Let's Play Big Brain Academy Wii Degree (Part 1) | Galaxy Brain Incoming

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hey guys man I must be crazy I'm just oh okay we're playing Big Brain Academy that we'd agree hey rich grayton how's it going you guys are crazy I'm apparently also crazy for putting this on the games list III doubt it'll be that long hey Wolfgang everyone wants to see how big of a brain doomsday has now let's begin I thank you most heartily for choosing our Academy of big brains let me introduce myself I'm dr. lobe the headmaster what's my role to help you master what's in your head of course isn't my brain small hey that's rude Wolfgang also untrue my brain is bigger than anyone elses brain fight me so if you want the biggest brain around get ready to work your mental puzzles but you'll never hear me yell no pain no brain that's per lunkheads we focused purely on fun our rooms are filled with mind-boggling activities really makes our academy spring to life is you and all your friends that you aren't bringing I'm all alone I got my amazing viewers oh the biggest brain of all I wonder so enjoy our solo courses and group competitions let your training begin you've arrived just in time to enjoy a new feature of our Academy ah 2019 just in time it's our cutting-edge remote coach approach we take the Wii Remote that you hold in your hand that's odd let's try this again oh I see ya buddy remote speakers turned all the way down well that's too bad I don't have a buffer it's just great and Britain's crazy remote coach broach the remote coach gives you the encouragement you need to succeed I said you'd like to hear into action simply turn up your wheel road speaker you officially registered no worries great and I forgive you or you complete the student registration process here we'll need you to fill out your name and choose a photo for your records I don't see why not Oh it'll be kind of hard to hear hey look it's the we Vegeta you do have our PhD I close that's gotta count for something [Music] now apparently I enrolled five six years ago and never come I don't know how that works because I have to create savedata when I started this today oh wait I know it probably thinks it's 2014 well a splendid your student registration is complete you just pressed a a few times I wish it is 2014 we officially welcome you to pick Vereen Academy okay so can we exit start now but if it's your very own student record both Vegeta all of our students track how big their brains are with these records within the pages of the student record you'll find all the metals you've earned in practice sessions you can also check your latest test results compare your record to other students records stop outside the office to examine everyone's record postings but you don't have to stop it comparing and also compete against them in mind sprint challenges hmm I'll beat you all and uh with this mind sprint thing furthermore you can send your student record to your we friends about that so that way they can compare and compete at their academies give it a joy no this may seem sudden but I just see how big your brain is oh oh join me down the hall de left then into the test door awesome advice before you do the test scan the rules for the test activities that way we'll get the purest first results possible see you there well okay Hey look there's random people [Music] okay untested to where the rules all right you got your Wii Speaker for like five seconds it's done now what up the balloons and lowest to highest sounds easy okay seem so bad some basic computation I [Music] didn't see the other negative we messed up a few times is hard I know it's so hard alright let's give this a try see how big my brain is oh no memorize I had the best memory guys what was I doing don't have multiple birds at once faces [Music] [Music] okay here we go memorize [Music] [Music] all your selves effect brain size maybe [Music] [Music] oh the rest of it was disappeared what no way see I'm the best memorization also asides a little distracted yo Wolfgang twenty nine months you are crazy and you're also awesome and yet didn't cause me to fail I caused me to fail if I'm the best at failing but I only somewhat failed okay that's definitely a penguin okay here we go [Music] and that resolution oh that's a thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] position I'm not doing the riddles with that game thank you seem annoying okay I'm good an analysis right here we go [Music] third fastest has a really weird way to say that [Music] [Music] I actually cut that one all right I'm the best the good effort of course is a good effort I'm the best I hope you enjoyed your first test big fun big brain as we say our Academy we measure results by the weight of your brain oh man everyone was joining in you jerks let's take that power exams and grams bigger is better keep that in mind my own brain about 1977 grams I'm almost off the scale the average about 1400 grams after a week at the academy that is my brain is beyond big it's true we have great faith in you first-timers often get 75 there 750 grams so what are you waiting let's find out now [Music] you don't quite a job adding muscle to your brain dr. Valarie you test results I award a great feeling congratulations I'm certified you touch grade you if your hope is to raise your grade I hardly recommend daily practice well now then let's study results first of all your results with well balanced this time so we're sure your course of excellent so next it's up to you in addition for oomph in your pace your score will go up even more so you learn some excellent results but don't rest on your laurels from that brain of yours you may reign supreme with more practice more practice I didn't do any practice in closing let me prove it your final evaluation what's the exact size and shape of your brain let's see the summer apparently a movie director but not bad not bad [Music] looks like my analysis is superior now the others are all pretty similar let's see here oh it's the office [Music] view records huh you know that's not what it said a minute ago well I guess it's time to do that practice get all those medals and then we'll take the test again clearly be amazing at everything [Music] okay here we go ready to begin [Music] [Music] come on now Xena carry on opposite ends well better that's large I bet that you'll make it far far far bigger still a 300 grand a couple metal look at that shine anything all right well let's do medium anymore things are slightly more difficult I don't think it has negative [Music] [Music] [Applause] ad that's harder still 300 though that was horrible I don't know I got the gold medal like Lily it wasn't that bad I see you guys do these quickly without practice ready to go pretty tough make it so hard to read [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you ever purchase this game oh hey even better that and then medium [Applause] [Music] expert wait what I don't know if I'm ready for expert let's give it a go ready to begin what and after that hard though okay now they're actually mixing up the noise I'm bad I'm bad only I hadn't missed the last one person bad 400 400 for fun curious I can get 400 here it's not actually that hard oh that's now restart I thought there's this three six not three nights stupid living ready to go it's easier to get it here than on the others what others ready to begin I saw five sevens not 758 to telling us four new google says platinum metals at each level well okay that killed my time I can't just cause I [Music] click that you saw me click it and like now ready to go yep you're watching a grown-man play a ten year old brain academy game in 2019 you figured because that's getting gold too easily yeah I was wondering the same thing the small one what are these numbers [Music] [Music] [Music] that should be platinum you record [Music] that's not good enough for platinum well GG well played hey doing that isn't good enough I think it happens if I do easy it's not going to actually be that great [Music] [Music] okay well actually maybe maybe I can okay probably not alright I was all great and super I am get 400 except for that one I missed let's not mess up any and then pointing laughs ready to go Dan no great and I'm not paying to play that game again I already eat it not going for easy other things okay so I got a platinum for 400 there [Applause] it's a game bad no but I already beat it and it's not interesting play over and over it was hard ready to begin here we go trick me with a zero how is that nice [Applause] I was gonna get 400 anyway a new record yay alright latinum is clearly stupid III quit platinum he's going for gold here we go I'll show you warmed up time is for suckers I mean except for here here platinum was free I know I thought that because I wasn't going for platinum I wouldn't stranding Lee get it ah that'll show ya ready to go alright medium difficulty what how is that okay feel like I'm getting punished here or something oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Penguins me back to go for platinum rich those two you guys actually care [Music] fine fine you want to go let's go ready to begin okay seriously how do I go from super to like nothing for taking like two seconds more I got platinum [Music] wait didn't get platinum what come on [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that's definitely me platinum what how is it it worse I what [Music] ready to go this game about that last one there we go wait Tsun Tsun Tsun give my stupid platinum medal I need to get platinum here I'm not even sure what I did wrong on that one [Music] yeah apparently they're different ready to go yeah but the summon was so big I thought it was double digit sometimes we go too fast ready to began like the wrong one the rotating really confuses me as I hae a stick this platinum metal is impossible [Music] like they rotate the balloons around and LBI oh hey it's a 31 that's higher than 20 something right and then nonono is actually a 13 for platinum here 4500 there for you 450 maybe to go how's it going I clicked the 26 that's the other thing about this you got to move really quickly and precisely every second counts all right that had better be platinum it's so good there I'm never getting flattened it's just impossible all right reading is hard it's not figuring out which number is high it's figuring out what the numbers are I can instantly know okay all 13 is higher than 8 but sometimes 13 is actually 31 [Music] [Music] [Music] stupid ten I was 10 so big I hadn't read that number yet cuz it showed up later [Music] I rich you're the one that wanted me to get platinum on everything I don't don't change your mind now ready to go this might be the hardest platinum in the entire game all the numbers are so low there I'm just bad I will get that stupid yeah 41 seconds one second more than my best I can just do 39 seconds I'll have it ready to begin here we go [Music] [Music] that was trivial sometimes they throw in random small numbers sometimes they don't I thought it was a 41 yeah I will frequently flip the numbers around when they're upside down 8 why is there an 8 [Music] I hate it when they're like hey we've got single-digit numbers here we got a second one in another spot just confuse you okay that time I forgot that there is a 30 ready to begin medium is impossible to get platinum on there that was platinum probably that's got to be bad then no way that's not platinum man it sure is rough housing such an enormous brain in my head here told you 39 seconds yeah yeah now hard hard is easy though and just introduces negative numbers you gotta do things in Reverse [Music] I'm not seeing negative numbers here negative number click it oh wait there's a ready-to-go more negative number and that's Shady [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the robots can play only do this the biggest range I mean I am basically just instructed I got 400 that's not bad unfortunately need like 500 ready to begin and I wasn't 84 about that was darn it it's doing so well and then number flipping and then number flipping definitely faster though I just need to be faster and correct i misclicked [Music] whatever is a lot of negatives I don't even notice that one it doesn't help that this is little light here sometimes blocks the minus sign ready to go so I'm blaming I clicked it now it's just a Miss click ready to begin [Music] [Music] [Music] and flip the numbers again so much faster I wouldn't have been platinum but I'm in close to 45 450 72 why are you hiding these numbers are just hard to see sometimes ready to begin let's do this [Music] I clicked you hey Joe and I did fail to click on something like I have the order and then I just miss click I didn't see that one positive I could have been hit I got a new record and I failed the last one ready to go [Music] [Music] I wonder how well box can do with this and and that was getting them alright [Music] really dumb ones that time ready to begin I had like seven never positive or something yeah that positive ones are harder to read all right hopefully that is platinum hopefully only need 450 god better than that do like two seconds faster or something ready to go let's do this [Music] totally this is just me practicing for my tournament match tomorrow between my identification skills [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's about as good as it's gonna get that's not platinum that was worse that was worse you gotta be kidding me clearly I'll warm dad have like four and a half seconds for each one clearly impossible ready to go [Music] [Music] [Applause] Hey batter's positive and she the - I'm alright expert is clearly impossible I'm just gonna not do it keep going I'm gonna keep going keep going and this so getting platinum platinum is stupid not a robot I didn't mean to do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] man good think I could salvage that gold medal look at how high it is now honey stupid platinum metals platinum is overrated [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know nice 20 it's a three right now these are impossible nice 20 minus 1/9 recent buy three possible just an easy one as impossible Oh silver metal and I'm bad Alice we gotta try that again we are getting gold don't give me these nice nineteen looks at minus three and at the operative what I needed to do ready to begin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and bad math that's hard well I got the gold good enough that little play play alright still in compute yeah I gave up on platinum now I'm just going for gold down [Music] [Music] [Music] evany [Applause] apparently it didn't like it when rich did an attack wait oh and a stick did an attack why aren't they in points list that's weird how does it really easy flat in the middle okay I'll be right back guys and then we will show off how big of a brain we have it's truly massive all right let us continue massive talent yada yada yada oh you flatter me so alright now it's gonna be actually like the challenge get straight again yeah hey a stick could you hold off on attacking noon try bought for like 10 minutes and I think it hasn't added you to the list of users yet which is impressive you basically showed up and immediately started attacking so I appreciate the enthusiasm but my body is dumb and needs to actually add you to the list first it's a I need to fix that but for now hold off on attacking that's not easy to add people manually great also easy platinum don't worry about the beat details Brayton how I'll deal with it myself eventually when I feel like it this actually is pretty rare that someone shows up and starts actually attacking curious ID so textile okay this may be slightly harder ready to go they're going faster now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay I don't think I'm getting platinum on that one that's I could go gold and don't worry about right and I'm just lazy that's all it looks kind of like platinum right I'm sorry though ready to begin I can't just go at max speed and win [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all day and make calculated guesses I if I want to lose maybe all right I got the gold medal that's good enough [Music] that will play not good enough no no no you see because I unlocked expert [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey happy now currently barely happy [Applause] alright I have mastered compute lately that's what uh eighty percent correct wings all right let's do visualize [Music] that masters we'll all platinum nope definitely mastered what are you talking about I'm the best I can do better than that [Applause] [Music] try it again Oh sayonara Wildhearts is a game ready to begin its a rhythm game I guess [Music] [Music] [Music] and possible oh absolutely impossible let's just go for gold well the gold is kind of hard so well that's go for bronze actually I can probably get patent on that pretty easily [Music] ready to go exactly just enjoy a grown man playing brain academy on stream [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] latinum you need 450 as you can tell absolutely close ready to begin alright guys play nice well I just see you everything away it's doing so good until the end like I think I'm just gonna be super slow and bad get confused yeah sometimes we have a small brain it's okay that's why we're playing this to get a bigger brain what speak of this to no one I had that one doesn't count [Music] [Music] [Music] there is our platinum easy-peasy brainy squeezy [Applause] the patent among the easier one [Applause] but it's harder I gotta be like fasting stuff fine fine you want platinum on easy not big enough not big enough [Music] [Music] there's your platinum a stick I hope you're happy [Applause] we'll never be Brett what now Alice that's harsh see if I go after platinum for you then [Music] when I tank was a hard one on me I'll get really you think I can get platinum on this one I'm very confused right now so confusing right oh it's impossible only I've gotten platinum on any of the hard ones with the wrong bird two birds that look the same ready to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they didn't flip wasn't flipped that time I don't know if you to ratio is beautiful how is that 400 yeah I miss like to open I missed one and now you need 500 to get platinum in expert it's impossible ready to begin I'll be content with my goals and move on [Music] oh you be quiet a stick your small brain comments I have the biggest brain it's so big it can't even fit I'll take my gold exactly can't even fit alright let's do this one you know I was expecting be only a single track very easy I need to go yeah we know that's gonna be two tracks actually [Music] yuck it up a a stick y'all get up and get that Platinum though platinum on easy that's what my massive brain has decided to do ready to begin new kind of hard to their well a DS version is not on the game since so rest in peace [Applause] [Music] I'll do an attack and find out oh [Music] actually I do power there you go now you should be able to attack hopefully unless it's something else about your name that it doesn't like I'm watching it see this attack see this amazing attack I look forward to watching you get bodied by the bots and your power level is only 240 so yeah it's not gonna be a very good rank now there we go that's all I wanted to see as expected you tripod okay all right and notice the arrows to the side ready to go being chicks eat ahem of course rank what is the best way to begin your rank is relative to your peers slowly a stick [Music] [Music] [Music] adil play battle play I know that the rank is like come on I was so close to platinum was I saying yeah like I do chop em and you can see the top 10 ranks small brain I have a massive brain ok Magus my day is going good stop showing off my massive brain over here I didn't okay that was the Wii Remote oh yeah do exclamation power again I know that really that was the Weaver [Music] take brain play yeah I got all the big brain plays over here hey wait you only four ranks away from the top ten Wow for a mi be my best medium difficulty score yet oh yeah I took the brain test the beginning got a b-minus not too bad now I'm practicing all the games all god-metal win I'm gonna get all the god metals and I'm gonna take the test again it's gonna be amazing I can't click I click straightforward and it gave me left like I wish I could just use d pad or something again let me so yeah I don't want to cap that because that was slow ready to go that was rude I have to go back and forth back and forth back and forth forget it forget it feel like I can actually get platinum on this if it doesn't keep doing me luck right left right left right left right left right left right give Andy how hard it is to hit left and right precisely here pretty tough do it ready to begin [Music] [Music] I'm bad I had it gave me everything is so beautiful and I did actually made a mistake now it's giving me luck right left right [Music] small brain small brain ready to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there yeah you guys good get better computer and Internet I did it I got a platinum metal find the other flat in the middle you don't need to wrap things out well actually I guess this v8 now you should just play it and show off your amazing skills like I'm trying off my amazing skills right now can I get platinum on the expert ready to begin right [Music] it goes in Reverse now still easy peasy [Music] boom you want platinum expert there's your platinum expert that would make such easy challenges my brain is just so massive these are true delight I can beat them first try check it out oh yeah the one area I'm gonna have all the Platinum sitting so while the others are really annoying I'm terrible at this yeah you see my level my brains multi Universal [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah Britain it's Armageddon play it's fun game I feel like I can get platinum here but I am really not good at this [Applause] [Music] let's try this again ready to go play right come on guys so close so close let's need 400 I can do this ready to begin I think a little practice one is weird like they were just doing the same thing and then they exploded differently barely but we got it [Applause] [Music] I'll take that platinum metal and I'll move on with my life if I move on with my life I mean go on to the next thing [Music] hi this is where it gets kind of hard so many things to be looking at huh what's up he found the Christmas theme for early he passed nice it's just a Rando so you probably won't play the same seed that I did but I have fun with it they'll probably have another christmas-themed one this year yeah I'm not feeling the platinum there I could probably get it but I don't want it I'm not a fan of these odd one out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where's I don't see it oh really [Music] [Music] what am I missing here Oh rotation I was looking at everything except stuff how the horse is rotating okay well if that's 430 what's the YouTube for the sign our wild hearts on YouTube I don't think it's on YouTube quite yet you'll have to wait all right well if I can do that I should actually go for platinum ready to begin all warmed up here we go for real this time [Music] that was small brain rest and peace a stick by the way if you attack me I get a chance to counter sixty seconds and if I do well I win otherwise you and you steal some of my power that that was good that was good and here's sub to my YouTube then you'll see it I almost quit the wrong one apparently that was the wrong one yeah Brayton if you pay it if you're subscribed to the final streams then all of my twitch content goes there eventually ready to go [Music] [Applause] you know check your subs well I literally just keep asking and eventually it'll be up there also that wasn't 45 million for 450 500 hey Val Ian how's it going as you can see I am training my brain 4500 my ranking versus hey now that's your ranking versus thank you very much how was it was there some other key why were supposed to be seen there got confused he's catching up to me I'm good for him I guess sorry site this one so often [Applause] [Music] still can't do it 4,500 hard same 450 is harder though every time like 4540 500 450 ready to begin 4500 isn't even possible this is trippy I had missed the other one it wouldn't Wow wait a stick you can't even get a hundred expert oh you'll get there I got 200 Dec expert and I'm I can't whatever [Music] ready to go and then I just like ended it so I could do other things [Music] [Music] you don't skip enough I mean you don't really have to skip an expert looking at here and quite confused oh that's not moving that's what's different okay clearly rich is the one that's good is this odd one out ready to go wait it's not that one I don't like I don't like odd one out anyway ready to begin just clearly why I'm gonna do an expert you're impossible Oh I don't see it [Music] stupid clouds [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 230 huh [Music] that's basically fightin right yeah basically flatten them ready to go [Music] there's so many random things going on here ready to begin what wasn't it I really thought it was it all warmed up stop mocking me [Music] [Music] [Music] no I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gotta keep it positive a stick it has a very positive stream do positive things here like say how amazing my brain is maybe make fun of the streamer and say how bad he is I'm also fine with this but we got our goal we're not doing platinum cuz platinum is impossible my brain is small I'll have you know I have the maximum compute and visualize score [Music] ready to go I'll write the moles I rec wack the correct moles even that wasn't platinum I don't know what is [Applause] [Music] that was only gold alright fine you wanna play this game here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you keep quiet brain professor we find I saw TV ready to go all right I got this why always I've added this ready to begin now the moles want to be hit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now-now-now ow that wasn't even platinum-based stupid moles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] are you supposed to get platinum on this [Applause] that's how you supposed to get flatter okay having a easy-peasy yeah we're just going for gold unless this is easy do we speak of this to no one ready to begin all right focus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there [Applause] [Music] that's more like it it wasn't platinum but annulled [Applause] [Music] [Music] time for expert expert is free all you have to do you is be good turn it turn it turn it and body here [Music] [Music] [Music] I love how it's like have a silver mantle you did so good how big your brain is and as awful ready to go welcome back rich trying to be good at this real hard time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that one said everything I think that was least gold uh it wasn't okay we do expert I don't know what happens ready to begin and I don't intend to find out cuz I have massive brain as impossible [Music] [Music] so hard I swear it's taunting me [Music] [Music] no way I can do this guys are so fast [Music] [Applause] should we bronze I got bras guys I'm so good it's so proud of me hey I got 80% oh I'm so hard this is so many balls there's so many moles all I supposed to feel is they go waste so fast I don't have time to see what I mean that I can't fight it they go way before I can get back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's like me I got silver guys [Music] come on just a little more you can get gold in this Asian is so hard like it's just it's the same thing as the first one that we did it's just so hard to identify everything and then you have to actually process it and then they go away stop giving me different ones every single time [Music] is stupid why do they go away so fast and I already categorizing these things you see that you'll be quiet impossible ready to begin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay oh is that oh this one's so hard I have why is this one so much harder than all the others [Music] no one mind that ones always there with the spoons it wasn't though no no it's just harder is it it's up for like a second and then it's gone it's not enough time Devine these things because you don't know only one of these are gonna show up any given time you don't know which one's gonna beat [Music] [Music] so argh my nose is like six that pop up it was [Music] I'm sure take it was I fell for it I fell for it I still got my gold [Applause] impossible we got the wax match stupid expert so ridiculous hello this is gonna be impossible oh there's pony that was really stupid [Music] okay things apparently have feet like that and then actually in the help see this is why I lost a pump attend Oh two weeks ago my identification is garbage [Music] ready to go I'm gonna miss the missing things that I needed to see [Music] [Music] [Music] I think I'm ever gonna get super yeah I Got News for you that was gold that was barely gold this category is stupid ready to begin [Music] that was the tale of an elephant I thought it was the Trump why is that sheep what I don't understand there's a random chicken just in the tree how is that small stupid [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow somehow that was almost gold I'll be right back guys and then I'll complain some more about how impossible this is by the way rich that was not a polar bear there was never a polar bear so I get good you were joking of course you were of course you were I believe you all warmed up I mean we had a brown elephant so I wouldn't put it past it [Music] why of course [Music] [Music] hey we got this ostrich no it's a cow there was no ostrich it's something blue a fish yes it's finished it's a lot of fish actually the Corgi honestly blind no now you're blind cuz I got gold because I'm the best [Applause] look at how happy everyone is cuz I got gold yeah you'd be quiet' rich well you should try playing this game stream it and show off how good you are at it [Music] apparently not those stripes are spots the head spots why do not loser I mean you're watching me play it in 2019 been watching for like two hours now three hours these pictures are stupid this is like that Jigglypuff on its side that's a polka ball or a volt or whatever the fish it's a really ugly fish [Music] [Music] [Music] leopard entire were both there that's really dumb oh is that okay I'm gonna show me the picture I was just feeling the krokodil there okay [Applause] [Music] these pictures are really weird I waiting for a game to come in how convenient it was a big grand Academy switch edition or maybe maybe we should just call it a big green academy definitive edition like all the other switch games maybe deluxe big Marine Academy deluxe it's white ish I don't know what was the hippo these are impossible how you supposed to tell this I don't even know what I'm looking at teeth st it's a crocodile it has teeth identified it as a Kaka dial and I get smallest brain oh you know I really thought that was something like a snake [Music] got to be kidding me [Music] alright Simba I see how it is movie was awful I don't know what that is that is an ostrich apparently you don't even see its head her neck for the longest time [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the game of the year edition this ever game of the year possible I'm just like throwing darts in the dartboard over here and hoping the taste thing i watch this oh ha ha I totally had that number Wow we're on a roll here I was just guessing because it's worth more to guess than just be slow every time that totally looks like a saline dough you cannot tell me that did not look like a flamingo [Music] [Music] it was green so I guessed grasshopper all right there give me like gold no be on my way nope all right now do some guessing Oh an expert do you like that first one where I just select one it like boom clearly identified that snake if there was a snake it was definitely a snake ah 300 on this ready to begin people can get 500 no that was an educated guess okay but seriously though it's just a bunch of fur it could be anything it's got spots yeah hey you two wow that was super how was that super and all the others are just a small brain like a giraffe Wow giraffe I sort of saw the neck okay but seriously go with his mouth open I've watched another King Hippo stream I know what to hit the looks like I took entirely tone too long for me to find snail I thought that said snake I really wanted to say that was a cat with its mouth open [Music] I'm not sure what that was sometimes we guess incorrectly ah yes headline this will definitely tell me what it is kidding I have got to be kidding me how am I supposed to get 300 on this loan 500 not going for 500 is clearly correct plate but hey awesome how's it going hey I could get 200 I just have to get lucky dad alright now watch this I'm using my mental powers I've got a grasshopper frog with giraffe a kangaroo clearly a kangaroo obviously got a rabbit an eagle giraffe a monkey it's obviously lucky oh it's only a hippo a rhino and elephant a dolphin I see blue so for denote crocodile frog fish snake that's a snake ah see there we go rabbit fish dolphin seal seal it's not seal yeah I know ostrich dolphin that's a nice white line there squirrel camel monkey cat girl kal-el key cat there's some white over there could be anything really I don't actually have any what it's the thing I didn't know what the other things were here squirrel boom he's got it with the squirrel Eagles rap Pony and fish I really thought that was a fin Coney fish pigeon and tiger fish no draft zebra chicken pony I don't know what that is [Music] [Applause] fish have to be in water yeah I know unless they don't because there's been plenty of pictures where it's just like some random thing [Applause] interesting though [Music] I only got 76 apparently my guessing skills are not good enough ready to go I got like four supers there's something that's clearly him ready to be danced this is just impossible game froze I should probably refresh Oh working fine I'm gonna get this right eventually [Music] ready to go [Music] erasing my progress ready to be good idea what you're talking about haha there we go there's the super now we play it straight [Music] that's all there is this board nice action ex I actually recognize dear her apparently yeah we got the polar bear yeah I didn't understand you were joking [Music] Wow how was that great I have no clue what this is it's a seal it's a thing it's a nice thing we got there and there oh hi sheep fancy seeing you here - chat tell me what these things are Nick no that wasn't a snake why do I let chat tell me what things are they they're just wrong they don't what they're talking about there was no snack supposed to stop from the snake it wasn't her that I could have actually gotten gold I'm actually surprisingly close to gold just don't get things wrong guessing is bad tip first one always just guess the first one because you can reach that ready to go uh yeah you can use whatever gift subs you want [Music] I will eventually get the 25% chance ready to go eventually I will get it it will be glorious also stupid ready to begin this whole identification thing is stupid Oh Wanda have you seen the zoom and I here's a zoomin picture of a camels tongue you wanna tell me it's the most fair ready to go well here's the zoomed in picture of a picture that's already zoomed in on the neck doc tape hippos head ready to begin hey there we go alright now we can actually play just wake on both sides so I was worth a try and afford to be missing these we lose a lot of points if you guess incorrectly [Music] [Music] yes show me like bits and pieces of a turtle shell I was just feeling the rabbit there okay that was totally a cow I don't know what the game is on oh I meant to click I don't understand what is this thing other goat two goats I don't know what this is either it's some thing looks like a Oh a - crab you be quiet brain professor you don't tell me what to do you know like this one now no I gotta get gold ready to go and you you guys are on this one where you get platinum hit platinum in this garbage uh platinum that's a good one you just memorize all the photos to be able to recognize them oh okay awesome since since you asked nicely [Music] [Music] she tells me recognizes the picture wow that was the that was a monkey face [Music] this is garbage I'm talking about the environment yes well we got some nice yellows over here we got a gold over here out of that submission we got I don't know what what is this crap the trap of the crab [Music] I am very confused okay that was the easiest elephant ever blows you know I saw Baron as like I really want like a leopard or a lion or something but I don't see one so I'm really confused totally I hadn't gotten wet one wrong that stupid monkey that was that time right ready to go the family-friendly filter I do need to begin what are you talking about this doesn't tell me anything okay so there's like concrete or something or water is it was that a hippo I didn't even get to see the stupid hippo and it was small grain [Music] better than Bugsy this now [Music] vicious is an option then have that picture before [Music] [Music] all right last one I don't fail this one okay nope not good enough one stupid gold hey give me gold in this I wonder too long on sheep and cow those are stupid [Music] I almost said cat I really couldn't tell how's the brain doing as you can see oh by the way Wolfgang I was hoping for your help later tonight if you're available same thing as a few weeks ago wait that wasn't a rabbit [Music] that's a rock you see it's like here's a picture of like a quarter of a crocodile and now we're gonna zoom in even further cool okay sounds good I am you can't be an elephant isn't on here very weirdly shaped elephant yeah I'm done done with this this one is just a guessing game [Music] all right back to things that are reasonable ready to go learning Chinese huh oh good luck with that goal I'll take it [Applause] [Music] [Music] like when I get going that other one ready to begin all right here we go identification not fair [Music] [Applause] [Music] see get good Wolfgang I'm sure you'll get there you'll learn broken Chinese sound like but like someone who shouldn't be speaking it good time hmm here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey I got bird and who doesn't want a Big Mac in China [Music] [Music] hmm ready to go fix your computer I really wasn't sure [Music] [Music] [Music] and everything will be good just like me more fattening medals Wolfgang I gave up on that like two hours ago get with the times bottoms impossible and even get all gold because there's just one that's just impossible yeah we got our gold [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh-huh and then fine face to get platinum but if I work out kind of got two wrong do that literally memorization OB click that did now I'm trying to click that one ready to go and I'm clearly bad this ready to begin my transformation skills are failing [Music] I got really confused there some of the transformations are confusing me and I wait what was it how'd have easily gotten Platinum if I had just not got on that one wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Stiga platinum I got was wrong and I still got platinum [Applause] that good [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ready to go okay here we go this one's actually gonna be harder I'm not gonna this [Music] [Applause] I'll try it test next time remembers a shinobi I only got 50% correct I got to be better than that all right ready to begin let's focus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there wasn't platinum but it'll do and yeah boom tripod did crash two and a half hours ago so it makes sense thinks the stream is I'm living up for two and a half hours I should fix that bug where someone who hasn't been in the stream before tries to attack before doom chaibat gives them any points they're not in the point list yet and it errors out [Music] impossible I'm too tired for this I think I'm gonna call all the day here like nope nope oh I need to be ready for my match against Olivia tomorrow so I'm gonna call it there today I'll do more Big Brain Academy next Saturday I hope you guys look forward to it I say that there is a chance that [Music] [Music] well that happened I didn't even see that attack well they eat you up like you got me good there anyway but as Zane was so I'm doing my tournament match tomorrow we might be doing the final top 8 tournament sometime next weekend and if that's the case I might actually have to be doing that instead of streaming this so it might be three weeks and some two weeks so it'll be Thanksgiving it won't be streaming then anyway I will see you guys next time I look forward to my match with telethia tomorrow hey see you guys later have a good one [Music]
Channel: TheFinalStreams
Views: 1,827
Rating: 4 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo
Id: XlNu1qccR84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 21sec (13701 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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