TAKING MY MUM'S QUILTS TOPS to the LONG ARM QUILTER: come with me to visit Cath!

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[Applause] hey hi anna how's it going hello i've just just picked anna up and we're just going uh going to take the quilts to the long arm quilters yep uh it's that day we're doing that finally meeting in a lay by like something yeah yeah if you've got the if you've got the papers what's the password i can't tell you you tell me surely oh sorry who can't tell these guys okay so um it's i just wanted to say a little bit of something to folk who think we're going to scotland [Laughter] because we are going to scotland yeah but not the scotland you're imagining no it's not sort of like big soaring mountains and deer with antlers and locks and and uh and people hunting haggises it's not that it's actually not far uh over the border because i i live here in northumberland uh we live uh here in northumberland and it's actually not far from the scottish border we don't have to drive too far before in scotland and cathy used to be the cumbrian long arm quilter and lived down in cumbria and and ages ago i went down and visited her a couple of years ago now yeah and so uh i've packed a few snacks uh you've seen a little bit of film of them um i filmed making the snacks oh nice and so that when i get the snacks out of here they're on a cold pack okay okay here's here's your snacks on it [Applause] look at that my goodness so is this what you were expecting no it's not is it there oh really tell you what you downplayed it put that on your knee because this is so cold oh right yeah oh lush thing of beauty i don't think we can actually eat it can we no we'll just admire it okay right but it's on a cold pack and we have some rice cakes as well less very much chocolate covered rice cakes i'll put them back in here right now because this is they need to stay cold today and i don't think we should sit in this lay by any longer i think we should go all right okay amazing do you just want to have them on your name we'll just dip into them candy fantastic oh dear you're right bag alert [Applause] aha excellent have you got the uh suitcases the red suitcases the red suitcases [Laughter] i haven't got the red suitcases no anna okay i've got all the quilts uh piled up in the back of the car oh good once i'd given them a final pressing and folded them neatly i thought the last thing i want to do now is smash them back into the red suitcase yeah so we'll carry them in carefully cool and we neither is know where we're going but we're going we are have you got your sunglasses i do sunglasses on all right okay let's do this see you in scotland see you in scotland [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] okay kath [Music] i've just got them here yes and we'll discuss them one at a time so i didn't want to put them back inside the suitcase no no you should keep that for now because i thought that would be smashing them in right yes okay then so how do you want to do this wow i haven't i've had an idea i might pin something onto them yes or you can yeah so that you know what we're doing yes we'll do them one at a time okay how's the best way to do this then so if you bring it over all right i'll take this morning's quilt off okay and then you can lay it on the frame okay so these are all quilts that my mum pieced you know the history don't you but my mum made these she died three and a half years ago now and these have been in a suitcase unfinished all that time now they're not spectacular but they're my mum and so yeah so that's the the backing for that one i've done my best i've done there yep you stitched you stitched around the edge on all of them i'll always do that now since you told me that it makes such a difference even on your own quilts yes absolutely and so uh and then i've tried as best i can to make at least four inches over for all of them and you're going to provide the wadding for these yes okay so really without getting too attached to how this how they're finished you can suggest what kind of pattern we use on this because you've got way more um well you know what would look well i tend to look at the background yeah so here in your fabrics you've got flowers you've got leaves you've got the same in the with the tone on tone background so i would probably choose quite a swirly design because this is strongly geometric okay and possibly again pick up on the flowers or leaves okay okay so in that case then i think we can do go through these quite quickly yes because i'm just going to say yes yes because i don't know like when you did the red quilt for me yeah and you i said i don't know what this is going to look like and i loved what it looked like so i'm going to utterly trust you okay to do that brilliant so that's number one well fantastic what you like yep so we'll put that as purple okay purple purple and then that's a funny size as well it's just like a weird sort of smallish single i don't know how to do this you fold them however yeah i think okay this next one then okay ah this is repainting all that careful folding oh i like this one i do yes so what do you do with a log cabin then you have again tends to be something quite flowy okay or your other option is strongly geometric yeah so i've done quite a lot of log cabin quilts with sort of squares on point yeah so that can look very effective as well i'm just going to say go nuts i am because i'd be interested to see what these look like coming back without me having much of an input into them well generally if it's perhaps for a male member of the family then i would i would possibly go more on the geometry example the one that's coming up next has got has got a blue background and i think that's a bit more masculine yes not to make judgments about these things absolutely not but but it gives you more flexibility well i'm going to say do you like with that one as well brilliant great excellent let me get number three up so number three then oh i love that one this this one is coming this way yeah yeah i think that was possibly one of my favorites you looked at them on the video okay so the squaring square then yes which um i think it's almost my favorite too and i put that blue back in with it oh yeah yeah now the blue about the blue is i've joined it but that's not a great good i'm hoping you would say that so the blue the blue one is um again um i'm guessing if there's any of the guys in the family who want this it's more likely it might be i don't yeah it's up to you know it's up to them all right so that's that one do what you like with alice but with that one would you use a blue thread yes absolutely so then put a pin in move thread yeah okay no problem we've got a huge choice yeah of blue thread so okay absolutely all right blue thread for that one and the the rest so far are white threads because yeah neutral depending neutral yeah so we'll go blue thread for that one now this next one coming up i'll let you put that one over there this is a small one oh uh this one is uh possibly a quilt or another baby squishy that's the sort of pinwheel yeah this is the little pinwheel one which i like a lot and it's just a little quilt or something or other isn't it and um we do have a lovely design with butterflies okay really which i think might look nice okay um it would just sorry it's a good fluttery design which i think will add movement a fluttery design i love it yeah i like how she's done the strips yeah rather than mixing them i think that's very effective okay so and then you get this secondary block here i love secondary blocks i do they really do designs with a secondary block that appears of my favorite pieces so that one then is um yeah again do what you like mm-hmm that one's good possibly butterflies a little cream cream background for that one again much bigger than it needs to be probably yes well this one is the one i had the biggest head scratch about if you remember i do and this one is what i'm calling i can't remember what i called this one now but this one you've pieced into it i have yeah i've made the backing for this one has got a strip of this i love that oh has it yes it has but can you see what's happened there yeah that's yeah okay okay i hoped you would uh so that one the back of that one is actually loads of fun i call them a friend come back in a franken-backer i love it when they've got it joined in and that's what that is and i quite like um i like that i like i like using extra blocks like that either as quilt labels or as panels on the quilts i resized it if you're that's right because it was not a good shape it was a funny shape it was yeah i mean i'm thinking about it it probably would i'm realizing that she probably meant it to go down the sides of the bed perhaps you just made it extra wide that way yeah so you have that one and again maybe a purple and matching injury i think i don't know i don't know i have some lovely purples fantastic are you going to enjoy doing these good that's the best bit of my job anyway is the variety of quilts i get from very modern to very traditional i love seeing them all without having to piece them off okay but of course these are even more special because well such meaning behind and i think a lot of quilters look i mean how many quilters are there out there with loads of quilt tops they're probably quite a lot aren't there yes and for me i like to go through the whole process and i love to hang quilts i really enjoy that part but the prospect of hand quilting all of these yes and i i think all over edge to edge quilting with a pantograph design particularly suits quilts that are going to see a lot of use yeah so that someone's going to let the kid use a picnic blanket in the yard and drag through the mud exactly all the dogs some of these would be great for that absolutely there are young people in the extended farm fabulous uh you know there's kids who might you want to use them like that i have no idea who's going to end up with what but i'm just going to let them all decide who wants what at the end of this process we're not finished hey two more yeah two more one two and so this one oh this was the uh now this one's got this that's sixteen touching stars which stars oh okay there you are snowball corners snowball corners there's little threads that i haven't got don't worry i'll take some 16 patch yeah quite scrappily made i like scrappy quilts yeah but and for me it's as she was getting older and older the accuracy has gone a bit you can see there's 90s making these you know goodness me i hope i'm still putting that right well yeah so that one then do as you wish with that one fantastic and with in a nice white and then this one is a string quilt yes and now this was the one that um i messed about with this as well uh and what i did there this one let's okay let's have a look at it because i had to make one more block that's right this was again was another weird shape yes and and as i said in the first quilt about this my mum would not have minded me doing this at all and so what i did was i took one strip off the edge and put it along the bottom and then made the extra block and i had to make one extra block and i would challenge anybody to to find which block it was one of the corner blocks i made but i made them all from her scraps and bits and pieces because i went to visit her sewing room which yes so it's never going to know and it will blend beautifully and it could be any one of these corners i can't remember which one it is myself and i've got this backing oh for that again i think another line looks ready i think a lilac thread definitely i think maybe again um i i keep saying i think this is my favorite but i don't know i like them all so i don't know how many that was was it seven i think it was one yeah i think it was seven four five something like that something like that yeah you'll know when you get to the bottom oh yeah there's one more okay so that's again you make and you i know that sometimes you put things on instagram yes as you're quilting them go ahead and do that really because actually i saw a comment the other day saying looking forward to when you take us to see kath and going to follow her as well so that when she's quilting your mum's quilts i'll see yes i've already been asked by one of your ladies and i said yes of course i'll be happy to put video more than happy about those ones absolutely fine so that then is um that's your mom's treasures mum's treasures quilty hugs that's what they are to me yes and they're going finally going to see the light of day absolutely yes i've got a lot of binding to do when i get that i don't envy that although to be fair it's my favorite part i'm not sure i like binding seven quilts one after the other but i'll have a go i also thought i'd do a label absolutely i think that's something people know where they've come from yes and uh and if family are watching this you can start putting dibs on the ones you want now get your requests get your requests in now okay so that's absolutely brilliant absolutely brilliant and um i'll pop back up and pick them up wonderful uh but there's no hurry cat okay no hurry at all yeah uh brilliant anything else no fantastic okay well we look forward to seeing kath again uh when i come and collect all these quilts but really there's no hurry if other people come in with a priority yeah then do that they've been sitting in a suitcase for three years they can wait and so they can wait a little while longer no one's going to be uh hurrying for them so we're going to go and um discover what the locality has uh has on offer for us now thank you so much pleasure absolutely brilliant thank you that's great so i just said to kath i said are you just a long on quilter or are you a quilter too of course she is and so she's got out some of her quilt tops to show us now then what do you think about that one i love the fabrics are they any line or just your scrap basket or whatever no um they're by jen kingwell so you get sort of six across the width of the fabric with the black line between so it's a wonderful way to get a huge range of fabrics without having to buy a lot of yardage they're known as lollies lollies she's australian isn't she she is yes yeah she's had several ranges of them and they all go together beautifully i love that about fabric designers so kathy you know what i'm going to do don't you i'm going to ask you to show us the other quilts yes because of course kath's a quilter okay this one will be for my own bed sometime really the next century in the next century okay let's see this one oh this is great fun so this one's another with secondary design oh look i like that one it's big in a barn raising decent size barn raising so you've got them going in yes yes i see that second that yes so you'd have to be standing back from this to see you would you just keep all the stuff yeah yeah exactly uh look and the the fabric range on this one hazel wood hazelwood i don't know those people okay where'd you get your fabric from she varies fairies um a lot from footballs in cumbria okay from my friend bev um in cumbria yes right we'll begin checking bobbles out you'll be probably spending quite a lot of money at the festival of quilts i'm thinking yes bubble tea you know i've got a i've got a rule for when i go to the festival of quilts i decide how much i'm going to spend once i've spent twice that i then go and find a cash point [Laughter] so let's have a look at another one then these are great oh it's really nice to see so many unfinished quilts yeah i'm not you're not the only one so girls you can guys you can start filling them up start feeling better about yourselves oh now then what's going on with this one wow that's all yes i'm seeing look at that secondary block yes there we are and oh lovely you might have guests do like my star quilts yes yes i'm seeing that that's really nice are you gonna get these on your freight on your quilting machine one day maybe towards christmas if i'm lucky but you'll keep keeping me busy and i'm guessing that's not the last one i like i'll tell you something i'm dead impressed with how big they are well i have a super king bed yeah successfully so and that was partly how i got into long island quilting i kept making bigger quilts yeah okay so then i needed to make a quilt okay what's this look at this one i'll help you put them back again yeah it's like a trunk show isn't it yeah structure yeah okay uh right twisted i love this one more white space on this one no much more background this is uh just half square triangles yeah it's very simple that's all that's going on here is if you just break the block down i always like to try and break the block down half square triangles do you have a big design board uh or do you just lay it all out on your kitchen table yeah no one can eat till i'm done no i can eat till you don't i don't get that because honestly i don't know how i'd manage without my design board yeah but it's on my on my dream list but then of course i keep having to fill it because it puts a body but this is the simplest half square triangle block uh put together in this fantastically big bold way another beautiful thing so do you buy um extra wide backing yes yes you know or do you piece backing ever um i do but once they get over about 80 inches it tends to be more economical actually to use wide back yeah yeah um because otherwise you'd need three horizontal exactly you need the two horizontal seams three pieces yeah exactly so yeah i tend to go for is that it no of course it's knotted one more this one's a bit different this one's all fatigues is it yes i have a bit of a love hate relationship with boutiques but i think i'm going to love this yes i do i like the grey very very very very much ah you see it wasn't it wasn't a throwaway comment about your liking stars no not at all it definitely wasn't this is lovely yeah liking this that's black mode across weave it's lovely isn't it good old motor yeah and so yeah i i think i i think i probably had a bad experience with batiks they can be hard to sew with i just didn't like maybe i didn't like the first few that i ever played around with but there's some lovely ones here i think it's having the confidence to just mix them yeah um this is just boutiques and cross weave but i like mixing boutiques in with prints as well i know not everyone does it's again a bit of a marmite thing it is isn't it yeah well i really like that quilt and i like it i like the gray of it as well i do i like to try and mix it up and not just do white backgrounds exactly exactly and i wanted to let the colors shine on this they're great they are yeah i like that one so most of these are still here not just because of time but because i can't decide how to quilt them yet yeah and i think that's i think that's perfectly fair you know i think i have the record over there on three and a half years in a suitcase no i don't know my ladies manage 19 years until so far okay all right so feel better okay i feel like instantly better instantly better really sweet thank you so much for showing us those absolutely glad i asked i knew there'd be a bag somewhere with a few quilt tops in excellent thank you very much i hope you put them away now what does um jenny call it holders and folders i know that's um the other woman what's her what's the quilt little woman called mommy yeah bonnie she has holders and folders when she does some cool shows holders and folders right well absolutely excellent so we'll put these away and just a few we'll be on our way so what are we looking at here kath so this is a sample design sewn in three different weights of orifil cotton thread okay 50 weight at the left which is what i typically quilt edge to edge so you just get the impression of texture your quilting doesn't dominate okay and then someone asked me philippa nailer for something more strident so we then did a forty weight trace orophil's long arm thread okay or 28 weight and look at the difference yeah it's like uh hb pencils isn't it yes but this one is um the heavier weight aurifil yes 40 50. okay that's really interesting so we're going to use this yeah good you'll see a huge huge difference yeah i like that excellent so this is your little this is stick it on yeah i like that so you can see that if we still use 50 in the back yeah ah so 50 on the so 28 weights for the front for the visuals of it yes and and yeah underneath underneath it's the same yes the same weight weight it's the 50 weight yeah i'm glad you use orifice i use oracle all the time i really like them yeah oh that was interesting everything's interesting though too much to see here yeah you'll have to come back coming back when the quilt starts to collect absolutely okay so thanks for that i think thank you i think that might be the third time we've ended this video and then there's something more interesting to see so that might be it this time what do you think so um kate just told me i have to ask you about the quarry yes so this house was built um turn of the 19th century okay for manager of course hill quarry of course your quarry beautiful red fine-grained sunstone that is actually the base of the statue of liberty and has also been used for the nearby memorial to those quilt killed um on the panel flight that uh crashed and wow so this was the manager's house and also the offices wow so a bit of history there for you yeah super interesting yeah so is cathy just telling you about the statue of liberty yeah that's fantastic isn't it yeah really that's what my house has been the same style fantastic right well we've had a great trip this is the video that just keeps on giving we do our best so have a great time at the festival quilts and we will see you soon okay thank you so much thank you [Music] you
Channel: The Last Homely House
Views: 27,075
Rating: 4.9787636 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, long arm quilting, heirloom quilts, machine quilting, the last homely house, patchwork, machine patchwork, cumbrian long arm quilter, my mums quilts
Id: oqRgBlmKJ4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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