THE FOLD - Big Brain Academy Wii Degree

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what's up guys it is officially January 1st 2011 my name is Josh Thomas I'm the host at the big block calm welcome to the phone three year old no now see birthdays and the new year are comparing two different things next don't worry you'll you'll grow up someday yes oh okay but you know what Nick makes a good point he is not that smart so I thought what would be really fun is uh 2011 we're gonna do some academic games right we're gonna kick off this new year by getting our brains in shape with a classic games we in my opinion Big Brain Academy we'd agree I've always wanted to play this on the fold so now we have an excuse you know because we're saying that oh we know the names go on you that's kind of our gimmick here so yeah you ready oh I'm ready get our brains going it's the first day of a new year I think it's appropriate right do a little competition look I've got about a Brian you just you just sit there okay here we go all right category board okay yeah this is fun I like this are they starting with you I've never played that one go ahead and do it come on I'm good at this one all right oh and I always they always get see this is probably so expert meaning it's harder for you to earn points yeah good luck to you there's more elephants tomorrow you're going real slow you know you got time here alright well it's your loss Nick Martin guy you've spent oh I don't know there's more elephants no there was not there's always more elephants no matter what work is zero always more elephant just listen to her this listen shorty far it's a guy you said forget you okay joshie let's booty hey you're not good at that one I'm gonna do that one I want to do this one just because there's a woman in a Baker's camp Porter out booyah okay got it I don't know medium pizza hey Grill dumpling ensure garlic chicken egg rolls yeah hold on I got a call yeah dumplings chicken chow mein garlic chicken all right I'll tell our chef Nick Nick any dumplings chicken chow mein and garlic chicken got it this game is easy this isn't fair a lot hold on hold on a second got a phone call okay hamburger grilled cheese we can do that apple pie we got the message in town we get the best in town all right half win I buy it mix getting hungry oh yeah what else did they want hamburger and girl she thought hug a new grilled cheese beginner god cheese again all right yeah hello chop suey thank you got it yeah everybody wants order three things it's just strangest thing packing duck um garlic chicken oh just leave holy Lord not a minutes rest yeah yeah cuz they like same faster on me this game is unbelievably easy they give you three unmistakable things to listen to so anyways else you won't be able to got to answer it quick this guy seems shy ruff you're done that kind of knew what I was wearing five only haha she does a lot of work for five measly points oh yeah you had a whole two minutes please glad that I'm not the answer calls it please chant I know good one that one terrible I hate that's take one you got zero points on your first one yeah cuz it was on expert I gotta do this I got an easy one yeah that's the funny thing you get more points from this and I had to take like 50 orders we watch the swords that's a hard block it's early all godiano by Ray Ray 5 look let me bow fee fie foe fum reh Dogg oh you're doing very good these are the hard ones though satellite caught so much they don't want to distract you don't think you're trying to see the burbs the thing about those birds neg is that they're glorious we raised seven books cages one one two three four eight nine three foot oh I'm gonna spank your right here Oh bucktooth girls yeah come on a time when I get seven she believed by two that was a pretty good store hey you just had to find Birds I had to take orders everybody wanted to order three things I thought that was a little serious and I don't even remember well maybe they have a child I don't even remember putting a lot more items on our menu peeking got a coop with that on the menu I don't want to make it real cheese got it alright we're gonna do compute you know it's not you were never good at math does not compute or equal thank you good not go for out yeah yeah howdy knock you out oh you're alive time I washed it nobody likes this side of you nobody likes this side of you Oh everyone does Oh oh yeah you're a girl you're losing so you get to go again I like it I like it I'm an identifying want to be the loser at the last possible second got hard difficulty here three two one boom let's do this is it a deep rock penguin a plant or an owl that's good is no hay and all I must beg well that was penguins not penguins that was cheating right there is a Gore Pena this one I'm the worst at this one because I think so minimal right I got a point when you look for color got the shades on my mind works you're gonna stop laughs and I gotta concentrate you got this one he's gonna try to help you no talking too much you're out of time I'm nervous deer in the headlights you were talking to mayor for you're talking too much during my turn that's cheese you're beating me by - yep pretty much you choose you gotta be - for your overall great I gotta be go ahead pick one mix got a lot of categories so let's get pickin good is go these people got places to go they're sitting on the computers they don't have anywhere honest when I'm terrible asses it's like you got to figure stuff out didn't matter which I did don't mess up see the thing that one goes there and then that one on the other side they're over there drop it drop it there it's just terrible it's just all yours this is all it's gonna be moving these little cars into place oh no I didn't mean to set it there ya know why oh it's a tie game I'm just making it interesting you know that's what I want to do yeah that's what you do I am trying to make the game interesting you're being legitimately messed out come on oh it's tight enough I know why I don't get it I'm gonna be visual I don't get why they give use it when it's time wait you can get the times - it's not it I haven't oh yeah there's a lot of secret foot cards it's like yeah like the first one I got let's see top right I'm helping out Nick I am I ever been no not to help you out you're terrible at that one oh yeah well look what they're getting in there you do not compute that one thank you are you distressed - why you picking out a sudden we understand that game oh there's a five minute point there Nick but I get seven nice what that face our hold on these two face you often ever you make that face right there that's what I see you doing a lot um the flower one is this one see Wow gives already shut up remote I know it's difficult geez the largest to smallest well mouse Colonel you're right o mountains bigger than a galaxy Heinrich and fastest to slowest rocket has skills Mike can have amazing I've got wings on my bike it's not legs as a tentacle did I get that the end now it's time my still playing I think you are I like has really tired I don't know that's about 60 actually I mean now you're a pretty good team this you have 15 I'm doing with mix easy goes to those like remaining cars have to have question marks underneath them you know after but you know they probably do cuz we have like the funny comes easy rather and turn turn got it and turn straight got it go faster Optimus hi Scott nine rat it was actually thank you we have two elephants donkey door ready rooster nice for did I get that point you didn't I better have gotten that point I whack them all as viable more I wrapped them all seven that's gonna be difficult to face I mean what if what are you beating me back you've got a really come on why I think you've got a total of 22 and I've got a total of 16 but I tell you one thing I don't have any spot on the board that's just a goose egg what you do you got yes give me the types - yeah this is where it's good if I screw up I'm done huh why are they right why does every Gabe regarding today love you you say do Farida if you do hurry on Roy I do it's do Faudree no I do do you do yeah Tommy you jeez the no yeah that before all right so I get four points oh man I really made you have to go again I think yeah I know but I don't think that's a good thing why would it not be a good thing why would not be a good thing you can really get some points now that's got a question mark there telling you that has a question mark on it that's part of the game never mind yeah that's their family I figure out so are you gonna do I know two categories Kevin I I think I could cheer you over here quite getting no points and then really risk an aquatic bar ladies and gentlemen Nick Barton that's the way word plays good well you can't know you got employees I think that just put you or anyone here's a dead yeah are these all going be balls oh no and you do that on purpose or are you just sorry boys like it I got to it's not week ahead of me no I think it did I didn't I'm not counting but I think it did another table game no why do you get to go no you're not beating me no look you've got a total nothing oh you got a total 22-point you're not gonna total what 20 well me I got 22 were tied we're tied maybe the Nintendo knew that people would be little cheaters like you oh I just have to get one right by the way so okay dreamy fafafa dream ah ba ba ba ba ba ba you can't get it right you can't get it right you got it wrong gosh well I hope it was like Thai 21 let's hope your math was correct otherwise with do one alright I think I don't know I mean I definitely have more that's a lesson for you okay now I get Kyle Thanks well it's gonna tell us one yeah you are so easily oh man what are you thinking I was trying to screw over really yeah that's the one that's why I will always prevail over you cuz I play win you just play like Wario you're like wow yeah yeah and I'm like mark alright well I think my brain is ready for the new year 2011 it's clobbering airing it in for it I guess something weird like a buzzing is that normal I don't know anyways that's the Big Brain Academy we'd agree it's four years old but they laid it anyway
Channel: TheBitBlock
Views: 138,309
Rating: 4.8357487 out of 5
Keywords: big, brain, academy, thebitblock, wii, degree, nintendo, age, wiimote, multiplayer, quiz, miyamoto
Id: UF_SLsKsX00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2011
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