r/Sadcringe · this is my anime girlfriend

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ian_Adam124 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey your boost is complete you have been seen by 40 times more people than normal but unfortunately you didn't receive any likes this time around hurry up boost it again what are you waiting for you just gotta keep boosting till you get one keep the dream alive buddy keep the dream alive what's going on everyone welcome back to easy peasy i'm your host david the baker and today we're gonna be taking a look on into r slash sad cringe remember that time you did that really embarrassing thing yeah you remember you could have been caught picking your nose or maybe you got rejected or maybe you just humiliated yourself in a way that just doesn't leave your mind i'm sure you're ready to dive on in so without further ado let's go i wish you liked me back your girlfriend does oh don't bring her up i'm talking about us why don't you like me so not only are you crappy for cheating on your girlfriend but you look super lame being like why don't you like me dude like what is this elementary school grow up welcome back to sad updates by sadboy sadboy says i'm wondering why nobody cares about me in the xylophone now i'm learning how to play the xylophone can you imagine just a very sad man sitting in a room by himself crying while playing the xylophone like happy birthday we got you a cake you know of you eating doritos and playing video games because that's all you do so uh anyways when are you getting that job buddy like i don't know getting a kick like this almost feels like it's bullying maybe this person all they play is video games but i mean they're 21 it's it's still really mean it's like oh gosh yeah that's definitely going to ruin the birthday celebration what did you have as a teenager that you don't have now parents master bruce maybe you should take some time off social media get out of my room alfred hey i saw you posted this pic of a dude what a lucky guy it's my dad he passed away today oh my gosh i'm embarrassed i thought it was your man i'm sorry he aged well i thought he was a little older than you again i'm so sorry you see this is where the post should have just ended but no he continues on by saying i wish i was your man but we live far apart maybe i can visit you where you're at i need to lose weight first though it's up to you i'm up for it if you are i think you're really pretty for reals bro she's talking about her dad passing away and you literally comment faux reals in your next post what a shame this song still reminds me of my current eight year marriage still stuck being marriage vibing with this illusion that i'm in love lol i'm not in love with this man that jeez that is really sad and ma'am you understand you're on the youtube comment section right there's this thing called too much information and you're just giving it out like crazy today i was getting a tattoo of my favorite streamer it was my first tattoo and i was pretty nervous but i enjoy his content so much that i thought it would be worth it sadly he didn't like it and started picking on me he even reprimanded me because he thought i was cringe bro you got a whole tattoo of someone and they didn't even want you to do it ah that is that's tough hey well at least you can drop like ten thousand dollars on tattoo removal this dude's probably walking around with like a dream tattoo on his face just like oh man what an absolute shame graduated high school not too long ago and now i'm the only one sending messages in our three-person group chat they don't even respond wait if they're not responding why do you keep sending messages just stop alright it's cool that you got the most nostalgic most creative and most verbose but when nobody else is saying anything it's it's just sad i'm sorry buddy but you're gonna have to find new friends female uk gamers wanted for money i'm looking for an attractive woman in the uk to play video games with you must be 18 or older and willing to pay 10 pounds an hour or 40 an hour if the gaming session is in person i must be interested in playing with the person and i will be the decider of which games we play because attractive girls tend to have awful taste in video games oh judge me as you please buddy they are definitely going to judge you not only do you not have friends and have to solicit girls to be friends with you but you're also kind of misogynistic all i'm saying is it's not a good look r relationship advice my 28 year old boyfriend is visiting another girl's island a lot in animal crossing is this cheating it's like every day and i customized a nice hat for him but i've never seen him wearing it but i noticed he had a few new hats today and he said one of his friends made it for him this can't be real this is a satire right you're 26 years old and you're worried about somebody cheating on animal crossing ma'am you're 26 years old and it's animal crossing like even if they could cheat on you in animal crossing would that matter now if it was the sims that would be a completely different thing if it was the sims yet absolutely but come on parasite is an objectively bad movie uh your review is garbage and no one will agree with you uh his reviews are good and you're just salty he had a different opinion than you uh did you forget to switch accounts man i stay awake at night and cringe at the offhand comment i made 15 years ago i don't think i could ever recover from this it comforms me to know i'm not alone i feel incomprehensible shame at the memory of saying things that were only barely weird in a conversation from 10 years past then i remember nobody cares and isn't thinking about me and i feel a bit better then i remember nobody cares and isn't thinking about me and i feel a bit worse the vicious cycle of anxiety and self-loathing what a shame i'm staying at my auntie's house so i can see my dad who i only see about twice a year we made plans to watch the football game together on sunday and now he told me that he's watching it with his friends instead of me and i can't come that is that is devastating hey son the plans changed i'm watching the game with the lads on sunday but you already told me i could watch it with you no bud i need to change plans but why dad you can't be coming here when they're all here there's not any extra room mate you can watch it at your aunts some people just shouldn't be parents the fact that anybody anywhere in this world could create a kid is just sad because you get people like this and uh yeah that's why some people just don't talk to their parents at all it's it's really unfortunate inherit my business zero dollars i'm a retired business owner and i will bestow my six figure plus revenue business to a worthy female candidate business knowledge will be taught until death do us part wink wink the six figure equipment assets will also be included a legal contract will be enacted wait is this person looking for a wife by selling their business what my girlfriend is dumping me for ganyu from genji impact i want to end on a high note and make her happy is there any merchandise of ganyu i can make her happy with yeah this title explains it all so i thought asking you all might be a good idea now i know it doesn't say this in the post but something makes me believe that this person's girlfriend is just an action figure like he's one of those doll crafters you know either that or his girlfriend is about to date a fictional character over him either way it's not a good look was a day huh yeah i know she's just a hologram in his program to meet his social and sexual needs but man it would be nice to come home to that after a long day at work but it's fake it's all fake schoolmates bio after breaking up with his first girlfriend separated will you still miss me will you still miss our past jen i still want to be with you is there a second chance jen i'm afraid that i'll panic when the person you're holding on to is no longer me that's when it's too late to regret i want the feeling of you by my side so bad oh my god i feel like i just listened to a soap opera like it's so sad just sent this to the person i broke up with and acted like it was nothing i just broke up with someone and made myself sick from crying oh sorry wrong person hey well at least they know that you're not taking the breakup well seriously though what sucks about this is even if you really didn't mean to send it to him they're never gonna believe you they're gonna think that you did this on purpose this is a message from shaggy like do you get sad when you receive a text message that ain't from me no why like scoob cause i do like part of my soul dies when i receive a message and realize that it's my mom and not from you ow like my heart is totally broken okay i can't do shaggy's voice but you get the gist this is this man's down bad i paid 30 dollars he didn't want it need to sell dad you're braver than iron man stronger than superman smarter than captain america and tougher than wolverine you're our superhero happy father's day we love you forever wait and the dad didn't want it he looked at this and said well kids you're an ongoing disappointment you can put this in the trash and i never want to see you again perhaps next father's day you can do better no okay that's just mean this was a cool gift and honest i'm sorry you don't have a parent who could accept that gratefully i was hanging out with a group of my friends around christmas time then they started going around the table asking what they would want for a secret santa thing i told them what i wanted and wrote my name down i tried to put the paper in the hat then one of the girls stopped me and said oh wait no this is just for the friend group no one said anything else no one said anything like hey wait no he's in our friend group he sits with us at every lunch every day and he has been friends with three of the five people since third grade but no everyone just agreed with her you my friend need new friends seriously the fact that nobody stood up for you even if they wanted to the fact that nobody did just speaks to how poor this friend group is one star my girlfriend veronica broke up with me here i did not have a good time veronica if you see this please text me back buddy the business had nothing to do with veronica breaking up with you this is just unfair to the business but on the off chance that veronica sees this come on take your man's back he's clearly missing you i started to have flashbacks today to the time when i was holding hands with a girl and for some reason thought it was appropriate to come out as constipated since at the time i had bad constipation issues and i told my girlfriend and she said well no wonder she left you on red sad face yes yes indeed sad face where the f did i go wrong with my love life i'm the only one out of all the kids in the class of 2019 that has no girlfriend no wife no kids the only good thing i got was a full-time job buddy if you graduated in 2019 the same year i graduated you don't need a wife a girlfriend nor kids just live your life if you have a full-time paying job that's a pretty good thing to have the sad cringe about this is the fact that you think you need kids or our wife or a girlfriend just to be happy like dude calm that three days later and no interactions if you're my real friend bring up one of the memories of us that you'll never forget 0 likes later i'm going to regret this yes yes my friend yes you are only 2 likes in 22 hours they have hundreds of followers i have sadly died please comment how much you love me and explain in detail how special i was to you i'm just curious what y'all will say laughing emoji well unfortunately i don't think anybody's laughing in fact i don't think anybody's doing anything at all you have zero comments i bet the friends are just thinking like well he's dead what's the point of commenting looking for a dinner companion i'm a single male looking to have dinner and spoil a sweet female with great sense of humor on a weekly basis if you're interested drop me a line with your photo if you ever call a girl a female it's an immediate red flag seriously the phrase female is just so creepy check this out honey you're the most beautiful female i've met in this world where are you going come back come back when i was 19 everyone forgot my birthday because it was around my cousin's big fancy wedding i was left all alone at home i went on youtube and played a bunch of homemade videos of people singing happy birthday to me while i cry lol buddy i i don't think that's an lol moment that's um that's definitely a sad face moment yes dustin says okay that's it i'm done hiding my feelings morgan you make me feel so amazing and i'm falling in love with you more and more every time that we chat i get excited scared sad happy all of it and i love it i love life and i love you morgan says no oh no this is so far from being okay what the f love are you crazy love from me being nice and talking to you freaking love do you even understand how big of a word that is yeah no something's telling me that she's not taking it very well the time i pretended to forget my own birthday because everyone else forgot so i was around 8 years old i knew when my birthday was i knew when it was coming up from the days before nobody mentioned it so neither did i my sister's friend who i knew but not too well remembered then everyone was like wait it's your birthday today i knew it would have been depressing as hell if i said yeah so i just tried to make it funny and pretend like i forgot to oh it's always the moments where you have to pretend like something's funny just to fight the pain doesn't get easier man it doesn't get easier r slash dogecoin i just had to break up with my girlfriend of two years i lost my apartment and my car is broke at least i've still got my doge right guys and dogecoin is down 56 so uh kind of you still kind of have your doge over half of it's gone but that's that's still something right no yeah yeah you're down bad i hooked up my friend with a life-changing interview your first job remind him about first impressions hi and welcome to the meeting has joined your meeting go ahead and chat with andy oh gosh hahaha i'll tell him after no no no i don't think there's gonna be an after he's definitely not getting the job self story from high school that i can't stop cringing at in the shower so when i was in the 10th grade this girl at my table in my class would flirt with me real hard i had extreme social anxiety and couldn't talk back she one day drew two stick figures on my paper in front of me she labeled them me and you with arrows pointing to them i just pretended to ignore it because of my anxiety and just stayed silent she was really popular and really pretty she told everyone i must be gay and i don't blame her anyways everyone for the rest of high school thought i was gay and a girl never approached me again until i graduated and just moved out of town glad i got that off my chest now i'm gonna go cringe in the shower again yeah that's that's pain buddy that's pain i feel ridiculous for trying to be sexy for my boyfriend update we are taking a break we haven't screwed around in like three weeks i came into the room he was in fully naked while he was gaming and he was like give me two minutes i'm busy it's been half an hour and i feel ridiculous for trying that it's making me feel like he's not attracted to me anymore oh yeah no a break is definitely what you two need especially if you don't feel attractive to your partner like come on but hey you gotta understand he's gotta play as modern warfare you know what the boys say call of duty before your girlfriend's booty uh-huh wait what do you mean nobody says that i took this girl out for sushi paid for everything we ended up going back to my place for a movie and she slept with my roommate who had no idea i just took her out on a date ladies gentlemen and non-binary folks alike this lad is down bad we hate to see it r slash atheism the best part about being an atheist is that i can watch corn and jay off all day without any guilt seriously my life is freaking depressing as crap at least i can look forward to a really nice comic jay off session while watching corn videos of my choice i feel bad for people who can't jay off all day every day it helps my anxiety and depression so much buddy buddy you might have a problem i this is not even it's not that you're an atheist you just might have a problem buddy that's a yikes for me dawg bro the divorce rate is 65 in the us and 80 of divorces are filed by the woman your wife is going to eventually leave you she's going to wipe you out financially she'll take your kids and when she does the chances of you committing that are going to go up by 60 and guess what i will bet the farm when she files you will have done nothing but been the perfect husband if she's got social media she's got your backup lined up that's a fact go through her phone if she says no she's hiding another man you know actually i see a lot of people like this on the internet they're just woman despising they just they can't get in their heads that women are people like digital people this is embarrassing it's cringe and honestly dude get help this man's got a lot of internalized hatred and it can't take him anywhere it won't take him anywhere but like down my 2004 yearbook oh boy let's see this ryan b says dan you have no friends matter of fact you have negative friends seriously that is a terrible way to be remembered maybe in school you were a piece of crap but now you'll be remembered as a crappy person for the rest of your life because you solidified it in this book it really just ruins the book like now you don't even want to look back on it because you have this bold ass message here this is just really unfortunate i'm really sorry it's memorialized in your yearbook now but hey you're not the one who's uncool ryan b is the one who's not cool i'm going through divorce cause i have crap taste i'm chonky so you're forewarned i have a cat named chaos who lives up to his name pros i'll sing to you i already fight my own battles so you don't have to i'm not as toxic as i look i'm dumb and therefore i'm funny cons i have abandonment issues i have a big attitude problem and if you have a problem with that i'll kill you oh sorry i don't ask nor allow help i don't like anything with red sauce you heard me right i don't like pizza wait a second that means you don't like spaghetti either what are you some kind of weirdo y'all are boring as frick no no i i think you're just a messed up person how do you not like pizza and moreover how do you not like spaghetti good luck finding someone out there for you i'm sure they're out there work on maintaining the relationships you already have it's a lot easier your avatar is so adorable how is she so happy what's her secret she's not gonna shag you mate no for real stop this man's falling in love with this beautiful reddit character wait did i say beautiful i mean i mean fictional yeah um next meme if this gets one like i'll confess to my crush okay um we've been friends for a really long time and it's okay if you don't accept this but i've had feelings for you since we first met gives 185 likes and then they say this i also have something to confess i hate you i freaking hate you ever since you became one of my friends i've hated you i wanted to break the moot but i couldn't do it but you know what i think i've had enough i hate interacting with you whenever i see your post on the tl i think of uninstalling twitter shut the frick up and deactivate you could've just said no jeez talk about rejection this isn't just a rejection no they picked you up and tombstoned you into the ground i would actually deactivate twitter i mean you can't come back from this and with that everyone that's going to conclude this upsetting episode of r sad cringe seriously one like equates to one embarrassing memory just being erased from history so make sure to smash that like button and don't forget to press the subscribe button and hit the notification bell to be notified of all of our easy peasy uploads i am your disembodied voice david the baker and i can't wait to see you in the next video so till then peace out and three thumbs up well i guess it's sad cringe so maybe it's three thumbs down either way i'll see you in the next one peace out
Channel: EzPz
Views: 59,626
Rating: 4.9444118 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Sadcringe
Id: DPVm2dNJoEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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