's just just please stop with the crumpet like it's too much um you too game if that person doesn't stop like please it's way too much we got we got a veto that oh I try not to just like follow me too and just like you know hippies we're not gonna make any progress someone's going from the air there now just make this sub Olli I might have to I want to try to keep it open but I don't know if like people fifty selves have the game or I lose exercise of its you can do it I teach a civil matter of states a rotisserie thank you very much of earlier so I love you to have is the worst thing you've ever taught a party we ashamed of chap it's just gonna be me err there again [Music] I'm just gonna say all I gotta try and tacos no please stop please stop oh there's the thing up here with the head on up there and get that let that yarn thanks dancin hat kids showing us the way appreciate it guys yeah but we need people to try and be like the best possible people they can be like when we like form the queue in the last level because that's how we're gonna make progress here so we need to strive to do I need to go in there lotteries really struggling on a wife get the key I see a bit calmer for once it's okay it's okay let's just have a moment of calm before we go any further okay I'm gonna take a sip in the water and we're just gonna toss the chat don't put your controller on the table at vibrate [Music] okay town with the Mafia let's keep going I'm to solve crime through the Train do some murder mystery maintain the movie [Music] the kids just know you can't just be dancing over his corpse it can't just be dancing this this is a crime scene I can't even see them those people just make it like dolls kiss this is really inappropriate [Music] we're call the Troy to watch this as many of them as there are we'll get off at the station stay here okay let's go investigate one hour left okay let's go hi kids this bed of hurt her dancing hat kids are leading the way forward at the moment some evidence doctor is now a suspect I need to go around the other way come on you can leave your friends behind well it's kind of hard to when there's so many of them if friends is a strong word I feel quiet guys not a key dancing hat kids leaped away dance we trust this guy's on the phone just given this monologue it's like there's more hack he's coming up I hate to come on here not to hey can you come on why would speaker give me the phone as well yeah I'm also conducting their investigation on this train give me the phone [Music] that guy's got to make a lot of calls today [Music] I want this do I have enough for a new hot enough to stitch a hat I want to kind of get the ice here no match up over here we need another key oh and that opens a shortcut back so when you get the ice hat you can just like walk up okay we need another key and then we come back [Music] that guy's just watching there here everyone's kind of split off their own ways here too I don't think this miss what levels not as linear which means we actually have a bit of peace and quiet we're still being followed by a few clip-in okay crows are now suspect as well just he's just having fun up there oh yeah the relics I forgot about those we can get them decorate the ship I [Music] really want to play this game true again though I just lost my progress I thought I had it till like yesterday actually is properly foam yeah we got more evidence get in here just wipe it out to the stop laughs in a moment keep laughing look in here or anything no button in the front of the train so I need to get another key don't I go in here I don't know why the next key is for this bit about is there anywhere I've missed boy [Music] where I got the relic was there a key there let's go back in here Technic was the meat here you are Luna thank you for another thousand bits appreciate as ever oh yeah there's a way up here thanks for than out guys [Music] it's more stuff after the big storage room okay further down go back in here we'll take this key what you hear I don't have the ice hat so I can't even use the shortcut anymore wall imagine if I played more of mafia town and I could get that we kind of just jumped straight over here put the key in press that okay we can go in there now your thing go down in here if I miss something in here yeah there's some evidence that kill me is now a suspect how do I get out of here though so okay we just jump over their head kill me is the best suspect why they weren't the one debt like you ended up dead they asked for it moving 30 minutes left elevator here and we need a another key for a door over there there's two doors here let's just start with this door Oh phone call [Music] situation someone else inputted Dargo for this as the name of their dogs oh no we gotta save dog oh gotta move quick gotta move quick going fast is like I'm oh it's okay they'll actually lower it yeah we're good we'll save them is really hard to see cuz it's just dark let me show the curtain here might be able to see a bit better now there we go that all goes safe what happens if you just let him die oh is that is that a sub that I should be asking because that might be upsetting for some folks it's tough yeah though those hat kids are having a bit of trouble Express Al's are now suspect doing good and there's not a room over here there's the king it go this is probably the most column we've had the entire game isn't it or like this session she's considering how chaotic it's been when everyone got it well we should properly just enjoy the piece while we have it this is definitely not going to last I still don't have enough for the Icehouse it would make this so much easier I've actually enjoyed the game now yeah it's kind of hard to show off the game and a good life but everyone's like you jump it in to each other no evidence in here is there little girl have the ugliest all righty okay like our way over here there an elevator there that active that's apparently get in here he'd go practice the victim is now a suspect yeah I'm sure he was the murderer little good good logic there up room over there we need to go to suicide yeah he just he tripped on the knife in his back ten more minutes yeah the guys following me as well like you you just make your own way honestly you don't need to follow me I think everyone just go off to do their own thing here that elevator oven will get everyone gathered together when we get off this mission again like where it's warranted but like for this one it just sees the everyone's working at their own pace I'm sure we'll meet up before long as I was saying hey guys how's it going I am now an available suspect for the hundreds it times up let's go okay we're back into the new I got the crime scene it's kind of difficult to hear the characters [Music] you who did them near there yeah we did it yeah it's what that look there's 50 copies of us one of us didn't [Music] I think the amount of people they're all stuck this fake rubber knife on me and told me to play dead still you're going too far this time detective you're going to the doctor's this well thanks for solving the Meritor lassie reveal a movie this is all part of the film this is all just for the YouTube video you're the star guys you you get to be in the video on the RT game channel so if you want to prepare your do you want to sue we did it where's the gear we got it we got it [Music] [Applause] Jesus is something wrong with a picture everything keeps shaking I think the theater is gonna collapse [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh wow that's much closer in terms of points we were actually one the top people a time when she appeared on the lead of orbit the rare stickers appeared Oh God shall we go a few more levels before of today oh how much people could take of this or 50 people I don't know if we can do a full playthrough of this like I don't know I don't know if there's any point because that is so hard to actually process what's happening it's unfair it's still poison Eddie thing this level was good yeah I was probably like that I was good because we had a better come Oh God we play 50 player DLC well that's what I was thinking maybe we were like what I could do is I could just play through the base game or something in my own time or it's just like casually and then maybe we jump to the DLC at some point as I do actually want to see the DLC I reckon I'll be fun right murder level is the best one acts two in general is just really intruder alert oh yeah you don't say there might be someone on the ship no no don't go that way don't I don't think we're going there just yet the reason I was saying don't go to the DLC there but I do actually want to play it but I feel like if we're doing this we can probably just tell you it an order or something we don't work our way over to it I don't know why even needs a head for DLC why are 4,000 people watching is to reach up to 4,000 people know our ethos [Music] what our mo with that like geez where they come from ookay here there we're gonna do okay actually tell you what you know what we'll do the dlc soon cuz someone has access to it so maybe they like you for it will join them but we're gonna do just one more and I want everyone to gather together for this if we can I think it's the level literally just after this one those murder on the aisle express okay no so we have to do picture-perfect as well there is a level here on the train I really want to do so we're gonna do picture-perfect then we'll do one more and then we'll gear up for the DLC okay everybody everyone come for picture perfect [Music] you this one has really good music about rightly mierda remote when we need we need 10,000 subs if you want anymore votes that's the requirement we're not gonna have you a vote slots for a while [Music] thank you to everyone given bits - it was really hard to catch him because there's so much happen on screen logic thank you very much guys the hack kids just got a baseball bat I get the fine club going we know the guy you guys don't don't just some guys are just following me - hit me come on bullies yeah don't hit [Music] too bad it ran off and [Music] I think we have quite a few people in the Hat Doge I got run over by a car we have quite a few people in the fan club other people are just getting points like around the map we're going to a lot of spots [Music] [Music] pick this up juni otherwise huh [Music] yeah it's so like oh no we got that picture there the model people did too and it seems to be Kevin just make our way over [Music] there we got to go next thing over there [Music] roof cars yeah just no question [Music] go [Music] Norsemen tag and I'm telling you this young girl is the next hop ting watch as she beats these hard-boiled Cod players at their own game on her first try name is easy to understand darling you just guess which number of carve the other players holding from one to ten I can see I could see it a moment ago but there actually is another hack kid like trying to block the calf [Music] on out there we go they're going a lot more points [Music] you make it our way if they hated them [Music] increasing exponentially maxtv darling and we have a bit of calm in this level because people are just like going their own ways but the level after this hopefully we may unlock it I don't get to play a car we'll get everyone in one place again [Music] get all the hot kids got her she tell her this we did it what is this game a hat in time you need to grab a look for the training mission oh how do I get the grapple look I do actually need a grapple of your rice oh I love ish subcon forest okay subcon ACTU for the grapple right yeah you you can see if we can get the sub common problems is to it maybe we just have to keep going in a bit in order though and we'll just work away over oh yeah prepare for like an audio glitch hang up you don't all the hats to do the missions in the DLC okay there's no point even trying to do the DLC that is there because if we need all the hats surely you can still play them don't even you're missing a few like we humor it before a hat and life hmm yeah it takes her a long moment to load when we go back to the hub there's so many people some puzzles require the mechanics from those hats okay so we can't so just there's no point doing the dlc happen okay well we'll leave the dlc then we can maybe pull out another day cuz like I do actually want to play it myself so I even if I don't stream more of a hat in time I want I'll probably play it true in my own time just to get everything okay so we need to go to subcon forest which i believe is true here let's get the grapple hook come on folks contractual obligations okay so it is this one everyone comes to subcon again the room code as well as RT game if people want to join in I think we've lost a lot of players now room code is RT game the reason is that like in the title of that is because it fills up after a certain point so we just kind of leave it from there these people still waiting on their turn in mafia town boom goes the case-sensitive it's all lowercase you it just takes it takes a bit to load I think maybe like or why host I ran but I guess we're just like I guess it can't be I guess it's just on servers and maybe the surface of chugging a little bit because we brought somebody people on it's awesome a good fun though hey I did that this is this mode is as stupid as I'd expect it to be I know I know it is like softlocks aplenty but like that's okay I think it's not supposed to be the most functional thing just imagine mario odyssey or something and it's like just fifty Mario's basically what's going on okay come on folks into the spooky forest people on their bikes oh we got snatched it's natural not supposed to be coming oh yeah there we go don't worry we commissioned a lot of mirror there in the last act we've only met him for the first time [Music] let's get you an additional contract yeah I'm supposed to have my first contract signed this is the wrong dialog oh we got we got to do that one too no that one's really good deliver packages to ten of my minions do this one [Music] we've skipped something here we're not supposed to be on this mission the why is there a timepiece there why is there a biker squad we gotta go you gotta go I think someone else just did a different goal in the map while that was going on this is like a timepiece already here God's a lot of bikes oh here he is again isn't that he's telling me about the fire spirits but he the trigger just played for what happens after the fire spirits died can I just run forward and get the time here yes I can [Music] easy level that one guy just did the level and the wrestlers has picked up the gear afterwards free timepiece yeah we didn't we didn't have to do that level I didn't do anything I've actually loosen my uh yeah how hard is this stream to process like what's actually yeah like the game is just being so horrific aliy broken by the presence of 50 players right now it's a really good game outside of this like I cannot stress that enough I go [ __ ] love this game like I don't want to paint in a bad light as if this is some like broken buggy mess cuz it's not it's just you know you're not supposed to have [ __ ] 50 players that's why this is happening like every hand is mirrored air they need to fix the 50 player system I think the 50 player system is honestly there is like some kind of joke although it is paid for DLC so you know I guess you'd expect it to work a little better that's the thing like it comes with the gnocchi so Metro DLC and you do have to buy it separate to the game it's janky and it's quite broken but you know I guess you'd expect it to work if you're paying for it you know our free update they made 50 player for her to e at the moment I saw it I was just like I I have to do this because like this is just dumb as [ __ ] and this shouldn't exist like they just take any other game like brush of the wild is now 50 players 50 player Skyrim like there's no rhyme or reason I can't even see I can't even see get me on the telescope there we go this is act 4 yeah we've completely broken the sequence now - I think something's gone wrong here like we're supposed to have another contract I think let's just go act for sure pad thai developers we were so preoccupied with her thought they could that didn't stop the think they should ASIC says it going okay yeah so everyone everyone in the lobby we're gonna do Queen Vanessa's Manor next I want everyone to go into that mission in particular where we're going again the room code is RT games if anyone's looking to join everyone we're going to finesses man [Music] this is this is the horror part like horror level of the game already done the stealth level let's do a spooky one as a 50 player horror let's see if this works you a scale 1-10 how spoopy it actually is quite scary more so because you just wouldn't expect this kind of thing in this game but it's genuinely just creepy this is stream is already horrific I don't know how I'm gonna edit this to like even thinking about it cuz like why make a video for this for YouTube it's just mirrored air Moorea Mir chair boop boop you're not gonna be able to watch it Jesus this siliceous yeah or in the cutscene loaded in there's someone just on their moped there's a race into her tits the end already let's talk to the Patrick new contracts is there one for the well boil it up do that's actually that will be available now I think what the well I see you can just you can just go alright well sign toilet do simple the whole spirits all video 8 you story the reason like Basra zombies video will go up like in the next hour the reason that one's like edited and so much is because I like to highlight format and that it just didn't really make sense to upload it as like level by level or wave by wave cuz it's quite a slow game it makes more sense to stream plants vs. zombies and actually like uploads a YouTube I think but I still wanted to like preserve something from those three people they were genuinely good it's like a gentle of the game oh no okay only one person hit the bell at a time no we're just gonna have to go best we can hear double the full stream you can watch the full stream on Twitch it's there hey buddy what have we done what have we done it's supposed to be a bell gotta grab the Apple thing oh okay right someone's already got the Apple thing okay that guy with the Apple you need to deliver that thank you [Music] yeah we ought we all have to work together the plus side for these bits that means there's someone else can go hit the bell while everyone else like platforms across and we need someone to take the fruit again though no there's the fruit aisle I get it stuck up here [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go I got it I got it I got it [Music] get the game is just breaking a little it's fine can someone else hit that thing I need to hold the fruit thank you [Music] how do I actually get this up I don't think you're supposed to this is supposed to come down I can't get this up here here but here put that put down the fruit we need we need to get rid of it we need to get rid of the fruit I'm just gonna try Chuck it this isn't supposed to be down here well who you [Music] then you just climb up and oh you can just climb up and jump over the wall Oh perfect [Music] [Music] we were so caught up with the fruit we didn't see the answer right in front of us everyone meet up outside the house don't no one go in yet yeah everyone's at the gate hey guys scooter Patrol is here [Music] let's just wait a moment [Music] they're dancing them one of them we get keeps getting crows and that wasn't suspended midair and out okay folks let's make our way into the house they're never gonna know we're coming and kept things quietly under wraps they won't suspect a thing oh you can't go in the front door that's right hang on right inside man that's why guys right okay yeah we're here okay into the basements everyone jump in [Music] everyone in okay we got to work together knock a cup [Music] everyone you found the shortcut to be add by accident yeah I do yeah I should no one use the shortcut - let's do this one properly with 50 players the best we can if the no.1 Duda shortcut okay you it really takes a while to load when there's just so many people even see we're like the like a couple of frames in the top left you really reset your game to fix the loading times I don't think it's the game I think it's I think it's something to do with the amount of players guys please there's the key [Music] where's the [ __ ] key ah oh my god you started where is it all right let's see it someone saying over here I don't see the key oh okay that was saying a guy standing on it looks like I couldn't see it okay okay so everyone stick together when we get to the mansion bit too okay here we go now guys we have to keep it down or in here all right we can't let her if you can't let her know we're here so put away the [ __ ] trumpet guys guys we need to hide we need to hug okay how do we get that down everyone's going to the fridge okay we need the key for the piano let's go guys well okay just for the stream sake to the guys with the forest mask just could you not cuz the orbs are way too much though orbs are like a really painful to look up could the guy he's doing that just like kind of have some cough ah thank you it was possible to kick people those who these people could kick that guy who keeps doing it please stop please stop the orbs let's go into the bench [Music] and I can't see anything cuz that one guy won't stop with the orb he doesn't care no I used to guy eats the same guy spamming the noise - [ __ ] that guy oh there's a shadow there everyone into the piano everyone under the piano everyone under oh hey okay [Music] aisel be here stay under the piano [Music] stick it listen saffiano if you get out of the piano you're going to be in trouble okay [Music] [Music] get the key [Music] go forward yeah it's that one guy with the orb I wish we could just ban him or something like he's actually really annoying God what you gonna do keep going [Music] [Music] kinesio voce system yet it does receive a kind of asleep through discord found there possibly when we need to codex we have a hiding spot under the treads we need to get the key up there get out of the book just a few of them in the cover Chester how do I get up there and get back [Music] hard to see anything cuz his voice commands everyone the balloon oh they're not there the balloons are not there [Music] they're there get a balloon come on didn't quite work [Music] oh don't go in there oh go in there right now is it safe yeah we're good [Music] yeah we just need one more balloon the last balloon oh no the keys just gonna fly away yeah we need to go get it let's go guys he in here that's the way we came oh there it is wait can we get everyone just lined up in the shower oh he's always gonna be spooked by the lightning there's a guy in there Oh God Oh Jimmy [Music] Jimmy [Music] I don't think we can sneak by there [Music] it's something I can sneak [Music] I just gotta sit tight it's just like captain carrot cake just like [ __ ] Cronus good good I get we're way further up how we go shortcut I believe there's like a crawl space over here somewhere I just take to that from like the basement so you can actually skip the entire level wandering this box open [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I think it's gonna be time to get the group photo I think we're gonna wrap up because I don't my brain is failing the longer I play this because it's so so difficult to actually process what's happening half the time is good fun but I think this is like one of those gamers like you gotta take in small doses I can't do anymore today like my mind is a melson as I play mierda if you stop now will murder you signal player I might play single-player in my own time but I think we're gonna just leave it there for today's stream gonna call it an early one I want to mention for tomorrow stream two will be starting at a later time in the day we started at 6:00 p.m. Irish time the reason for that is because I will be doing a stream with a particular someone and that time just suits them a bit better we're gonna be finishing a thing we played earlier last month we will never be able to unhear mirrors that was like people actually tried to work together and like form the [ __ ] queue because like that was the sweetest thing it just like fill me with so much hope forgetting true this got hear the voices in my head ah there to the hub you still see the white circles yeah now I can hear the trumpets but they're just continually playing in my head right now okay it's super fun but like it takes it out of you Jesus my control is just shaken get guys meet up in the central room the central room we're gonna get the group photo over here okay this is where we're gonna take the group oh well there we'll get the group photo actually here yeah this this makes the most sense everyone line up against this chat console here okay [Music] everyone over here I'm gonna line up against the window and we'll get the group home so everyone over there [Music] and I want everyone to just start dancing when they get up there to grind find like a squat and dance [Music] there we go that guy he was really yep you just want to get back and close everyone get packing closes as close to the wall as he can no don't hit people don't hit people we're getting the group photo forget them smoke dancing in there we go guys mind the room behind the rumba oh my god absolutely we're alive we actually made some progress in the game that's a standard [Music] I know the stories about the Edison thank you everyone for taking power in like this art installation I hope hope you all enjoyed and had fun maybe we'll do this we get down the road maybe they might pass some of the issues like make this a bit more stable because right now it's a kid you're just gonna I'm just gonna do that but we'll let the sounds of Karen explain as we go credits just lower the volume a little Oh God I hope everyone enjoyed the stream anyway I know that will was messy as hell but you know it's 50 people in a single-player game or a game that should not support this many people like I don't know why this is here but it's awesome it's just good fun thank you to everyone I gave bits to and sub I'm sorry I missed so much about today it's just cuz like yeah when you're overloaded with stimulus is just hard to pay attention Miyamoto takes 100 bids right at the end there we still watching you thank you next ELC is 250 player compatibility could you imagine Oh God [Music] yeah I'm glad we got to try this anyway well it's kind of new and like people are just interested in trying it out for the first time it's a it's a colossal mistake but it's good for the computer with died before it even reach 100 yeah would it really choked when we did terraria way back in the day that was how was to all my PC it's like the supercomputer I like it chugs experience yours yeah they trust the first fruit of a seat well I hope you enjoyed it spicy Panda you know hopefully a bit more grounded than this but you know we got to try the experiments when they come along mine mine Luke cigarette your bits to thank to the street thank you very much fun why are you looking at a player let's know this is them everyone who subscribed Jeremy stream we play it at the end mister God a video will be going up on the channel in 20 minutes - it's plants vs. zombies from the other day if you can play play drove it in 15 minutes hope you guys can go out 50-person hat in time bottle oh that's the only way I can see this going we need the battle royale mode Buffy Castillo disease the freaking boss fight we like the Mafia guy was the absolute worst because it was impossible because the camera didn't move and it's like a static camera you can't tell which hat kid you were like at least we like the barrel blast the camera followed you so you have an idea of who you control it but that one was so bad because you just couldn't distinguish and because when the first boss is - everyone has like this it's the same outfit there's no way of distinguishing oh the game died in the background probably for the best captured a flagon hat in time it would be so fun I'm curious if that's why they're doing the 50 player mode is to add some kind of dedicated multiplayer mode you know where you actually have objectives they're like you play verses or something because surely that's what it's got to be for if they're like install these servers because you know 50 player online play single-player game just you know it's an experiment it's interesting but I can't be the main reason they're doing it they have to be doing something like a dedicated multiplayer mode be amazed if they weren't and this is just like the testing ground for it this moved slightly okay let's see who we can write anyway kilos going I'm gonna rake you up what's the header she's a good bean thanks again for coming though folks I'll be back tomorrow again the stream tomorrow start at 6 p.m. Irish time believe that's UTC plus 1 just look time in Ireland and work out what it is for your local region the best way to do it it'll be 6 p.m. my time that I'll be starting so will be slightly later Stream until then have a good night and I will talk to you all tomorrow okay guys you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 34,494
Rating: 4.9614854 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-423402591, rtgamecrowd, Good news guys, they added 50 Person Multiplayer, A Hat in Time, Twitch, Gaming, Good, news, guys, they, added, 50, Person, Multiplayer, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: Jcw0cw0xWj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 50sec (9710 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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