RTGame Archive: Cities: Skylines [PART 8]

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[Music] hey how's it going folks everyone hear me evil hoppin it now hey how's it going everybody here we'll give people a moment just to hop in before we get the stream going it's good to have you all here happy st. Patrick's Day today is the actual day oh yeah all do grexit in city skylines no we're doing Ireland today that's not brexit well I mean I guess this map features Northern Ireland so there might be a bit but I doubt we'll get that far is I think this is a big map of mine how is it goin everybody I hope you're all having a happy Sunday those are the Irish good to see you here I hope you having a good day I hope you're enjoying the parade in your local towns basically across the country like I heard that the winning dingle starts like 6:00 a.m. and then I have to do another one at midday because it's so goddamn early and no one shows up I don't if it's the point of like doing if you have to do it twice but what you're gonna do Gallants thanks for tyr tree once again I've made in a while have you been I've been good to have you here man yeah that's just let's just hop over to cities they were playing cities for the first time in a while visited this gaming whole bit last time we were plying this we kind of had the new Fallout said he died the super city is pretty much dead at this point but I thought for today we'd start something new it turns out there's quite a few Ireland maps and I'm gonna let you guys kind of make the call which one we're gonna do it's basically there's three main ones to pave between UK and Ireland I don't know if that one's good because you start in the UK and I think that's a bad call if I was to offer my two cents on that map well don't know if you want to do that one but we have this lovely kind of sunset Ireland we have a river Ireland and we have one called square Ireland which honestly doesn't really represent Ireland at all it's kind of got the Liffey but there's this weird volcano like structure I'd like to call the nipple in the center of the map now we're not doing the fortnight well no no that's a different day no we're not doing the fortnight map I'm gonna set up a straw poll anyway to see which of the Ireland's we're gonna go with we're gonna let you guys just decide it so which Ireland okay so we're gonna go it's sunset Ireland we have river Ireland and it's gonna be square Ireland no I'm set up a straw poll guys give me give me a vote everybody doesn't casted in their votes you gotta go like actually cast your ballot you can't just yell at the TV someone just said apex legends I don't why you know I'll include the UK and Ireland sure I think that one's kind of lame honestly okay which Ireland there we go spamming it best I can before ninety one isn't an option nope 49 one is not an option though you fly out a lucky for trying to done can you guys hear the background music of the game okay by the way it's not too loud or anything I kind of want it like gentle and kind of quiet in the background that's how I try it you know we're gonna try to use some radio stations in the game too okay your votes in sounds good go okay let's see I mean currently it seems to be sunset Ireland both square Ireland and UK Ireland are UK and Ireland are not really popular uh yeah we're just gonna go sunset then I think this is like the prettiest one as is the river one looks kind of cool too because actually has all those features in like you can see on this one even an overview there are no rivers you get mountain instead yeah we're gonna go with this Ireland okay so let me just make sure we're gonna do something that might surprise you yeah unlimited money is off we get the unlimited soil and or cuz you know I was just a convenience thing okay that's all off so we should be good BK thanks for 502 bits that we sent Patrick's Day thank you very much - Akane nice for two quid DST thanks for 100 thank you very much guys yeah happy st. Patrick's Day to everyone here in particular the Irish folks know it's kind of its kind of like national Ireland today it's basically what st. Patrick's Day is it's kind of crazy if you consider like the population of Ireland like just relative to the world like there's only about 6 million of us on the planet I think it's just under 5 million I actually live in Ireland because so many of us are abroad okay this is gonna be Arland - it's better Ireland was the surprise no constant movement of meteors I turned off the Ragnarok Mount actually not like that the surprise is that like we burned I actually cheating or anything we're just gonna build a city and just gonna talk awhile I thought we'd go for something a bit different I'm not destroying it now we might be a bit rough around the edges and how we make the city oops the game crap Oh turns out the game got upset I said I was gonna play legit well let me let me let me try that again you I turned off most of lavon's too so there's it shouldn't actually crash that's what hopefully sunset Ireland doesn't have problems okay let's try loaded again Oh God you might alert go I could thank for the forward rivets no I'm not feeling that nice thank you very much though I know our thank you for 200 as well I started Amy when my parents didn't happy st. Patrick's Day I'll take your mind off life for old man gonna build a fun ol city it's pause the game let's see where we are yet so welcome to Ireland Jesus Christ Carrie looks mountainous oh my god I don't remember Carrie being this jagat Jesus Christ don't go that tall do they cork is over here oh my god it looks like Southern Ireland just got destroyed like how is anyone supposed to live there orc has gone but that might be Cork in there oh my God look at Northern Ireland okay we're gonna have to carve through those regions though later at least Dublin is mostly intact Dublin should not be this mountainous though okay I think what they've gone for is like the amount like the spots where there are mountains in Ireland but the mountains in Ireland you Lant this high this is like freakin Everest in comparison to the ground below like I know where I live in like the Dublin region and a mistress isn't here that's degree but okay I guess we'll we'll just get on with it they're all spiders oh yeah double city council went all out yep now we have this lovely little section here to start with um yeah I mean where where are we is this is definitely Dublin Oh God okay Dublin is actually quite small I think relative to what we see here I think Dublin it Dublin's like between here I recognise like these two heads this is Dublin uh we can have like a single Road and the slope is too steep apparently we're gonna need road Anarky well let's just do our best let's make like a small little suburb here just start us off with this Oh perfect square shape that's surely not going to upset anyone doing the best I can oh my god okay Dublin's off to a bumpy start that's all right okay let's get them in we're gonna need some water set up a pipe there you know the true dublin we kind of use like american grid system for designing their cities I gotta put the sewage pipe down somewhere I mean this is where the end of the Liffey is so I guess that makes sense I'll pop that over there for now [Music] hey I will just but just we'll just put that down up there we go I guess we can just convert Dublin into a power grid that but that should be fine we go stick that on there there's been a lot of bits coming in just just want to want to mention like here oh thank you for 400 building only Northern Ireland please we got to get to Northern Ireland don't worry we will though later a hero like so I think for another 200 there then why you're celebrating st. Patrick's Day oh my gosh I've een 500 thank you for 500 bits not Irish by moving to Dublin in the fall I think that counts with something from Boston I hope you have a fantastic tell him here that's great to hear dimension thank you for five good as well TSC thank you for another 200 as well thank you very much guys thank you to everyone at 7:00 do okay we have a foundation let's just just get people settled I don't like how we have this bridge that extends to the UK we might delete that later but you know we got to repopulate the country first there's like post famine environment no one lives here right now there we go the first settlers gotta bring a life back into this world and let me see if I can do a thing too we can pop on a radio ladies a radio like sation rock city all that jazz oh please have some of the radio channels of license music kind of be used while streaming okay it's just cold I pop on some jazz sounds like a guy clapping at me furiously right now okay not too loud is it think I need to lower the sound a little you monetize he's snapping okay there we go yeah that that that should be alright [Music] okay yeah well actually play with some music good that ain't jazz sigelei furiously clapping okay get everyone in why is it called Port Burke I thought we were in Ireland - oh no did I not rename it city name port I'll have to change that later it's not port work it's our limbs - [Music] goddamnit this was gonna be there the entire time now taunting me got the first thing wrong okay well it's not good anything else wrong keep upgrading the city if they need shops get them covered just like that mix it by OECD is kicking it I can't fix it I need a mod or something to fix it it's Crockett thanks for 500 he says that's what you get for not doing the fort thank you very much now I'm saving that one for another day we gotta do Ireland because you know it's Patrick's Day that the I oh yes thank you wait no I still got around ham there we go little lifesaver in chat thank you very much man never punished okay and I got oh just built out across the train tracks sure work that out later I got a build over here because we need industry I'll just make the industry like a really long line I mean like the one road philosophy has actually worked many a time oh sure there we go Oh Clara we're already having a power crisis but let's see if we can get clean renewable energy I just solved them for now okay and then we're trying to address problems before they even become a like an issue that kills everyone doing something a bit different there's a school like that well no there's clinic there's a school I should have turned off-road Anarchy when I did that because now it looks silly hopefully those people move out I'm sure they will like yeah like these guys were the Fairview residents refuses to move their home right now this ballsy guy town can't yeah there we go Town Council got him he thought he could get away with it just like believing his home in the parking lot it's never gonna fly turtle red Spartan Adam thank you for the donations I have the great Whedon has been announced they will be announced later tonight bear in mind when I say announced I'm gonna say that they like their contact you're not actually gonna make their information public but I will be contacting them later the giveaway is over winners happen pick I just have to send up the messages thank you to everyone who entered on that front I will be doing another giveaway down the road too so you know if you still want to stay in the discord and like follow on Twitter and you know actually watch the streams there'll be a chance to win more stuff down the road we can have a chance to actually get stuff hang on just while we're waiting for people to move in an industry to set up though I should have two pastas you just have to tap out I actually do have a little something that I do want to give out this comes from lovely fellow by the name of Jonathan works in paradox who's caught wind that we do City skylines stuff he's given me a lot of load of keys to give out I'm just gonna pop them in chat there you go folks you get some DLC for the game that's when power ducts and we actually have like some more keys to give out as we go along I believe it's keys for all like the DLC radio stations they have in the game but yeah it's just some freebie stuff like shout the paradox they gave that to me yeah so I could just work away with those keys you might have to untangle them a little bit this should be ten there let me know if you could manage to claim one they should work on Steam yeah for anyone like with City skylines there's some DLC for the game or what the game no no it's for some it's for some DLC for the game we have it mad if they get like yeah here's like 30 copies of the game just give them out I thought that'd be a bit much no it's just some free DLC for cities fans because they're well aware of what we do on the channel John that's really nice thanks Jonathan [Music] oh that's why they have no power whoops there we go okay problem solved I mean Dublin's been turned is like a massive hill but it kind of works you know we still have the Liffey in the game that's something that's so cool I'm curious should I buy the game because it looks fun but where I'll pay $30 and get bored of it I mean I've got like 50 hours in this game now I'd say III have played it quite a bit I do doc genuinely enjoy it destroying cities aside like yet you know if you're into anything like SimCity this is really the game for you the value for money is definitely there like you can spend like a lot more time than all you do I just tweaked in your city like I would rack if I would recommend it okay well we got districts just develop in the village ouch we'll get a fire station in get police in that's all we can afford but yeah we're just getting the basic services in for now you should download the Dublin's fire from the workshop it's not on Workshop oh yeah I should get that then hang on Joey hyah Ireland - let's just quickly TAV out his dublin spire on Steam Workshop for this game I'm amazed anyone bought her to make it play capture perhaps the workshop we're gonna get the pole let's say spire you oh my god I think that is that it there's a dublin spire here and then as a nutter spire Devlin's pyrite I think yeah I think this is it it's kind of hard to see because it's cold you know narrow and ugly okay so we have this spire oh that actually looks nice in Chicago but we don't get that in Dublin we have that one too okay I'll go with the first one let's get that into the game then okay so we got to go back to the main menu and we can enable it let's go to see hat yeah we have to get the spire and I turned off most of the assets because they were completely breaking the game oh I did get the Aer Lingus one though so I'll turn that one back on let's see so spire on building build and unique cool is there any other assets that we really want to turn on for Dublin I'd have to turn off almost all of them we want the dot we want the dominoes logo yeah and you know game stuff yeah well okay the Guiness trucks are there well there's a Toblerone we don't eat you we remember install now yeah I mean that that should be good you know people fly pokemon go here oh the gasworks yeah I got that one too it's like an apartment building and Dublin really cool-looking okay yeah we should be good we should be good thank you again to all the bits and subs that are coming in I'm sorry I just can't keep up with them like judge darkness jad again yoshi i Nora thank you all for the bits guys happy st. Patrick's Day everyone Oh what have I done wrong it just wanted the spire let's just let's just do that a moment and the game is still a bit funk because I have like remnants of so many mods installed from mod city that I should probably just do a reinstall at this point there we go spot here fella Terrence spire was too much yeah I can't do a big pull too long [ __ ] sake Bertie okay I will just put it back up again there we go yeah we're back in everything's fine what's aspire under is there a tab for useless shite larger Big Ben I turned you off I hear there we go okay us a hundred thousand dollars it cost sixteen a week Jesus okay so we gotta save up for the spire [Music] so ugly isn't it okay oh that's the goal we'll get aspired down the road I think we can get a Toblerone at least for the time being now we haven't unlocked parks and plazas yet okay we just got to get the population up then we seem to be doing okay this main road is a bit funky because of all the turns hope that doesn't cause problems and a lot I'm wonder if I should like to delete this bit of highway and just make it straight there's like several highways like here's surely black well here's fate here's James [Music] fires like a giant to pick basically oh [ __ ] hell gallons thank you for the five thousand bits spire it looks almost like a giant stick but giant stuck its sorry it almost looks like a giant stuck its to pick into the ground basically yeah thank you so much for the five thousand bits that's very generous like God Only Knows you've given a lot already - thank you very much five K yeah that's five thousand euro that's how it translates five thousand smackeroos all money given today is gonna go towards alcohol don't worry you'll be well spent happy st. Patrick's Day literally every penny no it's not it's not it's not five thousand euro guys that's not how it works Jesus Christ no guys fifty quid still a lot of money thank you very much rag there's a trade your pizza Bell Toblerone it's the Chad spire basically okay where's the medical clinic the medical clinic is there so okay so I have to put the next road over here I think the button there and we're gonna we're gonna try and do like a bit of actual city layout and design here we're gonna just make like a little housing district it just in here not just gonna be boxes well yeah it's gonna be boxes but you know the roads aren't it's gonna be fun you know what I mean actual design there we go where is your house I mean I live in Dublin and Dublin is represented by like this little pocket here kind of hilarious yeah cuz like if you think about it like was it like two million of Ireland's population is in like this little circle here all its represented by right now is a sewage pipe where everyone lives like it's a dense area like in Ireland the other two biggest cities are than Cork and Galway a scope thanks four thousand bits get rid of the curved highways ah I mean we can get on it yeah okay yeah oh gee agent that guy he's not gonna slow down for anything god I think that looks worse there's just too many highways here like why do we have four connecting roads this is just traffic gridlock now that's gonna slow it down everyone Raftis thank you for a thousand bits as well no the bits it now that I know the bits are going to alcohol and need to donate as well happy st. Patrick's Day arty thank you very much I have to spend 70 quid on drinks now oh I'm a bit of a lightweight ooh I don't even drink that much I drink like occasionally ends to be in Rihanna's company that sounds bad when I say oh my god she's hangin I wanna you know I'm gonna need a drink like that's not how I meant it I'm digging a hole for myself up oh no that's not how I meant to that IV I drink I whenever I like like close friends and whatnot that's what I meant it just sounded it real bad rueful gamer types 4,000 bits as well that's 80 quid someone keep tabs on the hatrocks as we go along please basically every hundred bits is a dollar so that's $80 I'll let you guys keep count a tiny town unlocked not enough workers they're all uneducated okay we need more schools get these people some education but a big-boy school in there digging into the side of the mountain every 100 bits is a dollar yes that's how it works [Music] green bean thanks for 200 whose lives are we [ __ ] up today the Irish we're just moving them in wait so every 100 pizzas 500 year yeah people are getting confused quite quickly is it yeah basically a hundred bits is a hundred dollars every single time best way to look at it party thanks for 10 quid heard you again wasted today so thanks body appreciate can't afford the Toblerone yet we need a bit more money there's a guy talking over us a brontosaurus is serving you chili dogs why is the Toblerone taller than the spire oh yeah ok dude dude I need to go back to jazz relaxation station kind of a bit tricky when you're streaming and you just have the guy talking over you and radio play Connick thanks for a thousand bits as well don't mind me just country at the RTS Guinness thank you very much okay so Toblerone height let's just bill that a moment spire hike white to [ __ ] oh the spire is terrible the spire is rose up we can't even compete with the Toblerone it's like it's not even worse no we're just going with the taupe that's the new spire that's a new spire would it's not we're just the spire sucks get that instead and I need to set taxes I need to take out a big boy loan because we need to buy a dump too we'll just we'll just get a simple standard to dump for now get some incineration plants a little later please that in their boxer and senior thank you for the 500 250 bits each drink responsibly Lowe JK go have only donate for alcohol you body for the elder thank you very much guys we got the dump in Jesus Christ gallons under 1,500 the spire is a to pick the tow horn is a giant's candy pencil the spire is the tool pick he uses the cleanest heat after he finishes the Toblerone read chicks of too good as well I think you fellow Irish might call me Kevin or do you watch him yeah we're friends you know each other this well a lot okay we have the dump all of the business Oh No okay we need to get more there's no demand for industry but there is demand for people Jesus Christ with the bits guys as well peachy thank you for a thousand as well I request some sort of disaster in the stream of while you play country roads thank you very much you guys are being very generous today yep get more people in we just need to keep moving them in we're gonna need some other means of power like the wind only energy just ain't cutting it get the coal plant we'll close that down a little later but we just need something to get us going it simply isn't enough there we go yeah that that's pretty much self which is what one coal plant it's telling us I can build some new stuff too sure we'll build the meet this is basically Phoenix Park we'll just stick this on there's the meat here is my favorite Park in the game I really like it this reminds me of when we first played the game makes me very nostalgic awesome puppies Red Dead Eye fanatic thank you all for the bits guys you very much yeah are we doing on the education front I think we need yeah I think we need another school not everyone's educated you need elementary four children and then we need more high schools Elementary students in the city okay so that that'll tackle all of them well that's good hopefully automatic bulldoze works this time too no it never does I've gone through like four different automatic bulldoze mobs and like they've all broken it's sad cuz that's a mod that you really want to have a loop Isis fire giant Toblerone because the actual spire sucks you know this is more Irish by representing the Swiss we had to borrow money off of when the country went under not really because Switzerland isn't powerful EU about though the spire is just shape this is better which tie barrel it went under like 2008 recession days their government had the great idea to just cover the banks in their totality when do the stock market collapse which turns out wasn't the best move get some more in here wheeze it all in there we go we go perfect plumbing system gonna go back to the dries we'll hop about what the music today Jackie thanks for over 500 bits Ivan trick money at you in a while so I'm here to pay my toll see at twitchcon arty well thank you very much I'll see you then we were freaking birthday for twitchcon account white god that's all chock-a-block [Music] why on all of the roads are backlogged okay these guys are trying to turn that way what happens if I just funnel them onto this side street but they turn off there now we turn we turn them off earlier get rid of that one what I'm gonna do as well because we need like people to get to industry sooner I'm gonna I'm gonna upgrade these roads [Music] the industry will come back it's okay [Music] yeah and now we move them over there okay hopefully that makes it better [Music] me too Reese Knapp the Toblerone to apparently cost us $2,000 oh no the industry moving back okay they'll move back in over time when the demand comes up it's fine you unlocked a bunch of stuff can't move the dumps ash is gonna be on the road a little that's back on too [Music] and maybe as well the ease of traffic a bit put that in there [Music] now that they can get into this part of the town witties hopefully that makes it a bit better [Music] Karthus intersection is really bad at least someone returning over here now oh Jesus Christ oh god thanks for a thousand bits first of all he was my dog found me a happy birthday yes his birthday's on st. Patrick's Day happy birthday Sammy sounds like a very good boy hey thanks for a thousand fifty as well can't wait till they make the news fire into a lightsaber also every 1000 bits you should drink some Guinness I think I would die because people have given like how many multiples of a thousand bits already I will be very quickly intoxicated I don't like getting a cider it's kind of rubbish okay how do I manage traffic lights because I think that's something I want to do I want to turn them all off how do I do that again traffic routes maybe junctions okay yeah we don't need traffic lights that should hopefully help solve some of the pro but why are they going into that bitter road did you see that okay look at that that garbage truncus truck is sinking all something's wrong there he's not even moving what what's wrong with the intersection going under the road Oh No okay I messed it up somehow hi Craig thanks Elise have a good go buy yourself something nice cue up the awesome streets thank you very much villager like record your bits as well I've done something wrong but you know it's still functioning do we want questions Bragg thanks Benno twelve hundred bits was that bad though Iceland Ireland bulge backed by the bank back to banks and out of all the small nations that were affected by the crisis they turned out the best I mean short term it was very bad like we were only starting to recover now Reich and you know that's like 11 years down the road we have to take out some big-boy loans from the EU stay afloat basically I think it's more so cuz the Irish economy is very strong that we kind of got out of it more than anything yeah yeah I could top talking like I kind of economics a moment and pretty real pretty rubbish for a good long while but you know it's just kind of come back around I think still expensive as [ __ ] air though you know that just sucks you know what we need some new shops so let's just fill it all up sure there be lemon [Music] okay doing good not enough educated workers okay so they need more school what pot capacity is the secondary school that has every high school student in the city okay so that's fine [Music] this should there's two schools so we should have them all between the two where's the second school yeah we have we have all the students well future-proof a little bit here and like we'll get another school or are you gonna build out that way a bit more truthful gamer thank you for the 1500 bits thank you very much there's been incredibly generous with the bit donation say [Music] there's trees in the roads it's it's fine it's rural Ireland not really because we're close to Dublin but just drive around it just a blind spot the industry is slowly starting to come back in - probably shouldn't have removed it all so quick drag thanks to our tree hundra I think Ireland's expensive try Iceland a beer at the bar called 707s I say 5 to 9 euros is it that beers here costs 5 to 9 euros basically on par I think the cheapest drinks I've ever seen was when I was in Prague because the equivalent like to Europe for a point which was absurd where'd the Harry Hill thing start from I'm just a massive fan of Harry hill it was kind of like a meme we did when we were playing tf2 and I kind of got pushed over the edge because someone made a Harry hill themed tf2 map there like specifically for me to play on like an old video of a be playing on it from summer 2017 that was around the time we got partnered on Twitch so we just made Harry he'll be first ammo on the twitch channel and he's just been a staple ever since ok well we haven't [ __ ] it up yet that's pretty good like a tennis court add some class got a turn off wrote anarchy I have some tennis guys [Music] yet guys give me this moment ok taco thanks for 200 pits find a pot of gold sincerely a Mexican thank you very much I think we're good on the whole not fire coverage oh not water I said good plate okay we pull water from over here I hope the sewage doesn't backlog then and I'll solve water security is fine fire coverage is just [ __ ] at the moment so we need to do we need to do something about that put that in there it's a very precarious fire station on the edge I wouldn't like to be the guy who had to install that fence city's not doing too bad I mean this side of Dublin skidding polluter but apart from that Oh new water station needs power area right oh wait we can just no we can't relocate that relocate one of these [Music] enough power only that's enough Oh No yeah well that was expensive there we go [Music] all right thank you for the detailed breakdown of consumer prices in Dublin okay so Iceland is just more expensive well I mean I think Dublin's just still expensive in comparison they're like a lot of other cities range in Dublin is bad it's cheaper to live in London than it is in Dublin is rent twice [Music] I ignore dinerral and a dump of a bit harsh the Northern Ireland we got to get up there too for no one near it ok let's fast forward a bit and just see if we can speed up progress on the city we are gradually making money look at this they need more educated workers by that's going on and give them free Wi-Fi psycho plant plastic education boost we can't afford it yet and I get recycling centers yet yeah I can we should get a recycling center there we go Rex is the sequel thanks for 100 bits carriage takes 400 right sticks with it 100 aapke thank you 400 as well okay I think a bit more money in the bank we can do something a little more fun too how patients that's fine no one's really getting sick at the moment we've got them covered for health I think that might just need some more parks amusement park I just want to I want to build a regular Park build a city park i all i can create a park area okay well let's sure okay let's try and create like a rather large park over here see if we can do this so I have to start with like a fine road anarchy big ol line and you can build a fence radio please it doesn't work when i stream country road radio there we go reborn in two views likes 4000 bits you're also already have a drink OB today happy st. Patrick's Day thank you very much a country road radio industrial commercial residential I need to identify a park area zodiac thanks for a thousand bits very much yeah let's just make a massive park here [Music] and we need to make the entrance on the roadside right so I've done this wrong already get rid of this I'm gonna try and design something today okay Elisabet park okay this is collect an entrance fee from visitors cool [Music] gonna make a walk-in air here and though we can't have it Nick being named Elizabeth that's too English Mickey D Park there we go that's the main gate need a Plaza [Music] get four little plazas and we get a Park Cafe y'all will get to and do here's all the info you need on the park it's a park basically good that all needs electricity so let's just run these pylons true so much natural beauty preserved in the park oh and we need water Gallup thanks for 1,500 bits I think you have enough to drink yet so here's some more thank you very much we'll go back to jazz can't do the stuff with lyrics I wanted this way to make your own playlist take a price is $10 at the moment two people have come yeah we kind of need to improve Mickey D Park that this is pretty lame right now I can add tables flower beds perfect check out the flowers next to the pylons I think I might have made a too big [Music] [Music] and well first things first find the boundary do this to keep the Bears out [Music] [Music] I'm gonna join it up here people can't chance they're armed [Music] all right but our bears in Ireland no no there isn't like a little park sign we're just stick these at each corner like probably I'll need this many signs but we'll do it anyway [Music] we'll need a bin somewhere [Music] my god okay we're gonna we're gonna need a fair few bins aapke thank you for another thousand bits with a huge grave here for the visual - of this city don't worry I'll get a graveyard soon thank you very much the important feature maybe we can put it in the park oh yes that means we charge an admission for you to go visit grandma oh that's perfect put this in here oh no you can't connect it to this road bad news guys okay well at least we can you can put the pylon in the graveyard I guess [Music] not the same of something Mickey D Park we need to make this more interesting you like some terrain or something mr. right terrain toy how different mod for terrain tools yeah well let's just rise that up a moment [Music] oh [ __ ] that's costing a lot of money [Music] I need to take out a loan guard took out a loan you owe a lot of money on that one too but I can't get rid of it guys it cost money to do that we just got to put up with it now of the secrets the hide behind the hill that's the idea [Music] Oh No I'll make a little crater [Music] take out the other alone real quick I'm just a perfectionist when it comes to play in this game I care about my cities so I take the time every detail perfect [Music] yeah sure just use a meteor shouldn't I that's free didn't think of that brexit thanks within our 200 bits [Music] is this [Music] oh this is a terrain tool as well this is a different one now what it costs money still [Music] okay we'll put something in there later we don't have the money right now we actually have demand for more industry my god [Music] done something right this like they want more jobs have jobs [Music] there we go that's the wrong road again that's a one for the tram line oh that's okay oh that's fire station guys no excuse yeah you gotta get on that put that out [Music] good boy thanks 400 Birds [Music] see how we're meeting demands school schools are fulfilling everything high school has managed to catch every single student don't need a university we have everything we need help wise garbage is being collected so we don't worry about that yeah so it's just expanding the city more doing good soccer player thanks 4000 bits of my last dreams I'm going to marine corpse basic training soon hopefully there's ice to the sky Hall fund enough for you to gets a nice pine tree taste and gin oh thank you very much my very best of luck to you going into marine Scott love you a thousand tents I hope you get on ok there thank you very much for thousand bits that's you thanks for 100 there as well [Music] that's fine moving in there Franson thanks 400 there Briana oh thank you 400 I love you too smelly happy potato day she says didn't have to do that Rihanna [Music] just get my phone let me go dessert thanks reformed as well this bias treatment of Ireland not stand what is there's no meteor it's actually making money we see true this show yeah why actually making profit at the moment we just fast forward of it look at that the profits going up economic gross oh [ __ ] how well we're doing brexit to electric Bret Salou donates 350 and says thanks for all the good content I give you a war if I could now brexit you hold on to your money okay you might need it soon thank you very much payback alone [Music] Oh [Music] bell Sarek and truthful gamer thank you all for the bits as well Lisa the love of God make the park a lake how do I do that how do I make how do I put water in here is there a tool for that city park tourism and leisure and use McPike well you look like an amusement oh my god I'm never dabbled in any of this oh we got we can make tato Park oh yes okay that's what we're doing okay but we got to get some water in here but then one makin tato park no we can't just use sewage guys that's only that's even gonna work like road anarchy is on I don't think there's any angle where it'll actually snap in is a mistake this doesn't even this doesn't have enough capacity this okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna fill it and then we're gonna turn off the pipe we're just gonna we just want our water feature we're gonna turn it off immediately after there we go okay so just quickly fill er up not leaking get this up and I need to add some more power put it put this in here yeah that's ten exits are there let's take a moment or two and just fill up Mickey D Park oh Jesus Christ Phoenix thank you for a thousand bits as well not again oh no no this one's under control we're not letting this one spill I'm keeping a careful eye on the water level okay so now turn that off okay we are filled Labash there we go Park is looking good no okay it's just a little it's just a little we filled the pot Todd and cos thank you for the career durations that's good things what good storms areas covered in poop no it's fine it's safe I don't like how it is a slight tight on us [Music] how we do in education wise because the same is not enough educated workers yeah the elementary school is definitely have enough 192 in the city don't even need that many elementary schools we have like an extra [Music] can you develop in and out well how much money were making yfk an income Rihanna says she's not sure if she wants to come to Ireland there poop Lakes everywhere well you know every country's got its [ __ ] pits or you know I'm gonna say [ __ ] bits not [ __ ] pit you'll love it Briana oh gosh a new buildin we've unlocked the bus depot let's get one of these set up Dublin bus [Music] and that's like a nice clean bus route [Music] that gets most of the city okay I'll get on the power soon we go and we want one that goes all the way around comes back public transport [Music] group well thanks 100 absolutely love your vids have you ever considered a wreckage arranged Altobello tower amongst the city landmarks maybe doing a regular Totoro [Music] I just have to build more coal I don't want to do that though gotta build a simple turbine and afford the fancy ones please be enough sort Millian meteor needs electricity we go [Music] just leave out there I guess we need to fill the tub again fake tato park we will we just need to get into the green oh there we go it's actually rising now [Music] how we doin another facilities the dump is fine all is looking good we built that road true the recycling center god [Music] remove you [Music] that's set up we can buy new land as the game is telling me should we make our way further north yeah sure [Music] we still have a lot to fill yes sir I think the bind next might be this one too because that way if we expand if we need more housing we just stick it on here to smell a mountain I mean there's some mountains I'd only go on a smell mr. radio lady bus depot needs what does the realm of safe driving Jubilee be reasonable or be hope the fire doesn't get to the Toblerone cuz they don't melt off k thanks 100 built the potato fields we'll get some field soon don't worry we seem to need more industry oh let's get on that [Music] oh yeah we're gonna be able to fit a lot of factories in there unfortunate [Music] narrow line of factories that I don't even know if they'll be able to build but I will see can anything set up and he's like a one tile wide basis think they need bigger find out in the mo wait for him to get over there [Music] aligned is fertile god dama it's fresh oil for industry that's what that means [Music] allons l'aider 500 my sacrifice like dressage a meteor over cover letter sediment summit in stone industry quarter doing good a biofuel bus CFO works just like a regular bus Devo except that it sends out biofuel buses instead of regular ones biofuel buses are much more quiet than regular buses but carry just as many people ah this one's cheaper oh that's where my priority is XO thanks 400 bits [Music] okay oh why is the school on fire no fire but this is right next to two fire stations two nice guys there's no excuse here little disaster station because this is a disaster is that int it's raining as well that's the irony Apple free thanks for five hundred as well priority thanks for 100 [Music] I don't know why there's so much fire [Music] the school is extinguished the high-school student I'm out of high-school students need just half though feel that might be impact because of a fire well I mean we're making money we're making good money and now we're losing money okay oh hey hey back the loan there we go another one down okay so now we just stockpile our money awhile gradually build up the city and then we're gonna build tato park next to Mickey D Park and I guess while we wait - we can just expand on Mickey D Park how many people are visiting is fantastic traction oh my god we just need more visitors and I'll level up policies don't care about animals ethics advertising campaign fireworks shows wait William just built on the amusement park to here oh okay yeah apparently that's the district to use for the amusement park let's expand Mickey D Park there we go we're gonna make it even bigger [Music] [Music] I know that no you don't know you have to build two separate parks okay I lied to me okay all right we'll keep it contained so that means we can change some of the policies here again I guess no it's not even more fun do you just chuck your garbage on the ground still get the advertising the fireworks okay so we cover that off we'll see a lot off and now we just make a second like Park we'll make it here because all these people need fun in their lives we'll bring the park to them we're gonna have it like right in the heart of the city lit know this is techo Park to advertise all the games we build it it's the main park celebrate even more fun still don't care about recycling around this road into the middle muse Minh Park main gate oh my God look at all the stuff we unlocked yeah we can do so much here [Music] just start with its just start with a basic grid [Music] and put the fence in to keep the commoners out I love a god [Music] potato park property I'll just mark that don't line the trees it's part of the adventure an off-road a hockey okay so what can we build like theme park wise let's see so we need we need a Park Plaza when you come in I'm taking out the loan I want to design this park right now I'm impatient cafe right next to it souvenirs toilet game Boosh look at that thing a game boot I get a carousel and that's pretty much all we can get for now it's even in the tato colors oh this is perfect [Music] [Music] make it a zoo as well if we want that that's different kind of part Ark maintenance place the park maintenance building bigger than everything else Jesus Christ it will just plop that there I guess don't get confused this is the park don't mind the warehouse just across the street buzzy thanks 400 bits but her ex law it's just Collins barracks yeah it's right next to tato Park now so someone's gonna hurt themselves so let's get a Pokemon Center up there [Music] there we go area info so our advertising entertainment until the next level is fine we just need to get people here oh and we might need electricity and water that just get hit by lightning oh my god I paused it on the frame whoa oh oh oh God okay the cat residents might not be doing too well freaking islands are just positive then pricing lien on fire okay they're doing all right it's doing any more electricity though [Music] okay that should hopefully be enough power and then we got a hookup tato park go fortunately this means we probably need to pop down a bunch more pylons not as bad as Mickey D Park at least there we go I'm thinking we should upgrade this Central Road throw tacky just just screw the people live in their moment like yeah we need to expand that or we're just gonna be in trouble what was the Menace medical clinic just over a little move to school over well a lot of people were unhappy I just moved it like a block over the water and the cry Dority yeah it's fine I told you like weeds contained [ __ ] I take some - could assume field of Irish people under natural habitat at Cheyenne pub Phoenix thanks 400 bits as well they're dead that's fine they're fine oh that's really sweet Rihanna as well kinda sends her love mainly RH but there's a little bit of love in there you just gotta you know shift true it a blimp I only go out the stage where we need blimps yet we're gonna make a profitable city cuz it's fast forward a little bit more we have a theme park and a regular park we're so close to getting enough for this one you just need a few more visitors how we doing here they've started getting visitors they're cool we have to park areas oh there's a new fire three four legs 100 bits with chains of toll booths on the highways and tax the UK very existence can't do that just yet unfortunately but down the road we seem to have resolved the traffic problem here as well by expanding all these roads out it does seem to be a bit dangerous on this intersection like people are literally just running across the streets and cars going as fast as they can what was that as the Guinness Trucks this is what the Guinness guy sees skyress having a bit of trouble you just clip through the world there oh he's leaving okay I'll see you later mr. Guinness man oh no no I've done it again how do I can't get out of this I gotta get him off the map fast forward it's just gotta go into the distance is the plastic man talks to us oh we're going into the blue there we go in the clear he went to the UK he's dead I'll never hear from that guy again this is stolen to me we're in the Claire [Music] aiwei is doing fine industry is coming along there's no demand for anything which is a bit concerning we didn't have 10 like 140 visitors at 8'o Park at 10 but inaccurate we need for people to come to Mickey D Park come on get into the park I always lashing rain in those Lightning please we got a level up Mickey D satellites of charge of bits you can you get stuck in the carrot as a prompt on the top right corner is this press tab to exit first person mode unless you already tried that okay thanks up where she had [Music] let's just fast forward and make some more money we're losing money let's just fast forward and well no we're making a bit of money it's just kind of staying study is okay Mickey D Park leveled up we can get a park chessboard and a pier yeah well let's add to the park okay we got to get the chessboard get two of these oh my god there's already a guy this to me will fly in chess already look at them go [Music] I wonder if I can place the pier in the crater oh my god okay can i connect the road connect the road [Music] I hope they can get up to that it's hard to tell because of the Anarchy mullets hang on refund [Music] [Music] I think that can actually I know it is like a gap but I think it the the not connected thing went away we need someone to walk up there and see on someone someone come up the poopy pair [Music] oh I can pass please someone make the climb it's not wheelchair accessible because but though it is wheelchair accessible if you have a lot of stamina [Music] it works [Music] hey the Roberts is here oh my god I just don't turn the pipe back on for a while because that might kill him [Music] it's poopy Pierre JPG leg thank you for the 10 could get with the great shreves RT thanks are all the good last thank you very much man very generous is it has anyone kept tabs on what the alcohol count is on because like it's probably pretty high at this point [Music] and let me just check a thing - oh wow okay yeah there's a lot of people here how's it going I was just curious is I haven't been sitting skyline's in a while it's good to see y'all back a bit more involved with the city today we're trying to actually do things I know it's rare oh we need some more pylons for this game station there we go how's tato park doing two hundred and seventy visitors not bad and we can pay back our loan and we have a bit SPECT [Music] with leveling out the parks we have enough industry be Park is looking great don't mind all the pylons hopefully the water doesn't come out actually because that will be problematic oh we do need to actually refill the pool every now and then it does dry up [Music] and let's just let's just fill up the pond again [Music] there we go it really is just like a tap isn't this top up the ship pit from time to time as the ground absorbs that everyone be dying it didn't hit them did it no it doesn't even come close it's just like a waterfall it's like a special event you know when you're at the zoo and they like feed the animals well in Mikki de Parque the special on the hour event is we refill the [ __ ] pit it's a magical moment you can come see we won't charge anything an extra for it except to be there at the right time up get 600 it's live a Giselle boys to see the [ __ ] pit population what about the population it's fine look the elderly diet it's okay we gotta go with modern times [Music] it's fast-forward I have to be more housing demand how do we create more demand in the city we just improve all the services and more people want to live here but the way to do it we probably need a firehouse so yeah yeah over this end of the quarter just in case [Music] I hope they didn't all burn down there we go Jack thanks for hundred bits Vinny thank you for 200 as well happy st. Patrick's Day thank you very much yeah just just checking the time - I'm gonna pop out some more of those keys I mentioned again thanks to paradox for givin these out I'm just gonna spam for a moment these are DLC keys for city skylines they're just for the riff on radio channels so there you go folks I'm gonna pop them out hey yeah Jonathan gave me like 30 keys to give away today I got 10 more and we'll give them out at the end of the stream yeah just right anywhere eyes the game you can go off to some radio stations for those keys I [Music] have to separate them a little bit but you guys will work them out I'm sure please first activate the base game yeah you do have to have city skylines for its dlc well it's just a little something there they work on switch I don't think so I think switches sdlc a bit differently the PC Keys Alex thanks 400 bits of all lets you make parks DLC actually Vegas one of the green expansions now remember cuz I got the complete edition when I kind of picked up the game so it's all all the features of kind of merged in the one I definitely know which is the natural disaster DLC but I find it hard to distinguish pass up park life DLC yeah alright yeah so one that makes the most sense doesn't it which feels he adds parks Ark life squidly thank you for the photo to bits I'll be able to do this for also have some money I have to leave to go straight well we have a good st. Patrick's Day nerd thank you very much goodly hope you have a good stream mine is 20 why are people slowly dying [Music] actually no it's just the generational thing yeah I don't think it's that much of a concern guys like it does happen every now and then at the elderly just die off yeah we haven't had it yet like you get hit by the occasional - wave it's the famine no it's not the famine kites just the elderly like coming to an end fine Zef thanks for 200 bits or TV people slowly dying is how we live that's fine uh it is escalating somewhat but again don't worry about it okay check the help meter see not even affected by the ship hit they might be a bit of poor okay though maybe there is a problem [Music] Oh bollocks [Music] if something's got to change we need to clean up the water [Music] I need to move this somewhere I got a cat [Music] now I can't afford any new tiles and populations are high enough okay we might be able to stop the problem [Music] let's put that in there we move this over here keep it a little further away and connect up connect up [Music] connect the pilots [Music] there we go so now we just hide it behind the mountains yeah that kind of works I'll separate a little longer until we can clean up this water here how much is it for like the there is a team to clean the water community pool where is it [Music] like a floatation thing water packs there it is floating garbage collector essence water pollution we just need a population of 15k which we're quite a bit off but we'll get there you'll need to increase the population of the city like fivefold [Music] oh god I need a peril I have a turbine oh my god no it's zero put that up there gonna get some sick air off this look no that's outside the city limit Highlands Highlands just yep true the mountain [Music] there we go and that looks kind of pretty up there spooky [Music] okay everything is fine [Music] Oh [Music] fast forward let's watch the money roll it in the population recover monies coming in [Music] well half of what I said is happening Oh dying [Music] everything is leaving no there's no abandoned houses you look but this is no one sick every 5% average hell is really good they should see is high for all the building DJ Jimmy fries and a four-year-old quarter horse named clover what this is Jimmy Fry's cover the you from Studio to [Music] this guy sounds like one of the fake voices I threw your commute Jimmy and the stallion stable entertainment only on city's radio oh there he goes oh this kind of jar when that happens while we're streaming rockin x100 pizza actually catching your life well it's how's it going I got fish how we doing Park wise almost leveled up I was Mickey D Park doing this is all that jazz well that just needs more time yeah like that's getting it's pulling the visitors and the poop hero is a good addition seeds away for the population to stop decline come on you can recover global happiness out there happy as well there's still just dropping off oh god maybe it's cuz they can't find work everyone's uneducated there's barely any elementary schools people look this is barely anyone in school how do we get them into school no I don't want that what do I do they don't have enough education but there should be plenty of Education will squeeze in some more people here [Music] use meteors meteors don't solve the education crisis I'm afraid not how that works weight industry requires uneducated Oh so we gotta close the schools why didn't you say so yes how's it going okay maybe this fixes it what's that more money we're gonna we're gonna see these bubbles salt pour over educated workers over educated worker I'll go to school it off we need more people there make the kids work I don't know how to introduce child labor hell no that's a policy in the game goes out [Music] we need more workers oh my god all the industry's Jolyon hey but tato Park just hit level two child labor bought some what make this a thing this is what we need oh Jesus crafter thanks 405 good operations clearly dying thanks the alcohol poison sponsored by the stream time to contribute to the problem thank you very much crafted Apple freak takes 100 as well let's respectfully disagree you can't have an education problem if you don't have anyone to be educated I mean I still don't think that's a solution the piggy train and the teacups Edo park we made that way too big just [Music] want to pop I just thought I'm not dying I don't know what I can do now they're dying faster okay just just start the industry over started over lanes like we go now we wait for the new industry they've formed its one well that's the fire station just just close this come on [Music] there's got to be demand eventually are we making more money there's nowhere for them to work it they just don't want to work do they there's no one here I feel like destroying the entire industrial section of your city should somehow affect the city charlie there should be some kind of consequence but it's staying steady okay so what do we do we could make an industrial zone we have oil or anything I don't think we do crime is fine natural resources but there's a lot of fertile land we could set up a farm here but considering how much pollution there is that I think that's a bad idea good set up a forest but we need them in our tile I don't not purchasing their tile god we might have to set up farms but I was is there any consequence to build in the farms on top of where the factory they used to be that's how yeah that's how you're gonna get like disease I teach I see that I see I'm all to use well back is still I find a very sufficient open no demand for anything for the past half-hour oh my god it is do I need to turn that off is it the demand master Maj that's like okay yeah it's good save save it go back to main menu turn that off let's turn off that mod just in cases affecting it man master thanks for the heads up there Apple freak that might be it is that thanks for hundred as well all the pollutions make the potatoes go strong oh no simulation failed well I think I think this is just my install of the game warning because I've like put it true so much with the super city that is just bugged like I I need to reinstall or something let me just reroute that I only that's the games fault you guys have seen the things I've done like just get in that city to work I think it was a super potatoes oh yeah is that even the text brakes lightly whenever I load everything up I think that's just like an after effect of everything that's like I put a true population of stabilized at the moment at least we've done something right okay you know what we're gonna set up farms [Music] just real special ization farming industry you know we got a we gotta actually zone at first [Music] [Music] I get some good farms going [Music] there we go that's like I like the rough outline of where they should be I mean we need a fireman specialization I done this right or do I need to make like oh okay because I'm using the specialist like thing for oil from the industry's expansion but that's like that's a bit different forgot about that [Music] so rub that out [Music] so I just use the regular zone tool [Music] mark this again no is it's not right thing this is right now we mark it for firemen B this is Mark [Music] okay so now we need a farm main building oh okay right now I've got it I've got always get this wrong it's when you pop down the initial building then you zone it around that that's what I have done this every single time I've tried to do industry there we go got there in the end they're gonna need electricity we want to try and keep the piling off the farmland if we can yep yeah they have water already okay so we need crops small crop field small fruit field and animal pastures start it off nice and simple urn on row diner key first we're gonna need that how do I tell Google actually placement for the buildings with profanity Ronnie key is a proper Triana keys on how do i toggle buildin Anarchy so I can just pop this here this is gonna be given out about the sloping wall slope to steep slope to steep [Music] what's good skin in what we can they were using greenhouses apparently we do tend to need a warehouse whenever we do this small warehouse put that in there lord resource let's see what so what are we trying to make we're going to be taken in crops borrow our animal products our animal products ozone din distri fireman products there we go [Music] you leave them less people so there's a silver line oh yeah population recovered thanks baby thanks 400 as well oh you can make it so it's potatoes Wow Oh so you don't have to have it so today it's greenhouses okay it's get the potatoes going there you go basics of farming swing good grain silos these can be used for just storing crops oh sure we'll get some of them get fruit fields let's get one fruit field for now parents oranges pears [Music] for some apples [Music] okay so they are producing some crops that's good she's gonna take a while to start coming in [Music] I probably open the schools again now I guess because no we're not even trying to send them to industry better own work there we go we'll keep that one closed for now why don't need some money hail fire next 400 my brother is going to Ireland in the summer to study abroad where should he go I mean the big tree is like Dublin Cork Galway I'd say visit all them you're pretty good Kocher thanks 400 as well I just wanted to say it me and my brother really enjoyed watching your streams and happy st. Patrick's Day thank you very much happy st. Patrick's Day to you too [Music] and we get another field yes we can actually that actually looks nice I never thought I'd see the day their incomes going down a bit but hey we tore down all those factories and that we got some berry bushes [Music] [Music] one second was all guys [Music] there oh yeah we keep the firehouse back on to preserve the crops [Music] okay 48 tons now we need to process into flour and animal products I think they can unlock the buildings for that we just have to get a certain level produce resource units until next level yeah and workers until next level so we just need to get enough people on the site oh my God look at them all I know those transport trucks we do have workers though each one of these can hold 20 [Music] go away for them to fill up for aha what'd I do wrong oh oh just have turned off Italian leather Italian threading Perrineau is Italian for Jean Jeff don't want to hear about Italian right school goal is a mistake over apples the only an education well educate you hopefully we can stabilize from that not closing the tail very old italian tradition of burning beans and drinking the bitter bean juice at burn be most ah our environment is perfect for all of your work needs there's no better place to be distracted than the burned bean coffee shop in camp we don't empower coffee technicians are trained in way too much we election about cuff due to recent court actions production is still way too high carry on the decorative we make do without the coal power plant let's see oh no I should have just tried clothes that normally should've just done that oh we're okay traffic is really congested and power is fixed we can turn stuff back on again [Music] okay and this finally demand for new people to move in so let's try get that and a long time since anyone actually wanted to live in our city a little bit troubling to say the least [Music] [Music] we go you like a little lock of pipe or a toilet there [Music] there we go why would you want to live in Ireland - everyone knows the sequel suck we're doing our best [Music] yeah thanks no 500l by the electric Eliezer to keep the Fusion Monster potatoes for propulsion already thanks 400 as well thank you very much [Music] fast forward let's make money we even gonna blow the bank on a bouncy castle park all that all the stops do go the tato pack that's that's the main park this is in case you are desperate to humans [Music] ARC's doin good as Mickey D kiddies doing good su entertainment value is true low roof right now [Music] look at that we have people the population is growing for the first time in Oahu [Music] and we're making money they said it couldn't be done a tiny bit of demand for jobs so we'll just chop that off there we go oh the lakes running low again top that off turn off there we go [Music] ah it's fine ignore that is the ethnic [Music] our is good water pumping is fine like one pump and a pipe does it we've separated those two you need to get the filtration device later to clean up this area the water just kind of sits there this is no tight hopefully the water does not spill out this way I need to pit the drain a little bit more - there's a lot of sewage flow now oh we're almost back up to 6 K then you turn it schools i/o policy in response to loss to industry maybe has something to do with the some of the operating costs oh maybe a gorilla cycle plastic is handy enough thank you for the 100 bits as well argonians and flip thanks for 500 you did it Artie you save the city happy st. Patrick's Day thank you very much [Music] there's not even that many abandoned builds [Music] doing so well right now oh my god look at the house in demand oh we're gonna have a new wave of people we did it yes [Music] these people in here I keep doing that with the roads I got to stop that [Music] back that up oh just just a lot of you people [Music] come to the Emerald Isle and will relocate one of the schools over here to so they'll probably need one the guess [Music] now they can stare Longley at tato park this is called like advertising you'll all want to go there when they finish class will thanks 400 bits Apple freak nice 400 earlier a true flex 100 days well at least of all else fails as tato apparent it's true oh we need wash the people move in look at this we hit three thousand people at last losing a bit of money for some reason but okay I think we'll make up make it up we're producing crops Farms are actually kind of populated by delivering stuff there [Music] what do I need to bump this up I need four more workers oh come on guys one guy there we go okay so flour mill bakery farm workers barracks and a cattle shed small barn okay so let's expand this even further it's old farmworker barracks let's just stick that in it keeps them happy okay so flour mill cattle shed so we're not really doing cattle let's let's make flour must be in the industry area okay well let's add to the area flour make a flour mill okay and where is the bakery do something with that then we're now gonna start turning crops into flour that's the plan empty these out Pete I feel the same pee I don't know what I miss anonymous thanks for hundred bits Barry thanks for hundreds well are you gonna expand it occupied ordinarily we got to work our way up okay oh I feel the same pee but okay seriously where do I find the bakery or warehouses unique factories bakery wait the bakery requires animal products crops and flour oh it's okay it means like milk and stuff I because animal products is represented with like a slab of meat I was wondering like what kind of donuts they makin that require beef but no okay so you need to get everything about the work its crop flour and products but let's just start with the flour mill have some workers [Music] oh we can actually start making animal products - we do any first haul and for that you just need a pasture they just require our crops [Music] yeah let's make it let's make a space for them and we'll have some highland cows but we'll use all the crops there this billon can go back home is the ground still polluted - no it's not it's actually cleared up nice [Music] enough raw materials apparently keep these on violence so people to actually deposit the crops okay there we go so some tons are going into flowering him so we just have to keep an eye on the amount going true if the electric hahaha thanks for pointing that out [Music] okay we're gonna need the call plan again pop that down here there we go problem solved brah problem self sorry about that new guys oh we probably lost some of the population before we spotted that sick a day man thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much truthful thanks for that a hundred vegans in this town watch out watch out for her big valued out thanks for 200 all drink it out 1144 I am are you drinking our tea if not you should be thank you very much night out hope you have a fun day today I think we need more Crossin [Music] let's build these on isn't our too [Music] there's another one I will make these ones be wheesh gaze at a gazelle oh wow okay that one that one instantly so that you can experience the lab and have a zoo this weekend to meet our newest addition a three-toed sloth named Barbara she'll hook you with her smile this one's full of cows now oh my god okay all the cows just popped another new species a new type of bird previously we need a comb this zoo yeah we'll get the cattle shed next are they were freaking out about a fire there's no fire oh okay there's a little fire guys Oh though II Bobby fire is just the forest well comeback when does the real fire guys [Music] fine okay so make a flower makin animal products yeah we need to process even more of it if we can I think this is much more valuable can I take out a big boy loan for a moment yeah I got a massive loan okay so let's get a second flour mill as cattle-shed need to be next in a farm like I imagine it does but this is just a process in building [Music] oh no this is kind of like these I think that in making animal products okay [Music] gotcha okay so it's just like it's another one why this one guy you make a fish stick Factory hang on hi oh oh oh we need to hone it okay okay oh that could have been real bad because that would have set off like so much pollution in the zone or okay that would have been terrible Yankees thanks for 100 bits take my money thank you very much Apple freak 100 bits subject fire dear sir stroke stroke madam fire exclamation mark fire explosion mark help me exhalation my one two tree cannon road looking forward to hearing from you all the best Apple freak thank you very your letter Apple freak we'll get back to you in six to eight weeks until then then a winter going on the next few months just to try to stay toasty how can you have no problem though [Music] in a small barn which I think stores and more yes it does some more cattle sheds [Music] how are we doing producing a lot more animal products now we need more flour I think crops the flour across Oh no there are max capacity Jennifer thank you for 10 quid happy st. Patty's Day Artie thank you very much just do bear in mind cuz you spelled this like patty as in PA TTY and I doubt he meant ill-will or anything patty though patty like PA ddy or Patrick is acceptable to not patty you don't celebrate this ain't a burgers thank you very much no no you have it thanks 400 bits as well the de magic is a pollution zone don't you just ask her the whole map like always not doing that today we've changed our ways Damon thank you for know mm bit slow la Vella Padre Cana which which is better IT Dublin or cork I've only been to Cork the one time I'm a bit biased but I do prefer Dublin I think there's a lot here a lot more history too you know we have all the museums and what not just cuz Ireland so small thank you very much this has been bits up okay what have we unlock we gotta make some new stuff our mill paddle shed milking parlor let's make a milking parlor have one of those up that looks well placed is another barn well animal pasture all I can make me oh I can make medium crop fields okay yeah we want these still can't expand it Hey Rodan turkey is on I need to find a way to do like build an anarchy does anyone know how to turn it on because I need to pop this down like right here there's so much space here how do I try it on build Manor key cuz it's not currently on if it was on I'd be able to place this anywhere l thank you no but it doesn't snap to the road so if I do that [Music] like if I put that there I don't know if they can get in oh they can get in I think they can get in okay [Music] just gotta take our time to place it and it looks a bit funk maybe I could just flatten the land maybe that might be easier oh geez is truthful thank you for it another 20 quid happy st. Patrick's Day hope everything goes well for you and thanks for bringing many of us laughs and Joy's within this world oh thank you very much you've been really generous like thank you for all your donations and I'm glad you've been enjoying the streams you're all welcome to hang out here while I do it Sara thanks for hundred as well where's new Ulster we haven't got there yet [Music] all four huh what a sick make me just die a little inside with someone calls anime me not a meme maymays what like your dad says the trying sound hip with the kids Oh son seen any new sick maymays on the world wide web today they ought no dad please like let me just open internet explorer like ah dad I die a little inside whenever someone says that I think these farms are work police's Ryan oh my dad always called by Xbox a computer Oh mine always said in Nintendo okay you find a Nintendo it's like no dad God love him he has a fair few dads I call it in Nintendo Duck Sauce X 400 bits IV Saint Patty's Day I'm playing City skylines because the URT thanks oh no problem I hope you have fun with it major thanks 400 as well happy st. Patty's Day first I'm actually catching it's true they very well sir the stream has it gone but he always had to build such ugly cities excuse me do you not like my Toblerone you can [ __ ] right off I worked hard installs I'm sorry it's just one way I came across so aggressive as I was just saying that send the road yeah I got a flat on the farm lunch - I think it's the easiest way justkeep naturally expanding this here case like suppose that our 100 bits maybe we should check the baby fire engine fires tend to burn down cities oh it's fine it's just a new paint job you know oh but we have to top this now other that's pretty that's okay at the moment have to top it up hey Nana was starting to produce animal products crops and flower I'm gonna open up a bakery is this to a lemonade Factory oh no this needs glass you don't have I want to make lemonade yeah well let's get the bakery in you can only get one of these apparently we're gonna make pastries you know just 150 percent now just keep it 100 and yet these are workable so I guess if they're workable then we'll just keep popping them on because I was worried we have to position them a bit better about how it works it works but we don't have the flat on the left ramped up production the hill farms the Irish are learning something from the Incans today we need potato lemonade well we'll work our way up to it and also new people have found the park entertainment level is fine they just need more people entertainment level is fine they they just need more people as well make it even more fun ad night park policy o will recycle garbage need to level up my parks more are we doing garbage wise okay we probably want like an incinerator or something no we can't afford this traffic is still awful that's the main problem the city we do have a very nice Central Highway at least you can just use to get wherever you need to go make a good budget decision that build the spire now I'm keeping the toe of Laura - we're making pastries oh my god we're actually doing it I get a bunch more crops - all right so let me get you flour mill we'll get a milk some milk in parlors we'll get one more oh my god something I made is actually working guys this is a big deal this is actually going well and we have the fire station here just in case something happens in like the farm the population out number is the viewers oh [ __ ] doesn't actually a lot of viewers here still we did it you guys now all live here in this town and a few extra a few extra the guys without power on Twitch at what happens okay more power we still have to clean up the poop oh oh we might have a problem soon oh oh uh oh I can move it over a little but that's the last spot for it okay terraform terraform out of city none of money we didn't even break the surface okay fast forward a brief moment button slightly that's fine [Music] need to erect a wall [Music] there we go [Music] now the problem is if it comes in this side we're really screwed I still have buy any tiles buildings on fire no it's okay I ever get caught it and storage is filling up we need got another loan for a moment grain silo milk and parlor cattle shed [Music] just get more grain silos [Music] and we might have to run off water towers awhile if this doesn't work [Music] are we doing Firewise max capacity all my god how many crops are makin we just need a fast-forward more so we have more money to invest in the fireman business oh it's so good [Music] [Music] make a few more Don the industry area that's okay it's gonna expand it all of this quarter [Music] they're having a lot of sewage problems well how is this your crop field how do you have a sewage problem oh no it's backed up sewage production has reached capacity it's a bad time to add a new pipe [Music] the real bad time to get like another one [Music] god it's gonna cover the bay we need we need it if we could just buy that tile I can fix this I need to buy like one more so I can create like a bit more of a buffer I need to clean this up to how much population do I need for the flotation thing 15,000 so we gotta like make the city even more profitable which we are actually doing because like we're up to the ludicrous amount of money right now people want to move here so I just need to get more facilities we're making pastries [Music] oh you've idiot the Scribblenauts went up on the main channel just there just as an FYI for stream watchers i'll Lincoln in the discord after the stream ends I'm gonna go just a little bit longer I broke the last screw by not stream in the two parts just so people know because there's a lot of good mind one of them just went up there we make sure you always hear your phone in our commercials it's our way of saying we hear you so don't be silenced to an opportunity call it let me Akio mobile you just expand this more if I bet we're gonna have to get new services for the city soon too because the population is expanded like significantly the last wall make this all shops make all that up their shops to rest is residential lemon go power we'll probably need another one of these get it now you're gonna get a lot of traffic problems oh it's fine though it's a central highway I'll turn off all the lights there's no traffic lights now that should solve any problems they're [Music] speeding up traffic misty thanks for - good there this is my first year watch to catch what's up you should try played RPG Baker I heard it without sale thank you very much I don't think I'd be any good at RPG Maker I'll be honest truthful thanks minute 100 with subscribers and top two idiots get reserve their spots near the waist Kay no they'd actually be dunked in the [ __ ] k no honestly like the premium service you guys pay for tight oh thanks are 100 as well he just really wants me to let up well to let me know these making pancakes you very much the demand for industry is true the roof - I can make like an utter road behind this road and just oh my god yes we're gonna make like a hill farm road I know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing big boy Road okay and we're gonna make all of this firms [Music] get them set up oh they're all gonna need water yeah that's important for a farm should've thought about that Oh what kind of it and get us even more crops garbage is piled up Oh No okay well maybe it's time hopeful oh I picked up but to all I haven't got the services yet either cloten factory farm maintenance building large barn and slaughterhouse forget the slaughterhouse and we'll get the fire maintenance and burn we do need to get an additional dump [Music] there we go that solves any of the garbage problems you were having like a deck these farms have just instantly filled because there's so much demand for workers just I'm just gonna let it let it run like a very quick moment Big Town oh we can finally get the flotation device okay pay back that loan okay yeah get the flotation thing before we do anything else we need to stop this situation here no it's all we need even more okay well I'll just get incineration plant it I guess [Music] empty out that building to the incineration plant [Music] yeah I need to get new services for these guys - so let's just get like a medical clinic in there police were okay without one police station Jesus Christ fire is coverage is terrible right now let's get a new one there okay now we bill it up the money what we go back to potato farms on the hill let's go for potato farms well it changes where the shed is - nice we offer we stone here little details data farm looks totally stable arty well that's why we're investing heavily in them I do need to get my slaughterhouse stuff new building give me a moment root field milking parlor slaughterhouse oh that's a big one that's a really big one there we go [Music] get that set up there need more raw materials put it on super fast forward [Music] medical laboratories unlocked I have to stop you there I need some potatoes get back to medicine soon go even more crops oh my god we're up 20k what max capacity for flower - I think I need to get more flower else you know we're struggling to process all the crops [Music] there's nothing that makes more flowers there I think that thought like the flower mill is the only one brain silo large no it's just it's only flour mills it's I can make offices no - if I want to get some of them [Music] okay well with the offices we can meet a bit more of the industrial to mind and we can just make an office sector Otero Park leveled up bring a boat house of horrors bumper cars here I'll make a little office section in here just a small one because I want everyone working on the found more power I'll get more power I will do it in a moment neither very quickly that up like an insurance place joke yo now stop the chill music we have a problem you just buy it us out oh oh I got away with it you that's just relocate here you we just need a little more money never punished I got away with it either extend the pylons me a bit more money give me just a little bit more money thank you you know it just got alone you you but not enough power please tell me good we saved never punished firstly for rest of the city rest of the city is fine part of its on fire that's okay that's bit that bit supposed to be like that peace in our time and on that note gonna save it there we can revisit this city again move you in a week's time or something I think it may be a good point to wrap up we actually made a profitable city before we closed up the stream - I'm just gonna copy paste this - this is again from paradox it's some dlc codes for city skylines this is a rock city radio so if you got if anyone has the game and want some free dlc let me just spam a little more there you go guys thanks again the paradox for doing that like it's very kind they just gave me like 30 free keys and just said like hey give these out to your crowd you know you okay we are going to leave it there and let me all the credits a few fair few bits came in there as well toaster thank you for 600 francs per 100 truthful thanks for 100 night out thanks for hundred as well I'm gonna play this source with you streaming music it's on the discord dad music is all listed there credits going toaster thanks for the 600 again this first year I've able to make it with me my brother love your content thank you very much hope you enjoyed the stream let me just stick on some animal cross and music for a minute too [Music] Jesus Christ a lot of people stop today he saved Ireland to the country didn't die like that's a thing that was a profitable city we solve like the hell crisis we have like a glowing economy but making lows off the industry the only thing we have to sort out now I think is garbage and services because the city is just becoming quite big probably gonna have some traffic problems as time goes on but we'll do our best just check something to summons okay yeah so Kevin actually has a twitch channel now and he's finally able to actually stream he's doing the test stream at the moment this is a bit unfair of me to just like the [ __ ] drew launched y'all at him but we're gonna raid him once the credits finish rolling just as an FYI folks someone's just screaming giveaway - yeah the winners have already been chosen for I have to just contact them I'll be send out a tweet and like post in the discord when I've actually done that now you got to keep an eye on those and then just check your messages after they haven't been contacted yet but the winners have been selected I'll probably be back then on Tuesday for the next stream well the three-day weekend well three days back-to-back a stream and I guess I can you raid yourself that was Kevin guys bill the Chad's boys who won I'm not gonna be saying announcing publicly who won because I don't want to be spammed right like that like that is that their discretion if I want to announced anything's like saying it received the prizes got to keep that down the download those sort of not harassed or in just drew there's too many people but there are three winners like they've all been select the Triple Aim go I'll be contacting them later tonight Scribblenauts new Scribblenauts video actually wind up on the YouTube channel it's from the stream yesterday and there will be a second part of that soon too just as an FYI because there's just a lot of funny moments and I couldn't get it all in so like I have to split up we're probably gonna be doing a complete loader of that game like wolf it will play more of it next week will probably finish fable in the next week too because I want like I want to get that wrapped up no I don't like the idea of us just starting something new before you finish something else we're just gonna keep them going off on the go hope everyone has a very happy st. Patrick's Day - I hope you all I kinda have fun tonight imagine a fair few of you are going out yeah I just enjoy yourselves I'll probably be chillin no it's coming too rainy out so I thought I don't really want to leave the whole heyyo just take your chill I'll go come play with George or something okay what about you drinking I'd drink that off then I that's the thing I was kind of just joking about the drink front I drink from time to time but I'm not bad often I've never been drunk or anything cuz I just don't drink enough Shino well yeah I generally don't drink enough okay go send your love to Kevin he's streaming Lego Harry Potter I tell him I sent you go hang out with him he's testing his internet connection like his new stream setup thank you so much for coming by tonight guys again new video is up on the main channel if you want to watch
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 61,526
Rating: 4.6372313 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-396964349, rtgamecrowd, Happy St. Patrick's Day, let's make new-Ireland, Cities: Skylines, Twitch, Gaming, Happy, St., Patrick's, Day, let's, make, new-Ireland, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: er0m6xHCZTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 0sec (11520 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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