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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today dinan dash karen gets what she deserves after that entitled mom ends my engagement and gets me banned from the steakhouse and after that help destroy my trust in humanity i put you on the news now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets put on the news i'll sue you so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for news stories from reddit every single day dine and dash karen gets what she deserves my group of friends have been together for quite some time at least starting from the end of middle school the majority of us ended up going to the same college so good for us anyway one of our friends has been acting unreasonably and starting drama for fun it's been slowly building up for about a year now gossip and rumors we can deal with because we know each other and we can usually pick the truth from the lies easily at the point of her rumor spreading we distanced ourselves from her quite a bit her latest antics have been much different for the sake of this story her name can be d in our area cases have been low so we've started to go out more with the whole gang extra precautions aside things look to be normal we eat at a semi-formal restaurant as is our custom something about dressing up and treating ourselves is something we try to do as much as we can financially permit things seem fine until the bill comes and it's time for each of us to settle up d starts to get shifty and starts tapping at her phone she stands up quickly and says she needs to go it's an emergency she fast walks out of the dining room and out of sight we try to text and call her but no answer we end up all absorbing her part of the bill a one-time favor for a friend in need right the second part of our routine is to go to the host's house where we drink watch movies and have a good time kelly was to be the host this time we're not much for gossip but dee's old behavior mixed with her previous antics got us on the topic all six of us shared some stories and it looks like every one of us had some personal run-in with our friend the second time we all go out to dinner everything seems well dee ordered a lot of mixed drinks and seemed thoroughly tipsy foolishly we believed she would pay her tab this time before the waiter could even bring up how he wanted the bill split dee excused herself to the bathroom and did not return we all have jobs along with scholarships so thankfully money isn't our primary worry however last time's bill paired with these inflated dinner and alcohol tab would set us collectively back about 300 reluctantly we paid although we didn't see her it was assumed that she drove home we rendezvous to the host place very annoyed and in no mood to party again dee refuses our calls and does not open our messages we busy ourselves by trying to get in touch with some of dee's other friends through the mishmash of conversation it was revealed that dee was receiving a stipend from her father that she was saving to buy herself a new tesla not only did she have a job but she was getting free money from her dad there was no reason for her to not pay her bills i guess she thought this way she could get her tesla faster we had collectively been fed up with her crap since all of us felt burned we decided to plan some revenge we knew she had the cash she just didn't feel obliged to hold her weight at this point we were all working up to how entitled she could be our sense of loyalty and nostalgia had blinded us for way too long today was the day we decided to go to a very nice restaurant today about twice the prices of what we would normally do dee looked so excited bless her we all ate drank and had a great time dee had ordered many drinks and was again drunk we were careful not to wait too long or else dee would dash so just as dessert was over and the prospect of after dinner coffee was being thrown around we all declared that we had a surprise for dee next month is her birthday so we thought it would be reasonable enough time to use it as an excuse for her to close her eyes dee did as she was told and was instructed not to open her eyes until we said so because the gift takes a minute to set up we all got up quietly filed out of the restaurant and left her there with her eyes closed just as we were pulling out of the parking space we all took one car to save time after our escape dee took her own car as usual we saw dee running out of the doors searching wildly for us she caught sight of the car just as we rolled away our phones were blowing up like crazy tons of vile messages following the calls i got to thinking the bill must have totaled around 700 ish for everyone we would never have picked this place normally although the food was very good the rest of the gang headed to my apartment about 30 minutes later we each received a message saying we owed her 738.17 along with a photo of the bill she had the audacity to include her part of the bill in that amount as well and judging by the receipt she gave no tip classy i replied with this message guess you'll have to dip into your tesla fund take an uber home before you lose your scholarship and your friends boozer we know you can afford it to say she went crazy is an understatement she went coconuts she tore us a new one on twitter blocked us then unblocked us to rip us some more then blocked us again now kelly who has an alternate snapchat account is treating us to her near psychotic rants talking about fake jerks who never did anything for her i guess that's us maybe next time she'll learn to pay for herself like an adult have you ever had someone expect you to pay for their food if so what did you do about it please let us know entitled mom ends my engagement and gets me banned from the steakhouse oh my gosh so glad i found this sub here we go i can finally air my frustration about the night my engagement was single-handedly corrupted by my entitled mother-in-law let's call her ellen because she always reminded me of ellen degeneres okay so my girlfriend and i were really engaged to be engaged we both agreed we wanted to get married but i hadn't done the formal proposal yet because we wanted to meet each other's families first neither lived nearby i always thought the old trope about meeting the in-laws being a big fiasco was a myth both because i was younger and more naive than and because i'm lucky to have easy parents my girlfriend met them for a few hours once we were alone just me and them i told them my intentions and my mom asked does she have any kids already and my dad asked does she have a good solid job and they both asked you really love her and that was that i had their full support for the marriage i thought meeting her parents would be the same some grilling was to be expected but as long as i was honest and respectful it would all be fine relevant fact they had my girlfriend when they were teenagers by surprise so now had a do-over daughter their words not mine who was only six my girlfriend and i made the trip up to their city and i met them for the first time over at dinner at a steakhouse it was pretty upscale and we had scheduled the dinner for 8 p.m so i was surprised to see they had brought the kid along with them i met everyone at once and the initial awkwardness settled once we had sat down we were making great small talk when the six-year-old said she was thirsty no big deal right well all of a sudden ellen starts screaming water water water a waiter came rushing over to see what the commotion was and without even making eye contact with the poor guy ellen went we've been here forever and no one's even gotten us any water my daughter's been asking we had been sitting for about 15 or 20 minutes without service but they were visibly behind and there were no circumstances that would have warranted that shouting i should have realized from how unfazed everyone else at the table was that i should be bracing myself for a long night but i couldn't imagine what was to come at that point the waiter rushed over with water and apologized for the delay explaining a few very large parties that arrived all at once the guy seemed sincere and quite affable so i thought the water would just be an anomaly in an otherwise pleasant night then ellen kicked into full gear we'll need a kid's menu she informed the waiter he said that they didn't have a kid's menu but that the chef could simplify most dishes what do you mean you don't have a kid's menu ellen replied in total disbelief as though he had said they didn't have a fire exit he explained that they didn't get too many kids there and that there were enough plain foods on the menu that no separate menu had ever been necessary ellen sighed dramatically and waved him away literally without saying a word waved him off from the table i tried to give him an apologetic glance but understandably he didn't look back our way i was so glad the poor guy left and didn't have to be subjected to her anymore meanwhile she turned her attention on me and i almost wish he'd come back at least he was getting paid to be there she was like so you're a screenwriter and i explained well yes and no i want to be but it's hard to get a job in that field that you can support yourself on so i'm working at a non-profit right now there's a screenwriting component to the job though so i'm really happy there ellen turned to her six-year-old and went hear that hun you want to be sure to snag a man who works for profit learn from this it's not too late for you i couldn't tell if she was trying to be funny or not so i just let it pass looking over to my girlfriend to see if she was even considering speaking up on my behalf nope the waiter came back visibly nervous that hurt because he was so relaxed and personable at the start of the meal he asked if we would like to hear the specials before we ordered and ellen said sure here's how that went waiter first we have a lightly seared strip stick ellen next waiter oh uh okay then we have a broiled leg of grass fed next oh okay we we have a pasta primavera mixed with next and on and on until he had gone through all seven or ten specials even though she ultimately ordered off the menu a plain rib eye well done she tried to order her daughter the same but the kid said she just wanted plain mashed potatoes so ellen let her get mashed potatoes alone for dinner then she sent the waiter away the rest of us hadn't even ordered yet and everyone else just sat there like it was entirely normal i waited for someone to say something thinking it was more her older daughter my girlfriend's place or her husband's but when no one did i couldn't help myself i uh was the one steak and potatoes going to be for all of us or my girlfriend explained and the tone you'd use for a tourist violating a sacred local taboo my mom always has the waiter put the kids food in first so it can get started right away we'll order once the kitchen has hers i thought she was joking since ellen didn't just order her kids food she also ordered her own dinner too so i laughed something funny ellen asked then i realized she was serious and i shut up thankfully her dad at least recognized that what was normal for them might not be as regular to me and tried to lighten the mood with a change of topic but not even 10 minutes after we had ordered i guess technically five minutes after we had ordered 10 minutes after she and her daughter had ordered ellen started in again another table that had been there long before we were got a side order of mashed potatoes with their meal ellen threw a total conniption she was sputtering so inaudibly that none of us could figure out what was wrong at first finally she managed to flag down some busboy who barely spoke english and began laying into him like he had just sideswiped her on the freeway he kept trying to explain he wasn't a server and he could go get one but she wouldn't stop to breathe long enough for him to find someone who could actually help all the while i kept looking at my girlfriend for signs of embarrassment or at the very least irritation but you wouldn't have known if she was even hearing any of this our waiter came over somehow still feigning a smile despite knowing what he was walking into and ellen actually goes why did that table get mashed potatoes and ours haven't come yet the waiter kindly but concisely explained well ma'am those people ordered potatoes before your party had placed their order ellen looks this man dead in the eye finally and says well it doesn't matter when they ordered it my daughter is the youngest one here her food should come out first you could tell the waiter was working hard to restrain himself at this point he explained it was a first come first served policy and age didn't help one way or the other he offered to go check on the potatoes ellen agreed and more specifically she said yeah you better but i was clocking him and he went right back to his server station because we had only just ordered a few minutes ago three or five more minutes passed during which we could have no other discussion at the table except how awful this restaurant was how hungry the poor baby was who hadn't said a word about being hungry this whole time and was contently playing her loud ipad game without headphones disturbing all of the other diners around us and how america has lost all respect for motherhood because it's just a me me me culture now i chimed in i'm with you on that last part and to my utter shock instead of laughing at my joke my girlfriend seemed annoyed with me so after a few minutes the waiter comes back and says the potatoes will be out very soon ellen then goes and does something that again i thought was just a myth she took three singles and a five out of her wallet and put them on the table in full view of the waiter then she took one single away and said every table i see getting potatoes before us is a bill gone i was absolutely mortified the waiter to his unending credit just took a deep breath and said i don't have control over the order in which the kitchen fires tickets but what i can tell you is it should be out any minute and left without saying anything disparaging i had been holding my tongue all night as well and the name of my relationship but once the tip hit the table the eight dollar tip for a 100 plus dollar bill on top of all else i figured if my girlfriend was half the woman i thought she was then she wouldn't mind me speaking up at this point if anything she'd be supportive right so i scooted my chair back a bit and said listen i know what you're doing with the cash on the table but that kind of thing makes me really uncomfortable and it's just not called for please put the money away or we can just continue this some other time my girlfriend's dad spits back what how cheap do you have to be to not believe in tipping service workers before i could process whether he was serious or yanking my chain ellen shocked me with no you know what you're right this isn't necessary i should have known better than to be relieved she folded the bills back into her wallet patiently waited for the next plate of mashed potatoes to be carried out and when it wasn't delivered to us it was a very common side dish at this place a steakhouse she went right up to a stranger's table and picked it up off of their table she half explained something about her daughter starving as she was walking away with a stranger's food but unsurprisingly that wasn't convincing enough for them the old lady she took it from followed right behind her over to our table and tried to take it back i was already searching for my coat tag in preparation to go but a shoving match was beginning to unfold between ellen and an elderly woman with a tennis ball walker and far be it for me to sit through all that happening only to leave just as the night was getting interesting the elderly woman was like give me back my potatoes who are you and the poor girl was like mommy it's okay don't take someone else's potatoes but it all fell on deaf ears ellen yells at the old lady how could you just sit there and eat those when my daughter hasn't even been served yet she's sitting here hungry and you're over there stuffing your face come on other potatoes would be out any minute and the old lady gotta love her was like great if there be out any minute then what's the darn problem to which ellen still found her holier than now ground gasping language please finally the waiter and this time someone higher up as well i think the manager thank god came over to separate them as they had begun to raise their voices and cause a disturbance staff had already asked ellen to turn down her daughter's ipad multiple times without heat and i'm guessing the waiter informed management about the tip on the table stun she pulled because this was their final straw they told us we were going to have to leave the restaurant but we don't have enough food yet ellen complained at the guy this was clearly not the manager's first rodeo you can take the food that's already been served free of charge everything else will be cancelled please leave immediately the old lady didn't miss her chance to knock the potatoes right onto the floor so we couldn't try to take them with us nothing else had been served yet so we had to leave without any food when my girlfriend and i were finally alone in our car she said can you believe that and i said not at all and i really can't believe you didn't warn me and she went how could i have known about any of that and confused i asked is she not usually like that even more confused than me my girlfriend asked who your mom what's my mom got to do with a terrible service at the place that was the beginning of the end of our relationship the fact she didn't see anything wrong with her mom's behavior and that i'd be marrying into that situation shook me too deep we both dodged a bullet in more ways than one in hindsight we weren't right for each other regardless of who her family was her mom saved us both a lot of time and heartache helping me realize in one night what would have probably taken us years otherwise within a month we had moved into separate apartments and gone on a break that ended up lasting forever i'm not sorry i won't see you again ellen i am sorry any wait staff ever will though would you still marry someone if you found out that their mother acted like this or not please let us know i hope they left a horrible yelp review help destroy my trust in humanity i put you on the news once upon a time i almost 49 female had an extremely close friend mindy heck she was not just my friend she was like a sister we met in grade school she pursued my friendship always tried to sit next to me always wanting to talk over the years we would spend lots of time at each other's houses but by the time we were 19 my house was our meeting place because she had extremely bad family trouble my parents kind of informally took her in because they sympathized with her situation i always tried to make her feel like she belonged and avoided luxurious stuff if she could not afford it expensive shows nice clothes she might like but could not wear other times i just gave her some stuff from my closet she was nice outspoken and made me feel like i had the most loyal friend on the planet the years go by i'm fresh out of college and got a nice job mindy's life has improved she had her own place and a 9 to 5 very reliable job by then we had a group of friends all young professionals trying to make our way i remember that time in my life as bittersweet we would often reminisce on our college days and because this happened in the 90s there were no social networks no texting if you wanted to get in touch you had to exchange phone numbers or emails now it's fairly easier so exchanging old stories clued us together as we wondered how things worked out for friends we may never see again gatherings and get-togethers happened in my apartment i loved that place it was spacious still half empty because i was careful not to throw too much money into decoration around those days mindy began to look sickly and quite not herself i was worried and loved her to death she had been there for me especially when my fiance broke up with me for no reason i guess we now call it ghosting he was the first man i ever truly loved i was never able to get him to express his love like i did but i accepted him for who he was he had some cold stages which left me wanting but i thought i could manage basically i was settling for being breadcrumbed he was gorgeous successful and protective so when he proposed i was on cloud nine and decided to ignore the negatives i had saved a lot of money for our wedding to be fair he did the same in a separate banking account things came to an end when all of a sudden he broke up with me he told me he did not want to get married and did not love me nor wanted any type of relationship he let me keep the money from our joint account plus some of his things at the apartment workout bench clothing pretty much everything this had a bad effect on me i felt like he despised me and wanted to cut ties no matter the cost invitations had not been issued so calling off the engagement was not such an ordeal mindy was there for me listening to my pain my rants and endless sobbing i lost so much weight i was embarrassed to be seen out on the street she had a boyfriend george and he was awesome about letting me crash at their place whenever anguish and pain hit me hard they both cut ties with my eggs i had made so many life-altering decisions for him only to be left in the dark mindy and george sat me down and disclosed that my ex was seeing someone else i remember the shock and emotional pain my heart was racing and i ran to the bathroom because the bad news made me throw up i never understood how my ex treated me like that that christmas was so bad i would sit in my living room staring at the wall mindy and george had helped me set up a very 90s looking xmas tree to cheer me up only white lights a few golden ornaments and natural pine i was so depressed the tree stayed put until next spring by summer mindy broke some devastating news she was very ill i was so angry she didn't deserve this her diagnosis was grim so bad that george proposed earlier than he had planned because he wanted to live in the moment she had always dreamed of a huge wedding it was her obsession we would go into bridal shops and try as many dresses as possible when we were teenagers the wedding of her dreams was now out of the question her family would not pitch in she had left their home on very bad terms and george could not pay it on his own george was now barely out of medical school and up to his neck in debt i decided to pay for her wedding it would be a very small event but i would make sure the decorations and her dress were as dreamy as she had always wanted i still had the money i had saved for my wedding and as financially risky or stupid as it may have sounded back then i was sure those final days with mindy would be worth gold when she was gone her illness made me realize that there are worse things in this life other than being unceremoniously dumped by my ex i threw myself into it i was also happy and hopeful as mindy was able to get her chemo sessions by herself without becoming too sick she also looked much better than the other patients our group of friends also helped her a lot there was not a day when someone would not bring her groceries or help pay for a random utility bill as she was now out of work i had initially offered to help her set up a better health insurance plan but she declined pay attention to this more on this later so i decided not to intrude and give her the fairy tale wedding or as close to it that i could that she wanted she had picked a nice rental dress and tiara the florist was to accommodate her taste and create an indoor garden the venue would be my apartment the baker had been retained for a six-tier wedding cake there would be 35 people with tables an aisle and a musician to play some music we could not do the loud disc jockey thing now back to the insurance issue my first job was as a junior sales executive for a health insurance company there was a legal dispute against another insurer and i was called in by the court to be a witness as i was getting clear to enter the building i saw my ex my stomach churned i immediately thought courtroom wedding by the time i reached for the elevator he had already vanished that messed up my day i relived the lack of closure all over again i could not let it go i contacted a good friend who i knew was doing her law internship at the court district she helped me by checking any legal records regarding my ex no court wedding i was relieved i know it sounds silly but there was a fraud claim and he was the plaintiff i didn't make much of it but it was strange he was very smart and getting scammed out of his money sounded too uncharacteristic i still wanted to help mindy and tried to set her up with a good insurance plan i knew it was difficult given that companies treated patients like her as money dumping risks i pleaded with my old boss and he searched her name but she was not in the company database maybe she was using a different insurer but that was odd because she clearly told me what her insurance company was i felt guilty because i kind of was snooping things were normal for a month until my friend at the courthouse broke some disgusting news the defendant in my ex's lawsuit was my best friend mindy she asked me if i knew anything about it i had no idea or clue she then disclosed that the case had become popular gossip among courtroom clerks because my ex had fallen for a complicated cupid scam as it turned out mindy and my ex had an affair behind george's back and mine it spanned a full year and she was not out of work she had been fired for embezzlement and larceny stealing from an employer i did know that she kept moving apartments but i thought she had been trying to save on rent so she had kept looking for cheaper and cheaper places she moved around towns in the same city first she took my ex's money for some investment and she used her former employer's credibility for it never got too many details then she got him to help her with medical bills and scammed him out of close to twenty thousand dollars her illness was fake i avoided her for a week i hired a private investigator to help me get whatever i could without much hope as their affair had ended the investigator managed to help me get some closure his name was on her lease for a small studio everyone in the building thought they were a couple it was their love nest and it was two hours away i never suspected anything but apparently he had been lying to me about his actual working hours he had also helped cover for her car payment at least six times in a year she had my ex as her sugar daddy she had seen me cry puke curl on my bed and had broken the news that he had someone else herself my ex seemed salty over the fact that she had chosen to stick with george it was simple math my ex was very successful but george although not wealthy yet had become a physician and was spoken for to start a small practice with a potential partner she upped and left and cheated him out of money along the way apparently my ex figured out she had been lying about her condition the disgust pain and disappointment hit me fairly hard but somehow i had so heavily invested myself into helping her that i had emptied myself of any potential nerve-wracking reaction i was numb i went straight to all the wedding vendors and cancelled before it was too late to get my money back i defunded her wedding no cake no dress and no veil i sat down with george on a friday afternoon and offered him all evidence and proof he cried but at the end admitted to feel painfully relieved yes he loved her but he had felt pressured to get married he confessed to many red flags she always went to her medical appointments by herself and became irritated if he asked too many questions she had shown him some test results that were incredibly well crafted but now knowing what she had done he thought the medical documents could be fake he confirmed the sneaky way having his nurse ex-roommate run her name in the computer at where she claimed to be her doctor's office it was logical on her part as back then a fairly small town had only one oncologist we also suspected that she may have been having a new affair as she spent more and more weekends with her all girls church camping group she claimed it was her sanctuary and helped her a lot it may have been a front george and i accepted the fact that we had been cheated taken advantage of and emotionally destroyed by the same person i personally felt a loss of innocence now i understood why she wanted to keep her wedding thing almost a secret it may have been impossible that making it public may have blown her cover one way or the other george and i decided to do what was right i paid for a video tribute to my loyal friend and decided to send it to the local news as a heartwarming story of love and healing it featured her and george's apartment compound on purpose so that everyone wanting to serve her court papers could find her i did not want to see her and i made up excuses but george had a hard time feigning happiness once she had returned from her camping trip it was an agonizing week the news wasn't showing our positive note yet and we were sick with the waiting it all blew up on tuesday morning the news channel enthusiastically showcased our story with a collage and lots of information about her and how she was about to get married and had almost already beaten cancer dozens of ill-spoken haters popped up from out of nowhere as it turns out this had been her second illness story i never knew someone so close to me could lead such a scummy double life my ex went straight to the channel and was interviewed oh man it was pathetic he poured his heart out about how crazy in love he had been and how she had only used him i think by then he did not care if all our friends and families found out what he had done george confronted her with all of the information she denied it then said it was a lapse of bad judgment she moved out without too much drama it took george over a decade to forgive himself for allowing someone to make him look so stupid as a person and as a physician she left me some voicemails with lots of excuses i picked up the phone only once and told her i had defunded and pulverized her wedding and that it was me who told george what was going on i used a leveled voice to tell her to never call me again unless she wanted to find out how far i would go to see her pay for her unlawful actions i cried immediately after i hung up it was so surreal george and i slowly found normality but it took some time he dated a couple of girls here and there but was not ready i myself became shut down she avoided jail i don't know how even when our mutual friends filed petty claims for all of the money they invested buying her stuff while she carried on her false pretenses eventually i used the wedding money to partner with george and we opened a small clinic best decision ever over the years george and i became best friends and grew closer we got married some years ago and our proud parents to a happy family fun fact i got a facebook message from her seven years ago she began very sweetly but then proceeded to blame me and accused me of stealing her man and her life i blocked her fun fact too i ran into my ex in 2001 he apologized profusely i accepted his apology and told him it all worked out as i now have a life with someone who truly deserves me back then george and i had begun dating fun fact three mindy avoided doing time for her deeds back then but was prosecuted eventually for more fraud am i the jerk for asking my girlfriend to pay for my new prosthetic leg i male 24 was in an accident around two years ago that resulted in losing my left leg i thought that would be the end of my active lifestyle i loved all kinds of sports as a kid and still do i had a very hard time adjusting to my new normal my parents were able to get me a prosthetic leg that allowed me to get back to running and going on trips with my friends like we always did every summer the guys were planning an rv trip on the weekend we had already chosen a destination which was spending some time out in nature and to get away from stress my girlfriend asked if she could come along i told her no this is a guy's trip told her all my buddies girlfriends wanted to go but they were firm and put their foot down she laughed at me for this then tried to convince me to let her come because she was stressed out from being at home 24 hours a day i already made up my mind i wasn't going to ruin the trip just because she wants to be on a guy's trip i promised her a trip when i got back she got upset and didn't like the idea later on before i went to sleep i took my prosthesis off as i do every night this is my second prosthesis i've already completed a wearing schedule during first year and had to get another prosthesis to accommodate any physical changes i had i woke up in the morning and i couldn't find my prosthesis i looked where i put it but it was gone i asked my girlfriend who was doing heavy cleaning around the place and she said she didn't see it i was confused that it wasn't near my bed i asked her to stop being childish and playing games and give me back my prosthesis because i know she took it she's a bad liar and couldn't even deny it she said she wanted to hide it so that i won't go on that trip and leave her alone i got mad at her for this i was stunned to find my prosthesis hidden underneath an auto part in the garage it had been damaged it was placed in a position where it had cracked it was obvious it no longer functions properly i mean i could still wear it but couldn't put my whole weight on it because it would break i yelled at her and showed her what she did she said she didn't mean it i told her she did mean it because she was being childish and jealous over a trip and now she cost me seven thousand dollars worth of damage i told her she ruined everything that she owed me a new one and that she needed to pay for a new one she got mad and left i basically had to use my old crutches and it felt absolutely horrible i called the guys and told them i wasn't coming it's been a few days she's mad that i'm still asking her to pay for a new prosthesis and called me a jerk for not apologizing and preferring a plastic leg over her i had to call my parents today to tell them and they told me she should at least help pay half of the expenses for a new prosthesis since she caused damage to it and then consider my relationship with her have i been a jerk to her edit for those asking about where i am i'm in asia from the philippines well what do you think should opi's girlfriend pay for his new prosthesis or not please let us know and huge shout out to diana our newest official channel member thank you so much for supporting the channel join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out on our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to come visit us on fiverr link bend in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 76,560
Rating: 4.9146214 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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