TIMBERBORN | Artificial River Nearly Complete | E22

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hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of timber porn very glad to see you again and uh last episode finished off with uh this realization that we do have a bit of a flooding incident it seems the lake in district 3 has filled up all the way to the top which means our pond and everything around us started started to flood a little bit as well we'll bring the ui back uh i'll lower this down oh and it's gonna flood everything here well i guess we could use this emergency system that we put in place i think we can also lower you to 1.5 let's see what happens uh one time speed please these gates shall be open as well got a flood coming in soon but i think we're we are okay yeah that should help there's more water running through this system here now a bit of a spillage over here but nothing to worry about you know what let's do 2.5 here so we're still feeding this system [Music] no we don't need it here do we yeah let's close it for now we'll keep this waterfall going and that should help us regulate the the level of the water okay cool now next thing our usual naming the next beaver and welcome welcoming them to the colony let's see if we can catch someone who's uh who's this over here that's brazil okay we've got a beaver and the next beaver that we're or the person that we're gonna welcome to the colony because they're transforming on turning into a beaver yeah that's pretty much it he's going to be matthias phillip okay welcome to the colony you will be working at the hauling post and your post or the comment i mean got a whole 29 likes so thank you very much for the support matches and uh hope you enjoy now i know how we've been doing it for a few episodes that we only pick one but i think there's a few honorary mentions that i do want to add to the colony as well we have jon beaver and because his last name is a beaver i think he deserves a spot in our colony so welcome to the colony john thanks for the support and i hope you enjoy our videos in the future as well alright so that's the names done uh next topic to cover let's just double check before we move on and forget about the the water situation yeah it seems okay a tiny bit of blood here got a few dynamites in place as well but i think they might not be able to reach all the way so let's bring a couple more roads and oh that would have been almost perfect i don't know let's uh let's do one through here see are you guys able to reach yes you should be so we just needed another dynamite do we have enough yeah we got about 98 over there what's going on with our lumberjack uh it's flooded so he's not gonna take down the streets well that's inconvenient however we'll do another lumberjack here for the time being and then once we get those trees down we'll finish off the canal here as well yeah yeah that's good okay moving on talking about this big project that um yeah well in the past few episodes we've looked at a few different ways how to do it and um i've taken a bit of time honestly i swear i have put some very serious thought into this and i know in last episode i already clarified that okay fine let's not flood the whole map would be smart let me just try and go over to district 3 let's try and put in this canal first which we are already doing but i still want to see some more water on this side of the map so we did start building up some levees in here and talked about some potential outposts so we can create another canal um something like that but i was thinking i think there was a comment that caught me a a pretty cool idea uh it wasn't exactly what the commenter said again i should have screenshotted the comment but i cannot remember there's just so many comments i cannot remember who it was because it was on my phone before as well but essentially he was talking he or she was talking about some some um dams and aqueducts and i was thinking okay great idea but how about changing it up a little bit instead of you know flooding whole map which we're not doing it anyways again uh or anymore i mean what we could do is because there's so much water coming through here we could build up some levees let me let me grab a few and maybe pause it as well so we'll build them up from here both sides kind of like the um this um damn looking aqueduct that we have would do a similar thing that we can control the flow a bit of a waterfall down flat gates on both sides or one side only to still regulate the water inside this area here and then we could bring the water actually right over here i don't know i was thinking that i should bring it from across the map whereas if we could have done pretty much over here so yeah just a few levees drop the water in here raise the level and that would save us so much time honestly i feel sort of bad that i've already started this i'm not going to stop building this because um what was i going to say because um there was also a few mentions that we should do a hydro electric dam or or a facility in here well somewhere in the map not not specifically here but i was thinking since this is such a huge a lot of usable land here and i do want i need to raise the water anyways because i want to also plant these canals or river systems somewhere around here so we could do a bit of a two or three or four in one kind of thing where we build up a reservoir something like this here but just on here with levees i know it doesn't look the most most nicest thing but we could build up this reservoir and then have this absolute absolutely ginormous hydroelectric electric dam i'm really struggling with with words as you can as you can see uh i'm sorry um so yeah that's that's uh that's an idea don't have to build this whole river system although it would be cool to still have something going here this massive reservoir floodgates leading through water in different directions and the getting some power whilst doing that as well because we could put what is it those water wheels in here also on that side and this side if we wanted to well basically everywhere we could just literally put them everywhere although we don't need need them we don't need that many right so i think what i've just talked about that's like two or three different ideas i'm gonna slowly start building up for for that i mean this one here i definitely want to do again i do want to let this water through so let's start with this here in how should i say this just to prepare ourselves for future i think we will make this quite wide uh maybe yeah because if if we're gonna make this we might as well go big this could also be where we place a new district with all uh all the water bumps because i think it was was it layla or someone else that mentioned in the comments that we should do um production specific district so i'm not gonna do it straight away but this could be then used for the water pumping station yeah that's what i'm thinking okay so uh whilst i was talking i was hoping i'll be able to figure out where i want to start this from but it seems i cannot do two things at the same time so i have not figured this out and i think uh decisions it's it's always so difficult okay you know what how wide do we need it let's now i think this side might be easier it's only roads over here uh so either here or here okay these are the two options you do it from this side it's gonna block the roads that's not good however if we do it on this side yeah maybe a little bit better option i think you know what let's just do it auto save yep we're just gonna do this through yeah let's see what else uh levees i'm gonna miss the right alignment uh no here it goes and we'll just do the top ones wait it's not gonna go that high is it yeah yeah that's that's the highest bit okay and maybe maybe like so and somewhere here i think we have to do the corner first although they should be able to reach it from the stairs we'll do it from one side first and i think we also should probably where are they i bought a few i'm very blind right now here they are put a few flood gates in place as well i think 15 planks so how about we just do three and the other two are levees and platforms to cross over how about that can you reach you should be able to okay cool speed up the time a little bit as well what's going on here guys and girls we got loads of carrots why is no one harvesting them or maybe our population is just too big here could be that as well okay pretty sure they'll be able to harvest all their all the good stuff there and let's just check our lake district here water seems okay yeah we got water pumps and everything okay that seems good as well now uh dynamites can we place a few more yes we can the trees are out okay we need how many more let's stop with this we'll pause you for a second give you a high priority don't think we need you anymore and there's no trees in range so you can go as well countries we don't have anything to cut here okay so whilst the beavers are planting they or installing the last of um last of the dynamites are we still flooding this area no we're not shouldn't be okay water levels dropping here uh okay it seems we're doing okay now okay that's good so another thing when it comes to foresters and then trees and and that um i did read on reddit that trees actually self plant if that makes sense to you i hope let me just clear tidy this up it really kills my frames for some reason when i open this this view let me just try and do this real quick okay so essentially going back to the idea what i said before they are self-planting so when they grow up they if there's space next to them then they apparently drop seeds in the tiles surrounding them so what you can do is you can plant the trees in sort of checkered format something like this and in theory you should not need foresters anymore so what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna do the whole field we'll get rid of the what's it called the forester and then we'll be back and well hopefully we'll be able to check if it works or not all right and we are back so that should be the trees done what we can do now is stop the one of the foresters at least i do want to still put a few more up here and i saw another comment that mentioned that we should try and also change them up to different trees in here so let's let's let's do that as well couple yes something like that a few maples and purchase maybe we should have left that empty no yep here we go cool let's check back on uh on the dynamite situation and looks like we are good to go okay yep that looks pretty good off you go i still gonna go everywhere yeah we are gonna have to drop another level somewhere around here let's check on the progress of levees and not bad is anyone building this platform maybe we should have upped the priority on on this i'm really hoping these get done first but that's okay no rush beavers do you have planks and stuff yeah okay that seems to be going quite nicely and let's have a quick look from above yeah just need to do this bit in here and that would look pretty pretty good just imagine that this water isn't here then it's gonna bend around uh hit the levee wall it's gonna be a bit of a well not really a bit of a lake unless we really want it i mean we could put a few levees in here to store some of that water and then a few dimes on top to let any excess water go out yeah maybe that's something we'll we'll do in the future okay coming back um yeah this project that i mentioned here the little shortcuts i mean it's not too difficult for us to do we just have to move a few things around be a little bit more smart about it maybe even put another stair set of stairs that goes up and i just don't want to go through the hard monument over here so it'll have to be maybe two tile gap and this this road can stay in place as well but about here is when we need to remove things and build levees up so let me know what you think about this because in my opinion that could be a way smarter solution and as long as we put a couple of block gates in here as well we can exactly or precisely control the the level of the water and not uh i think that was a worry for a lot of you including myself and and not drown uh district 2 because that would be terrible okay yeah let's leave them leave them be they've got quite a lot to do in here and let's move on where were we going oh yeah this section here will speed up the time as well we've got a couple of beavers it's tonight what are you walking here in the middle of the night oh i guess they haven't gone to sleep yet oh hunger thirst this guy is not doing great got water here we got berries yeah you should be fine maybe we'll give you some bread as well you know what yeah bring some bread drought has started that is okay just want to check that we're not pumping the last of the water out of here yep none should be going through that's okay and that was the last of the waterfall as well cool it's all dried up now this river should be done as well yep it is sweet let's just go over back to about here how many beavers do we still have we've got only six how's that possible that there's only six we got so many houses here oh let's move a few over then any unemployed nope what about here migrate population so we'll take two of you we'll send you to district five and from district three got five in here you know what let's send you all five of them let's go to five all right any homeless just one so maybe we can send them back later should be okay all right what are you guys up to building something probably levees i think probably this one okay oh no they're doing these here cool now i do want you to finish these berries blueberries i mean so that way we can queue up some more levees yeah we can do this one i just want to leave a bit of a cap so they can i'm not really sure why i'm doing this but i'm doing it for some reason okay good so that's going going ahead oh i know they're still unemployed here aren't they so the first thing we should do or second is to let's have another the build is hot here right in here you are the highest priority because we want more builders to stop building stuff quicker yep that's what i wanted to say and we also got this construction here as well and once it's done that should move along a little bit quicker i think food situation it was still fine here carrots hmm always a problem aren't they forgot to turn this off um i mean it's okay it's it's not a problem it's fine we've got plenty of trees it's not like we're short on logs or anything they've taken these trees out as well okay i mean i guess we might as well finish it now for some yeah i mean i suppose the levees these are fine if we were to raise the water in here and that was mentioned in one of the comments as well as long as the water comes to their height then it's okay to build high stacks of of levees or or high walls because they're they're gonna be underwater mostly but then again from the other side you can see this massive um yeah maybe i didn't think it through it made sense in my head before over here it seems like our platforms are almost in place you can't reach it why oh okay you have to do them once first gotcha that is okay now let's plan out how do we wanna control the water level here definitely need some dynamites and they are on their landscaping so that will have to be i don't know something like that the corners should be three and this a little bit bigger as well okay that's starting to look look a little bit better i guess um no this should do then we can put a few flat gates here let's see levees what was the floodgate three yeah they're gonna need some access yeah that's out of reach right now so what we'll do is we'll bring a road that's not a good spot because we're gonna put some floodgates here and now they should be able to build those levees as well so that is that is beautiful uh so district three we are doing a-okay nothing wrong in here oh let's do check the food situation yeah we got plenty of carrots oh we are losing yeah we need some more water why did i turn it off oh because it's flooding no i'm not sure what i'm saying right now but here it goes what about one no water comes through okay so 0.5 wow they have been very very busy here that's quite a few levees already done is anyone building platforms no guess it's fine nothing wrong with that we'll release some water via here this floodgate okay nothing to report in this section how are the levees doing got a few builders in fantastic and it looks couple of the beavers have already started building this um now that i think about it why did we not build a bridge here how expensive were the bridges again dirty planks oh yeah platforms are cheaper uh meh we can yeah let's let's let's leave it as it as it is okay cool what are you guys still doing he's still going up here okay they really want to build those levees first which is understandable now that they've taken out the blueberries we can actually start queuing up a few more levees here and there so that's going to take some time but at least you all hopefully understand what i'm uh what i'm going going at over here or at least what i'm trying to trying to say uh i think well with the colony in general yes we're already at a point where we you know we could end the series but i do want to get those rivers flowing around these different areas as well so as long as there's a few people that are interested to still watch and see the development of the colony i think we might might do a few more episodes after we get those bigger projects done and there was a few episode requests very specific ones which i'll definitely do as well but other than that we might be moving on to either a different game soon or to do the uh what were they called again the iron teeth faction and play it on a hard mode which i'm have a feeling is most likely going to be a short series because i have not played them at all until well well i have not played them at all is what i'm trying to say and i was thinking if i'm gonna do a series and let's leave it as a surprise so i'm not gonna you know test them out practice things so i'll just record it uh as it it's my first time really seeing them i mean of course i have seen reddit posts and i know what their buildings are and and so on but um well what i'm trying to say is i have not played with them yet as i haven't played this iron teeth anyways enough of blabbing that's pretty much it for the uh for this episode thank you very much for for tuning in and let me know in the comments what um what do you think about those ideas that i just talked about before and hope you all have a nice morning day or evening depends where you are and see you again in the next episode [Music]
Channel: Baby Dragon
Views: 19,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn new update, timberborn guide, timberborn tutorial, timberborn dam, timberborn flood, timberborn lets play, timberborn playlist, timberborn steam, timberborn dry season, timberborn walkthrough, timberborn playthrough, timberborn 2021, timberborn early access, colony builder, strategy game, beaver colony, timberborn baby dragon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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