EASY New 3D Mask with NO Special Cutting or Templates! Cut a Rectangle and start sewing!

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oh hello shiny crafty people tim totten here and welcome back to the channel now it's august of 2021 and if you're like me you thought that maybe we were done with masks maybe even got rid of some of your math templates and other stuff if you did i can show you but you still mean maths of course i can show you a really simple mask to do i got this from a a youtube video maker that i will um link in the description it has no words it's just writing on a screen so i thought i'd give you an actual tutorial show you how to use it and give you some ratings this is the mask design so it's a 3d mask and actually i've made versions of this before if you look up stairs somewhere you'll see a version that we made with this using our vertical pleat mask template it's like a octagonal shape a rectangle with corners cut out i'm going to show you how to make this one with just two rectangles of fabric and you fold the corners to make these cute colored different things i think it's great so uh why don't you join me here down here at the cutting table i'll show you what we need to do to get started so this mask is actually really simple it's a variation of other uh 3d mask designs but you don't need a special template so in fact you could use one of the we've shown a template you could use to make this but i'm gonna make it without the template it's gonna be fun i need two pieces of a fabric a back and a front and you could of course put a middle layer if you wanted to and this is cut for my larger face nine and a half by seven and a half and you could go up or down an inch or two if you want to make smaller ones that's fine i'm going to use some white elastic of course i use that grid to cut out those pieces and then i'm going to use uh these little toggles little white ones to make it easier for this elastic to adjust and i'm going to cut the elastic pieces about 10 inches long because then i have adjustments actually do nine and a half i'll use exactly the shape of this and the reason this is good is that you could actually just cut it the same length as your fabric here and it would give you an idea of how how far you need to cut i like the less measuring i have to do the better right and i just like the symmetry that there's all this stuff similar size so we'll set these aside and then i'm going to put the two now i want to make sure that my my um uh waves go in the same direction so that when i turn this thing in you know flip it one side to the other and then i'm going to put the them right sides together so that the wrong sides are facing out and then i'm going to sew leaving a middle section open here at the bottom so i'm going to sew all the way around and i'm going to use a quarter inch seam allowance for me here's a really cool trick if you have a mask that's just a little bit too big and maybe you want to make it smaller for someone's face increase your seam allowances from a quarter inch to a three-eighths of an inch or a half an inch and that will bring the whole thing down so if you did a half inch you would make the entire thing a half an inch shorter on height on your face and a whole half inch smaller in the other direction as well so let's take this to the sewing machine and i'm going to stitch leaving an opening in the middle to turn it i'm here at the sewing machine and i am going to um use just the width of my presser foot which is right on the edge of the presser foot and uh and i will just go ahead and um find a place where i want to start and end this and i'm using the width of the presser foot to show me how far to go and i back stitch here and that's because um when i go when i go to turn that opening i want to make sure that it's nice and strong and i'm not going to rip out the edges and we're really just making a big rectangle just going around the entire rectangle this is one of the easiest masks i've ever sewn it's that simple it's not hard to do at all [Music] i love this fabric i bought this fabric uh actually on amazon and i don't know it's available anymore but it is so good it's got this cool sort of japanese wave design i'm just going to clip the edge corners here they don't have to be super sharp but i just clip a little bit of that fabric out off so that when i go to turn this it's not going to be so much material trying to fit into that corner so that's so far all of the waste we have are these little bits and then i'm going to turn this inside out at that opening there so where that opening is i will just go ahead and turn this whole thing inside out and i actually like using two fabrics that are the same but just different color ways because then um it looks real designed because the way this is going to work as you saw in the opening um the beginning of this video there you know you'll see one color to the other side so i'm going to point those corners out and now i'm actually going to use a pointer so let's go over to the iron and i'll show you how to point this and then iron this flat so i'm going to use this point turner you can get this at most fabric stores where you can use like a chopstick or a very dull big knitting needle nothing super sharp and i'm just going to put that point into the corners remember this is not a very sharp point it's really dull actually and that's a good thing i'm just trying to turn those corners i'm not pushing super hard either i'm i'm being somewhat gentle just want to get the corners pointed out so that fabric that i cut a little bit of it off is coming together in there okay and the other thing i can do is i can go in and run that point down these seams here sort of hold the fabric and push away from it with the pointer and that'll point that that'll flatten out to make sure all the fabric has actually come out to make sure the fabric there's nothing stuck in all right now i'm going to make sure that this folds here that's the opening we had make sure that folds in at the quarter of an inch and i can pull on both sides and sort of finger press it a little if i have to and then i come back with my iron and just press it and this has some steam in it this is a great little iron by a company called home home ever and i actually bought this on amazon although you sure you can find it other places too just make sure that's straight see how that's flattened out now i'm going to go back to the machine and stitch all along this outer edge just an edge stitch so let's take a look at that i'm going to use the width of the presser foot here basically that edge over here for my edge and just go around and topstitch just actually i'm not even using that much of the width i'm actually coming more on the inside i'm just literally just stitching right to the very edge of this just to get it stitched into place and once i do this i'll show you what it looks like now you can use a matching thread something somewhat different white would look good on this a gold thread would look good because there's all the gold in here i'd be careful about using blue or red because you have blue on one side red on the other and you kind of want to make sure that you can match both i just use a black it's real simple to use black kind of black is sort of a universal red color for some people and it kind of disappears and you'll see there that i put a black stitch along the entire edge and did the entire thing um all around it and that part is now done and it's time to flip and fold this and go on to the next steps all right now i decide which side do i want to be the accent fabric do i want the accent to be blue on the red or do i want the accent to be the red on the blue and i think the red on the blue looks cooler so i'll put the accent fabric straight down and then i'm going to use a chalk pencil you may hear the rain on the on the roof of my building um i'm not going to wait for to stop raining to do a video so you're going to hear the rain i'm going to measure down two inches from each side so using a little chalk pencil here and then that chalk is going to help me to figure out where to fold this i'm going to fold it right on that chalk line so i see a chalk line here and here it's hard for you to see because it's blue same color as the fabric you could also use a pin to mark it if you wanted and i'm just pressing that flat i'm gonna do the same thing here find that chalk mark on either side and fold it up two inches i'm only putting this fold in so i can get those corners so now that i've put that in you can almost see that line it may be hard to see on this fabric but there's a line there and now i'm going to fold these over it's basically making two inch by two inch angles quarters there i do the same thing on this one fold this over to match that line hold this one up the same one down here and there are those so now that we have the four corners placed in we're going to fold it in place and put our elastics on so our elastic is gonna go in the corners here we're going to hold them in there and i'll bring it around same thing here and remember i cut my elastic a little wider than the other stuff because um a little longer because i'm gonna put a toggle that will um i'm gonna put on a toggle that will hold change the size of it for me so put and actually i'm going to show you what i like to do with the elastic i like to fold it in here see what they did that and then fold it back in so that later when this opens up you won't see at all where that elastic the end of it sticks out so again i open this up i just tuck the elastic underneath there so you don't see it at all fold it over and you can use a clip too i use a pin but you can use a clip if you want all right once i do the other one i'll go to the sewing machine and show you how to sew around the entire outside of this well you might be able to hear there's a good old florida thunderstorm going on out there so it hasn't let up and i'm just going to keep sewing something to do while the rain is going i'm just going to stitch around the entire piece and i will start here where i have that pin take that pin out and i'm kind of stitching over where i already had a little bit of stitching previously make sure my elastic gets through properly i'm just edge stitching around the entire thing again don't stitch over your pins please don't stitch over your pins i say this in every video but i know someone's gonna do like i do which is make a mistake and forget and then it's gonna break and hurt somebody and i really don't want that on my conscience so please don't stitch over your pins so you know it is um it is late august 2021 and i have to tell you i thought i'd be done doing uh masked videos by now i really thought i would be done but i'm not and i'm kind of i'm kind of glad i can show you some cool things but wow i really thought we would be done all right so we've got that done appropriately and now my goal is to properly fold this back and here's the interesting thing you need to get this point right here to the to the top but the way you do that and you need to go perpendicular so instead of just going like this i'm not folding it back like that i need to fold it up and get a bit of an angle so it it is parallel with this line over here so it needs to be 90 degrees from here so i do that so it makes a 90 degree angle there and i'm just going to go ahead and pin it since i'm right here i'm going to put a little bit away from it so i can just stitch right along the side of it i'm going to do the same thing on the other one and go down and what i'm doing is i'm matching this point where they come together down to this edge over here does that make sense some of these are confusing how they work you're kind of creating this strange triangle shape right here but you want that point to come down right to the edge and you want it a straight line across because i'm just going to stitch right across those when i get to that point so again put a pin through this too and i have to look and see if am i doing this right cause i may not be doing this right i maybe need to bring it this side oh now i have to figure it out no it's definitely this one yeah i was doing it the right way i think am i doing it the right way huh yeah i was really sorry so so ignore me what i just said because it was the right way you know it's funny sometimes you do it you have to like even though i've done it a bunch of times i have to like think about it think it through so again these are laid flat like this and i'm going to bring this point this point right here to the edge but the ending has to be parallel with this one at the top so see what i've done there so that what i get at the end is a shape like that it's one of the ones you definitely have to practice play around with it see what you think uh make sure you've actually tried it a little bit now i have watched people do this where they hands are they stitch i've just lost my other pin here we go where they stitch just just this amount right here just this little line here honestly i don't know what's the difference between just going straight across and keep stitching down all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come along and start stitching up here at this point and just stitch straight down to the other end in fact i'm at a sewing machine at my workshop and somebody uses this machine normally and i don't want to mess up her machine so i am not going to move any she's got a guide on here right now i'm just kind of sewing around it you necessarily wouldn't have a guide on your machine so there you go i have sewn through those two and i didn't even have to touch the pins so i'm gonna take the pins out finally and i'll go back to the other one and now i'll sew along this straight across this level so all right those pieces are done let's go back over and take a look all right here is that mask that uh i just made i'm gonna go ahead and add the toggles to it now if you haven't done these toggles before um let me show you how they work i show this in other videos but it's easy to see it again what i like about these little toggles is they're not very big they're made out of a plastic or like a silicone so they're really really small see those and they usually send a lot the ones i buy send along this little bobby pin type shape so i'm going to link in the description to this one and what i do is i take the piece and i just put that bobby pin on it to get it to right about in the middle and then i'll squeeze it shut squeeze it and then put the put the toggle over it like that and now when i pull it through it basically pulls the toggle on to the elastic same thing on the other side i'll just go ahead and i'm going to pinch it together here pitch these two sides together so that i know the length of it's supposed to be so i can find the middle which i have there put that through and then again put it on the toggle ah perfect now um this is very much like the other 3d mouse we've made before gives you that shape of that um you can make this with the with one of our templates with the um the vertical pleat mask template and it'll give you that octagonal shape or that yeah octagonal shape or you can do it this way where you don't have to you can just measure a rectangle so let me show you what it looks like on now i did not put a nose wire in here although right now my glasses aren't fogging up but i think it would be an issue um if if you did if you needed that you could easily in a step where we had the rectangle and we sewed it all around and then turned it inside out before you close that opening you could slide a nose wire in and stitch it in place you could easily slide that nose wire incision in place right up here so you'd have that nose wire or probably up here because i think this is actually the top of the mask now this mask is nice and reversible you see how it has the two fabrics but you could reverse it to the other side now this would have this those stitching marks but it gives it a little more of a um what's the right word more of a of a tailored look because and you've definitely seen masks like that too so let me give you my ratings i always rate this for a couple of things ease of ease of creation the comfort and the efficacy so ease of making it i mean you need nothing special to make this particular mask really you don't need to put on the toggles if you don't want you can just use elastic and some fabric that's super simple to make so i mean for ease of making i'm going to give this a literally as long as you can sew this is a 10 out of 10. can you use a sewing machine to do a straight line 10 out of 10. comfort i have to tell you i like these 3d design masks because typically they allow me to keep my mouth from being so i'm not touching my mouth right now like it's not uh even if i stick my tongue out i really can't touch the end it's nice and structured um i will say that after a while these tend to move a lot on your face i uh see because it goes so tight underneath your chin so i don't love it for that i think it's probably for comfort i'm gonna give this style a mask of mask maybe a seven out of ten although it's still pretty comfortable i just don't know that um and then like it really comes to the last part which is the efficacy the usefulness of it the um it's better than a standard mask but i will say that um it's really not easy to put a filter in here so if you wanted with the filter you wouldn't get that i also think that that unless you put a nose wire in this particular design isn't that good so i'm going to give it an 8 out of 10 for that but i will say i like the way it looks i like the design of it i like this multiple color so overall a decent mask not my favorite of all the masks that i've created but i will tell you super easy so if you need a fast mask cute little 3d this is the one to do all right y'all until next time please stay crafty and stay safe out there bye for now
Channel: Timothy Totten
Views: 458,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final embrace, timothy totten, tim totten, mask, mask design, new mask, new mask design, pleated mask, 3d mask, diy mask, fabric mask, easy mask, n95, kn95, elastic mask, easier mask, 3 layer mask, 3d, folded mask, easy sewing, diy sewing, new sewing, janome, simple pattern, new pattern, sewing pattern
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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