RR Designs Trash Quilt Tutorial video

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This is my kinda quilt! Count me in. πŸ˜ƒ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JFT-1994 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really like this!

I've been doing something similar with 5" squares. Don't know for sure what I'm going to do with them yet, but one idea involves black sashing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NoMoreBeGrieved πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

A longish video, but she uses tons of scraps to make her blocks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mommiecubed πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've seen a similar method before but I can't remember what it was called. But I think it is very cool and a really good way to use up bits and bobs of fabric.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NeedsTheBeach πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is probably easier than the way I have been doing my crumb strips...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LittleRedM πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Count me in!!! It’s like crumb quilting but with bigger scraps!! This would be super fun especially if we are super random with our fabrics!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wannabeflowerchild21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have seen this on Instagram called the scrap vortex. I’ve done a few. They’re fun and easy and a great way to use scraps.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Finchfarmerquilts πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] okay hi i'm rosian ritter with rr designs and today i'm going to show you how to make this trash quilt if you're like me you probably got piles of scraps uh i these are probably from all fabrics that i've made things that i really liked and i never wanted to throw away the material so i have boxes of scraps and this trash quilt is an excellent way to make a quilt this is actually a king size quilt and the method that we're going to use you know we're going to create squares that i've got this square right here that's 3 8 of an inch but the way we put it together and i'm going to show you in a simple seven step process that you won't even know this is happening and just it's amazing how we've got little triangles going but i made this quilt learned how to make it at a class in back in 2004 but this has been on my bed since 2008 and i love it because of all the colors and what all the materials represent things that i've made and i hope you enjoy this very simple seven step process of how to make a trash quilt okay now how to get started for a step one is we're going to create twosies and what that means we're going to just pick out pieces don't think about the colors don't think about the sides and the sides matching just pick a color the right make sure you got the right side and the right side to the other one put the two together and you don't have to they don't have to match perfectly all we want to do is like create a seam a quarter of an inch seam and start to make twosies colors don't have to match they just have to go on see this one's a little bit longer just start just start sewing that seam a quarter of an inch seam and make quite a bit 10 or 20 10 or 20 of them get it started and they could be all sizes too it doesn't doesn't matter you're just picking one out pressing it together with the other sewing that quarter of an inch seam yeah and what we're going to do now is take it off the machine and you've got you're going to have a string i've got a string over here you'll take it over to the ironing board and we're going to iron that seam down iron that seam iron the seam down like that iron it all the way and then we're going to come back and open up the seam and there you've just created your choozy okay then we're going to separate these and we're going to create a pile of twozies okay next we're going to start working on the next step step two it's called making foursies okay our next step is called foursies and what you're gonna do is you're gonna take your pile of twozies and just start putting these together the seams do not have to match the edges do not have to match but what it is is you're creating that quarter of an inch seam by just running down one length see there's extra material here we're gonna cut that off but this creates the character of the of the quilt um so you pick another and put it with another twozie i'm gonna match these up well we don't match but i'm gonna line these up and just start going down a quarter of an inch and see i'm a little bit over but that's okay we're gonna trim that off when we put our twosies together or when we iron our thing and this one doesn't have to go you know we could put it anyway on the twozie as long as that twozie is with another twozie to create a four z this this is what creates all those little little squares triangles that just appear without you even doing it okay and then we're gonna go over to the ironing board and take off some of this excess material from our seam like i want to just take off that quarter make sure that these are quarter of an inch seams to get a little bit of extra off you'll notice the difference when you put your whole quilt together and then separate them too separate them and then that one i can take off a little bit if you want to do that and then what we're going to do is the ironing is setting that seam and then opening it up now you've got a four z and this one here set the seam and open that up and you've got another four z so that's our four z four z we've got our four z now our next step our third step is an eight z we're going to put these two four z's together to get an eight z okay now we're on our third step and it's eight seas so what we're gonna do is we've got a pile of four z's here so we just pick out two don't worry about colors or shapes or sizes just match a side you could match that side or if you wanted to match this side that one that side might work good and then make your quarter of an inch and then pick your next two z and just pick a side it can be any side side looks good and make a quarter of an inch okay and then take that off the machine go over to your cutting board and you can cut your quarter of an inch uh seams if you had any hangover like this one i'll just cut a quarter of an inch just make it nicer so that you have extra material hanging over separate the squares and then this one has a little bit i'll take this off and now you have eightsies which you take over to the ironing board set your seam and then open it it up there and i've got another one set your seam open it up and then now you have an 8c see that's it 8c and another 8c so now we're going to go to the next step the fourth step we're going to create 16z's okay now we're on step four which is creating six teensies which is two eights put together right sides together and what i do is i pick out um a side that looks like it would kind of match the other side it may not be exactly even but i'm gonna give you a little tip here i put it on uh that looks like that and what i'm gonna do is um just kind of shave it off make it look um even so when i take it to the sewing machine it i have a good straight line to sew from so i'll just sew a quarter of an inch there i've got a couple other ones that the side looks really good to go next to each other so i kind of match that up and just make it a little even before i take it to the sewing machine and it kind of gives me a good straight line to sew from it's got seam seems a little thick there and my wheel didn't cut it okay there this one oh and another one i'll do another one i just picked this this side and it's all jagged but if i lay it down and then do a straight line with it it's easier to sew on that that line and then you can use these for more pieces too if you want to so we're going to take all of our pieces here and we're going to make z's and again just go a quarter of an inch on that line and make a chain of them and take number two here take number two and again we're creating 16z's our sections are getting bigger and bigger that's our puppy that's gigi she likes to hang around she's listening to us take that off and then we're going to go back to our ironing board and so uh iron in these seams kind of sets the seam sets that so that we can um and i cut cut each of the sections off these are our 16z so open that up and iron that open pressing one of the seams to the side doesn't matter which side it goes to just push it back iron it here i wanted to i wanted to show you something that i saw and one of my locks i think it's here here it is i like this i like this because look at that triangle that showed up in there and i didn't plan it it was just it just the way it happens when it goes in there these other little like trapezoids too are so cool but this is six teensies and then we're gonna go to our next step five and do 32zs okay this is step five this these are the z's and i also wanted to point out this is gigi she's paying attention to us right now wondering what we're doing all the talking that's going on and it's not going towards her but we are on 32s which is 16 blocks or sections uh together right sides together and i just picked the side and put that together that'll be a 32z but i wanted to show you uh how i actually put one together like like i've got a 16 and a 16 and this looks like a good place to put it down um let me see what else i got this also looks like a good one and this side this side may be good too so i put those two together like that and then i draw like a straight edge straight place where it'd be a good seam cut that off throw that over and that's where my seam line will be on that one so i'll be 16 and i have an extra piece there so we're going to go to sewing machine and put these 32s together 32 z's together so as you can see we're just our pieces are growing each time so just uh so a quarter of an inch as we've done before you can make a chain of them taking our two pieces and then take this over to the to the ironing board cut these two separate these two and then set the seam open it up there's one there's two okay now we're gonna be able to go on to the next step which is our 64 z's and that'll be the last step to getting almost through with our our quilt so be right back okay now our sixth step is the 64 zs we're going to take two 32s z's and put them together for a 64z and we can see our piece grow so i'm kind of like auditioning uh how i want this to look um and the size that i'm gonna create so i think i'm gonna go this way putting it on here and then i'm actually going to take off some stuff that i've that i have sewn but it can actually go um in another piece so just think take that off and then go to my sewing machine and put these two together for a 64 z sewing a quarter of a seam each seam okay take that off and go back to the ironing board setting setting that seam and then open that up and then see the piece is getting bigger now what we can do i may want to add some here to make it a little bit bigger um but this you could start to see that our piece is growing and what we're going to do is you're going to start to make a block you can cut you could start to angle off this and start to make the kind of block you want to make uh if you want to go 12 and a half inches or 16 inches you know you keep adding pieces until you get to the size of block you want my king size quilt had different size blocks and i actually put it together like a puzzle but this is what you're doing is you're just creating big pieces so that you could start to put it together as a big quilt as big as you want it to be but the but the really neat thing about these blocks is the shapes that it's creating it's creating you know little blocks in here we saw this triangle here that is so cool these trapezoids that i didn't even plan for and they just start showing up in in the squares okay this is our last step our seventh and final step and you've got quite a few big pieces and what i want to do is try to create like a big block um you could do 12 and a half by 12 and a half but what i got three big pieces and i'm looking like these two will go together and then when i sew that i'll sew it to this one and i'll have a big piece so let me just take this to the sewing machine quarter of an inch seam and come back to our mat set the seam in just like we have been doing open it up and a quick iron to that now we're going to attach it to this one so you can see we're gonna have to cut a little bit off so i watch where my cuts are down here and i got a little cutting board and i'm just figuring out how i want to do that i'm going to use a bigger cutting mat so i can get a good straight line and then all this that is going to get cut off i can use that again in another block so you're just really using reusing scraps and i picked like my lowest mark to make my cut okay and i can save all that for another time we're going to take this to the machine this is where you can start to see a lot of the little triangles starting to appear that you had no reason to put them there they just start appearing which is so cool bring the ironing mat back up bring back my iron set that in open it up now i've got a pretty big square now this is where i can uh take out my ruler and start to see how big i can make this and this is where like i can get a 12 and a half by 12 and a half let's just go ahead and do that i'm just gonna cut this and i can use all my my scraps again whatever is left over on there so i'll just cut all the way around this kind of got to go through a lot of seams and you gotta hold it down tight there i'll save that for another block now i have a twelve and a half by twelve and a half inch square and you can make multiple of these and then attach them just by sewing one square to the next square to the next however big you want your quote but that is your uh trash quilt block one of many as far as how big you want your quilt to be i hope you had fun doing this trash quilt check out my website uh roseanneritter.com slash rr designs for other uh things that i've done and patterns that i've used to create different quilts and clothes and home decor and other things thank you very much [Music] you
Channel: Rozanne Ritter
Views: 114,193
Rating: 4.945497 out of 5
Keywords: seven simple steps sewing, trash quilt simple steps, trash quilt, simple steps sewing tutorial videos, seven simple quilting video, scrap quilt, scrap quilt video tutorial, sewing, sewing made simple, RR Designs
Id: X-kzAmoCUk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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