RTGame Archive: Wii Play

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okay think we're good how's it going folks whoa can you hear me by the way all right so I've been muster out my obeisance quite a bit too nice because I was doing some recording during the day and i think i mess something up somewhere along the way so I've been tinkering with it I'm just getting like a horrible stutter like basically whenever I do like that it would like to hell and like you wouldn't even see the transition or like you'd see me move my Wiimote around and it would be like ain't kind of like that we got it though give me two minutes to send out the notices that was the goin folks also give me a minute have the game there we go yeah okay let me just do up the notices and we can get started sorry about the slightly delayed start this one should hopefully be very chill to play tonight I think so it's okay for a bit like it might just kind of go on autopilot a little later we can like go a while last this time nerd I just got him there scored late okay put in the disc in I just need to find a quick image for something to represent we play we play boxers maybe they need to do a share on which we call it Twitter and YouTube no just just even Twitter okay oh Jesus thank you very much squiggly hope you doing well that you get an oppressed yes rest yesterday a rough night last night so it's really good to have the stream to cheer me up I'm sorry to hear that squiggly I got a little rest I'll be honest oh I was I still work in a while last night I I did take a break I did take a break on my night off but like I got swamped was I just working on some other videos cuz I could find out I'm apparently not gonna be here tomorrow a very short notice and I got a plane in the morning that's been fun got piling I'm going over to the UK for another day but my brother's over there and apparently I got my dates wrong for it but apparently we're going to visit him tomorrow as a family so it's like okay you know I got a fly out tomorrow morning but I completely messed that up like I'm okay to stream tonight because like it's not until it's late enough in the day with the flight but it is tomorrow morning so I have to like use a lot of my time off last night just edited because like well I'm not gonna miss a day so I got to get stuff done but I got it done so you know I it's not the end of the world bins get went up tonight cooking Mama's good for the weekend Daniel please Oh God yeah I know I know I I want to say I really didn't want to take the night off but it kind of just came up and it was like okay got to do this now on the plus side it doesn't mean that I'm pretty much gonna have tomorrow off because I basically won't be home I'll be torn away from my computer so that's something that's something yeah let me just here we go there's a notice there and then we get one on the discord there we go and notices they're done Oh we play is inferior to we party yeah well we party didn't come bundled with a we were no thinner I have a theory as to why this game is one of the most popular games of all time this thing sold like 40 million copies are something ludicrous it came out at launch when the we did and it came bundled with a Wii Remote I don't know if anyone had a Nintendo Wii when it first launched but the thing was selling out so fast that was almost impossible to actually catch the second controller and this bundled with the Wii Remote was like 10 quid more and so everyone bought it and it's one of the best selling games of all time now I get it it's kind of insane when you think about it like I'm pretty sure it is it sold more pretty sure it's sold more than like pokemon red and blue and like a lot of other like notable titles it's probably a couple of grand theft auto's that we play as more copy sort of than grand theft auto so it's it's it's it's kind of done when you start thinking about like how many things does the game is that it's old okay and I'm just shutting down a couple of extra things just in the background so I'm good how's it going everybody that's making their way in there we go Oh or Nintendo one just came in and said subnautica like no context game name I think he's confused base camp we don't need one I've never done a face I realize as well documented let's go well that was why we were out a while since I played this one all I remember is I played the tank game all the time and that was kind of it at audio-wise is this too loud I think it might be there we go [Music] it's good oh okay well okay I just a little bit there anyway just a little quieter noise there we go okay we play great a save file for we play Osmond cribbage it only supports two friends don't go crazy if you're having a party you know at this stage like I'm not even surprised there's normally like a kind of shock value that this is the guy we're playing but at this point we've done so many Wii games that it's just power for the course everybody's favorite character should we make him a friend or something he's like we've had him every we game surely like we should make a new me okay yeah although I can't go to the home menu too important apparently yeah we're gonna make him a friend he's been on his own in this entire time me child okay new me okay start from scratch okay so we have to make this character like equally on power but we have to make this character so that she looks like she wants - as much as I won't die let me just see the angular let's see what hairstyles there we go [Music] perfect okay that's good to work hey what can we do oh okay those eyebrows make her look incredibly anxious [Music] okay she's not slept in weeks that work that works kind of okay yeah gonna go with she oh god is it's just all color right like eye color let's go with blue ones they could say that our eyes are too small no I got it it looks like she's got glasses on because of the way of that eyelash works okay yeah no that's good okay let's go from the nose we need a different note yep that looks terrifying and we'll go we'll go for very uncomfortable smile that's also massive for no discernible reason we haven't sort of smile groups off the face oh no we unfortunately can't okay all right that I've somehow even more terrifying and let's see if we can set up like a second face down here [Music] so with the glasses there it looks like there's like a brand new face pretty good and we'll put it so that this can function is like a singular eye [Music] will we be able to use like a small mustache it okay I like the mustache might work is kinda like ice baby wait where do we put this mustache it's all you promise yeah move the beauty back just a little over okay so she's got two phases right now [Music] I want to redo the hair but make it serves a hat so there's just too much detail on her face like there's there's too much going on here [Music] and just make them teeny hurry buck Oh actually okay no to make them like as small as possible there we go okay favorite color make this one [Music] it's terrifying with Hawaii okay that's just gonna make them difficult to see but that's good the birthday what's today's day it's the 29th 11th give her some red pants so we have I won't die so [Music] we just ended just end em [Music] oh okay yeah we're gonna go with that oh Jesus Christ a forbidden war thank you for the 22 quid hang on which looks lagging a bit 20 pounds even Curtis we can try to give a little more than usual tonight so I've recently been paid this mean needs to be called make me dead oh why won't I like sir as much as I do fantastic work arty thank you very much for bidding I think we pretty much decided for just end me just no wait no a new challenger oh [Music] that's beautiful okay end me okay the creator's aim its regret okay I won't die now has a friend even quit [Music] look at them doesn't know what to do with himself he hasn't seen anyone in so long [Music] yeah go back in do we play never more iconic to Oh Oh God I'm askew thank you for quiz I got a shiny Jigglypuff the name of Tonya via would you like me to trade it to you for a Pidgey or something or would you prefer to get yourself I gotta get it myself about who it is the hunt for dining DeVito we all have a Danny to find in our lives thank you very much the [ __ ] wit though yeah here we go we'll try play this one then is end me [Music] it's so weird seeing someone else here Nikki Thank You 4050 bits I going to have some beautiful depressed children look it's the happy couple Hey thank you very much Nikki it's so weird seeing someone else here yeah we're gonna go what end me today I'd end be to the player list erase this be from the me channel will be deleted so be careful I Drive I made a lowercase me as well it's fine it end me okay welcome to we play this game will teach you everything you need to know about the Wii Remote age wanna use that we want to shoot targets wait I got to unlock the mini-games I want to play the tank game okay well I guess we're gonna go through all of them then cuz I really want to play the tank game is that's the one I spent the most time on but apparently that's last shooting range again thank you to everyone that's donating bits and subscribe it and the like like Jesus Christ has been a lot tonight I get if you want to send me a message like send me a DM on Twitter send me a DM on discord whatever works cuz I'm gonna miss so much but thank you very much guys look even on a gun it's like Kaylee potato lithium get Katie I thank you very much guys there's a lot there okay shoot down the target so even though we're on screen fire would be a point-and-click adventure okay it's not duck hunt we're shootin balloons now instead of ducks more family-friendly oh no we're shooting ducks as well nevermind no mercy it's basically Duff guns I imagine I'm not supposed to shoot the target of myself half again that one at the end you imagine someone like just being able to do this so quickly I can hit every target I'm not doing too bad Doubletree you need to end the me we're just shooting everything today I just shoot two at one shot at the dock begin the long shot double kill collateral oh god I gotta hit the can okay these ones take five oh I don't want to juggle these no the Ducks uncalled for a game oh my god Oh stressed out of my mind final level let's go oh I'm not supposed to shoot the means I'm supposed to shoot the flying saucers okay okay we lost one of them don't we're losing up the Ducks that's true they left a lie we saved them we only lost half the population I can live with that look high schooler as well I mean no one else is played in this console still the high score though potato thank you for a thousand bits before you name yourself and me and you don't try to kill itself shaking my head high score just like back stage two is now open they chew used a Wii Remote to pick the correct me out of the crown you see a lot of Me's out there maybe even a few that you've created yourself devil I've only made two game and a bit ahead of yourself there oh I remember this one actually quite a bit find me everybody this was like the pinnacle of technology just to be like use a pointer like this does that people forgot what a TV remote was we got to find the look-alikes find two look-alikes let's see how far we can go find the me you're using well that shouldn't be a problem they find two look-alikes oh I wonder if it's the two I want to find two more look-alikes oh right next to each other I don't know how many levels there are to this fine - odd means out and oh not you Oh what I won't die there most of plot here that is there's a lot more Me's all of a sudden hey these to find the look-alikes Oh No ah there's I want die if there's a second one of him it's gonna be real easy oh maybe it's these two walking next to ship find the fastest me [Music] mine too look-alikes as I won't die again you [Music] find two more look-alikes why they always beside fast as me as well we're just looking for the one gut that guy's going way too fast look how much time we have in the bank lying to look-alikes Oh doing it you have a 9 mm bits Connor than me sent from save your life well I got to concentrate it's not I won't die which is it wait oh my god they thought about this you can't just pause the game and cheat they actually hide the Me's okay they didn't accept we have a live audience of thousands of people which two is it guys which two is it come on audience of thousands here give me a hand oh we got we got a it's that one I don't know if it's that one oh it's easy okay I got it we got it find this me hmm I wonder he could be [Music] look so inconspicuous among the crowd find two look-alikes because I won't die [Music] how long does this one go get captain gaining so much time find this me again it's just I won't die Tereus easiest thing in the world when I asked me for one of my own characters [Applause] [Music] oh my god I don't like how this is progressing like it's getting more and more difficult it goes until I run out of time oh my god so we're gonna be here all night like what why are we are we watching tennis in the dark getting more and more time now it's fine tree look alikes they're not gonna be evil and just make it so it was only two oh no this this is Rea 101 seconds [Music] as your last one find the fastest me we're just gonna see how far we can get it's this jokester we're gonna see how far we can go we might as well cuz we're doing actually pretty good level 25 Pinetree look-alikes we're gonna die here we're just gonna be here a very long time it seems oh I need to concentrate I need to concentrate features features feet just kept finding me you're using easy where's my hat there it is just as well we popped my hat off Pinetree look alikes it's never I won't die when I want it to be I want died oh my god I don't see it I don't see it oh I'm blind I'm blind I don't see it there Pinetree look-alikes never I want diving I wanted yeah give me so much easier not the bald guy this one where's this last one arias what where's the last counterpart hilarious find triode meas out I won't die you you make it up the time fine tree look-alike making it up gosh why kind of be I want died oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god I don't see it oh I don't see it it's like buying this me this is a freebie where is he is [Music] easiest thing in the world take a favorite oh this is draining my time you [Music] what what do you mean find the odd one out I oh this is walkin I different right okay I wasn't sure what I was looking for there God is a feet worried reversed find your favorite it was the fellow with glasses you [Music] find two look-alikes oh good but it's that guy we looked at we looked [Music] don't see it I don't see it apparently it's him in someone what do you look like H I don't see it what am I looking for it's him Oh finding me are you isn't easy why is it dark in space that's okay it's space I guess there's no stars but you don't need a flashlight that's not gonna help you flashlight will not Bryce nada oh my god oh my god I the person they look like a fish [Music] and two look-alikes I can't ever be I won't die with it who is that old lady those aren't the same old lady they're different glasses those exact Oh [Music] find the fastest me this should be easy oh god now they're all they're all moving at different speeds you might be faster find two look-alikes don't see it who is it who is it you give up please no we're going as far as we can find two look-alikes easy round find you sleepyheads easy round we're still in it we can climb back [Music] why do look-alikes I can't be I won't die [Music] come or the turn in their heads I won't die it's not him these guys find this meat-free B where Z [Music] level 50 come on why do look-alikes 51 drug Glenn oh my god they're getting like closer and closer so they have like your differences between them alum here look-alikes you thinking it's you it's not you you stream odd means out oh my god what do I want I pour look-alikes g24 of them okay actually kind of help because it was a lot of them for more look-alikes whoa please stuff in there suffered we got to keep going we're too far in is he I want die crew we gotta get them gray sleepyheads we're making the time back to look-alikes oh my god oh this may be it this may be it I I really I can't I can't take in the situation not old guy very different this is different okay no god damn oh that was pretty good all things considered like we made it 57 levels but again you I've only met okay so you gotten used to using the we rode as a pointer have you yeah just I just played fifty seven levels of your minigame on my first try next stage will help you improve your point in speed and accuracy like let's learn how to use Microsoft Office Word but with motion controls just let me play table tennis like you don't need to give me a primer to improve my point and capabilities let me just catch up with bits - oh no actually good thank you again to everyone for sending them okay let's hold the paddle gonna get our rally going again the only reason we're doing this isn't to have fun crease our point in speed and accuracy question is how long is this one gonna go on for because the other one just kept going [Applause] God will go to video games guys doubt me every single time look at me now like it's the game or Olympics Jesus Christ here we go keep it going I don't think you can win this one oh my god you can Oh [Applause] [Music] actually incredible and with that perfect run I will retire from Table Tennis I think I'm good I now have a 100% win ratio table tennis one we play button directly at the screen is one of them it's only one of the many uses for the Wii Remote in the next stage you'll have to twist a Wii Remote - hope you're ready they pose me twist the remote to spin the me left and right which poses are press an A or B a pic Tim or an admirer thank you all for the bits very much I would start driving stop giving quality content that I can't break away from all the best I get a and B to change the poked hello yeah we're gonna see a lot of our own Mir don't let the bubbles hit the bottom is to go you have to gradually turn it or you're gonna get in trouble all that is unfair between poses but okay now we assume this pose birds the rainbow one stops time for a moment so you can get your bearings that's good to know oh we're doing good like stock photo backgrounds Jesus Christ they're coming fast got him oh my hidden talent and life all this time that I'm just good I we play a game you get for free if you want to buy a Wii mote in 2006 probably now I'm probably gonna fail eventually oh that is dastardly testing your abilities now keep forgetting which way I'm supposed to press the turn we're doing good at least I seem to be in a bit of a chain Chuck much longer nope nope wrong those okay you have like tree lives that's what the lines are for okay so I'm not out yet it's just incredibly stressful like no matter this is your first time playing games just ever you know he is a very casual console for a lot of people it was their first time playing game instead of like you know your standard tennis or bowling game you came across this hot mess this is what you think video games are now the bubble game makes me anxious I'll turn help make sure they got the rainbow bubble it's a duck welcome to end of 2018 this is my first game yeah for a lot of people I imaginable I I imagine it was either this or we sports because a lot of people did well we're only introduced to video games like with the Wii because it kind of changed what a video game could be and you know all the games were really uneasy to comprehend you know you play tennis you don't have to explain that this is actually my first video again I moved from it until I moved to Xbox and PC okay my first game was Wii Sports Resort oh you were spoiled family your first game [Music] as stage 5 is now open think you're getting the hang of twist in the Wii Remote and show off your new skills in a little match of laser hockey I weep my crazy Wii Remote skills okay oh god is this gonna be like table tennis again or can I actually win here oh yeah I can win here he's just gonna knock it in himself I'm actually not bite of their hockey I tried to make it go as fast as possible and hope it doesn't accidentally go in my goal don't good they call me the weak King now only that was my title I had it in college oh I seem to be doing better here than I ever did with Mario Cart like it's just it's just five zero right now No why did I say that damn it okay I got to give them a bit of a chance to catch up there we go [Music] oh he didn't even try that time is he frying the - there we go - help me get the bin does this just keep going until whenever he's like knocking at his own goal like so many times dogs losing it he's up this game oh there's a timer oh so we just go to whatever the timer runs out okay let's just get as much of a back and forth as we can no no we have tree seconds left five times but we still got ten points okay it's pretty good it's pretty good just ignore the five points he also scored and it looks really impressive because it doesn't keep track of his score oh hell the weekend and this time move do we around closer to the TV and tartar away for some treaty movement the best results it's so that you're centered with the TV I don't have much space but I'll do my best oh did OBS start lagging the OBS okay is the stream in okay I'm just moving this fine on my end yeah okay yeah there we go yeah that's the like this is I was worried about hang on let me see if I can do something to fix it [Music] oh that's a lot louder now let me let me just lower this there we go I think I [Music] think that's fixed it I can't really tell it just fixed itself no I I did a thing there I changed how the capture card was working we'll try the next one with this just to see how it holds up okay billiards write the cue both we were out aim for the ball with the cursor over it how many shots will it take sync them all [Music] it look it's us move the cursor over the cue ball and press B Oh though I was pulling it back it can turn I know I don't think I'm far enough away hang on okay let me let me just move my chair back a bit let's just make it easy for ourselves I didn't even line this one up correctly there we go oh I have to the target ball first oh well let's just this God I'm not making it easy I'm looking at the angles wrong here we go jaws physically impossible boat don't question that why stand picking it up because it definitely there we go work with the cursor but then it just disappears okay just have a kitsch place the lost cause okay we'll just work our way around that was close [Music] can't miss this one this got a poked at the Wiimote picks up the end got it though press a they'd I'll try a instead I guess okay a it's like map view brick shots let's go to games every shot the trickshot really look at that actual professional work watch me get this one [Music] you don't even think I'm gonna get it from this angle dude I'm not pop it about there we go if we use enough force will get it in eventually [Music] wait go Hut we still got it doesn't matter as a file 24 points I'll take it I'll take it still the high score beat all those other guys who got nothing they just looks at the cue ball and ran away excuse me I want to play darts and say better than all stage seven is now open move the Wii Remote forward back left and right to move the fishing pole might seem odd at first but just relax take your time and enjoy yourself Odie these other ones are pretty tame you know you're just like an imaginary me align yourself with bubbles trying to find yourself and shooting ducks fishing no that's a oh I don't know if you're ready for that one the very high concept game move the wee one forward back up down left and right to move the rod and you get a nibble pull back now to go fishing me my rod bonus if we get the yellow fish let's go [Music] times two bonus oh it's for the other ones now is there a time limit or anything for this one where they can't remember so I just catch as many fish as I feel like pretty good I think so okay difficult to tell what plane I'm on Oh [Music] God you just catch all the fish okay I was right in the graphics to be different looks like oh that's a big boy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my fishing in real life with a straight board keep reeling them in oh the big one disappeared I just hide that's it we didn't get that last big one cut a lot of fish though not the big boy it's a size out LaHood [Music] another one down different game we've almost cured every single game in like the span of an hour for this one Jesus we may not have much left I don't know how much replay value is in all these unless you want me to do like another fifty seven levels of find me we beat that one I don't want to do that one again or that one or that one we'll keep going we have a little bit more do we have other Wii games like it needs to be I can just revisit something turn the we road so that that's facing on the left go forward to run back way back to slow and sideways and turn raise the jump not a count knock down the Scarecrow's see supposed to go faster okay a speeding up clear this with flying colors got every single one so far and we're making great time how is that Vicki hard I don't gotta have a worldly aesthetic to it doesn't it oh oh I've gone off course actual disaster actual disaster what's going so prototype for you Yoshi's world we're playing that one again I missed too many bad and we're doing it again go count wonder if there is like a speedrun kappa a speed run category for this game the complete every minigame with the best possible time fast possible including things like find me but you just got to get the full 100 surely it exists I'd be surprised if it didn't prettiest Etan category for pretty much everything got him that time perfect run Oh [Music] actual high score I watched a fishing game speedrun once so yeah Wow okay so it's an actual like category where we play a book that's quite surprising okay this might seem complex but you've done great so far oh Jesus [Music] look I didn't get a lot of support when I was a kid but there's no need to rub it in here a game okay you don't need to be so patronizing you can use the nunchuck to play this game are jerseys that we wrote by yourself if you like let me get the nunchuck I think it's easier to control [Music] welcome to the real meat of the game thanks fire drop mine like this is where the real game begins gonna be here quite some time [Music] I'm late I had this game on wii this is that I didn't know what me and my brother would play all the time [Music] three lives mission tree they had like new types of tanks as he go along like the great ones move those into stationary and you got to watch out for your own missiles - I almost died I'll ever hating this one cuz they're just [Music] bullets go everywhere use bombs the mind that really is good there's a tas of this game really Oh got you got distracted we gotta watch out for the super missiles we got one bounce our missiles were good bonus tank keep going okay this is gonna be agony here at the moment when these guys come out yeah we're just lunch a volley down there we'll get some of them yep that one's down [Music] there's no timer on this one as well which is really nice [Music] display so my brother a lot when I was younger yeah like me too it's just it's just a really fun little game like there was other stuff on we like Wii Sports that we play more it was just cool the handless which is kind of there we wanted I actually moved for the console [Music] [Music] I always play the fishing game Li everyone has their own favorite oh god these things are laying mines really hard I know I can't remember if there's like an hens to it I don't know if I ever got that far as a kid see how we get on as we finish ping pong I always 100% adjusted um the last one they've got a landline line there which is level 20 at the end is a hundred levels oh Jesus Christ we'll see how far we catch I don't know if we'll get all a hundred done is that as many bonus tank war or never change [Music] where were you in the cardboard tanks invaders I was on the frontlines fighting suppressing fire one of these actual footage of Operation Barbarossa [Music] [Music] you footage from the upcoming DLC for Battlefield 5 basically Tommy forget all your modern military shooters you might not like it but this is what real eSports looks like we tank battle I need to pray like those Rockets just knock out one or two of them if you can't escape oh my gawd II skip I say the line lines really aren't that good though you just pop them on the ground like they don't do anything it's a way for another tank the clover like you're better off because be more aggressive I just need to lay as much fire down this line as account perfect I should failed we'll get them next time hey we'll play that one again that does one thing I remember not liking about this one you have to star like all over if you fail [Music] last World War two we'll give this one another go and then I'll see where we are on time we might have time for a second game tonight we might do like a double whammy cuz it cuz we play as very cute but there isn't much here basically like tech demo games again look at all the things you can use the weevil basically what we play it by the way you get a free we mode if you buy it oh you can fire them and you someone go one time we play motion is good though I haven't got that one yes I do want to pick that up you can drop mines yeah I know I know it's not that great hate at this level the super tank : super never changes the very least I save your progress [Music] [Music] the Great War was fought on would you marry a party I do have yeah that's not what I had in mind I've already switched I actually really want to play again at some point the online for that game is a bit shy really solid Mario parties go that's who's been sitting there like I haven't got can't even played at my off time I've been so busy lately that like the only games have been able to have a chance to play excited ate the occasional spot of like xenoblade to pull on stream now kind of weird been able to fly quite a bit just cause lately [Music] what about go vacation oh god you have seen those ons they'd like you probably a good time to mention too because I I think it's very much it's gonna be like a jewel segments Trinity shoe tank I'm finding to make like a big order of things over Christmas I feel like stop all of you for the new year if it had to be like heavily discounted over the holidays I'm like I'm planning to get a bunch of old Wii games I want to get some ps4 games cuz I have one now set it up the other day I haven't got the touch Red Dead - but it's sitting there but people have any recommendations as well like we I set up like a little chat on the discord you want to pitch them and just mention them at Just Cause for you might want to see the YouTube channel for Just Cause for I may have something there of interest for can you play sims for I've already played sims 4 I have to think there's a lot of suggestions there like it's stuff I've heard already played I see that a lot Sims 4 I've already done and it's just not the Sims game for me I'll be honest with ya again might pick up some more expansion [Music] oh my god you read that online is that something they're actually add two red dead redemption hello Archie game with you play only my games that suggested be sometimes Irish camera sure thing cat oh don't worry I won't play any other games now that people do have game recommendations they're like there's a little chatting that is first set up for it now like do feel free to pop them gonna be there for like the next week or so so I can hopefully get them all order in time all right this is something's already on the order list I don't currently have I know I want to get like we party is one I do not have darling I know I figure because we're doing all the Wii games we might as well try that one in I'm gonna pick that up at some point instead of brutal yeah I'm sorry I know it's hard to believe that I just openly admit I don't even have we party like what is wrong with this psycho you ever finish all demises yeah yeah like I have all them sitting there too I need to work on my crew it's probably bad to even say that like I'm looking to buy a bunch more games like I am like trying to like just stalked all of you and there's a lot of terrible ones being suggested look I don't want to be all bad guys well like we'll find the occasional what no Elevens I don't want it to just be rubbish though Oh congratulations here we were wrote master you've just gotten a small taste of what the Wii Remote ro can do now challenge a friend or try to earn all those gold medals medals we'll go fishing again like III gave up and playing my sims okay squiggly and still be like a yellow spot hammers over o small fry not supposed to catch those ones the Adachi life is fun but hard to capture yeah so I honestly like that is one that I was trying to set up for this weekend but it turns out treaty s like emulation isn't that great and I like capture cards exist for treaty s but like it's so specific and apparently it's really difficult to get like it's not licensed or readily available there's like one guy who's apparently figure out how to make treaty s capture cards and so if you want one you gotta go true the mystery fish tell the doctor you life is one oh if I could if I could do it I would I thought that'd be perfect [Music] [Applause] and I know as official ones retreat yes but you have to counter them specifically about it is that something they actually do with partners like can you just like approach them was like hey hi there I'm a content creator makes videos on the Internet like is that something they actually do they imagine they do have hardware for streaming off through TSA even like the treehouse stuff I don't know if people can get ahold of women anyway [Music] please play Deal or No Deal we did deal a note here I can't do it again we experienced ever literally everything that game has to offer oh bronze medal earned okay we actually do get awards named weights more efficient I can do regular des emulator I think as I do how I dance my way it's how you pronounce it that's always pretty good like we did a Pokemon like hard gold and that's luck using that before we didn't have a game today or no there's one Durance because i still got a half hour to go before my stream you know we might just keep going when we play lily and we might just actually take things like chill I've been kind of nice because I actually kind of like some kind of chill stream with same as the other day but I was also exhausted yesterday I'm actually alive we're just go fishing just talk about old Wii games there's a bunch I want to do and I have in ten dogs Oh God [Music] I've had mine in ten dogs in how long like that game come out 2006 only they've been fed in 11 years the probably dead at that point can we send you our old Wii games um I mean when the peel box is set up actually yes you can that's gonna be set up in January so it's not too far off now I'll mention it on the channel when it goes live the only reason it's not open at the moment is cuz they work on a year-by-year basis does their lino [Music] Kahoot SH like that quiz game it's the big fish you need to play skylanders oh I don't know skyline this would be a good fish I'd have to buy Oh like the toys they said when you hit the P o box so I could send you the Lion King God he's thinking the Jews we games I think minecraft is a fun community but minecraft something I've already done them like we were just kind of talking about new games I'm gonna try to get the gold medal actually doing pretty well here it's silver [Music] keep fishing I'm enjoying this one very chill me my rod start fishing the worst little fish play honey pop you can't stream that and also know maybe the most part we can rule out the anime games be honest I just got hilarious is like I bought persona for my own time too because I really want to play a lot not gonna stream at cuz that would be a mistake and like that wasn't monstrously long like oh Carly plain truth Xenoblade 2 as well which is a fairy anime game no thanks for streaming us some things the world is not meant to see it's a game called dead cells on PC you can live stream yeah I've stream dead cells before actually s boy thanks 200 bits there as well that's very fun I was on like in March of this year but I guess was before anyone was even like here really I guess that was like pre channel explosions we did like a month where we just played a bunch of random games over there being like 20 people live stream like my how the times change freaking fish I mean the big boy hey you ever scream Dark Souls yeah I have we did a play field the first one was here I lost a mystery fish play meet opieop pls game dedicated here means it would be the best that's another one with Tomodachi life like if there was a good tree ts emulator be able to play this there's just no way good way to like really stream 3 TS games you know like I'm not sure how I feel about Bonnie and I dedicate a capture card for EDS cos it's really expensive and like it's it's quite dodge like you can't go true like Amazon or anything it's just like one guy sighs who doesn't I don't know there is quite a few treaty ash games we put those like like top like Tomodachi life me topia my show I'm just playing like a standard Pokemon game I can't you do if I wouldn't read yes don't worry about emulating them you basically have to play at treaty s games true an emulator on stream right for the most part yeah but like you can get a dedicated capture card too although I'm not even sure like which one you need to get specifically the stream people do it I'm just just not sure how well it's the mystery fish oh my god by today now people are just yelling games at the moment I'm trying to like pick out like what people are saying it's kind of hard to Mario sluggers oh when I'm taking a Stryker slug these buggers I will want to say baseball I'm not sure [Music] my mattress the game I've had sitting in my library well I do submode no I think we're okay squirrely like it's just people suggestion games just kind of hard to read play smash I mean that that's a given like some games like that I've already said I'm gonna do you don't even need to suggestion yeah of course I'm gonna be playing smash we're not launches what we're gonna be doing next weekend gonna be like smashing Saturday smashing Sunday Archie move all games every wants to see you play candy crush God I think I'm okay oh this is the worst I'm gonna keep doing this until I get a gold medal I I did I'm finding this one like very relaxing display really straightforward like it's not a lot of thought involved and then kind of reach out as I go you just waiting from the bite the rod [Music] the worst you play all the stockings that used to come with Windows what like chess and like solitaire I don't come with Windows any more like download them like the Microsoft Store it's just like [Music] yandere simulator there another thing [Music] I keep telling as I'm not doing anime game but just weird never gonna happen [Music] [Applause] play a game called ski free he's good in a game of the I imagine it's skiing give us the big fish more Wii Fit Plus I'm trying after we've the wow we visit revisit the Wii games very much because I think there's so many I'm just trying to keep it as fresh as possible like if I did we fit again it would just be more of the same thing contempt that but I think the only one of those like I'm tempted to do again is probably music because it's just a lot of songs and like there's so many ways you can combine it I think that will actually be quite entertained I wanted you will find her just all recorders covers for as many songs as possible because that's one of those weird things like her just like from doing the streams and making videos on things people always say like play this again play this again but like I wanted to try to be something new each time or I don't really see the point in playing it again if that makes sense like even with stuff like Sims and City skylines which I've done quite a bit of I always wanted to be like something special each time but I I never wanted to be a case where it's like City skylines we're making another poop Kano you know like that's kind of lame again like there is some exceptions for games that work like Minecraft like very much enjoy to do every now and then have a build a just see where it goes [Music] ever logic family ski and snowboard hold with Joe I'm sure well it is I guess I haven't heard of it I'm seen there's some suggestions to that are popping up in the chat as well like the Ryder games I already have we're planning to get all ready like I do is I do see some of them because you know wonder why I might not be replying to a specific one I know that's gonna get like literally everyone's hopes up to say live where it's like oh my god he didn't reply to me that means he's gonna play it next stream but there is a few there where it's like I do plan on actually playing it at some point [Applause] the boat plays on Windows Vista it's barely all in Comic Sans all you you've sold me on it [Music] yeah one more try for fishing and then I'm gonna bury it one more try and I gotta go all in this time I want to get my gold medal at the green one good sack good start no no no she let's start nice really bad thank you play spyro and ever played spyro games was that really interesting I didn't like I didn't have a Sony console when I was driving off so I just kind of missed out on all the stuff like that like the ps4 like like this week is like the first thing when Sony I've ever gone it's kind of weird having access to games now I was looking at the list of things like on PlayStation now to see what I could do it there well apparently that's the only way to play beyond 2 souls I got it I didn't actually realize the ps4 is not backwards compatible if so like hope the games available unlike the online service or you just can't play it which seems really weird [Applause] [Music] graeme mspaint we did that one fault that was the biggest dream he ever did was when fall of 76 uninstalled itself while we were streaming kind of ironic that the game associated with the country country roads would turn out to be a disaster in of itself use it to portray so many calamities turns out the final in this fall at 76 it's a real shame because I had so much fun during the beta playing that book there's so many problems reason I'm not screaming now still I don't know how get DDoS I just don't want to chance it like [Music] pop drop I've no idea what that is and people keep screaming it and that makes me think it's a meme game so I'm gonna say no because whatever people scream a game like that there's something wrong with it so I'm just gonna say no to that one not even give it a chance [Music] can we do better one's a chiller only I was like a pro without we do record is that if I got I would have got the gold medal I think if I did that like got that many points before finish them all [Music] Cowan is pretty chill out in the cabin again go for a nice relaxing stroll [Music] here what I might do actually just for something a bit chill I'm trying to think it's really I can't like scream for like an hour I don't think I really have one let's get these guys again nice and relaxed late jack jack box with us we've been doing like a lot of jack box dreams lately I know a new one came out but like we we've done like four streams in the last two months just jack box like maybe down the road cause it is fun let detroit become human I've already seen Detroit is the only thing so I don't know how good it would be and I feel that's one a lot of people have seen already so I don't know it would be any different if I played it I was thinking of playing instead of Detroit at some point beyond two souls because that's also a David cage game but it's one I don't think as many people have experienced that actually is on PlayStation now as well so I can actually play truly ps4 Dog Island is the chills story game not the mean one the game from stitch that's all I remember about that won the gold medal on fishing is 2500 oh we were very close them by a different game okay let me see let me look at my library then I have like a big one say for Saturday we'll be doing quite a bit of and then on Sunday we're going to be doing oh c'mon let's go to continue the Johnny DeVito search probably gonna start a bit earlier for that one go I don't know oh I don't know if I wanna do that one that one that one might be a two-hour one I think or it could be really bad oh god okay alright I might regret this okay we're gonna we're gonna try this one the we main menu this is a Wii game this could be a colossal mistake we got a bunch of males ok let me just press that solo Jesus Christ and me as they're in a silver medal in charge you're a regular rodeo clown I'll give you a little tip isn't that cute ok so bad news guys I found another game with Noah legends in it [Music] they updated the category plain tele attics [Music] you we're gonna give this a go this was poured it from PS 2 just want to stress that going in this was made by Ubisoft as well before by tree resolution that's how you know you're in for a treat let's go licensed by Nintendo look at this sink Ubisoft unique television slam yet another great game it's really loud [Music] yeah yeah I turn that down quite a bit ok telly attics fires I've thought this supported for players okay it's only two well there goes the original premise I was going to save this game or like okay one player it is welcome to telly addicts the nation's favorite oh my god is back for another look at some more classic television moments coming up we've got six exciting rounds packed with classic TV trivia to test your knowledge so let's get started with the first round screen test six screens to choose from personality behind each you can choose three in this round good luck you know it's this is classic television though this is like a TV game show but this is gonna be horribly outdated as well as this game does not know about the existence of Netflix ah you could die okay it's supposed to do that number one you have chosen screen number one take a look at this picture let's go now what am I looking at which comedy actor narrates the TV show Everybody Hates Chris you was that Terry Crews in the back people are screaming Terry I assumed Chris Rock is the only one of these I've heard of choose another picture who is another picture okay one is locked off numbered number two you have chosen screen number to take a look at this picture what am I looking at each time what type of animal is Hercules in Steptoe and son there's no music with this game beyond the title sequence as well someone said no volume no there's just no sound once we get to this screen them doesn't there's nothing I'm gonna say it Oh incorrect I've watched enough tally no choose a picture he doesn't care okay that's choosen that a picture you have chosen screen number three take a look at this picture you can look at this picture it's me when I was younger with my hunting group in what century was the TV series sharp sesh I mean if I had to guess I would say nineteen to seventeen I'm going to say 19th is that Sean Bean I did so hood is that actually Sean Bean like a younger version of them with Ian sharp good cigars that's two points that's actually heard round we still had a kill them and hit man as well that's apparently a thing now their score is two next up is the classic clips around first we'll show you a video from a well known TV program followed by some questions on that show are you ready here comes the clip well-known TV show let's go is this is this allowed in twitch or is this like copyright that was once a ship ship in a bottle bad boss was amazed oh it's back for sure what's it doing in a bottle where could it sail to who could possibly say own it it would be much too small I really don't know if I can streaming this because this is straighter this is straight up just using clips from television I can't make any highlights of this for like straight off the bat I already know that like that's just like a landmine like licensed television clips I never saw this III remember I know bankbooks because like you I've seen my character I'm gonna guess Gabriel is one of the mice that was there no yes that's bad puss Oh what music leads turn into Gabriel the toad it was towed even an option okay what didn't servantis xylophone the hair for the banjo Oh banjo correct okay we got it just the one point from our Clips around could have been better oh shut up no you don't need to be so patronizing I don't watch TV next up is the spotlight round I've stuff on YouTube now a time limit if you fail to answer in time you won't score a tough round this one so you need to be quick are you ready need to be quick pantry spotlight it's a timer so twitch shot you're gonna have to work fast simon pegg and Jessica Stevenson create a twitch cold comedy Oh hurry up [ __ ] space [Applause] which of these two which of these is a TV show featuring the character of dr. Sam Beckett hurry up I thought what that one I think is a TV show I don't know if actually was that but we got hosting the gameshow Qi each has an entry I mean that one Stephen Fry I just want to see hurry up oh yeah he says hurry up every time [Applause] which of these two which TV show centered around a news company uh hurry up logs at that horse no we're on the first series of the print ad look who knows Timothy well I thought I could to me I go write a great performance that's four points from the spotlight round a great leap or with your total thanks no yep that's my total next up is the reveal round we're going to slowly reveal a clue to a tricky question there are a maximum five points for this round the quicker you answer the more points you'll score okay look carefully here is your question gotta answer fast round for the reveal and slowly a real picture I have to work out of this we can meet for points if you answer this mean I'm sorry point is Catherine Tate I've never seen that spell is immediate yeah I just know how to write code around let's add that to your tote that variant is the one next up is the guests the year round we're going to show you a picture from a classic TV show followed by some questions first all you have to do is identify the year we'll help you out by giving you the decade all you have to do is use the numbers on screen to give us the year good luck we have to okay we have to work at the year of this TV show Donna Noble that's Doctor Who companion at what year was Looney Tunes what year is Looney Tunes like this oh when the Daffy Duck appear a 19:31 at 1776 guys okay a fair few people is laying 1937 let's go this is this gonna be twitch chat place don't Google the answers 1996 Daffy Duck appeared in which of these films uh gee I wonder if it's one of these two or Space Jam which could it possibly be anyway he was dr. Dolittle wasn't he [Applause] ever got that one which of these does the catchphrase you would associate with Daffy Duck your - pickable dirty wrasse who misses me that sounds the most like Daffy I don't like I don't think you dirty rat that's not a famous catchphrase but what's that supposed to be you misses me [Applause] well done you really didn't know your stuff there that's a full yeah thanks no I'm playing along with like 2,000 other people yeah we got a score 13 we're doing well right we're now entering our final round so it's your last chance to boost your score to try and become a real tally addicts champion three quest attics champion each chosen from one of our five TV categories use the spinner to make your selection good luck seems so uncomfortable when they were recording them for these line press a to spin the wheel oh there go the epileptics but she this is Christ drama you have landed on drama here is your question in what year did a famous youtuber Logan Paul no in which a much American state was the OSI I don't what's the OC the timer is gone we don't need a hurry up I mean all sets all TV's tends to be set in California they don't make TV shows in Florida people would die you okay soaps you have landed on soaps here is your question I know why is there no music it's just at its Steve owned I in EastEnders in a car crash he was shot or he drowned he would here watch EastEnders like if no idea who this man is he loaned people are saying he was shot and now what I say need round no he wasn't shot guys that's the hive mind kicking in again he just wanted to be there he was shocked because it sounds dramatic I've mined every science you let's spin the wheel again comedy you have landed on the couch not crashed into her River all drone is yes the answer was all true say comfy to the character of Dorian green good life birds of a flutter a rise in damp I don't know any of these shows let's see what way the hive minds gonna go let's just watch twitch a moment where they feel in today oh the dough working towards B Oh Jackie right it's done okay they're actually really into the game that's a couple of points for that round let's take a look at your overall score 15 points no I accidentally okay I didn't mean to press a as I hired the press a [ __ ] pass the score and I just skipped the the end and we don't get a reward this time you gotta play it again I missed the final cutscene what no hello and welcome to telly addicts the nation's favorite television quiz back for another look at some more classic television moments coming up we've got six exciting rounds packed with classic this is the entire game to your knowledge so let's get started with the first round screen test six screens to choose from TV caret we just played with all of it I took 21 can choose three in this round good luck do you think this game would also have been like 50 quid back in the day this is made by Ubisoft like at least with Deal or No Deal it was an unheard of developer and do with no idea who it was so we can get you can kind of forgive them we have an ubisoft in 2007 that's the same year - Mario Galaxy came out come on select a picture oh okay no I'll go with number four this time you have chosen screen number four take a look at this picture that is that's a rider scary man these is not a zone in the crystal maze I never actually saw the crystal maze I don't know I know I never saw this we're gonna do like twitch is gonna we're gonna let twitch decide the answer each time under the hive mind what's the hive mind think leaning towards B there you choose another picture is another picture five you have chosen screen number five take a look at this picture it's not Star Wars Dirk Benedict from battles galactica went on to play which 18 character The Iceman the face man too big although the world's worst superheroes film else the guy with a face right a big goin face always the hive mind Lina are we gonna sway Rene and see only its be the fair of you people saying see I was not not the big man choose another picture I've mind gonna go with six no you have chosen screen number six take a look at this picture oh good god so quiet Kenny Everett's real name Pennington Alfred Hill or East coal I have no idea I don't know what Kenny ever it is I'm scared just quite menacing stucco we've shortened to be here people are saying I don't know what people are saying hive minds kind of leaning towards a hive mind got it wrong okay so just the one point from our opening round not the greatest of starts let's see that and all you got is e so patroclus next up is the classic don't understand first this guy sucks playing our game followed by some what a loser are you ready he doesn't watch 48 hours of television a week this guy has a social life outside of watching BBC television peter is off to deliver his letters he crosses camber with green waves to mr. Carraway the fishmonger oh here he goes drives at Mickey Murphy's bakery Mickey Murphy's and this is what Peter likes doing most of all knocking the door at I'll knock what was the opening line of each episode of amber with green a box a musical box here is a box a magical box here is a box an enchanted box I've never seen this this was before my time it sounded I don't think it's enchanting box that doesn't sound right this isn't world of warcraft a magical box wow that i've mind was lean and strong to that one is another JPEG file from Google image search have we put into this game when it's Peters surname in cable with green what's a surname hazal birch or lime mister hazel mr. Bertram mr. lime away we feelin guys people the same birches not a good round you didn't get any of those classic clip questions correct no change to your school here it is yeah okay no I'm sorry I don't watch television I only watch classic TVs Deal or No Deal and Channel four questions coming up each with a time limit if you fail to answer in time you won't score okay I got to go quit for this one that you guys can't help me cuz in stream delay are you ready oh I'm very much on my own here we go here we go oh god why round gotta try answer these before a Baywatch star appeared in Celebrity Big Brother in 2006 I don't know Tracy follow Jesus but be appear cool hence we the nature a Big Brother these days which famous actress starred in the TV series 21 Jump Street hurry up rod fish no I I never saw it I never saw it I have no idea I didn't think it was the other two and what TV show to Trevor Eve play detective Superintendent Peter Boyd waken the dead the living that dead against hate episode ties on the TV show friends normally began with which two words the one I'm not completely uncultured I've seen friends we played audrey and to the manor born Penelope it's your big day I don't know who you are so congrats on the role well done just a couple of you didn't get there that's three for the road only two rubber that's Jesus no give me the small victories well done you got a few right there you got a few wrong too the Rangers we're going to slowly reveal a clue to a tricky question there are a maximum five points for this round the quicker you answer the more points you'll score look carefully here is your question yeah we got to answer quick again and for also this was also timed on my own loses famous American TV actor four points if you answer now this is now worth three points less I have no idea who this is one point for this oh you do not have a lot of time whose lash I don't know who it is let's say and see [Applause] took your time oh that's one point for the round here's your turn it's so sassy you got this game sassy noel edmonds like raised in your ear and you're never gonna want to play the game followed by first all you have to do is identify the year you're just gonna pick this up player words like [ __ ] yourself on screen what the game of the year good luck oh god okay guess the year again hello how's it going Lily thank you for a thousand bits there Artie I just got married and I'm still in my wedding dress I'm so happy my wife was the absolute cutest thing ever oh Jesus Christ go [ __ ] have fun I guess I what are you doing but just play - Noel Edmonds quiz show okay like who got your photo lations that I get off the case oh Jesus I shouldn't be swearing like that it's your [ __ ] wedding have a fantastic day though like seriously congrats dia Jesus Christ that's surreal let someone propose the other day on stream now we've had someone get married we're gonna have someone who'd our baby's born while watching the stream next seems to be the logical progression of things but over family hey come into existence live during a stream well be playing like Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games or something when it happens well congratulations a sick day our [ __ ] when's bookwork bewitched someone seen that show when was it I have no idea 9 1964 ok [Applause] okay all right all these questions is gonna be half of which I've never seen it I only saw Sabrina which was like the modern-day like Nuys equivalent which of the following might Samanta I've done in [ __ ] to do witchcraft a per feet clicker fingers twitch your nose not a very cheeky mischievious loca powder your nose you what did Darren Stevens work for in buuck an advertising agency accountants or a law firm how exciting are these questions so the Darrin Stephens work for IT I tea or with lawyers you great we going advertising [Applause] well done you really did know your stuff there that's a full three points to poultry points I praise from knoll and Carlos an each at that time right we're now entering our final round right around your last chance to boost your score to try and become a real tally addicts champion three go and charity humming up each chosen from one of our five TV categories use the spinner to make your selection good luck okay we're gonna go with the spinner again it's so painful on the ice to look at this thing we're just gonna have to go they spin is Christ where we stopping comedy again these are all the same categories - here is your question which British city is little Britain's Vicky Pollard from think it's Manchester okay I actually watched Little Britain back in the day if it was just wrong it's so quiet yeah that there's no music for this game it's just eerie silence you have landed on and a bunch of compressed JPEG is your question how many how many takes of no admins do you think they have to record for this game because he seems to say the same thing every single time now you have landed on cartoons here is your question you'll just say that every time we land in cartoons again from now on like I threatened there's about thirty ten-second clips of No and they were able to stretch those out to make this entire game which I'll be honest kind of looks like a PowerPoint presentation video Tokyo was a spinoff from which other animated TV series Danger Mouse you Artie can you please add some background music let me see what we can find like let me see if anyone's done this then no Edmunds remix let's see if this exists you you you one of the first clips that comes up for this is just Knoll Edmonds you dirty bastard oh no that's a whirring channel now I'm lucky looking that one no guys guys the channel name that uploaded this is called prostate whispers I don't know I don't know if I want the click a mess if god only knows what that means hangout summer of debt alig Rafi feet Knoll Edmunds what's this Lolita's in school is to allow the children to discover their own level of [Music] [Music] okay that's some like Surrey auto body experience with like clips of Noel Edmonds no Edmunds sings let's see what have we got you Noel's house party Knoll sings with the Spice Girls Oh God look at this the dices burst make sure you got that number and there's gonna be a question about that but now a different sort of question who's who's in the wardrobe who's in the wardrobe he's gonna die I've paused at the moment he opens the Wardrobe III can't show this on stream no I can't cuz like then we're gonna get into trouble where's the bit where he's singing it's just people clapping [Music] it's just spice goes Nowell isn't singing Nowell isn't singing it's just clapping he's not singing the video is called Knowles sings with the Spice Girls and he's not singing with the Spice Girls okay what else have we got I know what is this I was just that was just no screaming in pain hang up Oh what actually is this what is that supposed to be there's no Lin pain this like people have veins like you to poop saw the videos of noah legends the one here just cold like Noel Edmonds on crack and like I don't know if I want to click it apparently as well like people believe this to me on Twitter no admins is going to be on like I'm a celebrity get me out of here this year apparently so I'm gonna stay tuned for that cuz like yo that that's what I care about with my life that's that's on par with Harry hill being on a great British Bake Off okay let let's just continue at the game you play turn on ITV now dude is it on right now is it on right now that the ignore admins anonymous lip guys we're streaming on Twitch I can't just i can't just take the stream offline to watch TV if I'm pretty sure if I play a live broadcast from ie TV I'm gonna get in trouble so late it's already on oh my god okay I'm gonna have to watch out later maybe that's something we'll do in the discord at some point when I go watch together night Nowell admins and I'm a celebrity your telly let's press the a button to spin the wheel let's continue on in silence you can do it now I'm pretty sure I can't you have landed on comedy here is your question here we go we got comedy is mechanics how do you actually pronounce that Haqqanis was it husband called and keeping up appearances Walter Richard Raymond have you seen the vid of Harry hill putting a cream pie in Piers Morgan's face I have it's beautiful the high vine says be a nice end to the game that's a couple of points for that round let's take a look at your overall pay ascent is it oh okay so it's like sound pay essentially is n't well after a professor like that it's clear that you need a lot more practice before you can be at Le addicts champion why not have another go and see if you do any better thanks for playing telly addicts and I'll see you next time at the entire game we've played everything this game has now wait can we just play around of it we cheat every answer well now we can't because the timed ones that's gonna that's gonna we can't there's no I I want to see what happened if we just get complete max score you'll get like I'm like our money's worth I paid 50 cents for this game in CX the guy looked at me like I was crazy you play a different game we've only got 25 minutes left oh no what I can do is I can just press the home button and pause at each time because I'm certain they haven't programmed like a fix for that so we'll get the question pop up and then we can just cheat from the time one's perfect let's go we're gonna be at Le attic master we're gonna get every question and welcome to tele attic this is the same cutscenes played every single time they don't have another clear vision moments coming up we've got six exciting rounds packed with classic TV trivia to test your knowledge so I can just do that let's get started with the first round screen test screen takes institutes from a TV character show or personality behind each you can choose three in this round good luck six exciting rounds I know [Music] you have chosen screen number one let's look at this picture Jesus Christ that's terrifying no you can't just do that was the name of the main villain terrahawks okay so what was the name of the main villain in terrahawks Zelda choose a picture we're just going to cheap one I want like Knoll to eat his words improve that we're addicted to television you have chosen screen number to take a look at this picture didn't look too good with that last [ __ ] we seen better days which of these is a gameshow presented by Vickery's and Bob Mortimer I think it's shooting stars let me see shooting stars picking Bob yep choose another picture choose another picture you have chosen screen number three take a look at this picture look at this picture 17 okay oh my gos what is the surname of the family at the center of the TV show Arrested Development I don't need to look this up for someone's gonna know here development is hugely popular as the Bluth family there you go laughter an excellent start that two full three points for the round let's add that to the scoreboard now you're not so sassy now are you know but rather reserved and quiet considering we just got that round next up is the profess Eclipse round first we'll show you a video from a well known TV program followed by some questions on that show are you ready here comes the clip here's the clip this is play some more licensed television on our stream just have a one quick funny story before the news online for we have Roy from Bunge hello Roy hello funny story what is it I sold this Makia cordless power drill in local paper and then six months later I received the very same one back as a Christmas present from my brother-in-law - say you gave away then go back yeah that's it good boy a story ah that's supposed to be funny I don't get it you just where does I live in the first series of I'm Alan Partridge hilarious our to eat okay I'm Alan Partridge you where does he live he lives in a hotel oh wow yeah so it's caravan canal barge or motel so that's motel okay you know no true comedy I just didn't get it as high over 2001 film written by and starring Steve Coogan is this to do what Alan Partridge the police the parole the customs defusion you the parole officer I think it is there's using the internet it was actually funny the point is that the story wasn't from ok ships around let's add those to your score I think I just missed it I hadn't get that please the spotlight round five questions coming up each with a time limit okay so what I'm gonna use the home button the time you won't score a tough around this one round quick are you ready okay here we go okay you gotta see what we've got to read the question is pause it and then look up the answer which in the fall is a TV drama starring bill Patterson okay bill Patterson um let's look up let's get up all of the films he started someone else may have seen the answer you okay sorry one called sea of souls is that there yeah completely choosing it what was the main job of the Wombles she don't know I never really watched the longest and about that that's what I should I should know Wombles dub and the Wombles do I picked up rubbish was it litter lactam mother the hell is a wonderful [Applause] Hooper's end the chess and six TV show how do you solve a problem like Maria how do you solve a problem like Maria TV show you you Dale Winton and those Graham Knorr in there it's Graham Norton perfect who played the title role in the fall and rise of Reginald Perrin and rise of Reginald Perrin the Leonard Rossiter she isn't it pretty hard right now which of these TV show shows featured Capeside high school Highschool Dawson's Creek I any of these excellent you did well to handle the pressure there that's a full five points to add to your total oh yeah I just I just stopped all the pressure and all I just I just she just that entire round next up is the reveal round we're going to slowly reveal a clue to a tricky question there are a maximum five points for this round the quicker you want this one's gonna be higher as you'll score look carefully so everyone's got I'll have like a good memory here because I got a positon stone [Music] okay which TV personality is it we didn't have much of a look but who was this who can swim was that brucey for points if you goddamn it [Applause] we lost a point that was quick well done that's four points for you see the last single points add that to your total early on 14 how we could around 15 next up is the guess the year round we're going to show you a picture from against the envy show followed by Stewart against no have to do is identify the year we'll help you out by giving you the decade all you have to do is use the numbers on-screen to give us the year good luck you get a one-off that's good enough I'm not resetting no I don't want to play this game again hello who you supposed to be what year did Ferrari first appear as a guest presenter on Eurotrash see okay you know know if you're watching TV where trash is literally in the title I don't think you're in a position to criticize me for not being a Tele addict I think you're an actual tally addict who has a problem at that point Lola Ferrari Eurotrash there's not even like a search bar result for this you you you you what year is it 1990 tree who people say I don't actually see what year it is I'm trying to look it up but no one knows I've no idea this person is it's not 1776 guys you gotta stop saying that in 1993 god damnit guys I've I've Minds gonna ruin it 1997 Lala Ferrari appeared in Sex Lies and Aliens a documentary about which newspaper that's the expression I'd make on my face to that question okay this is gonna be a weird one for the search history Sex Lies and aliens daily sports apparently everyone scream in the Sun I've mind I'd looked up the answer I cheated and I did my research everyone else is just go along with the hive mind says it's daily sports you got a check you got a cheat how low do you got a sink to copy your friends answers just cheat like the rest of us nationality is Eurotrash presenter it sounds like they're insulting her and what nationality is this Eurotrash presenter it's like someone Raylan hired against Europe are you just Eurotrash but I assume it's Spanish a French if it's the shows called Eurotrash it sounds very French if I do say so yes French a good round that's two points forgets the year let's add that to your total I don't see we last one it's the hive mind fastest there it's teen right we're now entering our final round I don't your last chance to boost your score to try and become a real tally addicts champion three questions three going up each chosen from one of our five TV categories use the spinner this is the same thing he said before any luck this is probably the most game play in this game good the spinner let's spin it soaps you have landed on soaps here is your question are we going which of these soaps was not created by Phil Redmond so weird one to search for the answer for so bill Redmond all the oaks comes up work side comes up so it's probably El Dorado [Applause] spin the wheel you I believe it's 1776 you guys cartoons here's your question the exact same thing the last time a lot on cartoons in Sabrina of the animated series what is special about Sabrina okay I haven't seen the animated series but like on you ask a better question about Sabrina the Teenage Witch [Applause] surely there's a better way to have a question relation to that show in Sabrina the Teenage Witch what does Sabrina's name basically the question you have landed on drama here is your question drama here we go which of these is TV series star and Amanda Redman and Dennis Waterman old tricks magic tricks new tricks I think new tricks is an actual show and man new tricks well done a good time to hit forum that's full marks for our last round tolerance has those three points and take a look at your fire I'm not gonna press a come on you're gonna eat those words you know a proof I can use Google a very good score well done you really do know your TV trivia I really enjoyed playing and I hope you did too so why not have another go and see if you can do even better good bye I'll see you next time really enjoyed playing that's the entire game there's nothing else here with this game there's no other game modes the only two players max this well it's so unrelated these are Deal or No Deal there was unlocked so you get like the bankers underwear and stuff like that there is nothing here you just click Play that's it you can't even go back from this point you get zero points next okay welcome to telly addicts the nations favor again our monies word for this game a look at some more here we go again [Music] you okay yeah sure whatever that is skip it we're going quest and which of these areas Ray Mears and expert Ray Mears it sounds like survival yeah antiques choose Koen as fast as we can which of these pies was twin beaks character Dale Cooper particularly fond of I don't know so I have to look up the answer and in not pick it so Dale Cooper I berry pie yep choose here's the category you danton deck and I saw Dan take away Condesa have a chance to win items from wash and deck either night takeaway prices this is like an older one what do they win you keep they can win prizes based on television adverts so as they sporting registry oh no okay actually get his end of round reaction each time to show us around first we'll show you a video from a well-known TV program followed by because that means we'll get more like fassan are you ready here comes the clip [Music] okay it just inhaled it's this I stated lots of pointed limpid shells I can make a very bumpy road with those I've got something soft too sis can be I'll go and get it what are we watching ah finger mouse sheep's wool well done that's very soft to walk on which character from finger Bob's got his own TV series in 8th 1985 so again we need you need you guys need to work out what the correct answer is every time and then we just pick something different like we have to know what it is otherwise you have a chance to get in the right so finger mops it looks absolutely terrified you what was the spinoff you okay finger mass is the one who got his spin-off we're gonna say Gulliver there he is again what type of bird was Gulliver and finger bumps he was a seagull he was across not a good round he didn't get any of those classic clip questions correct okay no change to your school here it is no change to your score next up is the spotlight round five questions coming up each with a time limit if you fail to answer in time you won't score a tough around this one so you need to be quick are you ready okay here we go I'll keep it up so we need to be quick so I'm just not gonna answer oh this one's actually quite easy hurry up is don't answer and we fail out of time oh it actually has a different TV screen if you run out of time [Music] are you just gonna wait its curupira late to do nothing star drug who was second-in-command of the Starship Enterprise hurry up hurry up [Music] country was tv-series meet the mcgoun sesh Scotland Mexico or India hurry up it was hurry up it's legit looks like a flash game it probably is except it's a flash game move made by Ubisoft let's see the back of the box for the first time ever in all Edmonds brings his classic TV showed a Nintendo Wii featuring famous clips pics and hundreds of questions fine jackets ago TV there's something for every member of the family going on as you go through six rounds of fun did the pressure get to you nothing does she's all for that round let's see your total and the pressure gasoline oil is kind of overwhelming that round next up is the reveal round we're going to slowly reveal a clue to a tricky question through just way to the end to get around five points for this round the quicker you answer going on see guys who drew six rounds of fun discover who is the real telly addict in your family there's like nothing in this game absolutely nothing here three plus three points if you answer now this is now worth three points two points left just the one point for this I love how aggressive he gets three points two points you're pushing it only one point now at which TV personality is it so what's the correct answer it's not the Elon Musk like a manual for this I'm just gonna check because I'm always amazed that people even find something to say about these games and it just goes through every round this one there's like there's nothing even of a note I would do note that I'm to serve you better Ubisoft is now providing full online support to solve your gaming problems quickly and efficiently Lisa's support helpline is in here you know some tricky questions and telly attics you might get stuck it's like literally a page in here just tells you how to put the Wiimote on with the wrist strap you some reason they called the TV lizza lonch in the manual that's metal okay so who's this guy sorry who is this guy so we don't don't pick it you not a narrative yeah I'll just have to look up all three of these people he's Leslie okay we got Robert okay even after you had all that time you still managed to get it wrong that's zero points with around here's another look at your total just a reminder you're not doing well thanks next up is the guests the year-round we're going to show you a picture from a classic TV show followed by some questions first all you have to do is absolutely seven year we'll help you out by giving you the decade all you have to do is use the numbers on-screen to give us the year good luck good luck [Music] yes dear so we gotta get the wrong here hello there how's it going in what year was the last episode of hi-dee-hi or shown on TV Oh Heidi hi uhh okay well it was still going in 1988 so I'm just gonna say 19 is perfect which TV show did soo polar play a maid called ivy Teasdale it's a sue Pollard of us now comes up okay so I'm gonna say upstairs Downstairs his character in ID hi you sooo pollard ctrl-f on the wiki page it was Peggy we're gonna go with Polly doing good you were way off we guess the year you didn't score anything about here is your total right Safiye neural so it's your last chance to boost us the treasure to try and become a rural way up three questions coming up easy just lastly if you get around the categories use the spinner to make your selection no lasers god I like can I just say as we're doing this I'm amazed that like we there was even like a second no Lightman's game for us to play if I was amazed like when I found out that Deal or No Deal even exists it the fact that there's like another one and this one's like ported across consoles to to actually mind-boggling I'm gonna have to see just of what other games I can find weed specifically Nolan so we can like do all his cooking shows I think he hosted are you smarter than a 10 year old at some point though he might have a Wii game for that spin the wheel I was soulless been trapped into this game for hundreds of years and he has never had a bad player like you who have landed on drama here is your question okay drama it all admits a moat we have one it's a thinking a moat that's no we do actually have one of novels we also have like the box from Deal or No Deal as in the moat we have two emotes or no in fact who played the leading role in spender was it me I think it was Jimmy Nail so I'm gonna say Timothy I'm gonna have nightmares from this Oh it's just you failed on the quiz show the gala get ultimates on reality TV here is your question I'll be TV thing or one get me baby one more time in 2005 I thought that was a song by Britney Spears the Tiffany I hate heavy baby one more time 2005 you TV series you Deveney shows up here but so does shakin Stevens the first week he was won by Tiffany and then it was shakin Stevens okay Chesney's not Shawn no Chesney one one as well grand final shakin Stevens one okay so let's go with Chesney have to do a bit of research fair spin the wheel you we got more drama you have landed on drama here is your question we got who wrote the novel on the TV series who are who wrote the novel in which the TV series bride shed revisited was based I don't but let's look up the TV show and we can see oh the author was Evelyn and only Oscar Wilde did this so let's go is this game really this quiet yes really put your head in a spin you didn't get any of those right so no points to add to your final score let's take a look at where that leaves you Jesus now on their heads is such a spin I don't know which way is up I don't know which way is down performance like that it's clear that you need a lot more practice before you can be a Tele addicts champion why not have another go and see if you do any better thanks for playing telly addicts and I'll see you next time I was inexperienced that's it that's all we got how unsatisfying was us I wasn't even worse doing it again we've played this game like three more times than anyone should like if you just play this one so you've got the full experience of the game there's nothing else here and what you think got no got pay for this game I had a guess I would say like 400,000 pounds because he's a celebrity probably bought a new car with the proceeds made from this game alone terrible game the whole died for this at first I thought this is one of those DVD games how DVD games have a bit more thought put into the mess whenever you see a quiz show a game like that the thing you have to bear in the back of your mind it's that buzz the big quiz is a game that existed and that came out way before all these other ones and that was incredible just how lazy is this game it says in the friend the boxer like it's a multiplayer family edition is there another edition of this game Oh God okay well thank you everyone for coming by the stream tonight I hope you enjoy both a combination of we play and tele addicts hope you're addicted to television much as I am now we're gonna play the Troy become human I get my question a lot I've already seen a play drove it oh I really don't know as I already know everything happens I never I never thought I would even own a ps4 but I specifically got this year because channel like that's it it's just I can stream some new games on it and you know like what when did Detroit come out like that was was way earlier in the air I think it was like April I want to say Detroit become human when that release okay it was just at the end of the end of May yeah see I saw like that was a game when it came out I thought I would never get a chance to play because anything to be able to get a ps4 yes I I just watched Germans play to robot when he was dreaming it at least you have music now yeah thank God I came with so quiet yeah like the title theme and that's literally it Oh God [Music] have you seen any good suggestions on the new game suggestions disk or channel yeah I've seen a few I'm not going to confirm like which of the suggestions I go for but rather I'm going to be looking at it I'm going to place a big order what I might do is post a cheeky picture when it all arrives it's gonna be like a mighty stack of games but outside of that I'm not gonna go true and say hey this person yet a game you picked that's gonna be streamed congratulations no I'm trying to keep much more casual Matt could people ease up on the 1776 meme to like not even a thing now are we going submerged for the end of the stream a bit much guys come on wasn't that funny there you go there goes oh you almost made it they were so close why you 1776 a meme I'm not sure either I think I think for like one of the questions I just thought someone say and I said it's not that and everyone's right it's just always when a full street without sub mode we were very close yeah we fought for that me hearty yes lest we forget that's what the American War of Independence was really about Oh God well on Saturday I'll be back with him in a game though in Sunday as well something I want to mention for Sunday stream which is in particular gonna mention it now I'm probably gonna do that stream a little earlier like we're gonna start earlier the reason being I'm probably gonna have to head out that evening and it's been a while since we had a stream that's a bit more favorable towards the Australians because cuz you know that they have to put up with some pretty bad times to make any of the streams that's how the planet in general so I'm probably gonna start that one on Sunday like two hours earlier than I normally would just as a little like heads up for that it's gonna be a very laid back stream like we're literally going to be doing playing Pokemon we're gonna be trying to find Danny DeVito again like that's it [Music] but that will be on Sunday Australians only known Australians only but it'll be a bit more favorable for there's just that side of the planet in general like alia be easier for you to actually thinking about rip no no that's for the best I gotta I gotta just get rid of rip na yeah na may not be able to make it on Sunday that's the only thing because it is quite early but you know it's been a while since we had an early day stream though I I was thinking it might be nice like it's either that or I can start at the usual time and stream two hours that's not a lot of time to search for Danny DeVito so I thought we'd commit okay that's gonna be it for tonight folks hope you enjoyed the stream I got a fly back to the UK for a day tomorrow I'll be back tomorrow as well it's gonna be like a daily trip thing but I will talk to you all on Saturday Oh take care guys and all the best marade what's gone hiya sir knees going all right sir knee I guess
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 93,421
Rating: 4.8058252 out of 5
Keywords: rtgamecrowd, We would like to play, Wii Play, Twitch, Gaming, We, would, like, to, play, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: P3COVas85Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 8sec (11528 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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