RTGame Archive: Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu!/Eevee! (Q&A) [PART 5]

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there we go one moment hey how's it going folks can you hear me in the game okay I think it's coming true oh wait no what's that oh yeah it's 1080p60 okay her moment I was panicking as I was gonna come out at 7:20 it's like wait a minute it's not what I how I said it - hey you know folks how is it going well the game isn't way too loud or anything is it just to make sure does feel a kind of bit loud at the moment maybe that's just that might just be my monitor and let's get this right before we get into anything can barely hear anything is it way too quiet it's good yeah all the Reese ups are gonna be coming it I mean it's been like a week since we streamed so I a [Music] notification sounds off they shouldn't be hanging on oh I know what's going on here hang on okay they should play for realsies now and we just test it one come on no it's backlogs I can't even test okay we'll find out if them user or not soon they tend to be a bit funky whenever we play the console stuff anyway so it's fine we will we will make do all just all just options best I can it's good to see you all back here at Oh folks I've missed being here the last while it's good to see you all back good to see you story of it again spits how's it going no Dave a cage that we finished the Troy that we we finished it we already streamed it okay I think we're good yes how's everyone doing I know it's been a while since we last streamed and because of that I thought we'd just do kind of like a chill just Q&A like you know let's play Pokemon and not focus too much on the game and just focus on talking more so cuz every time we've played this game like it's just really well suited for that I think we kind of just casually go stuff happens you know it's a good fit for these kind of streams I'm so happy you're back good to see you back now thank you very much guys I'm still convinced it's way to rely but sure look if it's as it seems to be coming out fine on OBS I think it's just my monitor yeah we'll make we'll make - dude the only steer I have the ability to watch that sounds like it's just impossible to watch anyone else it's like slightly thrashing in or something [Music] ah God but it is good to see people coming back like okay I know it's been a while where'd you go um I mean not really anywhere cuz just life has been really busy the last while and you know I like life it's been busy like a lot at the past year since the channel exploded feel like it's been like this constant kind of race for me to manage like the growth of the channel in a way to actually make sense and I think just a lot the last few weeks it just got a bit much and I've just been like incredibly stressed very anxious kind of just about the channel and just the future I guess yeah this is gonna be a bit of a waste ring because we're just catching up but like yeah we might as well talk about what's been happening I'm bit anxious about the future right now because I'm trying to work out what the future is gonna be as I currently I'm living at home with my parents again I know that that is obviously a very temporary thing because you know I'm 24 oh and I'm working full-time and I have the means to go out into the world and kind of make my own way well I think he's the move to leader no he's mr. dad okay we'll just talk to him or yeah so I'm just trying to work out a bunch of life stuff and I'm just I've just been a bit anxious and stressed because I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do I guess I've been trying to figure it out hey the alerts are plenty no too toxic thanks for 23 months Jesus Christ tell the channel and retire I heard see I don't want to do with that Jesus Christ I think it's like the main thing I want to keep doing in life is this because the love doing this this is my passion in life but it's working out all the other stuff like where do I want to live no where do I want to travel to I don't want to move to I don't think I just want to stay in Ireland honestly I want I want to get out and see the world a little bit more but I'm just not sure what that looks like right now and it's just been kind of coming to a heat the last wall I think in regards that think in that way about life like anyone here is so kind of I guess in their later 20s would know I don't know how many people we have like that anyone who lives on their own probably knows this kind of feeling like I've had this feeling before when I was when I was gearing up to move to Japan I was trying to work out life then I was anxious about the future trying to work it out you know I just happens and sometimes you just gotta take a step back and try work out some otherwise you're just too anxious to do anything it was weird to be talking about anxiety considering like I literally streamed in front of like what 2,000 people right now and I do that like four times a week the people are still coming in and I gets fine it's been a while - isn't the last stream so it might be a bit less thank you for all the bits I coming - I'm sorry I'm missing so many messages I would just do a petal dance here Reina thanks for 700 bits we love you - thank you peach thanks 400 as well welcome back it's good to see you again where everything will fall into place with time thanks peach I it's it that's kind of stuff just you know it's stressful and I kind of like eats away at here and like a place to eat your head and until until you've got that solid plan you know like you just you just feel a lot kind of lost that's how I've just kind of been the last well I'm just trying to work it out I get the anxiety Artie I just dropped out of college and the doubt is real at the moment Peter I hope you're doing well man yeah that sounds scary flamingo thanks 26 bits I'm 26 still live with my parents life is different for anyone it'll work itself out try not to worry Thanks let me go no I know yeah that's what I'm definitely trying to do I'm trying to just let life like happen as it happens no I may be there's no point in kind of embarking on a grand plan right this is my life for the next five years oh and it has to go this way that's pointless that doesn't help but you know you have to seriously think about it you have to think about even simple things I like like where might I want to move to if I don't really want to stay in Ireland because not much happens in Ireland I want to go out there a bit more and I want to kind of get out there as soon as I can honestly I've only been back here just to try and get the channel on its feet since it exploded and I think it's finally at that point is that my workloads actually eased tough quite a bit now not nearly as stress as I was when I got back in like October where it was just like it literally added in every single day and doing something every single day I actually have days off now I get to do other stuff I've stopped in half with the two that in a long time I feel it's like in my head like it's been like a year where I've just think it's been all go and now now it's starting to ease up a bit that's nice but now I got a work out again because I'm not just working every day there's other life stuff to manage let's not go there again please you need the rest sometimes thanks sure you've earned this thanks Rob yeah i-i've just been trying to work out life basically and that's why I've been just been taking like a good old gap the last while because I'm not exactly sure what that life looks like just yet that's okay good I'm gonna work it out Vancouver Canada weather is gorgeous I could do I could do Canada I am Canadian I can just live there if I want to you take care of yourself had kind of--it's good to see you [Music] robo as well like 300 bits having a hard time myself a uni and Lenny watching these dreams too lovely break from reality just know you're appreciated and your hard work really makes the difference thanks robo I'm sorry if you're catching this one stream it's the first in a while that's good enough it's more so just gonna be like a real talk the stream is yeah I can already tell what the mood is gonna be for this stream you know we're just we're just gonna be talking about you know we're playing Pokemon just so we can talk I have like half my mind on the game and then the other half just completely focus on child I would say don't stress but we can't really force our feelings to make sure you take time to walk outside and get some Sun yeah I've even been doing that lately Ali like I've been making like just time for myself yeah like that's that's why I just took like last week off basically now I'm in here I was just be a bit too much I think it's a poor Canadian arity that says Anne has a pet moose that those are some distillation stereotypes don't know if I agree with that I choose you anxiety oh god maybe I'll be the next nickname for next Pokemon were using our team anxiety Oh God [Music] just come to Switzerland I do actually want to go to Switzerland soon because Stewart's living there at the moment I want to go see him so I might actually be head of that direction oops sad thanks to tier 2 it's Canada actually as great as people make it out to be I haven't been there it's actually a really lovely place I really enjoy Canada I've been there before you know am Canadian and I just cuz I have the opportunity you know I wouldn't mind trying to live there oh is this absolute joy to have dual citizenship we don't need you Pidgeotto get this [Music] hey Artie just came here to get rid of these bits well thank you very much Tommy I'm 28 with a kid and me and my wife are moving back home because the costs are living here in Hawaii is ridiculous I work full-time my wife works part-time if my over four years don't sweat so I did too much hard work pays off I'll hope things are going okay for you yeah I got that that sounds like quite a situation there you know a hobo moon back home helps the wonders I didn't realize Hawaii was that expensive so if you think of your six good Amy again just kick out your parents then you got your own house my god why didn't I think of that oh no these are I should I don't we have flat loads these balls just cash these things and get some free XP yeah just evict my family and then I everything's worked out there's perfect [Music] what about the UK yeah I'm thinking about the UK too honestly one of the best things left on the last wall that you know the kind of wonders for me is when I was practically living in Bristol for like two weeks for the Jingle Jam that was actually really nice because I was in like an office environment the entire time and I just got to hang out with the augs guys I guess no I actually really enjoyed that I wouldn't mind actually living in the UK to experience something like that I think pirate like someone that really gets to me in Ireland is no it's just me here now I'm living kind of like fairly small town like Dublin I'm kind of like I wouldn't like the sticks I guess I have access to the main city but you know it's like it's a trek to get out I can't just walk outside like a didn't Tokyo it's like stuff everywhere well it's like that kind of office environment we really appealing to me because I really enjoyed it when I was over there and you know I actually get to see people in like my day-to-day because there's like there's some days like where it's just me and like this some days where the only people I talk to is no you guys on the channel but I actually like use my voice to talk to and and that's not to say I'm not hanging out with friends or talking to friends okay of course an you know spend a lot of time every Anna particularly particular smelly someone in my life [Music] but it gets to you some days no solution it got to me definitely when I was in Tokyo too because this is like some ladies in Tokyo I remember where it's like Jesus I can't talk to anyone and I would literally just talk to people on the challenge that was it and you know kind of feels like that so like sometimes when I'm back here I guess and I kind of want to get on the move again because of that was he preferred wetter climate to live in that you searching for first more of a fan of warm where it's been 24 years and winners in Minnesota I would advise picking an area to fits the climate type you prefer I'm kind of easygoing when it comes to water like summer can be unbearably hot for like I'll get true it like I did with Japan you know a really cold winter I can just like bundle up I guess I kind of survive you're in Bristol oh man I could have just I live it just outside I hope we can meet one day oh I didn't actually know that peach well here you look next time I'm around for the Jingle Jam we can we could we can work that out like that's no problem I'll be back in Bristol I think like y'all con I think is like August so I'm gonna be there like that first week I'll be in Bristol again for that god I've missed so many bits too cuz we're good yeah I'm just gonna apologize like well in advance for missing bits there's a lot of heartfelt messages here too like rain I thank you for 300 there my husband is high anxiety I know first time how much it can affect someone we've been working through it together and lean on our resources and you always have us thank you very much you just have your bad moments Oh like sometimes it just is a bit much and you just got to try to look out for yourself and manage it best you can you know that's why I took time off purrs arity stream oh festival you're in for a very different one this is real talk to stream if you came to take your mind off life an existential dread I am sorry to break it to you because you know we're talking about life of fair bit today God meow and cook thanks for 100 color man thanks for hundred he was antidepressants anxiety it's not very effective oh no oh no this is my first trip I keep missing them well you're very welcome to the stream I get it's a bit of a different one tonight we're just we're just chillin which was telling me now a game is just kind of for background the Bill Murray's dead oh my god Bill Murray he's dead though we lost him a Content ID will get us home safe will you play the outer worlds I'm not really taking game suggestions right now will you play ax I'm not really taking them no I lumen thank you for a thousand bits good to see you again we need Jim Carrey now we need freaking doctor Robotnik oh that's the best thing to come out of the sonic movie like trailer at that launch the other day like I don't care about Sonic at all but I care about like Jim Carrey as dr. Eggman like that looks amazing it's like that's gonna be brilliant can't wait [Music] how you doing that to the arity I'm doing it better you've been there for us we do you always be there for you thanks learner you know part of it is though too I guess this is someone else to talk about isn't real talk like hire the reason they're like I do the channel and one of the joys of it is is like a lot of people just said this helps them relax at the end of like stressful days I take their own minds off life so when I get really caught up in my head and I can't get out of that situation I almost want to steer clear of the channel because because you know I've got my own issues and no I I'm not just gonna drop that on you know I I'm not gonna get into like specifics at all like even where like we're talking like today and today stream no I'm just saying a lot to like I'm anxious about life and like you know things are want to live like I'm not gonna get in like that nitty-gritty [Music] did it do these pair of jeans make me look fat oh god I know IIIi don't want to burden like problems on you guys so I do try to steer clear when things like that are happening and yeah I think that's for the best because I I like doing this I was like I like doing this as an entertainer and I like being entertained and it's hired to be entertained when you know your minds like this that's just a fact yes I do Artie they do make you look fat oh no oh god I'm gonna be had to real feel good about myself I thought a chance the sighs I'm still skinny bugger okay your problems though I keep them to myself and it messes with your head oh no I I do I do Lord and especially yeah like I have friends for and people I talk to for all that kind of stuff like I don't worry I'm not I'm not just bobbling up I do have people I talk to about that but I don't want to ever like I mean it's in the nicest way possible but you guys aren't really the people I I'm gonna go to talk about all that kind of stuff too because cuz I guess I want you guys to kind of feel a bit more relaxed when you come to the stream and again I mean that in the nicest possible way I I just don't want to like lay it on us every time because I I thought about like streaming like the past weekend but yeah I would have just been side so I I didn't want to do it I did really think about it's like I had the free time and I do genuine and like doing this and like it does actually make me feel better but yeah I don't want to do that you are a loon thank you for the five gift subs geez Reina thank you for a thousand as well and to establish dominance on the cheer board while I continue my desk job oh yes the first stream of May that I'll reset I thought well thank you for the thousand bits we're not therapists which is Bill taking her mind off life a hangin out with each other I'm basically Tory I remember I remember like summer in Japan offs last year because I was in a very bad place but like what really kept me going was I guess like the sky room and don't starve stream so I was doing all Tremayne I thought that was a gay huge therapy to think and I did and I could just say yeah I helped me just feel a bit better about life and just joke about things but even in doing those you know I'm not just coming in it's like Jesus guys I'm miserable today no like I'm just kind of focusing on having fun of it I guess and I was worried I could have done that for this stream like I was thinking of streaming plants vs. zombies originally because I think I think that would be a fun game to play and only anyone's like touched out in a while you know absolute banger I'm like a classic but I thought because it's just been like so long at this point that I know might be better to just do like a real talk stream I haven't been consistent to last well either schedule is kind of been all over the place since I want to say Berlin was when I went to twitchcon the original plants vs. zombies yeah the original I know what I have like the FPS one and there's a second one two demands your money for microtransactions oh just the original class game Frankie and Android thanks 400 bits each thank you very much poor animal Jetta side of advised Jetta side is himself hey toast how's it going since Berlin Simon's like you were in a war oh gosh he didn't give us four consecutive streams it's good to take a break it is true yeah like we did do a lot last week we did finish like Detroit just in like close to once it was just like I've broken up no stream day after stream day it's probably for the best I got some time off there just because laughs IIIi didn't initially like think I'd be taking so long off I guess again this I really like doing this and like I feel it when I don't do it so I had the energy for I'd probably stream every day cuz I just love doing it but that that's not healthy yeah I got got to do other stuff caches I can't just be like Irish man drops dead at his PC I've been streamed for like it's eight weeks straight that would be bad as much as I love this you know there's more to life too and God I got a bear that in mind let's go on YouTube I don't know but that's another thing I've been thinking about a lot too I think the the content on the YouTube channel is probably gonna slow down soon because I honestly want to focus more on twitch again and kind of like a stress I've been having when I do this is how will this work for YouTube and I've been feeling that a lot more lately just especially with the Detroit because like going into Detroit it was fine we did it all I kind of backed it back and I had a blast but afterwards like I have I like I had this feeling when I sat down to edit the first video where I have like 10 hours of footage I got a go through all of this and try put together it's something that makes coherent sense for YouTube and like divvy it out over multiple uploads and as yeah that's just heart perfect that's properly stressful it wasn't nearly as bad when it came to minecraft story mode because it was so it was so straightforward in like how its plot is divided you know yeah episode 1 episode 2 episode tree but with Detroit you know III some episodes are longer than others and like you're bouncing all over the place and it's probably like a nightmare to put that one together at the same time I really want to put it on YouTube because that was such a good play troupe oh we had so many good moments like like Kamsky and I kids sick safeword and in the ps4 becoming deviant thank if there were so many good moments but yeah and you know I I don't want to just upload that in a way where it just doesn't make sense and and you know I die that's causing me like a fair bit of stress right now just kind of working through that series so I and it's a shame because I actually really want to play heavy rain I just want to dive into the next day of a cage game already and just keep going but I'm always bearing in mind the variety content thing and that we have to you know mix it up as much as we can and that's just more so for the YouTube channel than it is the twitch there's I only most people on twitch would mind if like a new game comes out and I spend like say a week just playing it no consistently because the way the YouTube channel works where the idea is it's variety and I'm doing a bit of everything and because all the videos come from the streams I don't want it to just be where if I play a game for a week well it's just that game on the YouTube channel for a week you know again kind of a notice on that with Detroit because I we did it all and I was just gonna take a while to come up because I'm spacing it maybe hire an editor I have been considering that more and more I don't I don't want to hire an editor though because because all my youtube channel is is edited and if I hire an editor and that means I'm just not running my youtube channel I mean someone else is just kind of doing it and I don't know if they'd be able to kind of capture what I'm going for because I I mess with like timing and format like quite a bit on the YouTube channel I don't know if an editor will be able to do that or like experiment to that degree feel comfortable experiment to that degree now I'd be worried to like say something for like example I go for his GTA because we did like a four hour stream and it was a five minute video I don't know if they would do that I think they were from a trial just go for say like a 20 minute video or some I didn't know going into it that long have to be a five-minute video I had a really experiment with the format and I get a feel for it and then I decided yeah I just wanted to be really snappy because I think it works by that way maybe split the ED and you do one video and the arrow is another etc we maybe in future that up that might work I mean I mean something I've always wanted to do which might be I guess share and workload maybe in future because that Rihanna wants to do streaming too and she wants to upload highlights to youtube but watching like the same way I kind of do it maybe even there we could like just you know TV on each other's content or something like that and help each other in that regard I thought that might be kind of like a good thing there's just like I kind of spit ball in there as well does actually want to get into streaming more you know and she is a very important person in my life pass Kevin hi we need the Detroit maybe but I know how Kevin did Detroit he did various just he just did like the really funny bits and it's like four videos and that's it's a toy toy true I was like 40 minutes I was thinking about doing I originally you've got I I decided against it because I thought it would suffer a bit for that because you know you wouldn't have a cope coherent plot then nearly the same degree unity YouTube / twitch couple no Breanna is very dude I miss her you had in each other's dreams those it was actually fantastic idea well I mean it's just one of those things like again she wants to get into this I'm gonna be helping her like when she got streaming on on her own channel like we'll probably be doing a lot of channels streams this summer on off Rihanna's channel just to kind of like get her on her feet and you know I let people know that's a thing you know we do plan on actually doing more stuff together to do we more stuff on my channel to does games we want to play it together you approve people post in-your-face drew pictures yeah I don't mind when are you gonna have Rihanna back for another stream a sir well she's currently doing finals at the moment so it might be a little bit yeah hopefully soon though no she's just a bit busy but life at the moment the way I see you can really play what you want I don't think people care much about variety as long as there's not all one game also upload the full record in the day after so people can watch the full stream if they want other user Jenna and I love it it's a good idea Darth Vader that's already happening there's a stream archive channel but I thought the vote the vod's are uploaded to YouTube now they are actually there and it's for that very reason as postings tire strains the Detroit become human that again that's already been done yeah you can already watch the full' streams I don't do it myself because of my you know the psyche there's copyright issues and just as the time actually involved and maintaining that but though I like like Poe he's lurking about in the chat somewhere he managers not yeah it's just a fine channel and I could just archiving the streams that does they actually exist if you want that service that area is sup Rhiannon thank you for 25 quid I like to say something helpful about anything I can think of you've heard a thousand times seven so just roaming button cat yeah oh Jesus Rihanna thank you very much for the 25 quid that's very generous PO from the Teletubbies yeah basically bait same guy same guy that's how you'll watch the streams back it's on his stomach he just stands there now that's all YouTube is really it's just Teletubbies oh god bill murray wants to learn outraged let's replace regular age sure [Music] I'm rowdy still growing up nice Oh sucker-punch as well hang on I'm getting sidetracked for a moment no I don't want that give up and learn that no peepee Dawson detective Pikachu I cannot wait to see that film oh that's gonna be so good like we were all freaked out initially but I think the aesthetic is kind of I think growing on me actually does look like it's gonna look like it's gonna just be like a weird film and I I find it just weird that that's even happening and it's a thing repelling let's go faster slow Artie I find it very slow but that's okay I think it's a chill game to play Winona thank you for 400 bits you better be staying hydrated eating your greens and going outside yeah I am don't worry I'm doing that what do you think about the sonic movie trailer sonic should be killed Jim Carrey as Eggman is like the best thing and I will probably go see that film just to see Jim Carrey because it looks like he's very much going for like his 90s acting from like Ace Ventura and stuff like that and that's gonna be that's gonna be incredible like Jim Carrey is gonna carry that entire film and the rest of its gonna be awful III can guarantee you that that's the only reason I'm going to see it [Music] ii know what they're doing well you say that but sonic exists so it's debatable poor sonic I figure they never do anything right with Sonic I feel I think like Sonic mania was like a weird break true whether that just finds who actually liked Sonic and I have a deep appreciation managed sonic and it worked out really well and past that like literally every single time they tried to do something it's a disaster kontin idea is getting a bit clingy [Music] at the same time like you Dave they obviously make a profit on this cuz I people still like Sonic and buy the games then maybe they do know what they're doing but it always just feels like something has gone wrong I don't know what it is maybe sonic the sonic racing gamer I haven't heard I got many bad things about that apparently that's okay if you like Mario Kart style games like that ones apparently not not that bad but like it just feels like mistake after mistake and just a weird decision after weird decision I owe you a carrot movie when I saw some people actually saying because we haven't liked the Sonic movie and detective peach to movie like when are we gonna get like the Smash Bros cinematic universe together of just like all of these characters in this kind of like a realistic style [Music] it's out that would be class like could you imagine let's get like mario bros next in that style but let's try like recapture the original Mario Bros movie Smash Bros universe like let's go Nintendo Cinematic Universe so it's not Nintendo because you know you got Sonic think they'll be very upset by that for the origin story B of the Wii Fit trainer well look I haven't thought about all the specifics okay but that's a very that's a question we will have to answer but maybe not just yet detective Pikachu basically what I'm saying is like the new Iron Man Oh crunch is disabled outrage these are all I always also give it you by Homer thanks for the existence all Yahoo pre-apocalypse thank you very much we'll just go in the derriere next minecraft bill build the Smash Bros movie universe well actually on that note rapture this is something I did want to talk about too and it's kind of been something that I wanted to do with the channel for a while I I'm moving away from some of this series I've been doing for a while now is I I think I've gotten to a point now where there's just a lot of new stuff I want to try and I just keep putting it off because I keep revisiting inner things I like moving on the same way I've moved on from say like Sims and City skylines I'd say these days I haven't really been doing them as much I think I want to move on from Minecraft because because minecraft in particular is one that people are just coming to the channel and specifically asked for all the time and I'm starting to feel the pressure of that I can feel it in the same way I did with terraria [Music] I'm probably not so I'm probably not gonna be doing a build a again for like a very long time if ever yeah that's how I would do a content though is do what I feel like was a thing not fair okay [Music] switch to will we not using that much I want to use righty but he's so weak oh okay guess we could just skip the route I think we'll be flying showers there oh no we haven't got that yeah sorry where are you going from Minecraft well I'm just gonna do whatever I feel like I've got my VR headset still I got a bunch of other games I still want to play I've got like a list of them I got want to just work through that I haven't been able to find time for but I want to lay off that will no because I feel like I feel like there's some people that would just be getting a bit too vocal about that one and I'm starting to feel pressure that if I don't upload minecraft like once a week is then like people are upset or people are in sub and III I don't want that kind of pressure I just want the channel would be like hey this is what I'm doing you like it come watch anonymous gift er thank you for the five gift subs it's very kind the line thank you 400 there to which recommend getting don't starve together yeah of course it would amazing him a sponsorship aside with Kevin I love that game really good I can't recommend it enough have you ever tried to Bri that's counting himself if you join the right world I'm not really interested in VR chat like I don't know like now I've never that one in particular I just don't think I do I don't think it's for me I think I'd rather be a bit more involved with a game and VR chat is kind of just watching stuff happen like I I just don't think that's me nyr lumen thank you for five gift subs there as well Jesus Christ with the gifted subs very kinda like thank you are you gonna go from minecraft in Minecraft er no I'm just not gonna do minecraft [Music] [Music] I'd love to see you with Dark Souls I do already like Dark Souls still need to finish Sakura got the alerts I kind of backlog to that only came true now thank you again to our Loon River Plate salad on switch yeah I have a slight rout of the wild troop right punch out for we it was really fun watching Pete Martin Wii Sports and punch-out it's basically that yeah I'm aware of punch have there's still many Wii games I want to play at some point uh-huh I have like a big list of just trying to get around a lot of the it's weird how it always works out for like a lot of the things I always want to stream it's just some of it is just stuff we did before that I just want to give a second shot because I really enjoy it the first time but it's like it's new in the sense that like I haven't done it in so long that it's like I only did it before the child exploded I guess there would be people's first time like I guess seeing that kind of thing like I really want to do darkest dungeon again I love that game and I want to do a Pokemon like play true again because I really enjoyed doing that like last April so yeah it's new in one sense because it's new that variety content channel now know people people might actually give a compared to how it was before like oh my god Artie that's not tf2 I'm gonna murder you but I've done it before but I just thoroughly enjoyed it playing hearthstone lately it kind of got me in that mindset to like that was one of those things that used to play all the time back in the day just haven't done in a while wanna do a Pokemon play trial poke playing Pokemon yep an actual like involve Pokemon play tree like a Nuzlocke like because this like this is just background oh I I I'm barely paying attention I'm just hoping the moves have pp when I go to use them you know what I mean what about real-life minecraft Legos I might not do that for a while I still have one Lego set I need a stream I might hold off a bit after that those dreams are just super demanding and odd want to just try to get back into a regular routine I think before I do that again ever phase three of the channel basil was tf2 phase two was the past year cause there is different stuff I wanted to I really want to just take some time to the amiibo to because I still want to bring back WWE and the only reason that hasn't happened is because there's so many goddamn amiibo and they all gotta be raised up baster you become a Pokemon competitive player I've competed in tournaments in the past here in Ireland it's kind of like a small pool I guess you know I actually I'm properly in the comp okema but I did a comp oh c'mon series back in the day rekka the wild make it run also tons of love from a round of American thanks lunar Oh Evie died hang on okay we'll just send in Gerry Adams here to pick up the slack do the coolest thing you play hard since this is one of my favorite game so I understand it's not the best game to stream yeah the only thing what hearthstone I love it but it's incredibly niche a hearthstone is a game you can only stream for people who already play hearthstone like there is no other audience for that game I thought that is the main one you kind of go for I do love it though like hearthstone is really good and I got hope like when even when I stream it you can introduce people to it but I there's just a bit of a barrier because there's so much to take in you know you have to have a idea of what the meta is to kind of really get hearthstone and morning that just kind of comes from practice you know and actually trying it when you continue in the Hogwarts / Atlantis world city Scotland saga again bore cubes as well I was talking about I'm trying to I'm trying to leave some of those series I think for the time being this is other stuff I want to do I think I accept something I actually dread it right playing Wii Sports is something I always meant to do on the channel with so much time passed that I was kind of worried if I revisit it was just gonna be like Wii Sports Resort - that wasn't the case and they kind of turned into like its own thing when we did it especially because a freaking mash and you don't like the buildup in the fights around on that but uh something I genuinely worried about is if I'm just going in circles on the channel and it's kind of like a cyclical thing like Artie Artie plays me games Artie plays cities skylines games Artie plays sim games Artie plays hitman Artie plays me games like so on and yeah it's like the same kind of for games I'm playing I worry about that sometimes Cooking Mama yeah I did Cooking Mama hype for planets ooh yeah yeah I'm looking forward to not what's your thoughts and borderline street I have never played border lines but it's cool I guess be honest I laugh so much for watching you hit my videos I don't mind at all although the hate mind videos are like a joy for me to do like Sean Bean I believe it's coming back as an elusive target next week and I'm tempted to do it again because I just love that mission so much iiiiii Kate - honestly my favorite came in last year that's one like if I can find a reason to do hitman again I will do hitman again I love that game too - we play holo no I'm not really i streamed it once I'm finish about hey looking forward to new hatton time DLC yeah I am looks like it'd be really fun god I really need to get this team to a Pokemon Center - like we're all just running low on peepee I'm like they're all starting to die - yeah that's just go for a quick old fly this way hello do thank you for tier two I'm actually a little experiment my account was hacked my name got change anyway hope you're doing well oh okay oh good to see you back I mean it's been eight months sorry if there's a bunch of doors closed in the background - I don't know what's going on though I don't know if you can hear that every single time a door has closed the past two minutes Jesus Christ Rick and scooby-doo out there thank you worried about too much about a lot of people want sometimes well yeah I do I just doesn't care about the channel like a lot I'm always worried I'll become like a one-trick pony or something you know I try hard to prove that like you know that's not the case that just comes from like being like a tf2 frame of mind for so long I think because uh like doing that game so long and being told like if you don't do this game I'm not going to watch that doctors wreaks havoc on you just creates like an unhealthy relationship with became a shame cuz I really like that game yeah I'm thinking like with the David cage games in particular I might just trying marathon more of them just kind of doing back to back another game I've always been put off I've always want the do but Nev never done we're almost that very reason is Steve Jackson source I really want to stream that because I have the physical game books like in a shelf of my room and I love them but I've been terrified of doing it because if I do it I like you know that's it feels like a long commitment and again I worry like what's gonna happen like on the YouTube channel you know like how am i gosh you're gonna be able to edit that honestly for that one I think I might just upload the full vods to my youtube channel I think I might be the only time I ever do that because there's honestly no other way to present that though those streams in a way that makes sense otherwise I just which in Venus or on a growler - you'd have a black background I'm just tellin it's still watch though well thanks man go I mean we have Pokemon for background today like could you not just get an editor I mean that is I could I could but I like the channel and the idea of the channel being just me alright that is something that like I agonize over like yeah I just got an editor than like maybe I will solve some of the problems like met like on Twitch I wouldn't have to worry about things nearly as much but I stress about the YouTube channel endlessly I think I don't think I'll be a good thing I do like she's like editing my videos - and again there's certain videos where like if I had an editor I don't think they'd exist in the current capacity I don't do the Mario maker one would have worked if had never but I actually I chopped out so many levels hi Geneva Venus or Jerry Adams I don't question it Nick this has been a very long let's play of Pokemon let's go is just don't don't stress about it too much I don't think about that I don't think I'm gonna enjoy the games you play but it's you that keeps me coming back not the game thanks story that that means a lot all around thanks 100 bits there too you should make a stream when you learn from your thinking you're playing him and then turns that you playing the old hitman blood money that's just mean why not just play blood money and say I'm playing Blood Moon clickbait stream notices as you know I only asked the solution oh Jesus Lugano would at 10,000 bits mister Destructoid isn't a most sorry about all the website downtime I'm doing my best Jesus Christ thank you for like the hundred quid what I didn't deserve that but that is very kind we're gonna have to use Snorlax here too because everyone is starting to die literally everyone is dying seriously I thank you very much it's incredibly generous empathetic thank you for a hundred bit suit would you ever play a Final Fantasy game see that's one I actually really wanted to stream off to Pat traveller when that came out but because again the variety style I was worried I wouldn't be able to edit that in a way that would actually make coherent sense uh that's something I definitely want to work on where I just want to do like longer play throughs of things I guess it might mean a little less variety maybe I can just like upload it differently for the YouTube challenge space it but yeah I like this game felt like I'm just pushing off now that I've noticed and it's specifically because of Jesus Christ ratty he's alive I'm putting them off because it would just be too long but I was anxious as hell going into Detroit and I'm waiting to do another David cage game even though I really want to do like heavy rain right now the only reason I'm not doing it right now is because I want to get the videos uploaded so I think what's gonna happen in the end is I'm gonna do like a major change on the channel but I'm gonna I'm gonna do it once we get to June I'm gonna do I'm gonna get to like the one year mark of when we did the like huge variety style where it's like literally like something new every single day and then I think I'm actually gonna like make some changes just for myself I think that might be best maybe we'll even try some new kinds of content again maybe do some live stuff ones that for a while you deserve those bits is the only twitch stream I enjoyed well seriously like thank you so much it's incredibly generous I just you know like drop a hundred quid on just a guy on the internet uh-huh oh yeah it's truly very kind I greatly appreciate it I've ever played Xena planned the Wii yeah I have really like Xena blood and you just do a thing where you upload one or two videos a week of a let's play kind of game I mean I could Nova but it would be a bit of a change and that's the thing like I think part of the issue too I don't mean to sound like I'm critical here already they're just like taken like these guys were crying too or the YouTube scene but a lot of the YouTube cry of still doesn't know I string and a lot of the YouTube crowd still doesn't know that the main thing I do is to which I don't know how to communicate that anymore I genuinely don't and I have like tried and tried and tried to do things in such a way that like it's very clear that everything you see literally everything is live streamed on Twitch but people still don't know and I think part of the problem is that YouTube crowd they want just variety videos I think they want something like similar to what Kevin does where it is just a different game every day but it's different because I'm streaming it and I stream everything I do so that doesn't always work to make it different every single day and I don't know how to make that clearer when I hadn't like kind of obnoxious elements through the YouTube videos where it's like at the start of the video I can notice that says this was streamed on Twitch yeah I do like a very like not in-your-face thing at the end of the stream it just says like hey this was all recorded life and I keep things like my twitch alerts like in the YouTube videos specifically because so people actually no it's a stream and I keep moment saying where like I'm talking to like you guys in chat just so people know but for some reason like every single time I upload is like who you talking sour tea well I guarantee how do I get involving like the Minecraft build thing it's like go to my twitch go to my twitch please oh that stresses me the no end because I still consider twitch the main thing I do but in regards to like um I guess in regards to like things like online presence and like actually being on the Internet like my YouTube channel that's the best the first thing people see and there's no way about that that stresses me because it's not the main thing I do wait you're live streaming right now you should add this the YouTube video I'm tempted to just like upload a video at some point that a YouTube channel that says hey I'm gonna be streaming on Twitch the next month and just do daily streams and I'll see you guys there and I'll just try K I come up with a schedule that like caters the most time zones but even then I think people will just like say like hey whatever the YouTube video spent yeah it just it just keeps happening I've seriously tried on that front I did the giveaway like back in February specifically so people would just know they're like what you see is streamed on Twitch because people don't know and I'm still getting and even to this day III I just don't know anymore on almost every single Detroit become human video that's uploaded right people are like oh my god I can't wait til the next part oh my god where can I see the full thing Oh like oh Jesus Daniel I wish you didn't add like cut out bits he's like that's what I do though I'm a YouTube channel that's what I do that's what the YouTube channel is Jesus Daniel you're your YouTube channel of edited livestream highlights I wish it wasn't edited livestream highlights but that's that's what I do it was a I think you guys here kinda can kinda understand that is that that's a huge problem on the YouTube channel and I don't know what to do I really don't know what to do it's really hard to reconcile that the regions have to be as blatant as possible to fight that you screw up on to it maybe people I hit home and do things I don't like being in your face I've considered a start in literally every single video that comes up on YouTube is I stream on Twitch I've considered that possibility literally every single one just this was streamed on Twitch this was streamed on Twitch just so people know but even then I think people just look at it it's like God where Papa told like the bits in the him out video where like you were slapping people with a fish you know this is like ten minutes you say you killed 550 tree like what why is there bits just missing uh III don't know what it is I got a hot I'm not I'm not taking the YouTube crowd for granted and I understand the not everyone naturalized streams Oh a part of the reason of the YouTube channel is people who can't make the stream here's the best bits that you missed you know it's kind of like it like a package I guess format you can just catch up it's okay cuz not everyone has like the other time to sit down for like four hours watch me play video games you know I got that but it's just hard sometimes because the main criticism again the YouTube channel is where's the rest of it and the rest of it is there he's even available on the twitch channel you can watch the vod's but I constantly get it like look where's the rest of it Daniel this is great Daniel but I'm missing some bits and I have to spell it out for that crowd sometimes you just even get them over here I'm sorry about all the doors those in the back I don't know what's going on out there at least out every YouTube video with this will stream in front of a live studio audience I'd love that but like it's not what its gonna take just for people to come over the net which I think I don't know I just don't know did you not a big Mooney shouting you out of two he said he's going on a fish rampage - oh I actually had no idea that's class oh I'm delicious he saw the fish video that's actually really sweet no yeah cuz I even acknowledged for like that feat like that whole fish stream that's you know that's very much like inspired by him he does kill everyone challenges all the time and that kind of content is actually class his hitman content is great it's actually genuinely cool it like he saw about I had no idea Geo thank you for the thousand bits bits are missing because I haven't donated them yet oh I see what you did there thank you very much doddle thank you for for quite as well actually I just want to say how much you in Kevin ours have helped me through some tough times recently I wanted to give back in some way I taught this to people good the first frame of cop would keep with the crate work well dawdle thank you very much we're a bit more serious on today's stream but that's just cuz it's been the first stream in the law just just so you know normally were a lot more light harder than this but yeah well I wanted to do a real talk stream because it's been a while people which anyone they're worried about me too like the last two weeks because I have missed a lot of streams and I haven't been in attack as active a lot of people were wondering what was going on no so I want to kind of give peace of mind with today's stream i RT equals real talk i there were points where i consider i to making real talk and then it was like one called realistic thinking realistic thinking game i don't know why i sell on that one like i was thinking of just saying like that's what our teen stands for i'm much happy we're just saying like it doesn't stand for anything Real Talk is one that I actually just like quite a bit though radio tell the features no I like to really terrible is great because that's kind of true there's a nice commentary I'll Photoshop by his side it's thanks arity a how much good luck in your assignments man I hope they're going well I originally saw the YouTube videos I can't always watch the streams but I do when I can you advertise your true streams just enough Internet people are just to fish well thanks very much Alex yeah like when I'm talking about like the YouTube crowd and that not coming over the twitch like again I'm not taking them for granted I'm not trying to blame them but how dare you only watch ten minutes of my content and not take four hours out of your day to watch me live the nervous some people how dare you live in Australia how could you be so selfish to live there it's not what I'm saying but there is there is just genuinely a crowd that doesn't seem to understand that what I do is drink and you know I like that just irks me because that is like I I stream I am a streamer and that is the first and foremost thing I do that is why I consider my job to be [Music] at least I think I could in recent months like it's been a bit better and more people have actually actually have been making their way over and kind of guess realizing that this is a thing that I was amazed the amount of people who came for Detroit become human like that was insane they're like five thousand people every single night that we scream like I didn't exactly how many people that actually care about Detroit become human because I thought everyone's already seen a player of that game people made it out now they wanted to see the whole thing all right that was class I want to dive into the next day of the cage game already come I've come for you to barely watched you to your times that is the other thing violin well we're like most of my audience is based in America so I know that is kind of awkward sometimes sometimes like especially here on West Coast no this may not like just suit yeah that's something I just like straight up acknowledged cuz I'm based in Europe I I like being based in Europe maybe I'm considering moving to Toronto in future maybe we will probably adjust the schedule just whenever I move like that in future I'll probably move back to see Rihanna again in about a month so even when I'm there no I maybe we'll just go with a different schedule instead of just keeping the same one I actually cater to the folks that are in the region why is your audience mostly American I think it's just the way it works out from YouTube it just tends to be mostly Americans that watch YouTube it's like about 50% just comes from the states that's just how it is it's honestly surprising if you consider like even things like yes internet like packages and like providers for the states you know if you kind of like Central America or that like options start to get like I'm gonna limit it quite quickly from what I understand and you know unlike the mileage varies by a to a significant degree it like much less so and I compared to like somewhere like Europe where it's much more consistent stable just the way it works out just a lot of Americans watch YouTube we are determined 7:00 p.m. for you is 1:00 p.m. for me so I didn't have time on Thursdays to watch streams yeah I'm aware that's just how it works out even if you're on East Coast you know you're like you're what five hours behind so I start at 7:00 it's like - for most people they're a few of a job you have a 9:00 to 5:00 so you can't make the stream it's just how it is part of me really just wants to get the Canada like for that just the try stream in there yeah because you know like I was in Japan for a year and I was able to cater to that crowd quite a bit I've been in Europe you know a very long time always my catering to not crowd maybe it might be nice to be in the States and just try scream over there I've learned not to sleep just to watch RIT yeah you see okay first that's very sweet of you to actually do that like like you know go through that much effort to make it to the streams at the same time that makes me feel terrible like the scenario that puts in my head it's like it's like 4:00 a.m. your family is worried on you it's like my god just go to bed it's late at night it'll be the morning soon as I can I gotta watch the Irish guy I gotta watch the Irish man I feel bad when people tell me this like 2:00 a.m. and they've stayed up all night just the catch me live that makes me feel terrible it genuinely does oh it's sweet and it's considerate that I you know you enjoy what I do so much you would actually do that you know like you're kind of scheduling like your day just so you can catch me but yeah you know I don't want you going out of your way for me I feel bad about that Oh God I can do that cuz sometimes I work at night well I mean guy Greg if that works for you than like that's fine uh uh different folks and difference that you like circumstances people have strange life for her T's gotta watch the Irish man so should we consider revamping the party a bit like we're keeping rowdy I don't think we're using this Snorlax that much sir do we have like an another Pokemon we could take I went in here taking there was a PC this is not an open Pokemon box era like song six for 200 pits it'll be a hospital such an honor I hope the pain eases somewhat sometimes thank you very much garlic here we see what we still got to sort out all those Jigglypuff's Cup we don't really have anything we have the Mew but ashes Hopi you can't just use a mute you have blue schemey maybe I already have a Gyarados though you have a Doge trio - we need to catch some more Pokemon and if we need some new ones where all the jigglypuffs come from we were trying to find a shiny Jigglypuff we ended up getting like a shiny eradicate here I'll show them like you know some people may not in a while since we play at this people may not remember because Radhey Radhey revita renee i think of it the ten good gotta watch the funny Irishman love the stream and hope to catch more no matter what you play I've always been interested in it banding just for your personality for now thank you very much it's very kind about even enjoying the content this is Roddy you kind of like belly flops behind us not the best Pokemon but he is a shiny so you know we're like obligated to use them at all times let's get the whole item over there too you're my favorite Irish person Kevin my name is not Kevin how many people here still think I'm calming Kevin because we got to clear this misconception up I can't have this happening all the time [Music] we don't even sound that similar honestly I think I mean Kevin like because no we're friends like we what we've talked about we think people just have trouble distinguishing their Irish accent we don't sound anything alike we do something similar like tea ageism that like but it's that's an Irish accent thing we sound very different it's a disaster I lost my Seif and do thee please help cui YES on how teen on who oh I'm counting on you search route search route 19 the hell what did he actually say hang on what are we looking for on route 19 it's a disaster I lost my teesh please help me okay he lost his teeth on Route 19 Jesus Christ okay that's a guy moment or two - just in surfer what are you saying which way is route 19 I don't know route 19 okay he lost them on the water route and tell cry without his heat silly I mean yeah but this is difficult to read he now knows this he were missing before he got home yeah that's the real question like that you would feel that like you wouldn't just arrive home when it's like try each like a sandwich or someone is like wait a minute you know I see my thing with a bite you see if he managed catch leads 50 species yeah we're good [Music] oh ask Olga - hey Koga alibi my disguise are you the intricate style to confound and destroy you in battle as well hey see you later but rocky thanks for 250 bits yoni matter multiplayer games and minded it in Minecraft and the community all come together to work on something I won't know at the moment rocky kind of playing whatever I feel like at the moment spent a lot of single-player stuff ok this is the one with the invisible walls if I remember either yeah so don't really hide them too well with the mist yeah sure let's just beat the gym I guess fight the man with a lollipop I'll go from there we're getting teased with you bite your tongue the minecraft server a sell anything yep that's how we do it Magnus things for 200 hits Belo VRT when everyone catch the students it makes my day thank you very much Magnus Kobi thank you for 100 bits to myself actually caught you stream and watch you on YouTube for about a year love your 28 stab wounds thank you very much Kobi kid-friendly because he has a lollipop hat stop that your final four in this game yeah there is every Pokemon game let's eat Elite Four is the only minecraft related question I'm asking one on the server we updated 1.14 we're working it out Kaden thank you for four quid hey arty thanks to the law the last wish you could donate more however I am but a student and do not have a lot the first stream in a while you've fellow Irish man okay don't worry about it man like it's cool put yourself first don't give me your lunch money please like buy get oh look out for yourself first it's low okay don't feel bad thank you very much you should make a new me now I want dies just now he's the only meal for us we have we have end me as well we have his girlfriend I'm happy with those two have you ever to SMP live yep I have I have been saying a fair bit though I don't want to just do minecraft because I think I've done a fair bit now I think I'm pretty happy with the minecraft content I got like when you get to the level where freaking like other minecraft youtubers I just straight-up copy and what you do okay I'm trying to like replicate what you're doing in Minecraft like you know you've made it [Music] I think I'm pretty happy what I've done there I'm just gonna do whatever I feel like future gave to your planets dream I've ever taught about horror games III don't like horror games turtles but I yeah I've still given it some thought do not like them we ever screamed when a facecam yeah I don't think it adds I think I've used face cam on stream before I've done face cam streams but it no it doesn't really add anything so I just played the game I I like that you don't have to use one is just a preference thing really I kind of I kind of worry like YouTube channel eyes - I think it'd just be obnoxious in charge honestly I like that it's just the gameplay on YouTube my face in a video I just wouldn't add anything to it oh god Content ID you gotta get him Oh as your beautiful face to kind rotisserie yeah crotch cam is where it's at yeah crotch cam like that's something we need more of I'm just saying twitch staff please don't bind me from your site I'm really pushing my luck god the freakin poison will marry a sentiment rocky takes 400 hits everybody guns of Icarus yeah I applied it those videos of guns workers on the channel you go really far back to there why wouldn't my Pokemon just get we think higher than everything else I thought I was really over leveled all of a sudden I seem to be struggling and his muck is using toxic on literally everything and it's kind of ruining my life right now [Music] oh my god keeps dodging too [Music] Scotch cows I just a glass of scotch that sits on my desk lights dream there we go oh my god like that was an ordeal to get true I need to get like some more pokémon types the team comp we have like isn't actually that great we have two normal types between tree normal types between Evie eradicate and freakin Snorlax like we need to change that we need like a psychic type when you're not your ground type we need like a neato king or something we we had one I'm gonna get them back we go in me vocab you know he's an amiibo camp okay let's just make our way back out then change our party comp probably easy as Pokemon Center - hey you're Canadian how do you say pasta pasta now everyone says pasta the way that you clone your Pokemon and every game I only ever did an emerald um I don't think so I think they try to patch that stuff you can use the day care try and get it by legit means the team comp is not doing well I could we have any TMS - just a teacher more moves can we make them like a little more useful at the moment varas can learn Brick Break [Music] give him this so that we just need type coverage like we're so woeful eWEEK okay they think Garrett Bill Murray killer and skull but he has waterfall that's a bit better play rough nothing them can learn do turn only Roddy can learn that that's not like good I have to use variety though I [Music] gotta get rid of Snorlax yeah I don't think Snorlax is gonna cut it anymore the ratty is I love ratty but he's so weak he shouldn't even know to turn the roll like Thunderbolts not good enough [Music] normal types just suck I didn't - not good where he can learn dark balls roost surf but maybe surf is better than waterfall let's see no no waterfall is much better fire punch for Bob Ross a tunnel not Umberto's okay I guess with like the base power it's still stronger changed out earned fire punch cannot learn dazzling gleam like we don't have a psychic type or anything what do I need to change here in party I'm okay Dyke with Bob Ross okay remove from party just for a moment we got to figure out what we're using can I remove the Eevee now we should probably should probably use Content ID I think that's what makes it problematic karate because then we have two normal types no matter what we do and we're really strained on our resources like this core is good but we just need to add some more to it what if I got a side macron back again we can evolve him if we just don't we if we just can't use righty I would love to have a gengar but I can't evolve that because I have to trade I can't can't use them you that's just overpowered if you Dugtrio that would help now now they're all way too weak and like we gotta like to level them up bill murray Bob Ross and Gerry Adams are fine Content ID is fine it's like the other two pokemon like we just need for extra coverage we need to get Gerry some new moves too like it did this is bad like head foot pedal that sleeps leading sleep powder he needs like a poison-type move we have lay your off now we don't we don't have sludge foam or anything Jesus okay let's go grind a while hey oh thanks for hundred bits harity how you feeling glad imagine the stream no seizures today let's go to here uh worried about you know I'm doing I'm doing okay today I trashcan thanks for tree hundred pits here's a so chill it's nice to see you back well it's nice to see you too a man how's it going yeah if we're gonna grind too let's just check the Pokedex real quick and see if there's anything useful we can catch what have we actually got general ones actually feel free to limit it I can't even get an ala Kazam because I can't evolve kids Abra that's useless what do I get eeveelutions are all cult you all be really good but i kind of off my Eevee what do we have to work with we have a Pikachu number caught - yeah we definitely have one I just get a ride you like with that help it'll write you on the team so what that's what I could actually do that gives us like an extra type that might be beneficial don't drills one of the few crime types we have we cannot count I'll get golem maybe a doctor EO and a right you maybe even be those two together we'll do it a lowland right you that that psychic-type isn't it that would actually be perfect can you get that in this game because they have summer lowland forms in this one Slowbro could be a good option yeah but we have feel Mary already that's the kind of problem I like that one I think dodrio and like a right you a lowland right you might work a lowland right you in Saffron okay so we got it we got to go to saffron okay yeah let's just get going we're gonna we're gonna fly all the way over we're just chillin talking anyway so it's okay saffron use the puffs now Jigglypuff isn't any good we need like type diversity and like we're really struggling on that front right now [Music] Zapdos would be really good for a team I think but we all have that [Music] hey ty how's it going it's good to see you I'm doing okay today go over here never get the shiny puff no but I got a shiny Raticate we did actually get a shiny Oh God we don't have like the high-flying ability so like it's kind of awkward like a better fly you can get lighter all right now is just kind of lame you normal right you the cat when we can get that we have Pikachu and we have thunder stone I think I think yeah we have a thunder stone that's not like the zv is compatible I don't think you can evolve it I think it gives that if you try God flashback to this where we spend too much time here back in the day he was the mu no I'm not using you used as overpowered is this the right shoe person yeah okay so you've come from a Lola okay so what we want to do is we want to grind Pikachu's we want to catch a really good one and then we trade it to her and we get a good ride you right I think that's what we're supposed to do yes so we want to go grind Pikachu's then where do we find you literally only the forest okay let's just see what ones we have currently that's gonna that's gonna be like a rare spawn - oh we still have Ryan Reynolds I forgot or riot ryan Rinaldi you were part of the team before naughty nature that's terrible well it's better than the other one okay we're taking Ryan Reynolds back add to party now what like this is a very vanilla looking team okay I guess we're gonna have to trade right oh no you're gonna have to trade Ryan Reynolds I didn't even think about it okay well good bye Ryan see you in detective Pikachu we have the trade of my way [Music] oh dear that's a random uh okay well just trade it then I can save before and then just to make sure that we get like a good nature or something hey there's Raichu oh she wants to learn Thunder punch before she goes sure thing right had a sad life he just sat in the box that entire time okay so that's just safe and let's trade here you go is Ryan Reynolds well the Raichu actually is really good so with his existed not existed in the Pokemon bucks told so detective forward your pits are TV mister last notification with some Pokemon says the coyote GeV could move in different types like water and such oh yeah I already have that soda thank you for the four hundred bits I do have like the different type moves on Eevee it can learn psychic from a TM oh this just comes at level 32 nice serious nature I'll I'll take it on the shock tail okay let's just see what else I can learn real quick too but we need to get psychic now and we'll just see what else we have passed that learned it can learn teleport learn Brick Break need to teach a t-bolt the right truth of mad surfer dude I think I honestly prefer a little and right you two like the standard right you it's more interesting yeah he learned Thunderbolt they'd Bruce Eric pulls rest and doesn't gleam oh I can't learn serif I was hoping it might be able to I can't learn much honestly learn dig dig isn't really helpful learnt seismic toss or head but we really just need to get it psychic I know it's good what you get psychic in Saffron City as well don't you like a guy in a house or something that gives it to you have a look-see you yeah it is I remembered it is what happens when you played like the base game leafgreen just Pokemon games for years that is a really handy [Music] okay so we got t-bolt and we have psychic we still need two other moves for I don't know what's actually good another low and right you or it can even learn like though that goes to the base to we want to teach it I could teach a brick break like for coverage but that's not the best might as well give it something up there we go yeah oh let's see what he looks like when he follows us - hang on let's go let's get a good view oh that's really cool he's just surfing on his tail I kill only I can change its name either cuz its trade at no I can't okay so we got a trade not trying to fry to and we got a train up Dugtrio then so we have that extra coverage and then the team should be in better shape so the question is they good are we gonna grind it'll be a good pokémon the grind we're just gonna catch him repeatedly not doing the jigglypuffs again because we went insane with that any I need some new I don't really see anything new it's not much use I figure how restrictive Kanto is right sparked and thank you for a thousand bits and get a load of marijuana from Fuji City oh oh that would be really good well that is goes fire-type though so maybe we don't need that because we do already have a fire-type sure we just get like as many a lowland forms we can I get a just better than what the base game provides the swish all the marrow AK is really good Rowlett and arcanine yeah okay well farm them so let's just see where they are we got very sidetrack from just talking and chillin - we got very worked up like our team composition I mean we are eventually like completing this game which is very slow at it and do they even exist in my version a capita no they don't that's Pikachu version they don't exist [Music] okay you know what we're gonna go back in this route and we're just gonna farm the Vulpix [Music] back in the war zone we spent a lot of time on this ruse I know no I want I just need to go somewhere for XP I'm done hang on let's go let's just go back to that roof near Fuuka City being dumb yeah just go for the place that gives XP [Music] this would be better if I to you I'll catch you later all the best run away you can get a growl and only one oh did I have like the trade or something or the other region uh version exclusive that's kind of neat let's just make our way over [Music] this game of auto-exposure yes it does [Music] it was far-fetched in there only we have one of them I can go catch him later sure by the time dodrio is caught up your team would be very over leveled yeah that's fine I don't care about that I find it weird that you just gave more experiment Pokemon and this compared the training about was like historically it has always been the other way you've gone I already tell you're over Louisville from SHINee grounded well I was but it turns I everything caught up with us cuz we just stopped catch and Pokemon the egg that were just pretty average level honestly what pokemon are even on this route like what options have we got the work with here piggy are there any other contenders piggies kind of lame oh god I haven't bought any of these trainers so he didn't get XP from cash until June 6 sorry I meant like um just fighting wild Pokemon no it's just kind of like that equivalent hanger you catch them instead of fighting them [Music] god I'm not sure how long I'm gonna go with tonight's dream just as well by the way and what's the first one in a while that I I don't want to overdo it just right off the pass well it's just gotta like take it slow the next well hope that's understandable these we did Oh is on that stretch to the older version disappointing if they go on there we go which ends ariados Pro I'm very tired and can't remember my Jen's Jen - no we divide 24/7 streams you even think about going offline you're gonna go offline in life please take down oh it hurts us but we must oh come on Canton ID what is IOT always talked like he was going to laugh how can stuff wouldn't be that happy well I'm streaming I'm quite happy I like doing this like that in the street I take you to I don't know Jesus as those right or menacing yeah we are we really just gonna have to catch the piggies cuz that seems like so lame I don't know if there's anything else though it's a Patrick grass there oh okay yeah there's like a Toros and stuff in there let's let's go over there we got a fight a few trainers to get over but that's fine bit more interesting least arty doesn't go offline and fun my way to his house to take out his internet and make them sleep he's arrested too don't force-feed me entertainment or you will cease to exist for a streamer life eh I don't know how some people do daily streams III would be exhausted hang it just be way too much like somebody even doing like four streams a week I debate sometimes I should cut down the tree a week probably just three more I guess if I wasn't doing YouTube as well on top of it look just fair play to folks who do it it's like it's so demanding twenty-one months you just not a you're just not allowed to stop streaming those people don't often edit YouTube out toughest or even yeah it's true even Keo has an editor if he streams all the time but like YouTube at least is taken care of people do daily eight-hour streams I mean I guess if you just treat it as a nine-to-five that's a that's one way to go about it you could just look at it that way like that that that madness what it is for some people 9:00 to 5:00 and then you take weekends off get a stream I play to the folks to do that yeah okay maintain a life and stream every day got just be exhausted I feel tired after like three hours of streaming I got I feel the need to take a break when I've been go on that long I'm gonna go into frickin just a Bob Ross here even Wolfe has an editor it's true I think it just me being stubborn that makes it so I'm just quite stressed is the fact that I want to do my YouTube channel to I want to keep doing twitch it just makes it like just ten times more difficult and it needs to be I I think it's something I may just have to reconsider in future because like realistically I don't know if I can just keep doing it this way I'm starting to get like a better work-life balance but it's still a lot of work [Music] just need to fight some of the other sensory style of added entirety I mean that is the question yeah see if Kevin's up about not first Kevin doesn't have an editor and uploads daily no kevin has an editor now he works with a Kip I believe he has two out of there's no - he has another one for the livestream highlights okay sorry thanks for 100 bits I'm trying to - the editor thing but you can have an editor and do a rough cut while you do the final cut to ensure with your artistic style but don't worry we'll still support you even if you drop you chew thanks for taste 3 well I don't want to drop YouTube I think that I think that would be a shame is again people not everyone can make the streams no I I like doing both of them together and like I have fun doing it all together it's just sometimes the pace is just a bit difficult to keep on top of but just take right you out at the pole yeah let's start catching tauros in this little square let's see how these are for XP I mean he's out the best because they're gonna be difficult to catch and comparison the other Pokemon don't gain as much XP oh I see use more ballsy at the chain higher yeah let's see a bad idea going for this one I should have gone for something lower level cuz then it's just easier the caption you gain a lot of XP real quick there's also the stream Eric I've someone he is running and well-posed handling that so again I don't have to worry about that I do get help when it comes to the channel like the merch shop isn't run by me oh yeah there's a team that manages that and like when it comes to sponsors in that I I have agents good friends there who actually helped me out with that kind of stuff but I don't have to go like chasing people down and like negotiate terms Oh they kind of just like work alive for me like even realize like twitch streams in the discord I have a bunch of mods like I do get help oh my god it's freaking yeah toros was a mistake tauros was a terrible mistake I just want one because I need one don't have any at the moment allowing thank you for that 100 is curious how often do you check finer I like the found our challenge discord server I always check it online I very rarely get the reply which kind of makes me sad because I do actually want to thank people for what they post there I do check that like quite regularly now even if I don't talk in the discord I'm on it every day i lurk a lot okay yeah doubt so that was just a terrible mistake let's go back to pitchy see if this is any better [Music] there we go a piggy in the box you notice these dreams I love watching the highlights in YouTube - thanks trashcan okay I like having that they're just like to save the highlights - like things like the freakin mash fight and we sports like that if that's something we just need to keep forever right that's incredible and I even the highlight from the Wii Sports stream right I want to hold on to them it just gets hard to keep up with the pace sometimes that's why I've been talking about more than anything today I properly struggle just to keep on top of it I guess I'm getting better but you know I still have my days where I'm like the last wild life is just been a bit much to last well I just you know I have to take a break I don't think I only just been like a week like that way I haven't streams like since May of last year this is like been an entire year cause I have to do that cuz I've always been very consistent I think this thing there I think each channel because I'm busy as but even if you stop have a funny way to watch it content thanks ripcord okay like that's why I like doing the YouTube channel for that because again not everyone has time you know it's the idea of just it being like a bite-size format compared to like the long kind of streams we do know it's nice you don't feel like you're missing even if you just catch the videos it what makes you happy everything else will fall into place thanks Ghost Rider I I'm just a very anxious person I struggle with that a lot I worry what happens if it doesn't like this one countless times the past year where I've thought it was just all gonna settle down and like that would be it you know like that was my shot know like things go back to how they were every single time that's happened though things just perked up again like honestly we have a fail I just have myself a lot because I'm still not used to what the channel is now I don't think I ever will be it happened very fast you have to consider that I've been doing the channel since 2011 and it is the past year where everything has changed you know it's just it's hard to just kind of manage that sometimes and all the responsibility that comes from that you know like the audience is enormous now like there's so many Audis here on me like even right now like even right now let's just see there's 1500 people here and this is like a small stream crowd like relative to what it would usually be this is the small crowd there's over a thousand people watching me just talk like that that's insane [Music] pashka next 100 bits I went to an IOT figure that you can sell us out of subscribers they're taking huge money from advertisers to advertise stuff I mean I do i do sponsored content but like I try really hard to so it's sponsored content that fits I get a lot of offers like I just turned down cuz it just doesn't make sense for me to do now gets no ill will to like it the advertisers are not coming to me but like like hey guys have you heard of loot crate yeah does that belong here I don't think it does I don't I don't like being in your face with things like that and I when I do sponsored stuff like I want I like going all-in I think Tropico is the best sponsorship I've done because basically the premise is like hey we know you do terrible things play our dictator game have fun with it that was a joy to do and that's just an example of like a sponsor that actually makes a lot of sense you know if you're making a dictator game and there's a guy who does terrible things to in games no you want that guy on it even for psycho role I approach that like I did sack euro because I'm a massive Dark Souls fan III thought it'd be really fun to do and it was I took on the don't starve one because I really like don't starve again it like it just makes sense I don't want it to just be some of the like irrelevant just kinda at the start of the video or like has nothing to do with what the content is I try really hard to maintain that I I think like the channel was the batter for that uh-huh what's up gamer nation I'm here to tell you how to spend your swag bucks again because that's what I do that's what you came here for and you clicked on this relaxing video and I quite like what the sponsors to it that I just being so like the oblation to back them very much as comes for like the first ones we did with Just Cause where they we're gonna do sponsored content I'm just gonna put in the title I was sponsored to do something terrible quite like that excit is hard but you cannot to control your life had a real hard time with my anxiety was easier now I'm getting better at it just you know sometimes it's a bit much and you just need to take some time out I think I am a very anxious person though is like again it seems weird to say that considering like extreme so regularly and I'm comfortable like talking in front of all you guys well I'm anxious in the sense that like I doubt myself and I doubt what I'm doing a lot I think that does actually show them the channel sometimes too is like I agonized probably too much about the games I play on the channel and maintaining a variety and I agonize about upsetting people because I played one game of it too much I I should just play whatever the I like okay that's that's what I should try and do but I let that get to me all the time and I double gasp myself after like I do exhaustive lifts and like lists and reassure myself you know I could stream this again so okay to play this again planet coaster I think is like the series I've hit hot at the most wish every single time I stream planet coaster I want to play it again but then I doubt myself because I don't feel it's different enough and every time I do I really enjoy myself and I should just really do I should just go and do it but I don't myself plan eCos is an amazing game I have made six videos on any year thank you that is the slowest player of any game I think I've done and I'm probably gonna keep making videos on too because I genuinely enjoy it just enjoy yourself yeah that's why I need to just bear in the back of my mind like no people cuz I don't think anyone else like people people like the variety on the channel like people do say that but I don't think anyone else agonizes about it to the same degree that I do and I just I got a let go a little bit there and be a little more hands-off and just well let things happen right the recent Detroit strains we did is when the first times I've done that in a very long time like I just wanted to play a Detroit so like okay we're going off schedule let's just play more and that was like a really good call imaginable guessing ourselves a special was made by anxiety gang I'll just just run away what was my chain I think it was Pidgeotto about two million subs you're gonna upset someone regardless somebody's will play what you want yeah that's true Bluebird I worry about a lot though because in my head I don't have like near to two million subs I'm still like just after Hayden 50k it's still summer of 2017 in my head hey that's where I'm at mentally and I just I find it very weird to acknowledge how big the channel is now like I I genuinely do and I still think they're like I'm just like us I'm just plain like video games in my bedroom oh this is my hobby like I did after like studying at uni for the day studying in school that's not it's my job now it's my career well IIIi don't have to get another job now because I do this I'm probably gonna do this the rest of my life because I love it yeah you guys would support me to a ridiculous extent and I gotta adjust to that I have to actually accept that about myself they you know III just I doubt myself but that's just the kind of person I am you have seven times more viewers and access oh Jesus where'd you go to college Artie I went to Trinity I did English there for four years you keep doing what you like Artie be followers oh thanks cool but I just worry about it though because like I know myself haven't watched a lot of YouTube over the years and following a lot of channels yeah I have seen like I've seen people just take their audience for granted and like I've seen them like properly change like the fame gets that are ahead or something like that or like they just spin out video after video and there's no real passion behind it and like kind of just windows I think I think most of us here if we bet on YouTube like even like a few years like we've all seen a contact card or something like that happen well I I worry and I stress that someday that's gonna be me where it's just gonna be like a Minecraft funny moments episode 798 like I just don't want that to happen I really don't [Music] you have to appeal to deny your hopes gotta get out PewDiePie yeah am i right [Music] that's what anxiety does it was a point when I realized I wouldn't get anywhere by second-guessing myself he would support you yeah it is my coif yeah III I'm quite an anxious person like I don't believe myself as much as the show just I'm very thankful that I'm just surrounded by a lot of people in my life who support me like reassure me I guess [Music] thanks to Pidgeotto he's still friends with Kevin yeah of course we met up in Berlin who got me a Lego set for my birthday are you gonna play planets ooh and it comes out yeah hopefully rocky it looks like it'd be really fun this may not be the best route for grindin dieter because this is so space let me just go to cycling road there's like another route just over here if it's any better believe in us because we believe in you Artie thanks take I die I just struggle to know I really do did you build your birthday like I said yeah I did actually yeah that was something that uh uh maybe I shouldn't have an so fast no no sorry wait no I'm double guessing myself oh yeah I built the birthday like I said like the one that Kevin got me the London one that's sitting on a shelf in my room I was thinking of something else there okay maybe this room might work better capture Pokemon maybe oh what'd you find [Music] little dude just don't be anxious it's not that hard oh Jesus why didn't I think of that just don't be sad guys got a broken leg just walk it off don't let it be broken that was a joke as making sure you know yeah I know I know don't worry man don't worry some people just genuinely think like that though I'm like it's the worst but I you I used to surround myself with some people where it's like if I would be sad or something they would just be like I just cheer yourself up I think Jesus why didn't I think of that my god I'm happy again those people are the worst they just don't listen to you they don't hear you how honest to god I hate him [Music] so jealous of people who can just cheer up it's like a superpower I mean there are some people who are just like quite happy-go-lucky and like carefree the very confident in themselves and like they believe in like who they are you know it takes a lot to get him down and there's us you lost a leg just walk it off basically yeah the pressure to stop being depressed yeah basically there are people who think like that like we're all joking about it but there are genuinely people who think like that there's a lot of people who don't even think mental Health's like a real thing I gets tragic it is and did you know if your arm was bleeding every day like your hands about to fall off you get that checked my compass a depression and people are just like I just don't think about it it's like dude you can't just say like oh it's terrible it's generally terrible just stop being such if cancer just get rid of it like Jesus no they're just make someone more depress it does yeah cuz you say that to someone like just don't be sad take your mind off it basically you're giving out to them for being sad and that's just gonna make them feel even worse about themselves cuz it is sad to begin with and that's a vicious cycle just don't be sad because I all feel pathetic now because I'm sad to begin with that's how it works [Music] party have you tried yoga I haven't someone I have them doing lately no ties going to the gym and that's actually helped a lot it's getting and about and moving I that's doing me a world of good sometimes I get this feeling I'm just trapped in a box and that just comes from do you know someone who works at a computer the one who streams a lot and then likes to be at their computer and their off time too I like watching videos I like watching streams I like playing games but a lot of time indoors yet nothing about die helps valves a lot exercise actually so helpful I've been biking recently it's gonna be a lot less stress yeah like it really does like it's something I wish I started doing sooner it's like basically like if you just feel really stressed and you go to like the gym or something like you just get that stress out of your system and it's like it's really good for you yeah you know like most of us don't exercise enough it's a really good way of processing it whoever some doctors do it would a disorder you constantly dizzy just pretend you're not yeah I hate that yeah I've no joke been told by people for is like all your side just don't think about it like oh if only it was that easy I feel this is like very therapeutic for a lot of us here in chat just kind of like joking about this cuz I imagine like you know there's a fair few of us that go through this you know I it's not often you get to talk about like I hope this is therapeutic I have problems just run away from him that'll solve them [Music] exercise gives you endorphins and orphans make you happy happy people just need to exercise we see but exercise isn't the only thing though but I exercise is something that just helps if you're really stressed it does more to it than just fat uh if if you're really unhappy you know I that's an easy hang out sorry I cut myself off I didn't know you can actually catch easy oh we can get an eeveelution then we don't have to actually use the evening with us all right completely like sorry tract here I thought this was gonna be like pokemon yellow or something we're like you don't get Pikachu bag let's just use the rise berry I don't really want to give you a big old mob hug thanks lunar why ultrapulse because we gotta catch him we can't beat around the bush which evolution is your favorite oh I can never decide I really like Vaporeon life era is probably the one I have used the most in my own platers but I do also love Espeon I would say one of those two how I'm gonna catch it it's really resistant come on now oh it's okay we lucked out [Music] okay you know what just go on darling golden rats there we go talking about metal hull is important thanks Artie thank you Dave you a grouch hell of a name no it is yeah like not amount of people do it yeah I knew it was something we were gonna get into tonight just because I've been gone a while and like mental health is kind of what it comes down to I've been stressed I've been anxious why I've taken time off you know I important talk about kind of thing cuz they usually travel via streams upload it in full yes I'm aware guy has my permission to do that you want that Pokemon just catch it though he's gonna shove off as you need we're always there yeah thanks thanks cuz shoot the thing is I don't like taking too much time off you like the thing I really like doing this and like doing YouTube and twitch cheers me up when I'm having tastes like genuine Jesus a big boy like when I was in a really bad place in Japan like how I got true it is I just streamed and I screamed and I screamed and I screamed and I kind of just lucked out with like I guess the YouTube and twitch exploded that's how I got myself out a lot but sometimes when you're just so stressed and like you're down and you're anxious you can't do that because you don't want to just offload on the people who come to watch you you know part of the joy of doing this is I get the help other people take their minds off life now I like I have a fun time playing video games i cheers people up and like i I love the channel actually be in that for some folks and so when you super stress you can't just go in and stream because you know you're not feeling it you just can't you gotta take a break [Music] what about your mental health career oh the health and be mental just be inventive flawless advice stress just don't be not happy with any of the roots we found to like grind on that this one's kind of lame - they're really spaced and there's like I don't want any of these Pokemon so I keep not getting the Captur change Oh God I notice is off topic how much anime stuff did you find Japan means Japan oh that's a thing there it's this guy like mainstream wouldn't be as nice as it is elsewhere that's just no Pokemon oh wow Kanto sucks in terms of Pokemon variety they're all just so lame with the so many normal types I have to catch like Psyduck if I want to grind here I don't like Kantos Pokemon I really don't you know if it was just Kanto but better yeah you know that that's one of this you know if it's like you know if it just does away like with so many Pokemon it's like you have to use the new poke the new decks and but like all the pokemon are actually so much cooler [Music] that each Dugtrio Sucker Punch ah you're at a sand attack you know there was a soft reboot after all I I wish like every Pokemon game since Gen 5 was more like June 5 but I think that was like that was like the best ones they've done it was the right amount of challenge like fantastic just world designed absolute joy to explore a lot it was just so streamlined like the battles were fast for Gen 5 like faster than any other Pokemon game they feel kind of sluggish in the other ones and it's never been as quick actually battle Vince he watched JoJo's no I do not of a positive support of this community is I do to Kiki I'm honestly like incredibly thankful just or the community we actually have around the channel because it is really good that we get a bit to me me sometimes and like you know I have to like skull Gia's and pop it on submode you know IIIi everyone here comes from a good place I really do appreciate that you know we don't really have any like drama or controversy that surrounds the channel again it's like taboo Hopi people are like just positive okay that's good to see III died everybody like that what do you mean to me me just sometimes it's a bit much just sometimes it's a bit much it's coming from me let's start driving right now let's go [Music] Oh God I'm really glad you stopped in the forbidden songs are in city skylines no I am too a DJ because I didn't want my channel to just be the guy who plays country roads at the end of every video is the same way I've stopped doing a lot of things for the same reason just over the last year yeah I don't want to be known for any one particular thing if I'm if I'm just known it's like he's just an Irish guy who plays games I'm happy with that that's fine I don't want to just be the country roads guy though and the same I don't wanna be that the Minecraft slave guy or The Sims guy or the I want die in bad Wii game guy yeah I just want to be me and I change up the channel like so often Aziz you know I think that is the best way to go about it I just want to have fun just do fun things I describe you to my friends you want wouldn't want to be the minecraft slaves guy it's just one of those things that I get creates like a bit of pressure to just do the one thing I think does I got that with tf2 I was just the Irish tf2 guy back in the day and I was really unhappy with that because I felt like I was just restricting myself it was more I want to do because I was the tf2 guy you know you can't do it I'm always gonna be Irish so you know I'm okay if that's associated with me I don't really mugging that one too much I'm Canadian two guys okay it's a bit of a variety in my nationality that's some Scottish blood in there too if you go far back tell my sister about a guy who plays games like a psychopath she knew who you were I'm okay with that one honestly - yeah III will fully admit I do some really up things when we play games I don't mind that I just like having fun with games I like it like around is one of my favorite things to do I don't mind that about ever lived in Canada no not for a long a guy I've only like kind of vacation and travel they're never properly lived in there but I want to this is why we don't give you any real favorite and I'd be a great politician I think I'd lead Ireland to a new golden age do you imagine everyone would die like that would be the end are you an introvert or extrovert I actually don't know she's easy I love me noble people and being quite social at the same time I really love hiding away and just being by myself Gold major all the gold is in your possession basically child labor would not wear did not just be allowed but it forced well no child labor is a mistake we already worked at I hope people need jobs economy would suffer if we introduced child labor that that's the real big issue [Music] keep trying to catch the Psyduck probably an ambivert is that like the in-between one is that the term for it I never heard that I thought it was just one of the other I've done like might the Myer Briggs Personality Test in my gig everyone's trying at some point and it just kind of flip flops dependent when they're two of it well I'm not really sure Abbe verts in between okay everything is just that yeah but I do genuine like both I love that feeling of just going out all the time and being quite social but I love that feeling just be able to hide away and just do my own thing like have a day where it's like I'm just gonna play games for myself for eight hours I like that and I kind of like flip-flop between while you're running around the same route we're looking for sigh ducks and they're just not here there's one maybe had people that weren't in any way qualified and you were just personalize it I don't like I'm really honest at ik yeah I think it's just it's just one of those kind of like because I think there's so many people have done it it's just like I'd like a rough outline I guess I imagined it was psychologists involved in some point at least I'd hope so you know it's categorized as self as a personality test the one I don't get is freaking only Q I I don't want to sound like a bull things a lot only people who do IQ tests are people who pay money to try prove how smart they are like Jesus you're a genius I won't get that one at all all right anyway like brags about that I did it in this extremely accurate i I don't believe in IQ test honestly there's other ones I've seen where like they work out like what kind of thinker you are and those ones those ones I see a little more practicality in but you can see like if you're like more of like a spatial thinker or I you know you like things written down things like that camera with the name of that one is that one's kind of helpful though cuz uh cuz like some people are like basher and working in some scenarios like some people like a really good directions for instance and that there is like a Tessa you can like judge slash I believe like visual oration yeah that's what I mean if people differ on that one a lot there is a test for that I can't remember it I think it's just a basic aptitude test but that might be all of this I don't know the more formal name than that yeah learning styles and how you actually process info now you prefer the process info like that that's definitely a thing for me I write stuff down [Music] III make a list to work things out aperture test no it's not aperture aptitude I think it is just called the aperture chest only it has like a formal name visual tactile auditory yeah cuz cuz people definitely learn in different ways like respond better the different things like that one's legit a thing but anything that like breaks it down to like 47 it's like that doesn't tell you anything because it doesn't mean anything it's what I don't buy you like IQ tests or some even Myer Briggs is kind of tricky it's like inj peak that's you like what does that mean [Music] Artie got 4700 IQ test never done an IQ test his next IQ test exposed to see the lasers oh no no they're leveling up Raichu he's getting there we'll get him to level 40 then we'll try to talk with the gym again Mira's Berger doesn't really mean anything it's just for fun yeah that's the way I take it - you know it's something like all your friends do it and you just curious like your friends doing like which Pokemon are you quiz no then you try and rig the results because you want to be like freaking Lucario or something but you end up with mr. mine always mr. mine [Music] there is another side ik by only side X we're just trying to get a chain going because if we get to 20 then it basically the region will spawn only side ox Allah which is really good do I have a ler I could help yeah I do like we're just trying to get XP and like Psyduck is just an easy one to go for I get to beta and a personality test was extremely accurate a personality test I think are still a thing you can work out it's up you can work out some characteristics like if you are like an argumentative person that might just be how you process information more than anything it personality is a thing I'm not that one man thank you just some of the tests and that would like the very rigid I think this is what you are like oh no don't buy into that you get better Shaunie odds with a catch combo you can do that too yeah I'm doing it just for the XP at the moment because you do actually gain a lot more XP the longer it goes on personality does not exist facts oh no that's not what I said [Music] person I've originally developed a Maya Briggs Katharine cook Briggs was actually a pretty prominent academic in the 1890s that's cool but you know like we've probably come a bit since the 1890s I'd say no it could be like a useful aid then I'm just like kind of working some stuff out but I think there's like better ways of measuring that kind of thing now oh I shouldn't be catching the Chansey sorry it's a side up there my basic place I'm I'm not doubting that there's some kind of basis behind it it's just that it's not the be-all end-all you know you don't break down a person into like four initials that's what I'm saying you don't break them down it's like a number chances give more XP yeah but the shame is the problem is it possible to change chancy's or that just speaking hard to you because I'm thinking about the longer chain overall in the cash combo there are more chances appear and it is possible to chain about how difficult is that gonna be because chance he only appears once you get a chain going to say it appears significant you last if you don't have them you try but it takes time Big Five puts you in seven percentile all in five dimensions apparently this guy's presently quite well that's cool he also be personality Tessa's this origin hash well that's that's just a given you know you can't compete with that that's when JK rowling decides if you're gay or not we're not at all triples to be okay if you could go back to uni and try a different major just for funsies what one would you choose oh I don't know Snee I really don't know originally I was gonna be doing engineering in college but I had a change of heart I make my final year high school I don't know what I'd do if I could do something different because I think like doing English is very much affected like like kind of person I am and how I kind of like engage with the world I guess so I I don't know cuz it's not there's nothing where it's like there's nothing definite that if I went into it like yeah be an engine I'll do engineer and get an engineering job like no I kind of always want to do this like even when I was in high school like this was the dream so I really don't know how to answer that [Music] political science is always a good pet I would get frustrated if I did engage with politics everyday politics stressed me out no I can still follow him because you know it's important and you have a civil obligation to do that but Jesus Christ like some days it's just like you just screaming at folks I think just do the thing we thought he had I do like Felice no it's frustrating politics is a necessary evil like for sure you know like we would be lost without politics but like it's true oh yeah and you have to follow it you know you have an obligation to do that people died so you have the right to vote [Music] you can't just ignore politics because you know it affects you [Music] but it is stressful to keep up the day sometimes blocked by article 13 on no how about an era course Artie I don't know what it are course I do like maybe history that's what I can maybe see myself doing no I really like reading books and I guess learning about culture to an extent you would get that in history because no history shapes culture English as long as you over heart is because I just love like study in the arts themselves like reading about like motivations behind projects like intent like analyzing my creations that people have made I love awesome I thinking this was perfect for me in the end because I'm very much someone who like engages with things that way as a medieval history under God is real fun I'm glad you're enjoying a Viking uh Rihanna does history like she really enjoys the to frickin nerd when it comes to it done to the Irish language I'd rather die talking about options or considering the Irish language is like bossom ever consider writing a book I mean you can see the real old channel where like I said I was gonna do it I did actually do it but it's just not good I wrote one for funsies before but like you know it's kind of shite I want to get back into writing but I really do enjoy it and as part of the reason I chose English probably better books I want to I actually do I really enjoy writing publish it kappahd no i'm not it's awful it's really bad it's like it's like you're writing a book while learning how to write and I think that just makes like a messy end product that's just how it goes now it'll never see the light of day but I don't regret doing it publish it now I mean a plus-sized I see if I ever get back in the right and now I guess just true the child might be able to get in contact with someone for that kind of stuff like if I ever wanted seriously commit to that to probably do it now that's kind of like a weird thought I guess I'll be better than 50 shades of grey hey if that's what that's a low bar instead of at at least it was science fiction and the idea was time as an energy that constructed reality and uh like maybe and me even an early age trying way to being way too ambitious and trying to make it horribly postmodern and it just not working but I did actually ride it in the end it sits in a drawer now clocked in it like 80,000 words just like two years only hydro pump waterfalls actually better for Bill Murray read it to us no I'm not reading it to us [Music] heavy Edison I think if I was to pose to write something now is that okay I still write from time to time it's like I still enjoyed doing it I was like thinking about like ideas where I'd write you when I was in Japan I would probably just kind of I guess like write dark humor like something kind of whimsical like satire I guess and then just try in some capacity to make it me as the postman because that's what I'm into how's the leaves one of my favorite books ever you like the book Aarti with her missing bits or histor estimate oh no so we livestream the process of writing the book we edit the highlights for the YouTube channel and then everyone looks like Jesus Aarti chapter 4 is not here perfect it's perfect if we never escape the problem oh gosh we just came full-circle stream over we're done we're done the CAD toughness you tester gave your ability to the game dev tycoon like otter game draft and Tails is that a thing it's like a game dev tycoon but for books she kind of interested uh-huh no I'm a freaking English nerd I could have fun with that Grafton tales it's not the name of it [Music] we got the chain now so hopefully there should be more Scitex watching this way that work is stressful oh no I'm sorry [Music] it's not what I'm trying to do I mean for a lot of us here is if it just been like I don't for me if this has been very therapeutic because we're just talking about I was kind of nervous about streaming tonight but I'm glad I did it it's nice to be back this is a real chill thanks jealous yeah I'm doing with this dream too I'm not even worrying if I'm gonna upload this like I don't think there's any point in uploading it I think this would be a weird thing to edit into some form for the channel because we don't really even have a set topic like we're literally just talking and caching Psyduck I forgot about my lunch with us so it goes to this conversation oh no make sure you get some food NDE is a real problem I forget all the time and I hate it have you seen the videos of people playing City skylines and trying to fix viewers cities or traffic problems maybe ask for viewers cities and give them the Aarti treatment I feel that would be just a single joke though that would get old real quick I think I know the YouTube channel you're talking about is a youtuber that does that like he takes submissions I think I have seen [Music] I think it'd be great if you and Kevin to this thing battle I actually love karaoke like some people like when it came to the Jingle Jam we're thinking like Jesus Christ how drunk was he when he sang country roads and like Taylor Swift shake it off I wasn't actually nervous cuz I've never like you knows sang Taylor Swift shake it off in front of like 18,000 people watching the Jingle Jam I actually really liked that like I did karaoke when I was in Japan and I loved it there's like footage out there that my roommate had somewhere of me and him doing her do out of country roads because it was just when the channel was like exploded and that just became like the big meme of the channel like that video is out there somewhere on his phone Jenny wanted to do like karaoke it might be surprising the some folks I genuinely like dancing games - I love Just Dance it's really fun to play sing it now God someone track him down he's in Japan good luck just that stream one I really want to stream it I do i I just don't have to space like that's the problem for just dance you need a lot of room for I don't think like my bedroom even has enough for LA like we got away with stuff like we fit cuz you're on the balance board we got away to eSports cuz he waggle the Wemo but for just dance like you need to be like a proper distance back I it's it's just janky otherwise that's when I it's not good if it's Jackie this is really stressful there you go - DDR no house but I like it I gotta play DDR when I was in Japan it was really good fun by RT space for Just Dance whoo karaoke with viewers is that a thing you can do oh that's some twitch things isn't it there actually is a way of doing karaoke with viewers and having a hug like a duet battle don't be stressed about just add I will do it eventually I'm trying to work myself up to that one cuz I I mean like when it came to the Wii Fit stream that lat you know high roof like what made that funny is because yeah I'm a I'm a twig I'm a skinny person so we're gonna play just this like this janky exercise game and like that was Class III full understand it like some people watching it which is gonna be laughing at me a little bit because you know I'm not in peak physical condition I don't claim to be but I think just dance would honestly be cost like kind of funny for like a similar reason cuz I don't even people expect me to like that kind of stuff later I get genuine love those games I mean my friend Shannon would always play it in like you need to get her when we could kind of like the later hours of the day when most people just like clear it off in the society room it was really good fun you're a male peak before wouldn't you like to discover the world for Tori to explode a universe born just in time for just dance Oh Millennials am i right youichi was gonna freak out when they hear this quite possibly well I mean this is this probably isn't gonna make it to YouTube though uh yeah we're just talking tonight I don't think there's any way I can actually edit this for video oh I'm thinking what I might do tomorrow dope just so there's like someone a bit different that goes up there and maybe some that's a bit more game focused we might I might play plants vs. zombies they do actually want to do that and I might just do a quick to our stream or we just play it we can just like have a like a good old nostalgic chat about some bygone get you games I know Kevin played happy wheels recently - I don't like reminded me of PVC was the title gonna be arty fans vs. zombies is a timeless masterpiece maybe because it is it's just one of those like super chill games everyone got on their phone whenever like it came out and was like a really big thing it was only like the first genuinely good mobile games come out now you didn't take itself seriously it didn't try to be overly ambitious just chill tower defense [Music] don't edit it just post as is I can't do like though people freak out if you just upload like a two-hour video on the channel I ice another thing I just stressed about for Detroit become human I think the videos are too long and they're only like 25 minutes it's kind of funny people always ask me to do longer content to but like yeah it's just something I'm anxious about I'm trying to please everyone and I should just be trying to please myself that's what matters the most [Music] okay right Raichu is growing up we'll keep going a little bit more with the XP that's with zombies almost 10 years old I think Jesus imagine playing pvz on PC the steam version of it came with a bunch of extra stuff I think or like a few extra bits maybe I remember rightly I actually only ever played on Steam because I never had an iPhone or anything I could run it I got it and I think 2011 I want to say not like 20 hours in the game I play bit like quite a bit just play the Zen garden oh yeah that's what I was thinking of on the PC 1 minecraft 10th anniversary is May attention don't forget is it actually is that actually the 10 year anniversary of Minecraft cuz oh I might yeah I might want to do something for that yeah it is ok I might consider something then for that I'm not sure he'll even be here May 10th yeah that it's kind of like a milestone I didn't realise minecraft azoles Jesus feels like it just came out yesterday uploading 23 is the equivalent idea uploading to whatever video that geez I saw the archive channel the other day man where you upload it like all of the streams from last summer that was saved on the twitch channel like Jesus Christ man rip everyone's sub feet when you tip that though just glance looks like Jesus there's a lot of streams from me here [Music] hope nothing overwhelm is the arty archive owned by you no it's not don't bite us Joan in the chat or like PO as I call on the discord it's not run by me because I don't I physically don't have time for stares and I worry about things like copyright in that it something like if it's sort of purposes of a good joke on the twitch channel like I will play things like scatman and you know and if I'm managing an archive channel like that and you know that channel gets some trouble that does actually affect the main channel I believe you get your accounts to spender that also suspends your alt accounts too though you know daddy that is a huge concern and you know I don't want to like jeopardize the channel because I decided like put in scatman for a joke that's why I don't do it myself keep catching them the shota's is the third-party middleman well I mean you don't want to just took it upon himself you know I like he asked for permission and everything when he started doing it and no he just he's done a lovely job of it I'm happy for him to do it and it's very it's very kind no he's not like he's not obligated to do it or anything but I think he's just doing it for you guys he's gonna like offering his service there you folks all righty well yeah it's true my know like it is very kind of you to actually do that and take it upon yourself I get to actually appreciate it yeah I wouldn't oh god I would like like I want to give me a permission in the first place if it didn't think that I wouldn't have gone out and got you like the icon to from Effie a stream archive channel icon now people didn't know like it's made by the same person who made my icon like epi fax just commissioned him for the archive channel was getting to it like was really just starting to take off and I just thought that would be like you know some that might help just to kind of tie it a bit closer to God as people know that this is related to the channel I guess maybe so I've seen you play The Sims again I need to be back in my portable PC and that's currently in the States with Rihanna Sims does not run on my supercomputer which is really weird this computer is like pretty much better in every other sense you have a shiny yeah I have a rod okay I need to get some more pokeballs to that we just were just hop on back a moment I love how you can keep the cash combos in this game Ike it makes it so easy to chain things and just grind Bosh oh and there buddy okay that's just head back even thing that's a wild executory it's not it's not trainers [Music] there's a crash lag what yeah so basically what it does is sims tree is not a sims tree does not recognize my graphics card so it tries to run the entire game that I just off the CPU and motherboard and that just kills my computer that's the problem and it's because the game is so old and EA hasn't properly supported it that it does that so that's why I can't run it on the supercomputer it's a really stupid problem to have and I've tried to an workarounds but like we know success the only worker I can really do is I have to just use an older GPU that was that you know still receives that support I have a very new GPU on this computer I have like a 20 atti sounds like a male 10 situation for the CPU it is yeah like that's why I cannot stream sims because of that I also empower like I'm not sure what I want to do with the same snacks I I bought all the expansions for just planning to come back to it at some point well I'm not sure where I want to take it because I feel like we definitely had like an arc with the Sims where we went from like the Bob family the experiments and we kind of progressed from there into like the Conor household and we had a little story arc there yeah I'm very happy but this seems we've done and it feels like guys like a cohesive like development I don't want to just go back to it and it's like it's more of the same did you get more stuff for sims 4 I didn't but Rihanna has all of it on her account yeah I can I could just access that she's very kind without a I own some stuff like that she just lets me use it no if I need to first dream it's very sweet doesn't have to do [Music] I found your channel at the beginning of the connors that was really fun to do to hope you've been enjoying everything since cuz ripoff Kevin Sims characters now I can't do that it's it's Tim Dickens oh because that requires knowledge of like Kevin's stuffs like they even be funny anything I guess you could say that about even like the Connor stuff cuz that requires a bit of knowledge of Detroit become human I forgot to buy the balls I'm dumb hang on just run away a moment chain doesn't break if you're on Mack you actually like Detroit slash David cage oh yeah you do those games are freely fund but I relentlessly make fun of David cage games just because like they try very hard to be artistic and like almost needlessly so it's like art for the sake of art and they're ambitious in that regard but like they're very compelling the play I wasn't the joys of David cage games is there games that almost anyone can play you don't have to be that like that into like video games to actually be able to pick up one of his games and play it because you like you just pressing the button that it says on screen what's it like no joke they're actually they're really good games i I just slag him a lot because again they're trying to be Irish for art's sake you know that's that's like that's like almost like a cardinal sin of ours that you're trying to say something when you don't have anything to say I thought that's not how art works or in David cages case sometimes tried to say something to where it's like do you know the metaphor is so blatant and in-your-face that like it doesn't even need to be said like Detroit become human guys slavery is bad like like no Sherlock uh what's the point that we get it we get the metaphors no but the game itself is still very compelling and like it's entertainment it's really fun to actually go through and watch well who Dave it's incredibly controversial stances yeah like it's just so in-your-face and it's it doesn't try to be subtle and it wants you to understand that what you're playing is art and like art should not do that because I art can be like very pretentious when it does that and Ava Cage gets away with a bit more because again like the medium was actually quite engaging that the game she makes a really good oh no don't give up but you don't like their art see they're very artsy if you don't you're gonna have massive forces thrown in your face every five minutes when you play them there's no way about it - Oh Sherlock a band they come about your martin freeman yeah I do I like the first two seasons I don't like it after that I thought it started to get very Sammy and repetitive them first two seasons are really good though got my own PC you gonna see if I can't find something for fixing the Sims just to be clear using the IR 720 700 X r-tx 2080 I in Windows 10 1809 right I don't know what Windows version it is yeah it's Windows 10 but I don't know what update specifically Apple freak I've seen like a walkthrough guide of something you can do it basically you add your GPU to a list of GPUs in like a notepad and like that kinda is supposed to fix it but it didn't work for me I I couldn't get it to run I'm just gonna wait to get my portable PC back to buy that one I think that's the best way to do it they have a cage if then again needs to be sure I don't think I can sadly because of the namesake I can't put David cage his name on a shirt and sell it yeah like that there's there's some obvious issues there especially when it's in reference to the guy I have seen that suggest known yeah I thought would be good for sure similar vein is like persecute and I'll die but I got that you can't just use his name I think there's an obvious like legal battle there just put cave it day each then it won't make sense okay I know it's one of those bootleg shirts put a birdcage on the ground voila sure the guy named Ava in a cage and just say you've done it again Oh God oh you've leveled up right you a lot now should we maybe try tackled the gym maybe see about wrapping up a stream it is ten o'clock like we've been going Tree hours I think it might be best okay come on Ryan or not Ryan Reynolds lost Ryan Reynolds trashcan x400 pits at one of my pictures pictures place in Eric Ali once nothing too big never over here and somebody talk about how it represents depression and low in society or someone like it it was really just a picture I took of a bridge because it looked cool in the light like geez overconfidence I mean but that happens with our gelato it's like once the Irish is out there people are free to interpret it the way they see fit you know then the I would take that as a compliment just take it in your stride more adding like someone thinks what you did is artistic that's a compliment okay let's go what right you try this no T you've done it again maybe that could work it's not the same has to be david cage has to be david cage it's important part of the design how do i dodge that guy too Sh'ma VAT schmate no that's not gonna work [Music] Oh God we went it wait and we have psychic it's still super effective it's part poison we're in the clear oh thank god yeah I feel like we can actually hurt the things in this gym now we have some much-needed type coverage like a lowland Raichu is actually quite a strong Pokemon - the only thing is I might run out of pee-pee oh and maybe sucker punch you see if those began with dave acacia it says on the back of the Dave is not a feeling about real persons by the same name yeah I'm sure that will go down well in course now you can't use someone else's name for profit like that it just doesn't work like I started selling a shirt that says call me Kevin like you know I'm friends with Kevin but there's an obvious issue there yeah you can't just do that I feel the same way if someone just started selling like arty game t-shirts a lot like running a by me or something David Miyamoto you turn it again okay just clear up these bottles anyway we'll finish off the gym brave it tej they all sound like Chinese bootlegs of David cage we can't do a lot why is a lion tamer a lollipop I I think it's because he's always we in the circus but like it's really confusing hammerhead Gary's about to send out Arabic yeah he has a whip and a lollipop do not trust that man he's up to some we sailed Tim Bacon's shirts the ho ah that just sounds silly gets hungry sometimes maybe it's lunch yeah yeah I feel like there's any joke from the Detroit become human let's play - it's just David cage you've done him again like that that is just this reoccurring guy would be like analyzes our Jim sterling made a video on him way back in the day about how we david cage just be like yeah you know he's a passionate man but just what he's like he's kind of like imagine like peter molyneux but he actually made good games that's what I would say maybe I might it might not be fairly the compared a vacation to him Peter bowling is just a bit of a hype man more demanding David cages is very passionate that you feel that in his games but it's just sometimes it's very in-your-face he's a director like that's what he calls himself in all those games - he's the director like lead designer or something I was paid to praise Dave a cage at a pokémon's church we've been going all over this stream talking mental health channel life David cage of it a lot oh that's not Koga who tacked it you've done it again then people will miss the joke David Sayed you've done it again you cats go all over the place we go that's the context yeah they do [Music] Oh God sorry I'm just reading the chat at the moment don't mean to be quiet don't leave Jack out beholder and senior y'all ready find a game you think you might like I don't know what that is I just watched the most recent Detroit video I hope you enjoyed it well once all the Detroit become human videos are done we'll probably play heavy rain or something I think I am down to get started on that and I might have some exciting news soon regarding a particular bit of tech but I might have been able to get a hold of but if I do then like desert some very particular games we're gonna be doing like complete Ledger's of in the near future and it will just keep going with the David cage games too like I hear more about that about to go and get help for this one too because like it's really difficult to track down not VR no it's for something else okay let's save here no I just I just save it save again that's fight Koga wha-ha-ha dude I just want a bottle yeah I don't I just wanna play pokemon there we go buddy it's Paris you feel the creeping horror poison-type pokémon like you okay dude a Nintendo Power glove someone guessed it it's not the power of clothes yeah let's go ride you is what we trained for we lost Ryan Reynolds to get to this point it should be a walk in the park honestly unless it does that I gotta watch the peepee actually oh yeah this is this is gonna be an easy match he's sending in venom on already just send in Bob Ross level 50 tree I like to see you take on this I think Raichu is a really good call from the team because like it just gives us it was extra types we even unlock and they punch it with fire oh my god while his poison have an assassin as a gym leader Oh No just associate poison-type pokémon with ninjas like not really sure I look good now cuz like I saw since I might use poison that's it that's the association oh thank god it's finally learning flamethrower I thought I'd never see the day learn that that's so good and he's switching him luck on right you literally only wish to watch his dreams well thanks cashew there are many other fantastic writers on this platform the like I do recommend checking out of to will write someone come the end the stream to is even go say hi very kind of you're here I was like you know just for me [Music] let's keep going don't die worried about the pp more than anything cuz like they keep just trying to poison us and protect how much have I got left or would be enough just keep root for us and it will get it with the next one and it's only one left [Music] do a giveaway of david kaye shirt so you weren't making any money would it be legal no I probably wouldn't be you can't just like produce it like that [Music] just not a cool thing to do just don't do it you just invite in trouble on yourself about one more we can use at undervolt for this save on PP yeah right like right you is a really good cult oh it's so much stronger good at speed that's actually really good yeah we beat Koga did it very slow when we play this game but we always make a little bit of progress not toxic too like all we got to do is have like four more real talk streams over the course in the next year and we'll be finished Pokemon the tens we won't we all we only ever just play this now and it's like when it comes to that like our background game of choice I'm sure we'll have another one before long you might even just do like a more dedicated Q&A is this is really chill honestly and it was just nice catching up with folks sorry again about missing a lot of bits at the start just like they were coming in like pretty fast then I always feel bad when it comes to bit stuff because like I never catch them all but I think that's just the way the channel is now this is it's like it's just impossible I could I thought about doing a thing where I could just read them all at the end but that's just gonna be a gauntlet I don't know if I can really do that people like just sit true lot here's the weird way of doing credits for this one where is it there it is I was just taking a while to come up yeah thanks again though for coming tonight folks again I miss doing this I felt like I was able to get some stuff off my chest and like hopefully explain just why I haven't been about to last well you know life is a bit much sometimes is over yeah I think I think we're gonna wrap up here I think it's a good point - it was so relaxing to listen to keep doing what you're doing done Thanks Kiki yeah see if I may before I'll do plants vs. zombies tomorrow and we can try it back into a Slurpee thank you for a thousand bits just right at the end very kinda thank you oh it's all to bleed purple stuff too so it's like yeah you give a thousand but there's an extra hundred I didn't even notice uh we got twitch was doing that yeah I've ever seen that on Twitter that's cool the the alerts only ever say that like it's just a base amount you donate thank you all the bonus bits people have been given that like that is kind yeah I even look at the logs now bonus ten bonus ten okay yes there's a fair bit of bonus thanks everyone who did though if you use the bleed purple cheer mode it's plus 10% yeah yeah just thanks for the reminder they're sloppy yeah I completely forgot about that thank you to everyone okay even like 10% extra bits tonight and I just didn't catch it because I'm a Dumbo okay I've been ill for ages and were quite lonely upset the stream really made my week I'm glad could shoot I could cheer you up a bit no I'm sorry again I just haven't been about the last wall you know like I know how it's important like some sometimes you just gotta take some time away no figure out no stream ain't gonna be much fun if I'm just miserable hey I like keeping it light are you upload in the stream no probably not honestly as this one was just a lot of chill chat I don't think there is any like particular moment I can even upload like we've had some streams like this before where we just talk about like I remember universe sim when we did that one that one kind of became its own video because it was just a pirate a discussion that like stood on its own really well here I don't know what I can upload I think it might just be like difficult to trawl true more than anything Apple freak thanks for extra size and bits but 1,100 thank you love VRT also did some research and Sims issue curious oh you try some of these fixes I'm one of the healthy in terms thanks Apple freak but it's honestly okay I have had a look at them before and I I'd write like the old PC just works so I'm just gonna do use that it's just a bit easier they may be very happy have a great week dude thanks cheesy just happy to these know you're still the same see you boy thanks Darren super sick with tonsillitis enacted council work tonight but I then I caught the stream it's been great thank you I'll get better soon peach sorry to hear that not slightest it's not fun first time watching love that thank you have a great week no problem at all black dragon if anyone was the first time for the stream I I really do hope you enjoyed it because I know that like it was just quite a bit different imperative to what we normally do generally is a lot more upbeat keep it light I'm just gonna rage wolf cuz I think he is going go say hey again thanks for coming though folks I'll hopefully be back tomorrow I'm not back tomorrow I'll just come back Saturday sure try not to put too much pressure on myself I think that's probably best right now until then have a good day and I will talk to you all later take care guys you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 8,647
Rating: 4.8373985 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-419396135, rtgamecrowd, Let's catch up on life, Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!, Twitch, Gaming, Let's, catch, up, on, life, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: 0SYXQke3oZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 6sec (11886 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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