rSlash Prorevenge "HOW TO HANDLE THE NOISY GUY NEXT DOOR!” r/prorevenge Top Posts of All Time

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I decided to buy a gallon of this chemical I could smell it through the bottles which come in several layers of plastic wrap our slash Pro revenge what is up guys mister read it here back with another episode of pro revenge stories our slash bro revenge is one of my favorite sub reddits and I really enjoyed making this so kick back relax and enjoy the show our first story today is called you pollute the neighborhood with the smell of your shisha and loud music get struck by the sweet odour of the chemical essence of vomit and crap after that we'll be reading my top manager tried to flip me so I got her fired two times after that blackmail me huh okay lose $10,000 and after that we'll head over to our slash petty revenge to finish up with two very short but very sweet petty revenge stories welcome to our newest subscribers Michele laundy and pixel and if you're new please subscribe for new stories from reddit every single day you pollute the neighborhood with the smell of your shisha and loud music get struck by the sweet odour of the chemical essence of vomit and crap my neighbor and my family don't get along so well that's the order of the day in neighborhoods all around the world and as long as everyone complies with the law and generally aims at a peaceful cohabitation there is no problem with not being best friends with everyone however with said neighbor it has just become too much he in his late 20s still hasn't achieved much more in his life than getting a mediocre high school degree with 16 he financially relies on his family's heritage plays computer games during daytime and invites friends to hang out with for the evening and night during summertime he would often invite between five and 15 people several times a week also on work days and sit outside with them not more than three yards away from our property then they play horrible pseudo gangster music for the whole street to enjoy and smoke cheap strawberry flavored shisha tobacco till late night weather this annoys me or not according to local laws they can absolutely do so till 10:00 p.m. after that they can't play loud music anymore yeah as if they cared or as if the police cared who never showed up after we called them at midnight or 1 a.m. several times when our noisy neighbors were still outside making it impossible for us to sleep so something had to be done and I had a Walter White worthy approach in mind a bit of research brought me to a substance that probably comes directly from hell called butyric acid it's smell could be described as that of poop farts smelly feet sweat or vomit those things however feature only tiny amounts of this substance thus I decided to buy a gallon of this chemical but concentrated up to almost 100% when I ordered it on the internet it's not illegal it's commonly used as a mouse repellent I could smell it through the bottles which come in several layers of plastic wrap let me tell you one drop of it in a closed room and you won't ever want to go back inside having received my order I gleefully waited for my neighbors to get together for their next major party as always I didn't have to wait for a long time they gathered on their veranda prepared their shisha and a barbecue and started having a good time unvoluntary not to be ignored by the rest of the neighborhood it was my time to stink I proceeded to release the essence of poo upon them the stuff nightmares are made of imagine the smell of a mobile toilet after a 72 hour festival now forget that again because it is a light spring breeze compared to pure butyric acid it took 2 minutes or so for this sweet or rather sour flavor of vengeance to propagate itself in our neighbours direction their faces went from their usual dull expressions unequivocally revealing their intellectual capacities that must be on the level of a slice of toast to utter incredulity followed by a short phase of denial of reality quickly superseded by an expression of unfathomable disgust - can't tell you what means followed since they moved inside at a speed at which I've never seen them move before obviously taking a fair amount of the stench with them into their house since all the windows were open this happens to them every now and then usually using much less of the substance than the first time whenever I feel disturbed by the smell of their shisha I don't do it too often of course so they can't localize the origin of the smell and don't worry about the other neighbors they are not that close and mostly have their windows closed anyways also the smell is volatile and fizzles out after like 15 minutes next up we've got my top manager tried to flip me so I got her fired two times so at first I want to apologize for any grammatical mistakes in this post because English is not my first nor second language for now some background I am from Russia living in second biggest city in our country and a decent student and University second year this information will be useful later on so story begins at a time when I was only in school last year here we don't have high school or middle school we just have 11 years of education and then uni that was two months before my exam for applying to uni and I was in search for a job I wanted to have my own apartment because I was living this entire time with my grandparents and didn't want them to lug me on their back any longer that took a while but I found a job that was paying a decent amount of money for a part-time job I was only 17 and could not afford to work full-time it was a job at a call center and boy oh boy that was a BS job here comes the object of our story let's call her M short for Mary and boy oh boy Mary hated me she was my top manager I was just the manager that was just taking calls or calling people to give them our B s product literally for free of course and Mary was the woman that would take ten other employees and stack them together in one group for a month and a half it was okay Mary even gave me her working phone because there weren't enough phones for everybody in her group I thought that was okay and did nothing about it I was doing fine I had 11 clients that actually bought our product and was really happy then the storm came at one day I was called by my boss and said that if I do not have any clients until the end of the month I will be fired I said to him that I already had 11 clients in one month and that I thought that would be enough for a starter he said that it had already been a month and that he didn't want to hear that BS and that I should take situations in my hands like a big boy and deal with them I was on fire I didn't understand how this happened then like a spark I got it that jerk Mary something was off and I asked my friend to play a role in my plan I wasn't sure that Mary did something to me so I wanted to be sure my plan was easy I call my friend he pretends to be a customer and then I take records for everything and look how this unfolds of course Mary was messing me up as it unfolded there was well enough phones for everybody what I didn't know was that every phone had the ID of the worker in it so every call I gave and every client I had was on her account how wasn't I fired yet you asked easy she was doing some calls from my phone with my ID every day and this was where my revenge started revenge plan five friends of mine will pretend to be clients and this will be my evidence that I spoke to them and they were mine though I talked from Mary's phone remember how Mary called from my phone now and then every time she called from the work phone my phone and my site I tried to rush from the place we have cameras everywhere so then I can call her out that she was pretending to be me and stealing on my client's the day everything was set up and I was ready to get my revenge two videotapes from security cameras and 15 papers with my client calls in text was on our boss's table Mary's face was in such a shade of red when I was asked to come speak with the boss but I assumed that she was a giant star she fumed but good old boss said her exact same thing that I heard from him he told her he was not taking her BS and she was fired but promised me that one day she will get me back and hard well this is where our second part of the story starts it will be short so stay with me I lasted on this job for two more months and got a better full-time job because already I had turned 18 already in university but shamefully only through my parents and my grandmother actually taught there but still I'm trying my best to be a good student one day I walked into the office of my grandmother she is also a big deal in our university and who do you think I see working for my grandmother as her phone assistant it was Mary her look was like oh yes I found a way to get revenge on you but little did she know that I was the grandson of her boss and when I kissed my grandma on her cheek her face said everything for her next day she got fired there was no plan though I just told my grandma my story with her and to this day I don't feel guilty for that thank you for staying with me it's my first time posting on Reddit and I'm glad that I could share this story with somebody next up we've got blackmail me ha ok lose ten thousand dollars ok so this story is one that I've been holding on to for months but I've just never thought to put it here it is going to be a bit of a long one because I have to start this story from around November of last year I lived in a dorm with three other girls let's call them bestfriend one two and three right around the end of November we started to have rat problems which was fine we just have to tell the residential assistant so at the end of the semester when we are checking out we tell our residential assistant that there is a rat in our air fins they act all surprised and tell us that they will take care of it while all this is happening I'm complaining about it to my other good friend but a jerk of this story and he's telling me that I'm doing all that I should be doing to fix the problem he is a residential assistant for another set of dorms so he knows what is supposed to be done let's call him jerk moving on to January of this year best friend 1 & 2 have moved back in early while I'm in another city I get a call from one of them and they say Oh P our dorm is trashed they didn't fix the rat problem right away I'm furious and of course my roommates parents are BIST because within a week of all of us moving in bestfriend 1 2 & 3 are all sick so all of us start asking around trying to find out why nothing was ever done about our rat issue turns out that days after we checked out they changed the rules where if you have a maintenance issue the residents have to report it straight to maintenance instead of to the RA so they did nothing about it but didn't tell us so hey it's our fall now all the while I'm furiously telling jerk all of the BS going down and when I tell him that the parents got the dean of students involved he's like the principal but higher up he told me through a text oh the Dean doesn't care about your rat problem after reading that text I get even more mad and I'm telling my roommates and they are telling their parents and things get worse when the Dean gets wind of what jerk said to us he gets called in and he's chewed out he then comes up to me and gets real mad saying stuff like how could you do that to me I got in a lot of trouble I tell him I'm sorry and that he shouldn't have said it that way in the first place I want to make something very clear jerk up to this point has not been a very good friend I met him when I was very alone and vulnerable so I just listened to whatever he said because I thought he cared he has put me down a number of times and belittled me on numerous occasions he was the kind of person who only kept friends so that he could use them and control them I didn't stop talking to him or break up the friendship because I felt I deserved to be in that situation stupid I know but hey what am I going to do later on he finds out that I'm going to have a meeting with the Dean of Students to talk about compensation for our rep problem and no one doing anything about it causing us to have health problems and outlet grades to go down when he found out about my future meeting with the Dean he found me and decided to have a little chat with me the words from his lips were man I can't believe you threw me under the bus it was so hard for me to not tell the Dean about all the animals you keep in your dorm we never had any animals in our dorm I could have gotten you kicked out so easily I could have told him about the liquor you have in your room we had none man it hurt me so much not to say anything he paused for a moment and looked at me he must have seen the fear in my eyes and liked the control he had over me because he then said I didn't say anything because you're my friend I didn't throw you under the bus stay my friend and you won't get into trouble I knew that was blackmail the moment he said that but at the time I was so stunned and scared that I said nothing just to remind you this jerk had put me through a lot but I still thought he cared I thought all the things he said about me was to help me become a better person I didn't want to believe that he was a bad person I went to lunch with him then I got to the dean's office later on in the week and waited for my friends I told best friend 1 2 & 3 about what he said and these little 5-foot nothing girls went from the kindest people in the world to forces of nature in an instant we went into the meeting with the Dean and we were told that we would be moved to the new set of dorms on campus and wouldn't be charged extra for the semester and the next semester later when the mention of the jerk came up the Dean said that jerk had told him that I had lied about jerk saying that Dean didn't care and that jerk had actually said the Dean was too busy and that it was the residential assistants job to take care of this we of course corrected the Dean showing him the text message of jerk saying differently we then showed him what I had written down from what the jerk said when he blackmailed me I showed him through tear-filled eyes because I didn't want my friend to get in trouble right away he said something like this is horrible I will fix this immediately he let us go on our way and we got what we were told we would be getting after about a week jerk was brought back in and he was told that he was not to talk to then weeks later his family got a letter in the mail saying something like hey your son lost his job as a residential assistant you owe us $10,000 for the free food he got from being a residential assistant and the free room we gave him I am now happily living in a great apartment have great friends and jerk still thinks that he's done nothing wrong and doesn't realize that what he said was blackmail edit I'm sorry a lot of this doesn't make sense it's hard to explain because this is still pretty fresh and things are still hard to explain we had a really clean dorm room what they told us was that it was actually a squirrel that had gotten in but they didn't know how and now we're heading over to our slash petty revenge for too short but very sweet petty revenge stories try ignoring me now on the way home from work I decided to get some drive through the drive-through was designed to have to entry lanes so two orders can be taken at the same time then the lanes merge into a single lane before it reaches the drive-thru windows me and another lady arrived at the same time but I finished my order way before she did I pull forward to where the two lanes are about to merge and I wait because there's a car in front a few minutes later the lady finishes her order and arrives at the merge as well when the car in front moved forward a little bit this lady wedges her way into the merge to where I am forced to let her in first I look to her to give her the stink eye but she's looking forward completely ignoring me pretending that she didn't even just cut me off here's the revenge the single Lane takes a left turn almost like a u-turn before it reaches the window so instead of following right behind the lady I stay put I wait until her car and my car are perpendicular to each other and then Bay helm I turned my brights on she stuck she can't move forward and she just has to take my lights shining right at her I declared victory when she put her Sun Visor down I was the only one left in line no other cars were affected in the making of this petty revenge and our final story stay right there cuz I just called the police background my older child does you Triathlon and just got a bike with clippin pedals so today i took her to the local high school track to practice getting on and off the track is the typical rubberized surface that won't hurt as much if you fall on it cause for petty revenge as we were walking over to the track this mid-age guy starts telling me no bikes are allowed on the track and how the tyres will damage the track I asked him if he's with the public schools he says no I asked him if he's with the police again he says no I said the sign does not prohibit bikes it does prohibit dogs drinks besides water spray paint and other specific things he argues with me then says he's not going to argue with me I said fine I have a right to be here my daughter has to go to the bathroom so we go up to the school where we run into a facilities worker I asked him if bikes are allowed on the track and he says he doesn't know and doesn't care works for me we go back to the track and see the guy pacing around obviously irritated that my child has rolled her bike onto the track I tell him stay right there I just called the police I can see he's excited that he'll get his official I told you so a moment I start my run and my daughter does her bike practice for 45 minutes this smug jerk stands by his car staring at the track waiting for justice to be served too bad though no police will be coming I never made the call didn't even have my phone on me I know I ruined part of his Sunday afternoon and yes he deserved it edit I should also add the track is not new it is outdoors and has patches that are bare to the asphalt below plenty of people use it on a regular basis the bike is a road bike with no tire tread there is no way my barely 90 pound daughter could have vandalized the track and whatever the sign doesn't say no bikes give mr. ed its a thumbs up on this video I'll take your phone and give it to my son who deserves it that's all for now but don't be blue I'll be back soon with more stories for you remember to listen to mr. ready every night so your dreams will be wonderful like you are and bride you
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 68,906
Rating: 4.8697886 out of 5
Keywords: rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, Reddit, r/, rslash, sub, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, cringe, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, reddit cringe, entitled, r//, r\\, rslash prorevenge, prorevenge rslash, r/prorevenge, r/prorevenge rslash, prorevenge reddit, rslash prorevenge playlist
Id: EnCafPDMYg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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