rSlash Prorevenge "HOW TO HANDLE ENTITLED BOSS!” r/prorevenge Top Posts of All Time

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so I heard that put your name in for the directors job if you think they're gonna pick you a lazy new kid who can't even write a freakin repair ticket over me a team manager and you're out of your damn mind are slash Pro revenge what is up guys mister read it here back with another episode of pro revenge stories our slash pro revenge is one of my favorite sub reddits and I really enjoyed making this so kick back relax and enjoy the show our first story we'll be reading today you're gonna regret that wink emoji with too long didn't read and this story comes from user Archer calm after that we'll be reading go ahead and undermine my credentials and hard work I'll just make sure people know who you really are and this comes from user QB blade thank you so much to our talented authors for allowing us to read your stories and welcome to the newest members of the re Army Akhil Taylor sir to be and Stephane and if you're new join the re army by subscribing for new stories from reddit every single day you're gonna regret that wink emoji with too long didn't read buckle down because if this was a roller coaster it it'd be the Tower of Terror it's also very long too long didn't read at the bottom if you can find it now just as a little disclaimer the person involved may not read reddit but her son very well might so I've changed names places and specific details and I'm not going to describe the person's appearance I will however be telling you of a revenge that started off petty in nature has since had a pro outcome and is still going I'm a university student female 19 in Canada studying history since September I've been struggling with both my physical and mental health the problem with a free health care system is that sometimes there is a long waiting list for mental health services and despite being put on medication my condition was worsening I had gone to a member of staff who we shall call PC to explain the situation initially she was helpful giving me extensions on assignments and special consider for my exams I passed the first semester with a whopping 62% impressive given the fact that I hadn't really been into any lectures after the Christmas break my mental health was so bad that I ended up in the hospital I also struggled to get back into lectures as planned and submit much work I was seeing the student support team the university had supplied and the mental health team the hospital had provided I have a personality disorder and sometimes find it hard to control my emotions and PC is well aware of this however she is going above and beyond her normal duties and it's starting to get a little distressing she had offered to come to my GP appointments with me constantly email me three to four separate email chains a day and then got my personal phone number off the university system and started texting me being naive I thought that having her phone number would be useful as I checked my texts significantly faster than my emails what a bad idea what was confirming attendance for meetings quickly turned into hope to see you soon and asking how things in my personal life were going the event that knocked me for six was when she turned up at my GP surgery after I had told her my appointment went badly luckily I was on the other side of town by this point but she sent me a string of four texts starting with I met the GP where are you and ending in I'm not going to nag you before ringing me three times despite me hanging up immediately the first time sidenote at this point she very obviously cares about me but she's being incredibly overbearing I had gone in for a routine procedure at the hospital to try and sort my physical health out a cystoscopy if you fancy a cringe so she sent me a text asking how it had gone I'd been put on the same antibiotics as I was before and when I tried to explain to the consultant that I was already on them and that the pain hadn't stopped in months I started getting a little angry and upset not enough to cause a scene but enough for them to firmly tell me to leave I explained this to PC and she replied with stop arguing wink face now given the nature of the procedure the position of responsibility PC has and the fact it's coming from her personal phone number I found this extremely inappropriate this kind of behavior went on for a couple months I'm trying to keep her at arm's length I still need her in terms of getting assignments in and stuff but I don't want her reaching into my personal life but she keeps trying she's told me repeatedly that I will have a fit to work procedure put in place due to the lack of assignments put in which would decide my future at the University and that the options would be getting suspended or getting expelled this added a load of anxiety to my life and ultimately destroyed my mental health so after a not so helpful session with the mental health team I submitted the worst essay I've ever written with a sarcastic note at the bottom still got 18 percent success in hindsight this was probably the worst way of trying to get back at her as PC called me in for another meeting but not before ringing my boss and my mental health consultant asking to attend my therapy sessions and then telling me I'm making it more than it needs to be this meeting was hell she started off by stroking my knee not sensually but way too close to be comfortable which put my back up immediately she tried to get me to cancel the submission which I wouldn't and then told me I'm going to get her fired or reprimanded if I don't hello emotional blackmail I repeatedly tried to explain I was struggling and it's a case of mentally having to fight myself to get out of bed in the mornings let alone research and write essays do complex math and a 1012 lectures a week she kept shouting me down with things like just because you have a mental health condition doesn't mean you're special and it took me three years of intensive therapy to sort my head out so you should be fine by August eventually I was frustrated sobbing and bent over head to my knees in the chair this cut off the circulation to my legs after 40 minutes of feeling trapped in her office so when I finally got the courage to leave I physically couldn't I made it halfway across the room before stumbling I didn't fall I had hold of the table PC shot up from her chair like she had just won the lottery and held me from behind I got out as quickly as I could she later sent me a text at 2250 telling me that it was really valuable finally the revenge I was so angry I decided I was going to come down on this woman like a ton of bricks I spent eight hours collating the year's emails and text annotating them all and putting them in a folder alongside evidence I was actively seeking medical help a condition of the University for students who are ill I affectionately called the folder the brick because if all else fails I'm going to hit her with it this folder weighs at least 5 kilograms just to give you an idea of the amount of trees I had to kill for this I submitted a complaints form for three separate issues emails antics blackmail and physical contact as well as a designated forum for harassment this would normally go to PC but since I was complaining about her I took it to the Dean phase one complete phase 2 was the picking a part of her emails and making a case for mistreatment the fit to work panel I attended after 5 months of being told that it would happen we're going to expel me completely until I whipped out the brick and showed them 8 cases of unprofessionalism in one e-mail my sentence was reduced to only suspension meaning I still have access to my uni email address and student union services useful for phase 3 phase 3 is taking my case to the University legal team and holding this over the Dean's head until a satisfactory outcome is achieved or I'll take it to court I'll keep you updated and so dear redditors after successfully enacting phases 1 and 2 I can confirm PC has gone on six months of sick leave let me tell you exactly why she's not on sick leave and has in fact been suspended she was supposed to be on my fit to work panel three days after going on this sick leave the whole department has been told not to contact her and if they have an urgent matter they must send it to a different person through an online reporting system which will be more closely monitored we were also told that she would not be replying to emails because she's ill which made me laugh because she had been wanting me to write 5,000 word essays despite the fact I am genuinely ill given the nature of PCs role at the university handling sensitive information dealing with vulnerable students this will be a major blemish on her record at the least and could well cost her her job and prevent her from getting a new one in the same field I have since left the university for health reasons no doubt idli made worse by the actions of PC next up we've got go ahead and undermine my credentials and hard work I'll just make sure people know who you really are this is my first post on this sub and it's also the first time I've actually gotten revenge on anybody whether it's petty or pro I'll leave up to you sorry if this is kind of long I'll put it too long didn't read at the bottom backstory I'm 25 male and I work in the IT department for my company our IT department branches out into six smaller departments technical support programming web development computer systems analysis IT security and network engineering each of these has their own boss and the boss of these all answer directly to the director of the IT department a couple weeks ago I was called into the director's office when I came into work she's an incredible person and mentor who I've mentioned in a couple of my other stories on the other subreddits she told me that she had some good news and bad news the bad news was that she was offered another job at a much larger company as the IT director at one of their branches in Chicago so she'd be leaving in a couple of months the good news was at the position for IT director at our company was open and given my performance and reputation around the office my immediate boss the head of computer systems analysis had put my name in for consideration for the job each of the six department bosses in IT had to put one name in for consideration so I have at least five other people who are competing for this job plus any potential outside hires it's for now but I'll get to that after our little chat I weighed the pros and cons of the job if I get it and I decided to just go for it I might have a pretty good shot at getting the job since I'd consider myself a fairly likable person a hard worker and fairly good at my job but there are others who are also very good candidates and I'd still be ok if I didn't get the job it's an honor to just be considered now let me tell you about the target of my revenge for the sake of this story let's call this guy Gabe as the head of technical support Gabe had the power to recommend anyone in his department for this position but he picked himself now we already knew him and what he's like because a year ago I also worked in tech support for a short time I was originally hired to be in the computer system analysis department but I volunteered to help out in tech support since we were a bit short-staffed at the time Gabe is an obnoxious self-absorbed arrogant and uptight jerk who doesn't listen to anyone who he feels is beneath him he's either in his late 30s or early 40s but either way he has at least 10 years on me he's a little on the chubby side receding hairline and a neck beard all he needs to achieve his final form is a fedora back when I worked for him he gave me a lot of crab for so many little things from not filling out repair tickets right to completing a repair slightly out of order he would always have something to complain about but other than that he seemed fine to me to be honest I probably wouldn't have done what I did or gone as far as I did but then this happened I was just doing my work and minding my own business as one does I stood up to go refill my water bottle at the water fountain and guess who follows me if you said Gabe then congratulations you get a cookie Gabe walks up to me while I'm filling up my bottle and starts a conversation hey Opie what's going on how are you immediately I knew something was wrong he's never this friendly but I had no easy way out of this so I rolled with it hey Gabe I'm good how are you so I heard that the head of CI says put your name in for the directors job yeah I'm really excited to interview it's an honor to even be considered Gabe just laughs and put on his normal expression of and gassy listen to me if you think they're gonna pick you a lazy new kid who can't even write a freaking repared ticket correctly over me a team manager who's had 15 years with his company then you're out of your damn mind I was shocked I couldn't believe those are actual words that a co-worker much less a co-worker with a higher position said to my face what the heck why would you say that I did nothing but good work for you last year and you know it it was mediocre at best when I become the IT director I'm gonna crack the whip why anyone would think someone like you is that worthy candidate for one of the highest positions in the company is beyond me so I'll make sure my new department has have better judgment than the head of CSA is he walked away smugly and I just stood there both shocked and honestly quite heard the only part he got right was that I was relatively new being there for two years but I also realized in that moment that I couldn't let this kind of person be the director but again I'm just a kid to them so what can I do planning the revenge the same day I went down to the building's cafeteria to take my lunch break with my girlfriend she works in the marketing department I told her about the promotion and what happened with Gabe she made me feel better by talking me down and that was super nice but what happened next was even better a few of my friends from IT walked by to congratulate me as well and they sat down a couple of them are from tech support and the rest are from other departments my girlfriend welcomed them to sit down with us and we made it a little party we talked and then I told them about what happened with Gabe the ones in tech support all groaned and surprisingly so did the rest of them I was intrigued and I asked them to elaborate and all of them have their own Gabe horror stories turns out that his usual condescending remarks aren't the worst of it they had stories about him ripping into an intern for not getting his coffee order right one story about him making transphobic remarks about an HR rep really sweet guy makes incredible babka one of them has a couple of recordings of very inappropriate comments towards the female department heads in IT and he's even come to work intoxicated on multiple occasions although that last part wasn't really news to me since he wreaked of alcohol frequently now at this point you're probably asking the same question my girlfriend asked why don't you tell somebody well I'll tell you our communication policy is kind of crap an IT rather than report a dispute or an issue immediately to HR or the director we have to give it to our immediate supervisor which in this case would be Gabe for a lot of them you really think Gabe's gonna rat himself out to the director as much as I love my boss and think she's doing a wonderful job that's the one policy that she has that I don't agree with at this point we had all kind of bonded over our mutual hatred for Gabe we had all agreed that Gabe would be an absolutely terrible boss and we needed to stop him we were the Avengers and this was our end game which is funny since in game would come out the next day just then my genius girlfriend said something that I couldn't believe I didn't figure out sooner she said you know this time next week you're going to be face to face with the CEO an HR rep and your director for the interview that's your opening you can air out all of his dirty laundry right there the rest of our faces lit up realizing this too and we were ecstatic this was our chance and we weren't going to waste it Gabe is a terrible human being and would be an even worse director he had to go but I would need proof first so that's what I got revenge time along with rewriting my resume and brushing up on my interview skills I spent the next week of being something of an investigative journalist I asked my previously mentioned co-worker to email me those recordings he had of Gabe's inappropriate comments which by the way were absolutely sickening to listen to as well as spending time interviewing members of the tech support team as well as some of the other department heads almost everyone had some form of bad experience with him ranging from unprofessional to downright abusive behavior the head of webdev even said that she was always comfortable whenever they were alone in a room together by the time I was done I had three voice recordings of Gabe four pages of quotes from people around the office and the stories I had originally heard at lunch that day when we began planning I really wanted to prove his hold a drinking thing but I was afraid that going that far might cost me my job but what I wanted to do was sneak into his office open his drawers and hopefully find empty liquor bottles or something to that effect but what I had would just have to suffice then the day came we were in the end game now I showed up to work the day of interviews in my finest suit my resume and literal pages of evidence to make my case I walked into the office and saw my competition along with a bunch of other people who I didn't recognize those were the outside hires I was getting pretty nervous now especially when I saw the interview committee in the conference room through its glass walls the CEO my director and an HR rep I took a few deep breaths checked when my turn was and then I sat down to do my work just waiting to make my move a few of my co-workers came by my desk to wish me good luck and that made me feel a lot better about it I waited and waited for my turn and then saw Gabe walking up to me from the conference room so that means his interview must have just finished I pulled out my phone and went to voice memos and began recording just in case I got anything more out of him and oh boy you bet I did what's up Gabe how was your interview great obviously the job is as good as mine you might as well not even try I'm still gonna try my best man who knows I might even get it jaw chip trimming he starts to get up in my face and I can smell his lunch on his breath too many onions he then starts hissing at me you're absolute trash kid they're not gonna pick a kid with two years of experience with an undergrad degree over me I've been at this company for far too long and got my undergrad degree on my masters from Princeton don't think for a second that you have the upper hand you're nothing to me I held my breath while he ran and then he walked away to talk to another one of my co-workers who had their interview already cut workers around me just looked at me both shocked and confused once he walked away I grabbed my phone stopped the recording and played it back that was it that was the final piece I waited for a couple more interviews to finish until they finally called me in I grabbed my bag and my phone and walked into the conference room as I walked I could feel the eyes of some co-workers on me they knew my plan and I think they were counting on me to pull this off once inside we all shook hands and exchanged formalities before sitting down and letting the interview begin not all of it is relative to this story so let me just skip to the end the CEO given the amount of internships you've done and how much time you've put into the company you may have a good chance however we've just interviewed people with almost triple your experience how do you stand out from the rest well if I become the new director I already have some ideas for policies that I'd like to put into place the director oh really would you care to give us an example don't get me wrong I believe that you have done an amazing job as director of this department but there are some things that I think can be improved upon for instance our policy when it comes to HR HR wrap could you elaborate on that please certainly in the IT department when we have any disputes or grievances to settle we need to report them to our direct supervisor not the director but to the lower department heads my goal is to streamline communication so workers can report issues directly to the director or go to human resources all right but can you tell us why the current policy is an issue I started smiling this was it this was my opening funny you should ask recently I heard stories from a bunch of my co-workers about our head of tech support Gabe he's been very rude to his staff and to others on multiple occasions in fact I think unprofessional has a bit of an understatement from the stories I've been hearing right then I reached into my bag and pulled out the long list of stories and quotes I had gap from the past week and handed them to the CEO I care about my coworkers so I did some digging I really feel like this is something that you need to see I watched as the search committee read the quotes and stories I watched their expressions turned to shock and disgust which I totally get I felt the same way when I heard all of this this is a conflict of interest from what I know Gabe is also your competition for this position how do we know that these stories aren't fabricated so that you could get an advantage because offenses like this could result in immediate termination I hope you have a way to prove these very serious accusations I have a feeling you'd say that you are free to interview any of the people I quoted but I can just save you some time and show you this I pulled out my phone and opened up the email that my coworker had sent me and all four of us listened to the neckbeards disgusting and upsetting quotes but I wasn't done there I also pulled up the most recent one the conversation between me and him my director just looked down at her desk and then they looked at each other I was the one to break the silence I'm sorry you had to hear all this could you please email those recordings to me I would like to address this immediately Hey of course you are free to keep those papers too I forwarded the email to him along with my recording thank you for this information Opie well let you know our decision when the time comes of course thank you for your time I shook everyone's hand again and then that's when the HR rep spoke up can you please ask Gabe to come back I would like to address this immediately as well I'm ecstatic at this point I would be happy to I leave the room and notice my friends in tech support just staring at me my girlfriend was also sitting at my desk since we had planned on going out for lunch after my interview I didn't want to give anything away so I kept the straight face and walked past them and towards Gabe's office I walked in inside ah the interview committee wants to see you again Gabe just looked up from his computer and just gave me a cocky smirk as if to say told you so he got up and pushed past me towards the door I followed behind him towards the conference room and we parted ways when he went in and I walked towards my desk I wanted to see exactly what happened I watched what unfolded through the glass walls I saw it Gabe's face turned white and his expression turned from smug to terrified he turned his head to me and I had this crap eating grin on my face I just waved then left my office with my girlfriend to have a nice lunch the aftermath I was feeling pretty good about the whole day I got my revenge did fairly well in the job interview and had amazing chicken parmesan for lunch that day I felt so good that I decided to take the rest of the day off I went to the zoo saw a really cute koala bear the next day I came to work dressed down since interviews were over and then patiently waited for the committee to make their decision when I walked into the lobby of the building my two friends from tech support ran over and trapped me in a bear hug well this is new what's this for you did it I got the job no we wouldn't know even if you did we're talking about Gabe I stopped him from getting the job oh you did a lot more than that but you'll just have to see for yourself both of them dragged me to the elevator to go up to the IT floor when we get there they dragged me through the main office and over towards Gabe's when we got in all I found was an empty room with a desk in the middle of it my jaw dropped apparently I collected so much evidence for Gabe's misbehavior not only did I eliminate him from gunning for the directors job but he was also fired from the company and potentially blacklisted since everything I submitted for evidence against him was put on his permanent file I'm not sure if he was blacklisted or not since I'm not entirely sure how that works but he's definitely gone for good I asked them about the details of what happened after I left they told me that Gabe was so mad probably at me that his face was bright red after he left the conference room he spent the rest of the day packing up and drinking in his office so I guess my day drinker theory held up hey left in shame and we won't see him again I was so excited Gabe was gone and I felt like the office was a brighter place people were so excited that a few people outside the tech support department brought in a bunch of desserts from Cheesecake to brownies they were delicious but I think what made them taste better was knowing I did something to cause this rush of joy I think the best part of this whole thing is that only a couple of people know that I had something to do with this the rest of them totally clueless I'm not the protector that i.t wants but I'm the protector that IT needs now enough humble bragging it's starting to make me feel like a jerk in hindsight I don't know what would have been more satisfying doing what I did or getting the job fair and square and firing Gabe but if there's one thing I learned in life you will do things that you are proud of that you will enjoy and you will do things that you're not so proud of but will really enjoy this doesn't apply I am both very proud of this and I really really enjoyed this this might come back later to bite me in the blood but for now I think I'll enjoy it but now the director has to pick a new head of tech-support either that or she'll give that job up to the next director it's been almost a few days since the interviews and we're still waiting on the results even if I don't end up getting the job I still gain something from this I have a better bond with my co-workers and got rid of that jerk in my office if enough people like this story I'll update you on if I got the job or not moral of the story don't shoot an unfamiliar gun you don't know how strong the kickbacks gonna be update I was called into the director's office this morning she told me it was a risky stunt that I pulled during my interview but it showed that I took the initiative to step up and address a problem regardless of the potential risk so I got the job I started crying when hearing the news and I'm still kind of in it I start training in a couple of weeks and congratulations to our newest generals of the read pixel ami I've never seen anything like this before look at all of these reads you're gonna save us from all the entitled parents along with another new general lost Berserker lost Berserker you you left me a ton of rays Karen told me she hates your guts nos Paseka sounds like a pathetic daddy's boy does pixel Ian re army mr.reddy so pathetic all a bunch of daddy's boy is stupid girls Karen can I ask you a serious question that's mr. reddit why are you so mean and entitled how you called me names I want to speak to your manager no seriously Karen I'm sure it can be stressful dropping the kids off at soccer talking to so many managers and suing so many people I know it's not as easy as people think it is Karen my life is hard you know what I've been through just take a deep breath Karen it's gonna be okay wait how'd you try to keep me to trust you you think I'm stupid do you think I'm dumb like all your little stupid bee army friends on YouTube alright Karen I tried to be nice to you but now you're calling my friends dumb because caving all those stupid read comments alright Karen you want to keep calling us names you asked for it let's do it you guys let's get more Ruiz than ever before so Darren you're the boss dey's that's all for now but don't be blue I'll be back soon with more stories for you remember to listen to mr. reddit every night so your dreams will be wonderful like you are and bright
Channel: undefined
Views: 134,818
Rating: 4.8411727 out of 5
Keywords: rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, Reddit, r/, rslash, sub, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, r//, r\\, rslash prorevenge, prorevenge rslash, r/prorevenge, r/prorevenge rslash, prorevenge reddit, rslash prorevenge playlist
Id: MwLoj7AceGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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