8.5.21, Kaffe presenting Quilts in an English Village

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Yes. We are live. Welcome everybody. We are here this week with a very special guest on our free spirit inspired by free Spirit. Um we'd like to welcome all of our uh makers, sewers, quilters, um any you you know, creative enthusiasts to our uh weekly inspired by. We thank you for being here with us. We welcome you. Uh I'm coming here today from Charlotte North Carolina. It's a balmy 77. It's going to get a pretty pretty warm today. It's around 11 o'clock in the morning um in Cape and Brandon are our special guest this week and they are coming to us from England. Um I don't know. I didn't ask but the temperature was there but tell us where you're from. We'd like to know where you're from. I'd like to know where you're tuning in from and we know we have people from all over the world to tune in and we'd love to know where you're from. So, please tell us I'd like to talk about the quilt behind me. This is a border of diamonds quilt. This quilt was designed by cave and uh this is in the collection that is going to be shipping to stores in September. It's his August 2021 collection and uh the the pattern can be found on the free spirit website. So, any questions about today's programming, anything about the uh fabrics, please turn in. tune in to uh our website which will be Free spirit Fabrics.com and any questions that you may have about Cave or cave related. you go to cave Fassett.com to his website as well. I'd like to ask you to send us hearts, send us a thumbs up. It's Kate is talking to us today. He's going to share um the inspiration and a lot of the some of the quilts that uh they've for the book uh Quilts in English Village. He has a copy. He has a example of the oh it might be backwards for you but this is uh how the book looks will be talking about that. Uh we are going to post all of this on our social media when it's over and uh Cave team will as well and their media. So, if you'd like to look at this viewing again, you know, feel free to go on over and view it many times if you'd like I would like to also say what? Oh, top top is Zay Dots. If you're interested in any AK for Brandon's Designs, go to Zay Dots. They have a lot of the designs there and it's really fun to see their their fabrics not only go into the Quilts but also now come over into clothing. So, that's a lot of fun for a lot of quilters So, at this point, I would like to welcome mister Keith That's it. Now, many of you know, okay, if I haven't put you in spotlight just yet but Kaffe is very well known for his painting, his needle point, his knitting, all of his design work, his high fashion, and we're here today to specifically talk to him more about his quilting fabrics but I'm sure he'll be talking about many of his other inspirations and what inspires him to create the uh fabrics that he creates for us and we're all so grateful that he and his team design the coloration. It's like a huge color uh coloring box and we all love it. So, thank you Kate. I'm going to switch over to spotlight video for you. Let me see. So, you are in spotlight video. Okay, welcome. Well, thank you very much. I'm very glad to be here. Um I wish that we could be in person Brandon and I have just come down from the Birmingham Quilt Festival where we were able to actually see people's eyes. That's all these days with everybody in their cup faces but Uh was fascinating to be able to actually see people reacting to our Quilts in real time and how much uh they were enjoying the selection that we had in our little exhibition and signing lots of books which was lovely. um but it's very very nice to uh to be talking to you because I know that you're an international crowd and I love that. I love that we get people coming from all over the world and Brenda and I are great world travelers and we are missing our spurts of wonderful cuisine and uh all of the things that we get when we travel and and uh you know, every travel that we do every time we go on a tour. Uh it's like a fabulous holiday for us. Uh we work hard but we also take in the sites and go to all the markets and museums and so forth on our trips and we love it and we Anyway, uh here we are back in our studio in London. It's kind of a great day but it's warm. It's very pleasant uh which is very English. We're not going to scare the horses with anything. We're not going to go to extremes. Um so anyway, it's very lovely to be here and to talk about this book Now, when I first came to England, I was trying to be a very serious artist, a grown up brilliant Picasso of an artist and I had an exhibition. gallery in New York that I would paint for and we would have shows and so forth but I picked up knitting um at 1 Day just started playing with knitting yarns and it completely changed my attitude because I realized that what I was doing in my paintings and with everything that I do in my life was looking for enhanc ement of color. Color was all around but how to take that color and show people how emotional it was for me. How it was just making my boat rock. you know, uh and so finally, when I when I picked up those knitting needles and started and yet I realized this was a fabulous way of experimenting with color and showing people kind of what I meant and making garments that were incredibly colorful and so I went around all everywhere in the world looking for for knitting patterns. So, I was looking at the whole world like it was knitting meadows and one of the places I went was this little village way off the beaten track. a tiny little village in England called Lanham. First of all, I love the name. It's like lavender. Mm hmm. And it was this half timber place and what was so wonderful about it and it had been a great wall town and was the great economic thing of England. I mean, you know, people made fortunes from the wool industry and then, of course, wool became very ordinary and less and less and less valuable and uh but you know, all these fabulous houses that were built in that time in this great style of half timber buildings. I mean, these are artisan buildings Every building has the touch of an artist. you know, they're wonderful. Uh and they're fabulous colors and this is, you know, just the beginning of our book starts to show um all of the different wonderful shades of color and toning and also the fantastic wonky shapes. Uh you know, it it was just fabulous to see the shapes are still preserved and they still keep painting them. wonderful colors So, here we found this Village that I had seen when I first started my career and was looking at it like a great big knitting patterns but here it was years and years later, we went back and had a look at it and it was perfect to show our Quilts and so, we started to design Quilts that was sort of peachy and soft greens and beautiful colors that would go with this house with this uh series of houses and you know, for instance, the cover of the book which is the quilt that's behind me. You can see how the rich, wonderful dark terracotta of this house and the silver half timber building, how that goes with our patchwork quilt. Mm hmm. And so, you know, we found a setting for every single quilt that we had made and it was a wonderful shoot. It was very stylish because it was in the small village. We're able to walk around and shoot the thing in one go and so and one of the things that we discovered when I started looking at the history of it was that Harry Potter had been born in this village and so here was this great, big, fabulous house that had been used the birthplace of Harry Potter. So that that was just an added thing but my my best thing and the thing to see when you if you ever come to England and want to do a tour and look around at some of these great locations that that Village is so beautifully preserved and you will take your hat off. I'm sure as I do to that group of people that have lived there through the years who value it and don't change it and don't fill it full of McDonald's and skyscrapers and awful, you know, gas stations. It is still a wonderful old English village. anyway, so that's an honor Now, one of the quilts that I loved uh in an earlier book was a quilt that had nice big squares of fabric. um and then a sash with the stars and what I loved about it was that I do big scale fabrics. So, I like a nice window to show off the scale of a print on the intricacies of it rather than chopping it up too small and what um what I love here being able to take my shot cottons and do them in contrasting colors. So, we got nice, sharp stars but against this neutral gray sachet and I think that that works incredibly well and um and I was able to do a new version of my um Turkish delight which uh I love that pattern. You know, it's comes from the architecture in Turkey but it it just made Beautiful border. There's a nice, big, bold kind of um uh presence of that and this is one of our shop and stripes which I think works very well too. The shot cottons are so special. You know, we keep working on them to make them really shot like you know, if you if I'm moving that in different ways you can see how it's a war. That's kind of a wonderful mossy yellowish color and then green. are going against it so that you get these beautiful shades of color. and this one is particularly beautiful. It's kind of wine tones but you know, I think if I turn that, you can see the different shimmer of of you know, it's got orange and wine tones kind of mixing together to create. It's beautiful. yeah II. Hope that showed well. These are fabrics that I really love because I love the idea of a nice, strong, clean surface, a pool of color but I like it to be slightly intriguing rather than just flat. So, um playing with that and then for the backing, I've done uh one of my 108 inch fabrics. This is um my uh uh lotus leaf pattern. and and kind of smoldering purples and greens. I think that goes well with this rather dark. um story Another thing that is interesting is that we get um fabrics in here that I think it's worth actually looking at a bigger piece. It's beautiful. Yeah. So, we get uh and I have had so much fun coloring this. I've done new colorways so it'll be coming out in our next collection too and it is a beautiful thing. It's so detailed. I think you can see all the. Oh yeah, that looks great. Thank you for being that close. I think it's it's worth looking at like that. Um Another one of Philips that I absolutely love is just big watermelons. and I find that just amazing. Uh it's a kind of uh it's a story of stripes. Uh huh. And wonderful organic stripes and this comes in many different color ways. The texture is amazing in it. Yeah. Yeah III. Just I just love that. uh there's a in a particular red red one here. It's just gorgeous. Yeah. Mm hmm. It's great. So, um that's fun. Just to look at the bigger scale as well. There's also in here this wisteria and that's another pattern which is my be Philip to come up with a mysterious so I can color it because I England is filled with the most wonderful uh wisteria branches. um particularly at this season. Uh well, we passed it but you know, you get old pubs covered with wisteria. Absolutely beautiful. These great drops of delicate flowers and I've done this in a beautiful soft gray and lavender color way but I'd rather like this kind of velvety black background for it as well. That's great. Okay. It's beautiful. Yeah. And so well, okay, before you remove that quilt, can I um I Wanted to let everyone know that the name of that quilt is called Starry Night and it's it's Kate is saying it's in the book. It's on page 65 and as you as he's already shown, you see the the squares in there really show the beautiful uh details of the fabric and then he's got the shot cottons and it looks like a uh a hunter's star in those corners and then that's going right out to the border. It's really really beautiful. You guys did a fantastic job on that. You can't. The border. I always choose the border at the end of the project. Uh oh yeah. Brandon and are very amused when people come and say, I've got my border now, I'm going to give birth to the baby and we said, you know, how do you know what what you're going to end up creating in this class, Right? Uh until you've done it, you know, you don't just stick any old border on something. It's got a really that gorgeously and keep the action going and that's what I like to do now. one of the things that I knew and I know on every shoot that we ever do no matter how strange or interesting or out of the way our location is in England, we're going to get Mossy Green because there's a lot of rain and fog and mist here Those conditions are perfect for creating these beautiful mosses and lichen and so forth that are end up in England. I mean, I can get so carried away by walking into a forest in Wales or Ireland that is just completely the floor is covered with moss, mounds of moss over the rocks and things. It is so charming and so kind of gorgeous, you know, and so anyway, I've decided make a quilt. that really dealt with shades of green and also some stony colors because with that moss, it's always beautiful stone Uh you know, you've got these wonderful houses that are made of stone or great that we found a great, fabulous gate that had this huge stone columns and then you got the moss. So, uh Phillips, a watermelon uh in here kind of is like those stone It has that kind of stony feel and then we get Brandon's animal print here and the agates that I showed you earlier in a sort of blue-green color way and um wester and the wisteria is here Now, the reason that it doesn't look like the wisteria is that this is all made of squares. uh half square triangles. So, it is completely Um peace uh out of half square triangles and and so that it it just makes a very interesting design that looks like great strips. Yeah, That's interesting. I didn't know. Yeah, that's very interesting. Yeah. That's awesome. Thank you for that. Nobody figured it out in the they were always shocked at that in the uh festival when they actually look at the quilts. They just thought it was a strip of the pattern. I did too until you plug in on it. That's really interesting. Very nice. So, you're right in the middle there. We've got uh this Amarillo's in green but you can go back to Brandon Um This is a wonderful fabric of Phillips and I particularly like this colorway of mine if I may say so Uh in shades of green but the strips of these flowers is so startling and exciting. I think I love just another way of playing with stripes. Mm hmm. Very nice. So, um it's just fun and and that also, you know, if you want to do something brighter, you know, you could you could take that uh the bright colorway of Amarillo's and do wonderful. um strips It's really beautiful. at the detail. So many options. Kaffe and that beautiful piece of fabric. Yeah. Well, one of the things that we did in the book was um a snowball that used uh fussy cut flowers. If I can just find it here Okay. while you're looking, I just like to say that the photography in the book is really amazing. Yes. Well, Debbie and I, we use Debbie Patterson this wonderful photographer and we've worked together for years on many of the books but this is you can see how we fussy cut these flowers and really bright uh bullseye the flowers and making this wonderful excitement. It's beautiful. Very nice and you can see how well that works with the old weathered wood and the kind of shabby sheet off white surfaces of the buildings. Oh god. It was it was the most lovely location. It was a perfect thing for us. It's in the back. This is um another fabric that is in that this thing but I forget what this one is called. Anyway, that's one of Philip Jacobs and it's just got this wonderful bright, cheerful um chrysanthemums and Whatever's beautiful. Look at all the colors. Yeah, it's very nice. Dahlias. Do you remember when Dahlias used to be a bad word? People didn't really like dahlias. Oh, I love them. My mother always grew with them when I was little. One of the quilts that is really outstandingly interesting to people. This was in our exhibition. Mm hmm. And it was like the quilt that everybody came zooming in on because you could see it from a mile off, right? And it was these fussy cut flowers that really got people going and look how that works with the half tempered black and white building. Mm hmm. That's really nice. They offset each other beautifully. I saw a pictures on social media about with that quilt, right? So, um III. Love this and uh Brandon's mad, I think it makes such a gorgeous border too. Uh that's one of the our classics. Yeah. Mm hmm. are kept going Another classic is the jumbo um and the animal as I was talking about before. So, those those three fabrics have worked so well with the color. You can see the animal here as the outside border which gave it a really mossy organic feel. It's really beautiful. All those fabrics work so beautifully together. Yeah, I think they do too. Thank you And this is my Jupiter. Mm hmm. to sort of malachite coloring No. Nice selection. like that. Um okay. excuse me. I just want to tell everybody that the name of this uh quilt in the book is called Ancient Glade page Ninety-two in the book I just like to tell everyone because well, thank you. I'm very bad on names. I forget. Now, that's quite alright. I just want to let everybody know because they're they're they're asking. so we want to let them know, right? Yeah. Okay. We're back in the territory of the shops. and um and are stripping now, I went to see a fabulous film called Little Women and I hope all of you have gone to see it. It is a wonderful rendition. The the newest version of it and uh there was a quilt in the corner of a shot that had squares with stripes and I'm sure the stripes were pieced but I thought I got stripes at home and I just came home and I cut these stripes and put them with the plain cottons and I think just it's a very graphic very utterly simple quilt but with Brandon's little mad plaid as the um binding on it. I think it just becomes very special. It's a secret thing. So, this is called shaded Squares and it's on page 121 and a plaid. looks really beautiful on the edge there. Yeah. And then we got Brandon's um wonderful uh do flower as the back and if you like this one, there's more colorways of this coming up in in the next collections. Some contrasting, playing with black and white and so forth. It's really beautiful. Nice selections. Yeah, it's not mad Platte. Just wonderful. It's just it is a lovely little big exaggerated cross stitch. Yeah, that's exactly what it looks like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's a sweetheart and you know, you could take any stripes. You know, I've got a whole lot of new uh uh coming from India and there'll be on the next collection and so you could play with this and make it more soft and pastel if you wanted to or make it go a lot darker. Mm hmm. Um you know, it's it's it's a fun thing to play with I think. Mm hmm. Fun concept. All of these are just recipes for you to change. That's right. Your will. That's right. We love that. Now, to me, pink is the color of health and happiness and celebrations. So, this is one of my favorites. I absolutely love it. It's soft and lovely and You know, when uh Diana the great Diane of Vogue magazine uh went to India, she came back and she said, pink is the navy blue of India because at that time, everybody was running around in navy blue suits and you know, uh outfits in New York. uh that's before Black took over. Um right and so it's just very funny to me that uh He said that that they use so much paint in India that it becomes like the the neutral and um anyway II love pink and I love the fact that we were able to get these apricot pinks and bright candy pinks and and then branding to this wonderful little pattern which is on the border here called chips which is just got this sky blue on this lovely candy pink and it makes a kind of Lavender impression and I think it's completely charming. I also love the border on this which is our, it's Philip Jacobs fabric. Um I think I've got a piece of it here. Uh it's a Philip Jacobs fabric that's called a cactus flower and it became one of our classics because we use it so much and I think this particular colorway um really uh got a lot of people going. It's kind of like old um technicolor films, you know, that very soft coloring you used to get no western films a lovely softness and yet the kind of punch of the of the opera pink flowers, the centers of the flowers are really pretty too. Yeah. Oh, it's beautifully drawn. I love the graphics of his um artwork. Very nice. Very, very detailed. um florals and Anyway, um Look at that. So, this is called cotton candy pinwheels and it's on page 126 in the book. and I love seeing the use of the pinwheels in this way and it's really fun. and then on the back, we've got um Brandon's um onion onion ring. Yeah, the lovely soft backing. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. It's a perfect coordinate with that. Yeah, I think so. Uh another thing that I love in here is this fabric which is just two colors. Uh I did this very uh plain kind of um like uh I think it's called Damask Flower and it's just it really, I think reads very well. You know, when you're cutting things up of sometimes just two colors mixed in with the more painfully fabrics. uh very refreshing. Um moving on. we come to my total favorite in this book. which is um called Shards and this is just to me like a little mosaic of exquisite things. I love this pattern. You know, the broken dishes it's called. Mm hmm. And um I remember seeing 1 years ago in a in a museum and just flipping out over the details of it. It was all tiny little prints and very things that I use slightly bigger print and uh a lot of black and white in this and high contrast. So, you get a real fizzy kind of champagne feel. Um to it. It's really beautiful. Look at that. I think that don't you think the black and white really works in there? Oh yeah. And the like like sea bears, polka dots with. right? Brandon's jumble. That's really fun And there's polka dots. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. And this brand is octopus to something, right? Uh huh. It's like a little butterfly wings or something. Mm hmm. Like an hourglass. Wow. Thank you for getting close, Brandon's. you're beautiful. Now, you can imagine this in the um against the walls. Uh here we've got the shot and you know, with that shabby old peeling uh architecture. Oh my god, it was just beautiful. It was so delicate. Mm hmm. Like a little wisp against all that off white and Oh yeah. Old silver wood. to make. They can make a big and of course you know, You can go on making this video. One of the ways if you if you want to keep to this uh coloring, just make each of these squares twice the size and you would have a nice big quilt Hey, And what have we got on the back of that? Oh, wisteria. Oh, look at that. So, there's the the lovely I've got it upside down of course but there's lovely um the gray background with the yes. things and Brandon's black and white uh onion rings as the uh edge to uh to hang it up with the sleeve. Yeah. on the quilt. Well, what's nice about that one is whether it's up or the other way it's still looks beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's non directional. Exactly. It looks very nice. So, so this is just a few of the projects in the book and I I'm hoping that uh people will enjoy it and we'll enjoy that location and make a little pilgrimage and go there. They have gorgeous tea rooms by the way if you arrive exhausted and hungry and thirsty, they'll have tea rooms with with cream cheese like you've never seen. Just lovely. So, um I hope you enjoy it. our little trip down memory lane and it really was a trip down memory lane for me because uh this was one of my favorite shoots. It just was a shoot that just came together perfectly. um and the photographer and I both agreed at the end of it. It was just, it was a style about it. It was all done within this little small town and it just came together lovely. That's so I hope you enjoy that. Yes. Well, thank you for sharing all of this with us, Kate. We always love to have you on and to hear the uh background behind all the inspiration and you know what what you do and um I Just wanted to remind everybody the name of the book is Quilt in English Village and all of the Quilts that you shared with us. They're not all, there's many more Quilts in the book but this is just a sampling as he said of the Quilts. These are all in this book. So, if you're interested in making them or recreating them, you can make them as is or you can recreate them with caves, uh enormous palette of fabrics from the Cave Fassett Collective. Uh you know, have at it. you know, You've given us some great inspiration. not only through the fabric but the design. Yeah. Now, Brandon's going to fill you in on all the things that I forgot to say. Oh, alright guys. Hey, hey, guys. I'm just going to blend it very subtly with this quilt. Um just as a little reminder, if any of you happen to be traveling towards California, Keith still has his painting exhibition running with his gorgeous, fabulously niece, Erin Lee. Gael. um at the Monterey Museum of Art and that exhibition will be on. It's called the Color Duet and that will be on until October. So, if you you are lucky enough to go and see that show live in person, then share pictures online. We haven't actually been allowed to go. We're not allowed to come to the US at the moment. unfortunately but um this is one of the paintings didn't have to make it. So um so there you go. You can see it upside down. if you're in Australia. Um uh so that um we have a whole schedule set with our fabulous Sharon who's our hostess with the mostess uh lined up about. Um we will give you the dates on when Keith and I will be back online. So, if there's nothing on television, join us or tell your friends to come and have a look too. We're going to be talking about our latest range of fabrics that have been delayed but going to be delivered in the shops in um September it will be September. So, save your money because we have some really, really, really big goodies coming out to you. Um we've just shipped off our latest range of fabrics which will be coming out in February and in July. I hope of next year with new colorways. Um We're also working on two new books. Um next month, we're going to be shooting uh next patch and quilting book but also we're working on a big hardback book which will be coming out in 2023. I can't believe it. I'll have long hair by then but yeah, anyway, Keep up with. keep up with us on social media and if you've got any questions, please don't be afraid to blast them out to us. um and uh my lovely sister is helping as well as social media posts as well. Uh Shannon, we have a we have a giveaway, don't we? We do. We do have a giveaway. So, we are going to give away three books. We're going to give away three books, Quilts in an English village with Kate and Brandon have just brought to us live today. and the question, do we remember the question, Brandon? Oh, I'm so in my mouth. Okay. And it's intro. He mentioned the name of a famous literary personality. little personality Yes. And if you get, you can remember who that name is and he was born in and he was born in that village. which Village Right. So, they got an answer. Two questions. Who's the famous literary personality and what Village were they born in? So, get your fingers on the keyboard right now. If you want to read that book, That's right. So, we're going to give away three books and uh I have to say the books are beautiful like mention the Quilts are gorgeous as you've just seen and then the photography in the book is unbelievable. I mean, it's it's really very well thought out you guys as always, did an amazing job as you always do. So, thank you and we will be back next week with Kate and Brandon next Thursday at the same time and then the following week and I'm sorry, I don't have the dates at my fingertips but so as as you know, it's Thursday. we're going to have Kate and Brandon today. So, thank you guys for joining us and we will have you next Thursday and the following Thursday and they're going to be sharing all of their tips, tricks, and inspiration for us Alright, guys. Thank you. Thank you. You're very welcome. Thank you, Sharon. You look fabulous. by the way. You look fabulous. Oh and can you remind us where people can get information for that Quilts that we designed behind you. Oh, the quilt behind me. Okay, hold on. Let me show that. I wasn't going to do that but hold on. Can I, can you see me? I think you can see me if I'm talking. Yeah. So, the quilt behind me is called boarded diamonds quilt and this quilt, you can get the um instructions for this in the Free spirit website. So, it's free. dot com. Okay? Um and most importantly, to say a lot of you won't recognize the fabrics that's in that quilt because we specifically put those colors together. showing you people how to use our latest range of fabrics which will be Hitler shops in late August, September. Exactly. It's all brand new and that's why it looks so blown and so fabulous is that uh uh work very hard to uh choreograph All the fabrics went but they are brand new fabrics, brand new fabrics, right? That's a good call. Brandon. Maybe we'll put this one behind me again next week so we can talk about it again but it is it's a gorgeous quilt and the fabrics are coming soon. So, get ready. okay? If you're at your local quilt shop, okay, I'm going this way. See you again, guys. Bye. We'll see you next week. Thank you. Thank you everybody for tuning in. We love you.
Channel: FreeSpirit Fabrics
Views: 11,708
Rating: 4.8770685 out of 5
Id: Z68UUJysfbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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